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51自学网 2021-06-01 19:32:30
这篇教程C++ ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW函数的具体用法?C++ ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW怎么用?C++ ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: acpi_ns_init_one_object

acpi_statusacpi_ns_init_one_object (	acpi_handle             obj_handle,	u32                     level,	void                    *context,	void                    **return_value){	acpi_object_type8       type;	acpi_status             status;	acpi_init_walk_info     *info = (acpi_init_walk_info *) context;	acpi_namespace_node     *node = (acpi_namespace_node *) obj_handle;	acpi_operand_object     *obj_desc;	PROC_NAME ("Ns_init_one_object");	info->object_count++;	/* And even then, we are only interested in a few object types */	type = acpi_ns_get_type (obj_handle);	obj_desc = node->object;	if (!obj_desc) {		return (AE_OK);	}	if ((type != ACPI_TYPE_REGION) &&		(type != ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER_FIELD)) {		return (AE_OK);	}	/*	 * Must lock the interpreter before executing AML code	 */	status = acpi_ex_enter_interpreter ();	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		return (status);	}	switch (type) {	case ACPI_TYPE_REGION:		info->op_region_count++;		if (obj_desc->common.flags & AOPOBJ_DATA_VALID) {			break;		}		info->op_region_init++;		status = acpi_ds_get_region_arguments (obj_desc);		if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_ERROR, "/n"));			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_ERROR,					"%s while getting region arguments [%4.4s]/n",					acpi_format_exception (status), (char*)&node->name));		}		if (!(acpi_dbg_level & ACPI_LV_INIT)) {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OK, "."));		}		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER_FIELD:		info->field_count++;		if (obj_desc->common.flags & AOPOBJ_DATA_VALID) {			break;		}		info->field_init++;		status = acpi_ds_get_buffer_field_arguments (obj_desc);		if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_ERROR, "/n"));			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_ERROR,					"%s while getting buffer field arguments [%4.4s]/n",					acpi_format_exception (status), (char*)&node->name));		}		if (!(acpi_dbg_level & ACPI_LV_INIT)) {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OK, "."));		}		break;	default:		break;	}	/*	 * We ignore errors from above, and always return OK, since	 * we don't want to abort the walk on a single error.	 */	acpi_ex_exit_interpreter ();	return (AE_OK);//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例2: OptSearchToRoot

static ACPI_STATUSOptSearchToRoot (    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Op,    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState,    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *CurrentNode,    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *TargetNode,    ACPI_BUFFER             *TargetPath,    char                    **NewPath){    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *Node;    ACPI_GENERIC_STATE      ScopeInfo;    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    char                    *Path;    ACPI_FUNCTION_NAME (OptSearchToRoot);    /*     * Check if search-to-root can be utilized. Use the last NameSeg of     * the NamePath and 1) See if can be found and 2) If found, make     * sure that it is the same node that we want. If there is another     * name in the search path before the one we want, the nodes will     * not match, and we cannot use this optimization.     */    Path = &(((char *) TargetPath->Pointer)[        TargetPath->Length - ACPI_NAME_SIZE]),    ScopeInfo.Scope.Node = CurrentNode;    /* Lookup the NameSeg using SEARCH_PARENT (search-to-root) */    Status = AcpiNsLookup (&ScopeInfo, Path, ACPI_TYPE_ANY, ACPI_IMODE_EXECUTE,        ACPI_NS_SEARCH_PARENT | ACPI_NS_DONT_OPEN_SCOPE,        WalkState, &(Node));    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        return (Status);    }    /*     * We found the name, but we must check to make sure that the node     * matches. Otherwise, there is another identical name in the search     * path that precludes the use of this optimization.     */    if (Node != TargetNode)    {        /*         * This means that another object with the same name was found first,         * and we cannot use this optimization.         */        return (AE_NOT_FOUND);    }    /* Found the node, we can use this optimization */    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS,        "NAMESEG:   %-24s", Path));    /* We must allocate a new string for the name (TargetPath gets deleted) */    *NewPath = UtStringCacheCalloc (ACPI_NAME_SIZE + 1);    strcpy (*NewPath, Path);    if (strncmp (*NewPath, "_T_", 3))    {        AslError (ASL_OPTIMIZATION, ASL_MSG_SINGLE_NAME_OPTIMIZATION,            Op, *NewPath);    }    return (AE_OK);}

示例3: OptOptimizeNameDeclaration

static ACPI_STATUSOptOptimizeNameDeclaration (    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Op,    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState,    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *CurrentNode,    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *TargetNode,    char                    *AmlNameString,    char                    **NewPath){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    char                    *NewPathExternal;    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *Node;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (OptOptimizeNameDeclaration);    if (((CurrentNode == AcpiGbl_RootNode) ||        (Op->Common.Parent->Asl.ParseOpcode == PARSEOP_DEFINITION_BLOCK)) &&            (ACPI_IS_ROOT_PREFIX (AmlNameString[0])))    {        /*         * The current scope is the root, and the namepath has a root prefix         * that is therefore extraneous. Remove it.         */        *NewPath = &AmlNameString[1];        /* Debug output */        Status = AcpiNsExternalizeName (ACPI_UINT32_MAX, *NewPath,            NULL, &NewPathExternal);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            AslCoreSubsystemError (Op, Status, "Externalizing NamePath",                ASL_NO_ABORT);            return (Status);        }        /*         * Check to make sure that the optimization finds the node we are         * looking for. This is simply a sanity check on the new         * path that has been created.         *         * We know that we are at the root, so NULL is used for the scope.         */        Status = AcpiNsLookup (NULL, *NewPath,            ACPI_TYPE_ANY, ACPI_IMODE_EXECUTE,            ACPI_NS_DONT_OPEN_SCOPE, WalkState, &(Node));        if (ACPI_SUCCESS (Status))        {            /* Found the namepath, but make sure the node is correct */            if (Node == TargetNode)            {                /* The lookup matched the node, accept this optimization */                AslError (ASL_OPTIMIZATION, ASL_MSG_NAME_OPTIMIZATION,                    Op, NewPathExternal);                ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS,                    "AT ROOT:   %-24s", NewPathExternal));            }            else            {                /* Node is not correct, do not use this optimization */                Status = AE_NOT_FOUND;                ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS,                    " ***** WRONG NODE"));                AslError (ASL_WARNING, ASL_MSG_COMPILER_INTERNAL, Op,                    "Not using optimized name - found wrong node");            }        }        else        {            /* The lookup failed, we obviously cannot use this optimization */            ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS,                " ***** NOT FOUND"));            AslError (ASL_WARNING, ASL_MSG_COMPILER_INTERNAL, Op,                "Not using optimized name - did not find node");        }        ACPI_FREE (NewPathExternal);        return (Status);    }    /* Could not optimize */    return (AE_NOT_FOUND);}

示例4: AcpiUtOsiImplementation

ACPI_STATUSAcpiUtOsiImplementation (    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState){    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *StringDesc;    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *ReturnDesc;    ACPI_INTERFACE_INFO     *InterfaceInfo;    ACPI_INTERFACE_HANDLER  InterfaceHandler;    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    UINT32                  ReturnValue;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (UtOsiImplementation);    /* Validate the string input argument (from the AML caller) */    StringDesc = WalkState->Arguments[0].Object;    if (!StringDesc ||        (StringDesc->Common.Type != ACPI_TYPE_STRING))    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_TYPE);    }    /* Create a return object */    ReturnDesc = AcpiUtCreateInternalObject (ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER);    if (!ReturnDesc)    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    /* Default return value is 0, NOT SUPPORTED */    ReturnValue = 0;    Status = AcpiOsAcquireMutex (AcpiGbl_OsiMutex, ACPI_WAIT_FOREVER);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        AcpiUtRemoveReference (ReturnDesc);        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    /* Lookup the interface in the global _OSI list */    InterfaceInfo = AcpiUtGetInterface (StringDesc->String.Pointer);    if (InterfaceInfo &&        !(InterfaceInfo->Flags & ACPI_OSI_INVALID))    {        /*         * The interface is supported.         * Update the OsiData if necessary. We keep track of the latest         * version of Windows that has been requested by the BIOS.         */        if (InterfaceInfo->Value > AcpiGbl_OsiData)        {            AcpiGbl_OsiData = InterfaceInfo->Value;        }        ReturnValue = ACPI_UINT32_MAX;    }    AcpiOsReleaseMutex (AcpiGbl_OsiMutex);    /*     * Invoke an optional _OSI interface handler. The host OS may wish     * to do some interface-specific handling. For example, warn about     * certain interfaces or override the true/false support value.     */    InterfaceHandler = AcpiGbl_InterfaceHandler;    if (InterfaceHandler)    {        ReturnValue = InterfaceHandler (            StringDesc->String.Pointer, ReturnValue);    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_INFO,        "ACPI: BIOS _OSI(/"%s/") is %ssupported/n",        StringDesc->String.Pointer, ReturnValue == 0 ? "not " : ""));    /* Complete the return object */    ReturnDesc->Integer.Value = ReturnValue;    WalkState->ReturnDesc = ReturnDesc;    return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例5: AcpiEvCreateGpeBlock

ACPI_STATUSAcpiEvCreateGpeBlock (    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *GpeDevice,    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    *GpeBlockAddress,    UINT32                  RegisterCount,    UINT8                   GpeBlockBaseNumber,    UINT32                  InterruptNumber,    ACPI_GPE_BLOCK_INFO     **ReturnGpeBlock){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_GPE_BLOCK_INFO     *GpeBlock;    ACPI_GPE_WALK_INFO      WalkInfo;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (EvCreateGpeBlock);    if (!RegisterCount)    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);    }    /* Allocate a new GPE block */    GpeBlock = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (sizeof (ACPI_GPE_BLOCK_INFO));    if (!GpeBlock)    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    /* Initialize the new GPE block */    GpeBlock->Node = GpeDevice;    GpeBlock->GpeCount = (UINT16) (RegisterCount * ACPI_GPE_REGISTER_WIDTH);    GpeBlock->Initialized = FALSE;    GpeBlock->RegisterCount = RegisterCount;    GpeBlock->BlockBaseNumber = GpeBlockBaseNumber;    ACPI_MEMCPY (&GpeBlock->BlockAddress, GpeBlockAddress,        sizeof (ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS));    /*     * Create the RegisterInfo and EventInfo sub-structures     * Note: disables and clears all GPEs in the block     */    Status = AcpiEvCreateGpeInfoBlocks (GpeBlock);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        ACPI_FREE (GpeBlock);        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    /* Install the new block in the global lists */    Status = AcpiEvInstallGpeBlock (GpeBlock, InterruptNumber);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        ACPI_FREE (GpeBlock->RegisterInfo);        ACPI_FREE (GpeBlock->EventInfo);        ACPI_FREE (GpeBlock);        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    AcpiGbl_AllGpesInitialized = FALSE;    /* Find all GPE methods (_Lxx or_Exx) for this block */    WalkInfo.GpeBlock = GpeBlock;    WalkInfo.GpeDevice = GpeDevice;    WalkInfo.ExecuteByOwnerId = FALSE;    Status = AcpiNsWalkNamespace (ACPI_TYPE_METHOD, GpeDevice,                ACPI_UINT32_MAX, ACPI_NS_WALK_NO_UNLOCK,                AcpiEvMatchGpeMethod, NULL, &WalkInfo, NULL);    /* Return the new block */    if (ReturnGpeBlock)    {        (*ReturnGpeBlock) = GpeBlock;    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_INIT,        "    Initialized GPE %02X to %02X [%4.4s] %u regs on interrupt 0x%X/n",        (UINT32) GpeBlock->BlockBaseNumber,        (UINT32) (GpeBlock->BlockBaseNumber + (GpeBlock->GpeCount - 1)),        GpeDevice->Name.Ascii, GpeBlock->RegisterCount,        InterruptNumber));    /* Update global count of currently available GPEs */    AcpiCurrentGpeCount += GpeBlock->GpeCount;    return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例6: acpi_ev_gpe_initialize

/******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION:    acpi_ev_gpe_initialize * * PARAMETERS:  None * * RETURN:      Status * * DESCRIPTION: Initialize the GPE data structures and the FADT GPE 0/1 blocks * ******************************************************************************/acpi_status acpi_ev_gpe_initialize(void){	u32 register_count0 = 0;	u32 register_count1 = 0;	u32 gpe_number_max = 0;	acpi_status status;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ev_gpe_initialize);	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_INIT,			      "Initializing General Purpose Events (GPEs):/n"));	status = acpi_ut_acquire_mutex(ACPI_MTX_NAMESPACE);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(status);	}	/*	 * Initialize the GPE Block(s) defined in the FADT	 *	 * Why the GPE register block lengths are divided by 2:  From the ACPI	 * Spec, section "General-Purpose Event Registers", we have:	 *	 * "Each register block contains two registers of equal length	 *  GPEx_STS and GPEx_EN (where x is 0 or 1). The length of the	 *  GPE0_STS and GPE0_EN registers is equal to half the GPE0_LEN	 *  The length of the GPE1_STS and GPE1_EN registers is equal to	 *  half the GPE1_LEN. If a generic register block is not supported	 *  then its respective block pointer and block length values in the	 *  FADT table contain zeros. The GPE0_LEN and GPE1_LEN do not need	 *  to be the same size."	 */	/*	 * Determine the maximum GPE number for this machine.	 *	 * Note: both GPE0 and GPE1 are optional, and either can exist without	 * the other.	 *	 * If EITHER the register length OR the block address are zero, then that	 * particular block is not supported.	 */	if (acpi_gbl_FADT.gpe0_block_length &&	    acpi_gbl_FADT.xgpe0_block.address) {		/* GPE block 0 exists (has both length and address > 0) */		register_count0 = (u16)(acpi_gbl_FADT.gpe0_block_length / 2);		gpe_number_max =		    (register_count0 * ACPI_GPE_REGISTER_WIDTH) - 1;		/* Install GPE Block 0 */		status = acpi_ev_create_gpe_block(acpi_gbl_fadt_gpe_device,						  acpi_gbl_FADT.xgpe0_block.						  address,						  acpi_gbl_FADT.xgpe0_block.						  space_id, register_count0, 0,						  acpi_gbl_FADT.sci_interrupt,						  &acpi_gbl_gpe_fadt_blocks[0]);		if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {			ACPI_EXCEPTION((AE_INFO, status,					"Could not create GPE Block 0"));		}	}	if (acpi_gbl_FADT.gpe1_block_length &&	    acpi_gbl_FADT.xgpe1_block.address) {		/* GPE block 1 exists (has both length and address > 0) */		register_count1 = (u16)(acpi_gbl_FADT.gpe1_block_length / 2);		/* Check for GPE0/GPE1 overlap (if both banks exist) */		if ((register_count0) &&		    (gpe_number_max >= acpi_gbl_FADT.gpe1_base)) {			ACPI_ERROR((AE_INFO,				    "GPE0 block (GPE 0 to %u) overlaps the GPE1 block "				    "(GPE %u to %u) - Ignoring GPE1",				    gpe_number_max, acpi_gbl_FADT.gpe1_base,				    acpi_gbl_FADT.gpe1_base +				    ((register_count1 *				      ACPI_GPE_REGISTER_WIDTH) - 1)));			/* Ignore GPE1 block by setting the register count to zero */			register_count1 = 0;//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例7: AcpiDsScopeStackPush

ACPI_STATUSAcpiDsScopeStackPush (    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *Node,    ACPI_OBJECT_TYPE        Type,    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState){    ACPI_GENERIC_STATE      *ScopeInfo;    ACPI_GENERIC_STATE      *OldScopeInfo;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (DsScopeStackPush);    if (!Node)    {        /* Invalid scope   */        ACPI_ERROR ((AE_INFO, "Null scope parameter"));        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_BAD_PARAMETER);    }    /* Make sure object type is valid */    if (!AcpiUtValidObjectType (Type))    {        ACPI_WARNING ((AE_INFO,            "Invalid object type: 0x%X", Type));    }    /* Allocate a new scope object */    ScopeInfo = AcpiUtCreateGenericState ();    if (!ScopeInfo)    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    /* Init new scope object */    ScopeInfo->Common.DescriptorType = ACPI_DESC_TYPE_STATE_WSCOPE;    ScopeInfo->Scope.Node = Node;    ScopeInfo->Common.Value = (UINT16) Type;    WalkState->ScopeDepth++;    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_EXEC,        "[%.2d] Pushed scope ", (UINT32) WalkState->ScopeDepth));    OldScopeInfo = WalkState->ScopeInfo;    if (OldScopeInfo)    {        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_EXEC,            "[%4.4s] (%s)",            AcpiUtGetNodeName (OldScopeInfo->Scope.Node),            AcpiUtGetTypeName (OldScopeInfo->Common.Value)));    }    else    {        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_EXEC,            "[//___] (%s)", "ROOT"));    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_EXEC,        ", New scope -> [%4.4s] (%s)/n",        AcpiUtGetNodeName (ScopeInfo->Scope.Node),        AcpiUtGetTypeName (ScopeInfo->Common.Value)));    /* Push new scope object onto stack */    AcpiUtPushGenericState (&WalkState->ScopeInfo, ScopeInfo);    return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例8: acpi_ns_initialize_devices

acpi_status acpi_ns_initialize_devices(void){	acpi_status status;	struct acpi_device_walk_info info;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ns_initialize_devices);	/* Init counters */	info.device_count = 0;	info.num_STA = 0;	info.num_INI = 0;	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_INIT,			      "Initializing Device/Processor/Thermal objects "			      "and executing _INI/_STA methods:/n"));	/* Tree analysis: find all subtrees that contain _INI methods */	status = acpi_ns_walk_namespace(ACPI_TYPE_ANY, ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT,					ACPI_UINT32_MAX, FALSE,					acpi_ns_find_ini_methods, NULL, &info,					NULL);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		goto error_exit;	}	/* Allocate the evaluation information block */	info.evaluate_info =	    ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED(sizeof(struct acpi_evaluate_info));	if (!info.evaluate_info) {		status = AE_NO_MEMORY;		goto error_exit;	}	/*	 * Execute the "global" _INI method that may appear at the root. This	 * support is provided for Windows compatibility (Vista+) and is not	 * part of the ACPI specification.	 */	info.evaluate_info->prefix_node = acpi_gbl_root_node;	info.evaluate_info->relative_pathname = METHOD_NAME__INI;	info.evaluate_info->parameters = NULL;	info.evaluate_info->flags = ACPI_IGNORE_RETURN_VALUE;	status = acpi_ns_evaluate(info.evaluate_info);	if (ACPI_SUCCESS(status)) {		info.num_INI++;	}	/* Walk namespace to execute all _INIs on present devices */	status = acpi_ns_walk_namespace(ACPI_TYPE_ANY, ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT,					ACPI_UINT32_MAX, FALSE,					acpi_ns_init_one_device, NULL, &info,					NULL);	/*	 * Any _OSI requests should be completed by now. If the BIOS has	 * requested any Windows OSI strings, we will always truncate	 * I/O addresses to 16 bits -- for Windows compatibility.	 */	if (acpi_gbl_osi_data >= ACPI_OSI_WIN_2000) {		acpi_gbl_truncate_io_addresses = TRUE;	}	ACPI_FREE(info.evaluate_info);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		goto error_exit;	}	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_INIT,			      "    Executed %u _INI methods requiring %u _STA executions "			      "(examined %u objects)/n",			      info.num_INI, info.num_STA, info.device_count));	return_ACPI_STATUS(status);error_exit:	ACPI_EXCEPTION((AE_INFO, status, "During device initialization"));	return_ACPI_STATUS(status);}

示例9: acpi_ex_access_region

acpi_statusacpi_ex_access_region (	union acpi_operand_object       *obj_desc,	u32                             field_datum_byte_offset,	acpi_integer                    *value,	u32                             function){	acpi_status                     status;	union acpi_operand_object       *rgn_desc;	acpi_physical_address           address;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE ("ex_access_region");	/*	 * Ensure that the region operands are fully evaluated and verify	 * the validity of the request	 */	status = acpi_ex_setup_region (obj_desc, field_datum_byte_offset);	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS (status);	}	/*	 * The physical address of this field datum is:	 *	 * 1) The base of the region, plus	 * 2) The base offset of the field, plus	 * 3) The current offset into the field	 */	rgn_desc = obj_desc->common_field.region_obj;	address = rgn_desc->region.address			 + obj_desc->common_field.base_byte_offset			 + field_datum_byte_offset;	if ((function & ACPI_IO_MASK) == ACPI_READ) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_BFIELD, "[READ]"));	}	else {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_BFIELD, "[WRITE]"));	}	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_BFIELD,		" Region [%s:%X], Width %X, byte_base %X, Offset %X at %8.8X%8.8X/n",		acpi_ut_get_region_name (rgn_desc->region.space_id),		rgn_desc->region.space_id,		obj_desc->common_field.access_byte_width,		obj_desc->common_field.base_byte_offset,		field_datum_byte_offset,		ACPI_HIDWORD (address), ACPI_LODWORD (address)));	/* Invoke the appropriate address_space/op_region handler */	status = acpi_ev_address_space_dispatch (rgn_desc, function,			  address, ACPI_MUL_8 (obj_desc->common_field.access_byte_width), value);	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		if (status == AE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_ERROR,				"Region %s(%X) not implemented/n",				acpi_ut_get_region_name (rgn_desc->region.space_id),				rgn_desc->region.space_id));		}		else if (status == AE_NOT_EXIST) {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_ERROR,				"Region %s(%X) has no handler/n",				acpi_ut_get_region_name (rgn_desc->region.space_id),				rgn_desc->region.space_id));		}	}	return_ACPI_STATUS (status);}

示例10: acpi_ds_call_control_method

//.........这里部分代码省略.........	status =	    acpi_ds_begin_method_execution(method_node, obj_desc,					   this_walk_state);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(status);	}	/* Begin method parse/execution. Create a new walk state */	next_walk_state =	    acpi_ds_create_walk_state(obj_desc->method.owner_id, NULL, obj_desc,				      thread);	if (!next_walk_state) {		status = AE_NO_MEMORY;		goto cleanup;	}	/*	 * The resolved arguments were put on the previous walk state's operand	 * stack. Operands on the previous walk state stack always	 * start at index 0. Also, null terminate the list of arguments	 */	this_walk_state->operands[this_walk_state->num_operands] = NULL;	/*	 * Allocate and initialize the evaluation information block	 * TBD: this is somewhat inefficient, should change interface to	 * ds_init_aml_walk. For now, keeps this struct off the CPU stack	 */	info = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED(sizeof(struct acpi_evaluate_info));	if (!info) {		status = AE_NO_MEMORY;		goto cleanup;	}	info->parameters = &this_walk_state->operands[0];	status = acpi_ds_init_aml_walk(next_walk_state, NULL, method_node,				       obj_desc->method.aml_start,				       obj_desc->method.aml_length, info,				       ACPI_IMODE_EXECUTE);	ACPI_FREE(info);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		goto cleanup;	}	next_walk_state->method_nesting_depth =	    this_walk_state->method_nesting_depth + 1;	/*	 * Delete the operands on the previous walkstate operand stack	 * (they were copied to new objects)	 */	for (i = 0; i < obj_desc->method.param_count; i++) {		acpi_ut_remove_reference(this_walk_state->operands[i]);		this_walk_state->operands[i] = NULL;	}	/* Clear the operand stack */	this_walk_state->num_operands = 0;	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_DISPATCH,			  "**** Begin nested execution of [%4.4s] **** WalkState=%p/n",			  method_node->name.ascii, next_walk_state));	this_walk_state->method_pathname =	    acpi_ns_get_normalized_pathname(method_node, TRUE);	this_walk_state->method_is_nested = TRUE;	/* Optional object evaluation log */	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_EVALUATION,			      "%-26s:  %*s%s/n", "   Nested method call",			      next_walk_state->method_nesting_depth * 3, " ",			      &this_walk_state->method_pathname[1]));	/* Invoke an internal method if necessary */	if (obj_desc->method.info_flags & ACPI_METHOD_INTERNAL_ONLY) {		status =		    obj_desc->method.dispatch.implementation(next_walk_state);		if (status == AE_OK) {			status = AE_CTRL_TERMINATE;		}	}	return_ACPI_STATUS(status);cleanup:	/* On error, we must terminate the method properly */	acpi_ds_terminate_control_method(obj_desc, next_walk_state);	acpi_ds_delete_walk_state(next_walk_state);	return_ACPI_STATUS(status);}

示例11: AcpiExDoDebugObject

//.........这里部分代码省略.........            AcpiOsPrintf ("Table Index 0x%X/n", SourceDesc->Reference.Value);            return_VOID;        default:            break;        }        AcpiOsPrintf ("  ");        /* Check for valid node first, then valid object */        if (SourceDesc->Reference.Node)        {            if (ACPI_GET_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE (SourceDesc->Reference.Node) !=                    ACPI_DESC_TYPE_NAMED)            {                AcpiOsPrintf (" %p - Not a valid namespace node/n",                    SourceDesc->Reference.Node);            }            else            {                AcpiOsPrintf ("Node %p [%4.4s] ", SourceDesc->Reference.Node,                    (SourceDesc->Reference.Node)->Name.Ascii);                switch ((SourceDesc->Reference.Node)->Type)                {                /* These types have no attached object */                case ACPI_TYPE_DEVICE:                    AcpiOsPrintf ("Device/n");                    break;                case ACPI_TYPE_THERMAL:                    AcpiOsPrintf ("Thermal Zone/n");                    break;                default:                    AcpiExDoDebugObject ((SourceDesc->Reference.Node)->Object,                        Level+4, 0);                    break;                }            }        }        else if (SourceDesc->Reference.Object)        {            if (ACPI_GET_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE (SourceDesc->Reference.Object) ==                    ACPI_DESC_TYPE_NAMED)            {                AcpiExDoDebugObject (((ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE *)                    SourceDesc->Reference.Object)->Object,                    Level+4, 0);            }            else            {                ObjectDesc = SourceDesc->Reference.Object;                Value = SourceDesc->Reference.Value;                switch (ObjectDesc->Common.Type)                {                case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER:                    AcpiOsPrintf ("Buffer[%u] = 0x%2.2X/n",                        Value, *SourceDesc->Reference.IndexPointer);                    break;                case ACPI_TYPE_STRING:                    AcpiOsPrintf ("String[%u] = /"%c/" (0x%2.2X)/n",                        Value, *SourceDesc->Reference.IndexPointer,                        *SourceDesc->Reference.IndexPointer);                    break;                case ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE:                    AcpiOsPrintf ("Package[%u] = ", Value);                    AcpiExDoDebugObject (*SourceDesc->Reference.Where,                        Level+4, 0);                    break;                default:                    AcpiOsPrintf ("Unknown Reference object type %X/n",                        ObjectDesc->Common.Type);                    break;                }            }        }        break;    default:        AcpiOsPrintf ("%p/n", SourceDesc);        break;    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_EXEC, "/n"));    return_VOID;}

示例12: acpi_ds_initialize_objects

acpi_statusacpi_ds_initialize_objects(u32 table_index,			   struct acpi_namespace_node *start_node){	acpi_status status;	struct acpi_init_walk_info info;	struct acpi_table_header *table;	acpi_owner_id owner_id;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ds_initialize_objects);	status = acpi_tb_get_owner_id(table_index, &owner_id);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(status);	}	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_DISPATCH,			  "**** Starting initialization of namespace objects ****/n"));	/* Set all init info to zero */	memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct acpi_init_walk_info));	info.owner_id = owner_id;	info.table_index = table_index;	/* Walk entire namespace from the supplied root */	/*	 * We don't use acpi_walk_namespace since we do not want to acquire	 * the namespace reader lock.	 */	status =	    acpi_ns_walk_namespace(ACPI_TYPE_ANY, start_node, ACPI_UINT32_MAX,				   ACPI_NS_WALK_NO_UNLOCK,				   acpi_ds_init_one_object, NULL, &info, NULL);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		ACPI_EXCEPTION((AE_INFO, status, "During WalkNamespace"));	}	status = acpi_get_table_by_index(table_index, &table);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(status);	}	/* DSDT is always the first AML table */	if (ACPI_COMPARE_NAME(table->signature, ACPI_SIG_DSDT)) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_INIT,				      "/nInitializing Namespace objects:/n"));	}	/* Summary of objects initialized */	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_INIT,			      "Table [%4.4s: %-8.8s] (id %.2X) - %4u Objects with %3u Devices, "			      "%3u Regions, %4u Methods (%u/%u/%u Serial/Non/Cvt)/n",			      table->signature, table->oem_table_id, owner_id,			      info.object_count, info.device_count,			      info.op_region_count, info.method_count,			      info.serial_method_count,			      info.non_serial_method_count,			      info.serialized_method_count));	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_DISPATCH, "%u Methods, %u Regions/n",			  info.method_count, info.op_region_count));	return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_OK);}

示例13: acpi_ns_init_one_device

acpi_statusacpi_ns_init_one_device (	acpi_handle             obj_handle,	u32                     nesting_level,	void                    *context,	void                    **return_value){	acpi_status             status;	acpi_namespace_node    *node;	u32                     flags;	acpi_device_walk_info  *info = (acpi_device_walk_info *) context;	FUNCTION_TRACE ("Ns_init_one_device");	if (!(acpi_dbg_level & ACPI_LV_INIT)) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OK, "."));	}	info->device_count++;	acpi_ut_acquire_mutex (ACPI_MTX_NAMESPACE);	node = acpi_ns_map_handle_to_node (obj_handle);	if (!node) {		acpi_ut_release_mutex (ACPI_MTX_NAMESPACE);		return (AE_BAD_PARAMETER);	}	acpi_ut_release_mutex (ACPI_MTX_NAMESPACE);	/*	 * Run _STA to determine if we can run _INI on the device.	 */	DEBUG_EXEC (acpi_ut_display_init_pathname (node, "_STA [Method]"));	status = acpi_ut_execute_STA (node, &flags);	if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		/* Ignore error and move on to next device */		return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);	}	info->num_STA++;	if (!(flags & 0x01)) {		/* don't look at children of a not present device */		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_CTRL_DEPTH);	}	/*	 * The device is present. Run _INI.	 */	DEBUG_EXEC (acpi_ut_display_init_pathname (obj_handle, "_INI [Method]"));	status = acpi_ns_evaluate_relative (obj_handle, "_INI", NULL, NULL);	if (AE_NOT_FOUND == status) {		/* No _INI means device requires no initialization */		status = AE_OK;	}	else if (ACPI_FAILURE (status)) {		/* Ignore error and move on to next device */#ifdef ACPI_DEBUG		NATIVE_CHAR *scope_name = acpi_ns_get_table_pathname (obj_handle);		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_WARN, "%s._INI failed: %s/n",				scope_name, acpi_format_exception (status)));		ACPI_MEM_FREE (scope_name);#endif	}	else {		/* Count of successful INIs */		info->num_INI++;	}	return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例14: acpi_ex_do_debug_object

static voidacpi_ex_do_debug_object(union acpi_operand_object *source_desc,			u32 level, u32 index){	u32 i;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR(ex_do_debug_object, source_desc);	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "[ACPI Debug] %*s",			      level, " "));	/* Display index for package output only */	if (index > 0) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT,				      "(%.2u) ", index - 1));	}	if (!source_desc) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "<Null Object>/n"));		return_VOID;	}	if (ACPI_GET_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(source_desc) == ACPI_DESC_TYPE_OPERAND) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "%s: ",				      acpi_ut_get_object_type_name				      (source_desc)));		if (!acpi_ut_valid_internal_object(source_desc)) {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT,					      "%p, Invalid Internal Object!/n",					      source_desc));			return_VOID;		}	} else if (ACPI_GET_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(source_desc) ==		   ACPI_DESC_TYPE_NAMED) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "%s: %p/n",				      acpi_ut_get_type_name(((struct							      acpi_namespace_node							      *)source_desc)->							    type),				      source_desc));		return_VOID;	} else {		return_VOID;	}	switch (ACPI_GET_OBJECT_TYPE(source_desc)) {	case ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER:		/* Output correct integer width */		if (acpi_gbl_integer_byte_width == 4) {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "0x%8.8X/n",					      (u32) source_desc->integer.					      value));		} else {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT,					      "0x%8.8X%8.8X/n",					      ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64(source_desc->								 integer.								 value)));		}		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER:		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "[0x%.2X]/n",				      (u32) source_desc->buffer.length));		ACPI_DUMP_BUFFER(source_desc->buffer.pointer,				 (source_desc->buffer.length <				  32) ? source_desc->buffer.length : 32);		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_STRING:		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "[0x%.2X] /"%s/"/n",				      source_desc->string.length,				      source_desc->string.pointer));		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE:		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT,				      "[0x%.2X Elements]/n",				      source_desc->package.count));		/* Output the entire contents of the package */		for (i = 0; i < source_desc->package.count; i++) {			acpi_ex_do_debug_object(source_desc->package.						elements[i], level + 4, i + 1);		}		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_LOCAL_REFERENCE:		if (source_desc->reference.opcode == AML_INDEX_OP) {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT,					      "[%s, 0x%X]/n",//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例15: AcpiTbLoadNamespace

//.........这里部分代码省略.........     */    AcpiGbl_DSDT = Table->Pointer;    /*     * Optionally copy the entire DSDT to local memory (instead of simply     * mapping it.) There are some BIOSs that corrupt or replace the original     * DSDT, creating the need for this option. Default is FALSE, do not copy     * the DSDT.     */    if (AcpiGbl_CopyDsdtLocally)    {        NewDsdt = AcpiTbCopyDsdt (AcpiGbl_DsdtIndex);        if (NewDsdt)        {            AcpiGbl_DSDT = NewDsdt;        }    }    /*     * Save the original DSDT header for detection of table corruption     * and/or replacement of the DSDT from outside the OS.     */    memcpy (&AcpiGbl_OriginalDsdtHeader, AcpiGbl_DSDT,        sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER));    (void) AcpiUtReleaseMutex (ACPI_MTX_TABLES);    /* Load and parse tables */    Status = AcpiNsLoadTable (AcpiGbl_DsdtIndex, AcpiGbl_RootNode);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        ACPI_EXCEPTION ((AE_INFO, Status, "[DSDT] table load failed"));        TablesFailed++;    }    else    {        TablesLoaded++;    }    /* Load any SSDT or PSDT tables. Note: Loop leaves tables locked */    (void) AcpiUtAcquireMutex (ACPI_MTX_TABLES);    for (i = 0; i < AcpiGbl_RootTableList.CurrentTableCount; ++i)    {        Table = &AcpiGbl_RootTableList.Tables[i];        if (!AcpiGbl_RootTableList.Tables[i].Address ||            (!ACPI_COMPARE_NAME (Table->Signature.Ascii, ACPI_SIG_SSDT) &&             !ACPI_COMPARE_NAME (Table->Signature.Ascii, ACPI_SIG_PSDT) &&             !ACPI_COMPARE_NAME (Table->Signature.Ascii, ACPI_SIG_OSDT)) ||             ACPI_FAILURE (AcpiTbValidateTable (Table)))        {            continue;        }        /* Ignore errors while loading tables, get as many as possible */        (void) AcpiUtReleaseMutex (ACPI_MTX_TABLES);        Status =  AcpiNsLoadTable (i, AcpiGbl_RootNode);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            ACPI_EXCEPTION ((AE_INFO, Status, "(%4.4s:%8.8s) while loading table",                Table->Signature.Ascii, Table->Pointer->OemTableId));            TablesFailed++;            ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_INIT,                "Table [%4.4s:%8.8s] (id FF) - Table namespace load failed/n/n",                Table->Signature.Ascii, Table->Pointer->OemTableId));        }        else        {            TablesLoaded++;        }        (void) AcpiUtAcquireMutex (ACPI_MTX_TABLES);    }    if (!TablesFailed)    {        ACPI_INFO ((            "%u ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded/n",            TablesLoaded));    }    else    {        ACPI_ERROR ((AE_INFO,            "%u table load failures, %u successful",            TablesFailed, TablesLoaded));        /* Indicate at least one failure */        Status = AE_CTRL_TERMINATE;    }UnlockAndExit:    (void) AcpiUtReleaseMutex (ACPI_MTX_TABLES);    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);}

示例16: AcpiDsInitOneObject

ACPI_STATUSAcpiDsInitOneObject (    ACPI_HANDLE             ObjHandle,    UINT32                  Level,    void                    *Context,    void                    **ReturnValue){    ACPI_OBJECT_TYPE        Type;    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_INIT_WALK_INFO     *Info = (ACPI_INIT_WALK_INFO *) Context;    ACPI_FUNCTION_NAME ("DsInitOneObject");    /*     * We are only interested in objects owned by the table that     * was just loaded     */    if (((ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE *) ObjHandle)->OwnerId !=            Info->TableDesc->TableId)    {        return (AE_OK);    }    Info->ObjectCount++;    /* And even then, we are only interested in a few object types */    Type = AcpiNsGetType (ObjHandle);    switch (Type)    {    case ACPI_TYPE_REGION:        Status = AcpiDsInitializeRegion (ObjHandle);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_ERROR, "Region %p [%4.4s] - Init failure, %s/n",                ObjHandle, ((ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE *) ObjHandle)->Name.Ascii,                AcpiFormatException (Status)));        }        Info->OpRegionCount++;        break;    case ACPI_TYPE_METHOD:        Info->MethodCount++;        /* Print a dot for each method unless we are going to print the entire pathname */        if (!(AcpiDbgLevel & ACPI_LV_INIT_NAMES))        {            ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_INIT, "."));        }        /*         * Set the execution data width (32 or 64) based upon the         * revision number of the parent ACPI table.         * TBD: This is really for possible future support of integer width         * on a per-table basis. Currently, we just use a global for the width.         */        if (Info->TableDesc->Pointer->Revision == 1)        {            ((ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE *) ObjHandle)->Flags |= ANOBJ_DATA_WIDTH_32;        }        /*         * Always parse methods to detect errors, we may delete         * the parse tree below         */        Status = AcpiDsParseMethod (ObjHandle);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_ERROR, "Method %p [%4.4s] - parse failure, %s/n",                ObjHandle, ((ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE *) ObjHandle)->Name.Ascii,                AcpiFormatException (Status)));            /* This parse failed, but we will continue parsing more methods */            break;        }        /*         * Delete the parse tree.  We simple re-parse the method         * for every execution since there isn't much overhead         */        AcpiNsDeleteNamespaceSubtree (ObjHandle);        AcpiNsDeleteNamespaceByOwner (((ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE *) ObjHandle)->Object->Method.OwningId);        break;    case ACPI_TYPE_DEVICE:        Info->DeviceCount++;        break;//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例17: AcpiNsInitializeDevices

ACPI_STATUSAcpiNsInitializeDevices (    void){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_DEVICE_WALK_INFO   Info;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (NsInitializeDevices);    /* Init counters */    Info.DeviceCount = 0;    Info.Num_STA = 0;    Info.Num_INI = 0;    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_INIT,        "Initializing Device/Processor/Thermal objects "        "and executing _INI/_STA methods:/n"));    /* Tree analysis: find all subtrees that contain _INI methods */    Status = AcpiNsWalkNamespace (ACPI_TYPE_ANY, ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT,                ACPI_UINT32_MAX, FALSE, AcpiNsFindIniMethods, NULL, &Info, NULL);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        goto ErrorExit;    }    /* Allocate the evaluation information block */    Info.EvaluateInfo = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (sizeof (ACPI_EVALUATE_INFO));    if (!Info.EvaluateInfo)    {        Status = AE_NO_MEMORY;        goto ErrorExit;    }    /*     * Execute the "global" _INI method that may appear at the root. This     * support is provided for Windows compatibility (Vista+) and is not     * part of the ACPI specification.     */    Info.EvaluateInfo->PrefixNode = AcpiGbl_RootNode;    Info.EvaluateInfo->Pathname = METHOD_NAME__INI;    Info.EvaluateInfo->Parameters = NULL;    Info.EvaluateInfo->Flags = ACPI_IGNORE_RETURN_VALUE;    Status = AcpiNsEvaluate (Info.EvaluateInfo);    if (ACPI_SUCCESS (Status))    {        Info.Num_INI++;    }    /* Walk namespace to execute all _INIs on present devices */    Status = AcpiNsWalkNamespace (ACPI_TYPE_ANY, ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT,                ACPI_UINT32_MAX, FALSE, AcpiNsInitOneDevice, NULL, &Info, NULL);    /*     * Any _OSI requests should be completed by now. If the BIOS has     * requested any Windows OSI strings, we will always truncate     * I/O addresses to 16 bits -- for Windows compatibility.     */    if (AcpiGbl_OsiData >= ACPI_OSI_WIN_2000)    {        AcpiGbl_TruncateIoAddresses = TRUE;    }    ACPI_FREE (Info.EvaluateInfo);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        goto ErrorExit;    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_INIT,        "    Executed %u _INI methods requiring %u _STA executions "        "(examined %u objects)/n",        Info.Num_INI, Info.Num_STA, Info.DeviceCount));    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);ErrorExit:    ACPI_EXCEPTION ((AE_INFO, Status, "During device initialization"));    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);}

示例18: acpi_tb_load_namespace

//.........这里部分代码省略.........	}	/*	 * Save the DSDT pointer for simple access. This is the mapped memory	 * address. We must take care here because the address of the .Tables	 * array can change dynamically as tables are loaded at run-time. Note:	 * .Pointer field is not validated until after call to acpi_tb_validate_table.	 */	acpi_gbl_DSDT = table->pointer;	/*	 * Optionally copy the entire DSDT to local memory (instead of simply	 * mapping it.) There are some BIOSs that corrupt or replace the original	 * DSDT, creating the need for this option. Default is FALSE, do not copy	 * the DSDT.	 */	if (acpi_gbl_copy_dsdt_locally) {		new_dsdt = acpi_tb_copy_dsdt(acpi_gbl_dsdt_index);		if (new_dsdt) {			acpi_gbl_DSDT = new_dsdt;		}	}	/*	 * Save the original DSDT header for detection of table corruption	 * and/or replacement of the DSDT from outside the OS.	 */	memcpy(&acpi_gbl_original_dsdt_header, acpi_gbl_DSDT,	       sizeof(struct acpi_table_header));	/* Load and parse tables */	(void)acpi_ut_release_mutex(ACPI_MTX_TABLES);	status = acpi_ns_load_table(acpi_gbl_dsdt_index, acpi_gbl_root_node);	(void)acpi_ut_acquire_mutex(ACPI_MTX_TABLES);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		ACPI_EXCEPTION((AE_INFO, status, "[DSDT] table load failed"));		tables_failed++;	} else {		tables_loaded++;	}	/* Load any SSDT or PSDT tables. Note: Loop leaves tables locked */	for (i = 0; i < acpi_gbl_root_table_list.current_table_count; ++i) {		table = &acpi_gbl_root_table_list.tables[i];		if (!table->address ||		    (!ACPI_COMPARE_NAMESEG		     (table->signature.ascii, ACPI_SIG_SSDT)		     && !ACPI_COMPARE_NAMESEG(table->signature.ascii,					      ACPI_SIG_PSDT)		     && !ACPI_COMPARE_NAMESEG(table->signature.ascii,					      ACPI_SIG_OSDT))		    || ACPI_FAILURE(acpi_tb_validate_table(table))) {			continue;		}		/* Ignore errors while loading tables, get as many as possible */		(void)acpi_ut_release_mutex(ACPI_MTX_TABLES);		status = acpi_ns_load_table(i, acpi_gbl_root_node);		(void)acpi_ut_acquire_mutex(ACPI_MTX_TABLES);		if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {			ACPI_EXCEPTION((AE_INFO, status,					"(%4.4s:%8.8s) while loading table",					table->signature.ascii,					table->pointer->oem_table_id));			tables_failed++;			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_INIT,					      "Table [%4.4s:%8.8s] (id FF) - Table namespace load failed/n/n",					      table->signature.ascii,					      table->pointer->oem_table_id));		} else {			tables_loaded++;		}	}	if (!tables_failed) {		ACPI_INFO(("%u ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded", tables_loaded));	} else {		ACPI_ERROR((AE_INFO,			    "%u table load failures, %u successful",			    tables_failed, tables_loaded));		/* Indicate at least one failure */		status = AE_CTRL_TERMINATE;	}#ifdef ACPI_APPLICATION	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_INIT, "/n"));#endifunlock_and_exit:	(void)acpi_ut_release_mutex(ACPI_MTX_TABLES);	return_ACPI_STATUS(status);}

示例19: AcpiDsInitializeObjects

ACPI_STATUSAcpiDsInitializeObjects (    UINT32                  TableIndex,    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *StartNode){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_INIT_WALK_INFO     Info;    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       *Table;    ACPI_OWNER_ID           OwnerId;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (DsInitializeObjects);    Status = AcpiTbGetOwnerId (TableIndex, &OwnerId);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_DISPATCH,        "**** Starting initialization of namespace objects ****/n"));    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_INIT, "Parsing all Control Methods:"));    /* Set all init info to zero */    ACPI_MEMSET (&Info, 0, sizeof (ACPI_INIT_WALK_INFO));    Info.OwnerId = OwnerId;    Info.TableIndex = TableIndex;    /* Walk entire namespace from the supplied root */    Status = AcpiUtAcquireMutex (ACPI_MTX_NAMESPACE);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    /*     * We don't use AcpiWalkNamespace since we do not want to acquire     * the namespace reader lock.     */    Status = AcpiNsWalkNamespace (ACPI_TYPE_ANY, StartNode, ACPI_UINT32_MAX,                ACPI_NS_WALK_UNLOCK, AcpiDsInitOneObject, NULL, &Info, NULL);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        ACPI_EXCEPTION ((AE_INFO, Status, "During WalkNamespace"));    }    (void) AcpiUtReleaseMutex (ACPI_MTX_NAMESPACE);    Status = AcpiGetTableByIndex (TableIndex, &Table);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_INIT,        "/nTable [%4.4s](id %4.4X) - %u Objects with %u Devices %u Methods %u Regions/n",        Table->Signature, OwnerId, Info.ObjectCount,        Info.DeviceCount, Info.MethodCount, Info.OpRegionCount));    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_DISPATCH,        "%u Methods, %u Regions/n", Info.MethodCount, Info.OpRegionCount));    return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例20: AcpiExAccessRegion

ACPI_STATUSAcpiExAccessRegion (    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *ObjDesc,    UINT32                  FieldDatumByteOffset,    UINT64                  *Value,    UINT32                  Function){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *RgnDesc;    UINT32                  RegionOffset;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (ExAccessRegion);    /*     * Ensure that the region operands are fully evaluated and verify     * the validity of the request     */    Status = AcpiExSetupRegion (ObjDesc, FieldDatumByteOffset);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    /*     * The physical address of this field datum is:     *     * 1) The base of the region, plus     * 2) The base offset of the field, plus     * 3) The current offset into the field     */    RgnDesc = ObjDesc->CommonField.RegionObj;    RegionOffset =        ObjDesc->CommonField.BaseByteOffset +        FieldDatumByteOffset;    if ((Function & ACPI_IO_MASK) == ACPI_READ)    {        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_BFIELD, "[READ]"));    }    else    {        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_BFIELD, "[WRITE]"));    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_BFIELD,        " Region [%s:%X], Width %X, ByteBase %X, Offset %X at %8.8X%8.8X/n",        AcpiUtGetRegionName (RgnDesc->Region.SpaceId),        RgnDesc->Region.SpaceId,        ObjDesc->CommonField.AccessByteWidth,        ObjDesc->CommonField.BaseByteOffset,        FieldDatumByteOffset,        ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64 (RgnDesc->Region.Address + RegionOffset)));    /* Invoke the appropriate AddressSpace/OpRegion handler */    Status = AcpiEvAddressSpaceDispatch (RgnDesc, ObjDesc,                Function, RegionOffset,                ACPI_MUL_8 (ObjDesc->CommonField.AccessByteWidth), Value);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        if (Status == AE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)        {            ACPI_ERROR ((AE_INFO,                "Region %s (ID=%u) not implemented",                AcpiUtGetRegionName (RgnDesc->Region.SpaceId),                RgnDesc->Region.SpaceId));        }        else if (Status == AE_NOT_EXIST)        {            ACPI_ERROR ((AE_INFO,                "Region %s (ID=%u) has no handler",                AcpiUtGetRegionName (RgnDesc->Region.SpaceId),                RgnDesc->Region.SpaceId));        }    }    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);}

示例21: acpi_ns_init_one_object

//.........这里部分代码省略.........	case ACPI_TYPE_REGION:		info->op_region_count++;		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER_FIELD:		info->field_count++;		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_LOCAL_BANK_FIELD:		info->field_count++;		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER:		info->buffer_count++;		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE:		info->package_count++;		break;	default:		/* No init required, just exit now */		return (AE_OK);	}	/*	 * If the object is already initialized, nothing else to do	 */	if (obj_desc->common.flags & AOPOBJ_DATA_VALID) {		return (AE_OK);	}	/*	 * Must lock the interpreter before executing AML code	 */	acpi_ex_enter_interpreter();	/*	 * Each of these types can contain executable AML code within the	 * declaration.	 */	switch (type) {	case ACPI_TYPE_REGION:		info->op_region_init++;		status = acpi_ds_get_region_arguments(obj_desc);		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER_FIELD:		info->field_init++;		status = acpi_ds_get_buffer_field_arguments(obj_desc);		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_LOCAL_BANK_FIELD:		info->field_init++;		status = acpi_ds_get_bank_field_arguments(obj_desc);		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER:		info->buffer_init++;		status = acpi_ds_get_buffer_arguments(obj_desc);		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE:		info->package_init++;		status = acpi_ds_get_package_arguments(obj_desc);		break;	default:		/* No other types can get here */		break;	}	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		ACPI_EXCEPTION((AE_INFO, status,				"Could not execute arguments for [%4.4s] (%s)",				acpi_ut_get_node_name(node),				acpi_ut_get_type_name(type)));	}	/*	 * Print a dot for each object unless we are going to print the entire	 * pathname	 */	if (!(acpi_dbg_level & ACPI_LV_INIT_NAMES)) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_INIT, "."));	}	/*	 * We ignore errors from above, and always return OK, since we don't want	 * to abort the walk on any single error.	 */	acpi_ex_exit_interpreter();	return (AE_OK);}

示例22: AcpiNsInitializeDevices

ACPI_STATUSAcpiNsInitializeDevices (    UINT32                  Flags){    ACPI_STATUS             Status = AE_OK;    ACPI_DEVICE_WALK_INFO   Info;    ACPI_HANDLE             Handle;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (NsInitializeDevices);    if (!(Flags & ACPI_NO_DEVICE_INIT))    {        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_EXEC,            "[Init] Initializing ACPI Devices/n"));        /* Init counters */        Info.DeviceCount = 0;        Info.Num_STA = 0;        Info.Num_INI = 0;        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_INIT,            "Initializing Device/Processor/Thermal objects "            "and executing _INI/_STA methods:/n"));        /* Tree analysis: find all subtrees that contain _INI methods */        Status = AcpiNsWalkNamespace (ACPI_TYPE_ANY, ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT,            ACPI_UINT32_MAX, FALSE, AcpiNsFindIniMethods, NULL, &Info, NULL);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            goto ErrorExit;        }        /* Allocate the evaluation information block */        Info.EvaluateInfo = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (sizeof (ACPI_EVALUATE_INFO));        if (!Info.EvaluateInfo)        {            Status = AE_NO_MEMORY;            goto ErrorExit;        }        /*         * Execute the "global" _INI method that may appear at the root.         * This support is provided for Windows compatibility (Vista+) and         * is not part of the ACPI specification.         */        Info.EvaluateInfo->PrefixNode = AcpiGbl_RootNode;        Info.EvaluateInfo->RelativePathname = METHOD_NAME__INI;        Info.EvaluateInfo->Parameters = NULL;        Info.EvaluateInfo->Flags = ACPI_IGNORE_RETURN_VALUE;        Status = AcpiNsEvaluate (Info.EvaluateInfo);        if (ACPI_SUCCESS (Status))        {            Info.Num_INI++;        }        /*         * Execute /_SB._INI.         * There appears to be a strict order requirement for /_SB._INI,         * which should be evaluated before any _REG evaluations.         */        Status = AcpiGetHandle (NULL, "//_SB", &Handle);        if (ACPI_SUCCESS (Status))        {            memset (Info.EvaluateInfo, 0, sizeof (ACPI_EVALUATE_INFO));            Info.EvaluateInfo->PrefixNode = Handle;            Info.EvaluateInfo->RelativePathname = METHOD_NAME__INI;            Info.EvaluateInfo->Parameters = NULL;            Info.EvaluateInfo->Flags = ACPI_IGNORE_RETURN_VALUE;            Status = AcpiNsEvaluate (Info.EvaluateInfo);            if (ACPI_SUCCESS (Status))            {                Info.Num_INI++;            }        }    }    /*     * Run all _REG methods     *     * Note: Any objects accessed by the _REG methods will be automatically     * initialized, even if they contain executable AML (see the call to     * AcpiNsInitializeObjects below).     *     * Note: According to the ACPI specification, we actually needn't execute     * _REG for SystemMemory/SystemIo operation regions, but for PCI_Config     * operation regions, it is required to evaluate _REG for those on a PCI     * root bus that doesn't contain _BBN object. So this code is kept here     * in order not to break things.     */    if (!(Flags & ACPI_NO_ADDRESS_SPACE_INIT))    {        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_EXEC,            "[Init] Executing _REG OpRegion methods/n"));//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例23: acpi_ns_init_one_device

//.........这里部分代码省略.........	 */	if (!(flags & ACPI_STA_DEVICE_PRESENT)) {		/* Device is not present, we must examine the Functioning bit */		if (flags & ACPI_STA_DEVICE_FUNCTIONING) {			/*			 * Device is not present but is "functioning". In this case,			 * we will not run _INI, but we continue to examine the children			 * of this device.			 *			 * From the ACPI spec, description of _STA: (Note - no mention			 * of whether to run _INI or not on the device in question)			 *			 * "_STA may return bit 0 clear (not present) with bit 3 set			 * (device is functional). This case is used to indicate a valid			 * device for which no device driver should be loaded (for example,			 * a bridge device.) Children of this device may be present and			 * valid. OSPM should continue enumeration below a device whose			 * _STA returns this bit combination"			 */			return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_OK);		} else {			/*			 * Device is not present and is not functioning. We must abort the			 * walk of this subtree immediately -- don't look at the children			 * of such a device.			 *			 * From the ACPI spec, description of _INI:			 *			 * "If the _STA method indicates that the device is not present,			 * OSPM will not run the _INI and will not examine the children			 * of the device for _INI methods"			 */			return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_CTRL_DEPTH);		}	}	/*	 * The device is present or is assumed present if no _STA exists.	 * Run the _INI if it exists (not required to exist)	 *	 * Note: We know there is an _INI within this subtree, but it may not be	 * under this particular device, it may be lower in the branch.	 */	ACPI_DEBUG_EXEC(acpi_ut_display_init_pathname			(ACPI_TYPE_METHOD, device_node, METHOD_NAME__INI));	info->prefix_node = device_node;	info->pathname = METHOD_NAME__INI;	info->parameters = NULL;	info->parameter_type = ACPI_PARAM_ARGS;	info->flags = ACPI_IGNORE_RETURN_VALUE;	/*	 * Some hardware relies on this being executed as atomically	 * as possible (without an NMI being received in the middle of	 * this) - so disable NMIs and initialize the device:	 */	//acpi_nmi_disable();	status = acpi_ns_evaluate(info);	//acpi_nmi_enable();	if (ACPI_SUCCESS(status)) {		walk_info->num_INI++;		if ((acpi_dbg_level <= ACPI_LV_ALL_EXCEPTIONS) &&		    (!(acpi_dbg_level & ACPI_LV_INFO))) {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_INIT, "."));		}	}#ifdef ACPI_DEBUG_OUTPUT	else if (status != AE_NOT_FOUND) {		/* Ignore error and move on to next device */		char *scope_name =		    acpi_ns_get_external_pathname(info->resolved_node);		ACPI_EXCEPTION((AE_INFO, status, "during %s._INI execution",				scope_name));		ACPI_FREE(scope_name);	}#endif	/* Ignore errors from above */	status = AE_OK;	/*	 * The _INI method has been run if present; call the Global Initialization	 * Handler for this device.	 */	if (acpi_gbl_init_handler) {		status =		    acpi_gbl_init_handler(device_node, ACPI_INIT_DEVICE_INI);	}	return_ACPI_STATUS(status);}

示例24: AcpiEvGpeInitialize

ACPI_STATUSAcpiEvGpeInitialize (    void){    UINT32                  RegisterCount0 = 0;    UINT32                  RegisterCount1 = 0;    UINT32                  GpeNumberMax = 0;    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (EvGpeInitialize);    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_INIT,        "Initializing General Purpose Events (GPEs):/n"));    Status = AcpiUtAcquireMutex (ACPI_MTX_NAMESPACE);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    /*     * Initialize the GPE Block(s) defined in the FADT     *     * Why the GPE register block lengths are divided by 2:  From the ACPI     * Spec, section "General-Purpose Event Registers", we have:     *     * "Each register block contains two registers of equal length     *  GPEx_STS and GPEx_EN (where x is 0 or 1). The length of the     *  GPE0_STS and GPE0_EN registers is equal to half the GPE0_LEN     *  The length of the GPE1_STS and GPE1_EN registers is equal to     *  half the GPE1_LEN. If a generic register block is not supported     *  then its respective block pointer and block length values in the     *  FADT table contain zeros. The GPE0_LEN and GPE1_LEN do not need     *  to be the same size."     */    /*     * Determine the maximum GPE number for this machine.     *     * Note: both GPE0 and GPE1 are optional, and either can exist without     * the other.     *     * If EITHER the register length OR the block address are zero, then that     * particular block is not supported.     */    if (AcpiGbl_FADT.Gpe0BlockLength &&        AcpiGbl_FADT.XGpe0Block.Address)    {        /* GPE block 0 exists (has both length and address > 0) */        RegisterCount0 = (UINT16) (AcpiGbl_FADT.Gpe0BlockLength / 2);        GpeNumberMax = (RegisterCount0 * ACPI_GPE_REGISTER_WIDTH) - 1;        /* Install GPE Block 0 */        Status = AcpiEvCreateGpeBlock (AcpiGbl_FadtGpeDevice,                    AcpiGbl_FADT.XGpe0Block.Address,                    AcpiGbl_FADT.XGpe0Block.SpaceId,                    RegisterCount0, 0,                    AcpiGbl_FADT.SciInterrupt, &AcpiGbl_GpeFadtBlocks[0]);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            ACPI_EXCEPTION ((AE_INFO, Status,                "Could not create GPE Block 0"));        }    }    if (AcpiGbl_FADT.Gpe1BlockLength &&        AcpiGbl_FADT.XGpe1Block.Address)    {        /* GPE block 1 exists (has both length and address > 0) */        RegisterCount1 = (UINT16) (AcpiGbl_FADT.Gpe1BlockLength / 2);        /* Check for GPE0/GPE1 overlap (if both banks exist) */        if ((RegisterCount0) &&            (GpeNumberMax >= AcpiGbl_FADT.Gpe1Base))        {            ACPI_ERROR ((AE_INFO,                "GPE0 block (GPE 0 to %u) overlaps the GPE1 block "                "(GPE %u to %u) - Ignoring GPE1",                GpeNumberMax, AcpiGbl_FADT.Gpe1Base,                AcpiGbl_FADT.Gpe1Base +                ((RegisterCount1 * ACPI_GPE_REGISTER_WIDTH) - 1)));            /* Ignore GPE1 block by setting the register count to zero */            RegisterCount1 = 0;        }        else        {            /* Install GPE Block 1 */            Status = AcpiEvCreateGpeBlock (AcpiGbl_FadtGpeDevice,                        AcpiGbl_FADT.XGpe1Block.Address,                        AcpiGbl_FADT.XGpe1Block.SpaceId,//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例25: acpi_ex_do_debug_object

static voidacpi_ex_do_debug_object(union acpi_operand_object *source_desc,			u32 level, u32 index){	u32 i;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR(ex_do_debug_object, source_desc);	/* Print line header as long as we are not in the middle of an object display */	if (!((level > 0) && index == 0)) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "[ACPI Debug] %*s",				      level, " "));	}	/* Display index for package output only */	if (index > 0) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT,				      "(%.2u) ", index - 1));	}	if (!source_desc) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "[Null Object]/n"));		return_VOID;	}	if (ACPI_GET_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(source_desc) == ACPI_DESC_TYPE_OPERAND) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "%s ",				      acpi_ut_get_object_type_name				      (source_desc)));		if (!acpi_ut_valid_internal_object(source_desc)) {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT,					      "%p, Invalid Internal Object!/n",					      source_desc));			return_VOID;		}	} else if (ACPI_GET_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(source_desc) ==		   ACPI_DESC_TYPE_NAMED) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "%s: %p/n",				      acpi_ut_get_type_name(((struct							      acpi_namespace_node							      *)source_desc)->							    type),				      source_desc));		return_VOID;	} else {		return_VOID;	}	/* source_desc is of type ACPI_DESC_TYPE_OPERAND */	switch (ACPI_GET_OBJECT_TYPE(source_desc)) {	case ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER:		/* Output correct integer width */		if (acpi_gbl_integer_byte_width == 4) {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "0x%8.8X/n",					      (u32) source_desc->integer.					      value));		} else {			ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT,					      "0x%8.8X%8.8X/n",					      ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64(source_desc->								 integer.								 value)));		}		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER:		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "[0x%.2X]/n",				      (u32) source_desc->buffer.length));		ACPI_DUMP_BUFFER(source_desc->buffer.pointer,				 (source_desc->buffer.length <				  256) ? source_desc->buffer.length : 256);		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_STRING:		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT, "[0x%.2X] /"%s/"/n",				      source_desc->string.length,				      source_desc->string.pointer));		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE:		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_DEBUG_OBJECT,				      "[Contains 0x%.2X Elements]/n",				      source_desc->package.count));		/* Output the entire contents of the package */		for (i = 0; i < source_desc->package.count; i++) {			acpi_ex_do_debug_object(source_desc->package.						elements[i], level + 4, i + 1);		}		break;//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例26: OptBuildShortestPath

static ACPI_STATUSOptBuildShortestPath (    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Op,    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState,    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *CurrentNode,    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *TargetNode,    ACPI_BUFFER             *CurrentPath,    ACPI_BUFFER             *TargetPath,    ACPI_SIZE               AmlNameStringLength,    UINT8                   IsDeclaration,    char                    **ReturnNewPath){    UINT32                  NumCommonSegments;    UINT32                  MaxCommonSegments;    UINT32                  Index;    UINT32                  NumCarats;    UINT32                  i;    char                    *NewPath;    char                    *NewPathExternal;    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *Node;    ACPI_GENERIC_STATE      ScopeInfo;    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    BOOLEAN                 SubPath = FALSE;    ACPI_FUNCTION_NAME (OptBuildShortestPath);    ScopeInfo.Scope.Node = CurrentNode;    /*     * Determine the maximum number of NameSegs that the Target and Current paths     * can possibly have in common. (To optimize, we have to have at least 1)     *     * Note: The external NamePath string lengths are always a multiple of 5     * (ACPI_NAME_SIZE + separator)     */    MaxCommonSegments = TargetPath->Length / ACPI_PATH_SEGMENT_LENGTH;    if (CurrentPath->Length < TargetPath->Length)    {        MaxCommonSegments = CurrentPath->Length / ACPI_PATH_SEGMENT_LENGTH;    }    /*     * Determine how many NameSegs the two paths have in common.     * (Starting from the root)     */    for (NumCommonSegments = 0;         NumCommonSegments < MaxCommonSegments;         NumCommonSegments++)    {        /* Compare two single NameSegs */        if (!ACPI_COMPARE_NAME (            &((char *) TargetPath->Pointer)[                (NumCommonSegments * ACPI_PATH_SEGMENT_LENGTH) + 1],            &((char *) CurrentPath->Pointer)[                (NumCommonSegments * ACPI_PATH_SEGMENT_LENGTH) + 1]))        {            /* Mismatch */            break;        }    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS, " COMMON: %u",        NumCommonSegments));    /* There must be at least 1 common NameSeg in order to optimize */    if (NumCommonSegments == 0)    {        return (AE_NOT_FOUND);    }    if (NumCommonSegments == MaxCommonSegments)    {        if (CurrentPath->Length == TargetPath->Length)        {            ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS, " SAME PATH"));            return (AE_NOT_FOUND);        }        else        {            ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS, " SUBPATH"));            SubPath = TRUE;        }    }    /* Determine how many prefix Carats are required */    NumCarats = (CurrentPath->Length / ACPI_PATH_SEGMENT_LENGTH) -        NumCommonSegments;    /*     * Construct a new target string     */    NewPathExternal = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (        TargetPath->Length + NumCarats + 1);//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例27: acpi_ds_scope_stack_push

acpi_statusacpi_ds_scope_stack_push(struct acpi_namespace_node *node,			 acpi_object_type type,			 struct acpi_walk_state *walk_state){	union acpi_generic_state *scope_info;	union acpi_generic_state *old_scope_info;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ds_scope_stack_push);	if (!node) {		/* Invalid scope   */		ACPI_ERROR((AE_INFO, "Null scope parameter"));		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_BAD_PARAMETER);	}	/* Make sure object type is valid */	if (!acpi_ut_valid_object_type(type)) {		ACPI_WARNING((AE_INFO, "Invalid object type: 0x%X", type));	}	/* Allocate a new scope object */	scope_info = acpi_ut_create_generic_state();	if (!scope_info) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_NO_MEMORY);	}	/* Init new scope object */	scope_info->common.descriptor_type = ACPI_DESC_TYPE_STATE_WSCOPE;	scope_info->scope.node = node;	scope_info->common.value = (u16) type;	walk_state->scope_depth++;	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_EXEC,			  "[%.2d] Pushed scope ",			  (u32) walk_state->scope_depth));	old_scope_info = walk_state->scope_info;	if (old_scope_info) {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_EXEC,				      "[%4.4s] (%s)",				      acpi_ut_get_node_name(old_scope_info->							    scope.node),				      acpi_ut_get_type_name(old_scope_info->							    common.value)));	} else {		ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_EXEC, "[//___] (%s)", "ROOT"));	}	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_EXEC,			      ", New scope -> [%4.4s] (%s)/n",			      acpi_ut_get_node_name(scope_info->scope.node),			      acpi_ut_get_type_name(scope_info->common.value)));	/* Push new scope object onto stack */	acpi_ut_push_generic_state(&walk_state->scope_info, scope_info);	return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_OK);}

示例28: OptOptimizeNamePath

voidOptOptimizeNamePath (    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Op,    UINT32                  Flags,    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState,    char                    *AmlNameString,    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *TargetNode){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_BUFFER             TargetPath;    ACPI_BUFFER             CurrentPath;    ACPI_SIZE               AmlNameStringLength;    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *CurrentNode;    char                    *ExternalNameString;    char                    *NewPath = NULL;    ACPI_SIZE               HowMuchShorter;    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *NextOp;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (OptOptimizeNamePath);    /* This is an optional optimization */    if (!Gbl_ReferenceOptimizationFlag)    {        return_VOID;    }    /* Various required items */    if (!TargetNode || !WalkState || !AmlNameString || !Op->Common.Parent)    {        return_VOID;    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS,        "PATH OPTIMIZE: Line %5d ParentOp [%12.12s] ThisOp [%12.12s] ",        Op->Asl.LogicalLineNumber,        AcpiPsGetOpcodeName (Op->Common.Parent->Common.AmlOpcode),        AcpiPsGetOpcodeName (Op->Common.AmlOpcode)));    if (!(Flags & (AML_NAMED | AML_CREATE)))    {        if (Op->Asl.CompileFlags & NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION)        {            /* We don't want to fuss with actual name declaration nodes here */            ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS,                "******* NAME DECLARATION/n"));            return_VOID;        }    }    /*     * The original path must be longer than one NameSeg (4 chars) for there     * to be any possibility that it can be optimized to a shorter string     */    AmlNameStringLength = strlen (AmlNameString);    if (AmlNameStringLength <= ACPI_NAME_SIZE)    {        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS,            "NAMESEG %4.4s/n", AmlNameString));        return_VOID;    }    /*     * We need to obtain the node that represents the current scope -- where     * we are right now in the namespace. We will compare this path     * against the Namepath, looking for commonality.     */    CurrentNode = AcpiGbl_RootNode;    if (WalkState->ScopeInfo)    {        CurrentNode = WalkState->ScopeInfo->Scope.Node;    }    if (Flags & (AML_NAMED | AML_CREATE))    {        /* This is the declaration of a new name */        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS, "NAME/n"));        /*         * The node of interest is the parent of this node (the containing         * scope). The actual namespace node may be up more than one level         * of parse op or it may not exist at all (if we traverse back         * up to the root.)         */        NextOp = Op->Asl.Parent;        while (NextOp && (!NextOp->Asl.Node))        {            NextOp = NextOp->Asl.Parent;        }        if (NextOp && NextOp->Asl.Node)        {            CurrentNode = NextOp->Asl.Node;        }        else//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例29: acpi_ex_do_debug_object

//.........这里部分代码省略.........		acpi_os_printf(" ");		/* Check for valid node first, then valid object */		if (source_desc->reference.node) {			if (ACPI_GET_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE			    (source_desc->reference.node) !=			    ACPI_DESC_TYPE_NAMED) {				acpi_os_printf				    (" %p - Not a valid namespace node/n",				     source_desc->reference.node);			} else {				acpi_os_printf("Node %p [%4.4s] ",					       source_desc->reference.node,					       (source_desc->reference.node)->					       name.ascii);				switch ((source_desc->reference.node)->type) {					/* These types have no attached object */				case ACPI_TYPE_DEVICE:					acpi_os_printf("Device/n");					break;				case ACPI_TYPE_THERMAL:					acpi_os_printf("Thermal Zone/n");					break;				default:					acpi_ex_do_debug_object((source_desc->								 reference.								 node)->object,								level + 4, 0);					break;				}			}		} else if (source_desc->reference.object) {			if (ACPI_GET_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE			    (source_desc->reference.object) ==			    ACPI_DESC_TYPE_NAMED) {				acpi_ex_do_debug_object(((struct							  acpi_namespace_node *)							 source_desc->reference.							 object)->object,							level + 4, 0);			} else {				object_desc = source_desc->reference.object;				value = source_desc->reference.value;				switch (object_desc->common.type) {				case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER:					acpi_os_printf("Buffer[%u] = 0x%2.2X/n",						       value,						       *source_desc->reference.						       index_pointer);					break;				case ACPI_TYPE_STRING:					acpi_os_printf					    ("String[%u] = /"%c/" (0x%2.2X)/n",					     value,					     *source_desc->reference.					     index_pointer,					     *source_desc->reference.					     index_pointer);					break;				case ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE:					acpi_os_printf("Package[%u] = ", value);					acpi_ex_do_debug_object(*source_desc->								reference.where,								level + 4, 0);					break;				default:					acpi_os_printf					    ("Unknown Reference object type %X/n",					     object_desc->common.type);					break;				}			}		}		break;	default:		acpi_os_printf("%p/n", source_desc);		break;	}	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW((ACPI_DB_EXEC, "/n"));	return_VOID;}


C++ ACPI_DIV_8函数代码示例