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自学教程:Download Installers for Linux Ubuntu 17.04 x86_64

51自学网 2021-01-01 16:10:32
这篇教程Download Installers for Linux Ubuntu 17.04 x86_64写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

Download Installers for Linux Ubuntu 17.04 x86_64

The base installer is available for download below.
There are 4 patches available. These patches require the base installer to be installed first.
 Base Installer
Installation Instructions:
  1. Run `sudo sh cuda_9.0.176_384.81_linux.run`
  2. Follow the command-line prompts
 Patch 1 (Released Jan 25, 2018)
cuBLAS Patch Update: This update to CUDA 9.0 includes new GEMM kernels optimized for the Volta architecture and improved heuristics to select GEMM kernels for given input sizes.
 Patch 2 (Released Mar 5, 2018)
cuBLAS Patch Update: This update to CUDA 9 includes GEMM heuristics improvements to selects the most optimized algorithms for input sizes commonly used in Deep Learning RNNs. The update also includes other bug-fixes and performance enhancements.
 Patch 3 (Released Jun 7, 2018)
cuBLAS Patch Update: This update to cuBLAS addresses issues with Convolutional Seq2Seq and RNN inference performance.
 Patch 4 (Released Aug 6, 2018)
cuBLAS Patch Update: This update to cuBLAS includes optimized implementations of GEMV operations for mixed precision input and output types and important fixes to address performance issues.

The CUDA Toolkit contains Open-Source Software. The source code can be found here.
The checksums for the installer and patches can be found in Installer Checksums.
For further information, see the Installation Guide for Linux and the CUDA Quick Start Guide.
从零开始搭建深度学习服务器: 1080TI四卡并行(Ubuntu16.04+CUDA9.2+cuDNN7.1+TensorFlow+Keras)