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 最新视频教程Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire2.0 工业设计实例视频教程 (全套免费在线学习)   AutoCAD视频教程每日更新
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破解pro-e时,出现can not find the file. search the file?

2010-10-06 51自学网

破解pro-e时,出现can not find the file. search the file?这是怎么回事。还有This Patch only For Pro/E part of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 M??0!Put me into <intalled location>//proeWildfire 3.0/i486_nt/obj directory and press Patch button.How to launch the embedded VERICUT?Please open<intalled location>//proeWildfire 3.0/bin/prev.bat with editor &search Vericut %argstr% and replace it with the following string: Vericut %argstr% PTC_KEY=0 then save the file and run it to launch.Enjoy it.这是它解释的???我应该怎么处理



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