排序算法比较: shellsort, quicksort, heapsort, mergesort 的算法实现 , 对同样数据集的排序时间比较。
# include <stdio.h> # include <time.h>
# define MAXSIZE 2000
typedef struct{ int key[MAXSIZE]; int length; }list;
long int compCount; long int shiftCount;
void menu(int *m)/*retun m*/ { int i; char menu[6][15]={"1 CREATE ","2 IMPORT ","3 SORT","4 SHOW RESULT", "5 SAVE RESULT","6 EXIT"};
clrscr(); printf("SORT COMPARE SYSTEM/n"); for (i=0;i<6;i++) printf("%s/n",menu[i]); printf("/n Please Select (1-6):/n"); scanf("%d",m);
void menusort(int *m)/*retun m*/ { int i; char menusort[5][15]={"1 SHELL SORT","2 QUICK SORT","3 HEAP SORT", "4 MERGE SORT","5 ALL SORT"}; clrscr(); printf("SORT/n"); for(i=0;i<5;i++) printf("%s/n",menusort[i]); printf("/n Please Select (1-5):/n"); scanf("%d",m);
void menushow(int *m)/*retun m*/ { int i; char menushow[4][20]={"1 SHELL SORT RESULT","2 QUICK SORT RESULT", "3 HEAP SORT RESULT","4 MERGE SORT RESULT"}; clrscr(); printf("SHOW SORT RESULT/n"); for(i=0;i<4;i++) printf("%s/n",menushow[i]); printf("/n Please Select (1-4):/n"); scanf("%d",m);
void menusave(int *m) { int i; char menusave[4][20]={"1 SHELL SORT RESULT","2 QUICK SORT RESULT", "3 HEAP SORT RESULT","4 MERGE SORT RESULT"}; clrscr(); printf("SAVE:/n"); for (i=0;i<4;i++) printf("%s/n",menusave[i]); printf("/n Please Select (1-4):/n"); scanf("%d",m); }
void create(list *L) { int i; printf("HOW MANY DATA?/n"); scanf("%d",&((*L).length)); for(i=1;i<=(*L).length;i++) { printf("/nPLEASE INPUT THE %dth DATA:/n",i); scanf("%d",&(*L).key[i]); } printf("/nCREATE COMPLETE !/n"); }
int listopen(list *L,char *filename) { int k=1; FILE *data; data=NULL;
data=fopen(filename,"rb"); while (! feof(data)) { fscanf(data,"%d",&(*L).key[k]); k++; } (*L).length=k-1; }
void import(list *L)/*fix L*/ { char filename[255]; int i;
printf("/nPLEASE INPUT THE FILE PATH AND NAME:/n"); scanf("%s",filename);
clrscr(); listopen(L,filename); for(i=1;i<(*L).length;i++) printf("%d ",(*L).key[i]); printf("/nPRESS ANYKEY RETURN TO MAINMENU.../n"); getch(); }
void save(list L) { FILE *data; char filename[255]; int r;
printf("/nPLEASE INPUT THE FILE PATH AND NAME:/n"); scanf("%s",filename);
data=fopen(filename,"wb"); for(r=1;r<=L.length;r++) fprintf(data,"%d/n",L.key[r]); fclose(data); printf("SAVE OK! /n PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN THE MAINMENU... "); getch(); }
list shellsort(list L)/*retun L_SHELL*/ { int i,j,gap,x,n; compCount=shiftCount=0; n=L.length; gap=n/2; while (gap>0) { compCount++; for(i=gap+1;i<=n;i++) { compCount++; j=i-gap; while(j>0) { compCount++; if(L.key[j]>L.key[j+gap]) { compCount++; x=L.key[j];shiftCount++; L.key[j]=L.key[j+gap];shiftCount++; L.key[j+gap]=x;shiftCount++; j=j-gap; } else j=0; } } gap=gap/2; } return L; }
void shell(list L,list *LS,float *timeshell)/*return LS,timeshell. MUST add an "getch"!!*/ { clock_t start,end; start=clock(); (*LS)=shellsort(L); end=clock(); *timeshell=(end-start)/CLK_TCK; printf("/nSHELLSORT COST TIME :%f SECONDS.",*timeshell); printf("Compare %d times.Shfit %d times./n",compCount,shiftCount); }
int Partition(list * pL,int low,int high) { int pivotkey; pL->key[0]=pL->key[low];shiftCount++; pivotkey=pL->key[low];shiftCount++; while(low<high) { compCount++; while(low<high && pivotkey<=(pL->key[high])) {compCount++;compCount++; --high;} pL->key[low]=pL->key[high];shiftCount++; while(low<high && (pL->key[low])<=pivotkey) {compCount++;compCount++; ++low;} pL->key[high]=pL->key[low];shiftCount++; } pL->key[low]=pL->key[0];shiftCount++; return low; }/*Partition*/
void QSort(list * pL,int low,int high) { int pivotloc; if(low<high) { compCount++; pivotloc=Partition(pL,low,high); QSort(pL,low,pivotloc-1); QSort(pL,pivotloc+1,high); } }/*QSort*/
list QuickSort(list pL) { compCount=shiftCount=0; QSort(&pL,1,pL.length); return pL; }/*QuickSort*/
void quick(list L,list *LQ,float *timequick)/*MUST add an "getch"!!*/ { clock_t start,end;
start=clock(); (*LQ)=QuickSort(L); end=clock(); *timequick=(end-start)/CLK_TCK; printf("/nQUICKSORT COST TIME :%f SECONDS.",*timequick); printf("Compare %d times.Shfit %d times./n",compCount,shiftCount); }
void sift(list L,int l,int m) { int i,j,x; i=l; j=2*i; x=L.key[i]; while (j<=m) { compCount++; if(j<m && L.key[j]<L.key[j+1]) {j++;compCount++;compCount++;} if(x<L.key[j]) { compCount++; L.key[i]=L.key[j];shiftCount++; i=j;shiftCount++; j=2*i; } else j=m+1; } L.key[i]=x;shiftCount++; }
list heapsort(list L) { int i,w; compCount=shiftCount=0; for (i=L.length/2;i>=1;i--) {sift(L,i,L.length);compCount++;} for (i=L.length;i>=2;i--) { compCount++; w=L.key[i];shiftCount++; L.key[i]=L.key[1];shiftCount++; L.key[1]=w;shiftCount++; sift(L,i-1,1); } return L; }
void heap(list L,list *LH,float *timeheap) { clock_t start,end; start=clock(); (*LH)=heapsort(L); end=clock(); *timeheap=(end-start)/CLK_TCK; printf("/nHEAPSORT COST TIME :%f SECONDS.",*timeheap); printf("Compare %d times.Shfit %d times./n",compCount,shiftCount); }
void Merge(int source[],int result[],int size,int n) { int lb1,lb2,ub1,ub2,p,i,j; lb1=0; p=0; while((lb1+size)<n) { compCount++; lb2=lb1+size; ub1=lb2-1; if((lb2+size-1)>n) { ub2=n-1; compCount++; shiftCount++;} else {ub2=lb2+size-1; compCount++; shiftCount++;} i=lb1; j=lb2; while((i<=ub1)&&(j<=ub2)) { compCount++;compCount++; if(source[i]<=source[j]) {result[p++]=source[i++]; shiftCount++; compCount++;} else {result[p++]=source[j++]; shiftCount++; compCount++;} } while(i<=ub1) {result[p++]=source[i++]; shiftCount++; compCount++;} while(j<=ub2) {result[p++]=source[j++]; shiftCount++; compCount++;} lb1=ub2+1; } i=lb1; while(p<n) {compCount++; result[p++]=source[i++];shiftCount++;} }
void Mergesort(list *L) { int n=(*L).length; int s=1; int *temp=(int *)malloc(n*sizeof(int)); compCount=shiftCount=0; if (temp==NULL) { printf("out of memory"); return; } while(s<n) { compCount++; Merge((*L).key,temp,s,n); s*=2; Merge(temp,(*L).key,s,n); s*=2; } compCount++; }
void domerge(list L,list *LM,float *timemerge)/*MUST add an "getch"!!*/ { clock_t start,end;
start=clock(); Mergesort(&L); end=clock(); (*LM)=L; *timemerge=(end-start)/CLK_TCK; printf("/nMERGESORT COST TIME :%f SECONDS.",*timemerge); printf("Compare %d times.Shfit %d times./n",compCount,shiftCount); }
main() { list L,LS,LQ,LH,LM; int LOCK3=0,LOCK4=0,LOCK5=0,RUN=1,LOCK41=0,LOCK42=0,LOCK43=0,LOCK44=0; int comd,r; float timeshell,timequick,timeheap,timemerge; while(RUN==1) { start: menu(&comd); switch (comd) { case 1: create(&L); LOCK3=1; break; case 2: import(&L); LOCK3=1; goto start; case 3: if(LOCK3==0) goto start; menusort(&comd); LOCK4=1; LOCK5=1; switch (comd) { case 1: LOCK41=1; shell(L,&LS,×hell); printf("/n PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN MAIN MENU... /n"); getch(); goto start; case 2: LOCK42=1; quick(L,&LQ,&timequick); printf("/n PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN MAIN MENU... /n"); getch(); goto start; case 3: LOCK43=1; heap(L,&LH,&timeheap); printf("/n PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN MAIN MENU... /n"); getch(); goto start; case 4: LOCK44=1; domerge(L,&LM,&timemerge); printf("/n PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN MAIN MENU... /n"); getch(); goto start; case 5: LOCK41=1; LOCK42=1; LOCK43=1; LOCK44=1; shell(L,&LS,×hell); quick(L,&LQ,&timequick); heap(L,&LH,&timeheap); domerge(L,&LM,&timemerge); printf("/n PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN MAIN MENU... /n"); getch(); goto start; case 6: goto start; } case 4: if(LOCK4==0) goto start; menushow(&comd); switch(comd) { case 1: if(LOCK41==0) goto start; for (r=1;r<=LS.length;r++) printf("%d",LS.key[r]); printf("/n PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN MAIN MENU... /n"); getch(); goto start; case 2: if(LOCK42==0) goto start; for (r=1;r<=LQ.length;r++) printf("%d",LQ.key[r]); printf("/n PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN MAIN MENU... /n"); getch(); goto start; case 3: if(LOCK43==0) goto start; for (r=1;r<=LH.length;r++) printf("%d",LH.key[r]); printf("/n PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN MAIN MENU... /n"); getch(); goto start; case 4: if(LOCK44==0) goto start; for (r=1;r<=LM.length;r++) printf("%d",LM.key[r]); printf("/n PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN MAIN MENU... /n"); getch(); goto start; case 6: goto start; } case 5: if(LOCK5==0) goto start; menusave(&comd); switch (comd) { case 1: if(LOCK41==0) goto start; save(LS); break; case 2: if(LOCK42==0) goto start; save(LQ); break; case 3: if(LOCK43==0) goto start; save(LH); break; case 4: if(LOCK44==0) goto start; save(LM); break; case 6: break; } break; case 6: exit(0); } }