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自学教程:C++ ADS_ERR_OK函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:33:51
这篇教程C++ ADS_ERR_OK函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ADS_ERR_OK函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ADS_ERR_OK函数的具体用法?C++ ADS_ERR_OK怎么用?C++ ADS_ERR_OK使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: ads_sasl_gssapi_bind

static ADS_STATUS ads_sasl_gssapi_bind(ADS_STRUCT *ads){	ADS_STATUS status;	struct ads_service_principal p;	status = ads_generate_service_principal(ads, &p);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {		return status;	}	if (ads->auth.password == NULL ||	    ads->auth.password[0] == '/0') {		status = ads_sasl_gssapi_do_bind(ads, p.name);		if (ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {			ads_free_service_principal(&p);			return status;		}		DEBUG(10,("ads_sasl_gssapi_do_bind failed with: %s, "			  "calling kinit/n", ads_errstr(status)));	}	status = ADS_ERROR_KRB5(ads_kinit_password(ads));	if (ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {		status = ads_sasl_gssapi_do_bind(ads, p.name);	}	ads_free_service_principal(&p);	return status;}

示例2: ads_group_delete

static int ads_group_delete(int argc, const char **argv){	ADS_STRUCT *ads;	ADS_STATUS rc;	void *res;	char *groupdn;	if (argc < 1) {		return net_ads_group_usage(argc, argv);	}		if (!(ads = ads_startup())) {		return -1;	}	rc = ads_find_user_acct(ads, &res, argv[0]);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(rc)) {		DEBUG(0, ("Group %s does not exist/n", argv[0]));		ads_destroy(&ads);		return -1;	}	groupdn = ads_get_dn(ads, res);	ads_msgfree(ads, res);	rc = ads_del_dn(ads, groupdn);	ads_memfree(ads, groupdn);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(rc)) {		d_printf("Group %s deleted/n", argv[0]);		ads_destroy(&ads);		return 0;	}	d_printf("Error deleting group %s: %s/n", argv[0], 		 ads_errstr(rc));	ads_destroy(&ads);	return -1;}

示例3: net_ads_printer_remove

static int net_ads_printer_remove(int argc, const char **argv){	ADS_STRUCT *ads;	ADS_STATUS rc;	const char *servername;	char *prt_dn;	void *res = NULL;	if (!(ads = ads_startup())) {		return -1;	}	if (argc < 1) {		return net_ads_printer_usage(argc, argv);	}	if (argc > 1) {		servername = argv[1];	} else {		servername = global_myname();	}	rc = ads_find_printer_on_server(ads, &res, argv[0], servername);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(rc)) {		d_printf("ads_find_printer_on_server: %s/n", ads_errstr(rc));		ads_msgfree(ads, res);		ads_destroy(&ads);		return -1;	}	if (ads_count_replies(ads, res) == 0) {		d_printf("Printer '%s' not found/n", argv[1]);		ads_msgfree(ads, res);		ads_destroy(&ads);		return -1;	}	prt_dn = ads_get_dn(ads, res);	ads_msgfree(ads, res);	rc = ads_del_dn(ads, prt_dn);	ads_memfree(ads, prt_dn);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(rc)) {		d_printf("ads_del_dn: %s/n", ads_errstr(rc));		ads_destroy(&ads);		return -1;	}	ads_destroy(&ads);	return 0;}

示例4: ads_ntstatus

/*  do a rough conversion between ads error codes and NT status codes  we'll need to fill this in more*/NTSTATUS ads_ntstatus(ADS_STATUS status){	switch (status.error_type) {	case ENUM_ADS_ERROR_NT:		return status.err.nt_status;		case ENUM_ADS_ERROR_SYSTEM:		return map_nt_error_from_unix(status.err.rc);#ifdef HAVE_LDAP	case ENUM_ADS_ERROR_LDAP:		if (status.err.rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) {			return NT_STATUS_OK;		}		return NT_STATUS_LDAP(status.err.rc);#endif#ifdef HAVE_KRB5	case ENUM_ADS_ERROR_KRB5:		return krb5_to_nt_status(status.err.rc);#endif	default:		break;	}	if (ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {		return NT_STATUS_OK;	}	return NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;}

示例5: ads_change_trust_account_password

ADS_STATUS ads_change_trust_account_password(ADS_STRUCT *ads, char *host_principal){	char *password;	char *new_password;	ADS_STATUS ret;	enum netr_SchannelType sec_channel_type;    	if ((password = secrets_fetch_machine_password(lp_workgroup(), NULL, &sec_channel_type)) == NULL) {		DEBUG(1,("Failed to retrieve password for principal %s/n", host_principal));		return ADS_ERROR_SYSTEM(ENOENT);	}	new_password = generate_random_password(talloc_tos(),				DEFAULT_TRUST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_LENGTH,				DEFAULT_TRUST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_LENGTH);	ret = kerberos_set_password(ads->auth.kdc_server, host_principal, password, host_principal, new_password, ads->auth.time_offset);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(ret)) {		goto failed;	}	if (!secrets_store_machine_password(new_password, lp_workgroup(), sec_channel_type)) {		DEBUG(1,("Failed to save machine password/n"));		ret = ADS_ERROR_SYSTEM(EACCES);		goto failed;	}failed:	SAFE_FREE(password);	return ret;}

示例6: net_ads_printer_search

static int net_ads_printer_search(int argc, const char **argv){	ADS_STRUCT *ads;	ADS_STATUS rc;	void *res = NULL;	if (!(ads = ads_startup())) {		return -1;	}	rc = ads_find_printers(ads, &res);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(rc)) {		d_printf("ads_find_printer: %s/n", ads_errstr(rc));		ads_msgfree(ads, res);		ads_destroy(&ads);	 	return -1;	}	if (ads_count_replies(ads, res) == 0) {		d_printf("No results found/n");		ads_msgfree(ads, res);		ads_destroy(&ads);		return -1;	}	ads_dump(ads, res);	ads_msgfree(ads, res);	ads_destroy(&ads);	return 0;}

示例7: nt_printer_unpublish_ads

static WERROR nt_printer_unpublish_ads(ADS_STRUCT *ads,                                       const char *printer){	ADS_STATUS ads_rc;	LDAPMessage *res = NULL;	char *prt_dn = NULL;	DEBUG(5, ("unpublishing printer %s/n", printer));	/* remove the printer from the directory */	ads_rc = ads_find_printer_on_server(ads, &res,					    printer, lp_netbios_name());	if (ADS_ERR_OK(ads_rc) && res && ads_count_replies(ads, res)) {		prt_dn = ads_get_dn(ads, talloc_tos(), res);		if (!prt_dn) {			ads_msgfree(ads, res);			return WERR_NOMEM;		}		ads_rc = ads_del_dn(ads, prt_dn);		TALLOC_FREE(prt_dn);	}	if (res) {		ads_msgfree(ads, res);	}	return WERR_OK;}

示例8: net_ads_workgroup

/*    determine the netbios workgroup name for a domain */static int net_ads_workgroup(int argc, const char **argv){	ADS_STRUCT *ads;	TALLOC_CTX *ctx;	const char *workgroup;	if (!(ads = ads_startup())) return -1;	if (!(ctx = talloc_init("net_ads_workgroup"))) {		ads_destroy(&ads);		return -1;	}	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(ads_workgroup_name(ads, ctx, &workgroup))) {		d_printf("Failed to find workgroup for realm '%s'/n", 			 ads->config.realm);		talloc_destroy(ctx);		ads_destroy(&ads);		return -1;	}	d_printf("Workgroup: %s/n", workgroup);	talloc_destroy(ctx);	ads_destroy(&ads);	return 0;}

示例9: net_ads_status

static int net_ads_status(int argc, const char **argv){	ADS_STRUCT *ads;	ADS_STATUS rc;	void *res;	if (!(ads = ads_startup())) {		return -1;	}	rc = ads_find_machine_acct(ads, &res, global_myname());	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(rc)) {		d_printf("ads_find_machine_acct: %s/n", ads_errstr(rc));		ads_destroy(&ads);		return -1;	}	if (ads_count_replies(ads, res) == 0) {		d_printf("No machine account for '%s' found/n", global_myname());		ads_destroy(&ads);		return -1;	}	ads_dump(ads, res);	ads_destroy(&ads);	return 0;}

示例10: ads_sid_to_name

/* convert a sid to a user or group name */NTSTATUS ads_sid_to_name(ADS_STRUCT *ads,			 TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,			 const DOM_SID *sid,			 char **name,			 enum SID_NAME_USE *type){	const char *attrs[] = {"userPrincipalName", 			       "sAMAccountName",			       "sAMAccountType", NULL};	ADS_STATUS rc;	void *msg = NULL;	char *ldap_exp = NULL;	char *sidstr = NULL;	uint32 atype;	NTSTATUS status = NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;	if (!(sidstr = sid_binstring(sid))) {		DEBUG(1,("ads_sid_to_name: sid_binstring failed!/n"));		status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;		goto done;	}	if (asprintf(&ldap_exp, "(objectSid=%s)", sidstr) == -1) {		DEBUG(1,("ads_sid_to_name: asprintf failed!/n"));		status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;		goto done;	}	rc = ads_search_retry(ads, &msg, ldap_exp, attrs);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(rc)) {		status = ads_ntstatus(rc);		DEBUG(1,("ads_sid_to_name ads_search: %s/n", ads_errstr(rc)));		goto done;	}	if (!ads_pull_uint32(ads, msg, "sAMAccountType", &atype)) {		goto done;	}	*name = ads_pull_username(ads, mem_ctx, msg);	if (!*name) {		DEBUG(1,("ads_sid_to_name: ads_pull_username retuned NULL!/n"));		status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;		goto done;	}			*type = ads_atype_map(atype);	status = NT_STATUS_OK;	DEBUG(3,("ads sid_to_name mapped %s/n", *name));done:	if (msg) ads_msgfree(ads, msg);	SAFE_FREE(ldap_exp);	SAFE_FREE(sidstr);	return status;}

示例11: dump_gplink

void dump_gplink(ADS_STRUCT *ads, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct GP_LINK *gp_link){	ADS_STATUS status;	int i;	int lvl = 10;	if (gp_link == NULL) {		return;	}	DEBUG(lvl,("---------------------/n/n"));	DEBUGADD(lvl,("gplink: %s/n", gp_link->gp_link));	DEBUGADD(lvl,("gpopts: %d ", gp_link->gp_opts));	switch (gp_link->gp_opts) {		case GPOPTIONS_INHERIT:			DEBUGADD(lvl,("GPOPTIONS_INHERIT/n"));			break;		case GPOPTIONS_BLOCK_INHERITANCE:			DEBUGADD(lvl,("GPOPTIONS_BLOCK_INHERITANCE/n"));			break;		default:			break;	}	DEBUGADD(lvl,("num links: %d/n", gp_link->num_links));	for (i = 0; i < gp_link->num_links; i++) {		DEBUGADD(lvl,("---------------------/n/n"));		DEBUGADD(lvl,("link: #%d/n", i + 1));		DEBUGADD(lvl,("name: %s/n", gp_link->link_names[i]));		DEBUGADD(lvl,("opt: %d ", gp_link->link_opts[i]));		if (gp_link->link_opts[i] & GPO_LINK_OPT_ENFORCED) {			DEBUGADD(lvl,("GPO_LINK_OPT_ENFORCED "));		}		if (gp_link->link_opts[i] & GPO_LINK_OPT_DISABLED) {			DEBUGADD(lvl,("GPO_LINK_OPT_DISABLED"));		}		DEBUGADD(lvl,("/n"));		if (ads != NULL && mem_ctx != NULL) {			struct GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT gpo;			status = ads_get_gpo(ads, mem_ctx,					     gp_link->link_names[i],					     NULL, NULL, &gpo);			if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {				DEBUG(lvl,("get gpo for %s failed: %s/n",					gp_link->link_names[i],					ads_errstr(status)));				return;			}			dump_gpo(ads, mem_ctx, &gpo, lvl);		}	}}

示例12: gpo_process_gpo_list_by_ext

static ADS_STATUS gpo_process_gpo_list_by_ext(ADS_STRUCT *ads,					      TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,					      const struct security_token *token,					      struct registry_key *root_key,					      struct GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT *gpo_list,					      const char *extensions_guid,					      uint32_t flags){	ADS_STATUS status;	struct GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT *gpo;	for (gpo = gpo_list; gpo; gpo = gpo->next) {		if (gpo->link_type == GP_LINK_LOCAL) {			continue;		}		/* FIXME: we need to pass down the *list* down to the		 * extension, otherwise we cannot store the e.g. the *list* of		 * logon-scripts correctly (for more then one GPO) */		status = gpo_process_a_gpo(ads, mem_ctx, token, root_key,					   gpo, extensions_guid, flags);		if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {			DEBUG(0,("failed to process gpo by ext: %s/n",				ads_errstr(status)));			return status;		}	}	return ADS_SUCCESS;}

示例13: ads_sasl_bind

ADS_STATUS ads_sasl_bind(ADS_STRUCT *ads){	const char *attrs[] = {"supportedSASLMechanisms", NULL};	char **values;	ADS_STATUS status;	int i, j;	LDAPMessage *res;	/* get a list of supported SASL mechanisms */	status = ads_do_search(ads, "", LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", attrs, &res);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) return status;	values = ldap_get_values(ads->ld, res, "supportedSASLMechanisms");	/* try our supported mechanisms in order */	for (i=0;sasl_mechanisms[i].name;i++) {		/* see if the server supports it */		for (j=0;values && values[j];j++) {			if (strcmp(values[j], sasl_mechanisms[i].name) == 0) {				DEBUG(4,("Found SASL mechanism %s/n", values[j]));				status = sasl_mechanisms[i].fn(ads);				ldap_value_free(values);				ldap_msgfree(res);				return status;			}		}	}	ldap_value_free(values);	ldap_msgfree(res);	return ADS_ERROR(LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED);}

示例14: net_ads_leave

static int net_ads_leave(int argc, const char **argv){	ADS_STRUCT *ads = NULL;	ADS_STATUS rc;	if (!secrets_init()) {		DEBUG(1,("Failed to initialise secrets database/n"));		return -1;	}	if (!opt_password) {		net_use_machine_password();	}	if (!(ads = ads_startup())) {		return -1;	}	rc = ads_leave_realm(ads, global_myname());	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(rc)) {		d_printf("Failed to delete host '%s' from the '%s' realm./n", 			global_myname(), ads->config.realm);		ads_destroy(&ads);		return -1;	}	d_printf("Removed '%s' from realm '%s'/n", global_myname(), ads->config.realm);	ads_destroy(&ads);	return 0;}

示例15: nt_printer_guid_retrieve_internal

static WERROR nt_printer_guid_retrieve_internal(ADS_STRUCT *ads,						const char *printer_dn,						struct GUID *pguid){	ADS_STATUS ads_status;	LDAPMessage *res;	const char *attrs[] = {"objectGUID", NULL};	struct GUID guid;	bool ok;	ads_status = ads_search_dn(ads, &res, printer_dn, attrs);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(ads_status)) {		DEBUG(2, ("Failed to retrieve GUID from DC - %s/n",			  ads_errstr(ads_status)));		return WERR_BADFILE;	}	ZERO_STRUCT(guid);	ok = ads_pull_guid(ads, res, &guid);	ads_msgfree(ads, res);	if (!ok) {		return WERR_NOMEM;	}	*pguid = guid;	return WERR_OK;}

示例16: ads_sasl_ntlmssp_unwrap

static ADS_STATUS ads_sasl_ntlmssp_unwrap(ADS_STRUCT *ads){	struct ntlmssp_state *ntlmssp_state =		(struct ntlmssp_state *)ads->ldap.wrap_private_data;	ADS_STATUS status;	NTSTATUS nt_status;	DATA_BLOB sig;	uint8 *dptr = ads->ldap.in.buf + (4 + NTLMSSP_SIG_SIZE);	uint32 dlen = ads->ldap.in.ofs - (4 + NTLMSSP_SIG_SIZE);	/* wrap the signature into a DATA_BLOB */	sig = data_blob_const(ads->ldap.in.buf + 4, NTLMSSP_SIG_SIZE);	/* verify the signature and maybe decrypt the data */	if (ntlmssp_state->neg_flags & NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SEAL) {		nt_status = ntlmssp_unseal_packet(ntlmssp_state,						  dptr, dlen,						  dptr, dlen,						  &sig);	} else {		nt_status = ntlmssp_check_packet(ntlmssp_state,						 dptr, dlen,						 dptr, dlen,						 &sig);	}	status = ADS_ERROR_NT(nt_status);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) return status;	/* set the amount of bytes for the upper layer and set the ofs to the data */	ads->ldap.in.left	= dlen;	ads->ldap.in.ofs	= 4 + NTLMSSP_SIG_SIZE;	return ADS_SUCCESS;}

示例17: ads_disp_sd

/* display SD */void ads_disp_sd(ADS_STRUCT *ads, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct security_descriptor *sd){	int i;	char *tmp_path = NULL;	if (!sd) {		return;	}	if (ads && !ads->config.schema_path) {		if (ADS_ERR_OK(ads_schema_path(ads, mem_ctx, &tmp_path))) {			ads->config.schema_path = SMB_STRDUP(tmp_path);		}	}	if (ads && !ads->config.config_path) {		if (ADS_ERR_OK(ads_config_path(ads, mem_ctx, &tmp_path))) {			ads->config.config_path = SMB_STRDUP(tmp_path);		}	}	printf("-------------- Security Descriptor (revision: %d, type: 0x%02x)/n",                sd->revision,               sd->type);	printf("owner SID: %s/n", sd->owner_sid ? 		sid_string_talloc(mem_ctx, sd->owner_sid) : "(null)");	printf("group SID: %s/n", sd->group_sid ?		sid_string_talloc(mem_ctx, sd->group_sid) : "(null)");	ads_disp_acl(sd->sacl, "system");	if (sd->sacl) {		for (i = 0; i < sd->sacl->num_aces; i ++) {			ads_disp_ace(ads, mem_ctx, &sd->sacl->aces[i]);		}	}		ads_disp_acl(sd->dacl, "user");	if (sd->dacl) {		for (i = 0; i < sd->dacl->num_aces; i ++) {			ads_disp_ace(ads, mem_ctx, &sd->dacl->aces[i]);		}	}	printf("-------------- End Of Security Descriptor/n");}

示例18: net_ads_gpo_get_gpo

static int net_ads_gpo_get_gpo(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv){	ADS_STRUCT *ads;	ADS_STATUS status;	TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx;	struct GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT gpo;	if (argc < 1 || c->display_usage) {		d_printf("Usage:/n"			 "net ads gpo getgpo <gpo>/n"			 "  List speciefied GPO/n"			 "    gpo/t/tGPO to list/n");		return -1;	}	mem_ctx = talloc_init("ads_gpo_get_gpo");	if (mem_ctx == NULL) {		return -1;	}	status = ads_startup(c, false, &ads);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {		goto out;	}	if (strnequal(argv[0], "CN={", strlen("CN={"))) {		status = ads_get_gpo(ads, mem_ctx, argv[0], NULL, NULL, &gpo);	} else {		status = ads_get_gpo(ads, mem_ctx, NULL, argv[0], NULL, &gpo);	}	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {		d_printf("get gpo for [%s] failed: %s/n", argv[0],			ads_errstr(status));		goto out;	}	dump_gpo(ads, mem_ctx, &gpo, 1);out:	talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);	ads_destroy(&ads);	return 0;}

示例19: ads_group_add

static int ads_group_add(int argc, const char **argv){	ADS_STRUCT *ads;	ADS_STATUS status;	void *res=NULL;	int rc = -1;	if (argc < 1) {		return net_ads_group_usage(argc, argv);	}		if (!(ads = ads_startup())) {		return -1;	}	status = ads_find_user_acct(ads, &res, argv[0]);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {		d_printf("ads_group_add: %s/n", ads_errstr(status));		goto done;	}		if (ads_count_replies(ads, res)) {		d_printf("ads_group_add: Group %s already exists/n", argv[0]);		ads_msgfree(ads, res);		goto done;	}	status = ads_add_group_acct(ads, argv[0], opt_container, opt_comment);	if (ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {		d_printf("Group %s added/n", argv[0]);		rc = 0;	} else {		d_printf("Could not add group %s: %s/n", argv[0],			 ads_errstr(status));	} done:	if (res)		ads_msgfree(ads, res);	ads_destroy(&ads);	return rc;}

示例20: net_ads_gpo_link_add

static int net_ads_gpo_link_add(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv){	ADS_STRUCT *ads;	ADS_STATUS status;	uint32 gpo_opt = 0;	TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx;	if (argc < 2 || c->display_usage) {		d_printf("Usage:/n"			 "net ads gpo linkadd <linkdn> <gpodn> [options]/n"			 "  Link a container to a GPO/n"			 "    linkdn/tContainer to link to a GPO/n"			 "    gpodn/tGPO to link container to/n");		d_printf("note: DNs must be provided properly escaped./n");		d_printf("See RFC 4514 for details/n");		return -1;	}	mem_ctx = talloc_init("add_gpo_link");	if (mem_ctx == NULL) {		return -1;	}	if (argc == 3) {		gpo_opt = atoi(argv[2]);	}	status = ads_startup(c, false, &ads);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {		goto out;	}	status = ads_add_gpo_link(ads, mem_ctx, argv[0], argv[1], gpo_opt);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {		d_printf("link add failed: %s/n", ads_errstr(status));		goto out;	}out:	talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);	ads_destroy(&ads);	return 0;}

示例21: ads_ranged_search

ADS_STATUS ads_ranged_search(ADS_STRUCT *ads, 			     TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,			     int scope,			     const char *base,			     const char *filter,			     void *args,			     const char *range_attr,			     char ***strings,			     size_t *num_strings){	ADS_STATUS status;	uint32_t first_usn;	int num_retries = 0;	const char **attrs;	bool more_values = False;	*num_strings = 0;	*strings = NULL;	attrs = talloc_array(mem_ctx, const char *, 3);	ADS_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(attrs);	attrs[0] = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, range_attr);	attrs[1] = talloc_strdup(mem_ctx, "usnChanged");	attrs[2] = NULL;	ADS_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(attrs[0]);	ADS_ERROR_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(attrs[1]);	do {		status = ads_ranged_search_internal(ads, mem_ctx, 						    scope, base, filter, 						    attrs, args, range_attr, 						    strings, num_strings,						    &first_usn, &num_retries, 						    &more_values);		if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES, ads_ntstatus(status))) {			continue;		}		if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {			*num_strings = 0;			strings = NULL;			goto done;		}	} while (more_values); done:	DEBUG(10,("returning with %d strings/n", (int)*num_strings));	return status;}

示例22: net_ads_gpo_link_get

static int net_ads_gpo_link_get(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv){	ADS_STRUCT *ads;	ADS_STATUS status;	TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx;	struct GP_LINK gp_link;	if (argc < 1 || c->display_usage) {		d_printf("Usage:/n"			 "net ads gpo linkget <container>/n"			 "  Lists gPLink of a containter/n"			 "    container/tContainer to get link for/n");		return -1;	}	mem_ctx = talloc_init("add_gpo_link");	if (mem_ctx == NULL) {		return -1;	}	status = ads_startup(c, false, &ads);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {		goto out;	}	status = ads_get_gpo_link(ads, mem_ctx, argv[0], &gp_link);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {		d_printf("get link for %s failed: %s/n", argv[0],			ads_errstr(status));		goto out;	}	dump_gplink(ads, mem_ctx, &gp_link);out:	talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);	ads_destroy(&ads);	return 0;}

示例23: ads_generate_service_principal

static ADS_STATUS ads_generate_service_principal(ADS_STRUCT *ads,						 const char *given_principal,						 struct ads_service_principal *p){	ADS_STATUS status;#ifdef HAVE_KRB5	gss_buffer_desc input_name;	/* GSS_KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME */	gss_OID_desc nt_principal =	{10, discard_const_p(char, "/x2a/x86/x48/x86/xf7/x12/x01/x02/x02/x01")};	uint32 minor_status;	int gss_rc;#endif	ZERO_STRUCTP(p);	/* I've seen a child Windows 2000 domain not send	   the principal name back in the first round of	   the SASL bind reply.  So we guess based on server	   name and realm.  --jerry  */	/* Also try best guess when we get the w2k8 ignore principal	   back, or when we are configured to ignore it - gd,	   abartlet */	if (!lp_client_use_spnego_principal() ||	    !given_principal ||	    strequal(given_principal, ADS_IGNORE_PRINCIPAL)) {		status = ads_guess_service_principal(ads, &p->string);		if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {			return status;		}	} else {		p->string = SMB_STRDUP(given_principal);		if (!p->string) {			return ADS_ERROR(LDAP_NO_MEMORY);		}	}#ifdef HAVE_KRB5	input_name.value = p->string;	input_name.length = strlen(p->string);	gss_rc = gss_import_name(&minor_status, &input_name, &nt_principal, &p->name);	if (gss_rc) {		ads_free_service_principal(p);		return ADS_ERROR_GSS(gss_rc, minor_status);	}#endif	return ADS_SUCCESS;}

示例24: nt_printer_guid_retrieve

WERROR nt_printer_guid_retrieve(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const char *printer,				struct GUID *pguid){	ADS_STRUCT *ads = NULL;	char *old_krb5ccname = NULL;	char *printer_dn;	WERROR result;	ADS_STATUS ads_status;	TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx;	tmp_ctx = talloc_new(mem_ctx);	if (tmp_ctx == NULL) {		return WERR_NOMEM;	}	ads = ads_init(lp_realm(), lp_workgroup(), NULL);	if (ads == NULL) {		result = WERR_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE;		goto out;	}	old_krb5ccname = getenv(KRB5_ENV_CCNAME);	setenv(KRB5_ENV_CCNAME, "MEMORY:prtpub_cache", 1);	SAFE_FREE(ads->auth.password);	ads->auth.password = secrets_fetch_machine_password(lp_workgroup(),							    NULL, NULL);	ads_status = ads_connect(ads);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(ads_status)) {		DEBUG(3, ("ads_connect failed: %s/n", ads_errstr(ads_status)));		result = WERR_ACCESS_DENIED;		goto out;	}	result = nt_printer_dn_lookup(tmp_ctx, ads, printer, &printer_dn);	if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(result)) {		goto out;	}	result = nt_printer_guid_retrieve_internal(ads, printer_dn, pguid);out:	TALLOC_FREE(tmp_ctx);	ads_destroy(&ads);	ads_kdestroy("MEMORY:prtpub_cache");	unsetenv(KRB5_ENV_CCNAME);	if (old_krb5ccname != NULL) {		setenv(KRB5_ENV_CCNAME, old_krb5ccname, 0);	}	return result;}

示例25: ads_user_info

static int ads_user_info(int argc, const char **argv){	ADS_STRUCT *ads;	ADS_STATUS rc;	void *res;	const char *attrs[] = {"memberOf", NULL};	char *searchstring=NULL;	char **grouplist;	char *escaped_user = escape_ldap_string_alloc(argv[0]);	if (argc < 1) {		return net_ads_user_usage(argc, argv);	}		if (!(ads = ads_startup())) {		return -1;	}	if (!escaped_user) {		d_printf("ads_user_info: failed to escape user %s/n", argv[0]);		ads_destroy(&ads);	 	return -1;	}	asprintf(&searchstring, "(sAMAccountName=%s)", escaped_user);	rc = ads_search(ads, &res, searchstring, attrs);	safe_free(searchstring);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(rc)) {		d_printf("ads_search: %s/n", ads_errstr(rc));		ads_destroy(&ads);		return -1;	}		grouplist = ldap_get_values(ads->ld, res, "memberOf");	if (grouplist) {		int i;		char **groupname;		for (i=0;grouplist[i];i++) {			groupname = ldap_explode_dn(grouplist[i], 1);			d_printf("%s/n", groupname[0]);			ldap_value_free(groupname);		}		ldap_value_free(grouplist);	}		ads_msgfree(ads, res);	ads_destroy(&ads);	return 0;}

示例26: ads_sasl_bind

ADS_STATUS ads_sasl_bind(ADS_STRUCT *ads){	const char *attrs[] = {"supportedSASLMechanisms", NULL};	char **values;	ADS_STATUS status;	int i, j;	LDAPMessage *res;	struct ads_saslwrap *wrap = &ads->ldap_wrap_data;	/* get a list of supported SASL mechanisms */	status = ads_do_search(ads, "", LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", attrs, &res);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) return status;	values = ldap_get_values(ads->ldap.ld, res, "supportedSASLMechanisms");	if (ads->auth.flags & ADS_AUTH_SASL_SEAL) {		wrap->wrap_type = ADS_SASLWRAP_TYPE_SEAL;	} else if (ads->auth.flags & ADS_AUTH_SASL_SIGN) {		wrap->wrap_type = ADS_SASLWRAP_TYPE_SIGN;	} else {		wrap->wrap_type = ADS_SASLWRAP_TYPE_PLAIN;	}	/* try our supported mechanisms in order */	for (i=0;sasl_mechanisms[i].name;i++) {		/* see if the server supports it */		for (j=0;values && values[j];j++) {			if (strcmp(values[j], sasl_mechanisms[i].name) == 0) {				DEBUG(4,("Found SASL mechanism %s/n", values[j]));retry:				status = sasl_mechanisms[i].fn(ads);				if (status.error_type == ENUM_ADS_ERROR_LDAP &&				    status.err.rc == LDAP_STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED &&				    wrap->wrap_type == ADS_SASLWRAP_TYPE_PLAIN)				{					DEBUG(3,("SASL bin got LDAP_STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED "						 "retrying with signing enabled/n"));					wrap->wrap_type = ADS_SASLWRAP_TYPE_SIGN;					goto retry;				}				ldap_value_free(values);				ldap_msgfree(res);				return status;			}		}	}	ldap_value_free(values);	ldap_msgfree(res);	return ADS_ERROR(LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED);}

示例27: net_ads_gpo_link_delete

static int net_ads_gpo_link_delete(struct net_context *c, int argc, const char **argv){	ADS_STRUCT *ads;	ADS_STATUS status;	TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx;	if (argc < 2 || c->display_usage) {		d_printf("Usage:/n"			 "net ads gpo linkdelete <linkdn> <gpodn>/n"			 "  Delete a GPO link/n"			 "    <linkdn>/tContainer to delete GPO from/n"			 "    <gpodn>/tGPO to delete from container/n");		return -1;	}	mem_ctx = talloc_init("delete_gpo_link");	if (mem_ctx == NULL) {		return -1;	}	status = ads_startup(c, false, &ads);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {		goto out;	}	status = ads_delete_gpo_link(ads, mem_ctx, argv[0], argv[1]);	if (!ADS_ERR_OK(status)) {		d_printf("delete link failed: %s/n", ads_errstr(status));		goto out;	}out:	talloc_destroy(mem_ctx);	ads_destroy(&ads);	return 0;}

示例28: net_ads_changetrustpw

int net_ads_changetrustpw(int argc, const char **argv){    	ADS_STRUCT *ads;	char *host_principal;	fstring my_name;	ADS_STATUS ret;	if (!secrets_init()) {		DEBUG(1,("Failed to initialise secrets database/n"));		return -1;	}	net_use_machine_password();	use_in_memory_ccache();	if (!(ads = ads_startup())) {		return -1;	}	fstrcpy(my_name, global_myname());	strlower_m(my_name);	asprintf(&host_principal, "%[email
C++ ADVANCE函数代码示例
C++ ADS_ERROR_NT函数代码示例