1. First Create a directory on the c: drive (even if you install maya on different drive) called FLEXLM2. Copy the aw.dat and awkeygen.exe file to this directory.3. Install Maya4. Goto start-->all programs-->Autodesk-->common utilities-->FlexLM license utilities5. Under system settings copy Ethernet address6. Open the file (from the directory FLEXLM) aw.dat with Wordpad and replace the words "your host" with the copied Ethernet address. Save and close wordpad7. Using the run utility and type: awkeygen.exe aw.dat8. Goto start-->all programs-->Autodesk-->Maya 8.5-->Install license select "I would like to install license from a file"9. Browse to the path of the file aw.dat10. Click install11. Restart computerNB: For those who still want to access the "old cloth" renamed to Classic Cloth, use our awcloth.dat file and regenerate your license fileLINUX:------Start at Step 3.Your license (default) dir is /var/flexlmso copy the generated aw.dat (you did that on a windows machine in dos)into that directory.OSX:---Your license (default) dir is /var/flexlmso copy the generated aw.dat (you did that on a windows machine in dos)into that directory.这么麻烦,那位朋友有办法 比什么软件都麻烦