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自学教程:C++ ALOGD_IF函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:34:51
这篇教程C++ ALOGD_IF函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ALOGD_IF函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ALOGD_IF函数的具体用法?C++ ALOGD_IF怎么用?C++ ALOGD_IF使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。



int ExynosHWCService::setForceMirrorMode(unsigned int mode){    ALOGD_IF(HWC_SERVICE_DEBUG, "%s::mode=%d", __func__, mode);    mHWCCtx->force_mirror_mode = mode;    mHWCCtx->procs->invalidate(mHWCCtx->procs);    return NO_ERROR;}

示例2: initResolution

void VirtualDisplay::setAttributes() {    if(mHwcContext) {        uint32_t &extW = mHwcContext->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL].xres;        uint32_t &extH = mHwcContext->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL].yres;        uint32_t priW = mHwcContext->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY].xres;        uint32_t priH = mHwcContext->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY].yres;        initResolution(extW, extH);        // Dynamic Resolution Change depends on MDP downscaling.        // MDP downscale property will be ignored to exercise DRC use case.        // If DRC is in progress, ext WxH will have non-zero values.        bool isDRC = (extW > 0) && (extH > 0);        if(!qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().is8x26()                && (mHwcContext->mMDPDownscaleEnabled || isDRC)) {            // maxArea represents the maximum resolution between            // primary and virtual display.            uint32_t maxArea = max((extW * extH), (priW * priH));            setToPrimary(maxArea, priW, priH, extW, extH);            setDownScaleMode(maxArea);        }        mHwcContext->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL].vsync_period =                1000000000l /60;        ALOGD_IF(DEBUG,"%s: Setting Virtual Attr: res(%d x %d)",__FUNCTION__,                 mVInfo.xres, mVInfo.yres);    }}


bool IntelHWComposer::handleDynamicModeSetting(void *data){    bool ret = false;    ALOGD_IF(ALLOW_HWC_PRINT, "%s: handle Dynamic mode setting!/n", __func__);    // check HDMI timing    if (!mDrm->isDrmModeChanged((intel_display_mode_t*)data)){        ALOGD("Same HDMI timing, ignore this setting");        return true;    }    // send plug-out to SF for mode changing on the same device    // otherwise SF will bypass the plug-in message as there is    // no connection change;    ret = handleHotplugEvent(0, NULL);    if (!ret) {        ALOGW("%s: send fake unplug event failed!/n", __func__);        goto out;    }    // then change the mode and send plug-in to SF    ret = handleHotplugEvent(1, data);    if (!ret) {        ALOGW("%s: send plug in event failed!/n", __func__);        goto out;    }out:    return ret;}

示例4: if

/* Do this only on brightness ADC. */void LightSensor::configureRange(uint16_t adc_count){    if (!settings.allow_reconfig)        return;    bool increase;    if (adc_count <= RANGE_DEC_THRESHOLD)        increase = false;    else if (adc_count >= RANGE_INC_THRESHOLD)        increase = true;    else        return;    if (increase && settings.range != APS_12D_RANGE_15P36_TO_64000)        settings.range = static_cast<aps_12d_range>(settings.range + 1);    else if (!increase && settings.range != APS_12D_RANGE_0P24_TO_1000)        settings.range = static_cast<aps_12d_range>(settings.range - 1);    else        return;    ALOGD_IF(LIGHT_DEBUG, "LightSensor: New range %d", settings.range);    if (ioctl(dev_fd, APS_IOCTL_SET_SETTINGS, &settings))        ALOGE("LightSensor: Failed to set settings");}


void ExtDisplayObserver::setHwcContext(hwc_context_t* hwcCtx) {    ALOGD_IF(EXT_OBSERVER_DEBUG, "%s", __FUNCTION__);    if(hwcCtx) {        mHwcContext = hwcCtx;    }    return;}

示例6: _l

void SensorDevice::enableAllSensors() {    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);    mDisabledClients.clear();    const int halVersion = getHalDeviceVersion();    for (size_t i = 0; i< mActivationCount.size(); ++i) {        Info& info = mActivationCount.editValueAt(i);        if (info.batchParams.isEmpty()) continue;        info.selectBatchParams();        const int sensor_handle = mActivationCount.keyAt(i);        ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "/t>> reenable actuating h/w sensor enable handle=%d ",                   sensor_handle);        status_t err(NO_ERROR);        if (halVersion > SENSORS_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0) {            err = mSensorDevice->batch(mSensorDevice, sensor_handle,                 info.bestBatchParams.flags, info.bestBatchParams.batchDelay,                 info.bestBatchParams.batchTimeout);            ALOGE_IF(err, "Error calling batch on sensor %d (%s)", sensor_handle, strerror(-err));        }        if (err == NO_ERROR) {            err = mSensorDevice->activate(                    reinterpret_cast<struct sensors_poll_device_t *>(mSensorDevice),                    sensor_handle, 1);            ALOGE_IF(err, "Error activating sensor %d (%s)", sensor_handle, strerror(-err));        }        if (halVersion <= SENSORS_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0) {             err = mSensorDevice->setDelay(                    reinterpret_cast<struct sensors_poll_device_t *>(mSensorDevice),                    sensor_handle, info.bestBatchParams.batchDelay);             ALOGE_IF(err, "Error calling setDelay sensor %d (%s)", sensor_handle, strerror(-err));        }    }}

示例7: getInstance

bool CopyBit::canUseCopybitForRGB(hwc_context_t *ctx,                                        hwc_display_contents_1_t *list,                                        int dpy) {    int compositionType = qdutils::QCCompositionType::                                    getInstance().getCompositionType();    if (compositionType & qdutils::COMPOSITION_TYPE_DYN) {        // DYN Composition:        // use copybit, if (TotalRGBRenderArea < threashold * FB Area)        // this is done based on perf inputs in ICS        // TODO: Above condition needs to be re-evaluated in JB        int fbWidth =  ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].xres;        int fbHeight =  ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].yres;        unsigned int fbArea = (fbWidth * fbHeight);        unsigned int renderArea = getRGBRenderingArea(list);            ALOGD_IF (DEBUG_COPYBIT, "%s:renderArea %u, fbArea %u",                                  __FUNCTION__, renderArea, fbArea);        if (renderArea < (mDynThreshold * fbArea))            return true;    } else if ((compositionType & qdutils::COMPOSITION_TYPE_MDP)) {        // MDP composition, use COPYBIT always        return true;    } else if ((compositionType & qdutils::COMPOSITION_TYPE_C2D)) {        // C2D composition, use COPYBIT        return true;    }    return false;}


status_t SensorDevice::flush(void* ident, int handle) {    if (getHalDeviceVersion() < SENSORS_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_1) {        return INVALID_OPERATION;    }    ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "/t>>> actuating h/w flush %d", handle);    return mSensorDevice->flush(mSensorDevice, handle);}


bool GenericPipe::init(){    ALOGE_IF(DEBUG_OVERLAY, "GenericPipe init");    mRotDownscaleOpt = false;    int fbNum = Overlay::getFbForDpy(mDpy);    if( fbNum < 0 ) {        ALOGE("%s: Invalid FB for the display: %d",__FUNCTION__, mDpy);        return false;    }    ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_OVERLAY,"%s: mFbNum:%d",__FUNCTION__, fbNum);    if(!mCtrlData.ctrl.init(fbNum)) {        ALOGE("GenericPipe failed to init ctrl");        return false;    }    if(!mCtrlData.data.init(fbNum)) {        ALOGE("GenericPipe failed to init data");        return false;    }    return true;}

示例10: sprintf

bool ExternalDisplay::writeHPDOption(int userOption) const{    bool ret = true;    char sysFsHPDFilePath[255];    sprintf(sysFsHPDFilePath ,"/sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb%d/hpd",                                mHdmiFbNum);    int hdmiHPDFile = open(sysFsHPDFilePath,O_RDWR, 0);    if (hdmiHPDFile < 0) {        ALOGE("%s: state file '%s' not found : ret%d err str: %s", __FUNCTION__,                                sysFsHPDFilePath, hdmiHPDFile, strerror(errno));        ret = false;    } else {        int err = -1;        ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s: option = %d", __FUNCTION__, userOption);        if(userOption)            err = write(hdmiHPDFile, "1", 2);        else            err = write(hdmiHPDFile, "0" , 2);        if (err <= 0) {            ALOGE("%s: file write failed '%s'", __FUNCTION__, sysFsHPDFilePath);            ret = false;        }        close(hdmiHPDFile);    }    return ret;}

示例11: open

bool ExternalDisplay::writeHPDOption(int userOption) const{    bool ret = true;    int hdmiHPDFile = open(SYSFS_HPD,O_RDWR, 0);    if (hdmiHPDFile < 0) {        ALOGE("%s: state file '%s' not found : ret%d"                           "err str: %s",  __FUNCTION__, SYSFS_HPD, hdmiHPDFile,                           strerror(errno));        ret = false;    } else {        int err = -1;        ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s: option = %d", __FUNCTION__,                 userOption);        if(userOption)            err = write(hdmiHPDFile, "1", 2);        else            err = write(hdmiHPDFile, "0" , 2);        if (err <= 0) {            ALOGE("%s: file write failed '%s'",                     __FUNCTION__, SYSFS_HPD);            ret = false;        }        close(hdmiHPDFile);    }    return ret;}

示例12: ALOGD_IF

void ExternalDisplay::setExternalDisplay(int connected){    hwc_context_t* ctx = mHwcContext;    if(ctx) {        ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s: status = %d", __FUNCTION__,                 connected);        if(connected) {            readResolution();            //Get the best mode and set            // TODO: Move this to activate            setResolution(getBestMode());            setDpyAttr();            //enable hdmi vsync        } else {            // Disable the hdmi vsync            closeFrameBuffer();            resetInfo();        }        // Store the external display        mExternalDisplay = connected;        const char* prop = (connected) ? "1" : "0";        // set system property        property_set("hw.hdmiON", prop);    }    return;}

示例13: getOutputConnection

bool IntelHWComposerDrm::detectMDSModeChange(){#ifdef TARGET_HAS_MULTIPLE_DISPLAY    drmModeConnection hdmi = getOutputConnection(OUTPUT_HDMI);    int mdsMode = 0;    if (mMonitor != 0) {        mdsMode = mMonitor->getDisplayMode();        ALOGD_IF(ALLOW_MONITOR_PRINT, "%s: get MDS Mode %d", __func__, mdsMode);        //TODO: overlay only support OVERLAY_EXTEND and OVERLAY_MIPI0        if (mdsMode == OVERLAY_EXTEND && hdmi == DRM_MODE_CONNECTED)            setDisplayMode(OVERLAY_EXTEND);        else if (mdsMode == OVERLAY_CLONE_MIPI0)            setDisplayMode(OVERLAY_CLONE_MIPI0);        else            setDisplayMode(OVERLAY_MIPI0);    } else#endif    {        setDisplayMode(OVERLAY_MIPI0);    }    return true;}

示例14: ALOGD_IF

// Connection and Mode settingbool IntelHWComposerDrm::detectDisplayConnection(int disp){    ALOGD_IF(ALLOW_MONITOR_PRINT,              "%s: detecting display %d drm mode info.../n", __func__, disp);    //get mipi0 info    drmModeConnectorPtr connector = NULL;    drmModeModeInfoPtr mode = NULL;    uint32_t connector_type;    connector = getConnector(disp);    if (!connector) {        ALOGW("%s: fail to get drm connector/n", __func__);        return false;    }    //update connection status    setOutputConnection(disp, connector->connection);    if (connector->connection != DRM_MODE_CONNECTED) {        freeConnector(connector);        return false;    }    //update mode info    mode = getSelectMode(NULL, connector);    if (mode)        setOutputMode(disp, mode, 1);    freeConnector(connector);    return true;}

示例15: mWbFd

AssertiveDisplay::AssertiveDisplay(hwc_context_t *ctx) : mWbFd(-1),        mDoable(false), mFeatureEnabled(false),        mDest(overlay::utils::OV_INVALID) {    int fd = openWbFb();    if(fd >= 0) {        //Values in ad node:        //-1 means feature is disabled on device        // 0 means feature exists but turned off, will be turned on by hwc        // 1 means feature is turned on by hwc        // Plus, we do this feature only on split primary displays.        // Plus, we do this feature only if ro.qcom.ad=2        char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];        const int ENABLED = 2;        int val = 0;        if(property_get("ro.qcom.ad", property, "0") > 0) {            val = atoi(property);        }        if(adRead() >= 0 && isDisplaySplit(ctx, HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY) &&                val == ENABLED) {            ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "Assertive display feature supported");            mFeatureEnabled = true;        }        closeWbFb(fd);    }}

示例16: _l

bool egl_display_t::HibernationMachine::incWakeCount(WakeRefStrength strength) {    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);    ALOGE_IF(mWakeCount < 0 || mWakeCount == INT32_MAX,             "Invalid WakeCount (%d) on enter/n", mWakeCount);    mWakeCount++;    if (strength == STRONG)        mAttemptHibernation = false;    if (CC_UNLIKELY(mHibernating)) {        ALOGV("Awakening/n");        egl_connection_t* const cnx = &gEGLImpl;        // These conditions should be guaranteed before entering hibernation;        // we don't want to get into a state where we can't wake up.        ALOGD_IF(!mDpyValid || !cnx->egl.eglAwakenProcessIMG,                 "Invalid hibernation state, unable to awaken/n");        if (!cnx->egl.eglAwakenProcessIMG()) {            ALOGE("Failed to awaken EGL implementation/n");            return false;        }        mHibernating = false;    }    return true;}

示例17: teardownWfd

static void teardownWfd(hwc_context_t* ctx) {    // Teardown WFD display    ALOGD_IF(UEVENT_DEBUG,"Received HDMI connection request when WFD is "            "active");    {        Locker::Autolock _l(ctx->mDrawLock);        clear(ctx, HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL);        ctx->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL].connected = false;        ctx->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL].isActive = false;    }    ctx->mVirtualDisplay->teardown();    /* Need to send hotplug only when connected WFD in proprietary path */    if(ctx->mVirtualonExtActive) {        ALOGE_IF(UEVENT_DEBUG,"%s: Sending EXTERNAL OFFLINE"                "hotplug event for wfd display", __FUNCTION__);        ctx->proc->hotplug(ctx->proc, HWC_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL,                EXTERNAL_OFFLINE);        {            Locker::Autolock _l(ctx->mDrawLock);            ctx->mVirtualonExtActive = false;        }    }    /* Wait for few frames for SF to tear down the WFD session. */    usleep(ctx->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY].vsync_period            * 2 / 1000);}

示例18: ALOGD_IF

bool IdleInvalidator::setIdleTimeout(const uint32_t& timeout) {    ALOGD_IF(II_DEBUG, "IdleInvalidator::%s timeout %d",            __FUNCTION__, timeout);    // Open a sysfs node to send the timeout value to driver.    int fd = open(IDLE_TIME_PATH, O_WRONLY);    if (fd < 0) {        ALOGE ("%s:Unable to open %s node %s",                __FUNCTION__, IDLE_TIME_PATH, strerror(errno));        return false;    }    char strSleepTime[64];    snprintf(strSleepTime, sizeof(strSleepTime), "%d", timeout);    // Notify driver about the timeout value    ssize_t len = pwrite(fd, strSleepTime, strlen(strSleepTime), 0);    if(len < -1) {        ALOGE ("%s:Unable to write into %s node %s",                __FUNCTION__, IDLE_TIME_PATH, strerror(errno));        close(fd);        return false;    }    close(fd);    return true;}

示例19: handle_uevent

static void handle_uevent(hwc_context_t* ctx, const char* udata, int len){    int vsync = 0;    int64_t timestamp = 0;    const char *str = udata;    if(!strcasestr(str, "@/devices/virtual/graphics/fb")) {        ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s: Not Ext Disp Event ", __FUNCTION__);        return;    }    // parse HDMI events    // The event will be of the form:    // [email
C++ ALOGE_IF函数代码示例
C++ ALOGD函数代码示例