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自学教程:C++ AIM_Initialize函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:34:12
这篇教程C++ AIM_Initialize函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中AIM_Initialize函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AIM_Initialize函数的具体用法?C++ AIM_Initialize怎么用?C++ AIM_Initialize使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: SetInstanceId

void Totem::Summon(Unit* owner){    sLog.outDebug("AddObject at Totem.cpp line 49");    SetInstanceId(owner->GetInstanceId());    owner->GetMap()->Add((Creature*)this);    // select totem model in dependent from owner team    CreatureInfo const *cinfo = GetCreatureInfo();    if(owner->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER && cinfo)    {        uint32 display_id = objmgr.ChooseDisplayId(((Player*)owner)->GetTeam(),cinfo);        CreatureModelInfo const *minfo = objmgr.GetCreatureModelRandomGender(display_id);        if (minfo)            display_id = minfo->modelid;        SetDisplayId(display_id);    }    WorldPacket data(SMSG_GAMEOBJECT_SPAWN_ANIM_OBSOLETE, 8);    data << GetGUID();    SendMessageToSet(&data,true);    AIM_Initialize();    switch(m_type)    {        case TOTEM_PASSIVE: CastSpell(this, GetSpell(), true); break;        case TOTEM_STATUE:  CastSpell(GetOwner(), GetSpell(), true); break;        default: break;    }}

示例2: setPowerType

void Vehicle::AddToWorld(){    if(!IsInWorld())    {        if(m_zoneScript)            m_zoneScript->OnCreatureCreate(this, true);        ObjectAccessor::Instance().AddObject(this);        for(uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_SPELL_VEHICLE; ++i)        {            if(!m_spells[i])                continue;            SpellEntry const *spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(m_spells[i]);            if(!spellInfo)                continue;            if(spellInfo->powerType == POWER_MANA)                break;            if(spellInfo->powerType == POWER_ENERGY)            {                setPowerType(POWER_ENERGY);                SetMaxPower(POWER_ENERGY, 100);                break;            }        }        Unit::AddToWorld();        InstallAllAccessories();        AIM_Initialize();    }}

示例3: AIM_Initialize

void Totem::Summon(Unit* owner){    AIM_Initialize();    owner->GetMap()->Add((Creature*)this);    if (owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT && ((Creature*)owner)->AI())        ((Creature*)owner)->AI()->JustSummoned((Creature*)this);    // there are some totems, which exist just for their visual appeareance    if (!GetSpell())        return;    switch(m_type)    {    case TOTEM_PASSIVE:        for (int i=0; i<MAX_CREATURE_SPELL_DATA_SLOT; ++i)            if (m_spells[i])                CastSpell(this, m_spells[i], true);        break;    case TOTEM_STATUE:        CastSpell(GetOwner(), GetSpell(), true);        break;    default:        break;    }}

示例4: AIM_Initialize

void Totem::Summon(Unit* owner){    AIM_Initialize();    owner->GetMap()->Add((Creature*)this);    if (owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT && ((Creature*)owner)->AI())        ((Creature*)owner)->AI()->JustSummoned((Creature*)this);#ifdef ENABLE_ELUNA    sEluna->OnSummoned(this, owner);#endif /* ENABLE_ELUNA */    // there are some totems, which exist just for their visual appeareance    if (!GetSpell())        return;    switch (m_type)    {        case TOTEM_PASSIVE:            CastSpell(this, GetSpell(), true);            break;        case TOTEM_STATUE:            CastSpell(GetOwner(), GetSpell(), true);            break;        default: break;    }}

示例5: AIM_Initialize

void Totem::Summon(Unit* owner){    AIM_Initialize();    owner->GetMap()->Add((Creature*)this);    if (owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT && ((Creature*)owner)->AI())        ((Creature*)owner)->AI()->JustSummoned((Creature*)this);    // there are some totems, which exist just for their visual appeareance    if (!GetSpell())        return;    switch(m_type)    {        case TOTEM_PASSIVE:            CastSpell(this, GetSpell(), true);            // Totem of Wrath, Area Aura Enemies: Mod Crit % Taken            if (m_spells[1] == 30708)                CastSpell(this, m_spells[1], true);            break;        case TOTEM_STATUE:            CastSpell(GetOwner(), GetSpell(), true);            break;        default: break;    }}

示例6: SetMaxHealth

void Totem::Summon(Unit* owner){	if(!owner)		return;	// Mana Tide Totem should have 10% of caster's health	if(GetSpell() == 16191)	{		SetMaxHealth(owner->GetMaxHealth()*10/100);		SetHealth(GetMaxHealth());	}    owner->GetMap()->Add((Creature*)this);    AIM_Initialize();    // there are some totems, which exist just for their visual appeareance    if (!GetSpell())        return;    switch(m_type)    {        case TOTEM_PASSIVE:            CastSpell(this, GetSpell(), true);            break;        case TOTEM_STATUE:            CastSpell(GetOwner(), GetSpell(), true);            break;        default: break;    }}

示例7: AIM_Initialize

void Totem::Summon(Unit* owner){    AIM_Initialize();    owner->GetMap()->Add((Creature*)this);    WorldPacket data(SMSG_GAMEOBJECT_SPAWN_ANIM_OBSOLETE, 8);    data << GetObjectGuid();    SendMessageToSet(&data,true);    if (owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT && ((Creature*)owner)->AI())        ((Creature*)owner)->AI()->JustSummoned((Creature*)this);    // there are some totems, which exist just for their visual appeareance    if (!GetSpell())        return;    switch(m_type)    {        case TOTEM_PASSIVE:            CastSpell(this, GetSpell(), true);            break;        case TOTEM_STATUE:            CastSpell(GetOwner(), GetSpell(), true);            break;        default: break;    }}

示例8: GetCreatureInfo

void Totem::Summon(Unit* owner){    owner->GetMap()->Add((Creature*)this);    // select totem model in dependent from owner team    CreatureInfo const *cinfo = GetCreatureInfo();    if(owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && cinfo)    {        uint32 display_id = sObjectMgr.ChooseDisplayId(((Player*)owner)->GetTeam(), cinfo);        CreatureModelInfo const *minfo = sObjectMgr.GetCreatureModelRandomGender(display_id);        if (minfo)            display_id = minfo->modelid;        SetDisplayId(display_id);    }    AIM_Initialize();    // there are some totems, which exist just for their visual appeareance    if (!GetSpell())        return;    switch(m_type)    {        case TOTEM_PASSIVE:            CastSpell(this, GetSpell(), true);            break;        case TOTEM_STATUE:            CastSpell(GetOwner(), GetSpell(), true);            break;        default: break;    }}

示例9: AIM_Initialize

void Totem::Summon(Unit* owner){    AIM_Initialize();    owner->GetMap()->Add((Creature*)this);    if (owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT && ((Creature*)owner)->AI())        ((Creature*)owner)->AI()->JustSummoned((Creature*)this);    switch(m_type)    {        case TOTEM_PASSIVE:        {            for (uint32 i = 0; i <= GetSpellMaxIndex(); ++i)            {                if (uint32 spellId = GetSpell(i))                    CastSpell(this, spellId, true);            }            break;        }        case TOTEM_STATUE:        {            if (GetSpell(0))                CastSpell(GetOwner(), GetSpell(0), true);            break;        }        default:            break;    }}

示例10: SetMapId

bool Vehicle::Create(uint32 guidlow, Map *map, uint32 Entry, uint32 vehicleId, uint32 team){    SetMapId(map->GetId());    SetInstanceId(map->GetInstanceId());    Object::_Create(guidlow, Entry, HIGHGUID_VEHICLE);    if(!InitEntry(Entry, team))        return false;    m_defaultMovementType = IDLE_MOTION_TYPE;    AIM_Initialize();    SetVehicleId(vehicleId);    SetUInt32Value(UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_SPELLCLICK);    SetFloatValue(UNIT_FIELD_HOVERHEIGHT, 1.0f);    CreatureInfo const *ci = GetCreatureInfo();    setFaction(team == ALLIANCE ? ci->faction_A : ci->faction_H);    SetMaxHealth(ci->maxhealth);    SelectLevel(ci);    SetHealth(GetMaxHealth());    return true;}

示例11: SetSummonProperties

void TemporarySummon::Summon(TempSummonType type, uint32 lifetime){    SetSummonProperties(type, lifetime);    GetMap()->Add((Creature*)this);    AIM_Initialize();}

示例12: AIM_Initialize

void TemporarySummon::Summon(TempSummonType type, uint32 lifetime){    m_type = type;    m_timer = lifetime;    m_lifetime = lifetime;    AIM_Initialize();    GetMap()->Add((Creature*)this);}

示例13: AIM_Initialize

void TemporarySummon::Summon(TempSummonType type, uint32 lifetime){    m_type = type;    m_timer = lifetime;    m_lifetime = lifetime;    MapManager::Instance().GetMap(GetMapId(), this)->Add((Creature*)this);    AIM_Initialize();}

示例14: UpdateNPCPositions

void Transport::Update(uint32 p_diff){    UpdateNPCPositions();	if (!AI())    {		if (!AIM_Initialize())			sLog->outError("Could not initialize GameObjectAI for Transport");	}    else		AI()->UpdateAI(p_diff);	if (m_WayPoints.size() <= 1)		return;	m_timer = getMSTime() % m_period;	while (((m_timer - m_curr->first) % m_pathTime)	> ((m_next->first - m_curr->first) % m_pathTime))    {		DoEventIfAny(*m_curr, true);		m_curr = GetNextWayPoint();		m_next = GetNextWayPoint();		DoEventIfAny(*m_curr, false);		// first check help in case client-server transport coordinates de-synchronization		if (m_curr->second.mapid != GetMapId() || m_curr->second.teleport)         {			TeleportTransport(m_curr->second.mapid, m_curr->second.x,			m_curr->second.y, m_curr->second.z);		}         else         {			Relocate(m_curr->second.x, m_curr->second.y, m_curr->second.z, GetAngle(m_next->second.x, m_next->second.y) + float(M_PI));		}		sScriptMgr->OnRelocate(this, m_curr->first, m_curr->second.mapid,		m_curr->second.x, m_curr->second.y, m_curr->second.z);		m_nextNodeTime = m_curr->first;		if (m_curr == m_WayPoints.begin())			sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_TRANSPORTS,					" ************ BEGIN ************** %s", m_name.c_str());		sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_TRANSPORTS, "%s moved to %d %f %f %f %d",		m_name.c_str(), m_curr->second.id, m_curr->second.x,		m_curr->second.y, m_curr->second.z, m_curr->second.mapid);	}	sScriptMgr->OnTransportUpdate(this, p_diff);}

示例15: Update

void Transport::Update(uint32 p_diff){    if (!AI())    {        if (!AIM_Initialize())            TC_LOG_ERROR("entities.transport", "Could not initialize GameObjectAI for Transport");    }    else        AI()->UpdateAI(p_diff);    if (m_WayPoints.size() <= 1)        return;    if (!m_period)        return;    m_timer = getMSTime() % m_period;    while (((m_timer - m_curr->first) % m_pathTime) > ((m_next->first - m_curr->first) % m_pathTime))    {        DoEventIfAny(*m_curr, true);        m_curr = GetNextWayPoint();        m_next = GetNextWayPoint();        DoEventIfAny(*m_curr, false);        // first check help in case client-server transport coordinates de-synchronization        if (m_curr->second.mapid != GetMapId() || m_curr->second.teleport)        {            TeleportTransport(m_curr->second.mapid, m_curr->second.x, m_curr->second.y, m_curr->second.z);        }        else        {            Relocate(m_curr->second.x, m_curr->second.y, m_curr->second.z, GetAngle(m_next->second.x, m_next->second.y) + float(M_PI));            UpdateNPCPositions(); // COME BACK MARKER            // This forces the server to update positions in transportation for players -- gunship            UpdatePlayerPositions();        }        sScriptMgr->OnRelocate(this, m_curr->first, m_curr->second.mapid, m_curr->second.x, m_curr->second.y, m_curr->second.z);        m_nextNodeTime = m_curr->first;        if (m_curr == m_WayPoints.begin())            TC_LOG_DEBUG("entities.transport", " ************ BEGIN ************** %s", m_name.c_str());        TC_LOG_DEBUG("entities.transport", "%s moved to %d %f %f %f %d", m_name.c_str(), m_curr->second.id, m_curr->second.x, m_curr->second.y, m_curr->second.z, m_curr->second.mapid);    }    sScriptMgr->OnTransportUpdate(this, p_diff);}

示例16: data

void Totem::Summon(){    sLog.outDebug("AddObject at Totem.cpp line 49");    MapManager::Instance().GetMap(GetMapId())->Add((Creature*)this);    WorldPacket data(SMSG_GAMEOBJECT_SPAWN_ANIM, 8);    data << GetGUID();    SendMessageToSet(&data,true);    AIM_Initialize();    if (m_type == TOTEM_PASSIVE)        this->CastSpell(this, m_spell, true);}

示例17: GetCreatureInfo

void Totem::Summon(Unit* owner){    CreatureInfo const *cinfo = GetCreatureInfo();    if (owner->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER && cinfo)    {        uint32 modelid = 0;        if(((Player*)owner)->GetTeam() == HORDE)        {            if(cinfo->Modelid_H1)                modelid = cinfo->Modelid_H1;            else if(cinfo->Modelid_H2)                modelid = cinfo->Modelid_H2;        }        else        {            if(cinfo->Modelid_A1)                modelid = cinfo->Modelid_A1;            else if(cinfo->Modelid_A2)                modelid = cinfo->Modelid_A2;        }        if (modelid)            SetDisplayId(modelid);        else            sLog.outErrorDb("Totem::Summon: Missing modelid information for entry %u, team %u, totem will use default values.",GetEntry(),((Player*)owner)->GetTeam());    }    // Only add if a display exists.    sLog.outDebug("AddObject at Totem.cpp line 49");    SetInstanceId(owner->GetInstanceId());    owner->GetMap()->Add((Creature*)this);    WorldPacket data(SMSG_GAMEOBJECT_SPAWN_ANIM_OBSOLETE, 8);    data << GetGUID();    SendMessageToSet(&data,true);    AIM_Initialize();    switch(m_type)    {        case TOTEM_PASSIVE: CastSpell(this, GetSpell(), true); break;        case TOTEM_STATUE:  CastSpell(GetOwner(), GetSpell(), true); break;        default: break;    }    if(GetEntry() == SENTRY_TOTEM_ENTRY)        SetReactState(REACT_AGGRESSIVE);}

示例18: SetInstanceId

void Totem::Summon(Unit* owner){    sLog.outDebug("AddObject at Totem.cpp line 49");    SetInstanceId(owner->GetInstanceId());    owner->GetMap()->Add((Creature*)this);    // select totem model in dependent from owner team [-ZERO] not implemented/useful    CreatureInfo const *cinfo = GetCreatureInfo();    if(owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && cinfo)    {        uint32 display_id = sObjectMgr.ChooseDisplayId(((Player*)owner)->GetTeam(), cinfo);        CreatureModelInfo const *minfo = sObjectMgr.GetCreatureModelRandomGender(display_id);        if (minfo)            display_id = minfo->modelid;        SetDisplayId(display_id);    }    WorldPacket data(SMSG_GAMEOBJECT_SPAWN_ANIM_OBSOLETE, 8);    data << GetGUID();    SendMessageToSet(&data,true);    AIM_Initialize();    if (owner->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT && ((Creature*)owner)->AI())        ((Creature*)owner)->AI()->JustSummoned((Creature*)this);    // there are some totems, which exist just for their visual appeareance    if (!GetSpell())        return;    switch(m_type)    {        case TOTEM_PASSIVE:            CastSpell(this, GetSpell(), true);            break;        case TOTEM_STATUE:            CastSpell(GetOwner(), GetSpell(), true);            break;        default: break;    }}

示例19: ASSERT

void Creature::LoadFromDB(uint32 guid){    std::stringstream ss;    ss << "SELECT * FROM creatures WHERE id=" << guid;    QueryResult *result = sDatabase.Query( ss.str().c_str() );    ASSERT(result);    Field *fields = result->Fetch();        Create(fields[8].GetUInt32(), objmgr.GetCreatureName(fields[8].GetUInt32())->Name.c_str(), fields[6].GetUInt32(),        fields[1].GetFloat(), fields[2].GetFloat(), fields[3].GetFloat(), fields[4].GetFloat(), fields[8].GetUInt32());    m_zoneId = fields[5].GetUInt32();    m_moveRandom = fields[9].GetBool();    m_moveRun = fields[10].GetBool();    LoadValues(fields[7].GetString());            SetNameId(fields[8].GetUInt32());    _RealtimeSetCreatureInfo();    delete result;    if ( HasFlag( UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_VENDOR ) )        _LoadGoods();    if ( HasFlag( UNIT_NPC_FLAGS, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_QUESTGIVER ) )        _LoadQuests();        SetUInt32Value( OBJECT_FIELD_GUID+1, HIGHGUID_UNIT );    AIM_Initialize();}

示例20: AIM_Initialize

void Totem::Summon(Unit* owner){    owner->GetMap()->Add((Creature*)this);    AIM_Initialize();    if (owner->AI())        owner->AI()->JustSummoned((Creature*)this);    sEluna->OnSummoned(this, owner);    // there are some totems, which exist just for their visual appeareance    if (!GetSpell())        return;    switch (m_type)    {        case TOTEM_PASSIVE:            CastSpell(this, GetSpell(), TRIGGERED_OLD_TRIGGERED);            break;        case TOTEM_STATUE:            CastSpell(GetOwner(), GetSpell(), TRIGGERED_OLD_TRIGGERED);            break;        default: break;    }}

示例21: ON

bool Creature::LoadFromDB(uint32 guid, QueryResult *result, uint32 InstanceId){    bool external = (result != NULL);    if (!external)        //                                0    1     2            3            4            5             6               7           8                  9                  10                 11          12        13            14           15             16        result = sDatabase.PQuery("SELECT `id`,`map`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`,`orientation`,`spawntimesecs`,`spawndist`,`spawn_position_x`,`spawn_position_y`,`spawn_position_z`,`curhealth`,`curmana`,`respawntime`,`DeathState`,`MovementType`,`auras` "            "FROM `creature` LEFT JOIN `creature_respawn` ON ((`creature`.`guid`=`creature_respawn`.`guid`) AND (`creature_respawn`.`instance` = '%u')) WHERE `creature`.`guid` = '%u'", InstanceId, guid);    if(!result)    {        sLog.outErrorDb("Creature (GUID: %u) not found in table `creature`, can't load. ",guid);        return false;    }    Field *fields = result->Fetch();    uint32 stored_guid = guid;    if (InstanceId != 0) guid = objmgr.GenerateLowGuid(HIGHGUID_UNIT);    SetInstanceId(InstanceId);    if(!Create(guid,fields[1].GetUInt32(),fields[2].GetFloat(),fields[3].GetFloat(),        fields[4].GetFloat(),fields[5].GetFloat(),fields[0].GetUInt32()))    {        if (!external) delete result;        return false;    }    m_DBTableGuid = stored_guid;    if(GetCreatureInfo()->rank > 0)        this->m_corpseDelay *= 3;                           //if creature is elite, then remove corpse later    SetHealth(fields[11].GetUInt32());    SetPower(POWER_MANA,fields[12].GetUInt32());    m_respawnradius = fields[7].GetFloat();    respawn_cord[0] = fields[8].GetFloat();    respawn_cord[1] = fields[9].GetFloat();    respawn_cord[2] = fields[10].GetFloat();    m_respawnDelay = fields[6].GetUInt32();    m_deathState = (DeathState)fields[14].GetUInt32();    if(m_deathState == JUST_DIED)                           // Dont must be set to JUST_DEAD, see Creature::setDeathState JUST_DIED -> CORPSE promoting.    {        sLog.outErrorDb("Creature (GUIDLow: %u Entry: %u ) in wrong state: JUST_DEAD (1). State set to ALIVE.",GetGUIDLow(),GetEntry());        m_deathState = ALIVE;    }    else    if(m_deathState < ALIVE || m_deathState > DEAD)    {        sLog.outErrorDb("Creature (GUIDLow: %u Entry: %u ) in wrong state: %d. State set to ALIVE.",GetGUIDLow(),GetEntry(),m_deathState);        m_deathState = ALIVE;    }    m_respawnTime  = (time_t)fields[13].GetUInt64();    if(m_respawnTime > time(NULL))                          // not ready to respawn        m_deathState = DEAD;    else                                                    // ready to respawn    {        m_respawnTime = 0;        sDatabase.PExecute("DELETE FROM `creature_respawn` WHERE `guid` = '%u' AND `instance` = '%u'", m_DBTableGuid, GetInstanceId());    }    {        uint32 mtg = fields[15].GetUInt32();        if(mtg < MAX_DB_MOTION_TYPE)            m_defaultMovementType = MovementGeneratorType(mtg);        else        {            m_defaultMovementType = IDLE_MOTION_TYPE;            sLog.outErrorDb("Creature (GUID: %u ID: %u) have wrong movement generator type value %u, ignore and set to IDLE.",guid,GetEntry(),mtg);        }    }    if(!external) delete result;    LoadFlagRelatedData();        AIM_Initialize();    return true;}

示例22: AI

void Transport::Update(uint32 diff){    uint32 const positionUpdateDelay = 200;    if (AI())        AI()->UpdateAI(diff);    else if (!AIM_Initialize())        TC_LOG_ERROR("entities.transport", "Could not initialize GameObjectAI for Transport");    if (GetKeyFrames().size() <= 1)        return;    m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress += diff;    uint32 timer = m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress % GetPeriod();    // Set current waypoint    // Desired outcome: _currentFrame->DepartureTime < timer < _nextFrame->ArriveTime    // ... arrive | ... delay ... | departure    //      event /         event /    for (;;)    {        if (timer >= _currentFrame->ArriveTime)        {            if (!_triggeredArrivalEvent)            {                DoEventIfAny(*_currentFrame, false);                _triggeredArrivalEvent = true;            }            if (timer < _currentFrame->DepartureTime)            {                SetMoving(false);                if (_pendingStop)                    SetGoState(GO_STATE_READY);                break;  // its a stop frame and we are waiting            }        }        if (_pendingStop && timer >= _currentFrame->DepartureTime && GetGoState() == GO_STATE_READY)        {            m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress = (m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress / GetPeriod());            m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress *= GetPeriod();            m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress += _currentFrame->ArriveTime;            break;        }        if (timer >= _currentFrame->DepartureTime && !_triggeredDepartureEvent)        {            DoEventIfAny(*_currentFrame, true); // departure event            _triggeredDepartureEvent = true;        }        if (timer >= _currentFrame->DepartureTime && timer < _currentFrame->NextArriveTime)            break;  // found current waypoint        MoveToNextWaypoint();        // not waiting anymore        SetMoving(true);        // Enable movement        if (GetGOInfo()->moTransport.canBeStopped)            SetGoState(GO_STATE_ACTIVE);        sScriptMgr->OnRelocate(this, _currentFrame->Node->index, _currentFrame->Node->mapid, _currentFrame->Node->x, _currentFrame->Node->y, _currentFrame->Node->z);        TC_LOG_DEBUG("entities.transport", "Transport %u (%s) moved to node %u %u %f %f %f", GetEntry(), GetName().c_str(), _currentFrame->Node->index, _currentFrame->Node->mapid, _currentFrame->Node->x, _currentFrame->Node->y, _currentFrame->Node->z);        // Departure event        if (_currentFrame->IsTeleportFrame())            if (TeleportTransport(_nextFrame->Node->mapid, _nextFrame->Node->x, _nextFrame->Node->y, _nextFrame->Node->z))                return; // Update more in new map thread    }	// Add model to map after we are fully done with moving maps    if (_delayedAddModel)    {        _delayedAddModel = false;        if (m_model)            GetMap()->InsertGameObjectModel(*m_model);    }    // Set position    _positionChangeTimer.Update(diff);    if (_positionChangeTimer.Passed())    {        _positionChangeTimer.Reset(positionUpdateDelay);        if (IsMoving())        {            float t = CalculateSegmentPos(float(timer) * 0.001f);            G3D::Vector3 pos, dir;            _currentFrame->Spline->evaluate_percent(_currentFrame->Index, t, pos);            _currentFrame->Spline->evaluate_derivative(_currentFrame->Index, t, dir);            UpdatePosition(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, atan2(dir.x, dir.y));        }    }    sScriptMgr->OnTransportUpdate(this, diff);}

示例23: Update

void Transport::Update(uint32 diff){    if (!AI())    {        if (!AIM_Initialize())            sLog->outError("Could not initialize GameObjectAI for Transport");    }    else        AI()->UpdateAI(diff);    if (_isStopped)        return;    if (GetKeyFrames().size() <= 1)        return;    //_moveTimer = getMSTime() % _transportInfo->pathTime;    _moveTimer += diff;    _moveTimer %= _transportInfo->pathTime;    // need restart path from beginning    /* if (m_timer < m_curr->pathTime)    {        m_curr = keyFrames.begin();        m_next = m_curr + 1;    } */    while (_moveTimer > _nextFrame->pathTime || _moveTimer < _currentFrame->departureTime)    {        // arrived at next stop point        if (_transportInfo->pathTime > _nextFrame->pathTime && _moveTimer < _nextFrame->departureTime)        {            if (IsMoving())            {                SetMoving(false);                DoEventIfAny(*_currentFrame, false);            }            break;        }        MoveToNextWayPoint();        SetMoving(true);        DoEventIfAny(*_currentFrame, true);        // first check help in case client-server transport coordinates de-synchronization        if (_currentFrame->IsTeleportFrame())            TeleportTransport(_nextFrame->node->mapid, _nextFrame->node->x, _nextFrame->node->y, _nextFrame->node->z);        ASSERT(_nextFrame != GetKeyFrames().begin());        sScriptMgr->OnRelocate(this, _currentFrame->node->index, _currentFrame->node->mapid, _currentFrame->node->x, _currentFrame->node->y, _currentFrame->node->z);        sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_TRANSPORTS, "%s moved to %f %f %f %d", GetName(), GetPositionX(), GetPositionY(), GetPositionZ(), _currentFrame->node->mapid);    }    if (IsMoving())    {        if (_moveTimer < _currentFrame->departureTime || _moveTimer > _nextFrame->pathTime)            sLog->outError("strange times, c.dep:%u, n.pt:%u (%s, %u)", _currentFrame->departureTime, _nextFrame->pathTime, GetName(), m_goInfo->moTransport.mapID);        float t = CalculateSegmentPos((float)_moveTimer/(float)IN_MILLISECONDS);        //if (t < -0.01f || t > 1.01f)        //    sLog.outError("strange t=%f (%s, %u)", t, GetName(), m_goInfo->moTransport.mapID);        //G3D::Vector3 pos;        //m_spline->Evaluate(m_curr->node->index - 1, t, pos);        //G3D::Vector3 dir;        //m_spline->EvaluateDerivative(m_curr->node->index - 1, t, dir);        //dir.z = 0.0f;        //dir = -dir.direction();        //Relocate(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);        float x = _currentFrame->node->x * (1.0f - t) + _nextFrame->node->x * t;        float y = _currentFrame->node->y * (1.0f - t) + _nextFrame->node->y * t;        float z = _currentFrame->node->z * (1.0f - t) + _nextFrame->node->z * t;        float o = GetAngle(_nextFrame->node->x, _nextFrame->node->y) + float(M_PI);        Relocate(x, y, z, o);        UpdatePassengerPositions();    }    sScriptMgr->OnTransportUpdate(this, diff);}

示例24: AI

void Transport::Update(uint32 diff){    uint32 const positionUpdateDelay = 200;    if (AI())        AI()->UpdateAI(diff);    else if (!AIM_Initialize())        TC_LOG_ERROR("entities.transport", "Could not initialize GameObjectAI for Transport");    if (GetKeyFrames().size() <= 1)        return;    if (IsMoving() || !_pendingStop)        m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress += diff;    uint32 timer = m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress % GetPeriod();    // Set current waypoint    // Desired outcome: _currentFrame->DepartureTime < timer < _nextFrame->ArriveTime    // ... arrive | ... delay ... | departure    //      event /         event /    for (;;)    {        if (timer >= _currentFrame->ArriveTime)        {            if (!_triggeredArrivalEvent)            {                DoEventIfAny(*_currentFrame, false);                _triggeredArrivalEvent = true;            }            if (timer < _currentFrame->DepartureTime)            {                SetMoving(false);                if (_pendingStop && GetGoState() != GO_STATE_READY)                {                    SetGoState(GO_STATE_READY);                    m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress = (m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress / GetPeriod());                    m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress *= GetPeriod();                    m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress += _currentFrame->ArriveTime;                }                break;  // its a stop frame and we are waiting            }        }        if (timer >= _currentFrame->DepartureTime && !_triggeredDepartureEvent)        {            DoEventIfAny(*_currentFrame, true); // departure event            _triggeredDepartureEvent = true;        }        // not waiting anymore        SetMoving(true);        // Enable movement        if (GetGOInfo()->moTransport.canBeStopped)            SetGoState(GO_STATE_ACTIVE);        if (timer >= _currentFrame->DepartureTime && timer < _currentFrame->NextArriveTime)            break;  // found current waypoint        MoveToNextWaypoint();        sScriptMgr->OnRelocate(this, _currentFrame->Node->index, _currentFrame->Node->mapid, _currentFrame->Node->x, _currentFrame->Node->y, _currentFrame->Node->z);        TC_LOG_DEBUG("entities.transport", "Transport %u (%s) moved to node %u %u %f %f %f", GetEntry(), GetName().c_str(), _currentFrame->Node->index, _currentFrame->Node->mapid, _currentFrame->Node->x, _currentFrame->Node->y, _currentFrame->Node->z);        // Departure event        if (_currentFrame->IsTeleportFrame())            if (TeleportTransport(_nextFrame->Node->mapid, _nextFrame->Node->x, _nextFrame->Node->y, _nextFrame->Node->z, _nextFrame->InitialOrientation))                return; // Update more in new map thread    }    // Set position    _positionChangeTimer.Update(diff);    if (_positionChangeTimer.Passed())    {        _positionChangeTimer.Reset(positionUpdateDelay);        if (IsMoving())        {            float t = CalculateSegmentPos(float(timer) * 0.001f);            G3D::Vector3 pos, dir;            _currentFrame->Spline->evaluate_percent(_currentFrame->Index, t, pos);            _currentFrame->Spline->evaluate_derivative(_currentFrame->Index, t, dir);            UpdatePosition(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, atan2(dir.y, dir.x) + M_PI);        }        else        {            /* There are four possible scenarios that trigger loading/unloading passengers:              1. transport moves from inactive to active grid              2. the grid that transport is currently in becomes active              3. transport moves from active to inactive grid              4. the grid that transport is currently in unloads            */            if (_staticPassengers.empty() && GetMap()->IsGridLoaded(GetPositionX(), GetPositionY())) // 2.                LoadStaticPassengers();        }    }    sScriptMgr->OnTransportUpdate(this, diff);//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例25: AI

void Transport::Update(uint32 diff){    uint32 const positionUpdateDelay = 200;    if (AI())        AI()->UpdateAI(diff);    else if (!AIM_Initialize())        TC_LOG_ERROR("entities.transport", "Could not initialize GameObjectAI for Transport");    if (GetKeyFrames().size() <= 1)        return;    if (IsMoving() || !_pendingStop)        m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress += diff;    uint32 timer = m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress % GetTransportPeriod();    bool justStopped = false;    // Set current waypoint    // Desired outcome: _currentFrame->DepartureTime < timer < _nextFrame->ArriveTime    // ... arrive | ... delay ... | departure    //      event /         event /    for (;;)    {        if (timer >= _currentFrame->ArriveTime)        {            if (!_triggeredArrivalEvent)            {                DoEventIfAny(*_currentFrame, false);                _triggeredArrivalEvent = true;            }            if (timer < _currentFrame->DepartureTime)            {                SetMoving(false);                justStopped = true;                if (_pendingStop && GetGoState() != GO_STATE_READY)                {                    SetGoState(GO_STATE_READY);                    m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress = (m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress / GetTransportPeriod());                    m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress *= GetTransportPeriod();                    m_goValue.Transport.PathProgress += _currentFrame->ArriveTime;                }                break;  // its a stop frame and we are waiting            }        }        if (timer >= _currentFrame->DepartureTime && !_triggeredDepartureEvent)        {            DoEventIfAny(*_currentFrame, true); // departure event            _triggeredDepartureEvent = true;        }        // not waiting anymore        SetMoving(true);        // Enable movement        if (GetGOInfo()->moTransport.allowstopping)            SetGoState(GO_STATE_ACTIVE);        if (timer >= _currentFrame->DepartureTime && timer < _currentFrame->NextArriveTime)            break;  // found current waypoint        MoveToNextWaypoint();        sScriptMgr->OnRelocate(this, _currentFrame->Node->NodeIndex, _currentFrame->Node->ContinentID, _currentFrame->Node->Loc.X, _currentFrame->Node->Loc.Y, _currentFrame->Node->Loc.Z);        TC_LOG_DEBUG("entities.transport", "Transport %u (%s) moved to node %u %u %f %f %f", GetEntry(), GetName().c_str(), _currentFrame->Node->NodeIndex, _currentFrame->Node->ContinentID, _currentFrame->Node->Loc.X, _currentFrame->Node->Loc.Y, _currentFrame->Node->Loc.Z);        // Departure event        if (_currentFrame->IsTeleportFrame())            if (TeleportTransport(_nextFrame->Node->ContinentID, _nextFrame->Node->Loc.X, _nextFrame->Node->Loc.Y, _nextFrame->Node->Loc.Z, _nextFrame->InitialOrientation))                return; // Update more in new map thread    }    // Add model to map after we are fully done with moving maps    if (_delayedAddModel)    {        _delayedAddModel = false;        if (m_model)            GetMap()->InsertGameObjectModel(*m_model);    }    // Set position    _positionChangeTimer.Update(diff);    if (_positionChangeTimer.Passed())    {        _positionChangeTimer.Reset(positionUpdateDelay);        if (IsMoving())        {            float t = !justStopped ? CalculateSegmentPos(float(timer) * 0.001f) : 1.0f;            G3D::Vector3 pos, dir;            _currentFrame->Spline->evaluate_percent(_currentFrame->Index, t, pos);            _currentFrame->Spline->evaluate_derivative(_currentFrame->Index, t, dir);            UpdatePosition(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, std::atan2(dir.y, dir.x) + float(M_PI));        }        else if (justStopped)            UpdatePosition(_currentFrame->Node->Loc.X, _currentFrame->Node->Loc.Y, _currentFrame->Node->Loc.Z, _currentFrame->InitialOrientation);        else        {//.........这里部分代码省略.........


C++ AIR_AFFINE函数代码示例
C++ AH_PRIVATE函数代码示例