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51自学网 2021-06-01 19:32:44
这篇教程C++ ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED函数的具体用法?C++ ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED怎么用?C++ ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: AcpiRsDumpIrqList

voidAcpiRsDumpIrqList (    UINT8                   *RouteTable){    ACPI_PCI_ROUTING_TABLE  *PrtElement;    UINT8                   Count;    ACPI_FUNCTION_ENTRY ();    /* Check if debug output enabled */    if (!ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED (ACPI_LV_RESOURCES, _COMPONENT))    {        return;    }    PrtElement = ACPI_CAST_PTR (ACPI_PCI_ROUTING_TABLE, RouteTable);    /* Dump all table elements, Exit on zero length element */    for (Count = 0; PrtElement->Length; Count++)    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("/n[%02X] PCI IRQ Routing Table Package/n", Count);        AcpiRsDumpDescriptor (PrtElement, AcpiRsDumpPrt);        PrtElement = ACPI_ADD_PTR (ACPI_PCI_ROUTING_TABLE,            PrtElement, PrtElement->Length);    }}

示例2: acpi_ns_print_pathname

void acpi_ns_print_pathname(u32 num_segments, char *pathname){	u32 i;	ACPI_FUNCTION_NAME(ns_print_pathname);	/* Check if debug output enabled */	if (!ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED(ACPI_LV_NAMES, ACPI_NAMESPACE)) {		return;	}	/* Print the entire name */	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_NAMES, "["));	while (num_segments) {		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {			isprint((int)pathname[i]) ?			    acpi_os_printf("%c", pathname[i]) :			    acpi_os_printf("?");		}		pathname += ACPI_NAME_SIZE;		num_segments--;		if (num_segments) {			acpi_os_printf(".");		}	}	acpi_os_printf("]/n");}

示例3: AcpiUtStatusExit

voidAcpiUtStatusExit (    UINT32                  LineNumber,    const char              *FunctionName,    const char              *ModuleName,    UINT32                  ComponentId,    ACPI_STATUS             Status){    /* Check if enabled up-front for performance */    if (ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED (ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS, ComponentId))    {        if (ACPI_SUCCESS (Status))        {            AcpiDebugPrint (ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS,                LineNumber, FunctionName, ModuleName, ComponentId,                "%s %s/n", AcpiGbl_FnExitStr,                AcpiFormatException (Status));        }        else        {            AcpiDebugPrint (ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS,                LineNumber, FunctionName, ModuleName, ComponentId,                "%s ****Exception****: %s/n", AcpiGbl_FnExitStr,                AcpiFormatException (Status));        }    }    if (AcpiGbl_NestingLevel)    {        AcpiGbl_NestingLevel--;    }}

示例4: acpi_ut_status_exit

/******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION:    acpi_ut_status_exit * * PARAMETERS:  line_number         - Caller's line number *              function_name       - Caller's procedure name *              module_name         - Caller's module name *              component_id        - Caller's component ID *              status              - Exit status code * * RETURN:      None * * DESCRIPTION: Function exit trace. Prints only if TRACE_FUNCTIONS bit is *              set in debug_level. Prints exit status also. * ******************************************************************************/voidacpi_ut_status_exit(u32 line_number,		    const char *function_name,		    const char *module_name,		    u32 component_id, acpi_status status){	/* Check if enabled up-front for performance */	if (ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED(ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS, component_id)) {		if (ACPI_SUCCESS(status)) {			acpi_debug_print(ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS,					 line_number, function_name,					 module_name, component_id, "%s %s/n",					 acpi_gbl_fn_exit_str,					 acpi_format_exception(status));		} else {			acpi_debug_print(ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS,					 line_number, function_name,					 module_name, component_id,					 "%s ****Exception****: %s/n",					 acpi_gbl_fn_exit_str,					 acpi_format_exception(status));		}	}	if (acpi_gbl_nesting_level) {		acpi_gbl_nesting_level--;	}}

示例5: acpi_rs_dump_irq_list

void acpi_rs_dump_irq_list(u8 *route_table){	struct acpi_pci_routing_table *prt_element;	u8 count;	ACPI_FUNCTION_ENTRY();	/* Check if debug output enabled */	if (!ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED(ACPI_LV_RESOURCES, _COMPONENT)) {		return;	}	prt_element = ACPI_CAST_PTR(struct acpi_pci_routing_table, route_table);	/* Dump all table elements, Exit on zero length element */	for (count = 0; prt_element->length; count++) {		acpi_os_printf("/n[%02X] PCI IRQ Routing Table Package/n",			       count);		acpi_rs_dump_descriptor(prt_element, acpi_rs_dump_prt);		prt_element = ACPI_ADD_PTR(struct acpi_pci_routing_table,					   prt_element, prt_element->length);	}}

示例6: acpi_rs_dump_resource_list

void acpi_rs_dump_resource_list(struct acpi_resource *resource_list){	u32 count = 0;	u32 type;	ACPI_FUNCTION_ENTRY();	/* Check if debug output enabled */	if (!ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED(ACPI_LV_RESOURCES, _COMPONENT)) {		return;	}	/* Walk list and dump all resource descriptors (END_TAG terminates) */	do {		acpi_os_printf("/n[%02X] ", count);		count++;		/* Validate Type before dispatch */		type = resource_list->type;		if (type > ACPI_RESOURCE_TYPE_MAX) {			acpi_os_printf			    ("Invalid descriptor type (%X) in resource list/n",			     resource_list->type);			return;		}		/* Sanity check the length. It must not be zero, or we loop forever */		if (!resource_list->length) {			acpi_os_printf			    ("Invalid zero length descriptor in resource list/n");			return;		}		/* Dump the resource descriptor */		if (type == ACPI_RESOURCE_TYPE_SERIAL_BUS) {			acpi_rs_dump_descriptor(&resource_list->data,						acpi_gbl_dump_serial_bus_dispatch						[resource_list->data.						 common_serial_bus.type]);		} else {			acpi_rs_dump_descriptor(&resource_list->data,						acpi_gbl_dump_resource_dispatch						[type]);		}		/* Point to the next resource structure */		resource_list = ACPI_NEXT_RESOURCE(resource_list);		/* Exit when END_TAG descriptor is reached */	} while (type != ACPI_RESOURCE_TYPE_END_TAG);}

示例7: acpi_debug_print

void ACPI_INTERNAL_VAR_XFACEacpi_debug_print(u32 requested_debug_level,		 u32 line_number,		 const char *function_name,		 const char *module_name,		 u32 component_id, const char *format, ...){	acpi_thread_id thread_id;	va_list args;	/* Check if debug output enabled */	if (!ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED(requested_debug_level, component_id)) {		return;	}	/*	 * Thread tracking and context switch notification	 */	thread_id = acpi_os_get_thread_id();	if (thread_id != acpi_gbl_prev_thread_id) {		if (ACPI_LV_THREADS & acpi_dbg_level) {			acpi_os_printf			    ("/n**** Context Switch from TID %u to TID %u ****/n/n",			     (u32)acpi_gbl_prev_thread_id, (u32)thread_id);		}		acpi_gbl_prev_thread_id = thread_id;		acpi_gbl_nesting_level = 0;	}	/*	 * Display the module name, current line number, thread ID (if requested),	 * current procedure nesting level, and the current procedure name	 */	acpi_os_printf("%9s-%04ld ", module_name, line_number);#ifdef ACPI_APPLICATION	/*	 * For acpi_exec/iASL only, emit the thread ID and nesting level.	 * Note: nesting level is really only useful during a single-thread	 * execution. Otherwise, multiple threads will keep resetting the	 * level.	 */	if (ACPI_LV_THREADS & acpi_dbg_level) {		acpi_os_printf("[%u] ", (u32)thread_id);	}	acpi_os_printf("[%02ld] ", acpi_gbl_nesting_level);#endif	acpi_os_printf("%-22.22s: ", acpi_ut_trim_function_name(function_name));	va_start(args, format);	acpi_os_vprintf(format, args);	va_end(args);}

示例8: AcpiDebugPrint

void  ACPI_INTERNAL_VAR_XFACEAcpiDebugPrint (    UINT32                  RequestedDebugLevel,    UINT32                  LineNumber,    const char              *FunctionName,    const char              *ModuleName,    UINT32                  ComponentId,    const char              *Format,    ...){    ACPI_THREAD_ID          ThreadId;    va_list                 args;    /* Check if debug output enabled */    if (!ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED (RequestedDebugLevel, ComponentId))    {        return;    }    /*     * Thread tracking and context switch notification     */    ThreadId = AcpiOsGetThreadId ();    if (ThreadId != AcpiGbl_PrevThreadId)    {        if (ACPI_LV_THREADS & AcpiDbgLevel)        {            AcpiOsPrintf (                "/n**** Context Switch from TID %u to TID %u ****/n/n",                (UINT32) AcpiGbl_PrevThreadId, (UINT32) ThreadId);        }        AcpiGbl_PrevThreadId = ThreadId;    }    /*     * Display the module name, current line number, thread ID (if requested),     * current procedure nesting level, and the current procedure name     */    AcpiOsPrintf ("%9s-%04ld ", ModuleName, LineNumber);    if (ACPI_LV_THREADS & AcpiDbgLevel)    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("[%u] ", (UINT32) ThreadId);    }    AcpiOsPrintf ("[%02ld] %-22.22s: ",        AcpiGbl_NestingLevel, AcpiUtTrimFunctionName (FunctionName));    va_start (args, Format);    AcpiOsVprintf (Format, args);    va_end (args);}

示例9: acpi_ut_trace

/******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION:    acpi_ut_trace * * PARAMETERS:  line_number         - Caller's line number *              function_name       - Caller's procedure name *              module_name         - Caller's module name *              component_id        - Caller's component ID * * RETURN:      None * * DESCRIPTION: Function entry trace. Prints only if TRACE_FUNCTIONS bit is *              set in debug_level * ******************************************************************************/voidacpi_ut_trace(u32 line_number,	      const char *function_name,	      const char *module_name, u32 component_id){	acpi_gbl_nesting_level++;	acpi_ut_track_stack_ptr();	/* Check if enabled up-front for performance */	if (ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED(ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS, component_id)) {		acpi_debug_print(ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS,				 line_number, function_name, module_name,				 component_id, "%s/n", acpi_gbl_fn_entry_str);	}}

示例10: acpi_ns_dump_pathname

voidacpi_ns_dump_pathname(acpi_handle handle, char *msg, u32 level, u32 component){	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ns_dump_pathname);	/* Do this only if the requested debug level and component are enabled */	if (!ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED(level, component)) {		return_VOID;	}	/* Convert handle to a full pathname and print it (with supplied message) */	acpi_ns_print_node_pathname(handle, msg);	acpi_os_printf("/n");	return_VOID;}

示例11: acpi_ut_ptr_exit

/******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION:    acpi_ut_ptr_exit * * PARAMETERS:  line_number         - Caller's line number *              function_name       - Caller's procedure name *              module_name         - Caller's module name *              component_id        - Caller's component ID *              ptr                 - Pointer to display * * RETURN:      None * * DESCRIPTION: Function exit trace. Prints only if TRACE_FUNCTIONS bit is *              set in debug_level. Prints exit value also. * ******************************************************************************/voidacpi_ut_ptr_exit(u32 line_number,		 const char *function_name,		 const char *module_name, u32 component_id, u8 *ptr){	/* Check if enabled up-front for performance */	if (ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED(ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS, component_id)) {		acpi_debug_print(ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS,				 line_number, function_name, module_name,				 component_id, "%s %p/n", acpi_gbl_fn_exit_str,				 ptr);	}	if (acpi_gbl_nesting_level) {		acpi_gbl_nesting_level--;	}}

示例12: acpi_debug_print_raw

/******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION:    acpi_debug_print_raw * * PARAMETERS:  requested_debug_level - Requested debug print level *              line_number         - Caller's line number *              function_name       - Caller's procedure name *              module_name         - Caller's module name *              component_id        - Caller's component ID *              format              - Printf format field *              ...                 - Optional printf arguments * * RETURN:      None * * DESCRIPTION: Print message with no headers. Has same interface as *              debug_print so that the same macros can be used. * ******************************************************************************/void ACPI_INTERNAL_VAR_XFACEacpi_debug_print_raw(u32 requested_debug_level,		     u32 line_number,		     const char *function_name,		     const char *module_name,		     u32 component_id, const char *format, ...){	va_list args;	/* Check if debug output enabled */	if (!ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED(requested_debug_level, component_id)) {		return;	}	va_start(args, format);	acpi_os_vprintf(format, args);	va_end(args);}

示例13: AcpiUtExit

voidAcpiUtExit (    UINT32                  LineNumber,    const char              *FunctionName,    const char              *ModuleName,    UINT32                  ComponentId){    /* Check if enabled up-front for performance */    if (ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED (ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS, ComponentId))    {        AcpiDebugPrint (ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS,            LineNumber, FunctionName, ModuleName, ComponentId,            "%s/n", AcpiGbl_FnExitStr);    }    AcpiGbl_NestingLevel--;}

示例14: acpi_ut_value_exit

/******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION:    acpi_ut_value_exit * * PARAMETERS:  line_number         - Caller's line number *              function_name       - Caller's procedure name *              module_name         - Caller's module name *              component_id        - Caller's component ID *              value               - Value to be printed with exit msg * * RETURN:      None * * DESCRIPTION: Function exit trace. Prints only if TRACE_FUNCTIONS bit is *              set in debug_level. Prints exit value also. * ******************************************************************************/voidacpi_ut_value_exit(u32 line_number,		   const char *function_name,		   const char *module_name, u32 component_id, u64 value){	/* Check if enabled up-front for performance */	if (ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED(ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS, component_id)) {		acpi_debug_print(ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS,				 line_number, function_name, module_name,				 component_id, "%s %8.8X%8.8X/n",				 acpi_gbl_fn_exit_str,				 ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64(value));	}	if (acpi_gbl_nesting_level) {		acpi_gbl_nesting_level--;	}}

示例15: AcpiUtTrace

voidAcpiUtTrace (    UINT32                  LineNumber,    const char              *FunctionName,    const char              *ModuleName,    UINT32                  ComponentId){    AcpiGbl_NestingLevel++;    AcpiUtTrackStackPtr ();    /* Check if enabled up-front for performance */    if (ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED (ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS, ComponentId))    {        AcpiDebugPrint (ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS,            LineNumber, FunctionName, ModuleName, ComponentId,            "%s/n", AcpiGbl_FunctionEntryPrefix);    }}

示例16: AcpiNsPrintPathname

voidAcpiNsPrintPathname (    UINT32                  NumSegments,    const char              *Pathname){    UINT32                  i;    ACPI_FUNCTION_NAME (NsPrintPathname);    /* Check if debug output enabled */    if (!ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED (ACPI_LV_NAMES, ACPI_NAMESPACE))    {        return;    }    /* Print the entire name */    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_NAMES, "["));    while (NumSegments)    {        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)        {            isprint ((int) Pathname[i]) ?                AcpiOsPrintf ("%c", Pathname[i]) :                AcpiOsPrintf ("?");        }        Pathname += ACPI_NAME_SIZE;        NumSegments--;        if (NumSegments)        {            AcpiOsPrintf (".");        }    }    AcpiOsPrintf ("]/n");}

示例17: AcpiUtValueExit

voidAcpiUtValueExit (    UINT32                  LineNumber,    const char              *FunctionName,    const char              *ModuleName,    UINT32                  ComponentId,    UINT64                  Value){    /* Check if enabled up-front for performance */    if (ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED (ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS, ComponentId))    {        AcpiDebugPrint (ACPI_LV_FUNCTIONS,            LineNumber, FunctionName, ModuleName, ComponentId,            "%s %8.8X%8.8X/n", AcpiGbl_FnExitStr,            ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64 (Value));    }    if (AcpiGbl_NestingLevel)    {        AcpiGbl_NestingLevel--;    }}

示例18: AcpiDebugPrintRaw

void  ACPI_INTERNAL_VAR_XFACEAcpiDebugPrintRaw (    UINT32                  RequestedDebugLevel,    UINT32                  LineNumber,    const char              *FunctionName,    const char              *ModuleName,    UINT32                  ComponentId,    const char              *Format,    ...){    va_list                 args;    /* Check if debug output enabled */    if (!ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED (RequestedDebugLevel, ComponentId))    {        return;    }    va_start (args, Format);    AcpiOsVprintf (Format, args);    va_end (args);}

示例19: AcpiNsDumpPathname

voidAcpiNsDumpPathname (    ACPI_HANDLE             Handle,    const char              *Msg,    UINT32                  Level,    UINT32                  Component){    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (NsDumpPathname);    /* Do this only if the requested debug level and component are enabled */    if (!ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED (Level, Component))    {        return_VOID;    }    /* Convert handle to a full pathname and print it (with supplied message) */    AcpiNsPrintNodePathname (Handle, Msg);    AcpiOsPrintf ("/n");    return_VOID;}

示例20: AcpiDebugPrint

void  ACPI_INTERNAL_VAR_XFACEAcpiDebugPrint (    UINT32                  RequestedDebugLevel,    UINT32                  LineNumber,    const char              *FunctionName,    const char              *ModuleName,    UINT32                  ComponentId,    const char              *Format,    ...){    ACPI_THREAD_ID          ThreadId;    va_list                 args;    /* Check if debug output enabled */    if (!ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED (RequestedDebugLevel, ComponentId))    {        return;    }    /*     * Thread tracking and context switch notification     */    ThreadId = AcpiOsGetThreadId ();    if (ThreadId != AcpiGbl_PrevThreadId)    {        if (ACPI_LV_THREADS & AcpiDbgLevel)        {            AcpiOsPrintf (                "/n**** Context Switch from TID %u to TID %u ****/n/n",                (UINT32) AcpiGbl_PrevThreadId, (UINT32) ThreadId);        }        AcpiGbl_PrevThreadId = ThreadId;        AcpiGbl_NestingLevel = 0;    }    /*     * Display the module name, current line number, thread ID (if requested),     * current procedure nesting level, and the current procedure name     */    AcpiOsPrintf ("%9s-%04ld ", ModuleName, LineNumber);#ifdef ACPI_APPLICATION    /*     * For AcpiExec/iASL only, emit the thread ID and nesting level.     * Note: nesting level is really only useful during a single-thread     * execution. Otherwise, multiple threads will keep resetting the     * level.     */    if (ACPI_LV_THREADS & AcpiDbgLevel)    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("[%u] ", (UINT32) ThreadId);    }    AcpiOsPrintf ("[%02ld] ", AcpiGbl_NestingLevel);#endif    AcpiOsPrintf ("%-22.22s: ", AcpiUtTrimFunctionName (FunctionName));    va_start (args, Format);    AcpiOsVprintf (Format, args);    va_end (args);}

示例21: AcpiRsDumpResourceList

voidAcpiRsDumpResourceList (    ACPI_RESOURCE           *ResourceList){    UINT32                  Count = 0;    UINT32                  Type;    ACPI_FUNCTION_ENTRY ();    /* Check if debug output enabled */    if (!ACPI_IS_DEBUG_ENABLED (ACPI_LV_RESOURCES, _COMPONENT))    {        return;    }    /* Walk list and dump all resource descriptors (END_TAG terminates) */    do    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("/n[%02X] ", Count);        Count++;        /* Validate Type before dispatch */        Type = ResourceList->Type;        if (Type > ACPI_RESOURCE_TYPE_MAX)        {            AcpiOsPrintf (                "Invalid descriptor type (%X) in resource list/n",                ResourceList->Type);            return;        }        /* Sanity check the length. It must not be zero, or we loop forever */        if (!ResourceList->Length)        {            AcpiOsPrintf (                "Invalid zero length descriptor in resource list/n");            return;        }        /* Dump the resource descriptor */        if (Type == ACPI_RESOURCE_TYPE_SERIAL_BUS)        {            AcpiRsDumpDescriptor (&ResourceList->Data,                AcpiGbl_DumpSerialBusDispatch[                    ResourceList->Data.CommonSerialBus.Type]);        }        else        {            AcpiRsDumpDescriptor (&ResourceList->Data,                AcpiGbl_DumpResourceDispatch[Type]);        }        /* Point to the next resource structure */        ResourceList = ACPI_NEXT_RESOURCE (ResourceList);        /* Exit when END_TAG descriptor is reached */    } while (Type != ACPI_RESOURCE_TYPE_END_TAG);}

