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自学教程:C++ ACPI_REPORT_ERROR函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:32:53
这篇教程C++ ACPI_REPORT_ERROR函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ACPI_REPORT_ERROR函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ACPI_REPORT_ERROR函数的具体用法?C++ ACPI_REPORT_ERROR怎么用?C++ ACPI_REPORT_ERROR使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: acpi_tb_get_table_header

acpi_statusacpi_tb_get_table_header (	struct acpi_pointer             *address,	struct acpi_table_header        *return_header){	acpi_status                     status = AE_OK;	struct acpi_table_header        *header = NULL;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("tb_get_table_header");	/*	 * Flags contains the current processor mode (Virtual or Physical	 * addressing) The pointer_type is either Logical or Physical	 */	switch (address->pointer_type) {	case ACPI_PHYSMODE_PHYSPTR:	case ACPI_LOGMODE_LOGPTR:		/* Pointer matches processor mode, copy the header */		ACPI_MEMCPY (return_header, address->pointer.logical,			sizeof (struct acpi_table_header));		break;	case ACPI_LOGMODE_PHYSPTR:		/* Create a logical address for the physical pointer*/		status = acpi_os_map_memory (address->pointer.physical,				 sizeof (struct acpi_table_header), (void *) &header);		if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {			ACPI_REPORT_ERROR ((				"Could not map memory at %8.8X%8.8X for length %X/n",				ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64 (address->pointer.physical),				sizeof (struct acpi_table_header)));			return_ACPI_STATUS (status);		}		/* Copy header and delete mapping */		ACPI_MEMCPY (return_header, header, sizeof (struct acpi_table_header));		acpi_os_unmap_memory (header, sizeof (struct acpi_table_header));		break;	default:		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Invalid address flags %X/n",			address->pointer_type));		return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_BAD_PARAMETER);	}	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_TABLES, "Table Signature: [%4.4s]/n",		return_header->signature));	return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例2: acpi_ev_install_xrupt_handlers

acpi_statusacpi_ev_install_xrupt_handlers (	void){	acpi_status                     status;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("ev_install_xrupt_handlers");	/* Install the SCI handler */	status = acpi_ev_install_sci_handler ();	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR ((				"Unable to install System Control Interrupt Handler, %s/n",				acpi_format_exception (status)));		return_ACPI_STATUS (status);	}	/* Install the handler for the Global Lock */	status = acpi_ev_init_global_lock_handler ();	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR ((				"Unable to initialize Global Lock handler, %s/n",				acpi_format_exception (status)));		return_ACPI_STATUS (status);	}	acpi_gbl_events_initialized = TRUE;	return_ACPI_STATUS (status);}

示例3: acpi_tb_install_table

acpi_statusacpi_tb_install_table (    struct acpi_table_desc          *table_info){    acpi_status                     status;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("tb_install_table");    /* Lock tables while installing */    status = acpi_ut_acquire_mutex (ACPI_MTX_TABLES);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {        ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Could not acquire table mutex for [%4.4s], %s/n",                            table_info->pointer->signature, acpi_format_exception (status)));        return_ACPI_STATUS (status);    }    /* Install the table into the global data structure */    status = acpi_tb_init_table_descriptor (table_info->type, table_info);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {        ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Could not install ACPI table [%4.4s], %s/n",                            table_info->pointer->signature, acpi_format_exception (status)));    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_INFO, "%s located at %p/n",                       acpi_gbl_table_data[table_info->type].name, table_info->pointer));    (void) acpi_ut_release_mutex (ACPI_MTX_TABLES);    return_ACPI_STATUS (status);}

示例4: acpi_ev_initialize_events

acpi_status acpi_ev_initialize_events(void){	acpi_status status;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE("ev_initialize_events");	/* Make sure we have ACPI tables */	if (!acpi_gbl_DSDT) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_WARN, "No ACPI tables present!/n"));		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_NO_ACPI_TABLES);	}	/*	 * Initialize the Fixed and General Purpose Events. This is done prior to	 * enabling SCIs to prevent interrupts from occurring before the handlers are	 * installed.	 */	status = acpi_ev_fixed_event_initialize();	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR(("Unable to initialize fixed events, %s/n",				   acpi_format_exception(status)));		return_ACPI_STATUS(status);	}	status = acpi_ev_gpe_initialize();	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR(("Unable to initialize general purpose events, %s/n", acpi_format_exception(status)));		return_ACPI_STATUS(status);	}	return_ACPI_STATUS(status);}

示例5: acpi_tb_table_override

static acpi_statusacpi_tb_table_override (	struct acpi_table_header        *header,	struct acpi_table_desc          *table_info){	struct acpi_table_header        *new_table;	acpi_status                     status;	struct acpi_pointer             address;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("tb_table_override");	/*	 * The OSL will examine the header and decide whether to override this	 * table.  If it decides to override, a table will be returned in new_table,	 * which we will then copy.	 */	status = acpi_os_table_override (header, &new_table);	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		/* Some severe error from the OSL, but we basically ignore it */		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Could not override ACPI table, %s/n",			acpi_format_exception (status)));		return_ACPI_STATUS (status);	}	if (!new_table) {		/* No table override */		return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_ACPI_TABLES);	}	/*	 * We have a new table to override the old one.  Get a copy of	 * the new one.  We know that the new table has a logical pointer.	 */	address.pointer_type    = ACPI_LOGICAL_POINTER | ACPI_LOGICAL_ADDRESSING;	address.pointer.logical = new_table;	status = acpi_tb_get_this_table (&address, new_table, table_info);	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Could not copy override ACPI table, %s/n",			acpi_format_exception (status)));		return_ACPI_STATUS (status);	}	/* Copy the table info */	ACPI_REPORT_INFO (("Table [%4.4s] replaced by host OS/n",		table_info->pointer->signature));	return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例6: acpi_initialize_subsystem

acpi_statusacpi_initialize_subsystem (	void){	acpi_status                     status;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("acpi_initialize_subsystem");	ACPI_DEBUG_EXEC (acpi_ut_init_stack_ptr_trace ());	/* Initialize all globals used by the subsystem */	acpi_ut_init_globals ();	/* Initialize the OS-Dependent layer */	status = acpi_os_initialize ();	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("OSD failed to initialize, %s/n",			acpi_format_exception (status)));		return_ACPI_STATUS (status);	}	/* Create the default mutex objects */	status = acpi_ut_mutex_initialize ();	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Global mutex creation failure, %s/n",			acpi_format_exception (status)));		return_ACPI_STATUS (status);	}	/*	 * Initialize the namespace manager and	 * the root of the namespace tree	 */	status = acpi_ns_root_initialize ();	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Namespace initialization failure, %s/n",			acpi_format_exception (status)));		return_ACPI_STATUS (status);	}	/* If configured, initialize the AML debugger */	ACPI_DEBUGGER_EXEC (status = acpi_db_initialize ());	return_ACPI_STATUS (status);}

示例7: acpi_tb_validate_rsdt

acpi_statusacpi_tb_validate_rsdt (	struct acpi_table_header        *table_ptr){	int                             no_match;	ACPI_FUNCTION_NAME ("tb_validate_rsdt");	/*	 * For RSDP revision 0 or 1, we use the RSDT.	 * For RSDP revision 2 and above, we use the XSDT	 */	if (acpi_gbl_RSDP->revision < 2) {		no_match = ACPI_STRNCMP ((char *) table_ptr, RSDT_SIG,				  sizeof (RSDT_SIG) -1);	}	else {		no_match = ACPI_STRNCMP ((char *) table_ptr, XSDT_SIG,				  sizeof (XSDT_SIG) -1);	}	if (no_match) {		/* Invalid RSDT or XSDT signature */		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Invalid signature where RSDP indicates RSDT/XSDT should be located/n"));		ACPI_DUMP_BUFFER (acpi_gbl_RSDP, 20);		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_ERROR,			"RSDT/XSDT signature at %X (%p) is invalid/n",			acpi_gbl_RSDP->rsdt_physical_address,			(void *) (acpi_native_uint) acpi_gbl_RSDP->rsdt_physical_address));		if (acpi_gbl_RSDP->revision < 2) {			ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Looking for RSDT (RSDP->Rev < 2)/n"))		}		else {			ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Looking for XSDT (RSDP->Rev >= 2)/n"))		}		ACPI_DUMP_BUFFER ((char *) table_ptr, 48);		return (AE_BAD_SIGNATURE);	}	return (AE_OK);}

示例8: AcpiNsGetExternalPathname

NATIVE_CHAR *AcpiNsGetExternalPathname (    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *Node){    NATIVE_CHAR             *NameBuffer;    ACPI_SIZE               Size;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR ("NsGetExternalPathname", Node);    /* Calculate required buffer size based on depth below root */    Size = AcpiNsGetPathnameLength (Node);    /* Allocate a buffer to be returned to caller */    NameBuffer = ACPI_MEM_CALLOCATE (Size);    if (!NameBuffer)    {        ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("NsGetTablePathname: allocation failure/n"));        return_PTR (NULL);    }    /* Build the path in the allocated buffer */    AcpiNsBuildExternalPath (Node, Size, NameBuffer);    return_PTR (NameBuffer);}

示例9: acpi_ex_system_do_stall

acpi_statusacpi_ex_system_do_stall (	u32                             how_long){	acpi_status                     status = AE_OK;	ACPI_FUNCTION_ENTRY ();	if (how_long > 255) /* 255 microseconds */ {		/*		 * Longer than 255 usec, this is an error		 *		 * (ACPI specifies 100 usec as max, but this gives some slack in		 * order to support existing BIOSs)		 */		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Stall: Time parameter is too large (%d)/n", how_long));		status = AE_AML_OPERAND_VALUE;	}	else {		acpi_os_stall (how_long);	}	return (status);}

示例10: AcpiUtDivide

ACPI_STATUSAcpiUtDivide (    ACPI_INTEGER            *InDividend,    ACPI_INTEGER            *InDivisor,    ACPI_INTEGER            *OutQuotient,    ACPI_INTEGER            *OutRemainder){    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("UtDivide");    /* Always check for a zero divisor */    if (*InDivisor == 0)    {        ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("AcpiUtDivide: Divide by zero/n"));        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_AML_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO);    }    /* Return only what was requested */    if (OutQuotient)    {        *OutQuotient = *InDividend / *InDivisor;    }    if (OutRemainder)    {        *OutRemainder = *InDividend % *InDivisor;    }    return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例11: acpi_ev_global_lock_handler

static u32acpi_ev_global_lock_handler (	void                            *context){	u8                              acquired = FALSE;	acpi_status                     status;	/*	 * Attempt to get the lock	 * If we don't get it now, it will be marked pending and we will	 * take another interrupt when it becomes free.	 */	ACPI_ACQUIRE_GLOBAL_LOCK (acpi_gbl_common_fACS.global_lock, acquired);	if (acquired) {		/* Got the lock, now wake all threads waiting for it */		acpi_gbl_global_lock_acquired = TRUE;		/* Run the Global Lock thread which will signal all waiting threads */		status = acpi_os_queue_for_execution (OSD_PRIORITY_HIGH,				  acpi_ev_global_lock_thread, context);		if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {			ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Could not queue Global Lock thread, %s/n",				acpi_format_exception (status)));			return (ACPI_INTERRUPT_NOT_HANDLED);		}	}	return (ACPI_INTERRUPT_HANDLED);}

示例12: acpi_ut_divide

acpi_statusacpi_ut_divide (	acpi_integer                    in_dividend,	acpi_integer                    in_divisor,	acpi_integer                    *out_quotient,	acpi_integer                    *out_remainder){	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("ut_divide");	/* Always check for a zero divisor */	if (in_divisor == 0) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("acpi_ut_divide: Divide by zero/n"));		return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_AML_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO);	}	/* Return only what was requested */	if (out_quotient) {		*out_quotient = in_dividend / in_divisor;	}	if (out_remainder) {		*out_remainder = in_dividend % in_divisor;	}	return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}


union acpi_operand_object *acpi_ut_create_string_object(acpi_size string_size){	union acpi_operand_object *string_desc;	char *string;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_U32("ut_create_string_object", string_size);	/* Create a new String object */	string_desc = acpi_ut_create_internal_object(ACPI_TYPE_STRING);	if (!string_desc) {		return_PTR(NULL);	}	/*	 * Allocate the actual string buffer -- (Size + 1) for NULL terminator.	 * NOTE: Zero-length strings are NULL terminated	 */	string = ACPI_MEM_CALLOCATE(string_size + 1);	if (!string) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR(("create_string: could not allocate size %X/n", (u32) string_size));		acpi_ut_remove_reference(string_desc);		return_PTR(NULL);	}	/* Complete string object initialization */	string_desc->string.pointer = string;	string_desc->string.length = (u32) string_size;	/* Return the new string descriptor */	return_PTR(string_desc);}

示例14: acpi_ns_get_external_pathname

char *acpi_ns_get_external_pathname (	struct acpi_namespace_node      *node){	char                            *name_buffer;	acpi_size                       size;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR ("ns_get_external_pathname", node);	/* Calculate required buffer size based on depth below root */	size = acpi_ns_get_pathname_length (node);	/* Allocate a buffer to be returned to caller */	name_buffer = ACPI_MEM_CALLOCATE (size);	if (!name_buffer) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("ns_get_table_pathname: allocation failure/n"));		return_PTR (NULL);	}	/* Build the path in the allocated buffer */	acpi_ns_build_external_path (node, size, name_buffer);	return_PTR (name_buffer);}

示例15: acpi_ev_fixed_event_dispatch

u32acpi_ev_fixed_event_dispatch (	u32                             event){	ACPI_FUNCTION_ENTRY ();	/* Clear the status bit */	(void) acpi_set_register (acpi_gbl_fixed_event_info[event].status_register_id,			 1, ACPI_MTX_DO_NOT_LOCK);	/*	 * Make sure we've got a handler.  If not, report an error.	 * The event is disabled to prevent further interrupts.	 */	if (NULL == acpi_gbl_fixed_event_handlers[event].handler) {		(void) acpi_set_register (acpi_gbl_fixed_event_info[event].enable_register_id,				0, ACPI_MTX_DO_NOT_LOCK);		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (			("No installed handler for fixed event [%08X]/n",			event));		return (ACPI_INTERRUPT_NOT_HANDLED);	}	/* Invoke the Fixed Event handler */	return ((acpi_gbl_fixed_event_handlers[event].handler)(			  acpi_gbl_fixed_event_handlers[event].context));}

示例16: acpi_tb_get_table

acpi_statusacpi_tb_get_table (	struct acpi_pointer             *address,	struct acpi_table_desc          *table_info){	acpi_status                     status;	struct acpi_table_header        header;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("tb_get_table");	/* Get the header in order to get signature and table size */	status = acpi_tb_get_table_header (address, &header);	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS (status);	}	/* Get the entire table */	status = acpi_tb_get_table_body (address, &header, table_info);	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Could not get ACPI table (size %X), %s/n",			header.length, acpi_format_exception (status)));		return_ACPI_STATUS (status);	}	return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例17: AcpiTbGetSecondaryTable

ACPI_STATUSAcpiTbGetSecondaryTable (    ACPI_POINTER            *Address,    ACPI_STRING             Signature,    ACPI_TABLE_DESC         *TableInfo){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       Header;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_STR ("TbGetSecondaryTable", Signature);    /* Get the header in order to match the signature */    Status = AcpiTbGetTableHeader (Address, &Header);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    /* Signature must match request */    if (ACPI_STRNCMP (Header.Signature, Signature, ACPI_NAME_SIZE))    {        ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Incorrect table signature - wanted [%s] found [%4.4s]/n",            Signature, Header.Signature));        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_BAD_SIGNATURE);    }    /*     * Check the table signature and make sure it is recognized.     * Also checks the header checksum     */    TableInfo->Pointer = &Header;    Status = AcpiTbRecognizeTable (TableInfo, ACPI_TABLE_SECONDARY);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    /* Get the entire table */    Status = AcpiTbGetTableBody (Address, &Header, TableInfo);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    /* Install the table */    Status = AcpiTbInstallTable (TableInfo);    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);}

示例18: acpi_tb_get_secondary_table

static acpi_statusacpi_tb_get_secondary_table (	struct acpi_pointer             *address,	acpi_string                     signature,	struct acpi_table_desc          *table_info){	acpi_status                     status;	struct acpi_table_header        header;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_STR ("tb_get_secondary_table", signature);	/* Get the header in order to match the signature */	status = acpi_tb_get_table_header (address, &header);	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS (status);	}	/* Signature must match request */	if (ACPI_STRNCMP (header.signature, signature, ACPI_NAME_SIZE)) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR ((			"Incorrect table signature - wanted [%s] found [%4.4s]/n",			signature, header.signature));		return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_BAD_SIGNATURE);	}	/*	 * Check the table signature and make sure it is recognized.	 * Also checks the header checksum	 */	table_info->pointer = &header;	status = acpi_tb_recognize_table (table_info, ACPI_TABLE_SECONDARY);	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS (status);	}	/* Get the entire table */	status = acpi_tb_get_table_body (address, &header, table_info);	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS (status);	}	/* Install the table */	status = acpi_tb_install_table (table_info);	return_ACPI_STATUS (status);}

示例19: AcpiUtShortDivide

ACPI_STATUSAcpiUtShortDivide (    ACPI_INTEGER            *InDividend,    UINT32                  Divisor,    ACPI_INTEGER            *OutQuotient,    UINT32                  *OutRemainder){    UINT64_OVERLAY          Dividend;    UINT64_OVERLAY          Quotient;    UINT32                  Remainder32;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("UtShortDivide");    Dividend.Full = *InDividend;    /* Always check for a zero divisor */    if (Divisor == 0)    {        ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("AcpiUtShortDivide: Divide by zero/n"));        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_AML_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO);    }    /*     * The quotient is 64 bits, the remainder is always 32 bits,     * and is generated by the second divide.     */    ACPI_DIV_64_BY_32 (0, Dividend.Part.Hi, Divisor,                       Quotient.Part.Hi, Remainder32);    ACPI_DIV_64_BY_32 (Remainder32, Dividend.Part.Lo,  Divisor,                       Quotient.Part.Lo, Remainder32);    /* Return only what was requested */    if (OutQuotient)    {        *OutQuotient = Quotient.Full;    }    if (OutRemainder)    {        *OutRemainder = Remainder32;    }    return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例20: AcpiTbBuildCommonFacs

ACPI_STATUSAcpiTbBuildCommonFacs (    ACPI_TABLE_DESC         *TableInfo){    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("TbBuildCommonFacs");    /* Absolute minimum length is 24, but the ACPI spec says 64 */    if (AcpiGbl_FACS->Length < 24)    {        ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Invalid FACS table length: 0x%X/n", AcpiGbl_FACS->Length));        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_INVALID_TABLE_LENGTH);    }    if (AcpiGbl_FACS->Length < 64)    {        ACPI_REPORT_WARNING (("FACS is shorter than the ACPI specification allows: 0x%X, using anyway/n",            AcpiGbl_FACS->Length));    }    /* Copy fields to the new FACS */    AcpiGbl_CommonFACS.GlobalLock = &(AcpiGbl_FACS->GlobalLock);    if ((AcpiGbl_RSDP->Revision < 2) ||        (AcpiGbl_FACS->Length < 32)  ||        (!(ACPI_GET_ADDRESS (AcpiGbl_FACS->XFirmwareWakingVector))))    {        /* ACPI 1.0 FACS or short table or optional X_ field is zero */        AcpiGbl_CommonFACS.FirmwareWakingVector = ACPI_CAST_PTR (UINT64, &(AcpiGbl_FACS->FirmwareWakingVector));        AcpiGbl_CommonFACS.VectorWidth = 32;    }    else    {        /* ACPI 2.0 FACS with valid X_ field */        AcpiGbl_CommonFACS.FirmwareWakingVector = &AcpiGbl_FACS->XFirmwareWakingVector;        AcpiGbl_CommonFACS.VectorWidth = 64;    }    return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例21: acpi_ut_short_divide

acpi_statusacpi_ut_short_divide (	acpi_integer                    dividend,	u32                             divisor,	acpi_integer                    *out_quotient,	u32                             *out_remainder){	union uint64_overlay            dividend_ovl;	union uint64_overlay            quotient;	u32                             remainder32;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("ut_short_divide");	/* Always check for a zero divisor */	if (divisor == 0) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("acpi_ut_short_divide: Divide by zero/n"));		return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_AML_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO);	}	dividend_ovl.full = dividend;	/*	 * The quotient is 64 bits, the remainder is always 32 bits,	 * and is generated by the second divide.	 */	ACPI_DIV_64_BY_32 (0, dividend_ovl.part.hi, divisor,			  quotient.part.hi, remainder32);	ACPI_DIV_64_BY_32 (remainder32, dividend_ovl.part.lo, divisor,			  quotient.part.lo, remainder32);	/* Return only what was requested */	if (out_quotient) {		*out_quotient = quotient.full;	}	if (out_remainder) {		*out_remainder = remainder32;	}	return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例22: acpi_ev_global_lock_thread

static void ACPI_SYSTEM_XFACEacpi_ev_global_lock_thread (	void                            *context){	acpi_status                     status;	/* Signal threads that are waiting for the lock */	if (acpi_gbl_global_lock_thread_count) {		/* Send sufficient units to the semaphore */		status = acpi_os_signal_semaphore (acpi_gbl_global_lock_semaphore,				 acpi_gbl_global_lock_thread_count);		if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {			ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Could not signal Global Lock semaphore/n"));		}	}}

示例23: acpi_ut_copy_ipackage_to_ipackage

acpi_statusacpi_ut_copy_ipackage_to_ipackage (	union acpi_operand_object       *source_obj,	union acpi_operand_object       *dest_obj,	struct acpi_walk_state          *walk_state){	acpi_status                     status = AE_OK;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("ut_copy_ipackage_to_ipackage");	dest_obj->common.type   = ACPI_GET_OBJECT_TYPE (source_obj);	dest_obj->common.flags  = source_obj->common.flags;	dest_obj->package.count = source_obj->package.count;	/*	 * Create the object array and walk the source package tree	 */	dest_obj->package.elements = ACPI_MEM_CALLOCATE (			   ((acpi_size) source_obj->package.count + 1) *			   sizeof (void *));	if (!dest_obj->package.elements) {		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (			("aml_build_copy_internal_package_object: Package allocation failure/n"));		return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);	}	/*	 * Copy the package element-by-element by walking the package "tree".	 * This handles nested packages of arbitrary depth.	 */	status = acpi_ut_walk_package_tree (source_obj, dest_obj,			 acpi_ut_copy_ielement_to_ielement, walk_state);	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		/* On failure, delete the destination package object */		acpi_ut_remove_reference (dest_obj);	}	return_ACPI_STATUS (status);}

示例24: acpi_ut_create_buffer_object

union acpi_operand_object *acpi_ut_create_buffer_object (	acpi_size                       buffer_size){	union acpi_operand_object       *buffer_desc;	u8                              *buffer = NULL;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_U32 ("ut_create_buffer_object", buffer_size);	/* Create a new Buffer object */	buffer_desc = acpi_ut_create_internal_object (ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER);	if (!buffer_desc) {		return_PTR (NULL);	}	/* Create an actual buffer only if size > 0 */	if (buffer_size > 0) {		/* Allocate the actual buffer */		buffer = ACPI_MEM_CALLOCATE (buffer_size);		if (!buffer) {			ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("create_buffer: could not allocate size %X/n",				(u32) buffer_size));			acpi_ut_remove_reference (buffer_desc);			return_PTR (NULL);		}	}	/* Complete buffer object initialization */	buffer_desc->buffer.flags |= AOPOBJ_DATA_VALID;	buffer_desc->buffer.pointer = buffer;	buffer_desc->buffer.length = (u32) buffer_size;	/* Return the new buffer descriptor */	return_PTR (buffer_desc);}

示例25: AcpiUtCreateBufferObject

ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT *AcpiUtCreateBufferObject (    ACPI_SIZE               BufferSize){    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *BufferDesc;    UINT8                   *Buffer;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_U32 ("UtCreateBufferObject", BufferSize);    /*     * Create a new Buffer object     */    BufferDesc = AcpiUtCreateInternalObject (ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER);    if (!BufferDesc)    {        return_PTR (NULL);    }    /* Allocate the actual buffer */    Buffer = ACPI_MEM_CALLOCATE (BufferSize);    if (!Buffer)    {        ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("CreateBuffer: could not allocate size %X/n",             (UINT32) BufferSize));        AcpiUtRemoveReference (BufferDesc);        return_PTR (NULL);    }    /* Complete buffer object initialization */    BufferDesc->Buffer.Flags |= AOPOBJ_DATA_VALID;    BufferDesc->Buffer.Pointer = Buffer;    BufferDesc->Buffer.Length = (UINT32) BufferSize;    /* Return the new buffer descriptor */    return_PTR (BufferDesc);}

示例26: AcpiEnable

ACPI_STATUSAcpiEnable (void){    ACPI_STATUS             Status = AE_OK;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("AcpiEnable");    /* Make sure we have the FADT*/    if (!AcpiGbl_FADT)    {        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_WARN, "No FADT information present!/n"));        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_ACPI_TABLES);    }    if (AcpiHwGetMode() == ACPI_SYS_MODE_ACPI)    {        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_INIT, "System is already in ACPI mode/n"));    }    else    {        /* Transition to ACPI mode */        Status = AcpiHwSetMode (ACPI_SYS_MODE_ACPI);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Could not transition to ACPI mode./n"));            return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);        }        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_INIT, "Transition to ACPI mode successful/n"));    }    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);}

示例27: acpi_ex_get_object_reference

acpi_statusacpi_ex_get_object_reference (	union acpi_operand_object       *obj_desc,	union acpi_operand_object       **return_desc,	struct acpi_walk_state          *walk_state){	union acpi_operand_object       *reference_obj;	union acpi_operand_object       *referenced_obj;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR ("ex_get_object_reference", obj_desc);	*return_desc = NULL;	switch (ACPI_GET_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE (obj_desc)) {	case ACPI_DESC_TYPE_OPERAND:		if (ACPI_GET_OBJECT_TYPE (obj_desc) != ACPI_TYPE_LOCAL_REFERENCE) {			return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_AML_OPERAND_TYPE);		}		/*		 * Must be a reference to a Local or Arg		 */		switch (obj_desc->reference.opcode) {		case AML_LOCAL_OP:		case AML_ARG_OP:			/* The referenced object is the pseudo-node for the local/arg */			referenced_obj = obj_desc->reference.object;			break;		default:			ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Unknown Reference subtype in get ref %X/n",				obj_desc->reference.opcode));			return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_AML_INTERNAL);		}		break;	case ACPI_DESC_TYPE_NAMED:		/*		 * A named reference that has already been resolved to a Node		 */		referenced_obj = obj_desc;		break;	default:		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR (("Invalid descriptor type in get ref: %X/n",				ACPI_GET_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE (obj_desc)));		return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_TYPE);	}	/* Create a new reference object */	reference_obj = acpi_ut_create_internal_object (ACPI_TYPE_LOCAL_REFERENCE);	if (!reference_obj) {		return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);	}	reference_obj->reference.opcode = AML_REF_OF_OP;	reference_obj->reference.object = referenced_obj;	*return_desc = reference_obj;	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_EXEC, "Object %p Type [%s], returning Reference %p/n",			obj_desc, acpi_ut_get_object_type_name (obj_desc), *return_desc));	return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例28: acpi_ex_do_concatenate

acpi_statusacpi_ex_do_concatenate (	union acpi_operand_object       *obj_desc1,	union acpi_operand_object       *obj_desc2,	union acpi_operand_object       **actual_return_desc,	struct acpi_walk_state          *walk_state){	acpi_status                     status;	u32                             i;	acpi_integer                    this_integer;	union acpi_operand_object       *return_desc;	char                            *new_buf;	ACPI_FUNCTION_ENTRY ();	/*	 * There are three cases to handle:	 *	 * 1) Two Integers concatenated to produce a new Buffer	 * 2) Two Strings concatenated to produce a new String	 * 3) Two Buffers concatenated to produce a new Buffer	 */	switch (ACPI_GET_OBJECT_TYPE (obj_desc1)) {	case ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER:		/* Result of two Integers is a Buffer */		/* Need enough buffer space for two integers */		return_desc = acpi_ut_create_buffer_object (acpi_gbl_integer_byte_width * 2);		if (!return_desc) {			return (AE_NO_MEMORY);		}		new_buf = (char *) return_desc->buffer.pointer;		/* Convert the first integer */		this_integer = obj_desc1->integer.value;		for (i = 0; i < acpi_gbl_integer_byte_width; i++) {			new_buf[i] = (char) this_integer;			this_integer >>= 8;		}		/* Convert the second integer */		this_integer = obj_desc2->integer.value;		for (; i < (ACPI_MUL_2 (acpi_gbl_integer_byte_width)); i++) {			new_buf[i] = (char) this_integer;			this_integer >>= 8;		}		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_STRING:		/* Result of two Strings is a String */		return_desc = acpi_ut_create_internal_object (ACPI_TYPE_STRING);		if (!return_desc) {			return (AE_NO_MEMORY);		}		/* Operand0 is string  */		new_buf = ACPI_MEM_CALLOCATE ((acpi_size) obj_desc1->string.length +				   (acpi_size) obj_desc2->string.length + 1);		if (!new_buf) {			ACPI_REPORT_ERROR				(("ex_do_concatenate: String allocation failure/n"));			status = AE_NO_MEMORY;			goto cleanup;		}		/* Concatenate the strings */		ACPI_STRCPY (new_buf, obj_desc1->string.pointer);		ACPI_STRCPY (new_buf + obj_desc1->string.length,				  obj_desc2->string.pointer);		/* Complete the String object initialization */		return_desc->string.pointer = new_buf;		return_desc->string.length = obj_desc1->string.length +				   obj_desc2->string.length;		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER:		/* Result of two Buffers is a Buffer */		return_desc = acpi_ut_create_buffer_object (				   (acpi_size) obj_desc1->buffer.length +				   (acpi_size) obj_desc2->buffer.length);		if (!return_desc) {			return (AE_NO_MEMORY);		}//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例29: acpi_ex_opcode_2A_0T_0R

/******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION:    acpi_ex_opcode_2A_0T_0R * * PARAMETERS:  walk_state          - Current walk state * * RETURN:      Status * * DESCRIPTION: Execute opcode with two arguments, no target, and no return *              value. * * ALLOCATION:  Deletes both operands * ******************************************************************************/acpi_status acpi_ex_opcode_2A_0T_0R(struct acpi_walk_state *walk_state){	union acpi_operand_object **operand = &walk_state->operands[0];	struct acpi_namespace_node *node;	u32 value;	acpi_status status = AE_OK;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_STR("ex_opcode_2A_0T_0R",				acpi_ps_get_opcode_name(walk_state->opcode));	/* Examine the opcode */	switch (walk_state->opcode) {	case AML_NOTIFY_OP:	/* Notify (notify_object, notify_value) */		/* The first operand is a namespace node */		node = (struct acpi_namespace_node *)operand[0];		/* Second value is the notify value */		value = (u32) operand[1]->integer.value;		/* Are notifies allowed on this object? */		if (!acpi_ev_is_notify_object(node)) {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_ERROR,					  "Unexpected notify object type [%s]/n",					  acpi_ut_get_type_name(node->type)));			status = AE_AML_OPERAND_TYPE;			break;		}#ifdef ACPI_GPE_NOTIFY_CHECK		/*		 * GPE method wake/notify check.  Here, we want to ensure that we		 * don't receive any "device_wake" Notifies from a GPE _Lxx or _Exx		 * GPE method during system runtime.  If we do, the GPE is marked		 * as "wake-only" and disabled.		 *		 * 1) Is the Notify() value == device_wake?		 * 2) Is this a GPE deferred method?  (An _Lxx or _Exx method)		 * 3) Did the original GPE happen at system runtime?		 *    (versus during wake)		 *		 * If all three cases are true, this is a wake-only GPE that should		 * be disabled at runtime.		 */		if (value == 2) {	/* device_wake */			status =			    acpi_ev_check_for_wake_only_gpe(walk_state->							    gpe_event_info);			if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {				/* AE_WAKE_ONLY_GPE only error, means ignore this notify */				return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_OK)			}		}#endif		/*		 * Dispatch the notify to the appropriate handler		 * NOTE: the request is queued for execution after this method		 * completes.  The notify handlers are NOT invoked synchronously		 * from this thread -- because handlers may in turn run other		 * control methods.		 */		status = acpi_ev_queue_notify_request(node, value);		break;	default:		ACPI_REPORT_ERROR(("acpi_ex_opcode_2A_0T_0R: Unknown opcode %X/n", walk_state->opcode));		status = AE_AML_BAD_OPCODE;	}

示例30: acpi_ds_terminate_control_method

void acpi_ds_terminate_control_method(struct acpi_walk_state *walk_state){	union acpi_operand_object *obj_desc;	struct acpi_namespace_node *method_node;	acpi_status status;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR("ds_terminate_control_method", walk_state);	if (!walk_state) {		return_VOID;	}	/* The current method object was saved in the walk state */	obj_desc = walk_state->method_desc;	if (!obj_desc) {		return_VOID;	}	/* Delete all arguments and locals */	acpi_ds_method_data_delete_all(walk_state);	/*	 * Lock the parser while we terminate this method.	 * If this is the last thread executing the method,	 * we have additional cleanup to perform	 */	status = acpi_ut_acquire_mutex(ACPI_MTX_PARSER);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		return_VOID;	}	/* Signal completion of the execution of this method if necessary */	if (walk_state->method_desc->method.semaphore) {		status =		    acpi_os_signal_semaphore(walk_state->method_desc->method.					     semaphore, 1);		if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {			ACPI_REPORT_ERROR(("Could not signal method semaphore/n"));			/* Ignore error and continue cleanup */		}	}	if (walk_state->method_desc->method.thread_count) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_DISPATCH,				  "*** Not deleting method namespace, there are still %d threads/n",				  walk_state->method_desc->method.				  thread_count));	} else {		/* This is the last executing thread */		/*		 * Support to dynamically change a method from not_serialized to		 * Serialized if it appears that the method is written foolishly and		 * does not support multiple thread execution.  The best example of this		 * is if such a method creates namespace objects and blocks.  A second		 * thread will fail with an AE_ALREADY_EXISTS exception		 *		 * This code is here because we must wait until the last thread exits		 * before creating the synchronization semaphore.		 */		if ((walk_state->method_desc->method.concurrency == 1) &&		    (!walk_state->method_desc->method.semaphore)) {			status = acpi_os_create_semaphore(1, 1,							  &walk_state->							  method_desc->method.							  semaphore);		}		/*		 * There are no more threads executing this method.  Perform		 * additional cleanup.		 *		 * The method Node is stored in the walk state		 */		method_node = walk_state->method_node;		/*		 * Delete any namespace entries created immediately underneath		 * the method		 */		status = acpi_ut_acquire_mutex(ACPI_MTX_NAMESPACE);		if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {			goto exit;		}		if (method_node->child) {			acpi_ns_delete_namespace_subtree(method_node);		}		/*		 * Delete any namespace entries created anywhere else within		 * the namespace		 */		acpi_ns_delete_namespace_by_owner(walk_state->method_desc->						  method.owner_id);		status = acpi_ut_release_mutex(ACPI_MTX_NAMESPACE);		acpi_ut_release_owner_id(&walk_state->method_desc->method.//.........这里部分代码省略.........

