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自学教程:C++ AO_load函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:35:14
这篇教程C++ AO_load函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中AO_load函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AO_load函数的具体用法?C++ AO_load怎么用?C++ AO_load使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: acqrel_thr

void * acqrel_thr(void *id){  int me = (int)(long)id;  int i;  for (i = 0; i < NITERS; ++i)    if (me & 1)      {        AO_T my_counter1;	if (me != 1)	  fprintf(stderr, "acqrel test: too many threads/n");	my_counter1 = AO_load(&counter1);	AO_store(&counter1, my_counter1 + 1);	AO_store_release_write(&counter2, my_counter1 + 1);      }    else      {	AO_T my_counter2;	AO_T my_counter1;	my_counter2 = AO_load_acquire_read(&counter2);	my_counter1 = AO_load(&counter1);	if (my_counter1 < my_counter2)	  {	    fprintf(stderr, "Saw release store out of order: %lu < %lu/n",		    (unsigned long)my_counter1, (unsigned long)my_counter2);	    abort();	  }      }  return 0;}

示例2: get_buffers_from_BM

/* get_buffers_from_BM: function used to get buffers to be used for reading data * off disks via DM_get */void get_buffers_from_BM(uint64_t buffers_required,	uri_entry_t *requested_object, nkn_buf_t *buffers[MAX_BUFFERS_FETCH_DM]){    nkn_buf_t *buffer = NULL, *attr_buffer_present = NULL;    char *attr_uri_name = NULL;    int counter = 0;    //uint64_t append_offset = 0;    //char buff[512];    //memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));    //append_offset = (requested_object->request_offset / DATA_BUFFER_SIZE) *   //							DATA_BUFFER_SIZE;    attr_buffer_present = g_hash_table_lookup(attr_hash_table,					requested_object->uri_name);    if (!attr_buffer_present) {	//insert the entry in the hash;	attr_buffer_present = getFreeAttrBuffer();	//int len = strlen(requested_object->uri_name);	attr_uri_name = (char*)calloc(MAX_URI_LEN,1);	strncpy(attr_uri_name,requested_object->uri_name,	                                             (MAX_URI_LEN-1));	attr_buffer_present->uri_name = attr_uri_name;	g_hash_table_insert(attr_hash_table,	                             attr_uri_name,attr_buffer_present);    }    else if (AO_load(&(attr_buffer_present->ref)) == 0)    {       TAILQ_REMOVE(&attrbufferpool_queues[attr_buffer_present->flist],                                     attr_buffer_present,attrbuffpoolentry);       //if(present_buffer == buffer)       //  attr_buffer_present->ref++;       //                                                                      }    requested_object->attrbuff = attr_buffer_present;    while(buffers_required != 0) {	pthread_mutex_lock(&bufferpool_queue_mutex);	buffer = getFreeBuffer();	pthread_mutex_unlock(&bufferpool_queue_mutex);	assert(AO_load(&(buffer->ref))== 0);	buffer->attrbuf = attr_buffer_present;	buffers[counter] = buffer;	buffers[counter]->use++;	attr_buffer_present->use++;	attr_buffer_present->use_ts = AO_load(&nkn_cur_ts);	attr_buffer_present->provider = PROVIDER_DM;	//append_offset += DATA_BUFFER_SIZE;	buffers_required--;	counter++;    }}

示例3: AO_stack_pop_explicit_aux_acquire

AO_t *AO_stack_pop_explicit_aux_acquire(volatile AO_t *list, AO_stack_aux * a){  unsigned i;  int j = 0;  AO_t first;  AO_t * first_ptr;  AO_t next; retry:  first = AO_load(list);  if (0 == first) return 0;  /* Insert first into aux black list.                                  */  /* This may spin if more than AO_BL_SIZE removals using auxiliary     */  /* structure a are currently in progress.                             */  for (i = 0; ; )    {      if (PRECHECK(a -> AO_stack_bl[i])          AO_compare_and_swap_acquire(a->AO_stack_bl+i, 0, first))        break;      ++i;      if ( i >= AO_BL_SIZE )        {          i = 0;          AO_pause(++j);        }    }  assert(i < AO_BL_SIZE);  assert(a -> AO_stack_bl[i] == first);  /* First is on the auxiliary black list.  It may be removed by        */  /* another thread before we get to it, but a new insertion of x       */  /* cannot be started here.                                            */  /* Only we can remove it from the black list.                         */  /* We need to make sure that first is still the first entry on the    */  /* list.  Otherwise it's possible that a reinsertion of it was        */  /* already started before we added the black list entry.              */  if (AO_EXPECT_FALSE(first != AO_load(list))) {    AO_store_release(a->AO_stack_bl+i, 0);    goto retry;  }  first_ptr = AO_REAL_NEXT_PTR(first);  next = AO_load(first_ptr);  if (AO_EXPECT_FALSE(!AO_compare_and_swap_release(list, first, next))) {    AO_store_release(a->AO_stack_bl+i, 0);    goto retry;  }  assert(*list != first);  /* Since we never insert an entry on the black list, this cannot have */  /* succeeded unless first remained on the list while we were running. */  /* Thus its next link cannot have changed out from under us, and we   */  /* removed exactly one entry and preserved the rest of the list.      */  /* Note that it is quite possible that an additional entry was        */  /* inserted and removed while we were running; this is OK since the   */  /* part of the list following first must have remained unchanged, and */  /* first must again have been at the head of the list when the        */  /* compare_and_swap succeeded.                                        */  AO_store_release(a->AO_stack_bl+i, 0);  return first_ptr;}

示例4: rtsched_queue_dump_counters

void rtsched_queue_dump_counters(void){    printf("/nglob_rtsched_runnable_q_pushes = %ld",	    AO_load(&glob_rtsched_runnable_q_pushes));    printf("/nglob_rtsched_runnable_q_pops = %ld",	    AO_load(&glob_rtsched_runnable_q_pops));    printf("/nglob_rtsched_cleanup_q_pushes = %ld",	    AO_load(&glob_rtsched_cleanup_q_pushes));    printf("/nglob_rtsched_cleanup_q_pops = %ld", glob_rtsched_cleanup_q_pops);}

示例5: AO_wait_lock_g

/* may cause starvation ... */int AO_wait_lock_g( AO_lock_ptr_t lock, AO_lock_val_t self ) {    AO_lock_t lk_val;    if( AO_load((ao_t*) lock) == (ao_t) self ) return 0;    while( AO_compare_and_swap_release((ao_t *)lock,(ao_t )0,(ao_t) self) == 0 ) {        lk_val = AO_load((ao_t*) lock);        if( lk_val  == 0 ) continue;        futex_wait(lock,lk_val);    }    return 1;}

示例6: AO_stack_push_explicit_aux_release

/* pointers with extra bits "or"ed into the low order bits.             */voidAO_stack_push_explicit_aux_release(volatile AO_t *list, AO_t *x,                                   AO_stack_aux *a){  AO_t x_bits = (AO_t)x;  AO_t next;  /* No deletions of x can start here, since x is not currently in the  */  /* list.                                                              */ retry:# if AO_BL_SIZE == 2  {    /* Start all loads as close to concurrently as possible. */    AO_t entry1 = AO_load(a -> AO_stack_bl);    AO_t entry2 = AO_load(a -> AO_stack_bl + 1);    if (entry1 == x_bits || entry2 == x_bits)      {        /* Entry is currently being removed.  Change it a little.       */          ++x_bits;          if ((x_bits & AO_BIT_MASK) == 0)            /* Version count overflowed;         */            /* EXTREMELY unlikely, but possible. */            x_bits = (AO_t)x;        goto retry;      }  }# else  {    int i;    for (i = 0; i < AO_BL_SIZE; ++i)      {        if (AO_load(a -> AO_stack_bl + i) == x_bits)          {            /* Entry is currently being removed.  Change it a little.   */              ++x_bits;              if ((x_bits & AO_BIT_MASK) == 0)                /* Version count overflowed;         */                /* EXTREMELY unlikely, but possible. */                x_bits = (AO_t)x;            goto retry;          }      }  }# endif  /* x_bits is not currently being deleted */  do    {      next = AO_load(list);      *x = next;    }  while (AO_EXPECT_FALSE(!AO_compare_and_swap_release(list, next, x_bits)));}

示例7: return_buffers_to_client

/* return_buffers_to_client: used to simulate the communication after a DM_get * to send buffers back to the client. * Also stores the buffers into the cache. (only if the buffer was not  * previously present in the cache */void return_buffers_to_client(uint64_t buffers_required,    uri_entry_t *requested_object, nkn_buf_t *buffers[MAX_BUFFERS_FETCH_DM]){    uint64_t counter = 0;    nkn_buf_t *present_buffer = NULL;    while(counter != buffers_required)    {	//total_dup_bytes_delivered += (buffers[counter])->length;	//total_bytes_delivered += (buffers[counter])->length;	present_buffer = g_hash_table_lookup(uri_hash_table,		(buffers[counter])->uri_name);	if (present_buffer == NULL) {	    //this is a new buffer	    //insert into the hash table	    //insert into requested_obj->databufs	    //inc ref count	    //inc attrbuff refcount	    //inc total bytes in ram	    g_hash_table_insert(uri_hash_table, buffers[counter]->uri_name,					 buffers[counter]);	    requested_object->data_bufs[requested_object->buffer_fetch_count++]=							    buffers[counter];	    AO_fetch_and_add1(&((buffers[counter])->ref));	    assert(AO_load(&((buffers[counter])->ref)) == 1);	    ((buffers[counter])->attrbuf)->buffer_count++;	    AO_fetch_and_add1(&(((buffers[counter])->attrbuf)->ref));	    total_bytes_in_ram += (buffers[counter])->length;	}	else {	    free((buffers[counter])->uri_name);	    assert(AO_load(&(buffers[counter]->ref)) == 0);	    makeBufferAvailable(buffers[counter]);	}	counter++;    }}

示例8: main

int main(void){    int i;# ifdef GC_PTHREADS    int err;    pthread_t th[INITIAL_THREAD_COUNT];# else    HANDLE th[INITIAL_THREAD_COUNT];# endif    GC_INIT();    for (i = 0; i < INITIAL_THREAD_COUNT; ++i) {#     ifdef GC_PTHREADS        err = pthread_create(&th[i], NULL, entry, 0);        if (err) {            fprintf(stderr, "Thread creation failed: %s", strerror(err));            exit(1);        }#     else        DWORD thread_id;        th[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, entry, 0, 0, &thread_id);        if (th[i] == NULL) {            printf("Thread creation failed: %d/n", (int)GetLastError());            exit(1);        }#     endif    }    for (i = 0; i < INITIAL_THREAD_COUNT; ++i) {#     ifdef GC_PTHREADS        void *res;        err = pthread_join(th[i], &res);        if (err) {            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to join thread: %s", strerror(err));            exit(1);        }#     else        if (WaitForSingleObject(th[i], INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {            printf("Failed to join thread: %d/n", (int)GetLastError());            CloseHandle(th[i]);            exit(1);        }        CloseHandle(th[i]);#     endif    }  printf("subthread_create: created %d threads (%d ended)/n",         (int)AO_load(&thread_created_cnt), (int)AO_load(&thread_ended_cnt));  return 0;}

示例9: AO_unlock

int  AO_unlock( AO_lock_ptr_t lock ) {    pthread_t self = pthread_self();    if( AO_load((ao_t*) lock) != (ao_t) self ) return 0;    AO_store_release(lock,0);    futex_wake(lock,1); // wake up exactly one thread    return 1;}

示例10: ns_stat_add

intns_stat_add(ns_stat_token_t	stoken,            ns_stat_category_t	stat_type,            int64_t		add_val,            int64_t		*old_val){    int64_t  tmp_val;    uint32_t ns_index = stoken.u.stat_token_data.val;    uint32_t gen = stoken.u.stat_token_data.gen;    uint32_t curr_gen;    curr_gen = (uint32_t) AO_load(&ns_token_gen[ns_index]);    if (curr_gen != gen) {        glob_ns_stat_add_gen_mismatch_err++;        return NKN_STAT_GEN_MISMATCH;    }    if (stat_type >= NS_STAT_MAX) {        glob_ns_stat_add_type_einval_err++;        return NKN_STAT_TYPE_EINVAL;    }    tmp_val = AO_fetch_and_add(&ns_stats[ns_index][stat_type], add_val);    if (old_val)        *old_val = tmp_val;    return 0;}	/* ns_stat_add */

示例11: traces_obtain_log_line_number

static inline int traces_obtain_log_line_number(void){	int linenum;	while (1) {		/* wait for buffer to be emptied */		while (AO_load(&traces->logcnt) > LAST_LOGLINE);		while (AO_test_and_set(&traces->lock) == AO_TS_SET);				/* new line will be used! */		AO_fetch_and_add1(&traces->usecnt);				/* get log line number */		linenum = AO_fetch_and_add1(&traces->logcnt);		AO_CLEAR(&traces->lock);		/* line number with valid properties has been acquired so leave */		if (linenum <= LAST_LOGLINE)			break;				/* release non-existing line number */		AO_fetch_and_sub1(&traces->usecnt);	}		DEBUG("linenum = %d", linenum);	/* linenum is storing now a unique number n, such as 0 <= n <= LAST_LOGLINE */	return linenum;}

示例12: _gcollect_proc

static void *_gcollect_proc(void *arg){    while (AO_load(&pending))	GC_gcollect();    return NULL;}

示例13: traces_log_write_out

static void traces_log_write_out(void){	DEBUG("begin");		/* disallow to obtain new lines */	while (AO_test_and_set(&traces->lock) == AO_TS_SET);	/* if any line is still used, wait for it to be released */	while (AO_load(&traces->usecnt) > 0);	int lines = (traces->logcnt >= LAST_LOGLINE) ? (LAST_LOGLINE - 1) : traces->logcnt;		if (lines > 0) {		if (write(traces->logfd, &traces->logs, lines * sizeof(traces_log_t)) == -1)			perror("traces: writing out failed: ");		else			DEBUG("written out %d lines", lines);	}		memset(&traces->logs, 0, (LAST_LOGLINE - 1) * sizeof(traces_log_t));	/* reset line log counter */	AO_store(&traces->logcnt, 0);	AO_CLEAR(&traces->lock);		DEBUG("finished");}

示例14: acqrel_thr

void * acqrel_thr(void *id){  int me = (int)(AO_PTRDIFF_T)id;  int i;  for (i = 0; i < NITERS; ++i)    if (me & 1)      {        AO_t my_counter1;        if (me != 1)          {            fprintf(stderr, "acqrel test: too many threads/n");            abort();          }        my_counter1 = AO_load(&counter1);        AO_store(&counter1, my_counter1 + 1);        AO_store_release_write(&counter2, my_counter1 + 1);      }    else      {        AO_t my_counter1a, my_counter2a;        AO_t my_counter1b, my_counter2b;        my_counter2a = AO_load_acquire_read(&counter2);        my_counter1a = AO_load(&counter1);        /* Redo this, to make sure that the second load of counter1 */        /* is not viewed as a common subexpression.         */        my_counter2b = AO_load_acquire_read(&counter2);        my_counter1b = AO_load(&counter1);        if (my_counter1a < my_counter2a)          {            fprintf(stderr, "Saw release store out of order: %lu < %lu/n",                (unsigned long)my_counter1a, (unsigned long)my_counter2a);            abort();          }        if (my_counter1b < my_counter2b)          {            fprintf(stderr,                "Saw release store out of order (bad CSE?): %lu < %lu/n",                (unsigned long)my_counter1b, (unsigned long)my_counter2b);            abort();          }      }  return 0;}

示例15: traces_register_at_exit

static void traces_register_at_exit(void){	/* atexit uses internally malloc ! */	if ((traces != NULL) && (AO_load(&initcnt) == 0) && (AO_fetch_and_add1(&initcnt) == 0)) {		DEBUG("initializing atexit handler");		atexit(&traces_at_exit);		DEBUG("initialized atexit handler");	}}

示例16: ecl_atomic_push

voidecl_atomic_push(cl_object *slot, cl_object c){        cl_object cons = ecl_list1(c), car;        do {                car = (cl_object)AO_load((AO_t*)slot);                ECL_RPLACD(cons, car);        } while (!AO_compare_and_swap_full((AO_t*)slot, (AO_t)car, (AO_t)cons));}

示例17: ecl_atomic_get

cl_objectecl_atomic_get(cl_object *slot){	cl_object old;	do {		old = (cl_object)AO_load((AO_t*)slot);	} while (!AO_compare_and_swap_full((AO_t*)slot, (AO_t)old, (AO_t)ECL_NIL));	return old;}

示例18: dm2_dec_write_cnt_on_cache_dev

voiddm2_dec_write_cnt_on_cache_dev(dm2_cache_info_t *freespace_ci){    NKN_ASSERT(AO_load(&freespace_ci->ci_update_cnt));    AO_fetch_and_sub1(&freespace_ci->ci_update_cnt);#if 0    DBG_DM2E("dec update cnt: %s %d",	     freespace_ci->mgmt_name, freespace_ci->ci_update_cnt);#endif}	/* dm2_dec_write_cnt_on_cache_dev */

示例19: ecl_atomic_pop

cl_objectecl_atomic_pop(cl_object *slot){        cl_object cons, rest;        do {                cons = (cl_object)AO_load((AO_t*)slot);		rest = CDR(cons);        } while (!AO_compare_and_swap_full((AO_t*)slot, (AO_t)cons, (AO_t)rest));        return cons;}

示例20: ecl_atomic_index_incf

cl_indexecl_atomic_index_incf(cl_index *slot){	AO_t old;	AO_t next;	do {		old = AO_load((AO_t*)slot);		next = old+1;	} while (!AO_compare_and_swap_full((AO_t*)slot, (AO_t)old, (AO_t)next));	return (cl_index)next;}

示例21: DllMain

GC_API BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE inst, ULONG reason, LPVOID reserved){  struct GC_stack_base sb;  DWORD thread_id;  int sb_result;  static int entry_count = 0;  if (parallel_initialized && !GC_win32_dll_threads) return TRUE;  switch (reason) {   case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:    GC_ASSERT(entry_count == 0 || parallel_initialized);    ++entry_count; /* and fall through: */   case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:    /* This may run with the collector uninitialized. */    thread_id = GetCurrentThreadId();    if (parallel_initialized && GC_main_thread != thread_id) {	/* Don't lock here.	*/        sb_result = GC_get_stack_base(&sb);        GC_ASSERT(sb_result == GC_SUCCESS);#       ifdef THREAD_LOCAL_ALLOC	  ABORT("Cannot initialize thread local cache from DllMain");#       endif	GC_register_my_thread_inner(&sb, thread_id);    } /* o.w. we already did it during GC_thr_init(), called by GC_init() */    break;   case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:    /* We are hopefully running in the context of the exiting thread.	*/    GC_ASSERT(parallel_initialized);    if (!GC_win32_dll_threads) return TRUE;    GC_delete_thread(GetCurrentThreadId());    break;   case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:    {      int i;      if (!GC_win32_dll_threads) return TRUE;      for (i = 0; i <= GC_get_max_thread_index(); ++i)      {          if (AO_load(&(dll_thread_table[i].in_use)))	    GC_delete_gc_thread(dll_thread_table + i);      }      GC_deinit();      DeleteCriticalSection(&GC_allocate_ml);    }    break;  }  return TRUE;}

示例22: spin

/* Spin for 2**n units. */static void spin(int n){    int i;    AO_T j = AO_load(&dummy);    for (i = 0; i < (2 << n); ++i)    {        j *= 5;        j -= 4;    }    AO_store(&dummy, j);}

示例23: read_lock

//**********************************************void read_lock(void *vlock){    rwl_lock_t *lock = (rwl_lock_t *)vlock;    Thread_Stats[STAT_READ]++;    AO_fetch_and_add_full(&(lock->reader_count_and_flag), RWL_READ_INC);    while (AO_load(&(lock->reader_count_and_flag)) & RWL_ACTIVE_WRITER_FLAG)    {        // wait        Thread_Stats[STAT_RSPIN]++;    }    //assert((AO_load(&lock->reader_count_and_flag) & RWL_ACTIVE_WRITER_FLAG) == 0);}

示例24: AO_stack_push_release

/* for an unchanged version number, not an unchanged pointer.   */void AO_stack_push_release(AO_stack_t *list, AO_t *element){    AO_t version;    AO_t next_ptr;    do {      /* Again version must be loaded first, for different reason.      */      version = AO_load_acquire(&(list -> version));      next_ptr = AO_load(&(list -> ptr));      *element = next_ptr;    } while (!AO_compare_and_swap_double_release(                           list, version,                           version+1, (AO_t) element));}

示例25: AO_stack_push_release

void AO_stack_push_release(AO_stack_t *list, AO_t *element){    AO_t next;    do {      next = AO_load(&(list -> ptr));      *element = next;    } while (AO_EXPECT_FALSE(!AO_compare_and_swap_release(&(list -> ptr),                                                      next, (AO_t)element)));    /* This uses a narrow CAS here, an old optimization suggested       */    /* by Treiber.  Pop is still safe, since we run into the ABA        */    /* problem only if there were both intervening "pop"s and "push"es. */    /* In that case we still see a change in the version number.        */}

示例26: AO_check_value_yield

void AO_check_value_yield(AO_lock_ptr_t lock, AO_lock_val_t val,int eq) {    AO_lock_t lk_val;    if ( eq == 0 ) { // not equal        while((lk_val = AO_load((ao_t*) lock)) != (AO_lock_t) val ) {            sched_yield();        }    }    else if(eq  == 1 ) { // equal        while((lk_val = AO_load((ao_t*) lock)) == (AO_lock_t) val ) {            sched_yield();        }    }    else if( eq == 2 ) { //less than        while((lk_val = AO_load((ao_t*) lock)) < (AO_lock_t) val ) {            sched_yield();        }    }    else if( eq == 3 ) { //gt than        while((lk_val = AO_load((ao_t*) lock)) > (AO_lock_t) val ) {            sched_yield();        }    }}

示例27: AO_wait_value

void AO_wait_value(AO_lock_ptr_t lock, AO_lock_val_t val,int eq) {    AO_lock_t lk_val;    if ( eq == 0 ) { // not equal        while((lk_val = AO_load((ao_t*) lock)) != (AO_lock_t) val ) {            futex_wait(lock,lk_val);        }    }    else if(eq  == 1 ) { // equal        while((lk_val = AO_load((ao_t*) lock)) == (AO_lock_t) val ) {            futex_wait(lock,lk_val);        }    }    else if( eq == 2 ) { //less than        while((lk_val = AO_load((ao_t*) lock)) < (AO_lock_t) val ) {            futex_wait(lock,lk_val);        }    }    else if( eq == 3 ) { //gt than        while((lk_val = AO_load((ao_t*) lock)) > (AO_lock_t) val ) {            futex_wait(lock,lk_val);        }    }}

示例28: AO_load_acquire

AO_t *AO_stack_pop_acquire(AO_stack_t *list){    AO_t *cptr;    AO_t next;    AO_t cversion;    do {      cversion = AO_load_acquire(&(list -> version));      cptr = (AO_t *)AO_load(&(list -> ptr));      if (cptr == 0) return 0;      next = *cptr;    } while (!AO_compare_double_and_swap_double_release                    (list, cversion, (AO_t) cptr, cversion+1, next));    return cptr;}

示例29: GC_started_thread_while_stopped

/* since GC_attached_thread was explicitly reset.		*/GC_bool GC_started_thread_while_stopped(void){  AO_t result;  if (GC_win32_dll_threads) {    AO_nop_full();	/* Prior heap reads need to complete earlier. */    result = AO_load(&GC_attached_thread);    if (result) {      AO_store(&GC_attached_thread, FALSE);    }    return ((GC_bool)result);  } else {    return FALSE;  }}

示例30: AO_load_acquire

AO_t *AO_stack_pop_acquire(AO_stack_t *list){#   ifdef __clang__      AO_t *volatile cptr;                        /* Use volatile to workaround a bug in          */                        /* clang-1.1/x86 causing test_stack failure.    */#   else      AO_t *cptr;#   endif    AO_t next;    AO_t cversion;    do {      /* Version must be loaded first.  */      cversion = AO_load_acquire(&(list -> version));      cptr = (AO_t *)AO_load(&(list -> ptr));      if (cptr == 0) return 0;      next = *cptr;    } while (!AO_compare_double_and_swap_double_release                    (list, cversion, (AO_t) cptr, cversion+1, (AO_t) next));    return cptr;}


C++ AP函数代码示例
C++ ANativeWindow_release函数代码示例