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自学教程:C++ ACPI_ALLOCATE函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:32:25
这篇教程C++ ACPI_ALLOCATE函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ACPI_ALLOCATE函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ACPI_ALLOCATE函数的具体用法?C++ ACPI_ALLOCATE怎么用?C++ ACPI_ALLOCATE使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: acpi_ut_add_address_range

/******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION:    acpi_ut_add_address_range * * PARAMETERS:  space_id            - Address space ID *              address             - op_region start address *              length              - op_region length *              region_node         - op_region namespace node * * RETURN:      Status * * DESCRIPTION: Add the Operation Region address range to the global list. *              The only supported Space IDs are Memory and I/O. Called when *              the op_region address/length operands are fully evaluated. * * MUTEX:       Locks the namespace * * NOTE: Because this interface is only called when an op_region argument * list is evaluated, there cannot be any duplicate region_nodes. * Duplicate Address/Length values are allowed, however, so that multiple * address conflicts can be detected. * ******************************************************************************/acpi_statusacpi_ut_add_address_range(acpi_adr_space_type space_id,			  acpi_physical_address address,			  u32 length, struct acpi_namespace_node *region_node){	struct acpi_address_range *range_info;	acpi_status status;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ut_add_address_range);	if ((space_id != ACPI_ADR_SPACE_SYSTEM_MEMORY) &&	    (space_id != ACPI_ADR_SPACE_SYSTEM_IO)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_OK);	}	/* Allocate/init a new info block, add it to the appropriate list */	range_info = ACPI_ALLOCATE(sizeof(struct acpi_address_range));	if (!range_info) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_NO_MEMORY);	}	range_info->start_address = address;	range_info->end_address = (address + length - 1);	range_info->region_node = region_node;	status = acpi_ut_acquire_mutex(ACPI_MTX_NAMESPACE);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		ACPI_FREE(range_info);		return_ACPI_STATUS(status);	}	range_info->next = acpi_gbl_address_range_list[space_id];	acpi_gbl_address_range_list[space_id] = range_info;	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_NAMES,			  "/nAdded [%4.4s] address range: 0x%p-0x%p/n",			  acpi_ut_get_node_name(range_info->region_node),			  ACPI_CAST_PTR(void, address),			  ACPI_CAST_PTR(void, range_info->end_address)));	(void)acpi_ut_release_mutex(ACPI_MTX_NAMESPACE);	return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_OK);}

示例2: acpi_hw_build_pci_list

static acpi_statusacpi_hw_build_pci_list(acpi_handle root_pci_device,		       acpi_handle pci_region,		       struct acpi_pci_device **return_list_head){	acpi_handle current_device;	acpi_handle parent_device;	acpi_status status;	struct acpi_pci_device *list_element;	struct acpi_pci_device *list_head = NULL;	/*	 * Ascend namespace branch until the root_pci_device is reached, building	 * a list of device nodes. Loop will exit when either the PCI device is	 * found, or the root of the namespace is reached.	 */	current_device = pci_region;	while (1) {		status = acpi_get_parent(current_device, &parent_device);		if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {			return (status);		}		/* Finished when we reach the PCI root device (PNP0A03 or PNP0A08) */		if (parent_device == root_pci_device) {			*return_list_head = list_head;			return (AE_OK);		}		list_element = ACPI_ALLOCATE(sizeof(struct acpi_pci_device));		if (!list_element) {			return (AE_NO_MEMORY);		}		/* Put new element at the head of the list */		list_element->next = list_head;		list_element->device = parent_device;		list_head = list_element;		current_device = parent_device;	}}

示例3: AcpiUtAddAddressRange

ACPI_STATUSAcpiUtAddAddressRange (    ACPI_ADR_SPACE_TYPE     SpaceId,    ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS   Address,    UINT32                  Length,    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *RegionNode){    ACPI_ADDRESS_RANGE      *RangeInfo;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (UtAddAddressRange);    if ((SpaceId != ACPI_ADR_SPACE_SYSTEM_MEMORY) &&        (SpaceId != ACPI_ADR_SPACE_SYSTEM_IO))    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);    }    /* Allocate/init a new info block, add it to the appropriate list */    RangeInfo = ACPI_ALLOCATE (sizeof (ACPI_ADDRESS_RANGE));    if (!RangeInfo)    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    RangeInfo->StartAddress = Address;    RangeInfo->EndAddress = (Address + Length - 1);    RangeInfo->RegionNode = RegionNode;    RangeInfo->Next = AcpiGbl_AddressRangeList[SpaceId];    AcpiGbl_AddressRangeList[SpaceId] = RangeInfo;    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_NAMES,        "/nAdded [%4.4s] address range: 0x%8.8X%8.8X-0x%8.8X%8.8X/n",        AcpiUtGetNodeName (RangeInfo->RegionNode),        ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64 (Address),        ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64 (RangeInfo->EndAddress)));    return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例4: AcpiDmAddToExternalFileList

ACPI_STATUSAcpiDmAddToExternalFileList (    char                    *Pathname){    ACPI_EXTERNAL_FILE      *ExternalFile;    char                    *LocalPathname;    if (!Pathname)    {        return (AE_OK);    }    LocalPathname = ACPI_ALLOCATE (strlen (Pathname) + 1);    if (!LocalPathname)    {        return (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    ExternalFile = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (sizeof (ACPI_EXTERNAL_FILE));    if (!ExternalFile)    {        ACPI_FREE (LocalPathname);        return (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    /* Take a copy of the file pathname */    strcpy (LocalPathname, Pathname);    ExternalFile->Path = LocalPathname;    if (AcpiGbl_ExternalFileList)    {        ExternalFile->Next = AcpiGbl_ExternalFileList;    }    AcpiGbl_ExternalFileList = ExternalFile;    return (AE_OK);}

示例5: acpi_ut_add_address_range

/******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION:    acpi_ut_add_address_range * * PARAMETERS:  space_id            - Address space ID *              address             - op_region start address *              length              - op_region length *              region_node         - op_region namespace node * * RETURN:      Status * * DESCRIPTION: Add the Operation Region address range to the global list. *              The only supported Space IDs are Memory and I/O. Called when *              the op_region address/length operands are fully evaluated. * * MUTEX:       Locks the namespace * * NOTE: Because this interface is only called when an op_region argument * list is evaluated, there cannot be any duplicate region_nodes. * Duplicate Address/Length values are allowed, however, so that multiple * address conflicts can be detected. * ******************************************************************************/acpi_statusacpi_ut_add_address_range(acpi_adr_space_type space_id,			  acpi_physical_address address,			  u32 length, struct acpi_namespace_node *region_node){	struct acpi_address_range *range_info;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ut_add_address_range);	if ((space_id != ACPI_ADR_SPACE_SYSTEM_MEMORY) &&	    (space_id != ACPI_ADR_SPACE_SYSTEM_IO)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_OK);	}	/* Allocate/init a new info block, add it to the appropriate list */	range_info = ACPI_ALLOCATE(sizeof(struct acpi_address_range));	if (!range_info) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_NO_MEMORY);	}	range_info->start_address = address;	range_info->end_address = (address + length - 1);	range_info->region_node = region_node;	range_info->next = acpi_gbl_address_range_list[space_id];	acpi_gbl_address_range_list[space_id] = range_info;	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_NAMES,			  "/nAdded [%4.4s] address range: 0x%8.8X%8.8X-0x%8.8X%8.8X/n",			  acpi_ut_get_node_name(range_info->region_node),			  ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64(address),			  ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64(range_info->end_address)));	return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_OK);}

示例6: FlMergePathnames

char *FlMergePathnames (    char                    *PrefixDir,    char                    *FilePathname){    char                    *CommonPath;    char                    *Pathname;    char                    *LastElement;    DbgPrint (ASL_PARSE_OUTPUT, "Include: Prefix path - /"%s/"/n"        "Include: FilePathname - /"%s/"/n",         PrefixDir, FilePathname);    /*     * If there is no prefix directory or if the file pathname is absolute,     * just return the original file pathname     */    if (!PrefixDir || (!*PrefixDir) ||        (*FilePathname == '/') ||         (FilePathname[1] == ':'))    {        Pathname = ACPI_ALLOCATE (strlen (FilePathname) + 1);        strcpy (Pathname, FilePathname);        goto ConvertBackslashes;    }    /* Need a local copy of the prefix directory path */    CommonPath = ACPI_ALLOCATE (strlen (PrefixDir) + 1);    strcpy (CommonPath, PrefixDir);    /*     * Walk forward through the file path, and simultaneously backward     * through the prefix directory path until there are no more     * relative references at the start of the file path.     */    while (*FilePathname && (!strncmp (FilePathname, "../", 3)))    {        /* Remove last element of the prefix directory path */        LastElement = strrchr (CommonPath, '/');        if (!LastElement)        {            goto ConcatenatePaths;        }        *LastElement = 0;   /* Terminate CommonPath string */        FilePathname += 3;  /* Point to next path element */    }    /*     * Remove the last element of the prefix directory path (it is the same as     * the first element of the file pathname), and build the final merged     * pathname.     */    LastElement = strrchr (CommonPath, '/');    if (LastElement)    {        *LastElement = 0;    }    /* Build the final merged pathname */ConcatenatePaths:    Pathname = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (strlen (CommonPath) + strlen (FilePathname) + 2);    if (LastElement && *CommonPath)    {        strcpy (Pathname, CommonPath);        strcat (Pathname, "/");    }    strcat (Pathname, FilePathname);    ACPI_FREE (CommonPath);    /* Convert all backslashes to normal slashes */ConvertBackslashes:    UtConvertBackslashes (Pathname);    DbgPrint (ASL_PARSE_OUTPUT, "Include: Merged Pathname - /"%s/"/n",         Pathname);    return (Pathname);}

示例7: AcpiDbExecute

voidAcpiDbExecute (    char                    *Name,    char                    **Args,    UINT32                  Flags){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_BUFFER             ReturnObj;    char                    *NameString;#ifdef ACPI_DEBUG_OUTPUT    UINT32                  PreviousAllocations;    UINT32                  Allocations;    /* Memory allocation tracking */    PreviousAllocations = AcpiDbGetOutstandingAllocations ();#endif    if (*Name == '*')    {        (void) AcpiWalkNamespace (ACPI_TYPE_METHOD, ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT,                    ACPI_UINT32_MAX, AcpiDbExecutionWalk, NULL, NULL, NULL);        return;    }    else    {        NameString = ACPI_ALLOCATE (ACPI_STRLEN (Name) + 1);        if (!NameString)        {            return;        }        ACPI_MEMSET (&AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo, 0, sizeof (ACPI_DB_METHOD_INFO));        ACPI_STRCPY (NameString, Name);        AcpiUtStrupr (NameString);        AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Name = NameString;        AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Args = Args;        AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Flags = Flags;        ReturnObj.Pointer = NULL;        ReturnObj.Length = ACPI_ALLOCATE_BUFFER;        AcpiDbExecuteSetup (&AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo);        Status = AcpiDbExecuteMethod (&AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo, &ReturnObj);        ACPI_FREE (NameString);    }    /*     * Allow any handlers in separate threads to complete.     * (Such as Notify handlers invoked from AML executed above).     */    AcpiOsSleep ((UINT64) 10);#ifdef ACPI_DEBUG_OUTPUT    /* Memory allocation tracking */    Allocations = AcpiDbGetOutstandingAllocations () - PreviousAllocations;    AcpiDbSetOutputDestination (ACPI_DB_DUPLICATE_OUTPUT);    if (Allocations > 0)    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("Outstanding: 0x%X allocations after execution/n",                        Allocations);    }#endif    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("Execution of %s failed with status %s/n",            AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Pathname, AcpiFormatException (Status));    }    else    {        /* Display a return object, if any */        if (ReturnObj.Length)        {            AcpiOsPrintf ("Execution of %s returned object %p Buflen %X/n",                AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Pathname, ReturnObj.Pointer,                (UINT32) ReturnObj.Length);            AcpiDbDumpExternalObject (ReturnObj.Pointer, 1);        }        else        {            AcpiOsPrintf ("No return object from execution of %s/n",                AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Pathname);        }    }    AcpiDbSetOutputDestination (ACPI_DB_CONSOLE_OUTPUT);}


static char *acpi_ex_allocate_name_string(u32 prefix_count, u32 num_name_segs){	char *temp_ptr;	char *name_string;	u32 size_needed;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ex_allocate_name_string);	/*	 * Allow room for all / and ^ prefixes, all segments and a multi_name_prefix.	 * Also, one byte for the null terminator.	 * This may actually be somewhat longer than needed.	 */	if (prefix_count == ACPI_UINT32_MAX) {		/* Special case for root */		size_needed = 1 + (ACPI_NAME_SIZE * num_name_segs) + 2 + 1;	} else {		size_needed =		    prefix_count + (ACPI_NAME_SIZE * num_name_segs) + 2 + 1;	}	/*	 * Allocate a buffer for the name.	 * This buffer must be deleted by the caller!	 */	name_string = ACPI_ALLOCATE(size_needed);	if (!name_string) {		ACPI_ERROR((AE_INFO,			    "Could not allocate size %u", size_needed));		return_PTR(NULL);	}	temp_ptr = name_string;	/* Set up Root or Parent prefixes if needed */	if (prefix_count == ACPI_UINT32_MAX) {		*temp_ptr++ = AML_ROOT_PREFIX;	} else {		while (prefix_count--) {			*temp_ptr++ = AML_PARENT_PREFIX;		}	}	/* Set up Dual or Multi prefixes if needed */	if (num_name_segs > 2) {		/* Set up multi prefixes   */		*temp_ptr++ = AML_MULTI_NAME_PREFIX_OP;		*temp_ptr++ = (char)num_name_segs;	} else if (2 == num_name_segs) {		/* Set up dual prefixes */		*temp_ptr++ = AML_DUAL_NAME_PREFIX;	}	/*	 * Terminate string following prefixes. acpi_ex_name_segment() will	 * append the segment(s)	 */	*temp_ptr = 0;	return_PTR(name_string);}

示例9: acpi_ut_initialize_buffer

acpi_statusacpi_ut_initialize_buffer(struct acpi_buffer *buffer, acpi_size required_length){	acpi_size input_buffer_length;	/* Parameter validation */	if (!buffer || !required_length) {		return (AE_BAD_PARAMETER);	}	/*	 * Buffer->Length is used as both an input and output parameter. Get the	 * input actual length and set the output required buffer length.	 */	input_buffer_length = buffer->length;	buffer->length = required_length;	/*	 * The input buffer length contains the actual buffer length, or the type	 * of buffer to be allocated by this routine.	 */	switch (input_buffer_length) {	case ACPI_NO_BUFFER:		/* Return the exception (and the required buffer length) */		return (AE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);	case ACPI_ALLOCATE_BUFFER:		/*		 * Allocate a new buffer. We directectly call acpi_os_allocate here to		 * purposefully bypass the (optionally enabled) internal allocation		 * tracking mechanism since we only want to track internal		 * allocations. Note: The caller should use acpi_os_free to free this		 * buffer created via ACPI_ALLOCATE_BUFFER.		 */		buffer->pointer = acpi_os_allocate(required_length);		break;	case ACPI_ALLOCATE_LOCAL_BUFFER:		/* Allocate a new buffer with local interface to allow tracking */		buffer->pointer = ACPI_ALLOCATE(required_length);		break;	default:		/* Existing buffer: Validate the size of the buffer */		if (input_buffer_length < required_length) {			return (AE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);		}		break;	}	/* Validate allocation from above or input buffer pointer */	if (!buffer->pointer) {		return (AE_NO_MEMORY);	}	/* Have a valid buffer, clear it */	memset(buffer->pointer, 0, required_length);	return (AE_OK);}


static char *acpi_ex_allocate_name_string(u32 prefix_count, u32 num_name_segs){	char *temp_ptr;	char *name_string;	u32 size_needed;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ex_allocate_name_string);	/*                                                                                                                                                                                */	if (prefix_count == ACPI_UINT32_MAX) {		/*                       */		size_needed = 1 + (ACPI_NAME_SIZE * num_name_segs) + 2 + 1;	} else {		size_needed =		    prefix_count + (ACPI_NAME_SIZE * num_name_segs) + 2 + 1;	}	/*                                                                                   */	name_string = ACPI_ALLOCATE(size_needed);	if (!name_string) {		ACPI_ERROR((AE_INFO,			    "Could not allocate size %u", size_needed));		return_PTR(NULL);	}	temp_ptr = name_string;	/*                                          */	if (prefix_count == ACPI_UINT32_MAX) {		*temp_ptr++ = AML_ROOT_PREFIX;	} else {		while (prefix_count--) {			*temp_ptr++ = AML_PARENT_PREFIX;		}	}	/*                                         */	if (num_name_segs > 2) {		/*                         */		*temp_ptr++ = AML_MULTI_NAME_PREFIX_OP;		*temp_ptr++ = (char)num_name_segs;	} else if (2 == num_name_segs) {		/*                      */		*temp_ptr++ = AML_DUAL_NAME_PREFIX;	}	/*                                                                                               */	*temp_ptr = 0;	return_PTR(name_string);}

示例11: acpi_ex_load_op

acpi_statusacpi_ex_load_op(union acpi_operand_object *obj_desc,		union acpi_operand_object *target,		struct acpi_walk_state *walk_state){	union acpi_operand_object *ddb_handle;	struct acpi_table_desc table_desc;	u32 table_index;	acpi_status status;	u32 length;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ex_load_op);	ACPI_MEMSET(&table_desc, 0, sizeof(struct acpi_table_desc));	/* Source Object can be either an op_region or a Buffer/Field */	switch (ACPI_GET_OBJECT_TYPE(obj_desc)) {	case ACPI_TYPE_REGION:		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_EXEC, "Load from Region %p %s/n",				  obj_desc,				  acpi_ut_get_object_type_name(obj_desc)));		/* Region must be system_memory (from ACPI spec) */		if (obj_desc->region.space_id != ACPI_ADR_SPACE_SYSTEM_MEMORY) {			return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_AML_OPERAND_TYPE);		}		/*		 * If the Region Address and Length have not been previously evaluated,		 * evaluate them now and save the results.		 */		if (!(obj_desc->common.flags & AOPOBJ_DATA_VALID)) {			status = acpi_ds_get_region_arguments(obj_desc);			if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {				return_ACPI_STATUS(status);			}		}		/*		 * We will simply map the memory region for the table. However, the		 * memory region is technically not guaranteed to remain stable and		 * we may eventually have to copy the table to a local buffer.		 */		table_desc.address = obj_desc->region.address;		table_desc.length = obj_desc->region.length;		table_desc.flags = ACPI_TABLE_ORIGIN_MAPPED;		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER:	/* Buffer or resolved region_field */		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_EXEC,				  "Load from Buffer or Field %p %s/n", obj_desc,				  acpi_ut_get_object_type_name(obj_desc)));		length = obj_desc->buffer.length;		/* Must have at least an ACPI table header */		if (length < sizeof(struct acpi_table_header)) {			return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_INVALID_TABLE_LENGTH);		}		/* Validate checksum here. It won't get validated in tb_add_table */		status =		    acpi_tb_verify_checksum(ACPI_CAST_PTR					    (struct acpi_table_header,					     obj_desc->buffer.pointer), length);		if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {			return_ACPI_STATUS(status);		}		/*		 * We need to copy the buffer since the original buffer could be		 * changed or deleted in the future		 */		table_desc.pointer = ACPI_ALLOCATE(length);		if (!table_desc.pointer) {			return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_NO_MEMORY);		}		ACPI_MEMCPY(table_desc.pointer, obj_desc->buffer.pointer,			    length);		table_desc.length = length;		table_desc.flags = ACPI_TABLE_ORIGIN_ALLOCATED;		break;	default:		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_AML_OPERAND_TYPE);	}	/*	 * Install the new table into the local data structures	 */	status = acpi_tb_add_table(&table_desc, &table_index);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		goto cleanup;//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例12: acpi_ut_copy_simple_object

static acpi_statusacpi_ut_copy_simple_object(union acpi_operand_object *source_desc,                           union acpi_operand_object *dest_desc){    u16 reference_count;    union acpi_operand_object *next_object;    /* Save fields from destination that we don't want to overwrite */    reference_count = dest_desc->common.reference_count;    next_object = dest_desc->common.next_object;    /* Copy the entire source object over the destination object */    ACPI_MEMCPY((char *)dest_desc, (char *)source_desc,                sizeof(union acpi_operand_object));    /* Restore the saved fields */    dest_desc->common.reference_count = reference_count;    dest_desc->common.next_object = next_object;    /* New object is not static, regardless of source */    dest_desc->common.flags &= ~AOPOBJ_STATIC_POINTER;    /* Handle the objects with extra data */    switch (ACPI_GET_OBJECT_TYPE(dest_desc)) {    case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER:        /*         * Allocate and copy the actual buffer if and only if:         * 1) There is a valid buffer pointer         * 2) The buffer has a length > 0         */        if ((source_desc->buffer.pointer) &&                (source_desc->buffer.length)) {            dest_desc->buffer.pointer =                ACPI_ALLOCATE(source_desc->buffer.length);            if (!dest_desc->buffer.pointer) {                return (AE_NO_MEMORY);            }            /* Copy the actual buffer data */            ACPI_MEMCPY(dest_desc->buffer.pointer,                        source_desc->buffer.pointer,                        source_desc->buffer.length);        }        break;    case ACPI_TYPE_STRING:        /*         * Allocate and copy the actual string if and only if:         * 1) There is a valid string pointer         * (Pointer to a NULL string is allowed)         */        if (source_desc->string.pointer) {            dest_desc->string.pointer =                ACPI_ALLOCATE((acpi_size) source_desc->string.                              length + 1);            if (!dest_desc->string.pointer) {                return (AE_NO_MEMORY);            }            /* Copy the actual string data */            ACPI_MEMCPY(dest_desc->string.pointer,                        source_desc->string.pointer,                        (acpi_size) source_desc->string.length + 1);        }        break;    case ACPI_TYPE_LOCAL_REFERENCE:        /*         * We copied the reference object, so we now must add a reference         * to the object pointed to by the reference         */        acpi_ut_add_reference(source_desc->reference.object);        break;    default:        /* Nothing to do for other simple objects */        break;    }    return (AE_OK);}

示例13: AcpiInstallSciHandler

ACPI_STATUSAcpiInstallSciHandler (    ACPI_SCI_HANDLER        Address,    void                    *Context){    ACPI_SCI_HANDLER_INFO   *NewSciHandler;    ACPI_SCI_HANDLER_INFO   *SciHandler;    ACPI_CPU_FLAGS          Flags;    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (AcpiInstallSciHandler);    if (!Address)    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_BAD_PARAMETER);    }    /* Allocate and init a handler object */    NewSciHandler = ACPI_ALLOCATE (sizeof (ACPI_SCI_HANDLER_INFO));    if (!NewSciHandler)    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    NewSciHandler->Address = Address;    NewSciHandler->Context = Context;    Status = AcpiUtAcquireMutex (ACPI_MTX_EVENTS);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        goto Exit;    }    /* Lock list during installation */    Flags = AcpiOsAcquireLock (AcpiGbl_GpeLock);    SciHandler = AcpiGbl_SciHandlerList;    /* Ensure handler does not already exist */    while (SciHandler)    {        if (Address == SciHandler->Address)        {            Status = AE_ALREADY_EXISTS;            goto UnlockAndExit;        }        SciHandler = SciHandler->Next;    }    /* Install the new handler into the global list (at head) */    NewSciHandler->Next = AcpiGbl_SciHandlerList;    AcpiGbl_SciHandlerList = NewSciHandler;UnlockAndExit:    AcpiOsReleaseLock (AcpiGbl_GpeLock, Flags);    (void) AcpiUtReleaseMutex (ACPI_MTX_EVENTS);Exit:    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        ACPI_FREE (NewSciHandler);    }    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);}

示例14: acpi_ut_initialize_buffer

acpi_statusacpi_ut_initialize_buffer(struct acpi_buffer * buffer,			  acpi_size required_length){	acpi_size input_buffer_length;	/* Parameter validation */	if (!buffer || !required_length) {		return (AE_BAD_PARAMETER);	}	/*	 * Buffer->Length is used as both an input and output parameter. Get the	 * input actual length and set the output required buffer length.	 */	input_buffer_length = buffer->length;	buffer->length = required_length;	/*	 * The input buffer length contains the actual buffer length, or the type	 * of buffer to be allocated by this routine.	 */	switch (input_buffer_length) {	case ACPI_NO_BUFFER:		/* Return the exception (and the required buffer length) */		return (AE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);	case ACPI_ALLOCATE_BUFFER:		/* Allocate a new buffer */		buffer->pointer = acpi_os_allocate(required_length);		break;	case ACPI_ALLOCATE_LOCAL_BUFFER:		/* Allocate a new buffer with local interface to allow tracking */		buffer->pointer = ACPI_ALLOCATE(required_length);		break;	default:		/* Existing buffer: Validate the size of the buffer */		if (input_buffer_length < required_length) {			return (AE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);		}		break;	}	/* Validate allocation from above or input buffer pointer */	if (!buffer->pointer) {		return (AE_NO_MEMORY);	}	/* Have a valid buffer, clear it */	ACPI_MEMSET(buffer->pointer, 0, required_length);	return (AE_OK);}

示例15: acpi_ex_opcode_3A_0T_0R

/******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION:    acpi_ex_opcode_3A_0T_0R * * PARAMETERS:  walk_state          - Current walk state * * RETURN:      Status * * DESCRIPTION: Execute Triadic operator (3 operands) * ******************************************************************************/acpi_status acpi_ex_opcode_3A_0T_0R(struct acpi_walk_state *walk_state){	union acpi_operand_object **operand = &walk_state->operands[0];	struct acpi_signal_fatal_info *fatal;	acpi_status status = AE_OK;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_STR(ex_opcode_3A_0T_0R,				acpi_ps_get_opcode_name(walk_state->opcode));	switch (walk_state->opcode) {	case AML_FATAL_OP:	/* Fatal (fatal_type fatal_code fatal_arg) */		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_INFO,				  "FatalOp: Type %X Code %X Arg %X "				  "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<</n",				  (u32)operand[0]->integer.value,				  (u32)operand[1]->integer.value,				  (u32)operand[2]->integer.value));		fatal = ACPI_ALLOCATE(sizeof(struct acpi_signal_fatal_info));		if (fatal) {			fatal->type = (u32) operand[0]->integer.value;			fatal->code = (u32) operand[1]->integer.value;			fatal->argument = (u32) operand[2]->integer.value;		}		/* Always signal the OS! */		status = acpi_os_signal(ACPI_SIGNAL_FATAL, fatal);		/* Might return while OS is shutting down, just continue */		ACPI_FREE(fatal);		goto cleanup;	case AML_EXTERNAL_OP:		/*		 * If the interpreter sees this opcode, just ignore it. The External		 * op is intended for use by disassemblers in order to properly		 * disassemble control method invocations. The opcode or group of		 * opcodes should be surrounded by an "if (0)" clause to ensure that		 * AML interpreters never see the opcode. Thus, something is		 * wrong if an external opcode ever gets here.		 */		ACPI_ERROR((AE_INFO, "Executed External Op"));		status = AE_OK;		goto cleanup;	default:		ACPI_ERROR((AE_INFO, "Unknown AML opcode 0x%X",			    walk_state->opcode));		status = AE_AML_BAD_OPCODE;		goto cleanup;	}cleanup:	return_ACPI_STATUS(status);}

示例16: acpi_extract_package

//.........这里部分代码省略.........				    sizeof(char);				tail_offset += sizeof(char *);				break;			case 'B':				size_required +=				    sizeof(u8 *) +				    (element->buffer.length * sizeof(u8));				tail_offset += sizeof(u8 *);				break;			default:				printk(KERN_WARNING PREFIX "Invalid package element"					      " [%d] got string/buffer,"					      " expecting [%c]/n",					      i, format_string[i]);				return AE_BAD_DATA;				break;			}			break;		case ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE:		default:			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_INFO,					  "Found unsupported element at index=%d/n",					  i));			/* TBD: handle nested packages... */			return AE_SUPPORT;			break;		}	}	/*	 * Validate output buffer.	 */	if (buffer->length == ACPI_ALLOCATE_BUFFER) {		buffer->pointer = ACPI_ALLOCATE(size_required);		if (!buffer->pointer)			return AE_NO_MEMORY;		buffer->length = size_required;		memset(buffer->pointer, 0, size_required);	} else {		if (buffer->length < size_required) {			buffer->length = size_required;			return AE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;		} else if (buffer->length != size_required ||			   !buffer->pointer) {			return AE_BAD_PARAMETER;		}	}	head = buffer->pointer;	tail = buffer->pointer + tail_offset;	/*	 * Extract package data.	 */	for (i = 0; i < format_count; i++) {		u8 **pointer = NULL;		union acpi_object *element = &(package->package.elements[i]);		if (!element) {			return AE_BAD_DATA;		}		switch (element->type) {

示例17: acpi_ex_store_buffer_to_buffer

/******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION:    acpi_ex_store_buffer_to_buffer * * PARAMETERS:  source_desc         - Source object to copy *              target_desc         - Destination object of the copy * * RETURN:      Status * * DESCRIPTION: Copy a buffer object to another buffer object. * ******************************************************************************/acpi_statusacpi_ex_store_buffer_to_buffer(union acpi_operand_object *source_desc,			       union acpi_operand_object *target_desc){	u32 length;	u8 *buffer;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR(ex_store_buffer_to_buffer, source_desc);	/* If Source and Target are the same, just return */	if (source_desc == target_desc) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_OK);	}	/* We know that source_desc is a buffer by now */	buffer = ACPI_CAST_PTR(u8, source_desc->buffer.pointer);	length = source_desc->buffer.length;	/*	 * If target is a buffer of length zero or is a static buffer,	 * allocate a new buffer of the proper length	 */	if ((target_desc->buffer.length == 0) ||	    (target_desc->common.flags & AOPOBJ_STATIC_POINTER)) {		target_desc->buffer.pointer = ACPI_ALLOCATE(length);		if (!target_desc->buffer.pointer) {			return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_NO_MEMORY);		}		target_desc->buffer.length = length;	}	/* Copy source buffer to target buffer */	if (length <= target_desc->buffer.length) {		/* Clear existing buffer and copy in the new one */		ACPI_MEMSET(target_desc->buffer.pointer, 0,			    target_desc->buffer.length);		ACPI_MEMCPY(target_desc->buffer.pointer, buffer, length);#ifdef ACPI_OBSOLETE_BEHAVIOR		/*		 * NOTE: ACPI versions up to 3.0 specified that the buffer must be		 * truncated if the string is smaller than the buffer. However, "other"		 * implementations of ACPI never did this and thus became the defacto		 * standard. ACPI 3.0A changes this behavior such that the buffer		 * is no longer truncated.		 */		/*		 * OBSOLETE BEHAVIOR:		 * If the original source was a string, we must truncate the buffer,		 * according to the ACPI spec. Integer-to-Buffer and Buffer-to-Buffer		 * copy must not truncate the original buffer.		 */		if (original_src_type == ACPI_TYPE_STRING) {			/* Set the new length of the target */			target_desc->buffer.length = length;		}#endif	} else {		/* Truncate the source, copy only what will fit */		ACPI_MEMCPY(target_desc->buffer.pointer, buffer,			    target_desc->buffer.length);		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_INFO,				  "Truncating source buffer from %X to %X/n",				  length, target_desc->buffer.length));	}	/* Copy flags */	target_desc->buffer.flags = source_desc->buffer.flags;	target_desc->common.flags &= ~AOPOBJ_STATIC_POINTER;	return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_OK);}

示例18: AcpiUtInitializeBuffer

ACPI_STATUSAcpiUtInitializeBuffer (    ACPI_BUFFER             *Buffer,    ACPI_SIZE               RequiredLength){    ACPI_SIZE               InputBufferLength;    /* Parameter validation */    if (!Buffer || !RequiredLength)    {        return (AE_BAD_PARAMETER);    }    /*     * Buffer->Length is used as both an input and output parameter. Get the     * input actual length and set the output required buffer length.     */    InputBufferLength = Buffer->Length;    Buffer->Length = RequiredLength;    /*     * The input buffer length contains the actual buffer length, or the type     * of buffer to be allocated by this routine.     */    switch (InputBufferLength)    {    case ACPI_NO_BUFFER:        /* Return the exception (and the required buffer length) */        return (AE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);    case ACPI_ALLOCATE_BUFFER:        /*         * Allocate a new buffer. We directectly call AcpiOsAllocate here to         * purposefully bypass the (optionally enabled) internal allocation         * tracking mechanism since we only want to track internal         * allocations. Note: The caller should use AcpiOsFree to free this         * buffer created via ACPI_ALLOCATE_BUFFER.         */        Buffer->Pointer = AcpiOsAllocate (RequiredLength);        break;    case ACPI_ALLOCATE_LOCAL_BUFFER:        /* Allocate a new buffer with local interface to allow tracking */        Buffer->Pointer = ACPI_ALLOCATE (RequiredLength);        break;    default:        /* Existing buffer: Validate the size of the buffer */        if (InputBufferLength < RequiredLength)        {            return (AE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);        }        break;    }    /* Validate allocation from above or input buffer pointer */    if (!Buffer->Pointer)    {        return (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    /* Have a valid buffer, clear it */    ACPI_MEMSET (Buffer->Pointer, 0, RequiredLength);    return (AE_OK);}

示例19: AcpiExOpcode_3A_0T_0R

ACPI_STATUSAcpiExOpcode_3A_0T_0R (    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState){    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     **Operand = &WalkState->Operands[0];    ACPI_SIGNAL_FATAL_INFO  *Fatal;    ACPI_STATUS             Status = AE_OK;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_STR (ExOpcode_3A_0T_0R,        AcpiPsGetOpcodeName (WalkState->Opcode));    switch (WalkState->Opcode)    {    case AML_FATAL_OP:          /* Fatal (FatalType  FatalCode  FatalArg) */        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_INFO,            "FatalOp: Type %X Code %X Arg %X <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<</n",            (UINT32) Operand[0]->Integer.Value,            (UINT32) Operand[1]->Integer.Value,            (UINT32) Operand[2]->Integer.Value));        Fatal = ACPI_ALLOCATE (sizeof (ACPI_SIGNAL_FATAL_INFO));        if (Fatal)        {            Fatal->Type     = (UINT32) Operand[0]->Integer.Value;            Fatal->Code     = (UINT32) Operand[1]->Integer.Value;            Fatal->Argument = (UINT32) Operand[2]->Integer.Value;        }        /* Always signal the OS! */        Status = AcpiOsSignal (ACPI_SIGNAL_FATAL, Fatal);        /* Might return while OS is shutting down, just continue */        ACPI_FREE (Fatal);        goto Cleanup;    case AML_EXTERNAL_OP:        /*         * If the interpreter sees this opcode, just ignore it. The External         * op is intended for use by disassemblers in order to properly         * disassemble control method invocations. The opcode or group of         * opcodes should be surrounded by an "if (0)" clause to ensure that         * AML interpreters never see the opcode.         */        Status = AE_OK;        goto Cleanup;    default:        ACPI_ERROR ((AE_INFO, "Unknown AML opcode 0x%X",            WalkState->Opcode));        Status = AE_AML_BAD_OPCODE;        goto Cleanup;    }Cleanup:    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);}

示例20: AcpiDbTrace

voidAcpiDbTrace (    char                    *EnableArg,    char                    *MethodArg,    char                    *OnceArg){    UINT32                  DebugLevel = 0;    UINT32                  DebugLayer = 0;    UINT32                  Flags = 0;    if (EnableArg)    {        AcpiUtStrupr (EnableArg);    }    if (OnceArg)    {        AcpiUtStrupr (OnceArg);    }    if (MethodArg)    {        if (AcpiDbTraceMethodName)        {            ACPI_FREE (AcpiDbTraceMethodName);            AcpiDbTraceMethodName = NULL;        }        AcpiDbTraceMethodName = ACPI_ALLOCATE (strlen (MethodArg) + 1);        if (!AcpiDbTraceMethodName)        {            AcpiOsPrintf ("Failed to allocate method name (%s)/n",                MethodArg);            return;        }        strcpy (AcpiDbTraceMethodName, MethodArg);    }    if (!strcmp (EnableArg, "ENABLE") ||        !strcmp (EnableArg, "METHOD") ||        !strcmp (EnableArg, "OPCODE"))    {        if (!strcmp (EnableArg, "ENABLE"))        {            /* Inherit current console settings */            DebugLevel = AcpiGbl_DbConsoleDebugLevel;            DebugLayer = AcpiDbgLayer;        }        else        {            /* Restrict console output to trace points only */            DebugLevel = ACPI_LV_TRACE_POINT;            DebugLayer = ACPI_EXECUTER;        }        Flags = ACPI_TRACE_ENABLED;        if (!strcmp (EnableArg, "OPCODE"))        {            Flags |= ACPI_TRACE_OPCODE;        }        if (OnceArg && !strcmp (OnceArg, "ONCE"))        {            Flags |= ACPI_TRACE_ONESHOT;        }    }    (void) AcpiDebugTrace (AcpiDbTraceMethodName,        DebugLevel, DebugLayer, Flags);}

示例21: AcpiUtInitializeBuffer

ACPI_STATUSAcpiUtInitializeBuffer (    ACPI_BUFFER             *Buffer,    ACPI_SIZE               RequiredLength){    ACPI_SIZE               InputBufferLength;    /* Parameter validation */    if (!Buffer || !RequiredLength)    {        return (AE_BAD_PARAMETER);    }    /*     * Buffer->Length is used as both an input and output parameter. Get the     * input actual length and set the output required buffer length.     */    InputBufferLength = Buffer->Length;    Buffer->Length = RequiredLength;    /*     * The input buffer length contains the actual buffer length, or the type     * of buffer to be allocated by this routine.     */    switch (InputBufferLength)    {    case ACPI_NO_BUFFER:        /* Return the exception (and the required buffer length) */        return (AE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);    case ACPI_ALLOCATE_BUFFER:        /* Allocate a new buffer */        Buffer->Pointer = AcpiOsAllocate (RequiredLength);        break;    case ACPI_ALLOCATE_LOCAL_BUFFER:        /* Allocate a new buffer with local interface to allow tracking */        Buffer->Pointer = ACPI_ALLOCATE (RequiredLength);        break;    default:        /* Existing buffer: Validate the size of the buffer */        if (InputBufferLength < RequiredLength)        {            return (AE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);        }        break;    }    /* Validate allocation from above or input buffer pointer */    if (!Buffer->Pointer)    {        return (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    /* Have a valid buffer, clear it */    ACPI_MEMSET (Buffer->Pointer, 0, RequiredLength);    return (AE_OK);}

示例22: OpnDoDefinitionBlock

static voidOpnDoDefinitionBlock (    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Op){    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Child;    ACPI_SIZE               Length;    UINT32                  i;    char                    *Filename;    /*     * These nodes get stuffed into the table header.  They are special     * cased when the table is written to the output file.     *     * Mark all of these nodes as non-usable so they won't get output     * as AML opcodes!     */    /* Get AML filename. Use it if non-null */    Child = Op->Asl.Child;    if (Child->Asl.Value.Buffer  &&        *Child->Asl.Value.Buffer &&        (Gbl_UseDefaultAmlFilename))    {        /*         * We will use the AML filename that is embedded in the source file         * for the output filename.         */        Filename = ACPI_ALLOCATE (strlen (Gbl_DirectoryPath) +                    strlen ((char *) Child->Asl.Value.Buffer) + 1);        /* Prepend the current directory path */        strcpy (Filename, Gbl_DirectoryPath);        strcat (Filename, (char *) Child->Asl.Value.Buffer);        Gbl_OutputFilenamePrefix = Filename;    }    Child->Asl.ParseOpcode = PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG;    /* Signature */    Child = Child->Asl.Next;    Child->Asl.ParseOpcode = PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG;    if (Child->Asl.Value.String)    {        Gbl_TableSignature = Child->Asl.Value.String;        if (ACPI_STRLEN (Gbl_TableSignature) != 4)        {            AslError (ASL_ERROR, ASL_MSG_TABLE_SIGNATURE, Child,                "Length not exactly 4");        }        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)        {            if (!isalnum ((int) Gbl_TableSignature[i]))            {                AslError (ASL_ERROR, ASL_MSG_TABLE_SIGNATURE, Child,                    "Contains non-alphanumeric characters");            }        }    }    /* Revision */    Child = Child->Asl.Next;    Child->Asl.ParseOpcode = PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG;    /*     * We used the revision to set the integer width earlier     */    /* OEMID */    Child = Child->Asl.Next;    Child->Asl.ParseOpcode = PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG;    /* OEM TableID */    Child = Child->Asl.Next;    Child->Asl.ParseOpcode = PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG;    if (Child->Asl.Value.String)    {        Length = ACPI_STRLEN (Child->Asl.Value.String);        Gbl_TableId = AcpiOsAllocate (Length + 1);        ACPI_STRCPY (Gbl_TableId, Child->Asl.Value.String);        for (i = 0; i < Length; i++)        {            if (Gbl_TableId[i] == ' ')            {                Gbl_TableId[i] = 0;                break;            }        }    }    /* OEM Revision */    Child = Child->Asl.Next;//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例23: AcpiExLoadOp

ACPI_STATUSAcpiExLoadOp (    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *ObjDesc,    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *Target,    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState){    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *DdbHandle;    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       *Table;    ACPI_TABLE_DESC         TableDesc;    UINT32                  TableIndex;    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    UINT32                  Length;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (ExLoadOp);    ACPI_MEMSET (&TableDesc, 0, sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_DESC));    /* Source Object can be either an OpRegion or a Buffer/Field */    switch (ObjDesc->Common.Type)    {    case ACPI_TYPE_REGION:        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_EXEC,            "Load table from Region %p/n", ObjDesc));        /* Region must be SystemMemory (from ACPI spec) */        if (ObjDesc->Region.SpaceId != ACPI_ADR_SPACE_SYSTEM_MEMORY)        {            return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_AML_OPERAND_TYPE);        }        /*         * If the Region Address and Length have not been previously evaluated,         * evaluate them now and save the results.         */        if (!(ObjDesc->Common.Flags & AOPOBJ_DATA_VALID))        {            Status = AcpiDsGetRegionArguments (ObjDesc);            if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))            {                return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);            }        }        /* Get the table header first so we can get the table length */        Table = ACPI_ALLOCATE (sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER));        if (!Table)        {            return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);        }        Status = AcpiExRegionRead (ObjDesc, sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER),                    ACPI_CAST_PTR (UINT8, Table));        Length = Table->Length;        ACPI_FREE (Table);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);        }        /* Must have at least an ACPI table header */        if (Length < sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER))        {            return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_INVALID_TABLE_LENGTH);        }        /*         * The original implementation simply mapped the table, with no copy.         * However, the memory region is not guaranteed to remain stable and         * we must copy the table to a local buffer. For example, the memory         * region is corrupted after suspend on some machines. Dynamically         * loaded tables are usually small, so this overhead is minimal.         *         * The latest implementation (5/2009) does not use a mapping at all.         * We use the low-level operation region interface to read the table         * instead of the obvious optimization of using a direct mapping.         * This maintains a consistent use of operation regions across the         * entire subsystem. This is important if additional processing must         * be performed in the (possibly user-installed) operation region         * handler. For example, AcpiExec and ASLTS depend on this.         */        /* Allocate a buffer for the table */        TableDesc.Pointer = ACPI_ALLOCATE (Length);        if (!TableDesc.Pointer)        {            return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);        }        /* Read the entire table */        Status = AcpiExRegionRead (ObjDesc, Length,//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例24: AcpiExStoreBufferToBuffer

ACPI_STATUSAcpiExStoreBufferToBuffer (    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *SourceDesc,    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *TargetDesc){    UINT32                  Length;    UINT8                   *Buffer;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR (ExStoreBufferToBuffer, SourceDesc);    /* If Source and Target are the same, just return */    if (SourceDesc == TargetDesc)    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);    }    /* We know that SourceDesc is a buffer by now */    Buffer = ACPI_CAST_PTR (UINT8, SourceDesc->Buffer.Pointer);    Length = SourceDesc->Buffer.Length;    /*     * If target is a buffer of length zero or is a static buffer,     * allocate a new buffer of the proper length     */    if ((TargetDesc->Buffer.Length == 0) ||        (TargetDesc->Common.Flags & AOPOBJ_STATIC_POINTER))    {        TargetDesc->Buffer.Pointer = ACPI_ALLOCATE (Length);        if (!TargetDesc->Buffer.Pointer)        {            return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);        }        TargetDesc->Buffer.Length = Length;    }    /* Copy source buffer to target buffer */    if (Length <= TargetDesc->Buffer.Length)    {        /* Clear existing buffer and copy in the new one */        ACPI_MEMSET (TargetDesc->Buffer.Pointer, 0, TargetDesc->Buffer.Length);        ACPI_MEMCPY (TargetDesc->Buffer.Pointer, Buffer, Length);#ifdef ACPI_OBSOLETE_BEHAVIOR        /*         * NOTE: ACPI versions up to 3.0 specified that the buffer must be         * truncated if the string is smaller than the buffer.  However, "other"         * implementations of ACPI never did this and thus became the defacto         * standard. ACPI 3.0A changes this behavior such that the buffer         * is no longer truncated.         */        /*         * OBSOLETE BEHAVIOR:         * If the original source was a string, we must truncate the buffer,         * according to the ACPI spec.  Integer-to-Buffer and Buffer-to-Buffer         * copy must not truncate the original buffer.         */        if (OriginalSrcType == ACPI_TYPE_STRING)        {            /* Set the new length of the target */            TargetDesc->Buffer.Length = Length;        }#endif    }    else    {        /* Truncate the source, copy only what will fit */        ACPI_MEMCPY (TargetDesc->Buffer.Pointer, Buffer,            TargetDesc->Buffer.Length);        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_INFO,            "Truncating source buffer from %X to %X/n",            Length, TargetDesc->Buffer.Length));    }    /* Copy flags */    TargetDesc->Buffer.Flags = SourceDesc->Buffer.Flags;    TargetDesc->Common.Flags &= ~AOPOBJ_STATIC_POINTER;    return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例25: acpi_ex_load_op

acpi_statusacpi_ex_load_op(union acpi_operand_object *obj_desc,		union acpi_operand_object *target,		struct acpi_walk_state *walk_state){	acpi_status status;	union acpi_operand_object *ddb_handle;	union acpi_operand_object *buffer_desc = NULL;	struct acpi_table_header *table_ptr = NULL;	acpi_physical_address address;	struct acpi_table_header table_header;	acpi_integer temp;	u32 i;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ex_load_op);	/* Object can be either an op_region or a Field */	switch (ACPI_GET_OBJECT_TYPE(obj_desc)) {	case ACPI_TYPE_REGION:		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_EXEC, "Load from Region %p %s/n",				  obj_desc,				  acpi_ut_get_object_type_name(obj_desc)));		/*		 * If the Region Address and Length have not been previously evaluated,		 * evaluate them now and save the results.		 */		if (!(obj_desc->common.flags & AOPOBJ_DATA_VALID)) {			status = acpi_ds_get_region_arguments(obj_desc);			if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {				return_ACPI_STATUS(status);			}		}		/* Get the base physical address of the region */		address = obj_desc->region.address;		/* Get part of the table header to get the table length */		table_header.length = 0;		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {			status =			    acpi_ev_address_space_dispatch(obj_desc, ACPI_READ,							   (acpi_physical_address)							   (i + address), 8,							   &temp);			if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {				return_ACPI_STATUS(status);			}			/* Get the one valid byte of the returned 64-bit value */			ACPI_CAST_PTR(u8, &table_header)[i] = (u8) temp;		}		/* Sanity check the table length */		if (table_header.length < sizeof(struct acpi_table_header)) {			return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_BAD_HEADER);		}		/* Allocate a buffer for the entire table */		table_ptr = ACPI_ALLOCATE(table_header.length);		if (!table_ptr) {			return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_NO_MEMORY);		}		/* Get the entire table from the op region */		for (i = 0; i < table_header.length; i++) {			status =			    acpi_ev_address_space_dispatch(obj_desc, ACPI_READ,							   (acpi_physical_address)							   (i + address), 8,							   &temp);			if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {				goto cleanup;			}			/* Get the one valid byte of the returned 64-bit value */			ACPI_CAST_PTR(u8, table_ptr)[i] = (u8) temp;		}		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_LOCAL_REGION_FIELD:	case ACPI_TYPE_LOCAL_BANK_FIELD:	case ACPI_TYPE_LOCAL_INDEX_FIELD:		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_EXEC, "Load from Field %p %s/n",				  obj_desc,				  acpi_ut_get_object_type_name(obj_desc)));		/*		 * The length of the field must be at least as large as the table.		 * Read the entire field and thus the entire table.  Buffer is//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例26: AcpiDbExecute

voidAcpiDbExecute (    char                    *Name,    char                    **Args,    ACPI_OBJECT_TYPE        *Types,    UINT32                  Flags){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_BUFFER             ReturnObj;    char                    *NameString;#ifdef ACPI_DEBUG_OUTPUT    UINT32                  PreviousAllocations;    UINT32                  Allocations;    /* Memory allocation tracking */    PreviousAllocations = AcpiDbGetOutstandingAllocations ();#endif    if (*Name == '*')    {        (void) AcpiWalkNamespace (ACPI_TYPE_METHOD, ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT,                    ACPI_UINT32_MAX, AcpiDbExecutionWalk, NULL, NULL, NULL);        return;    }    else    {        NameString = ACPI_ALLOCATE (ACPI_STRLEN (Name) + 1);        if (!NameString)        {            return;        }        ACPI_MEMSET (&AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo, 0, sizeof (ACPI_DB_METHOD_INFO));        ACPI_STRCPY (NameString, Name);        AcpiUtStrupr (NameString);        AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Name = NameString;        AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Args = Args;        AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Types = Types;        AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Flags = Flags;        ReturnObj.Pointer = NULL;        ReturnObj.Length = ACPI_ALLOCATE_BUFFER;        Status = AcpiDbExecuteSetup (&AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            ACPI_FREE (NameString);            return;        }        /* Get the NS node, determines existence also */        Status = AcpiGetHandle (NULL, AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Pathname,            &AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Method);        if (ACPI_SUCCESS (Status))        {            Status = AcpiDbExecuteMethod (&AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo, &ReturnObj);        }        ACPI_FREE (NameString);    }    /*     * Allow any handlers in separate threads to complete.     * (Such as Notify handlers invoked from AML executed above).     */    AcpiOsSleep ((UINT64) 10);#ifdef ACPI_DEBUG_OUTPUT    /* Memory allocation tracking */    Allocations = AcpiDbGetOutstandingAllocations () - PreviousAllocations;    AcpiDbSetOutputDestination (ACPI_DB_DUPLICATE_OUTPUT);    if (Allocations > 0)    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("0x%X Outstanding allocations after evaluation of %s/n",                        Allocations, AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Pathname);    }#endif    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("Evaluation of %s failed with status %s/n",            AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Pathname, AcpiFormatException (Status));    }    else    {        /* Display a return object, if any */        if (ReturnObj.Length)        {            AcpiOsPrintf (                "Evaluation of %s returned object %p, external buffer length %X/n",//.........这里部分代码省略.........


C++ ACPI_ADD_PTR函数代码示例