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自学教程:C++ AArch64FunctionInfo类代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-03 12:02:49
这篇教程C++ AArch64FunctionInfo类代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中AArch64FunctionInfo的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AArch64FunctionInfo类的具体用法?C++ AArch64FunctionInfo怎么用?C++ AArch64FunctionInfo使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。



bool AArch64FrameLowering::shouldCombineCSRLocalStackBump(    MachineFunction &MF, unsigned StackBumpBytes) const {  AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();  const MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();  const AArch64Subtarget &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();  const AArch64RegisterInfo *RegInfo = Subtarget.getRegisterInfo();  if (AFI->getLocalStackSize() == 0)    return false;  // 512 is the maximum immediate for stp/ldp that will be used for  // callee-save save/restores  if (StackBumpBytes >= 512)    return false;  if (MFI.hasVarSizedObjects())    return false;  if (RegInfo->needsStackRealignment(MF))    return false;  // This isn't strictly necessary, but it simplifies things a bit since the  // current RedZone handling code assumes the SP is adjusted by the  // callee-save save/restore code.  if (canUseRedZone(MF))    return false;  return true;}

示例2: computeADRP

/// Based on the use to defs information (in ADRPMode), compute the/// opportunities of LOH ADRP-related.static void computeADRP(const InstrToInstrs &UseToDefs,                        AArch64FunctionInfo &AArch64FI,                        const MachineDominatorTree *MDT) {  DEBUG(dbgs() << "*** Compute LOH for ADRP/n");  for (const auto &Entry : UseToDefs) {    unsigned Size = Entry.second.size();    if (Size == 0)      continue;    if (Size == 1) {      const MachineInstr *L2 = *Entry.second.begin();      const MachineInstr *L1 = Entry.first;      if (!MDT->dominates(L2, L1)) {        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Dominance check failed:/n" << *L2 << '/n' << *L1                     << '/n');        continue;      }      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Record AdrpAdrp:/n" << *L2 << '/n' << *L1 << '/n');      SmallVector<const MachineInstr *, 2> Args;      Args.push_back(L2);      Args.push_back(L1);      AArch64FI.addLOHDirective(MCLOH_AdrpAdrp, Args);      ++NumADRPSimpleCandidate;    }#ifdef DEBUG    else if (Size == 2)      ++NumADRPComplexCandidate2;    else if (Size == 3)      ++NumADRPComplexCandidate3;    else      ++NumADRPComplexCandidateOther;#endif    // if Size < 1, the use should have been removed from the candidates    assert(Size >= 1 && "No reaching defs for that use!");  }}

示例3: registerADRCandidate

static bool registerADRCandidate(const MachineInstr &Use,                                 const InstrToInstrs &UseToDefs,                                 const InstrToInstrs *DefsPerColorToUses,                                 AArch64FunctionInfo &AArch64FI,                                 SetOfMachineInstr *InvolvedInLOHs,                                 const MapRegToId &RegToId) {  // Look for opportunities to turn ADRP -> ADD or  // ADRP -> LDR GOTPAGEOFF into ADR.  // If ADRP has more than one use. Give up.  if (Use.getOpcode() != AArch64::ADDXri &&      (Use.getOpcode() != AArch64::LDRXui ||       !(Use.getOperand(2).getTargetFlags() & AArch64II::MO_GOT)))    return false;  InstrToInstrs::const_iterator It = UseToDefs.find(&Use);  // The map may contain garbage that we need to ignore.  if (It == UseToDefs.end() || It->second.empty())    return false;  const MachineInstr &Def = **It->second.begin();  if (Def.getOpcode() != AArch64::ADRP)    return false;  // Check the number of users of ADRP.  const SetOfMachineInstr *Users =      getUses(DefsPerColorToUses,              RegToId.find(Def.getOperand(0).getReg())->second, Def);  if (Users->size() > 1) {    ++NumADRComplexCandidate;    return false;  }  ++NumADRSimpleCandidate;  assert((!InvolvedInLOHs || InvolvedInLOHs->insert(&Def)) &&         "ADRP already involved in LOH.");  assert((!InvolvedInLOHs || InvolvedInLOHs->insert(&Use)) &&         "ADD already involved in LOH.");  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Record AdrpAdd/n" << Def << '/n' << Use << '/n');  SmallVector<const MachineInstr *, 2> Args;  Args.push_back(&Def);  Args.push_back(&Use);  AArch64FI.addLOHDirective(Use.getOpcode() == AArch64::ADDXri ? MCLOH_AdrpAdd                                                           : MCLOH_AdrpLdrGot,                          Args);  return true;}

示例4: handleADRP

/// Update state when seeing and ADRP instruction.static void handleADRP(const MachineInstr &MI, AArch64FunctionInfo &AFI,                       LOHInfo &Info) {  if (Info.LastADRP != nullptr) {    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Adding MCLOH_AdrpAdrp:/n"                 << '/t' << MI << '/n'                 << '/t' << *Info.LastADRP << '/n');    AFI.addLOHDirective(MCLOH_AdrpAdrp, {&MI, Info.LastADRP});    ++NumADRPSimpleCandidate;  }  // Produce LOH directive if possible.  if (Info.IsCandidate) {    switch (Info.Type) {    case MCLOH_AdrpAdd:      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Adding MCLOH_AdrpAdd:/n"                   << '/t' << MI << '/n'                   << '/t' << *Info.MI0 << '/n');      AFI.addLOHDirective(MCLOH_AdrpAdd, {&MI, Info.MI0});      ++NumADRSimpleCandidate;      break;    case MCLOH_AdrpLdr:      if (supportLoadFromLiteral(*Info.MI0)) {        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Adding MCLOH_AdrpLdr:/n"                     << '/t' << MI << '/n'                     << '/t' << *Info.MI0 << '/n');        AFI.addLOHDirective(MCLOH_AdrpLdr, {&MI, Info.MI0});        ++NumADRPToLDR;      }      break;    case MCLOH_AdrpAddLdr:      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Adding MCLOH_AdrpAddLdr:/n"                   << '/t' << MI << '/n'                   << '/t' << *Info.MI1 << '/n'                   << '/t' << *Info.MI0 << '/n');      AFI.addLOHDirective(MCLOH_AdrpAddLdr, {&MI, Info.MI1, Info.MI0});      ++NumADDToLDR;      break;    case MCLOH_AdrpAddStr:      if (Info.MI1 != nullptr) {        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Adding MCLOH_AdrpAddStr:/n"                     << '/t' << MI << '/n'                     << '/t' << *Info.MI1 << '/n'                     << '/t' << *Info.MI0 << '/n');        AFI.addLOHDirective(MCLOH_AdrpAddStr, {&MI, Info.MI1, Info.MI0});        ++NumADDToSTR;      }      break;    case MCLOH_AdrpLdrGotLdr:      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Adding MCLOH_AdrpLdrGotLdr:/n"                   << '/t' << MI << '/n'                   << '/t' << *Info.MI1 << '/n'                   << '/t' << *Info.MI0 << '/n');      AFI.addLOHDirective(MCLOH_AdrpLdrGotLdr, {&MI, Info.MI1, Info.MI0});      ++NumLDRToLDR;      break;    case MCLOH_AdrpLdrGotStr:      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Adding MCLOH_AdrpLdrGotStr:/n"                   << '/t' << MI << '/n'                   << '/t' << *Info.MI1 << '/n'                   << '/t' << *Info.MI0 << '/n');      AFI.addLOHDirective(MCLOH_AdrpLdrGotStr, {&MI, Info.MI1, Info.MI0});      ++NumLDRToSTR;      break;    case MCLOH_AdrpLdrGot:      DEBUG(dbgs() << "Adding MCLOH_AdrpLdrGot:/n"                   << '/t' << MI << '/n'                   << '/t' << *Info.MI0 << '/n');      AFI.addLOHDirective(MCLOH_AdrpLdrGot, {&MI, Info.MI0});      break;    case MCLOH_AdrpAdrp:      llvm_unreachable("MCLOH_AdrpAdrp not used in state machine");    }  }  handleClobber(Info);  Info.LastADRP = &MI;}

示例5: setArgFlags

bool AArch64CallLowering::lowerFormalArguments(MachineIRBuilder &MIRBuilder,                                               const Function &F,                                               ArrayRef<unsigned> VRegs) const {  MachineFunction &MF = MIRBuilder.getMF();  MachineBasicBlock &MBB = MIRBuilder.getMBB();  MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = MF.getRegInfo();  auto &DL = F.getParent()->getDataLayout();  SmallVector<ArgInfo, 8> SplitArgs;  unsigned i = 0;  for (auto &Arg : F.args()) {    if (DL.getTypeStoreSize(Arg.getType()) == 0)      continue;    ArgInfo OrigArg{VRegs[i], Arg.getType()};    setArgFlags(OrigArg, i + AttributeList::FirstArgIndex, DL, F);    bool Split = false;    LLT Ty = MRI.getType(VRegs[i]);    unsigned Dst = VRegs[i];    splitToValueTypes(OrigArg, SplitArgs, DL, MRI, F.getCallingConv(),                      [&](unsigned Reg, uint64_t Offset) {                        if (!Split) {                          Split = true;                          Dst = MRI.createGenericVirtualRegister(Ty);                          MIRBuilder.buildUndef(Dst);                        }                        unsigned Tmp = MRI.createGenericVirtualRegister(Ty);                        MIRBuilder.buildInsert(Tmp, Dst, Reg, Offset);                        Dst = Tmp;                      });    if (Dst != VRegs[i])      MIRBuilder.buildCopy(VRegs[i], Dst);    ++i;  }  if (!MBB.empty())    MIRBuilder.setInstr(*MBB.begin());  const AArch64TargetLowering &TLI = *getTLI<AArch64TargetLowering>();  CCAssignFn *AssignFn =      TLI.CCAssignFnForCall(F.getCallingConv(), /*IsVarArg=*/false);  FormalArgHandler Handler(MIRBuilder, MRI, AssignFn);  if (!handleAssignments(MIRBuilder, SplitArgs, Handler))    return false;  if (F.isVarArg()) {    if (!MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>().isTargetDarwin()) {      // FIXME: we need to reimplement saveVarArgsRegisters from      // AArch64ISelLowering.      return false;    }    // We currently pass all varargs at 8-byte alignment.    uint64_t StackOffset = alignTo(Handler.StackUsed, 8);    auto &MFI = MIRBuilder.getMF().getFrameInfo();    AArch64FunctionInfo *FuncInfo = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();    FuncInfo->setVarArgsStackIndex(MFI.CreateFixedObject(4, StackOffset, true));  }  auto &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();  if (Subtarget.hasCustomCallingConv())    Subtarget.getRegisterInfo()->UpdateCustomCalleeSavedRegs(MF);  // Move back to the end of the basic block.  MIRBuilder.setMBB(MBB);  return true;}

示例6: DEBUG

void AArch64FrameLowering::determineCalleeSaves(MachineFunction &MF,                                                BitVector &SavedRegs,                                                RegScavenger *RS) const {  // All calls are tail calls in GHC calling conv, and functions have no  // prologue/epilogue.  if (MF.getFunction()->getCallingConv() == CallingConv::GHC)    return;  TargetFrameLowering::determineCalleeSaves(MF, SavedRegs, RS);  const AArch64RegisterInfo *RegInfo = static_cast<const AArch64RegisterInfo *>(      MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo());  AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();  SmallVector<unsigned, 4> UnspilledCSGPRs;  SmallVector<unsigned, 4> UnspilledCSFPRs;  // The frame record needs to be created by saving the appropriate registers  if (hasFP(MF)) {    SavedRegs.set(AArch64::FP);    SavedRegs.set(AArch64::LR);  }  // Spill the BasePtr if it's used. Do this first thing so that the  // getCalleeSavedRegs() below will get the right answer.  if (RegInfo->hasBasePointer(MF))    SavedRegs.set(RegInfo->getBaseRegister());  if (RegInfo->needsStackRealignment(MF) && !RegInfo->hasBasePointer(MF))    SavedRegs.set(AArch64::X9);  // If any callee-saved registers are used, the frame cannot be eliminated.  unsigned NumGPRSpilled = 0;  unsigned NumFPRSpilled = 0;  bool ExtraCSSpill = false;  bool CanEliminateFrame = true;  DEBUG(dbgs() << "*** determineCalleeSaves/nUsed CSRs:");  const MCPhysReg *CSRegs = RegInfo->getCalleeSavedRegs(&MF);  // Check pairs of consecutive callee-saved registers.  for (unsigned i = 0; CSRegs[i]; i += 2) {    assert(CSRegs[i + 1] && "Odd number of callee-saved registers!");    const unsigned OddReg = CSRegs[i];    const unsigned EvenReg = CSRegs[i + 1];    assert((AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(OddReg) &&            AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(EvenReg)) ^               (AArch64::FPR64RegClass.contains(OddReg) &&                AArch64::FPR64RegClass.contains(EvenReg)) &&           "Register class mismatch!");    const bool OddRegUsed = SavedRegs.test(OddReg);    const bool EvenRegUsed = SavedRegs.test(EvenReg);    // Early exit if none of the registers in the register pair is actually    // used.    if (!OddRegUsed && !EvenRegUsed) {      if (AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(OddReg)) {        UnspilledCSGPRs.push_back(OddReg);        UnspilledCSGPRs.push_back(EvenReg);      } else {        UnspilledCSFPRs.push_back(OddReg);        UnspilledCSFPRs.push_back(EvenReg);      }      continue;    }    unsigned Reg = AArch64::NoRegister;    // If only one of the registers of the register pair is used, make sure to    // mark the other one as used as well.    if (OddRegUsed ^ EvenRegUsed) {      // Find out which register is the additional spill.      Reg = OddRegUsed ? EvenReg : OddReg;      SavedRegs.set(Reg);    }    DEBUG(dbgs() << ' ' << PrintReg(OddReg, RegInfo));    DEBUG(dbgs() << ' ' << PrintReg(EvenReg, RegInfo));    assert(((OddReg == AArch64::LR && EvenReg == AArch64::FP) ||            (RegInfo->getEncodingValue(OddReg) + 1 ==             RegInfo->getEncodingValue(EvenReg))) &&           "Register pair of non-adjacent registers!");    if (AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(OddReg)) {      NumGPRSpilled += 2;      // If it's not a reserved register, we can use it in lieu of an      // emergency spill slot for the register scavenger.      // FIXME: It would be better to instead keep looking and choose another      // unspilled register that isn't reserved, if there is one.      if (Reg != AArch64::NoRegister && !RegInfo->isReservedReg(MF, Reg))        ExtraCSSpill = true;    } else      NumFPRSpilled += 2;    CanEliminateFrame = false;  }  // FIXME: Set BigStack if any stack slot references may be out of range.  // For now, just conservatively guestimate based on unscaled indexing  // range. We'll end up allocating an unnecessary spill slot a lot, but  // realistically that's not a big deal at this stage of the game.  // The CSR spill slots have not been allocated yet, so estimateStackSize//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例7: hasFP

void AArch64FrameLowering::emitPrologue(MachineFunction &MF,                                        MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {  MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI = MBB.begin();  const MachineFrameInfo *MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();  const Function *Fn = MF.getFunction();  const AArch64Subtarget &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();  const AArch64RegisterInfo *RegInfo = Subtarget.getRegisterInfo();  const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget.getInstrInfo();  MachineModuleInfo &MMI = MF.getMMI();  AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();  bool needsFrameMoves = MMI.hasDebugInfo() || Fn->needsUnwindTableEntry();  bool HasFP = hasFP(MF);  // Debug location must be unknown since the first debug location is used  // to determine the end of the prologue.  DebugLoc DL;  // All calls are tail calls in GHC calling conv, and functions have no  // prologue/epilogue.  if (MF.getFunction()->getCallingConv() == CallingConv::GHC)    return;  int NumBytes = (int)MFI->getStackSize();  if (!AFI->hasStackFrame()) {    assert(!HasFP && "unexpected function without stack frame but with FP");    // All of the stack allocation is for locals.    AFI->setLocalStackSize(NumBytes);    // Label used to tie together the PROLOG_LABEL and the MachineMoves.    MCSymbol *FrameLabel = MMI.getContext().createTempSymbol();    // REDZONE: If the stack size is less than 128 bytes, we don't need    // to actually allocate.    if (NumBytes && !canUseRedZone(MF)) {      emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP, -NumBytes, TII,                      MachineInstr::FrameSetup);      // Encode the stack size of the leaf function.      unsigned CFIIndex = MMI.addFrameInst(          MCCFIInstruction::createDefCfaOffset(FrameLabel, -NumBytes));      BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))          .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)          .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);    } else if (NumBytes) {      ++NumRedZoneFunctions;    }    return;  }  // Only set up FP if we actually need to.  int FPOffset = 0;  if (HasFP)    FPOffset = getFPOffsetInPrologue(MBBI);  // Move past the saves of the callee-saved registers.  while (isCSSave(MBBI)) {    ++MBBI;    NumBytes -= 16;  }  assert(NumBytes >= 0 && "Negative stack allocation size!?");  if (HasFP) {    // Issue    sub fp, sp, FPOffset or    //          mov fp,sp          when FPOffset is zero.    // Note: All stores of callee-saved registers are marked as "FrameSetup".    // This code marks the instruction(s) that set the FP also.    emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, AArch64::FP, AArch64::SP, FPOffset, TII,                    MachineInstr::FrameSetup);  }  // All of the remaining stack allocations are for locals.  AFI->setLocalStackSize(NumBytes);  // Allocate space for the rest of the frame.  const unsigned Alignment = MFI->getMaxAlignment();  const bool NeedsRealignment = RegInfo->needsStackRealignment(MF);  unsigned scratchSPReg = AArch64::SP;  if (NumBytes && NeedsRealignment) {    // Use the first callee-saved register as a scratch register.    scratchSPReg = AArch64::X9;  }  // If we're a leaf function, try using the red zone.  if (NumBytes && !canUseRedZone(MF))    // FIXME: in the case of dynamic re-alignment, NumBytes doesn't have    // the correct value here, as NumBytes also includes padding bytes,    // which shouldn't be counted here.    emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, scratchSPReg, AArch64::SP, -NumBytes, TII,                    MachineInstr::FrameSetup);  if (NumBytes && NeedsRealignment) {    const unsigned NrBitsToZero = countTrailingZeros(Alignment);    assert(NrBitsToZero > 1);    assert(scratchSPReg != AArch64::SP);    // SUB X9, SP, NumBytes    //   -- X9 is temporary register, so shouldn't contain any live data here,    //   -- free to use. This is already produced by emitFrameOffset above.//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例8: hasFP

void AArch64FrameLowering::emitPrologue(MachineFunction &MF) const {  MachineBasicBlock &MBB = MF.front(); // Prologue goes in entry BB.  MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI = MBB.begin();  const MachineFrameInfo *MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();  const Function *Fn = MF.getFunction();  const AArch64RegisterInfo *RegInfo = static_cast<const AArch64RegisterInfo *>(      MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo());  const TargetInstrInfo *TII = MF.getSubtarget().getInstrInfo();  MachineModuleInfo &MMI = MF.getMMI();  AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();  bool needsFrameMoves = MMI.hasDebugInfo() || Fn->needsUnwindTableEntry();  bool HasFP = hasFP(MF);  DebugLoc DL = MBB.findDebugLoc(MBBI);  int NumBytes = (int)MFI->getStackSize();  if (!AFI->hasStackFrame()) {    assert(!HasFP && "unexpected function without stack frame but with FP");    // All of the stack allocation is for locals.    AFI->setLocalStackSize(NumBytes);    // Label used to tie together the PROLOG_LABEL and the MachineMoves.    MCSymbol *FrameLabel = MMI.getContext().CreateTempSymbol();    // REDZONE: If the stack size is less than 128 bytes, we don't need    // to actually allocate.    if (NumBytes && !canUseRedZone(MF)) {      emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP, -NumBytes, TII,                      MachineInstr::FrameSetup);      // Encode the stack size of the leaf function.      unsigned CFIIndex = MMI.addFrameInst(          MCCFIInstruction::createDefCfaOffset(FrameLabel, -NumBytes));      BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))          .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex);    } else if (NumBytes) {      ++NumRedZoneFunctions;    }    return;  }  // Only set up FP if we actually need to.  int FPOffset = 0;  if (HasFP) {    // First instruction must a) allocate the stack  and b) have an immediate    // that is a multiple of -2.    assert((MBBI->getOpcode() == AArch64::STPXpre ||            MBBI->getOpcode() == AArch64::STPDpre) &&           MBBI->getOperand(3).getReg() == AArch64::SP &&           MBBI->getOperand(4).getImm() < 0 &&           (MBBI->getOperand(4).getImm() & 1) == 0);    // Frame pointer is fp = sp - 16. Since the  STPXpre subtracts the space    // required for the callee saved register area we get the frame pointer    // by addding that offset - 16 = -getImm()*8 - 2*8 = -(getImm() + 2) * 8.    FPOffset = -(MBBI->getOperand(4).getImm() + 2) * 8;    assert(FPOffset >= 0 && "Bad Framepointer Offset");  }  // Move past the saves of the callee-saved registers.  while (MBBI->getOpcode() == AArch64::STPXi ||         MBBI->getOpcode() == AArch64::STPDi ||         MBBI->getOpcode() == AArch64::STPXpre ||         MBBI->getOpcode() == AArch64::STPDpre) {    ++MBBI;    NumBytes -= 16;  }  assert(NumBytes >= 0 && "Negative stack allocation size!?");  if (HasFP) {    // Issue    sub fp, sp, FPOffset or    //          mov fp,sp          when FPOffset is zero.    // Note: All stores of callee-saved registers are marked as "FrameSetup".    // This code marks the instruction(s) that set the FP also.    emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, AArch64::FP, AArch64::SP, FPOffset, TII,                    MachineInstr::FrameSetup);  }  // All of the remaining stack allocations are for locals.  AFI->setLocalStackSize(NumBytes);  // Allocate space for the rest of the frame.  if (NumBytes) {    // If we're a leaf function, try using the red zone.    if (!canUseRedZone(MF))      emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP, -NumBytes, TII,                      MachineInstr::FrameSetup);  }  // If we need a base pointer, set it up here. It's whatever the value of the  // stack pointer is at this point. Any variable size objects will be allocated  // after this, so we can still use the base pointer to reference locals.  //  // FIXME: Clarify FrameSetup flags here.  // Note: Use emitFrameOffset() like above for FP if the FrameSetup flag is  // needed.  //  if (RegInfo->hasBasePointer(MF))    TII->copyPhysReg(MBB, MBBI, DL, AArch64::X19, AArch64::SP, false);//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例9: computeCalleeSaveRegisterPairs

static void computeCalleeSaveRegisterPairs(    MachineFunction &MF, const std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo> &CSI,    const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI, SmallVectorImpl<RegPairInfo> &RegPairs) {  if (CSI.empty())    return;  AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();  MachineFrameInfo *MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();  CallingConv::ID CC = MF.getFunction()->getCallingConv();  unsigned Count = CSI.size();  (void)CC;  // MachO's compact unwind format relies on all registers being stored in  // pairs.  assert((!MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>().isTargetMachO() ||          CC == CallingConv::PreserveMost ||          (Count & 1) == 0) &&         "Odd number of callee-saved regs to spill!");  unsigned Offset = AFI->getCalleeSavedStackSize();  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Count; ++i) {    RegPairInfo RPI;    RPI.Reg1 = CSI[i].getReg();    assert(AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(RPI.Reg1) ||           AArch64::FPR64RegClass.contains(RPI.Reg1));    RPI.IsGPR = AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(RPI.Reg1);    // Add the next reg to the pair if it is in the same register class.    if (i + 1 < Count) {      unsigned NextReg = CSI[i + 1].getReg();      if ((RPI.IsGPR && AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(NextReg)) ||          (!RPI.IsGPR && AArch64::FPR64RegClass.contains(NextReg)))        RPI.Reg2 = NextReg;    }    // GPRs and FPRs are saved in pairs of 64-bit regs. We expect the CSI    // list to come in sorted by frame index so that we can issue the store    // pair instructions directly. Assert if we see anything otherwise.    //    // The order of the registers in the list is controlled by    // getCalleeSavedRegs(), so they will always be in-order, as well.    assert((!RPI.isPaired() ||            (CSI[i].getFrameIdx() + 1 == CSI[i + 1].getFrameIdx())) &&           "Out of order callee saved regs!");    // MachO's compact unwind format relies on all registers being stored in    // adjacent register pairs.    assert((!MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>().isTargetMachO() ||            CC == CallingConv::PreserveMost ||            (RPI.isPaired() &&             ((RPI.Reg1 == AArch64::LR && RPI.Reg2 == AArch64::FP) ||              RPI.Reg1 + 1 == RPI.Reg2))) &&           "Callee-save registers not saved as adjacent register pair!");    RPI.FrameIdx = CSI[i].getFrameIdx();    if (Count * 8 != AFI->getCalleeSavedStackSize() && !RPI.isPaired()) {      // Round up size of non-pair to pair size if we need to pad the      // callee-save area to ensure 16-byte alignment.      Offset -= 16;      assert(MFI->getObjectAlignment(RPI.FrameIdx) <= 16);      MFI->setObjectSize(RPI.FrameIdx, 16);    } else      Offset -= RPI.isPaired() ? 16 : 8;    assert(Offset % 8 == 0);    RPI.Offset = Offset / 8;    assert((RPI.Offset >= -64 && RPI.Offset <= 63) &&           "Offset out of bounds for LDP/STP immediate");    RegPairs.push_back(RPI);    if (RPI.isPaired())      ++i;  }  // Align first offset to even 16-byte boundary to avoid additional SP  // adjustment instructions.  // Last pair offset is size of whole callee-save region for SP  // pre-dec/post-inc.  RegPairInfo &LastPair = RegPairs.back();  assert(AFI->getCalleeSavedStackSize() % 8 == 0);  LastPair.Offset = AFI->getCalleeSavedStackSize() / 8;}

示例10: computeOthers

/// Based on the use to defs information (in non-ADRPMode), compute the/// opportunities of LOH non-ADRP-relatedstatic void computeOthers(const InstrToInstrs &UseToDefs,                          const InstrToInstrs *DefsPerColorToUses,                          AArch64FunctionInfo &AArch64FI, const MapRegToId &RegToId,                          const MachineDominatorTree *MDT) {  SetOfMachineInstr *InvolvedInLOHs = nullptr;#ifdef DEBUG  SetOfMachineInstr InvolvedInLOHsStorage;  InvolvedInLOHs = &InvolvedInLOHsStorage;#endif // DEBUG  DEBUG(dbgs() << "*** Compute LOH for Others/n");  // ADRP -> ADD/LDR -> LDR/STR pattern.  // Fall back to ADRP -> ADD pattern if we fail to catch the bigger pattern.  // FIXME: When the statistics are not important,  // This initial filtering loop can be merged into the next loop.  // Currently, we didn't do it to have the same code for both DEBUG and  // NDEBUG builds. Indeed, the iterator of the second loop would need  // to be changed.  SetOfMachineInstr PotentialCandidates;  SetOfMachineInstr PotentialADROpportunities;  for (auto &Use : UseToDefs) {    // If no definition is available, this is a non candidate.    if (Use.second.empty())      continue;    // Keep only instructions that are load or store and at the end of    // a ADRP -> ADD/LDR/Nothing chain.    // We already filtered out the no-chain cases.    if (!isCandidate(Use.first, UseToDefs, MDT)) {      PotentialADROpportunities.insert(Use.first);      continue;    }    PotentialCandidates.insert(Use.first);  }  // Make the following distinctions for statistics as the linker does  // know how to decode instructions:  // - ADD/LDR/Nothing make there different patterns.  // - LDR/STR make two different patterns.  // Hence, 6 - 1 base patterns.  // (because ADRP-> Nothing -> STR is not simplifiable)  // The linker is only able to have a simple semantic, i.e., if pattern A  // do B.  // However, we want to see the opportunity we may miss if we were able to  // catch more complex cases.  // PotentialCandidates are result of a chain ADRP -> ADD/LDR ->  // A potential candidate becomes a candidate, if its current immediate  // operand is zero and all nodes of the chain have respectively only one user#ifdef DEBUG  SetOfMachineInstr DefsOfPotentialCandidates;#endif  for (const MachineInstr *Candidate : PotentialCandidates) {    // Get the definition of the candidate i.e., ADD or LDR.    const MachineInstr *Def = *UseToDefs.find(Candidate)->second.begin();    // Record the elements of the chain.    const MachineInstr *L1 = Def;    const MachineInstr *L2 = nullptr;    unsigned ImmediateDefOpc = Def->getOpcode();    if (Def->getOpcode() != AArch64::ADRP) {      // Check the number of users of this node.      const SetOfMachineInstr *Users =          getUses(DefsPerColorToUses,                  RegToId.find(Def->getOperand(0).getReg())->second, *Def);      if (Users->size() > 1) {#ifdef DEBUG        // if all the uses of this def are in potential candidate, this is        // a complex candidate of level 2.        bool IsLevel2 = true;        for (const MachineInstr *MI : *Users) {          if (!PotentialCandidates.count(MI)) {            ++NumTooCplxLvl2;            IsLevel2 = false;            break;          }        }        if (IsLevel2)          ++NumCplxLvl2;#endif // DEBUG        PotentialADROpportunities.insert(Def);        continue;      }      L2 = Def;      Def = *UseToDefs.find(Def)->second.begin();      L1 = Def;    } // else the element in the middle of the chain is nothing, thus      // Def already contains the first element of the chain.    // Check the number of users of the first node in the chain, i.e., ADRP    const SetOfMachineInstr *Users =        getUses(DefsPerColorToUses,                RegToId.find(Def->getOperand(0).getReg())->second, *Def);    if (Users->size() > 1) {#ifdef DEBUG      // if all the uses of this def are in the defs of the potential candidate,      // this is a complex candidate of level 1      if (DefsOfPotentialCandidates.empty()) {        // lazy init//.........这里部分代码省略.........


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