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自学教程:C++ ACE_TEST_ASSERT函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:32:16
这篇教程C++ ACE_TEST_ASSERT函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ACE_TEST_ASSERT函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ACE_TEST_ASSERT函数的具体用法?C++ ACE_TEST_ASSERT怎么用?C++ ACE_TEST_ASSERT使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。



intSupplier_Task::open (void *){  // Create the pipe.  int result;  result = this->pipe_.open ();  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);  // Register the pipe's write handle with the <Reactor> for writing.  // This should mean that it's always "active."  if (long_timeout_ == 0)    {      result = ACE_Reactor::instance ()->register_handler        (this->pipe_.write_handle (),         this,         ACE_Event_Handler::WRITE_MASK);      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);    }  // Make this an Active Object.  result = this->activate (THR_BOUND | THR_DETACHED);  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);  return 0;}


intSupplier_Task::close (u_long){  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,              ACE_TEXT ("(%t) Supplier_Task::close/n")));  int result;  if (long_timeout_ == 0)    {      result = ACE_Reactor::instance ()->remove_handler        (this->pipe_.write_handle (),         ACE_Event_Handler::WRITE_MASK);      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);    }  else    {      // Wait to be told to shutdown by the main thread.      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                  ACE_TEXT ("(%t) waiting to be shutdown by main thread/n")));      result = this->waiter_.acquire ();      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);    }  return 0;}

示例3: child

static void *child (void * = 0){  int result;  // Wait for the parent to be initialized.  result = synchronizer->acquire ();  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);  const char *t = ACE_ALPHABET;  ACE_Shared_Memory_MM shm_child;  result = shm_child.open (shm_key);  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);  char *shm = (char *) shm_child.malloc ();  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (shm != 0);  for (char *s = shm; *s != '/0'; s++)    {      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (*t == s[0]);      t++;    }  // Indicate to the parent that we're done.  *shm = '*';  return 0;}

示例4: parent

static void *parent (void * = 0){  int result;  ACE_Shared_Memory_MM shm_parent;  result = shm_parent.open (shm_key, SHMSZ);  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);  char *shm = (char *) shm_parent.malloc ();  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (shm != 0);  char *s = shm;  for (const char *c = ACE_ALPHABET; *c != '/0'; c++)    *s++ = *c;  *s = '/0';  // Allow the child to proceed.  result = synchronizer->release ();  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);  // Perform a "busy wait" until the child sets the character to '*'.  while (*shm != '*')    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                ACE_TEXT ("(%P) spinning in parent!/n")));  result = shm_parent.remove ();  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);  ACE_OS::unlink (shm_key);  return 0;}

示例5: purge_test_hash_cache

static voidpurge_test_hash_cache (HASH_MAP_CACHE &cache){  // Get the number of entries in the container.  size_t current_map_size = cache.current_size ();  // Find the number of entries which will get purged.  size_t entries_to_remove = size_t ((double (purge_percent) / 100 * current_map_size) + 0.5);  // Tell the caching strategy how much to purge.  cache.caching_strategy ().purge_percent (purge_percent);  // Purge from cache.  int result = cache.purge ();  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (result);  size_t resultant_size = 0;  if (caching_strategy_type == ACE_NULL)    resultant_size = current_map_size;  else    resultant_size = current_map_size - entries_to_remove;  // Make sure the purge took out the appropriate number of entries.  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (cache.current_size () == resultant_size);  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (resultant_size);}

示例6: run_reverse_iterator_hash_cache

static voidrun_reverse_iterator_hash_cache (HASH_MAP_CACHE &cache){  size_t counter = cache.current_size ();  HASH_MAP_CACHE::reverse_iterator rend = cache.rend ();  for (HASH_MAP_CACHE::reverse_iterator iter = cache.rbegin ();       iter != rend;       ++iter)    {      ACE_TEST_ASSERT ((*iter).first () == (*iter).second ());      // Debugging info.      if (debug)        ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                    ACE_TEXT ("(%d|%d)"),                    (*iter).first (),                    (*iter).second ()));      --counter;    }  if (debug)    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("/n")));  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (counter == 0);}

示例7: run_iterator_hash_cache

static voidrun_iterator_hash_cache (HASH_MAP_CACHE &cache){  size_t iterations = cache.current_size ();  size_t counter = 0;  HASH_MAP_CACHE::iterator end = cache.end ();  for (HASH_MAP_CACHE::iterator iter = cache.begin ();       iter != end;       ++iter)    {      // Debugging info.      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                  ACE_TEXT ("(%d|%d)"),                  (*iter).first (),                  (*iter).second ()));      ACE_TEST_ASSERT ((*iter).first () == (*iter).second ());      ++counter;    }  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("/n")));  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (iterations);  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (counter == iterations);}

示例8: connector

static void *connector (void *){  ACE_UPIPE_Stream c_stream;  ACE_OS::sleep (5);  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("(%t) connector starting connect/n")));  ACE_UPIPE_Connector con;  if (con.connect (c_stream, addr) == -1)    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("(%t) connector ACE_UPIPE_Connector failed/n")));  ACE_Message_Block *mb = 0;  ACE_NEW_RETURN (mb, ACE_Message_Block (sizeof ("hello thanks") * sizeof (char)), 0);  mb->copy ("hello");  if (c_stream.send (mb) == -1)    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("(%t) error connector send/n")));  if (c_stream.recv (mb) == -1)    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("(%t) error connector recv/n")));  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (ACE_OS::strcmp (mb->rd_ptr (), "thanks") == 0);  // Free up the memory block.  mb->release ();  // Now try the send()/recv() interface.  char mytext[] = "This string is sent by connector as a buffer";  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("(%t) connector sending text/n")));  if (c_stream.send (mytext, sizeof (mytext)) == -1)    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                ACE_TEXT ("(%t) buffer send from connector failed/n")));  char conbuf[BUFSIZ];  // Buffer to receive response.  int i = 0;  for (char c = ' '; c != '!'; i++)    {      if (c_stream.recv (&c, 1) == -1)        ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                    ACE_TEXT ("(%t) buffer recv from connector failed/n")));      else        conbuf[i] = c;    }  conbuf[i] = '/0';  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("(%t) conbuf = %s/n"), conbuf));  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (ACE_OS::strcmp (conbuf, "this is the acceptor response!") == 0);  c_stream.close ();  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("(%t) exiting thread/n")));  return 0;}

示例9: run_main

intrun_main (int, ACE_TCHAR *[]){  ACE_START_TEST (ACE_TEXT ("Reactors_Test"));#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (ACE_LOG_MSG->op_status () != -1);  thr_mgr = ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ();  ACE_Reactor reactor;  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (ACE_LOG_MSG->op_status () != -1);  Test_Task tt1[MAX_TASKS];  Test_Task tt2[MAX_TASKS];  // Activate all of the Tasks.  for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TASKS; i++)    {      tt1[i].open (ACE_Reactor::instance ());      tt2[i].open (&reactor);    }  // Spawn two threads each running a different reactor.  if (ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->spawn      (ACE_THR_FUNC (worker),       (void *) ACE_Reactor::instance (),       THR_BOUND | THR_DETACHED) == -1)    ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,                       ACE_TEXT ("%p/n"),                       ACE_TEXT ("spawn")),                      -1);  else if (ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->spawn      (ACE_THR_FUNC (worker), (void *) &reactor,       THR_BOUND | THR_DETACHED) == -1)    ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,                       ACE_TEXT ("%p/n"),                       ACE_TEXT ("spawn")),                      -1);  if (ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->wait () == -1)    ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR,                       ACE_TEXT ("%p/n"),                       ACE_TEXT ("wait")),                      -1);  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,              ACE_TEXT ("(%t) all threads are finished/n")));#else  ACE_ERROR ((LM_INFO,              ACE_TEXT ("threads not supported on this platform/n")));#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */  ACE_END_TEST;  return 0;}

示例10: connector

Sender *Invocation_Thread::create_connection (void){  int result = 0;  // Connector for creating new connections.  Connector connector (this->thread_manager_,                       this->reactor_,                       this->nested_upcalls_);  // <server_handle> is a global variable. It will be used later by  // the Close_Socket_Thread.  result =    connector.connect (client_handle,                       server_handle,                       this->run_receiver_thread_);  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result == 0);  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (result);  // Create a new sender.  Sender *sender =    new Sender (client_handle,                this->connection_cache_);  // Register it with the cache.  this->connection_cache_.add_connection (sender);  //  // There might be a race condition here. The sender has been added  // to the cache and is potentially available to other threads  // accessing the cache. Therefore, the other thread may use this  // sender and potentially close the sender before it even gets  // registered with the Reactor.  //  // This is resolved by marking the connection as busy when it is  // first added to the cache. And only once the thread creating the  // connection is done with it, it is marked a available in the  // cache.  //  // This order of registration is important.  //  // Register the handle with the Reactor.  result =    this->reactor_.register_handler (client_handle,                                     sender,                                     ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK);#if 0  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result == 0);  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (result);#else  if (result != 0)    ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("(%t) create_connection h %d, %p/n"),                client_handle,                ACE_TEXT ("register_handler")));#endif  return sender;}

示例11: run_test

static voidrun_test (ACE_THR_FUNC worker,          long handle_signals_in_separate_thread,          long handle_signals_synchronously){#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)  if (handle_signals_synchronously)    {      // For the synchronous signal tests, block signals to prevent      // asynchronous delivery to default handler (at least necessary      // on linux and solaris; POSIX spec also states that signal(s)      // should be blocked before call to sigwait())      ACE_Sig_Guard guard;      int result;      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                  ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) spawning worker thread/n")));      result = ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->spawn                (worker,                  reinterpret_cast <void *> (handle_signals_synchronously),                  THR_DETACHED);      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);      if (handle_signals_in_separate_thread)        {          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) spawning signal handler thread/n")));          result = ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->spawn            (synchronous_signal_handler,             0,             THR_DETACHED);          ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);        }      else        {          synchronous_signal_handler (0);        }      // Wait for the thread(s) to finish.      result = ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->wait ();      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);    }  else#else    // Don't remove this since otherwise some compilers give warnings    // when ACE_HAS_THREADS is disabled!    ACE_UNUSED_ARG (synchronous_signal_handler);#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */    {      ACE_UNUSED_ARG (handle_signals_in_separate_thread);      // Arrange to handle signals asynchronously.      asynchronous_signal_handler (0);      (*worker) (reinterpret_cast <void *> (handle_signals_synchronously));    }}

示例12: worker_child

static ACE_THR_FUNC_RETURNworker_child (void *arg){  long handle_signals_synchronously =    reinterpret_cast <long> (arg);  for (size_t i = 0; i < n_iterations; i++)    {      if (shut_down > 0)        {          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                      ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) we've been shutdown!/n")));          break;        }      // Every 100 iterations sleep for 2 seconds.      if ((i % 100) == 0)        {          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                      ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) sleeping for 2 seconds/n")));          ACE_OS::sleep (2);        }      // After 1000 iterations sent a SIGHUP to our parent.      if ((i % 1000) == 0)        {          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                      ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) sending SIGHUP to parent process %d/n"),                      parent_pid));          int const result = ACE_OS::kill (parent_pid,                                           SIGHUP);          if (result == -1)            {              ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,                          ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) %p/n"),                          ACE_TEXT ("kill")));              ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);            }        }    }  if (handle_signals_synchronously)    {      if (!shut_down)        {          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) sending SIGINT to ourselves/n")));          // We need to do this to dislodge the signal handling thread if          // it hasn't shut down on its own accord yet.          int const result = ACE_OS::kill (ACE_OS::getpid (), SIGINT);          ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);        }    }  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,              ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) finished running child/n")));  return 0;}

示例13: run_main

int run_main (int, ACE_TCHAR *[]){  ACE_START_TEST (ACE_TEXT ("Intrusive_Auto_Ptr_Test"));  One *theone (new One(0));  {    ACE_TEST_ASSERT (theone->has_refs (0));    ACE_TEST_ASSERT (!One::was_released ());    ACE_Intrusive_Auto_Ptr<One> ip2(theone);    {      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (theone->has_refs (1));      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (!One::was_released ());      ACE_Intrusive_Auto_Ptr<One> ip2(theone);      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (theone->has_refs (2));      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (!One::was_released ());    }    ACE_TEST_ASSERT (theone->has_refs (1));    ACE_TEST_ASSERT (!One::was_released ());  }  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (One::was_released());  ACE_END_TEST;  return 0;}

示例14: acquire_release

static voidacquire_release (void){  ACE_Process_Mutex mutex (mutex_name);  // Make sure the constructor succeeded  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (ACE_LOG_MSG->op_status () == 0);  // To see if we really are the only holder of the mutex below,  // we'll try to create a file with exclusive access. If the file  // already exists, we're not the only one holding the mutex.  ACE_TCHAR mutex_check[MAXPATHLEN+1];  ACE_OS::strncpy (mutex_check, mutex_name, MAXPATHLEN);  ACE_OS::strncat (mutex_check, ACE_TEXT ("_checker"), MAXPATHLEN);  // Grab the lock  int mutex_acq = mutex.acquire ();  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (mutex_acq == 0);  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,              ACE_TEXT ("(%P) Mutex acquired %s/n"),              mutex_name));  ACE_HANDLE checker_handle = ACE_OS::open (mutex_check, O_CREAT | O_EXCL);  if (checker_handle == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE)    {      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_WARNING, ACE_TEXT ("(%P): %p/n"),                  ACE_TEXT ("checker file open")));      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (errno != EEXIST);    }  else    ACE_OS::close (checker_handle);  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,              ACE_TEXT ("(%P) Working..../n")));  // Do some "work", i.e., just sleep for a couple of seconds.  ACE_OS::sleep (2);  // Free up the check file for the next acquirer.  ACE_OS::unlink (mutex_check);  // Check if we need to release the mutex  if (release_mutex == 1)    {      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                  ACE_TEXT ("(%P) Releasing the mutex %s/n"),                  mutex_name));      int mutex_release = mutex.release ();      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (mutex_release == 0);    }}

示例15: consumer

static void *consumer (void *args){  ACE_Message_Queue<ACE_MT_SYNCH> *msg_queue =    reinterpret_cast<ACE_Message_Queue<ACE_MT_SYNCH> *> (args);  u_long cur_priority = 27;  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (cur_priority);  // To suppress ghs warning about unused local variable  // "cur_priority".  int local_count = 0;  // Keep looping, reading a message out of the queue, until we get a  // message with a length == 0, which signals us to quit.  for (char c = 'z'; ; c--)    {      ACE_Message_Block *mb = 0;      int result = msg_queue->dequeue_head (mb);      if (result == -1)        break;      local_count++;      size_t length = mb->length ();      if (length > 0)        {          // This isn't a "shutdown" message, so process it          // "normally."          ACE_TEST_ASSERT (c == *mb->rd_ptr ());          ACE_TEST_ASSERT (mb->msg_priority () < cur_priority);          cur_priority = mb->msg_priority ();        }      // Free up the buffer memory and the Message_Block. Note that      // the destructor of Message Block will delete the the actual      // buffer.      mb->release ();      if (length == 0)        // This was a "shutdown" message, so break out of the loop.        break;    }  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (local_count == message_count);  return 0;}

示例16: open_pipe

static voidopen_pipe (ACE_Pipe &pipe,           const char *name){    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("opening %C/n"), name));    int result = pipe.open ();    ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);    result = pipe.read_handle () != ACE_INVALID_HANDLE             && pipe.write_handle () != ACE_INVALID_HANDLE;    ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result == 1);    if (close_pipe)        pipe.close ();}

示例17: defined

intSupplier_Task::perform_notifications (int notifications){  ACE_Reactor::instance ()->max_notify_iterations (notifications);  size_t iterations = ACE_MAX_ITERATIONS;  if (this->long_timeout_)    {      iterations *= (iterations * iterations * 2);#if defined (ACE_VXWORKS)      // scale down otherwise the test won't finish in time      iterations /= 4;#endif    }  for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations; i++)    {      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                  ACE_TEXT ("(%t) notifying reactor on iteration %d/n"),                  i));      int result;      // Notify the Reactor, which will call <handle_exception>.      result = ACE_Reactor::instance ()->notify (this);      if (result == -1)        {          if (errno == ETIME)            ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,                        ACE_TEXT ("(%t) %p/n"),                        ACE_TEXT ("notify")));          else            ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);        }      // Wait for our <handle_exception> method to release the      // semaphore.      if (this->long_timeout_ == 0          && this->disable_notify_pipe_ == 0)        {          result = this->waiter_.acquire ();          ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);        }    }  return 0;}

示例18: test_interval_timer

static voidtest_interval_timer (ACE_Timer_Queue *tq){  /*    The strategy:    Set up a timer to fire on a 50ms interval.  */  Interval_Handler ih;  ACE_Time_Value interval (0, 50 * 1000 /* number of usec in millisecond */);  const unsigned NUM_INTERVAL_FIRINGS = 50;  ACE_Time_Value loop_stop_time =    tq->gettimeofday () + (NUM_INTERVAL_FIRINGS * interval);  const unsigned EXPECTED_TRIP_COUNT =    NUM_INTERVAL_FIRINGS + 1 /* for the first immediate firing */;  long id = tq->schedule (&ih, 0 /* no act */, ACE_Time_Value::zero, interval);  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (id != -1);  do    {      tq->expire ();    }  while (tq->gettimeofday () < loop_stop_time);  ACE_DEBUG((LM_DEBUG,             ACE_TEXT("after interval loop, timer fired %d ")             ACE_TEXT("times out of %d expected: %s/n"),             ih.trip_count_, EXPECTED_TRIP_COUNT,             ih.trip_count_ == EXPECTED_TRIP_COUNT             ? ACE_TEXT ("success") : ACE_TEXT ("FAIL")             ));  tq->cancel (id);}


intMyTask::create_reactor (void){  ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_SYNCH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX,                    monitor,                    this->lock_,                    -1);  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (this->my_reactor_ == 0);  ACE_TP_Reactor * pImpl = 0;  ACE_NEW_RETURN (pImpl,ACE_TP_Reactor (0, create_timer_queue ()), -1);  ACE_NEW_RETURN (my_reactor_,                   ACE_Reactor (pImpl ,1),                   -1);  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,              ACE_TEXT (" (%t) Create TP_Reactor/n")));  this->reactor (my_reactor_);  return 0;}


intTime_Handler::handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value &tv,                              const void *arg){  long current_count = static_cast<long> (reinterpret_cast<size_t> (arg));  if (current_count >= 0)    ACE_TEST_ASSERT (current_count == the_count);  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,              ACE_TEXT ("[%x] Timer id %d with count #%d|%d timed out at %d!/n"),              this,              this->timer_id (),              the_count,              current_count,              tv.sec ()));  if (current_count == long (ACE_MAX_TIMERS - 1))    done = 1;  else if (the_count == ACE_MAX_TIMERS - 1)    {      done = 1;      return -1;    }  else if (current_count == -1)    {      int result = ACE_Reactor::instance ()->reset_timer_interval (this->timer_id (),                                                                   ACE_Time_Value (the_count + 1));      if (result == -1)        ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,                    ACE_TEXT ("Error resetting timer interval/n")));    }  the_count += (1 + odd);  return 0;}

示例21: acceptor_

Receiver::Receiver (Acceptor * acceptor, int index)  : acceptor_ (acceptor),    index_    (index),    socket_handle_      (ACE_INVALID_HANDLE),    io_count_ (0),    partial_chunk_ (0){  // the first one is the odd one  this->odd_ = ((0 == index) ? 1 : 0);  if (this->odd_)    {      Receiver::writer_ = new Writer;      if (!Receiver::writer_)        {          ACE_TEST_ASSERT (0);          return;        }    }  Receiver::writer_->on_new_receiver ();  if (this->acceptor_ != 0)    this->acceptor_->on_new_receiver (*this);}


intEvent_Handler::handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value &,                               const void *){  --this->iterations_;  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,              "(%t) timeout occured @ %T, iterations left %d/n",              this->iterations_));  if (this->iterations_ == 0)    {      ACE_Reactor::instance ()->remove_handler (this->handle_.handle (),                                                ACE_Event_Handler::DONT_CALL);      ACE_Reactor::instance ()->cancel_timer (this);      ACE_Reactor::end_event_loop ();    }  else    {      ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->mutex_,                      ACE_Process_Mutex,                      -1);      int result = ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->spawn (&worker, this);      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);    }  return 0;}

示例23: siglistset

voidsiglistset (sigset_t x, int *sigset, int can_miss = 0){  bool empty = true;  int result = 0;  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("Signal (s) in the set = %08x:/n"), x)) ;  for (int i = 1; i < ACE_NSIG; i++)    {      result = ACE_OS::sigismember (&x, i);      if (result > 0)        {          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT (" %d/n"), i)) ;          empty = false;        }      else if (can_miss)        {          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,            ACE_TEXT ("Be careful... Signal %d is not valid/n"),            i));          result = 1;        }      ACE_TEST_ASSERT ((sigset [i] ? result > 0 : result <= 0)) ;    }  if (empty)    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("Empty!!/n/n"))) ;  else    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("/n/n"))) ;}

示例24: parent

static intparent (Test_Data *data){  MALLOC *myalloc = myallocator ();  {    ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Process_Mutex, guard, myalloc->mutex (), -1);    print ("parent", data);  }  // Sleep for a 200 msecs so that the child will have a chance to spin!  ACE_OS::sleep (ACE_Time_Value (0, 200 * 1000));#if defined (ACE_TEST_REMAP_ON_FAULT)  char *small_buf[1024];  int cntr;  for (cntr = 0 ; cntr < 1024; ++cntr)    small_buf[cntr] = (char *) myalloc->malloc (1);  char *big_buf = (char *) myalloc->malloc (1024 * 4069);#endif /* ACE_TEST_REMAP_ON_FAULT */  int result = myalloc->bind ("bar", data);#if defined (ACE_TEST_REMAP_ON_FAULT)  myalloc->free (big_buf);  for (cntr = 0 ; cntr < 1024; ++cntr)    myalloc->free (small_buf[cntr]);#endif /* ACE_TEST_REMAP_ON_FAULT */  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result != -1);  return 0;}

示例25: test_resetting_timer_intervals

static voidtest_resetting_timer_intervals (void){  ACE_Trace t (ACE_TEXT ("test_resetting_timer_intervals"),               __LINE__,               ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (__FILE__));  Time_Handler rt;  long t_id;  done = 0;  the_count = 0;  odd = 0;  t_id =    ACE_Reactor::instance ()->schedule_timer    (&rt,     (const void *) -1,     ACE_Time_Value (1),     // Start off by making this an interval timer.     ACE_Time_Value (1));  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (t_id != -1);  rt.timer_id (t_id);  while (!done)    ACE_Reactor::instance ()->handle_events ();}

示例26: test_registering_all_handlers

static voidtest_registering_all_handlers (void){  ACE_Trace t (ACE_TEXT ("test_registering_all_handler"),               __LINE__,               ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (__FILE__));  Time_Handler rt[ACE_MAX_TIMERS];  long t_id[ACE_MAX_TIMERS];  for (size_t i = 0; i < ACE_MAX_TIMERS; i++)    {      t_id[i] =#if defined (ACE_HAS_CPP11)        ACE_Reactor::instance ()->schedule_timer (&rt[i],                                                  (const void *) i,                                                  std::chrono::seconds {2 * i + 1});#else        ACE_Reactor::instance ()->schedule_timer (&rt[i],                                                  (const void *) i,                                                  ACE_Time_Value (2 * i + 1));#endif      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (t_id[i] != -1);      rt[i].timer_id (t_id[i]);    }  while (!done)    ACE_Reactor::instance ()->handle_events ();}


intNetwork_Listener::handle_input (ACE_HANDLE handle){  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Network_Listener::handle_input handle = %d/n", handle));  ACE_INET_Addr remote_address;  ACE_SOCK_Stream stream;  // Try to find out if the implementation of the reactor that we are  // using requires us to reset the event association for the newly  // created handle. This is because the newly created handle will  // inherit the properties of the listen handle, including its event  // associations.  int reset_new_handle = this->reactor ()->uses_event_associations ();  int result = this->acceptor_.accept (stream, // stream                                       &remote_address, // remote address                                       0, // timeout                                       1, // restart                                       reset_new_handle);  // reset new handler  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result == 0);  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Remote connection from: "));  remote_address.dump ();  Network_Handler *handler = 0;  ACE_NEW_RETURN (handler, Network_Handler (stream), -1);  return 0;}


intACE_TMAIN (int, ACE_TCHAR *[]){  char const *str = "Some string";  CORBA::StringSeq seq;  seq.length (100);  for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < seq.length (); ++i)    {      seq[i] = str;    }  // Save a pointer to the whole buffer.  char const * const *wholebuf = seq.get_buffer ();  // This call should reinitialize the the 100th element  // (the fact that the shrunk elements are reinitialized is TAO  // specific but we test for it).  seq.length (99);  // No reallocation should happen for the buffer.  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (seq.get_buffer () == wholebuf);  // And set the length to the same value  seq.length (99);  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (seq.get_buffer () == wholebuf);  // We cannot be sure that the pointer to the reinitialized 100th  // element is different from the old one since memory manager can  // return the same pointer that we've just released but it must  // not be 0 and it must be an empty string.  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (wholebuf[99] != 0);  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (ACE_OS::strcmp (wholebuf[99], "") == 0);  // Extend the sequence to the original size.  seq.length (100);  // No reallocation should happen for the buffer.  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (seq.get_buffer () == wholebuf);  // And now we can test absolutely legally that the 100th  // element was reinitialized as CORBA spec requires.  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (seq[99].in () != 0);  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (ACE_OS::strcmp (seq[99].in (), "") == 0);  seq.length (101);  // Reallocation should happen for the buffer.  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (seq.get_buffer () != wholebuf);  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (seq[100].in () != 0);  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (ACE_OS::strcmp (seq[100].in (), "") == 0);  return 0;}

示例29: run_main

intrun_main (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]){  // Validate options.  int result = parse_args (argc, argv);  if (result != 0)    return result;  // Start the test only if options are valid.  ACE_START_TEST (ACE_TEXT ("Hash_Map_Bucket_Iterator_Test"));  ACE_LOG_MSG->clr_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::VERBOSE_LITE);  ACE_UINT32 i = 0;  HASH_MAP map (table_size);  for (i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)    {      int result = map.bind (i, i);      ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result == 0);    }  for (i = 0; i < table_size; ++i)    {      HASH_MAP_BUCKET_ITERATOR iterator (map,                                         i);      HASH_MAP_BUCKET_ITERATOR end (map,                                    i,                                    1);      for (;           iterator != end;           ++iterator)        {          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%d ", (*iterator).int_id_));          ACE_UINT32 key = (*iterator).ext_id_;          ACE_TEST_ASSERT (((key - i) % table_size) == 0);        }      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "/n"));    }  ACE_LOG_MSG->set_flags (ACE_Log_Msg::VERBOSE_LITE);  ACE_END_TEST;  return 0;}

示例30: stream_

Network_Handler::Network_Handler (ACE_SOCK_Stream &s)  : stream_ (s){  this->reactor (ACE_Reactor::instance ());  int result = this->reactor ()->register_handler (this, READ_MASK);  ACE_TEST_ASSERT (result == 0);}


C++ ACE_TEXT函数代码示例
C++ ACE_SVC_NAME函数代码示例