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自学教程:C++ ACTIVE_TASK类代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-03 12:03:21
这篇教程C++ ACTIVE_TASK类代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ACTIVE_TASK的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ACTIVE_TASK类的具体用法?C++ ACTIVE_TASK怎么用?C++ ACTIVE_TASK使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: kill_tasks

// Send kill signal to all app processes// Don't wait for them to exit//void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::kill_tasks(PROJECT* proj) {    unsigned int i;    ACTIVE_TASK *atp;    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        atp = active_tasks[i];        if (proj && atp->wup->project != proj) continue;        if (!atp->process_exists()) continue;        atp->kill_task(false);    }}

示例2: upload_notify_app

// a file upload has finished.// If any running apps are waiting for it, notify them//void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::upload_notify_app(FILE_INFO* fip) {    for (unsigned int i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks[i];        RESULT* rp = atp->result;        FILE_REF* frp = rp->lookup_file(fip);        if (frp) {            atp->upload_notify_app(fip, frp);        }    }}

示例3: init

void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::init() {    for (unsigned int i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks[i];        atp->init(atp->result);        atp->scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED;        atp->read_task_state_file();        atp->current_cpu_time = atp->checkpoint_cpu_time;        atp->elapsed_time = atp->checkpoint_elapsed_time;    }}

示例4: network_available

void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::network_available() {#ifndef SIM    for (unsigned int i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks[i];        if (atp->want_network) {            atp->send_network_available();        }    }#endif}

示例5: LOGD

// Send quit message to all app processes// This is called when the core client exits,// or when a project is detached or reset//void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::request_tasks_exit(PROJECT* proj) {LOGD("app_control: ACTIVE_TASK::request_tasks_exit");    unsigned int i;    ACTIVE_TASK *atp;    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        atp = active_tasks[i];        if (proj && atp->wup->project != proj) continue;        if (!atp->process_exists()) continue;        atp->request_exit();    }}

示例6: request_reread_prefs

// tell all running apps of a project to reread prefs//void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::request_reread_prefs(PROJECT* project) {    unsigned int i;    ACTIVE_TASK* atp;    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        atp = active_tasks[i];        if (atp->result->project != project) continue;        if (!atp->process_exists()) continue;        atp->request_reread_prefs();    }}

示例7: check_rsc_limits_exceeded

// Check if any of the active tasks have exceeded their// resource limits on disk, CPU time or memory//bool ACTIVE_TASK_SET::check_rsc_limits_exceeded() {    unsigned int i;    ACTIVE_TASK *atp;    static double last_disk_check_time = 0;    bool do_disk_check = false;    bool did_anything = false;    double ram_left = gstate.available_ram();    double max_ram = gstate.max_available_ram();    // Some slot dirs have lots of files,    // so only check every min(disk_interval, 300) secs    //    double min_interval = gstate.global_prefs.disk_interval;    if (min_interval < 300) min_interval = 300;    if (gstate.now > last_disk_check_time + min_interval) {        do_disk_check = true;    }    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        atp = active_tasks[i];        if (atp->task_state() != PROCESS_EXECUTING) continue;        if (!atp->result->project->non_cpu_intensive && (atp->elapsed_time > atp->max_elapsed_time)) {            msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO,                       "Aborting task %s: exceeded elapsed time limit %f/n",                       atp->result->name, atp->max_elapsed_time                      );            atp->abort_task(ERR_RSC_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, "Maximum elapsed time exceeded");            did_anything = true;            continue;        }        if (atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed > max_ram) {            msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO,                       "Aborting task %s: exceeded memory limit %.2fMB > %.2fMB/n",                       atp->result->name,                       atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed/MEGA, max_ram/MEGA                      );            atp->abort_task(ERR_RSC_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, "Maximum memory exceeded");            did_anything = true;            continue;        }        if (do_disk_check && atp->check_max_disk_exceeded()) {            did_anything = true;            continue;        }        ram_left -= atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed;    }    if (ram_left < 0) {        gstate.request_schedule_cpus("RAM usage limit exceeded");    }    if (do_disk_check) {        last_disk_check_time = gstate.now;    }    return did_anything;}

示例8: is_task_executing

// Check to see if any tasks are running// called if benchmarking and waiting for suspends to happen// or the system needs to suspend itself so we are suspending// the applications//bool ACTIVE_TASK_SET::is_task_executing() {    unsigned int i;    ACTIVE_TASK* atp;    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        atp = active_tasks[i];        if (atp->task_state() == PROCESS_EXECUTING) {            return true;        }    }    return false;}

示例9: graphics_poll

void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::graphics_poll() {    unsigned int i;    ACTIVE_TASK* atp;    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        atp = active_tasks[i];        if (!atp->process_exists()) continue;        atp->graphics_request_queue.msg_queue_poll(            atp->app_client_shm.shm->graphics_request        );        atp->check_graphics_mode_ack();    }}

示例10: compute_temp_dcf

// compute a per-app-version "temporary DCF" based on the elapsed time// and fraction done of running jobs//void compute_temp_dcf() {    unsigned int i;    for (i=0; i<gstate.app_versions.size(); i++) {        gstate.app_versions[i]->temp_dcf = 1;    }    for (i=0; i<gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {        ACTIVE_TASK* atp = gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks[i];        double x = atp->est_dur(false) / atp->result->estimated_duration(false);        APP_VERSION* avp = atp->result->avp;        if (x < avp->temp_dcf) {            avp->temp_dcf = x;        }    }}

示例11: unsuspend_all

// resume all currently scheduled tasks//void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::unsuspend_all() {    unsigned int i;    ACTIVE_TASK* atp;    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        atp = active_tasks[i];        if (atp->scheduler_state != CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED) continue;        if (atp->task_state() == PROCESS_UNINITIALIZED) {            if (atp->start(false)) {                msg_printf(atp->wup->project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,                    "Couldn't restart task %s", atp->result->name                );            }        } else if (atp->task_state() == PROCESS_SUSPENDED) {            atp->unsuspend();        }    }}

示例12: handle_get_screensaver_tasks

static void handle_get_screensaver_tasks(MIOFILE& fout) {    unsigned int i;    ACTIVE_TASK* atp;    fout.printf(        "<handle_get_screensaver_tasks>/n"        "    <suspend_reason>%d</suspend_reason>/n",        gstate.suspend_reason    );    for (i=0; i<gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {        atp = gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks[i];        if ((atp->task_state() == PROCESS_EXECUTING) ||                 ((atp->task_state() == PROCESS_SUSPENDED) && (gstate.suspend_reason == SUSPEND_REASON_CPU_THROTTLE))) {            atp->result->write_gui(fout);        }    }    fout.printf("</handle_get_screensaver_tasks>/n");}

示例13: handle_result_op

static void handle_result_op(GUI_RPC_CONN& grc, const char* op) {    RESULT* rp;    char result_name[256];    ACTIVE_TASK* atp;    string project_url;    strcpy(result_name, "");    while (!grc.xp.get_tag()) {        if (grc.xp.parse_str("name", result_name, sizeof(result_name))) continue;        if (grc.xp.parse_string("project_url", project_url)) continue;    }    PROJECT* p = get_project(grc, project_url);    if (!p) return;    if (!strlen(result_name)) {        grc.mfout.printf("<error>Missing result name</error>/n");        return;    }    rp = gstate.lookup_result(p, result_name);    if (!rp) {        grc.mfout.printf("<error>no such result</error>/n");        return;    }    if (!strcmp(op, "abort")) {        msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "task %s aborted by user", result_name);        atp = gstate.lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);        if (atp) {            atp->abort_task(EXIT_ABORTED_VIA_GUI, "aborted by user");        } else {            rp->abort_inactive(EXIT_ABORTED_VIA_GUI);        }        gstate.request_work_fetch("result aborted by user");    } else if (!strcmp(op, "suspend")) {        msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "task %s suspended by user", result_name);        rp->suspended_via_gui = true;        gstate.request_work_fetch("result suspended by user");    } else if (!strcmp(op, "resume")) {        msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "task %s resumed by user", result_name);        rp->suspended_via_gui = false;    }    gstate.request_schedule_cpus("result suspended, resumed or aborted by user");    gstate.set_client_state_dirty("Result RPC");    grc.mfout.printf("<success/>/n");}

示例14: get_msgs

// check for msgs from active tasks,// and update their elapsed time and other info//void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::get_msgs() {//LOGD("app_control: ACTIVE_TASK::get_msgs");    unsigned int i;    ACTIVE_TASK *atp;    double old_time;    static double last_time=0;    double delta_t;    if (last_time) {        delta_t = gstate.now - last_time;        // Normally this is called every second.        // If delta_t is > 10, we'll assume that a period of hibernation        // or suspension happened, and treat it as zero.        // If negative, must be clock reset.  Ignore.        //        if (delta_t > 10 || delta_t < 0) {            delta_t = 0;        }    } else {        delta_t = 0;    }    last_time = gstate.now;    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        atp = active_tasks[i];        if (!atp->process_exists()) continue;        old_time = atp->checkpoint_cpu_time;        if (atp->task_state() == PROCESS_EXECUTING) {            atp->elapsed_time += delta_t;        }        if (atp->get_app_status_msg()) {            if (old_time != atp->checkpoint_cpu_time) {                char buf[256];                sprintf(buf, "%s checkpointed", atp->result->name);                if (atp->overdue_checkpoint) {                    gstate.request_schedule_cpus(buf);                }                atp->checkpoint_wall_time = gstate.now;                atp->premature_exit_count = 0;                atp->checkpoint_elapsed_time = atp->elapsed_time;                atp->checkpoint_fraction_done = atp->fraction_done;                atp->checkpoint_fraction_done_elapsed_time = atp->fraction_done_elapsed_time;                if (log_flags.checkpoint_debug) {                    msg_printf(atp->wup->project, MSG_INFO,                        "[checkpoint] result %s checkpointed",                        atp->result->name                    );                } else if (log_flags.task_debug) {                    msg_printf(atp->wup->project, MSG_INFO,                        "[task] result %s checkpointed",                        atp->result->name                    );                }                atp->write_task_state_file();            }        }        atp->get_trickle_up_msg();        atp->get_graphics_msg();    }}

示例15: while

// clean up after finished apps//bool CLIENT_STATE::handle_finished_apps() {    ACTIVE_TASK* atp;    bool action = false;    static double last_time = 0;    if (!clock_change && now - last_time < HANDLE_FINISHED_APPS_PERIOD) return false;    last_time = now;    vector<ACTIVE_TASK*>::iterator iter;    iter = active_tasks.active_tasks.begin();    while (iter != active_tasks.active_tasks.end()) {        atp = *iter;        switch (atp->task_state()) {        case PROCESS_EXITED:        case PROCESS_WAS_SIGNALED:        case PROCESS_EXIT_UNKNOWN:        case PROCESS_COULDNT_START:        case PROCESS_ABORTED:            if (log_flags.task) {                msg_printf(atp->wup->project, MSG_INFO,                    "Computation for task %s finished", atp->result->name                );            }            app_finished(*atp);            if (!action) {                adjust_rec();     // update REC before erasing ACTIVE_TASK            }            iter = active_tasks.active_tasks.erase(iter);            delete atp;            set_client_state_dirty("handle_finished_apps");            // the following is critical; otherwise the result is            // still in the "scheduled" list and enforce_schedule()            // will try to run it again.            //            request_schedule_cpus("handle_finished_apps");            action = true;            break;        default:            ++iter;        }    }    return action;}

示例16: send_trickle_downs

void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::send_trickle_downs() {    unsigned int i;    ACTIVE_TASK* atp;    bool sent;    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        atp = active_tasks[i];        if (!atp->process_exists()) continue;        if (atp->have_trickle_down) {            if (!atp->app_client_shm.shm) continue;            sent = atp->app_client_shm.shm->trickle_down.send_msg("<have_trickle_down/>/n");            if (sent) atp->have_trickle_down = false;        }        if (atp->send_upload_file_status) {            if (!atp->app_client_shm.shm) continue;            sent = atp->app_client_shm.shm->trickle_down.send_msg("<upload_file_status/>/n");            if (sent) atp->send_upload_file_status = false;       }    }}

示例17: handle_result_op

static void handle_result_op(char* buf, MIOFILE& fout, const char* op) {    RESULT* rp;    char result_name[256];    ACTIVE_TASK* atp;    PROJECT* p = get_project(buf, fout);    if (!p) {        fout.printf("<error>No such project</error>/n");        return;    }    if (!parse_str(buf, "<name>", result_name, sizeof(result_name))) {        fout.printf("<error>Missing result name</error>/n");        return;    }    rp = gstate.lookup_result(p, result_name);    if (!rp) {        fout.printf("<error>no such result</error>/n");        return;    }    if (!strcmp(op, "abort")) {        msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "task %s aborted by user", result_name);        atp = gstate.lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);        if (atp) {            atp->abort_task(ERR_ABORTED_VIA_GUI, "aborted by user");        } else {            rp->abort_inactive(ERR_ABORTED_VIA_GUI);        }        gstate.request_work_fetch("result aborted by user");    } else if (!strcmp(op, "suspend")) {        msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "task %s suspended by user", result_name);        rp->suspended_via_gui = true;        gstate.request_work_fetch("result suspended by user");    } else if (!strcmp(op, "resume")) {        msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "task %s resumed by user", result_name);        rp->suspended_via_gui = false;    }    gstate.request_schedule_cpus("result suspended, resumed or aborted by user");    gstate.set_client_state_dirty("Result RPC");    fout.printf("<success/>/n");}

示例18: handle_result_show_graphics

static void handle_result_show_graphics(char* buf, MIOFILE& fout) {    string result_name;    GRAPHICS_MSG gm;    ACTIVE_TASK* atp;    if (match_tag(buf, "<full_screen/>")) {        gm.mode = MODE_FULLSCREEN;    } else if (match_tag(buf, "<hide/>")) {        gm.mode = MODE_HIDE_GRAPHICS;    } else {        gm.mode = MODE_WINDOW;    }    parse_str(buf, "<window_station>", gm.window_station, sizeof(gm.window_station));    parse_str(buf, "<desktop>", gm.desktop, sizeof(gm.desktop));    parse_str(buf, "<display>", gm.display, sizeof(gm.display));    if (parse_str(buf, "<result_name>", result_name)) {        PROJECT* p = get_project(buf, fout);        if (!p) {            fout.printf("<error>No such project</error>/n");            return;       }        RESULT* rp = gstate.lookup_result(p, result_name.c_str());        if (!rp) {            fout.printf("<error>No such result</error>/n");            return;        }        atp = gstate.lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);        if (!atp) {            fout.printf("<error>no such result</error>/n");            return;        }        atp->request_graphics_mode(gm);    } else {        for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {            atp = gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks[i];            if (atp->scheduler_state != CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED) continue;            atp->request_graphics_mode(gm);        }    }    fout.printf("<success/>/n");}

示例19: suspend_all

// suspend all currently running tasks// called only from CLIENT_STATE::suspend_tasks(),// e.g. because on batteries, time of day, benchmarking, CPU throttle, etc.//void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::suspend_all(int reason) {    for (unsigned int i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks[i];        if (atp->task_state() != PROCESS_EXECUTING) continue;        switch (reason) {        case SUSPEND_REASON_CPU_THROTTLE:            // if we're doing CPU throttling, don't bother suspending apps            // that don't use a full CPU            //            if (atp->result->dont_throttle()) continue;            if (atp->app_version->avg_ncpus < 1) continue;            atp->preempt(REMOVE_NEVER);            break;        case SUSPEND_REASON_BENCHMARKS:            atp->preempt(REMOVE_NEVER);            break;        case SUSPEND_REASON_CPU_USAGE:            // If we're suspending because of non-BOINC CPU load,            // don't remove from memory.            // Some systems do a security check when apps are launched,            // which uses a lot of CPU.            // Avoid going into a preemption loop.            //            if (atp->result->non_cpu_intensive()) break;            atp->preempt(REMOVE_NEVER);            break;        default:            atp->preempt(REMOVE_MAYBE_USER);        }    }}

示例20: estimated_runtime_remaining

double RESULT::estimated_runtime_remaining() {    if (computing_done()) return 0;    ACTIVE_TASK* atp = gstate.lookup_active_task_by_result(this);    if (app->non_cpu_intensive) {        if (atp && atp->fraction_done>0) {            double est_dur = atp->fraction_done_elapsed_time / atp->fraction_done;            double x = est_dur - atp->elapsed_time;            if (x <= 0) x = 1;            return x;        }        return 0;    }    if (atp) {#ifdef SIM        return sim_flops_left/avp->flops;#else        return atp->est_dur() - atp->elapsed_time;#endif    }    return estimated_runtime();}

示例21: wait_for_exit

// Wait up to wait_time seconds for processes to exit// If proj is zero, wait for all processes, else that project's// NOTE: it's bad form to sleep, but it would be complex to avoid it here//int ACTIVE_TASK_SET::wait_for_exit(double wait_time, PROJECT* proj) {    bool all_exited;    unsigned int i,n;    ACTIVE_TASK *atp;    for (i=0; i<10; i++) {        all_exited = true;        for (n=0; n<active_tasks.size(); n++) {            atp = active_tasks[n];            if (proj && atp->wup->project != proj) continue;            if (!atp->has_task_exited()) {                all_exited = false;                break;            }        }        if (all_exited) return 0;        boinc_sleep(wait_time/10.0);    }    return ERR_NOT_EXITED;}

示例22: suspend_all

// suspend all currently running tasks// called only from CLIENT_STATE::suspend_tasks(),// e.g. because on batteries, time of day, benchmarking, CPU throttle, etc.//void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::suspend_all(int reason) {    for (unsigned int i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks[i];        if (atp->task_state() != PROCESS_EXECUTING) continue;        switch (reason) {        case SUSPEND_REASON_CPU_THROTTLE:            // if we're doing CPU throttling, don't bother suspending apps            // that don't use a full CPU            //            if (atp->result->project->non_cpu_intensive) continue;            if (atp->app_version->avg_ncpus < 1) continue;            atp->preempt(REMOVE_NEVER);            break;        case SUSPEND_REASON_BENCHMARKS:            atp->preempt(REMOVE_NEVER);            break;        case SUSPEND_REASON_CPU_USAGE:            if (atp->result->project->non_cpu_intensive) break;        // fall through        default:            atp->preempt(REMOVE_MAYBE_USER);        }    }}

示例23: procinfo_setup

// scan the set of all processes to// 1) get the working-set size of active tasks// 2) see if exclusive apps are running// 3) get CPU time of non-BOINC processes//void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::get_memory_usage() {    static double last_mem_time=0;    unsigned int i;    int retval;    static bool first = true;    static double last_cpu_time;    double diff=0;    if (!first) {        diff = gstate.now - last_mem_time;        if (diff < 0 || diff > MEMORY_USAGE_PERIOD + 10) {            // user has changed system clock,            // or there has been a long system sleep            //            last_mem_time = gstate.now;            return;        }        if (diff < MEMORY_USAGE_PERIOD) return;    }    last_mem_time = gstate.now;    PROC_MAP pm;    retval = procinfo_setup(pm);    if (retval) {        if (log_flags.mem_usage_debug) {            msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,                "[mem_usage] procinfo_setup() returned %d", retval            );        }        return;    }    PROCINFO boinc_total;    if (log_flags.mem_usage_debug) {        boinc_total.clear();        boinc_total.working_set_size_smoothed = 0;    }    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks[i];        if (atp->task_state() == PROCESS_UNINITIALIZED) continue;        if (atp->pid ==0) continue;        // scan all active tasks with a process, even if not scheduled, because        // 1) we might have recently suspended a tasks,        //    and we still need to count its time        // 2) preempted tasks might not actually suspend themselves        //    (and we'd count that as non-BOINC CPU usage        //    and suspend everything).        PROCINFO& pi = atp->procinfo;        unsigned long last_page_fault_count = pi.page_fault_count;        pi.clear();        pi.id = atp->pid;        vector<int>* v = NULL;        if (atp->other_pids.size()>0) {            v = &(atp->other_pids);        }        procinfo_app(pi, v, pm, atp->app_version->graphics_exec_file);        if (atp->app_version->is_vm_app) {            // the memory of virtual machine apps is not reported correctly,            // at least on Windows.  Use the VM size instead.            //            pi.working_set_size_smoothed = atp->wup->rsc_memory_bound;        } else {            pi.working_set_size_smoothed = .5*(pi.working_set_size_smoothed + pi.working_set_size);        }        if (pi.working_set_size > atp->peak_working_set_size) {            atp->peak_working_set_size = pi.working_set_size;        }        if (pi.swap_size > atp->peak_swap_size) {            atp->peak_swap_size = pi.swap_size;        }        if (!first) {            int pf = pi.page_fault_count - last_page_fault_count;            pi.page_fault_rate = pf/diff;            if (log_flags.mem_usage_debug) {                msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO,                    "[mem_usage] %s%s: WS %.2fMB, smoothed %.2fMB, swap %.2fMB, %.2f page faults/sec, user CPU %.3f, kernel CPU %.3f",                    atp->scheduler_state==CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED?"":" (not running)",                    atp->result->name,                    pi.working_set_size/MEGA,                    pi.working_set_size_smoothed/MEGA,                    pi.swap_size/MEGA,                    pi.page_fault_rate,                    pi.user_time,                    pi.kernel_time                );                boinc_total.working_set_size += pi.working_set_size;                boinc_total.working_set_size_smoothed += pi.working_set_size_smoothed;                boinc_total.swap_size += pi.swap_size;                boinc_total.page_fault_rate += pi.page_fault_rate;            }        }    }//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例24: handle_upload_files

void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::handle_upload_files() {    for (unsigned int i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks[i];        atp->handle_upload_files();    }}

示例25: get_sched_reply_filename

//.........这里部分代码省略.........                msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO,                    "[sched_op] estimated total %s task duration: %.0f seconds",                    rsc_name(j),                    est_rsc_runtime[j]/time_stats.availability_frac(j)                );            }        }    }    // update records for ack'ed results    //    for (i=0; i<sr.result_acks.size(); i++) {        if (log_flags.sched_op_debug) {            msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO,                "[sched_op] handle_scheduler_reply(): got ack for task %s/n",                sr.result_acks[i].name            );        }        RESULT* rp = lookup_result(project, sr.result_acks[i].name);        if (rp) {            rp->got_server_ack = true;        } else {            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,                "Got ack for task %s, but can't find it", sr.result_acks[i].name            );        }    }    // handle result abort requests    //    for (i=0; i<sr.result_abort.size(); i++) {        RESULT* rp = lookup_result(project, sr.result_abort[i].name);        if (rp) {            ACTIVE_TASK* atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);            if (atp) {                atp->abort_task(EXIT_ABORTED_BY_PROJECT,                    "aborted by project - no longer usable"                );            } else {                rp->abort_inactive(EXIT_ABORTED_BY_PROJECT);            }        } else {            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,                "Server requested abort of unknown task %s",                sr.result_abort[i].name            );        }    }    for (i=0; i<sr.result_abort_if_not_started.size(); i++) {        RESULT* rp = lookup_result(project, sr.result_abort_if_not_started[i].name);        if (!rp) {            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,                "Server requested conditional abort of unknown task %s",                sr.result_abort_if_not_started[i].name            );            continue;        }        if (rp->not_started) {            rp->abort_inactive(EXIT_ABORTED_BY_PROJECT);        }    }    // remove acked trickle files    //    if (sr.message_ack) {        remove_trickle_files(project);

示例26: simulate

void simulate() {    bool action;    double start = START_TIME;    gstate.now = start;    html_start();    fprintf(summary_file,        "Hardware summary/n   %d CPUs, %.1f GFLOPS/n",        gstate.host_info.p_ncpus, gstate.host_info.p_fpops/1e9    );    for (int i=1; i<coprocs.n_rsc; i++) {        fprintf(summary_file,            "   %d %s GPUs, %.1f GFLOPS/n",            coprocs.coprocs[i].count,            coprocs.coprocs[i].type,            coprocs.coprocs[i].peak_flops/1e9        );    }    fprintf(summary_file,        "Preferences summary/n"        "   work buf min %f max %f/n"        "   Scheduling period %f/n"        "Scheduling policies/n"        "   Round-robin only: %s/n"        "   Scheduler EDF simulation: %s/n"        "   REC half-life: %f/n",        gstate.work_buf_min(), gstate.work_buf_total(),        gstate.global_prefs.cpu_scheduling_period(),        cpu_sched_rr_only?"yes":"no",        server_uses_workload?"yes":"no",        cc_config.rec_half_life    );    fprintf(summary_file, "Jobs/n");    for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.results.size(); i++) {        RESULT* rp = gstate.results[i];        fprintf(summary_file,            "   %s %s (%s)/n      time left %s deadline %s/n",            rp->project->project_name,            rp->name,            rsc_name_long(rp->avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type),            timediff_format(rp->sim_flops_left/rp->avp->flops).c_str(),            timediff_format(rp->report_deadline - START_TIME).c_str()        );    }    fprintf(summary_file,        "Simulation parameters/n"        "   time step %f, duration %f/n"        "-------------------/n",        delta, duration    );    write_inputs();    while (1) {        on = on_proc.sample(delta);        if (on) {            active = active_proc.sample(delta);            if (active) {                gpu_active = gpu_active_proc.sample(delta);            } else {                gpu_active = false;            }            connected = connected_proc.sample(delta);        } else {            active = gpu_active = connected = false;        }        // do accounting for the period that just ended,        // even if we're now in an "off" state.        //        // need both of the following, else crash        //        action |= gstate.active_tasks.poll();        action |= gstate.handle_finished_apps();        if (on) {            while (1) {                action = false;                action |= gstate.schedule_cpus();                if (connected) {                    action |= gstate.scheduler_rpc_poll();                        // this deletes completed results                }                action |= gstate.active_tasks.poll();                action |= gstate.handle_finished_apps();                gpu_suspend_reason = gpu_active?0:1;                //msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, action?"did action":"did no action");                if (!action) break;            }        }        //msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "took time step");        for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {            ACTIVE_TASK* atp = gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks[i];            if (atp->task_state() == PROCESS_EXECUTING) {                atp->elapsed_time += delta;            }        }        html_rec();        write_recs();        gstate.now += delta;        if (gstate.now > start + duration) break;    }    html_end();//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例27: poll

bool ACTIVE_TASK_SET::poll() {    unsigned int i;    char buf[256];    bool action = false;    static double last_time = START_TIME;    double diff = gstate.now - last_time;    if (diff < 1.0) return false;    last_time = gstate.now;    if (diff > delta) {        diff = 0;    }    PROJECT* p;    for (i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {        p = gstate.projects[i];        p->idle = true;    }    // we do two kinds of FLOPs accounting:    // 1) actual FLOPS (for job completion)    // 2) peak FLOPS (for total and per-project resource usage)    //    // CPU may be overcommitted, in which case we compute    //  a "cpu_scale" factor that is < 1.    // GPUs are never overcommitted.    //    // actual FLOPS is based on app_version.flops, scaled by cpu_scale for CPU jobs    // peak FLOPS is based on device peak FLOPS,    //  with CPU component scaled by cpu_scale for all jobs    // get CPU usage by GPU and CPU jobs    //    double cpu_usage_cpu=0;    double cpu_usage_gpu=0;    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks[i];        if (atp->task_state() != PROCESS_EXECUTING) continue;        RESULT* rp = atp->result;        if (rp->uses_gpu()) {            if (gpu_active) {                cpu_usage_gpu += rp->avp->avg_ncpus;            }        } else {            cpu_usage_cpu += rp->avp->avg_ncpus;        }    }    double cpu_usage = cpu_usage_cpu + cpu_usage_gpu;    // if CPU is overcommitted, compute cpu_scale    //    double cpu_scale = 1;    if (cpu_usage > gstate.ncpus) {        cpu_scale = (gstate.ncpus - cpu_usage_gpu) / (cpu_usage - cpu_usage_gpu);    }    double used = 0;    for (i=0; i<active_tasks.size(); i++) {        ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks[i];        if (atp->task_state() != PROCESS_EXECUTING) continue;        RESULT* rp = atp->result;        if (!gpu_active && rp->uses_gpu()) {            continue;        }        atp->elapsed_time += diff;        double flops = rp->avp->flops;        if (!rp->uses_gpu()) {            flops *= cpu_scale;        }        rp->sim_flops_left -= diff*flops;        atp->fraction_done = 1 - rp->sim_flops_left / rp->wup->rsc_fpops_est;        atp->checkpoint_wall_time = gstate.now;        if (rp->sim_flops_left <= 0) {            atp->set_task_state(PROCESS_EXITED, "poll");            rp->exit_status = 0;            rp->ready_to_report = true;            gstate.request_schedule_cpus("job finished");            gstate.request_work_fetch("job finished");            sprintf(buf, "result %s finished<br>", rp->name);            html_msg += buf;            action = true;        }        double pf = diff * app_peak_flops(rp->avp, cpu_scale);        rp->project->project_results.flops_used += pf;        rp->peak_flop_count += pf;        sim_results.flops_used += pf;        used += pf;        rp->project->idle = false;    }    for (i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {        p = gstate.projects[i];        if (p->idle) {            p->idle_time += diff;            p->idle_time_sumsq += diff*(p->idle_time*p->idle_time);        } else {            p->idle_time = 0;        }//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例28: show_resource

void show_resource(int rsc_type) {    unsigned int i;    char buf[256];    fprintf(html_out, "<td width=%d valign=top>", WIDTH2);    bool found = false;    for (i=0; i<gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {        ACTIVE_TASK* atp = gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks[i];        RESULT* rp = atp->result;        if (atp->task_state() != PROCESS_EXECUTING) continue;        double ninst=0;        if (rsc_type) {            if (rp->avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type != rsc_type) continue;            ninst = rp->avp->gpu_usage.usage;        } else {            ninst = rp->avp->avg_ncpus;        }        PROJECT* p = rp->project;        if (!found) {            found = true;            fprintf(html_out,                "<table>/n"                "<tr><th>#devs</th><th>Job name (* = high priority)</th><th>GFLOPs left</th>%s</tr>/n",                rsc_type?"<th>GPU</th>":""            );        }        if (rsc_type) {            sprintf(buf, "<td>%d</td>", rp->coproc_indices[0]);        } else {            safe_strcpy(buf, "");        }        fprintf(html_out, "<tr valign=top><td>%.2f</td><td bgcolor=%s><font color=#ffffff>%s%s</font></td><td>%.0f</td>%s</tr>/n",            ninst,            colors[p->index%NCOLORS],            rp->edf_scheduled?"*":"",            rp->name,            rp->sim_flops_left/1e9,            buf        );    }    if (found) {        fprintf(html_out, "</table>/n");    } else {        fprintf(html_out, "IDLE/n");    }    fprintf(html_out,        "<table><tr><td>Project</td><td>In progress</td><td>done</td><td>REC</td></tr>/n"    );    found = false;    for (i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {        PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i];        int in_progress, done;        job_count(p, rsc_type, in_progress, done);        if (in_progress || done) {            fprintf(html_out, "<td bgcolor=%s><font color=#ffffff>%s</font></td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%.3f</td></tr>/n",                colors[p->index%NCOLORS], p->project_name, in_progress, done,                p->pwf.rec            );            found = true;        }    }    //if (!found) fprintf(html_out, " ---/n");    fprintf(html_out, "</table></td>");}

示例29: run_test_app

// The following runs "test_app" and sends it various messages.// Used for testing the runtime system.//void run_test_app() {    WORKUNIT wu;    PROJECT project;    APP app;    APP_VERSION av;    ACTIVE_TASK at;    ACTIVE_TASK_SET ats;    RESULT result;    int retval;    char buf[256];    getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf));   // so we can see where we're running    gstate.run_test_app = true;    wu.project = &project;    wu.app = &app;    wu.command_line = string("--critical_section");    strcpy(app.name, "test app");    av.init();    av.avg_ncpus = 1;    strcpy(result.name, "test result");    result.avp = &av;    result.wup = &wu;    result.project = &project;    result.app = &app;    at.result = &result;    at.wup = &wu;    at.app_version = &av;    at.max_elapsed_time = 1e6;    at.max_disk_usage = 1e14;    at.max_mem_usage = 1e14;    strcpy(at.slot_dir, ".");#if 1    // test file copy    //    ASYNC_COPY* ac = new ASYNC_COPY;    FILE_INFO fi;    retval = ac->init(&at, &fi, "big_file", "./big_file_copy");    if (retval) {        exit(1);    }    while (1) {        do_async_file_ops();        if (at.async_copy == NULL) {            break;        }    }    fprintf(stderr, "done/n");    exit(0);#endif    ats.active_tasks.push_back(&at);    unlink("boinc_finish_called");    unlink("boinc_lockfile");    unlink("boinc_temporary_exit");    unlink("stderr.txt");    retval = at.start(true);    if (retval) {        fprintf(stderr, "start() failed: %s/n", boincerror(retval));    }    while (1) {        gstate.now = dtime();        at.preempt(REMOVE_NEVER);        ats.poll();        boinc_sleep(.1);        at.unsuspend();        ats.poll();        boinc_sleep(.2);        //at.request_reread_prefs();    }}

示例30: state

int RESULT::write_gui(MIOFILE& out) {    out.printf(        "<result>/n"        "    <name>%s</name>/n"        "    <wu_name>%s</wu_name>/n"        "    <version_num>%d</version_num>/n"        "    <plan_class>%s</plan_class>/n"        "    <project_url>%s</project_url>/n"        "    <final_cpu_time>%f</final_cpu_time>/n"        "    <final_elapsed_time>%f</final_elapsed_time>/n"        "    <exit_status>%d</exit_status>/n"        "    <state>%d</state>/n"        "    <report_deadline>%f</report_deadline>/n"        "    <received_time>%f</received_time>/n"        "    <estimated_cpu_time_remaining>%f</estimated_cpu_time_remaining>/n",        name,        wu_name,        version_num,        plan_class,        project->master_url,        final_cpu_time,        final_elapsed_time,        exit_status,        state(),        report_deadline,        received_time,        estimated_runtime_remaining()    );    if (got_server_ack) out.printf("    <got_server_ack/>/n");    if (ready_to_report) out.printf("    <ready_to_report/>/n");    if (completed_time) out.printf("    <completed_time>%f</completed_time>/n", completed_time);    if (suspended_via_gui) out.printf("    <suspended_via_gui/>/n");    if (project->suspended_via_gui) out.printf("    <project_suspended_via_gui/>/n");    if (report_immediately) out.printf("    <report_immediately/>/n");    if (edf_scheduled) out.printf("    <edf_scheduled/>/n");    if (coproc_missing) out.printf("    <coproc_missing/>/n");    if (schedule_backoff > gstate.now) {        out.printf("    <scheduler_wait/>/n");        if (strlen(schedule_backoff_reason)) {            out.printf(                "    <scheduler_wait_reason>%s</scheduler_wait_reason>/n",                schedule_backoff_reason            );        }    }    if (avp->needs_network && gstate.network_suspended) out.printf("    <network_wait/>/n");    ACTIVE_TASK* atp = gstate.active_tasks.lookup_result(this);    if (atp) {        atp->write_gui(out);    }    if (!strlen(resources)) {        // only need to compute this string once        //        if (avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type) {            if (avp->gpu_usage.usage == 1) {                sprintf(resources,                    "%.3g CPUs + 1 %s",                    avp->avg_ncpus,                    rsc_name_long(avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type)                );            } else {                sprintf(resources,                    "%.3g CPUs + %.3g %ss",                    avp->avg_ncpus,                    avp->gpu_usage.usage,                    rsc_name_long(avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type)                );            }        } else if (avp->missing_coproc) {            sprintf(resources, "%.3g CPUs + %s GPU (missing)",                avp->avg_ncpus, avp->missing_coproc_name            );        } else if (!project->non_cpu_intensive && (avp->avg_ncpus != 1)) {            sprintf(resources, "%.3g CPUs", avp->avg_ncpus);        } else {            strcpy(resources, " ");        }    }    if (strlen(resources)>1) {        char buf[256];        strcpy(buf, "");        if (atp && atp->scheduler_state == CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED) {            if (avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type) {                COPROC& cp = coprocs.coprocs[avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type];                if (cp.count > 1) {                    // if there are multiple GPUs of this type,                    // show the user which one(s) are being used                    //                    int n = (int)ceil(avp->gpu_usage.usage);                    strcpy(buf, " (device ");                    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {                        char buf2[256];                        sprintf(buf2, "%d", cp.device_nums[coproc_indices[i]]);                        if (i > 0) {                            strcat(buf, "/");                        }                        strcat(buf, buf2);                    }                    strcat(buf, ")");                }//.........这里部分代码省略.........


C++ AD类代码示例
C++ ACLs类代码示例