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51自学网 2019-09-28 09:33:39
  • ZODB‑5.5.1‑py2.py3‑none‑any.whl
  • zope.exceptions‑4.3‑py2.py3‑none‑any.whl

  • Other useful packages and applications not currently available on this page

    • AIDA implements the Adaptive Image Deconvolution Algorithm.
    • Alglib, a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library.
    • APSW, another Python SQLite wrapper.
    • BALLView, a molecular modeling and visualization application.
    • Biogeme performs estimation of discrete choice models.
    • BioImageXD is software for analysis and visualization of multidimensional biomedical images.
    • BisQue (Bio-Image Semantic Query User Environment), store, visualize, organize and analyze images in the cloud.
    • CasADi implements automatic differentiation in forward and adjoint modes.
    • CGAL-Python, bindings for the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library.
    • Coloc_utils computes colocalization coefficients from confocal images.
    • Cryptography exposes cryptographic primitives and recipes.
    • DeVIDE, a dataflow application builder for the rapid prototyping of medical visualization and image processing techniques.
    • Dlib, a toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications.
    • Dpmix, a library for fitting massive mixture models.
    • EMAN2, a greyscale scientific image processing suite with a focus on transmission electron microscopy. Supports many image formats.
    • FARSIGHT, a toolkit for microscopy image analysis based using Bio-Formats.
    • Gexiv2, a GObject-based wrapper around the exiv2 library for image metadata.
    • GHMM, the General Hidden Markov Model library.
    • Graph-tool, an efficient module for manipulation and statistical analysis of graphs.
    • ITK (Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit), a software system for image analysis.
    • M2Crypto, a complete wrapper for OpenSSL.
    • Mantid, a framework that supports high-performance computing and visualization of scientific data.
    • MathGL, a library for scientific data visualization.
    • mMass, an mass spectrometry tool.
    • MMCorePy
      《动手学深度学习》PyTorch 版