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自学教程:C++ ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:34:49
这篇教程C++ ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS函数的具体用法?C++ ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS怎么用?C++ ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: ip_address_count

/**gjd : under a interface , calculate the all ip address(include ipv4 and ipv6) num**/int ip_address_count(struct interface* ifp) {   struct connected *c;   struct listnode *cnode, *cnnode;   int i = 0;   #if 0   for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (ifp->connected, cnode, cnnode, c))    {	//	if ((c->address->family == AF_INET)||(c->address->family == AF_INET6)) 					if ((c->address->family == AF_INET)) 			++i;   }   return i;    #endif   if (ifp->connected)    {      for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (ifp->connected, cnode, cnnode, c))		{/*		  	if(CHECK_FLAG (c->conf, ZEBRA_IFC_CONFIGURED))*/				if(CHECK_FLAG (c->conf, ZEBRA_IFC_CONFIGURED)||CHECK_FLAG (c->conf, ZEBRA_IFC_REAL))				i++;		}    }   /*zlog_info("############## i = %d #################/n",i);*/   return i;   }

示例2: delete_marked_cache_groups

static voiddelete_marked_cache_groups(){  cache_group* cache_group;  cache* cache;  struct listnode *cache_group_node, *cache_node;  struct listnode *next_node, *next_cache_node;  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(cache_group_list, cache_group_node, next_node,      cache_group))    {      for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(cache_group->cache_config_list, cache_node,          next_cache_node, cache))        {          if (cache->delete_flag)            {              listnode_delete(cache_group->cache_config_list, cache);              delete_cache(cache);            }        }      if (listcount(cache_group->cache_config_list) == 0          || cache_group->delete_flag)        {          listnode_delete(cache_group_list, cache_group);          delete_cache_group(cache_group);        }    }}

示例3: forward_off

static void forward_off(struct pim_upstream *up){  struct listnode      *ifnode;  struct listnode      *ifnextnode;  struct listnode      *chnode;  struct listnode      *chnextnode;  struct interface     *ifp;  struct pim_interface *pim_ifp;  struct pim_ifchannel *ch;  /* scan all interfaces */  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(iflist, ifnode, ifnextnode, ifp)) {    pim_ifp = ifp->info;    if (!pim_ifp)      continue;    /* scan per-interface (S,G) state */    for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(pim_ifp->pim_ifchannel_list, chnode, chnextnode, ch)) {      if (ch->upstream != up)	continue;      pim_forward_stop(ch);    } /* scan iface channel list */  } /* scan iflist */}

示例4: JoinDesired

/*  Evaluate JoinDesired(S,G):  JoinDesired(S,G) is true if there is a downstream (S,G) interface I  in the set:  inherited_olist(S,G) =  joins(S,G) (+) pim_include(S,G) (-) lost_assert(S,G)  JoinDesired(S,G) may be affected by changes in the following:  pim_ifp->primary_address  pim_ifp->pim_dr_addr  ch->ifassert_winner_metric  ch->ifassert_winner  ch->local_ifmembership   ch->ifjoin_state  ch->upstream->rpf.source_nexthop.mrib_metric_preference  ch->upstream->rpf.source_nexthop.mrib_route_metric  ch->upstream->rpf.source_nexthop.interface  See also pim_upstream_update_join_desired() below. */int pim_upstream_evaluate_join_desired(struct pim_upstream *up){  struct listnode      *ifnode;  struct listnode      *ifnextnode;  struct listnode      *chnode;  struct listnode      *chnextnode;  struct interface     *ifp;  struct pim_interface *pim_ifp;  struct pim_ifchannel *ch;  /* scan all interfaces */  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(iflist, ifnode, ifnextnode, ifp)) {    pim_ifp = ifp->info;    if (!pim_ifp)      continue;    /* scan per-interface (S,G) state */    for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(pim_ifp->pim_ifchannel_list, chnode, chnextnode, ch)) {      if (ch->upstream != up)	continue;      if (pim_macro_ch_lost_assert(ch))	continue; /* keep searching */      if (pim_macro_chisin_joins_or_include(ch))	return 1; /* true */    } /* scan iface channel list */  } /* scan iflist */  return 0; /* false */}

示例5: zread_interface_add

/* Register zebra server interface information.  Send current all   interface and address information. */static intzread_interface_add (struct zserv *client, u_short length){  struct listnode *ifnode, *ifnnode;  struct listnode *cnode, *cnnode;  struct interface *ifp;  struct connected *c;  /* Interface information is needed. */  client->ifinfo = 1;  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (iflist, ifnode, ifnnode, ifp))    {      /* Skip pseudo interface. */      if (! CHECK_FLAG (ifp->status, ZEBRA_INTERFACE_ACTIVE))	continue;      if (zsend_interface_add (client, ifp) < 0)        return -1;      for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (ifp->connected, cnode, cnnode, c))	{	  if (CHECK_FLAG (c->conf, ZEBRA_IFC_REAL) &&	      (zsend_interface_address (ZEBRA_INTERFACE_ADDRESS_ADD, client, 				        ifp, c) < 0))	    return -1;	}    }  return 0;}

示例6: pim_upstream_update_assert_tracking_desired

static void pim_upstream_update_assert_tracking_desired(struct pim_upstream *up){  struct listnode      *ifnode;  struct listnode      *ifnextnode;  struct listnode      *chnode;  struct listnode      *chnextnode;  struct interface     *ifp;  struct pim_interface *pim_ifp;  struct pim_ifchannel *ch;  /* scan all interfaces */  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(iflist, ifnode, ifnextnode, ifp)) {    pim_ifp = ifp->info;    if (!pim_ifp)      continue;    /* scan per-interface (S,G) state */    for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(pim_ifp->pim_ifchannel_list, chnode, chnextnode, ch)) {      if (ch->upstream != up)	continue;      pim_ifchannel_update_assert_tracking_desired(ch);    } /* scan iface channel list */  } /* scan iflist */}

示例7: ospf_if_cleanup

/* Restore an interface to its pre UP state   Used from ism_interface_down only */voidospf_if_cleanup (struct ospf_interface *oi){  struct route_node *rn;  struct listnode *node, *nnode;  struct ospf_neighbor *nbr;  struct ospf_nbr_nbma *nbr_nbma;  struct ospf_lsa *lsa;  /* oi->nbrs and oi->nbr_nbma should be deleted on InterfaceDown event */  /* delete all static neighbors attached to this interface */  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (oi->nbr_nbma, node, nnode, nbr_nbma))    {      OSPF_POLL_TIMER_OFF (nbr_nbma->t_poll);      if (nbr_nbma->nbr)	{	  nbr_nbma->nbr->nbr_nbma = NULL;	  nbr_nbma->nbr = NULL;	}      nbr_nbma->oi = NULL;            listnode_delete (oi->nbr_nbma, nbr_nbma);    }  /* send Neighbor event KillNbr to all associated neighbors. */  for (rn = route_top (oi->nbrs); rn; rn = route_next (rn))    if ((nbr = rn->info) != NULL)      if (nbr != oi->nbr_self)	OSPF_NSM_EVENT_EXECUTE (nbr, NSM_KillNbr);  /* Cleanup Link State Acknowlegdment list. */  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (oi->ls_ack, node, nnode, lsa))    ospf_lsa_unlock (&lsa); /* oi->ls_ack */  list_delete_all_node (oi->ls_ack);  oi->crypt_seqnum = 0;    /* Empty link state update queue */  ospf_ls_upd_queue_empty (oi);    /* Reset pseudo neighbor. */  ospf_nbr_delete (oi->nbr_self);  oi->nbr_self = ospf_nbr_new (oi);  ospf_nbr_add_self (oi);    ospf_lsa_unlock (&oi->network_lsa_self);  oi->network_lsa_self = NULL;  OSPF_TIMER_OFF (oi->t_network_lsa_self);#ifdef HAVE_GRACEFUL_RESTART  THREAD_TIMER_OFF(oi->t_opaque_lsa_refresh);  oi->v_opaque_lsa_count = 0 ;#endif}

示例8: vtysh_config_dump

/* Display configuration to file pointer. */voidvtysh_config_dump (FILE *fp){  struct listnode *node, *nnode;  struct listnode *mnode, *mnnode;  struct config *config;  struct list *master;  char *line;  unsigned int i;  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (config_top, node, nnode, line))    {      fprintf (fp, "%s/n", line);      fflush (fp);    }  fprintf (fp, "!/n");  fflush (fp);  for (i = 0; i < vector_active (configvec); i++)    if ((master = vector_slot (configvec, i)) != NULL)      {	for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (master, node, nnode, config))	  {	    fprintf (fp, "%s/n", config->name);	    fflush (fp);	    for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (config->line, mnode, mnnode, line))	      {		fprintf  (fp, "%s/n", line);		fflush (fp);	      }	    if (! NO_DELIMITER (i))	      {		fprintf (fp, "!/n");		fflush (fp);	      }	  }	if (NO_DELIMITER (i))	  {	    fprintf (fp, "!/n");	    fflush (fp);	  }      }  for (i = 0; i < vector_active (configvec); i++)    if ((master = vector_slot (configvec, i)) != NULL)      {	list_delete (master);	vector_slot (configvec, i) = NULL;      }  list_delete_all_node (config_top);}

示例9: bgp_interface_down

static intbgp_interface_down (int command, struct zclient *zclient, zebra_size_t length){  struct stream *s;  struct interface *ifp;  struct connected *c;  struct listnode *node, *nnode;  s = zclient->ibuf;  ifp = zebra_interface_state_read (s);  if (! ifp)    return 0;  if (BGP_DEBUG(zebra, ZEBRA))    zlog_debug("Zebra rcvd: interface %s down", ifp->name);  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (ifp->connected, node, nnode, c))    bgp_connected_delete (c);  /* Fast external-failover (Currently IPv4 only) */  {    struct listnode *mnode;    struct bgp *bgp;    struct peer *peer;    struct interface *peer_if;    for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO (bm->bgp, mnode, bgp))      {	if (CHECK_FLAG (bgp->flags, BGP_FLAG_NO_FAST_EXT_FAILOVER))	  continue;	for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (bgp->peer, node, nnode, peer))	  {	    if (peer->ttl != 1)	      continue;	    if (peer->su.sa.sa_family == AF_INET)	      peer_if = if_lookup_by_ipv4 (&peer->su.sin.sin_addr);	    else	      continue;	    if (ifp == peer_if)	      BGP_EVENT_ADD (peer, BGP_Stop);	  }      }  }  return 0;}

示例10: eigrp_nbr_count_get

int eigrp_nbr_count_get(void){	struct eigrp_interface *iface;	struct listnode *node, *node2, *nnode2;	struct eigrp_neighbor *nbr;	struct eigrp *eigrp = eigrp_lookup();	u_int32_t counter;	if (eigrp == NULL)	  {	    zlog_debug("EIGRP Routing Process not enabled");	    return 0;	  }	counter=0;	for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(eigrp->eiflist, node, iface))	  {	    for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(iface->nbrs, node2, nnode2, nbr))	      {	        if (nbr->state == EIGRP_NEIGHBOR_UP){	          counter++;	        }	      }	  }	return counter;}

示例11: ospf6_spf_display_subtree

voidospf6_spf_display_subtree (struct vty *vty, const char *prefix, int rest,                           struct ospf6_vertex *v){  struct listnode *node, *nnode;  struct ospf6_vertex *c;  char *next_prefix;  int len;  int restnum;  /* "prefix" is the space prefix of the display line */  vty_out (vty, "%s+-%s [%d]%s", prefix, v->name, v->cost, VNL);  len = strlen (prefix) + 4;  next_prefix = (char *) malloc (len);  if (next_prefix == NULL)    {      vty_out (vty, "malloc failed%s", VNL);      return;    }  snprintf (next_prefix, len, "%s%s", prefix, (rest ? "|  " : "   "));  restnum = listcount (v->child_list);  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (v->child_list, node, nnode, c))    {      restnum--;      ospf6_spf_display_subtree (vty, next_prefix, restnum, c);    }  free (next_prefix);}

示例12: igmp_group_delete

static void igmp_group_delete(struct igmp_group *group){  struct listnode *src_node;  struct listnode *src_nextnode;  struct igmp_source *src;  if (PIM_DEBUG_IGMP_TRACE) {    char group_str[100];    pim_inet4_dump("<group?>", group->group_addr, group_str, sizeof(group_str));    zlog_debug("Deleting IGMP group %s from socket %d interface %s",	       group_str,	       group->group_igmp_sock->fd,	       group->group_igmp_sock->interface->name);  }  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(group->group_source_list, src_node, src_nextnode, src)) {    igmp_source_delete(src);  }  if (group->t_group_query_retransmit_timer) {    THREAD_OFF(group->t_group_query_retransmit_timer);    zassert(!group->t_group_query_retransmit_timer);  }  group_timer_off(group);  listnode_delete(group->group_igmp_sock->igmp_group_list, group);  igmp_group_free(group);}

示例13: bgp_router_id_update

/* Router-id update message from zebra. */static intbgp_router_id_update (int command, struct zclient *zclient, zebra_size_t length){  struct prefix router_id;  struct listnode *node, *nnode;  struct bgp *bgp;  zebra_router_id_update_read(zclient->ibuf,&router_id);  if (BGP_DEBUG(zebra, ZEBRA))    {      char buf[128];      prefix2str(&router_id, buf, sizeof(buf));      zlog_debug("Zebra rcvd: router id update %s", buf);    }  router_id_zebra = router_id.u.prefix4;  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (bm->bgp, node, nnode, bgp))    {      if (!bgp->router_id_static.s_addr)        bgp_router_id_set (bgp, &router_id.u.prefix4);    }  return 0;}

示例14: clear_checksum_streams

voidclear_checksum_streams (uint16_t checksum){  struct listnode * node, * nnode;  struct sisis_listener * listener;  for(ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (sm->listen_sockets, node, nnode, listener))  {     if(stream_get_getp(listener->chksum_stream) < stream_get_endp(listener->chksum_stream))     {       uint16_t checksum_head = stream_getw(listener->chksum_stream);       if(checksum_head != checksum)       {         stream_putw(listener->chksum_stream, checksum_head);         uint16_t next_checksum = stream_peekw(listener->chksum_stream);         while(next_checksum != checksum_head)         {           next_checksum = stream_getw(listener->chksum_stream);           if(next_checksum != checksum)             stream_putw(listener->chksum_stream, next_checksum);         }       }     }  }}

示例15: eigrp_update_send_all

voideigrp_update_send_all (struct eigrp *eigrp, struct eigrp_interface *exception){  struct eigrp_interface *iface;  struct listnode *node, *node2, *nnode2;  struct eigrp_prefix_entry *pe;  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(eigrp->eiflist, node, iface))    {      if (iface != exception)        {          eigrp_update_send(iface);        }    }  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(eigrp->topology_changes_internalIPV4, node2, nnode2, pe))    {      if(pe->req_action & EIGRP_FSM_NEED_UPDATE)        {          pe->req_action &= ~EIGRP_FSM_NEED_UPDATE;          listnode_delete(eigrp->topology_changes_internalIPV4, pe);          zlog_debug("UPDATE COUNT: %d", eigrp->topology_changes_internalIPV4->count);        }    }}

示例16: ip_address_count_except_fe80

/**Only for real interface first time register rpa table .not include ipv6 address: fe80: xx**/int ip_address_count_except_fe80(struct interface* ifp) {   struct connected *c;   struct listnode *cnode, *cnnode;   int i = 0;   if (ifp->connected)    {      for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (ifp->connected, cnode, cnnode, c))		{			if(CHECK_FLAG (c->conf, ZEBRA_IFC_CONFIGURED)||CHECK_FLAG (c->conf, ZEBRA_IFC_REAL))			{				if((c->address->family == AF_INET6) 					&&(IPV6_ADDR_FE80(c->address->u.prefix6.in6_u.u6_addr16[0])))					continue;				else					i++;				}						}    }     /* zlog_info("############## i = %d #################/n",i);*/   return i;   }

示例17: interface_down

intinterface_down (struct thread *thread){  struct ospf6_interface *oi;  struct listnode *node, *nnode;  struct ospf6_neighbor *on;  oi = (struct ospf6_interface *) THREAD_ARG (thread);  assert (oi && oi->interface);  if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_INTERFACE)    zlog_debug ("Interface Event %s: [InterfaceDown]",		oi->interface->name);  /* Leave AllSPFRouters */  if (oi->state > OSPF6_INTERFACE_DOWN)    ospf6_sso (oi->interface->ifindex, &allspfrouters6, IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP);  ospf6_interface_state_change (OSPF6_INTERFACE_DOWN, oi);  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (oi->neighbor_list, node, nnode, on))    ospf6_neighbor_delete (on);    list_delete_all_node (oi->neighbor_list);  return 0;}

示例18: eigrp_query_send_all

u_int32_teigrp_query_send_all (struct eigrp *eigrp){  struct eigrp_interface *iface;  struct listnode *node, *node2, *nnode2;  struct eigrp_neighbor *nbr;  struct eigrp_prefix_entry *pe;  u_int32_t counter;  if (eigrp == NULL)    {      zlog_debug("EIGRP Routing Process not enabled");      return 0;    }  counter=0;  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(eigrp->eiflist, node, iface))    {      eigrp_send_query(iface);      counter++;    }  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(eigrp->topology_changes_internalIPV4, node2, nnode2, pe))    {      if(pe->req_action & EIGRP_FSM_NEED_QUERY)        {          pe->req_action &= ~EIGRP_FSM_NEED_QUERY;          listnode_delete(eigrp->topology_changes_internalIPV4, pe);        }    }  return counter;}

示例19: are_checksums_same

unsigned intare_checksums_same (void){  int same = 0;  struct listnode * node, * nnode;  struct sisis_listener * listener;  struct sisis_listener * listener_swp = (struct sisis_listener *)listgetdata(listhead(sm->listen_sockets));  u_int16_t chsum_swp = listener_swp->chksum;  for(ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (sm->listen_sockets, node, nnode, listener))  {    zlog_debug("checksum: %d/n", listener->chksum);    if(listener->chksum == chsum_swp)    {      same = 1;      chsum_swp = listener->chksum;    }    else    {      return 0;     }  }  return same;}

示例20: rip_enable_network_lookup_if

/* Check wether the interface has at least a connected prefix that * is within the ripng_enable_network table. */static intrip_enable_network_lookup_if (struct interface *ifp){  struct listnode *node, *nnode;  struct connected *connected;  struct prefix_ipv4 address;  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (ifp->connected, node, nnode, connected))    {      struct prefix *p;       struct route_node *node;      p = connected->address;      if (p->family == AF_INET)        {          address.family = AF_INET;          address.prefix = p->u.prefix4;          address.prefixlen = IPV4_MAX_BITLEN;                    node = route_node_match (rip_enable_network,                                   (struct prefix *)&address);          if (node)            {              route_unlock_node (node);              return 1;            }        }    }  return -1;}

示例21: ospf6_abr_disable_area

voidospf6_abr_disable_area (struct ospf6_area *area){  struct ospf6_area *oa;  struct ospf6_route *ro;  struct ospf6_lsa *old;  struct listnode *node, *nnode;  /* Withdraw all summary prefixes previously originated */  for (ro = ospf6_route_head (area->summary_prefix); ro;       ro = ospf6_route_next (ro))    {      old = ospf6_lsdb_lookup (ro->path.origin.type, ro->path.origin.id,                               area->ospf6->router_id, area->lsdb);      if (old)        ospf6_lsa_purge (old);      ospf6_route_remove (ro, area->summary_prefix);    }  /* Withdraw all summary router-routes previously originated */  for (ro = ospf6_route_head (area->summary_router); ro;       ro = ospf6_route_next (ro))    {      old = ospf6_lsdb_lookup (ro->path.origin.type, ro->path.origin.id,                               area->ospf6->router_id, area->lsdb);      if (old)        ospf6_lsa_purge (old);      ospf6_route_remove (ro, area->summary_router);    }  /* Schedule Router-LSA for each area (ABR status may change) */  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (area->ospf6->area_list, node, nnode, oa))    /* update B bit for each area */    OSPF6_ROUTER_LSA_SCHEDULE (oa);}

示例22: ospf6_abr_enable_area

voidospf6_abr_enable_area (struct ospf6_area *area){  struct ospf6_area *oa;  struct ospf6_route *ro;  struct listnode *node, *nnode;  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (area->ospf6->area_list, node, nnode, oa))    {      /* update B bit for each area */      OSPF6_ROUTER_LSA_SCHEDULE (oa);      /* install other area's configured address range */      if (oa != area)        {          for (ro = ospf6_route_head (oa->range_table); ro;               ro = ospf6_route_next (ro))            {              if (CHECK_FLAG (ro->flag, OSPF6_ROUTE_ACTIVE_SUMMARY))                ospf6_abr_originate_summary_to_area (ro, area);            }        }    }  /* install calculated routes to border routers */  for (ro = ospf6_route_head (area->ospf6->brouter_table); ro;       ro = ospf6_route_next (ro))    ospf6_abr_originate_summary_to_area (ro, area);  /* install calculated routes to network (may be rejected by ranges) */  for (ro = ospf6_route_head (area->ospf6->route_table); ro;       ro = ospf6_route_next (ro))    ospf6_abr_originate_summary_to_area (ro, area);}

示例23: ospf6_area_delete

voidospf6_area_delete (struct ospf6_area *oa){  struct listnode *n, *nnode;  struct ospf6_interface *oi;  ospf6_route_table_delete (oa->range_table);  ospf6_route_table_delete (oa->summary_prefix);  ospf6_route_table_delete (oa->summary_router);  /* ospf6 interface list */  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (oa->if_list, n, nnode, oi))    {      ospf6_interface_delete (oi);    }  list_delete (oa->if_list);  ospf6_lsdb_delete (oa->lsdb);  ospf6_lsdb_delete (oa->lsdb_self);  ospf6_spf_table_finish (oa->spf_table);  ospf6_route_table_delete (oa->spf_table);  ospf6_route_table_delete (oa->route_table);  THREAD_OFF (oa->thread_spf_calculation);  THREAD_OFF (oa->thread_route_calculation);  listnode_delete (oa->ospf6->area_list, oa);  oa->ospf6 = NULL;  /* free area */  XFREE (MTYPE_OSPF6_AREA, oa);}

示例24: ospf6_delete

voidospf6_delete (struct ospf6 *o){  struct listnode *node, *nnode;  struct ospf6_area *oa;  ospf6_disable (ospf6);  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (o->area_list, node, nnode, oa))    ospf6_area_delete (oa);  list_delete (o->area_list);  ospf6_lsdb_delete (o->lsdb);  ospf6_lsdb_delete (o->lsdb_self);  ospf6_route_table_delete (o->route_table);  ospf6_route_table_delete (o->brouter_table);  ospf6_route_table_delete (o->external_table);  route_table_finish (o->external_id_table);  XFREE (MTYPE_OSPF6_TOP, o);  /* TODO Fix this */  ospf6 = NULL;}

示例25: if_down

/* Interface goes down.  We have to manage different behavior of based   OS. */voidif_down (struct interface *ifp){  struct listnode *node;  struct listnode *next;  struct connected *ifc;  struct prefix *p;  /* Notify to the protocol daemons. */  zebra_interface_down_update (ifp);  /* Delete connected routes from the kernel. */  if (ifp->connected)    {      for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (ifp->connected, node, next, ifc))	{	  p = ifc->address;	  if (p->family == AF_INET)	    connected_down_ipv4 (ifp, ifc);#ifdef HAVE_IPV6	  else if (p->family == AF_INET6)	    connected_down_ipv6 (ifp, ifc);#endif /* HAVE_IPV6 */	}    }  /* Examine all static routes which direct to the interface. */  rib_update ();}

示例26: ripng_if_down

static intripng_if_down (struct interface *ifp){  struct route_node *rp;  struct ripng_info *rinfo;  struct ripng_interface *ri;  struct list *list = NULL;  struct listnode *listnode = NULL, *nextnode = NULL;  if (ripng)    for (rp = route_top (ripng->table); rp; rp = route_next (rp))      if ((list = rp->info) != NULL)        for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (list, listnode, nextnode, rinfo))          if (rinfo->ifindex == ifp->ifindex)            ripng_ecmp_delete (rinfo);  ri = ifp->info;    if (ri->running)   {     if (IS_RIPNG_DEBUG_EVENT)       zlog_debug ("turn off %s", ifp->name);     /* Leave from multicast group. */     ripng_multicast_leave (ifp);     ri->running = 0;   }  return 0;}

示例27: ospf_if_is_configured

/**  check if interface with given address is configured and*  return it if yes.  special treatment for PtP networks.*/struct ospf_interface *ospf_if_is_configured (struct ospf *ospf, struct in_addr *address){  struct listnode *node, *nnode;  struct ospf_interface *oi;  struct prefix_ipv4 addr;  addr.family = AF_INET;  addr.prefix = *address;  addr.prefixlen = IPV4_MAX_PREFIXLEN;  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (ospf->oiflist, node, nnode, oi))    if (oi->type != OSPF_IFTYPE_VIRTUALLINK)      {        if (oi->type == OSPF_IFTYPE_POINTOPOINT)	  {	    /* special leniency: match if addr is anywhere on peer subnet */	    if (prefix_match(CONNECTED_PREFIX(oi->connected),			     (struct prefix *)&addr))	      return oi;	  }        else	  {	    if (IPV4_ADDR_SAME (address, &oi->address->u.prefix4))	      return oi;	  }      }  return NULL;}

示例28: ripng_connect_set

static voidripng_connect_set (struct interface *ifp, int set){  struct listnode *node, *nnode;  struct connected *connected;  struct prefix_ipv6 address;  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS (ifp->connected, node, nnode, connected))    {      struct prefix *p;      p = connected->address;      if (p->family != AF_INET6)        continue;      address.family = AF_INET6;      address.prefix = p->u.prefix6;      address.prefixlen = p->prefixlen;      apply_mask_ipv6 (&address);      if (set) {        /* Check once more wether this prefix is within a "network IF_OR_PREF" one */        if ((ripng_enable_if_lookup(connected->ifp->name) >= 0) ||            (ripng_enable_network_lookup2(connected) >= 0))          ripng_redistribute_add (ZEBRA_ROUTE_CONNECT, RIPNG_ROUTE_INTERFACE,                                  &address, connected->ifp->ifindex, NULL);      } else {        ripng_redistribute_delete (ZEBRA_ROUTE_CONNECT, RIPNG_ROUTE_INTERFACE,                                   &address, connected->ifp->ifindex);        if (ripng_redistribute_check (ZEBRA_ROUTE_CONNECT))          ripng_redistribute_add (ZEBRA_ROUTE_CONNECT, RIPNG_ROUTE_REDISTRIBUTE,                                  &address, connected->ifp->ifindex, NULL);      }    }}

示例29: ospf6_delete

void ospf6_delete(struct ospf6 *o){	struct listnode *node, *nnode;	struct ospf6_area *oa;	QOBJ_UNREG(o);	ospf6_flush_self_originated_lsas_now();	ospf6_disable(ospf6);	for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(o->area_list, node, nnode, oa))		ospf6_area_delete(oa);	list_delete(&o->area_list);	ospf6_lsdb_delete(o->lsdb);	ospf6_lsdb_delete(o->lsdb_self);	ospf6_route_table_delete(o->route_table);	ospf6_route_table_delete(o->brouter_table);	ospf6_route_table_delete(o->external_table);	route_table_finish(o->external_id_table);	ospf6_distance_reset(o);	route_table_finish(o->distance_table);	XFREE(MTYPE_OSPF6_TOP, o);}

示例30: scan_upstream_rpf_cache

static void scan_upstream_rpf_cache(){  struct listnode     *up_node;  struct listnode     *up_nextnode;  struct pim_upstream *up;  for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS(qpim_upstream_list, up_node, up_nextnode, up)) {    struct in_addr      old_rpf_addr;    enum pim_rpf_result rpf_result;    rpf_result = pim_rpf_update(up, &old_rpf_addr);    if (rpf_result == PIM_RPF_FAILURE)      continue;    if (rpf_result == PIM_RPF_CHANGED) {            if (up->join_state == PIM_UPSTREAM_JOINED) {		/*	  RFC 4601: 4.5.7.  Sending (S,G) Join/Prune Messages	  	  Transitions from Joined State	  	  RPF'(S,G) changes not due to an Assert	  	  The upstream (S,G) state machine remains in Joined	  state. Send Join(S,G) to the new upstream neighbor, which is	  the new value of RPF'(S,G).  Send Prune(S,G) to the old	  upstream neighbor, which is the old value of RPF'(S,G).  Set	  the Join Timer (JT) to expire after t_periodic seconds.	*/    	/* send Prune(S,G) to the old upstream neighbor */	pim_joinprune_send(up->rpf.source_nexthop.interface,			   old_rpf_addr,			   up->source_addr,			   up->group_addr,			   0 /* prune */);		/* send Join(S,G) to the current upstream neighbor */	pim_joinprune_send(up->rpf.source_nexthop.interface,			   up->rpf.rpf_addr,			   up->source_addr,			   up->group_addr,			   1 /* join */);	pim_upstream_join_timer_restart(up);      } /* up->join_state == PIM_UPSTREAM_JOINED */      /* FIXME can join_desired actually be changed by pim_rpf_update()	 returning PIM_RPF_CHANGED ? */      pim_upstream_update_join_desired(up);    } /* PIM_RPF_CHANGED */  } /* for (qpim_upstream_list) */  }


C++ ALOGD函数代码示例
C++ ALLOC_ZVAL函数代码示例