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自学教程:C++ ANIMATE函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:35:04
这篇教程C++ ANIMATE函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ANIMATE函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ANIMATE函数的具体用法?C++ ANIMATE怎么用?C++ ANIMATE使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: ai_miserys_bubble

void ai_miserys_bubble(Object *o){    Object *target;    switch(o->state)    {    case 0:    {        // find the Toroko object we are to home in on        target = mbubble_find_target();        if (!target)        {            o->state = 9999;            return;        }        o->xmark = target->x - (6 << CSF);        o->ymark = target->y - (6 << CSF);        ThrowObject(o, o->xmark, o->ymark, 0, (2 << CSF));        o->state = 1;        // correct values: 0x3F0, 0xAE        NX_LOG("Computed toss values xi: 0x%x, 0x%x/n", o->xinertia, o->yinertia);        NX_LOG("Target x/y: 0x%x, 0x%x/n", target->x, target->y);    }    case 1:        ANIMATE(1, 0, 1);        if (abs(o->x - o->xmark) <= (3 << CSF) && /                abs(o->y - o->ymark) <= (3 << CSF))        {            o->state = 2;            o->frame = 2;            sound(SND_BUBBLE);            if ((target = mbubble_find_target()))                target->invisible = true;        }        break;    case 2:    {        ANIMATE(1, 2, 3);        o->xinertia -= 0x20;        o->yinertia -= 0x20;        LIMITX(0x5FF);        LIMITY(0x5FF);        if (o->y < -1000)            o->Delete();    }    break;    }}

示例2: ai_npc_igor

// cutscene igorvoid ai_npc_igor(Object *o){	switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		// init, standing/panting			o->xinertia = 0;			o->frame = 0;			o->animtimer = 0;			o->state = 1;		case 1:			ANIMATE(5, 0, 1);		break;				case 2:		// walking			o->state = 3;			o->frame = 2;			o->animtimer = 0;		case 3:			ANIMATE(3, 2, 5);			XMOVE(0x200);		break;				case 4:		// punch			o->xinertia = 0;			o->state = 5;			o->timer = 0;		case 5:			o->frame = 6;			if (++o->timer > 10)			{				o->timer = 0;				o->state = 6;				sound(SND_EXPL_SMALL);			}		break;		case 6:			o->frame = 7;			if (++o->timer > 8)			{				o->state = 0;				o->frame = 0;			}		break;				case 7:			o->state = 1;		break;	}		o->yinertia += 0x40;	LIMITY(0x5FF);}

示例3: ai_mesa_block

void ai_mesa_block(Object *o){        ANIMATE(0, 0, 1);        switch(o->state) {        case 0: {	// being held                if (!o->linkedobject || o->linkedobject->type == OBJ_MESA_DYING) {                        o->Delete();                }        }        break;        case 1: {	// launched                if (++o->timer == 4)                        o->flags &= ~FLAG_IGNORE_SOLID;                o->yinertia += 0x2A;                LIMITY(0x5ff);                if (o->blockd && o->yinertia >= 0) {                        sound(SND_BLOCK_DESTROY);                        o->Delete();                }        }        break;        }        if (o->deleted) {                SmokeClouds(o, 3, 0, 0);                effect(o->x, o->y, EFFECT_BOOMFLASH);        }}

示例4: ai_ironh_shot

void ai_ironh_shot(Object *o){	if (!o->state)	{		if (++o->timer > 20)		{			o->state = 1;			o->xinertia = o->yinertia = 0;			o->timer2 = 0;		}	}	else	{		o->xinertia += 0x20;	}		ANIMATE(0, 0, 2);		if (++o->timer2 > 100 && !o->onscreen)	{		o->Delete();	}		if ((o->timer2 & 3)==1) sound(SND_IRONH_SHOT_FLY);}

示例5: ai_green_devil

void ai_green_devil(Object *o){	switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		{			o->flags |= FLAG_SHOOTABLE;			o->ymark = o->y;			o->yinertia = random(-5<<CSF, 5<<CSF);			o->damage = 3;			o->state = 1;		}		case 1:		{			ANIMATE(2, 0, 1);			o->yinertia += (o->y < o->ymark) ? 0x80 : -0x80;						XACCEL(0x20);			LIMITX(0x400);						if (o->dir == LEFT)			{				if (o->x < -o->Width())					o->Delete();			}			else			{				if (o->x > ((map.xsize * TILE_W) << CSF) + o->Width())					o->Delete();			}		}		break;	}	}

示例6: ai_ballos_target

// targeter for lightning strikesvoid ai_ballos_target(Object *o){	switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		{			// position to shoot lightning at passed as x,y			o->xmark = o->CenterX() - ((sprites[SPR_LIGHTNING].w / 2) << CSF);			o->ymark = o->CenterY();						// adjust our Y coordinate to match player's			o->y = player->CenterY();						sound(SND_CHARGE_GUN);			o->state = 1;		}		case 1:		{			ANIMATE(1, 0, 1);			o->timer++;						if (o->timer == 20 && o->dir == LEFT)			{	// lightning attack				// setting lightning dir=left: tells it do not flash screen				CreateObject(o->xmark, o->ymark, OBJ_LIGHTNING)->dir = LEFT;			}						if (o->timer > 40)				o->Delete();		}		break;	}	}

示例7: ai_doctor

void ai_doctor(Object *o){	switch(o->state)	{		case 10:	// he chuckles			o->state = 11;			o->timer2 = 0;			o->frame = 1;			o->animtimer = 0;		case 11:			ANIMATE(6, 0, 1);			if (++o->timer2 > 8*6) { o->frame = 0; o->state = 1; }		break;				case 20:	// he rises up and hovers		{			o->state = 21;			o->timer = 0;			o->frame = 2;			o->ymark = o->y - (32 << CSF);		}		case 21:		{			o->yinertia += (o->y > o->ymark) ? -0x20 : 0x20;			LIMITY(0x200);		}		break;				case 30:	// he teleports away		{			o->timer = 0;			o->frame = 2;			o->yinertia = 0;			o->state++;		}		case 31:		{			if (DoTeleportOut(o, 1))				o->Delete();		}		break;				case 40:	// he teleports in and hovers		{			o->timer = 0;			o->state = 41;			o->frame = 2;		}		case 41:		{			if (DoTeleportIn(o, 1))			{				o->state = 20;				o->yinertia = -0x200;			}		}		break;	}}

示例8: ai_ballos_skull

void ai_ballos_skull(Object *o){	ANIMATE(8, 0, 3);		switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		{			o->state = 100;			o->frame = random(0, 16) & 3;		}		case 100:		{			o->yinertia += 0x40;			LIMITY(0x700);						if (o->timer++ & 2)			{				(SmokePuff(o->x, o->y))->PushBehind(o);			}						if (o->y > 0x10000)			{				o->flags &= ~FLAG_IGNORE_SOLID;								if (o->blockd)				{					o->yinertia = -0x200;					o->state = 110;					o->flags |= FLAG_IGNORE_SOLID;										quake(10, SND_BLOCK_DESTROY);										for(int i=0;i<4;i++)					{						Object *s = SmokePuff(o->x + random(-12<<CSF, 12<<CSF), /											  o->y + 0x2000);												s->xinertia = random(-0x155, 0x155);						s->yinertia = random(-0x600, 0);						s->PushBehind(o);					}				}			}		}		break;				case 110:		{			o->yinertia += 0x40;						if (o->Top() >= (map.ysize * TILE_H) << CSF)			{				o->Delete();			}		}		break;	}}

示例9: ai_bute_flying

void ai_bute_flying(Object *o){        //AIDEBUG;        if (run_bute_defeated(o, BUTE_HP))                return;        switch(o->state) {        case 0: {                o->invisible = true;                o->state = 1;        }        case 1: {                if (o->dir == LEFT) {                        if (player->x > (o->x - (288<<CSF)) && /                                        player->x < (o->x - (272<<CSF))) {                                o->state = 10;                        }                } else {                        if (player->x < (o->x + (288<<CSF)) && /                                        player->x > (o->x + (272<<CSF))) {                                o->state = 10;                        }                }        }        break;        case 10: {                o->state = 11;                o->invisible = false;                o->flags |= FLAG_SHOOTABLE;                o->damage = 5;        }        case 11: {                FACEPLAYER;                ANIMATE(1, 0, 1);                XACCEL(0x10);                o->yinertia += (o->y > player->y) ? -0x10 : 0x10;                LIMITX(0x5ff);                LIMITY(0x5ff);                if ((o->blockl && o->xinertia < 0) || /                                (o->blockr && o->xinertia > 0)) {                        o->xinertia = -o->xinertia;                }                if ((o->blockd && o->yinertia > 0) || /                                (o->blocku && o->yinertia < 0)) {                        o->yinertia = -o->yinertia;                }        }        break;        }}

示例10: ai_bat_circle

void ai_bat_circle(Object *o){	switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		{			uint8_t angle;			o->state = 1;						// set up initial direction and target x,y			angle = random(0, 255);			o->xinertia = sin_table[angle];						angle += 64;			o->xmark = (o->x + (sin_table[angle] * 8));						angle = random(0, 255);			o->yinertia = sin_table[angle];						angle += 64;			o->ymark = (o->y + (sin_table[angle] * 8));		}		case 1:			// circle around our target point			ANIMATE(1, 2, 4);			FACEPLAYER;			o->xinertia += (o->x > o->xmark) ? -0x10 : 0x10;			o->yinertia += (o->y > o->ymark) ? -0x10 : 0x10;			LIMITX(0x200);			LIMITY(0x200);						if (!o->timer2)			{				if (pdistlx(0x1000) && (player->y > o->y) && pdistly(0xC000))				{	// dive attack					o->xinertia /= 2;					o->yinertia = 0;					o->state = 2;					o->frame = 5;		// mouth showing teeth				}			}			else o->timer2--;		break;				case 2:	// dive attack			o->yinertia += 0x40;			LIMITY(0x5ff);						if (o->blockd)			{				o->yinertia = 0;				o->xinertia *= 2;				o->timer2 = 120;		// delay before can dive again				o->state = 1;			}		break;	}}

示例11: ai_bute_falling

void ai_bute_falling(Object *o){        ANIMATE(3, 0, 3);        switch(o->state) {        case 0: {                o->state = 1;                o->MoveAtDir(o->dir, 0x600);                o->flags |= FLAG_IGNORE_SOLID;        }        case 1: {                o->timer++;                if (o->timer == 16) {                        o->flags &= ~FLAG_IGNORE_SOLID;                } else if (o->timer > 16 && o->block[o->dir]) {                        o->state = 10;                }                if (o->timer > 20) {                        switch(o->dir) {                        case LEFT:                                if (o->CenterX() <= player->CenterX() + (32<<CSF))                                        o->state = 10;                                break;                        case RIGHT:                                if (o->CenterX() >= player->CenterX() - (32<<CSF))                                        o->state = 10;                                break;                        case UP:                                if (o->CenterY() <= player->CenterY() + (32<<CSF))                                        o->state = 10;                                break;                        case DOWN:                                if (o->CenterY() >= player->CenterY() - (32<<CSF))                                        o->state = 10;                                break;                        }                }        }        break;        case 10: {                o->y += (4 << CSF);                o->ChangeType(OBJ_BUTE_FLYING);                o->state = 10;	// trigger flight immediately                o->frame = 0;                o->xinertia = 0;                o->yinertia = 0;        }        break;        }}

示例12: ai_misery_ring

void ai_misery_ring(Object *o){	if (!o->linkedobject)	{		SmokeClouds(o, 3, 2, 2);		o->Delete();		return;	}		switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		{			o->state = 1;			o->timer = 0;		}		case 1:		{			// distance from misery			if (o->timer < 192)				o->timer++;						// turn to bats when misery teleports			if (o->linkedobject->state >= STATE_TP_AWAY && /				o->linkedobject->state < STATE_TP_AWAY+10)			{				o->state = 10;			}		}		break;				case 10:	// transform to bat		{			o->flags |= FLAG_SHOOTABLE;			o->flags &= ~FLAG_INVULNERABLE;						ThrowObjectAtPlayer(o, 3, 0x200);			FACEPLAYER;						o->sprite = SPR_ORANGE_BAT_FINAL;			o->state = 11;		}		case 11:		{			ANIMATE(4, 0, 2);						if ((o->dir == LEFT && o->blockl) || /				(o->dir == RIGHT && o->blockr) || /				o->blocku || o->blockd)			{				SmokeClouds(o, 3, 2, 2);				o->Delete();			}		}		break;	}}

示例13: ai_mannan_shot

void ai_mannan_shot(Object *o){	XACCEL(0x20);	ANIMATE(0, 1, 2);		if ((o->timer & 3) == 1)		sound(SND_IRONH_SHOT_FLY);		if (++o->timer > 100)		o->Delete();}

示例14: ai_black_lightning

void ai_black_lightning(Object *o){	ANIMATE(0, 0, 1);	o->yinertia = 0x1000;		if (o->blockd)	{		effect(o->CenterX(), o->Bottom(), EFFECT_BOOMFLASH);		SmokeXY(o->CenterX(), o->Bottom(), 3, o->Width()>>CSF, 4);		o->Delete();	}

示例15: ai_firewhirr_shot

void ai_firewhirr_shot(Object *o){    ANIMATE(1, 0, 2);    o->x += (o->dir==LEFT) ? -0x200 : 0x200;    if ((o->dir==LEFT && o->blockl) || (o->dir==RIGHT && o->blockr))    {        if (o->dir == RIGHT) o->x += o->Width();        effect(o->x, o->CenterY(), EFFECT_FISHY);        o->Delete();    }}

示例16: aftermove_blade_l12_shot

void aftermove_blade_l12_shot(Object *o){    int level = (o->shot.btype - B_BLADE_L1);    ANIMATE(1, 0, 3);    if (--o->shot.ttl < 0)    {        shot_dissipate(o);        return;    }    // only start damaging enemies after we've passed the player    // as it starts slightly behind him    if (++o->timer >= 4)    {        Object *enemy;        if ((enemy = damage_enemies(o)))        {            // on level 2 we can deal damage up to 3 times (18 max)            if (level == 0 || /                    ++o->timer2 >= 3 || (enemy->flags & FLAG_INVULNERABLE))            {                o->Delete();                return;            }        }        else if (IsBlockedInShotDir(o))        {            if (!shot_destroy_blocks(o))                sound(SND_SHOT_HIT);            shot_dissipate(o, EFFECT_STARSOLID);            return;        }    }    switch(level)    {    case 0:        if ((o->timer % 5) == 1)            sound(SND_FIREBALL);        break;    case 1:        if ((o->timer % 7) == 1)            sound(SND_SLASH);        break;    }}

示例17: ai_ironh_fishy

void ai_ironh_fishy(Object *o){	switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		{			o->state = 10;			o->animtimer = 0;			o->yinertia = random(-0x200, 0x200);			o->xinertia = 0x800;		}		case 10:			// harmless fishy		{			ANIMATE(2, 0, 1);			if (o->xinertia < 0)			{				o->damage = 3;				o->state = 20;			}		}		break;				case 20:			// puffer fish		{			ANIMATE(2, 2, 3);						if (o->x < (48<<CSF))				o->Delete();		}		break;	}		if (o->blocku) o->yinertia = 0x200;	if (o->blockd) o->yinertia = -0x200;	o->xinertia -= 0x0c;}

示例18: ai_fuzz_core

void ai_fuzz_core(Object *o){    ANIMATE(2, 0, 1);    switch(o->state)    {    case 0:    {        // spawn mini-fuzzes        int angle = 120;        for(int i=0; i<5; i++)        {            Object *f = CreateObject(o->CenterX(), o->CenterY(), OBJ_FUZZ);            f->linkedobject = o;            f->angle = angle;            angle += (256 / 5);        }        o->timer = random(1, 50);        o->state = 1;    }    case 1:		// de-syncs the Y positions when multiple cores are present at once    {        if (--o->timer <= 0)        {            o->state = 2;            o->yinertia = 0x300;            o->ymark = o->y;        }    }    break;    case 2:    {        FACEPLAYER;        if (o->y > o->ymark) o->yinertia -= 0x10;        if (o->y < o->ymark) o->yinertia += 0x10;        LIMITY(0x355);    }    break;    }}

示例19: ai_toroko_teleport_in

void ai_toroko_teleport_in(Object *o){	switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		{			o->state = 1;			o->timer = 0;			o->flags &= ~FLAG_IGNORE_SOLID;		// this is set in npc.tbl, but uh, why?		}		case 1:		{			if (DoTeleportIn(o, 2))			{				o->frame = 1;				o->state = 2;				o->animtimer = 0;			}		}		break;				case 2:			ANIMATE(2, 1, 4);						if (o->blockd)			{				o->state = 4;				o->frame = 6;		// tripping frame				sound(SND_THUD);			}		break;				case 4: break;			// knocked out	}		// fall unless teleporting	if (o->state >= 2)	{		o->yinertia += 0x20;		LIMITY(0x5ff);	}}

示例20: ai_bute_dying

void ai_bute_dying(Object *o){	switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		{			o->flags &= ~(FLAG_SHOOTABLE | FLAG_IGNORE_SOLID | FLAG_SHOW_FLOATTEXT);			o->damage = 0;			o->frame = 0;			o->animtimer = 0;			o->state = 1;						o->yinertia = -0x200;		}		case 1:		{			if (o->blockd && o->yinertia >= 0)			{				o->state = 2;				o->timer = 0;				o->frame = 1;			}		}		break;				case 2:		{			o->xinertia *= 8;			o->xinertia /= 9;						ANIMATE(3, 1, 2);						if (++o->timer > 50)				o->DealDamage(10000);		}		break;	}		o->yinertia += 0x20;	LIMITY(0x5ff);}

示例21: aftermove_red_crystal

// The Doctor's red crystal.// There are actually two, one is behind him and one is in front// and they alternate visibility as they spin around him so it looks 3D.//// This function has to be an aftermove, otherwise, because one is in front// and the other behind, one will be checking crystal_xmark before the Doctor// updates it, and the other afterwards, and they will get out of sync.void aftermove_red_crystal(Object *o){	ANIMATE(3, 0, 1);		switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		{			if (crystal_xmark != 0)			{				o->state = 1;				crystal_tofront = true;			}		}		break;				case 1:		{			o->xinertia += (o->x < crystal_xmark) ? 0x55 : -0x55;			o->yinertia += (o->y < crystal_ymark) ? 0x55 : -0x55;			LIMITX(0x400);			LIMITY(0x400);						if ((o->dir == LEFT && o->xinertia > 0) || /				(o->dir == RIGHT && o->xinertia < 0))			{				o->invisible = true;			}			else			{				o->invisible = false;			}		}		break;	}		if (crystal_tofront && o->dir == LEFT)	{		o->BringToFront();		crystal_tofront = false;	}}

示例22: ai_misery_ball

void ai_misery_ball(Object *o){  switch (o->state)  {    case 0:    {      o->state    = 1;      o->ymark    = o->y;      o->xinertia = 0;      o->yinertia = -0x200;    }    case 1:    {      ANIMATE(2, 0, 1);      o->xinertia += (o->x < player->x) ? 0x10 : -0x10;      o->yinertia += (o->y < o->ymark) ? 0x20 : -0x20;      LIMITX(0x200);      LIMITY(0x200);      if (pdistlx(8 * CSFI) && player->y > o->y)      {        o->state = 10;        o->timer = 0;      }    }    break;    case 10: // black lightning    {      if (++o->timer > 10)      {        NXE::Sound::SoundManager::getInstance()->playSfx(NXE::Sound::SFX::SND_LIGHTNING_STRIKE);        CreateObject(o->x, o->y, OBJ_BLACK_LIGHTNING);        o->Delete();      }      o->frame = (o->timer & 2) ? 2 : 1;    }    break;  }}

示例23: ai_ballos_bone

// bones emitted by bone spawnervoid ai_ballos_bone(Object *o){	ANIMATE(3, 0, 2);		if (o->blockd && o->yinertia >= 0)	{		if (o->state == 0)		{			o->yinertia = -0x200;			o->state = 1;		}		else		{			effect(o->CenterX(), o->CenterY(), EFFECT_FISHY);			o->Delete();		}	}		o->yinertia += 0x40;	LIMITY(0x5ff);}

示例24: ai_doctor_blast

// from his "explosion" attackvoid ai_doctor_blast(Object *o){	// they're bouncy	if ((o->blockl && o->xinertia < 0) || /		(o->blockr && o->xinertia > 0))	{		o->xinertia = -o->xinertia;	}		if (o->blockd && o->yinertia > 0)		o->yinertia = -0x200;		if (o->blocku && o->yinertia < 0)		o->yinertia = 0x200;		ANIMATE(0, 0, 1);		if ((++o->timer % 4) == 1)		CreateObject(o->x, o->y, OBJ_DOCTOR_SHOT_TRAIL)->PushBehind(o);		if (o->timer > 250)		o->Delete();}

示例25: ai_ballos_bone_spawner

// white sparky thing that moves along floor throwing out bones,// spawned he hits the ground.// similar to the red smoke-spawning ones from Undead Core.void ai_ballos_bone_spawner(Object *o){	switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		{			sound(SND_MISSILE_HIT);			o->state = 1;						XMOVE(0x400);		}		case 1:		{			ANIMATE(1, 0, 2);			o->timer++;						if ((o->timer % 6) == 1)			{				int xi = (random(4, 16) << CSF) / 8;								if (o->dir == LEFT)					xi = -xi;								CreateObject(o->x, o->y, OBJ_BALLOS_BONE, xi, -0x400);				sound(SND_BLOCK_DESTROY);			}						if ((o->blockl && o->xinertia < 0) || /				(o->blockr && o->xinertia > 0))			{				o->Delete();			}		}		break;	}	}

示例26: ai_red_bat

void ai_red_bat(Object *o){	ANIMATE(1, 0, 2);		switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		{			o->state = 1;			o->ymark = o->y;			o->timer = random(0, 50);		}		case 1:		{			if (--o->timer < 0)			{				o->state = 2;				o->yinertia = 0x400;			}			else break;		}		case 2:		{			o->yinertia += (o->y < o->ymark) ? 0x10 : -0x10;			LIMITY(0x300);			XMOVE(0x100);		}		break;	}		if (o->x < 0 || o->x > (map.xsize * TILE_W) << CSF)	{		effect(o->CenterX(), o->CenterY(), EFFECT_BOOMFLASH);		o->Delete();	}}

示例27: ai_intro_doctor

void ai_intro_doctor(Object *o){	switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		{			o->y -= (8 << CSF);			o->state = 1;		}		case 1:		{			o->frame = 0;		}		break;				case 10:	// chuckle; facing screen		{			o->state = 11;			o->frame = 0;			o->animtimer = 0;			o->timer2 = 0;		}		case 11:		{			ANIMATE_FWD(6);			if (o->frame > 1)			{				o->frame = 0;				if (++o->timer2 > 7)					o->state = 1;			}		}		break;				case 20:	// walk		{			o->state = 21;			o->frame = 2;			o->animtimer = 0;		}		case 21:		{			ANIMATE(10, 2, 5);			o->x += 0x100;		}		break;				case 30:	// face away		{			o->frame = 6;			o->state = 31;		}		break;				case 40:	// chuckle; facing away		{			o->state = 41;			o->frame = 6;			o->animtimer = 0;			o->timer2 = 0;		}		case 41:		{			ANIMATE_FWD(6);			if (o->frame > 7)			{				o->frame = 6;				if (++o->timer2 > 7)					o->state = 30;			}		}		break;	}}

示例28: ai_ma_pignon

//.........这里部分代码省略.........		}		break;				case MP_Landed:		{			o->frame = 2;			if (++o->timer > 4)			{				o->state = MP_BaseState;			}		}		break;						case MP_ChargeAttack:		// charge attack		{			o->frame = 5;			if (++o->timer > 10)			{				o->state = MP_ChargeAttack+1;				o->frame = 6;								XMOVE(0x5ff);				sound(SND_FUNNY_EXPLODE);								o->flags &= ~FLAG_SHOOTABLE;				o->flags |= FLAG_INVULNERABLE;				o->damage = 10;			}		}		break;		case MP_ChargeAttack+1:		// in-air during charge attack		{			ANIMATE(0, 6, 7);						if ((o->xinertia < 0 && o->blockl) || /				(o->xinertia > 0 && o->blockr))			{				o->state = MP_Hit_Wall;			}		}		break;				case MP_Hit_Wall:		// hit wall		{			o->state++;			o->timer = 0;			quake(16);		}		case MP_Hit_Wall+1:		{			o->damage = 4;			ANIMATE(0, 6, 7);						if ((++o->timer % 6) == 0)			{				int x = (random(4, 16) * TILE_W) << CSF;				CreateObject(x, (16 << CSF), OBJ_MA_PIGNON_ROCK);			}						if (o->timer > 30)			{				o->timer2 = 0;				o->state = MP_In_Air;								o->flags |= FLAG_SHOOTABLE;

示例29: ai_critter_shooting_purple

// used only for purple ones in mazevoid ai_critter_shooting_purple(Object *o){	switch(o->state)	{		case 0:			o->state = STATE_IDLE;			o->damage = CRITTER_DAMAGE;		case STATE_IDLE:		{			o->frame = 0;		// assume not at attention			if (o->timer >= 8)			{				if (pdistlx(96<<CSF) && pdistly2(96<<CSF, 32<<CSF))				{					FACEPLAYER;										// close enough to attack?					if (pdistlx(48<<CSF))					{						o->state = STATE_PREPARE_JUMP;						o->frame = 0;						o->timer = 0;					}					else					{	// no, but stand at "attention"						o->frame = 1;					}				}			}			else			{				o->timer++;			}						// also attack if shot			if (o->shaketime)			{				o->state = STATE_PREPARE_JUMP;				o->frame = 0;				o->timer = 0;			}		}		break;				case STATE_PREPARE_JUMP:		{			o->frame = 1;			if (++o->timer > 8)			{				FACEPLAYER;								o->state = STATE_JUMP;				o->timer = 0;				o->frame = 2;								sound(SND_ENEMY_JUMP);				o->yinertia = -0x5ff;			}		}		break;				case STATE_JUMP:		{			if (o->yinertia > 0x100 || /				(o->blockd && ++o->timer > 16))		// failsafe			{				o->ymark = o->y;								o->state = STATE_HOVER;				o->frame = 3;				o->timer = 0;								o->CurlyTargetHere(60, 100);			}		}		break;				case STATE_HOVER:		{	// sinusoidal hover			o->yinertia += (o->y > o->ymark) ? -0x10 : 0x10;			LIMITY(0x200);						FACEPLAYER;			ANIMATE(0, 3, 5);						// time to end flight?			if (++o->timer > 60 || o->blocku)			{				o->damage = CRITTER_FALL_DAMAGE;				o->state = STATE_END_JUMP;				o->frame = 2;				break;			}						if ((o->timer % 4) == 1)				sound(SND_CRITTER_FLY);						if ((o->timer % 30) == 6)//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例30: ai_bute_archer_red

void ai_bute_archer_red(Object *o){	//DebugCrosshair(o->x, o->y, 0, 255, 255);		switch(o->state)	{		case 0:		{			o->state = 1;						o->xmark = o->x;			o->ymark = o->y;						if (o->dir == LEFT)				o->xmark -= (128<<CSF);			else				o->xmark += (128<<CSF);						o->xinertia = random(-0x400, 0x400);			o->yinertia = random(-0x400, 0x400);		}		case 1:		// come on screen		{			ANIMATE(1, 0, 1);						if ((o->dir == LEFT && o->x < o->xmark) || /				(o->dir == RIGHT && o->x > o->xmark))			{				o->state = 20;			}		}		break;				case 20:	// aiming		{			o->state = 21;			o->timer = random(0, 150);						o->frame = 2;			o->animtimer = 0;		}		case 21:		{			ANIMATE(2, 2, 3);						if (++o->timer > 300 || /				(pdistlx(112<<CSF) && pdistly(16<<CSF)))			{				o->state = 30;			}		}		break;				case 30:	// flashing to fire		{			o->state = 31;			o->timer = 0;			o->animtimer = 0;			o->frame = 3;		}		case 31:		{			ANIMATE(1, 3, 4);						if (++o->timer > 30)			{				o->state = 40;				o->frame = 5;								Object *arrow = CreateObject(o->x, o->y, OBJ_BUTE_ARROW);				arrow->dir = o->dir;				arrow->xinertia = (o->dir == RIGHT) ? 0x800 : -0x800;			}		}		break;				case 40:	// fired		{			o->state = 41;			o->timer = 0;			o->animtimer = 0;		}		case 41:		{			ANIMATE(2, 5, 6);						if (++o->timer > 40)			{				o->state = 50;				o->timer = 0;				o->xinertia = 0;				o->yinertia = 0;			}		}		break;				case 50:	// retreat offscreen		{			ANIMATE(1, 0, 1);			XACCEL(-0x20);//.........这里部分代码省略.........


C++ ANIM_animdata_filter函数代码示例
C++ ANGLE_TRY函数代码示例