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自学教程:C++ ALERT函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:34:29
这篇教程C++ ALERT函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ALERT函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ALERT函数的具体用法?C++ ALERT怎么用?C++ ALERT使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。



CGameRules *InstallGameRules( void ){	SERVER_COMMAND( "exec game.rc/n" );	g_engfuncs.pfnServerExecute();	ALERT( at_aiconsole, "InstallGameRules/n" );	if ( !gpGlobals->deathmatch )	{		// generic half-life		g_teamplay = 0;		return new CHalfLifeRules;	}	else	{		if( CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "mp_teamplay" ) > 0 )		{			// teamplay			g_teamplay = 1;			return new CHalfLifeTeamplay;		}		if ((int)gpGlobals->deathmatch == 1)		{			// vanilla deathmatch			g_teamplay = 0;			return new CHalfLifeMultiplay;		}		else		{			// vanilla deathmatch??			g_teamplay = 0;			return new CHalfLifeMultiplay;		}	}}

示例2: ALERT

// sets the round state// ben notes : bSkipAutoRoundThink will avoid calling the round think function// ben notes : after updating the statusvoid CBaseRoundRules::SetRoundState(ROUND_STATE iRoundState, bool bSkipAutoRoundThink){	// check validity of what we have been sent	if((iRoundState < ROUND_NOTSTARTED) || (iRoundState > ROUND_NOPLAYERS))	{		// - report the error		ALERT(at_console, "Bad Round State being set - (%i)/n", (int)iRoundState);		UTIL_LogPrintf(ROUND_LOGGING, "World triggered /"Bad Round State/" (round_state /"%i/") (old_round_state /"%i/")/n", (int)iRoundState, (int)m_iRoundState);		// - give the round state a dummy value to keep it going		iRoundState = ROUND_WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS;	}	// - log the change	UTIL_LogPrintf(ALL_LOGGING, "World triggered /"Round State Change/" (round_state /"%i/") (old_round_state /"%i/")/n", (int)iRoundState, (int)m_iRoundState);	// - set the round state	m_iRoundState = iRoundState;	// - call round think to update the round progress.	// ben notes : after set round state is called we should leave the round think	// ben notes : function or wierd bugs could creep in	if(GetRoundState() != ROUND_NOPLAYERS && bSkipAutoRoundThink == false)		this->RoundThink();}

示例3: Spawn

//=========================================================// ********** DeadGenericMonster SPAWN **********//=========================================================void CDeadGenericMonster :: Spawn( void ){	Precache();	SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), STRING(pev->model));	pev->effects		= 0;	pev->yaw_speed		= 8; //LRC -- what?	pev->sequence		= 0;	if (pev->netname)	{		pev->sequence = LookupSequence( STRING(pev->netname) );		if (pev->sequence == -1)		{			ALERT ( at_debug, "Invalid sequence name /"%s/" in monster_generic_dead/n", STRING(pev->netname) );		}	}	else	{		pev->sequence = LookupActivity( pev->frags );//		if (pev->sequence == -1)//		{//			ALERT ( at_error, "monster_generic_dead - specify a sequence name or choose a different death type: model /"%s/" has no available death sequences./n", STRING(pev->model) );//		}		//...and if that doesn't work, forget it.	}	// Corpses have less health	pev->health			= 8;	MonsterInitDead();	ResetSequenceInfo( );	pev->frame = 255; // pose at the _end_ of its death sequence.}

示例4: ALERT

void CGrappleHook::Killed(entvars_t *pev, int gib){	ALERT( at_console, "^2HLU -> ^3weapon_grapple ^2-> Tongue was killed./n");	// Fograin92: Clear player	myowner->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; //Re-apply gravity	myowner->m_afPhysicsFlags &= ~PFLAG_ON_GRAPPLE; //Remove "on grapple" flag	myowner->m_iGrappleExists = 0;	myowner->m_flNextAttack = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase() + 1.0;	// Fograin92: Clear monster	if( (m_iHitMonster == 2) && (myHitMonster->IsAlive()) )		myHitMonster->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP;	// Re-apply gravity to the pulled monster, if it's alive		// Fograin92: Clear tongue leftovers	bPullBack = false;	UTIL_Remove( m_pTongue );	m_pTongue = NULL;	m_iHitMonster = 0;	SetThink(NULL);	SetTouch(NULL);	SUB_Remove( ); }

示例5: R_AllocateCinematicTexture

int R_AllocateCinematicTexture( unsigned int txFlags ){	int i = tr.num_cin_used;	if( i >= MAX_MOVIE_TEXTURES )	{		ALERT( at_error, "R_AllocateCinematicTexture: cine textures limit exceeded!/n" );		return 0; // disable	}	tr.num_cin_used++;	if( !tr.cinTextures[i] )	{		char txName[16];		Q_snprintf( txName, sizeof( txName ), "*cinematic%i", i );		// create new cinematic texture		// NOTE: dimension of texture is no matter because CIN_UPLOAD_FRAME will be rescale texture		tr.cinTextures[i] = CREATE_TEXTURE( txName, 256, 256, NULL, txFlags ); 	}	return (i+1);}

示例6: eeReadAll

void eeReadAll(){  fill_file_index() ;  if (!eeLoadGeneral() )  {    generalDefault();    modelDefault(0);    ALERT(STR_EEPROMWARN, STR_BADEEPROMDATA, AU_BAD_EEPROM);    MESSAGE(STR_EEPROMWARN, STR_EEPROMFORMATTING, NULL, AU_EEPROM_FORMATTING);    /* we remove all models */    for (uint32_t i=0; i<MAX_MODELS; i++)      eeDeleteModel(i);    eeDirty(EE_GENERAL);    eeDirty(EE_MODEL);  }  else {    eeLoadModelHeaders() ;  }  // TODO common!  stickMode = g_eeGeneral.stickMode;#if defined(CPUARM)  for (uint8_t i=0; languagePacks[i]!=NULL; i++) {    if (!strncmp(g_eeGeneral.ttsLanguage, languagePacks[i]->id, 2)) {      currentLanguagePackIdx = i;      currentLanguagePack = languagePacks[i];    }  }#endif}

示例7: DispatchSave

void DispatchSave( edict_t *pent, SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData ){	CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pent);		if( pEntity && pSaveData )	{		// ALERT( at_console, "DispatchSave( %s, %i )/n", STRING( pent->v.classname ), pent->serialnumber );		ENTITYTABLE *pTable = &pSaveData->pTable[ pSaveData->currentIndex ];		if( pTable->pent != pent )			ALERT( at_error, "ENTITY TABLE OR INDEX IS WRONG!!!!/n" );		if( pEntity->ObjectCaps() & FCAP_DONT_SAVE ) return;		// These don't use ltime & nextthink as times really, but we'll fudge around it.		if( pEntity->pev->movetype == MOVETYPE_PUSH )		{			float delta = gpGlobals->time - pEntity->pev->ltime;			pEntity->pev->ltime += delta;			pEntity->pev->nextthink += delta;			pEntity->m_fPevNextThink = pEntity->pev->nextthink;			pEntity->m_fNextThink += delta;		}		if( gpGlobals->changelevel )			pEntity->ClearPointers();		pTable->location = pSaveData->size;		// Remember entity position for file I/O		pTable->classname = pEntity->pev->classname;	// Remember entity class for respawn		CSave saveHelper( pSaveData );		pEntity->Save( saveHelper );		pTable->size = pSaveData->size - pTable->location;// Size of entity block is data size written to block	}}

示例8: ioctl_unload_vmm

static longioctl_unload_vmm(void){    int i;    int64_t ret;    long status = BF_IOCTL_SUCCESS;    ret = common_unload_vmm();    if (ret != BF_SUCCESS)    {        ALERT("IOCTL_UNLOAD_VMM: failed to unload vmm: %lld/n", ret);        status = BF_IOCTL_FAILURE;    }    for (i = 0; i < g_num_files; i++)        platform_free(files[i], files_sizes[i]);    g_num_files = 0;    if (status == BF_IOCTL_SUCCESS)        DEBUG("IOCTL_UNLOAD_VMM: succeeded/n");    return status;}


void CBigMomma::NodeStart( int iszNextNode ){	pev->netname = iszNextNode;	CBaseEntity *pTarget = NULL;	if ( pev->netname )	{		edict_t *pentTarget = FIND_ENTITY_BY_TARGETNAME ( NULL, STRING(pev->netname) );		if ( !FNullEnt(pentTarget) )			pTarget = Instance( pentTarget );	}	if ( !pTarget )	{		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "BM: Finished the path!!/n" );		Remember( bits_MEMORY_PATH_FINISHED );		return;	}	Remember( bits_MEMORY_ON_PATH );	m_hTargetEnt = pTarget;}

示例10: CallForHelp

void CISlave :: CallForHelp( char *szClassname, float flDist, EHANDLE hEnemy, Vector &vecLocation ){	 ALERT( at_aiconsole, "help " );	// skip ones not on my netname	if ( FStringNull( pev->netname ))		return;	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;	while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByString( pEntity, "netname", STRING( pev->netname ))) != NULL)	{		float d = (pev->origin - pEntity->pev->origin).Length();		if (d < flDist)		{			CBaseMonster *pMonster = pEntity->MyMonsterPointer( );			if (pMonster)			{				pMonster->m_afMemory |= bits_MEMORY_PROVOKED;				pMonster->PushEnemy( hEnemy, vecLocation );			}		}	}}

示例11: IAllocSound

//=========================================================// IAllocSound - moves a sound from the Free list to the // Active list returns the index of the alloc'd sound//=========================================================int CSoundEnt :: IAllocSound( void ){	int iNewSound;	if ( m_iFreeSound == SOUNDLIST_EMPTY )	{		// no free sound!		ALERT ( at_console, "Free Sound List is full!/n" );		return SOUNDLIST_EMPTY;	}	// there is at least one sound available, so move it to the	// Active sound list, and return its SoundPool index.		iNewSound = m_iFreeSound;// copy the index of the next free sound	m_iFreeSound = m_SoundPool[ m_iFreeSound ].m_iNext;// move the index down into the free list. 	m_SoundPool[ iNewSound ].m_iNext = m_iActiveSound;// point the new sound at the top of the active list.	m_iActiveSound = iNewSound;// now make the new sound the top of the active list. You're done.	return iNewSound;}

示例12: Nearest

// Assumes this is ALWAYS enabledCPathTrack *CPathTrack :: Nearest( Vector origin ){	int			deadCount;	float		minDist, dist;	Vector		delta;	CPathTrack	*ppath, *pnearest;	delta = origin - pev->origin;	delta.z = 0;	minDist = delta.Length();	pnearest = this;	ppath = GetNext();	// Hey, I could use the old 2 racing pointers solution to this, but I'm lazy :)	deadCount = 0;	while ( ppath && ppath != this )	{		deadCount++;		if ( deadCount > 9999 )		{			ALERT( at_error, "Bad sequence of path_tracks from %s", STRING(pev->targetname) );			return NULL;		}		delta = origin - ppath->pev->origin;		delta.z = 0;		dist = delta.Length();		if ( dist < minDist )		{			minDist = dist;			pnearest = ppath;		}		ppath = ppath->GetNext();	}	return pnearest;}

示例13: snd_init

int snd_init(void){    char info_buf[256];    PaError p_err;    if((p_err = Pa_Initialize()) != paNoError)    {        snprintf(info_buf, sizeof(info_buf),				_("PortAudio init failed:/n%s/n"),				Pa_GetErrorText(p_err));        ALERT(info_buf);        return 1;    }    srconv_stream.data_in = (float*)malloc(pa_frames*2 * sizeof(float));    srconv_stream.data_out = (float*)malloc(pa_frames*2 * 10 * sizeof(float));    srconv_record.data_in = (float*)malloc(pa_frames*2 * sizeof(float));    srconv_record.data_out = (float*)malloc(pa_frames*2 * 10 * sizeof(float));    reconnect = 0;    buf_index = 0;    return 0;}

示例14: CHalfLifeMultiplay

CHalfLifeMultiplay :: CHalfLifeMultiplay(){	g_VoiceGameMgr.Init(&g_GameMgrHelper, gpGlobals->maxClients);	RefreshSkillData();	m_flIntermissionEndTime = 0;	g_flIntermissionStartTime = 0;		// 11/8/98	// Modified by YWB:  Server .cfg file is now a cvar, so that 	//  server ops can run multiple game servers, with different server .cfg files,	//  from a single installed directory.	// Mapcyclefile is already a cvar.	// 3/31/99	// Added lservercfg file cvar, since listen and dedicated servers should not	// share a single config file. (sjb)	if ( IS_DEDICATED_SERVER() )	{		// this code has been moved into engine, to only run server.cfg once	}	else	{		// listen server		char *lservercfgfile = (char *)CVAR_GET_STRING( "lservercfgfile" );		if ( lservercfgfile && lservercfgfile[0] )		{			char szCommand[256];						ALERT( at_console, "Executing listen server config file/n" );			sprintf( szCommand, "exec %s/n", lservercfgfile );			SERVER_COMMAND( szCommand );		}	}}

示例15: TakeDamage

int CFuncCollideWall :: TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType ){	ALERT ( at_notice, "TakeDamage()/n");	TraceResult trace = UTIL_GetGlobalTrace( );//== 1) //metal//== 5) //wood//== 5) //water//== -1/0) //not defined (default concrete)	float flVolume = RANDOM_FLOAT ( 0.7 , 1.0 );//random volume range	BOOL	b_CanMakeParticles = TRUE;	if ( CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "r_paintball" ) == 0 )	if ( CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "cl_wallpuff" ) >= 1 )	{					if (pev->frags == 1) //metal		{											UTIL_Ricochet( trace.vecEndPos, 0.5 );			switch ( RANDOM_LONG(0,2) )			{				case 0: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/metal1.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;				case 1: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/metal2.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;				case 2: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/metal3.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;			}			if (RANDOM_LONG( 0, 99 ) < 40)			UTIL_WhiteSparks( trace.vecEndPos, trace.vecPlaneNormal, 0, 5, 500, 500 );//chispas			UTIL_WhiteSparks( trace.vecEndPos, trace.vecPlaneNormal, 9, 5, 5, 100 );//puntos			UTIL_WhiteSparks( trace.vecEndPos, trace.vecPlaneNormal, 0, 5, 500, 20 );//chispas															b_CanMakeParticles = FALSE;		}		if (pev->frags == 5) //wood		{			switch ( RANDOM_LONG(0,2) )			{				case 0: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/wood1.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;				case 1: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/wood2.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;				case 2: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/wood3.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;			}		}		else if (pev->frags == 6) //water		{			switch ( RANDOM_LONG(0,2) )			{				case 0: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/water1.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;				case 1: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/water2.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;				case 2: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/water3.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;			}		}		else if (pev->frags == 7) //gas canister		{			switch ( RANDOM_LONG(0,1) )			{				case 0: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/gascan1.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;				case 1: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/gascan2.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;			}		}		else		{			switch ( RANDOM_LONG(0,2) )			{				case 0: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/concrete1.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;				case 1: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/concrete2.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;				case 2: UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(0), trace.vecEndPos, "weapons/bulletimpact/concrete3.wav", flVolume, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100); break;			}		}					if (b_CanMakeParticles)		{			if ( CVAR_GET_FLOAT("r_particles" ) != 0 )						{				MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ALL, gmsgParticles);					WRITE_SHORT(0);					WRITE_BYTE(0);					WRITE_COORD( trace.vecEndPos.x );					WRITE_COORD( trace.vecEndPos.y );					WRITE_COORD( trace.vecEndPos.z );					WRITE_COORD( 0 );					WRITE_COORD( 0 );					WRITE_COORD( 0 );					if (pev->frags == 5) //wood					WRITE_SHORT(iDefaultHitWood1);					else if (pev->frags == 6) //water					WRITE_SHORT(iDefaultWaterSplash);					else if (pev->frags == 7) //gas canister					WRITE_SHORT(iDefaultGasCanister);					else					WRITE_SHORT(iDefaultWallSmoke);				MESSAGE_END();			}		}	}//eo cvar check	return 1;}

示例16: ALERT

void CCyclerSprite::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ){	m_animate = !m_animate;	ALERT( at_console, "Sprite: %s/n", STRING(pev->model) );}

示例17: ChangeLevel

/*==============ChangeLevelServer is changing to a new level, check mapcycle.txt for map name and setup info==============*/void CHalfLifeMultiplay :: ChangeLevel( void ){	static char szPreviousMapCycleFile[ 256 ];	static mapcycle_t mapcycle;	char szNextMap[32];	char szFirstMapInList[32];	char szCommands[ 1500 ];	char szRules[ 1500 ];	int minplayers = 0, maxplayers = 0;	strcpy( szFirstMapInList, "hldm1" );  // the absolute default level is hldm1	int	curplayers;	BOOL do_cycle = TRUE;	// find the map to change to	char *mapcfile = (char*)CVAR_GET_STRING( "mapcyclefile" );	ASSERT( mapcfile != NULL );	szCommands[ 0 ] = '/0';	szRules[ 0 ] = '/0';	curplayers = CountPlayers();	// Has the map cycle filename changed?	if ( stricmp( mapcfile, szPreviousMapCycleFile ) )	{		strcpy( szPreviousMapCycleFile, mapcfile );		DestroyMapCycle( &mapcycle );		if ( !ReloadMapCycleFile( mapcfile, &mapcycle ) || ( !mapcycle.items ) )		{			ALERT( at_console, "Unable to load map cycle file %s/n", mapcfile );			do_cycle = FALSE;		}	}	if ( do_cycle && mapcycle.items )	{		BOOL keeplooking = FALSE;		BOOL found = FALSE;		mapcycle_item_s *item;		// Assume current map		strcpy( szNextMap, STRING(gpGlobals->mapname) );		strcpy( szFirstMapInList, STRING(gpGlobals->mapname) );		// Traverse list		for ( item = mapcycle.next_item; item->next != mapcycle.next_item; item = item->next )		{			keeplooking = FALSE;			ASSERT( item != NULL );			if ( item->minplayers != 0 )			{				if ( curplayers >= item->minplayers )				{					found = TRUE;					minplayers = item->minplayers;				}				else				{					keeplooking = TRUE;				}			}			if ( item->maxplayers != 0 )			{				if ( curplayers <= item->maxplayers )				{					found = TRUE;					maxplayers = item->maxplayers;				}				else				{					keeplooking = TRUE;				}			}			if ( keeplooking )				continue;			found = TRUE;			break;		}		if ( !found )		{			item = mapcycle.next_item;		}					//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例18: ReloadMapCycleFile

/*==============ReloadMapCycleFileParses mapcycle.txt file into mapcycle_t structure==============*/int ReloadMapCycleFile( char *filename, mapcycle_t *cycle ){	char szBuffer[ MAX_RULE_BUFFER ];	char szMap[ 32 ];	int length;	char *pFileList;	char *aFileList = pFileList = (char*)LOAD_FILE_FOR_ME( filename, &length );	int hasbuffer;	mapcycle_item_s *item, *newlist = NULL, *next;	if ( pFileList && length )	{		// the first map name in the file becomes the default		while ( 1 )		{			hasbuffer = 0;			memset( szBuffer, 0, MAX_RULE_BUFFER );			pFileList = COM_Parse( pFileList );			if ( strlen( com_token ) <= 0 )				break;			strcpy( szMap, com_token );			// Any more tokens on this line?			if ( COM_TokenWaiting( pFileList ) )			{				pFileList = COM_Parse( pFileList );				if ( strlen( com_token ) > 0 )				{					hasbuffer = 1;					strcpy( szBuffer, com_token );				}			}			// Check map			if ( IS_MAP_VALID( szMap ) )			{				// Create entry				char *s;				item = new mapcycle_item_s;				strcpy( item->mapname, szMap );				item->minplayers = 0;				item->maxplayers = 0;				memset( item->rulebuffer, 0, MAX_RULE_BUFFER );				if ( hasbuffer )				{					s = g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue( szBuffer, "minplayers" );					if ( s && s[0] )					{						item->minplayers = atoi( s );						item->minplayers = max( item->minplayers, 0 );						item->minplayers = min( item->minplayers, gpGlobals->maxClients );					}					s = g_engfuncs.pfnInfoKeyValue( szBuffer, "maxplayers" );					if ( s && s[0] )					{						item->maxplayers = atoi( s );						item->maxplayers = max( item->maxplayers, 0 );						item->maxplayers = min( item->maxplayers, gpGlobals->maxClients );					}					// Remove keys					//					g_engfuncs.pfnInfo_RemoveKey( szBuffer, "minplayers" );					g_engfuncs.pfnInfo_RemoveKey( szBuffer, "maxplayers" );					strcpy( item->rulebuffer, szBuffer );				}				item->next = cycle->items;				cycle->items = item;			}			else			{				ALERT( at_console, "Skipping %s from mapcycle, not a valid map/n", szMap );			}		}		FREE_FILE( aFileList );	}	// Fixup circular list pointer	item = cycle->items;//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例19: ALERT

// make the entity carry out the scripted sequence instructions, but without// destroying the monster's state.void CCineAI::PossessEntity(void){	Schedule_t *pNewSchedule;	CBaseEntity * pEntity = m_hTargetEnt;	CBaseMonster *pTarget = NULL;	if(pEntity)		pTarget = pEntity->MyMonsterPointer();	if(pTarget)	{		if(!pTarget->CanPlaySequence(FCanOverrideState(), SS_INTERRUPT_AI))		{			ALERT(at_aiconsole, "(AI)Can't possess entity %s/n", STRING(pTarget->pev->classname));			return;		}		pTarget->m_pGoalEnt   = this;		pTarget->m_pCine      = this;		pTarget->m_hTargetEnt = this;		m_saved_movetype = pTarget->pev->movetype;		m_saved_solid    = pTarget->pev->solid;		m_saved_effects  = pTarget->pev->effects;		pTarget->pev->effects |= pev->effects;		switch(m_fMoveTo)		{		case 0:		case 5:			pTarget->m_scriptState = SCRIPT_WAIT;			break;		case 1:			pTarget->m_scriptState = SCRIPT_WALK_TO_MARK;			break;		case 2:			pTarget->m_scriptState = SCRIPT_RUN_TO_MARK;			break;		case 4:			// zap the monster instantly to the site of the script entity.			UTIL_SetOrigin(pTarget->pev, pev->origin);			pTarget->pev->ideal_yaw = pev->angles.y;			pTarget->pev->avelocity = Vector(0, 0, 0);			pTarget->pev->velocity  = Vector(0, 0, 0);			pTarget->pev->effects |= EF_NOINTERP;			pTarget->pev->angles.y = pev->angles.y;			pTarget->m_scriptState = SCRIPT_WAIT;			m_startTime            = gpGlobals->time + 1E6;			// UNDONE: Add a flag to do this so people can fixup physics after teleporting monsters			pTarget->pev->flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;			break;		default:			ALERT(at_aiconsole, "aiscript:  invalid Move To Position value!");			break;		}		ALERT(at_aiconsole, "/"%s/" found and used/n", STRING(pTarget->pev->targetname));		pTarget->m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_SCRIPT;		/*		if (m_iszIdle)		{			StartSequence( pTarget, m_iszIdle, FALSE );			if (FStrEq( STRING(m_iszIdle), STRING(m_iszPlay)))			{				pTarget->pev->framerate = 0;			}		}*/		// Already in a scripted state?		if(pTarget->m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_SCRIPT)		{			pNewSchedule = pTarget->GetScheduleOfType(SCHED_AISCRIPT);			pTarget->ChangeSchedule(pNewSchedule);		}	}}

示例20: AvHGetDefaultOrderType

// Used for context sensitive mouse and for processing right-click// Must be shared, uses prediction code// Fill in target index or target point, depending on type of order decided uponAvHOrderType AvHGetDefaultOrderType(AvHTeamNumber inTeam, const vec3_t& inOrigin, const vec3_t& inNormRay, int& outTargetIndex, vec3_t& outTargetPoint, AvHUser3& outUser3, AvHOrderTargetType& outTargetType){	vec3_t			theTraceStart;	vec3_t			theTraceEnd;	AvHOrderType	theOrderType = ORDERTYPE_UNDEFINED;//	// Look for a player order//	if(!AvHOrderTracePlayers(inTeam, inOrigin, inNormRay, theOrderType, outTargetIndex))//	{//		// If couldn't find one, create a non-player order if possible//		//AvHOrderTraceNonPlayers(inTeam, inOrigin, inNormRay, theOrderType, outTargetIndex, outTargetPoint);//	}		// Offset a little so we don't hit the commander	VectorMA(inOrigin, kSelectionStartRange, inNormRay, theTraceStart);	VectorMA(inOrigin, kSelectionEndRange, inNormRay, theTraceEnd);	int theFoundIndex = -1;	vec3_t theFoundLocation;	AvHTeamNumber theTeamOfThingHit;	bool thePlayerHit = false;	int theUserThree = 0;	int theUserFour = 0;		if(AvHSHUTraceTangible(theTraceStart, theTraceEnd, theFoundIndex, theFoundLocation, theTeamOfThingHit, thePlayerHit, theUserThree, theUserFour))	{		float theHealthPercentage=100.0f;		float theArmorPercentage=100.0f;		bool theSighted=false;#ifdef AVH_SERVER		CBaseEntity *theEntity=AvHSUGetEntityFromIndex(theFoundIndex);		if ( theEntity ) 		{			theHealthPercentage=theEntity->pev->health/theEntity->pev->max_health;		}		else 		{			ALERT(at_console, "Not a buildable/n");		}		        theArmorPercentage = theEntity->pev->armorvalue/AvHPlayerUpgrade::GetMaxArmorLevel(theEntity->pev->iuser4, (AvHUser3)theEntity->pev->iuser3);		theSighted=GetHasUpgrade(theEntity->pev->iuser4, MASK_VIS_SIGHTED);#endif		// Did we hit an enemy?  If so, issue an attack order on him, then we're done, it's highest priority		if(thePlayerHit ) 		{			// Did we hit a player on our team?  If so check for welding, if not guard			if((theTeamOfThingHit == inTeam ) && (theTeamOfThingHit != TEAM_IND) )			{				theOrderType = ORDERTYPET_GUARD;				if (  theArmorPercentage < 0.90f ) {					theOrderType = ORDERTYPET_WELD;					outTargetType = ORDERTARGETTYPE_TARGET;				}				outTargetIndex = theFoundIndex;				outUser3 = (AvHUser3)theUserThree;			}		}		// Something to pick up?		if(!thePlayerHit ) 		{//			if ( ( theTeamOfThingHit ) != inTeam && (theTeamOfThingHit != TEAM_IND) && theSighted )//			{//				// Use it's center for the height//				VectorCopy(theFoundLocation, outTargetPoint);//				theOrderType = ORDERTYPET_ATTACK;//				outTargetIndex = theFoundIndex;//				outUser3 = (AvHUser3)theUserThree;//				outTargetType = ORDERTARGETTYPE_LOCATION;//			}//			else 			if ( theUserThree == AVH_USER3_MARINEITEM) 			{				// Use it's center for the height				VectorCopy(theFoundLocation, outTargetPoint);				outTargetIndex = theFoundIndex;				outUser3 = (AvHUser3)theUserThree;								// We're done				theOrderType = ORDERTYPET_GET;			}			// Buildable?			else if(GetHasUpgrade(theUserFour, MASK_BUILDABLE) && (theTeamOfThingHit == inTeam) && (theTeamOfThingHit != TEAM_IND))			{				// Use it's center for the height				VectorCopy(theFoundLocation, outTargetPoint);				outTargetIndex = theFoundIndex;				outUser3 = (AvHUser3)theUserThree;								// We're done				theOrderType = ORDERTYPET_BUILD;			}			// Weldable?			else if(theUserThree == AVH_USER3_WELD )			{				// Use it's center for the height//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例21: Precache

void CWorld :: Precache( void ){	g_pLastSpawn = NULL;		CVAR_SET_STRING("sv_gravity", "800"); // 67ft/sec	CVAR_SET_STRING("sv_stepsize", "18");	CVAR_SET_STRING("room_type", "0"); // clear DSP	// Create all the arenas	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ARENAS; i++)	{		g_pArenaList[i] = GetClassPtr( ( CDiscArena *)NULL );		g_pArenaList[i]->Spawn();	}	// Set up game rules	if (g_pGameRules)	{		delete g_pGameRules;	}	g_pGameRules = InstallGameRules( );	//!!!UNDONE why is there so much Spawn code in the Precache function? I'll just keep it here 	///!!!LATER - do we want a sound ent in deathmatch? (sjb)	//pSoundEnt = CBaseEntity::Create( "soundent", g_vecZero, g_vecZero, edict() );	pSoundEnt = GetClassPtr( ( CSoundEnt *)NULL );	pSoundEnt->Spawn();	if ( !pSoundEnt )	{		ALERT ( at_console, "**COULD NOT CREATE SOUNDENT**/n" );	}	InitBodyQue();	// init sentence group playback stuff from sentences.txt.// ok to call this multiple times, calls after first are ignored.	SENTENCEG_Init();// init texture type array from materials.txt	TEXTURETYPE_Init();// the area based ambient sounds MUST be the first precache_sounds// player precaches     	W_Precache ();									// get weapon precaches	ClientPrecache();// sounds used from C physics code	PRECACHE_SOUND("common/null.wav");				// clears sound channels	PRECACHE_SOUND( "items/suitchargeok1.wav" );//!!! temporary sound for respawning weapons.	PRECACHE_SOUND( "items/gunpickup2.wav" );// player picks up a gun.	PRECACHE_SOUND( "common/bodydrop3.wav" );// dead bodies hitting the ground (animation events)	PRECACHE_SOUND( "common/bodydrop4.wav" );	PRECACHE_SOUND( "r_tele1.wav" );	// respawn sound	PRECACHE_SOUND( "scream1.wav" );	// falling scream sound	PRECACHE_SOUND( "scream2.wav" );	// falling scream sound	PRECACHE_SOUND( "scream3.wav" );	// falling scream sound	PRECACHE_SOUND( "decap.wav" );		// decapitation sound	PRECACHE_SOUND( "shatter.wav" );	// freeze decapitation sound	PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/head.mdl" ); // head		g_Language = (int)CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "sv_language" );	if ( g_Language == LANGUAGE_GERMAN )	{		PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/germangibs.mdl" );	}	else	{		PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/hgibs.mdl" );		PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/agibs.mdl" );	}	PRECACHE_SOUND ("weapons/ric1.wav");	PRECACHE_SOUND ("weapons/ric2.wav");	PRECACHE_SOUND ("weapons/ric3.wav");	PRECACHE_SOUND ("weapons/ric4.wav");	PRECACHE_SOUND ("weapons/ric5.wav");//// Setup light animation tables. 'a' is total darkness, 'z' is maxbright.//	// 0 normal	LIGHT_STYLE(0, "m");		// 1 FLICKER (first variety)	LIGHT_STYLE(1, "mmnmmommommnonmmonqnmmo");		// 2 SLOW STRONG PULSE	LIGHT_STYLE(2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba");	//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例22: GiveFnptrsToDll

//.........这里部分代码省略.........		}	}	else if( !strcmpi( szGameDir , "ns") )	{		mod_id = NS_DLL;#ifndef __linux__		szLibraryPath = "ns/dlls/ns.dll";#else		szLibraryPath = "ns/dlls/ns_i386.so";#endif		if( !g_bIsMMPlugin )		{#ifndef __linux__			h_Library = LoadLibrary( szLibraryPath );#else			h_Library = dlopen( szLibraryPath, RTLD_NOW );#endif		}	}	else if( strcmpi( szGameDir, "ship" ) )	{		mod_id = SHIP_DLL;#ifndef __linux__		szLibraryPath = "ship/dlls/ship.dll";#else		szLibraryPath = "ship/dlls/ship_i386.so";#endif		if( !g_bIsMMPlugin )		{#ifndef __linux__			h_Library = LoadLibrary( szLibraryPath );#else			h_Library = dlopen( szLibraryPath, RTLD_NOW );#endif		}	}	strncpy( g_szLibraryPath, szLibraryPath, strlen( szLibraryPath ) );	if( !g_bIsMMPlugin && h_Library == nullptr )	{		ALERT( at_error, "Library not found or not supported!/n" );	}	extern bot_player_t g_valveBots[];	extern bot_player_t g_gearboxBots[];	extern bot_player_t g_dodBots[];	extern bot_player_t g_gunmanBots[];	extern bot_player_t g_nsBots[];	extern bot_player_t g_hungerBots[];	extern bot_player_t g_shipBots[];	if( mod_id == VALVE_DLL || mod_id == TFC_DLL )	{		pBotData = g_valveBots;	}	else if( mod_id == GEARBOX_DLL )	{		pBotData = g_gearboxBots;	}	else if( mod_id == DOD_DLL )	{		pBotData = g_dodBots;	}	else if( mod_id == REWOLF_DLL )	{		pBotData = g_gunmanBots;	}	else if( mod_id == NS_DLL )	{		pBotData = g_nsBots;	}	else if( mod_id == HUNGER_DLL )	{		pBotData = g_hungerBots;	}	else if( mod_id == SHIP_DLL )	{		pBotData = g_shipBots;	}	LoadExtraExports();	if( g_bIsMMPlugin )	{		return;	}	GetEngineFunctions( pengfuncsFromEngine, nullptr );	// give the engine functions to the other DLL...	(*(GIVEFNPTRSTODLL)GetProcAddress( h_Library, "GiveFnptrsToDll" ))(pengfuncsFromEngine, pGlobals);	// finished, interfacing from gamedll to engine complete	return;}

示例23: Move

void CController :: Move ( float flInterval ) {	float		flWaypointDist;	float		flCheckDist;	float		flDist;// how far the lookahead check got before hitting an object.	float		flMoveDist;	Vector		vecDir;	Vector		vecApex;	CBaseEntity	*pTargetEnt;	// Don't move if no valid route	if ( FRouteClear() )	{		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "Tried to move with no route!/n" );		TaskFail();		return;	}		if ( m_flMoveWaitFinished > gpGlobals->time )		return;// Debug, test movement code#if 0//	if ( CVAR_GET_FLOAT("stopmove" ) != 0 )	{		if ( m_movementGoal == MOVEGOAL_ENEMY )			RouteSimplify( m_hEnemy );		else			RouteSimplify( m_hTargetEnt );		FRefreshRoute();		return;	}#else// Debug, draw the route//	DrawRoute( pev, m_Route, m_iRouteIndex, 0, 0, 255 );#endif	// if the monster is moving directly towards an entity (enemy for instance), we'll set this pointer	// to that entity for the CheckLocalMove and Triangulate functions.	pTargetEnt = NULL;	if (m_flGroundSpeed == 0)	{		m_flGroundSpeed = 100;		// TaskFail( );		// return;	}	flMoveDist = m_flGroundSpeed * flInterval;	do 	{		// local move to waypoint.		vecDir = ( m_Route[ m_iRouteIndex ].vecLocation - pev->origin ).Normalize();		flWaypointDist = ( m_Route[ m_iRouteIndex ].vecLocation - pev->origin ).Length();				// MakeIdealYaw ( m_Route[ m_iRouteIndex ].vecLocation );		// ChangeYaw ( pev->yaw_speed );		// if the waypoint is closer than CheckDist, CheckDist is the dist to waypoint		if ( flWaypointDist < DIST_TO_CHECK )		{			flCheckDist = flWaypointDist;		}		else		{			flCheckDist = DIST_TO_CHECK;		}				if ( (m_Route[ m_iRouteIndex ].iType & (~bits_MF_NOT_TO_MASK)) == bits_MF_TO_ENEMY )		{			// only on a PURE move to enemy ( i.e., ONLY MF_TO_ENEMY set, not MF_TO_ENEMY and DETOUR )			pTargetEnt = m_hEnemy;		}		else if ( (m_Route[ m_iRouteIndex ].iType & ~bits_MF_NOT_TO_MASK) == bits_MF_TO_TARGETENT )		{			pTargetEnt = m_hTargetEnt;		}		// !!!BUGBUG - CheckDist should be derived from ground speed.		// If this fails, it should be because of some dynamic entity blocking this guy.		// We've already checked this path, so we should wait and time out if the entity doesn't move		flDist = 0;		if ( CheckLocalMove ( pev->origin, pev->origin + vecDir * flCheckDist, pTargetEnt, &flDist ) != LOCALMOVE_VALID )		{			CBaseEntity *pBlocker;			// Can't move, stop			Stop();			// Blocking entity is in global trace_ent			pBlocker = CBaseEntity::Instance( gpGlobals->trace_ent );			if (pBlocker)			{				DispatchBlocked( edict(), pBlocker->edict() );			}			if ( pBlocker && m_moveWaitTime > 0 && pBlocker->IsMoving() && !pBlocker->IsPlayer() && (gpGlobals->time-m_flMoveWaitFinished) > 3.0 )			{				// Can we still move toward our target?				if ( flDist < m_flGroundSpeed )				{//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例24: StartTask

//.........这里部分代码省略.........			SetTurnActivity();			break;		}		case TASK_FACE_LASTPOSITION:		MakeIdealYaw ( m_vecLastPosition );		SetTurnActivity(); 		break;	case TASK_FACE_TARGET:		if ( m_hTargetEnt != NULL )		{			MakeIdealYaw ( m_hTargetEnt->pev->origin );			SetTurnActivity(); 		}		else			TaskFail();		break;	case TASK_FACE_ENEMY:		{			MakeIdealYaw ( m_vecEnemyLKP );			SetTurnActivity(); 			break;		}	case TASK_FACE_IDEAL:		{			SetTurnActivity();			break;		}	case TASK_FACE_ROUTE:		{			if (FRouteClear())			{				ALERT(at_aiconsole, "No route to face!/n");				TaskFail();			}			else			{				MakeIdealYaw(m_Route[m_iRouteIndex].vecLocation);				SetTurnActivity();			}			break;		}	case TASK_WAIT_PVS:	case TASK_WAIT_INDEFINITE:		{			// don't do anything.			break;		}	case TASK_WAIT:	case TASK_WAIT_FACE_ENEMY:		{// set a future time that tells us when the wait is over.			m_flWaitFinished = gpGlobals->time + pTask->flData;				break;		}	case TASK_WAIT_RANDOM:		{// set a future time that tells us when the wait is over.			m_flWaitFinished = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.1, pTask->flData );			break;		}	case TASK_MOVE_TO_TARGET_RANGE:		{			if ( (m_hTargetEnt->pev->origin - pev->origin).Length() < 1 )				TaskComplete();			else			{

示例25: DispatchRestore

int DispatchRestore(edict_t *pent, SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData, int globalEntity){	CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pent);	if(pEntity && pSaveData)	{		entvars_t tmpVars;		Vector    oldOffset;		CRestore restoreHelper(pSaveData);		if(globalEntity)		{			CRestore tmpRestore(pSaveData);			tmpRestore.PrecacheMode(0);			tmpRestore.ReadEntVars("ENTVARS", &tmpVars);			// HACKHACK - reset the save pointers, we're going to restore for real this time			pSaveData->size         = pSaveData->pTable[pSaveData->currentIndex].location;			pSaveData->pCurrentData = pSaveData->pBaseData + pSaveData->size;			// -------------------			const globalentity_t *pGlobal = gGlobalState.EntityFromTable(tmpVars.globalname);			// Don't overlay any instance of the global that isn't the latest			// pSaveData->szCurrentMapName is the level this entity is coming from			// pGlobla->levelName is the last level the global entity was active in.			// If they aren't the same, then this global update is out of date.			if(!FStrEq(pSaveData->szCurrentMapName, pGlobal->levelName))				return 0;			// Compute the new global offset			oldOffset               = pSaveData->vecLandmarkOffset;			CBaseEntity *pNewEntity = FindGlobalEntity(tmpVars.classname, tmpVars.globalname);			if(pNewEntity)			{				//				ALERT( at_console, "Overlay %s with %s/n", STRING(pNewEntity->pev->classname), STRING(tmpVars.classname) );				// Tell the restore code we're overlaying a global entity from another level				restoreHelper.SetGlobalMode(1); // Don't overwrite global fields				pSaveData->vecLandmarkOffset = (pSaveData->vecLandmarkOffset - pNewEntity->pev->mins) + tmpVars.mins;				pEntity                      = pNewEntity; // we're going to restore this data OVER the old entity				pent                         = ENT(pEntity->pev);				// Update the global table to say that the global definition of this entity should come from this level				gGlobalState.EntityUpdate(pEntity->pev->globalname, gpGlobals->mapname);			}			else			{				// This entity will be freed automatically by the engine.  If we don't do a restore on a matching entity (below)				// or call EntityUpdate() to move it to this level, we haven't changed global state at all.				return 0;			}		}		if(pEntity->ObjectCaps() & FCAP_MUST_SPAWN)		{			pEntity->Restore(restoreHelper);			pEntity->Spawn();		}		else		{			pEntity->Restore(restoreHelper);			pEntity->Precache();		}		// Again, could be deleted, get the pointer again.		pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)GET_PRIVATE(pent);#if 0		if ( pEntity && pEntity->pev->globalname && globalEntity ) 		{			ALERT( at_console, "Global %s is %s/n", STRING(pEntity->pev->globalname), STRING(pEntity->pev->model) );		}#endif		// Is this an overriding global entity (coming over the transition), or one restoring in a level		if(globalEntity)		{			//			ALERT( at_console, "After: %f %f %f %s/n", pEntity->pev->origin.x, pEntity->pev->origin.y, pEntity->pev->origin.z, STRING(pEntity->pev->model) );			pSaveData->vecLandmarkOffset = oldOffset;			if(pEntity)			{				UTIL_SetOrigin(pEntity->pev, pEntity->pev->origin);				pEntity->OverrideReset();			}		}		else if(pEntity && pEntity->pev->globalname)		{			const globalentity_t *pGlobal = gGlobalState.EntityFromTable(pEntity->pev->globalname);			if(pGlobal)			{				// Already dead? delete				if(pGlobal->state == GLOBAL_DEAD)					return -1;				else if(!FStrEq(STRING(gpGlobals->mapname), pGlobal->levelName))				{					pEntity->MakeDormant(); // Hasn't been moved to this level yet, wait but stay alive				}				// In this level & not dead, continue on as normal			}			else			{//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例26: switch

void CBigMomma::StartTask( Task_t *pTask ){	switch ( pTask->iTask )	{	case TASK_FIND_NODE:		{			CBaseEntity *pTarget = m_hTargetEnt;			if ( !HasMemory( bits_MEMORY_ADVANCE_NODE ) )			{				if ( pTarget )					pev->netname = m_hTargetEnt->pev->target;			}			NodeStart( pev->netname );			TaskComplete();			ALERT( at_aiconsole, "BM: Found node %s/n", STRING(pev->netname) );		}		break;	case TASK_NODE_DELAY:		m_nodeTime = gpGlobals->time + pTask->flData;		TaskComplete();		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "BM: FAIL! Delay %.2f/n", pTask->flData );		break;	case TASK_PROCESS_NODE:		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "BM: Reached node %s/n", STRING(pev->netname) );		NodeReach();		TaskComplete();		break;	case TASK_PLAY_NODE_PRESEQUENCE:	case TASK_PLAY_NODE_SEQUENCE:		{			int sequence;			if ( pTask->iTask == TASK_PLAY_NODE_SEQUENCE )				sequence = GetNodeSequence();			else				sequence = GetNodePresequence();			ALERT( at_aiconsole, "BM: Playing node sequence %s/n", STRING(sequence) );			if ( sequence )			{				sequence = LookupSequence( STRING( sequence ) );				if ( sequence != -1 )				{					pev->sequence = sequence;					pev->frame = 0;					ResetSequenceInfo( );					ALERT( at_aiconsole, "BM: Sequence %s/n", STRING(GetNodeSequence()) );					return;				}			}			TaskComplete();		}		break;	case TASK_NODE_YAW:		pev->ideal_yaw = GetNodeYaw();		TaskComplete();		break;	case TASK_WAIT_NODE:		m_flWait = gpGlobals->time + GetNodeDelay();		if ( m_hTargetEnt->pev->spawnflags & SF_INFOBM_WAIT )			ALERT( at_aiconsole, "BM: Wait at node %s forever/n", STRING(pev->netname) );		else			ALERT( at_aiconsole, "BM: Wait at node %s for %.2f/n", STRING(pev->netname), GetNodeDelay() );		break;	case TASK_MOVE_TO_NODE_RANGE:		{			CBaseEntity *pTarget = m_hTargetEnt;			if ( !pTarget )				TaskFail();			else			{				if ( (pTarget->pev->origin - pev->origin).Length() < GetNodeRange() )					TaskComplete();				else				{					Activity act = ACT_WALK;					if ( pTarget->pev->spawnflags & SF_INFOBM_RUN )						act = ACT_RUN;					m_vecMoveGoal = pTarget->pev->origin;					if ( !MoveToTarget( act, 2 ) )					{						TaskFail();					}				}			}		}		ALERT( at_aiconsole, "BM: Moving to node %s/n", STRING(pev->netname) );		break;	case TASK_MELEE_ATTACK1:		// Play an attack sound here		EMIT_SOUND_DYN( ENT(pev), CHAN_VOICE, RANDOM_SOUND_ARRAY(pAttackSounds), 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例27: FindTransition

int FindTransition( void *pmodel, int iEndingAnim, int iGoalAnim, int *piDir ){	studiohdr_t *pstudiohdr;		pstudiohdr = (studiohdr_t *)pmodel;	if (! pstudiohdr)		return iGoalAnim;	mstudioseqdesc_t	*pseqdesc;	pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)pstudiohdr + pstudiohdr->seqindex);	// bail if we're going to or from a node 0	if (pseqdesc[iEndingAnim].entrynode == 0 || pseqdesc[iGoalAnim].entrynode == 0)	{		return iGoalAnim;	}	int	iEndNode;	// ALERT( at_console, "from %d to %d: ", pEndNode->iEndNode, pGoalNode->iStartNode );	if (*piDir > 0)	{		iEndNode = pseqdesc[iEndingAnim].exitnode;	}	else	{		iEndNode = pseqdesc[iEndingAnim].entrynode;	}	if (iEndNode == pseqdesc[iGoalAnim].entrynode)	{		*piDir = 1;		return iGoalAnim;	}	byte *pTransition = ((byte *)pstudiohdr + pstudiohdr->transitionindex);	int iInternNode = pTransition[(iEndNode-1)*pstudiohdr->numtransitions + (pseqdesc[iGoalAnim].entrynode-1)];	if (iInternNode == 0)		return iGoalAnim;	int i;	// look for someone going	for (i = 0; i < pstudiohdr->numseq; i++)	{		if (pseqdesc[i].entrynode == iEndNode && pseqdesc[i].exitnode == iInternNode)		{			*piDir = 1;			return i;		}		if (pseqdesc[i].nodeflags)		{			if (pseqdesc[i].exitnode == iEndNode && pseqdesc[i].entrynode == iInternNode)			{				*piDir = -1;				return i;			}		}	}	ALERT( at_console, "error in transition graph" );	return iGoalAnim;}

示例28: UTIL_TraceLine

//=========================================================// MakeMonster-  this is the code that drops the monster//=========================================================void CMonsterMaker::MakeMonster( void ){	edict_t	*pent;	entvars_t		*pevCreate;	if ( m_iMaxLiveChildren > 0 && m_cLiveChildren >= m_iMaxLiveChildren )	{// not allowed to make a new one yet. Too many live ones out right now.		return;	}	if ( !m_flGround )	{		// set altitude. Now that I'm activated, any breakables, etc should be out from under me. 		TraceResult tr;		UTIL_TraceLine ( pev->origin, pev->origin - Vector ( 0, 0, 2048 ), ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr );		m_flGround = tr.vecEndPos.z;	}	Vector mins = pev->origin - Vector( 34, 34, 0 );	Vector maxs = pev->origin + Vector( 34, 34, 0 );	maxs.z = pev->origin.z;	mins.z = m_flGround;	CBaseEntity *pList[2];	int count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox( pList, 2, mins, maxs, FL_CLIENT|FL_MONSTER );	if ( count )	{		// don't build a stack of monsters!		return;	}	pent = CREATE_NAMED_ENTITY( m_iszMonsterClassname );	if ( FNullEnt( pent ) )	{		ALERT ( at_console, "NULL Ent in MonsterMaker!/n" );		return;	}		// If I have a target, fire!	if ( !FStringNull ( pev->target ) )	{		// delay already overloaded for this entity, so can't call SUB_UseTargets()		FireTargets( STRING(pev->target), this, this, USE_TOGGLE, 0 );	}	pevCreate = VARS( pent );	pevCreate->origin = pev->origin;	pevCreate->angles = pev->angles;	SetBits( pevCreate->spawnflags, SF_MONSTER_FALL_TO_GROUND );	// Children hit monsterclip brushes	if ( pev->spawnflags & SF_MONSTERMAKER_MONSTERCLIP )		SetBits( pevCreate->spawnflags, SF_MONSTER_HITMONSTERCLIP );	DispatchSpawn( ENT( pevCreate ) );	pevCreate->owner = edict();	if ( !FStringNull( pev->netname ) )	{		// if I have a netname (overloaded), give the child monster that name as a targetname		pevCreate->targetname = pev->netname;	}	m_cLiveChildren++;// count this monster	m_cNumMonsters--;	if ( m_cNumMonsters == 0 )	{		// Disable this forever.  Don't kill it because it still gets death notices		SetThink( NULL );		SetUse( NULL );	}}


C++ ALIGN函数代码示例