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 最新视频教程Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire2.0 工业设计实例视频教程 (全套免费在线学习)   AutoCAD视频教程每日更新
首页 > CAD在线问答 >  Pro/E

关于pro/E 的,谁能帮我翻译一下,谢谢

2010-10-06 51自学网

.boot up your pc with windows.start pro/e ptc_licfile.dat with your fav txt-editor.replace every occurance of 00-00-00-00-00-00 with the one shown in the bottom left corner of the Pro/e setup (its your mac-id, format: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx).install pro/e - pro/m - pro/ds, i dont care which one or in which order.on license-config screen select "nodelocked license" and point to edited ptc_licfile.dat.blalala installnext for pro/engineer:(if u didnt install the complete package, u get "missing file" errors, accept or bleed).run engineer.wildfire.5.0-patch.exe, point to <installdir>/i486_nt/obj folder.edit <pro/e installdir>/bin/proev.bat change "%start_cmd% "%CGTECH_JRE%/bin/javaw" -Xms16m -Xmx64m -Xss4m -classpath "%CGTECH_CLASSES%;%CGTECH_CLASSES%/CGTech.jar" Vericut %argstr%" in "%start_cmd% "%CGTECH_JRE%/bin/javaw" -Xms16m -Xmx64m -Xss4m -classpath "%CGTECH_CLASSES%;%CGTECH_CLASSES%/CGTech.jar" Vericut %argstr% PTC_KEY=0" (add PTC_KEY=0) pro/ mechanica.wildfire.5.0-patch.exe .point to <pro/m installdir>/i486_nt/bin <pro/m installdir>/i486_nt/obj <pro/m installdir>/i486_nt/ptc (in this order, after every "missing file" error)pro/distributed and point to <pro/ds installdir>/i486_nt/obj
我按你们两位老师说的做了,而且做了两遍,都不行,还有就是我的安装目录中没有proev.bat 文件 也没有<pro/mechanica安装目录>/i486_nt/obj这个地址!



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