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自学教程:C++ ACPI_STRCPY函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:32:58
这篇教程C++ ACPI_STRCPY函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ACPI_STRCPY函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ACPI_STRCPY函数的具体用法?C++ ACPI_STRCPY怎么用?C++ ACPI_STRCPY使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: acpi_ut_install_interface

acpi_status acpi_ut_install_interface(acpi_string interface_name){	struct acpi_interface_info *interface_info;	/* Allocate info block and space for the name string */	interface_info =	    ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED(sizeof(struct acpi_interface_info));	if (!interface_info) {		return (AE_NO_MEMORY);	}	interface_info->name =	    ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED(ACPI_STRLEN(interface_name) + 1);	if (!interface_info->name) {		ACPI_FREE(interface_info);		return (AE_NO_MEMORY);	}	/* Initialize new info and insert at the head of the global list */	ACPI_STRCPY(interface_info->name, interface_name);	interface_info->flags = ACPI_OSI_DYNAMIC;	interface_info->next = acpi_gbl_supported_interfaces;	acpi_gbl_supported_interfaces = interface_info;	return (AE_OK);}

示例2: acpi_ut_install_interface

acpi_status acpi_ut_install_interface(acpi_string interface_name){	struct acpi_interface_info *interface_info;		interface_info =	    ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED(sizeof(struct acpi_interface_info));	if (!interface_info) {		return (AE_NO_MEMORY);	}	interface_info->name =	    ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED(ACPI_STRLEN(interface_name) + 1);	if (!interface_info->name) {		ACPI_FREE(interface_info);		return (AE_NO_MEMORY);	}		ACPI_STRCPY(interface_info->name, interface_name);	interface_info->flags = ACPI_OSI_DYNAMIC;	interface_info->next = acpi_gbl_supported_interfaces;	acpi_gbl_supported_interfaces = interface_info;	return (AE_OK);}

示例3: acpi_ut_get_expected_return_types

void acpi_ut_get_expected_return_types(char *buffer, u32 expected_btypes){	u32 this_rtype;	u32 i;	u32 j;	if (!expected_btypes) {		ACPI_STRCPY(buffer, "NONE");		return;	}	j = 1;	buffer[0] = 0;	this_rtype = ACPI_RTYPE_INTEGER;	for (i = 0; i < ACPI_NUM_RTYPES; i++) {		/* If one of the expected types, concatenate the name of this type */		if (expected_btypes & this_rtype) {			ACPI_STRCAT(buffer, &ut_rtype_names[i][j]);			j = 0;	/* Use name separator from now on */		}		this_rtype <<= 1;	/* Next Rtype */	}}

示例4: AcpiUtInstallInterface

ACPI_STATUSAcpiUtInstallInterface (    ACPI_STRING             InterfaceName){    ACPI_INTERFACE_INFO     *InterfaceInfo;    /* Allocate info block and space for the name string */    InterfaceInfo = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (sizeof (ACPI_INTERFACE_INFO));    if (!InterfaceInfo)    {        return (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    InterfaceInfo->Name = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (ACPI_STRLEN (InterfaceName) + 1);    if (!InterfaceInfo->Name)    {        ACPI_FREE (InterfaceInfo);        return (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    /* Initialize new info and insert at the head of the global list */    ACPI_STRCPY (InterfaceInfo->Name, InterfaceName);    InterfaceInfo->Flags = ACPI_OSI_DYNAMIC;    InterfaceInfo->Next = AcpiGbl_SupportedInterfaces;    AcpiGbl_SupportedInterfaces = InterfaceInfo;    return (AE_OK);}

示例5: acpi_ut_execute_HID

/******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION:    acpi_ut_execute_HID * * PARAMETERS:  device_node         - Node for the device *              return_id           - Where the string HID is returned * * RETURN:      Status * * DESCRIPTION: Executes the _HID control method that returns the hardware *              ID of the device. The HID is either an 32-bit encoded EISAID *              Integer or a String. A string is always returned. An EISAID *              is converted to a string. * *              NOTE: Internal function, no parameter validation * ******************************************************************************/acpi_statusacpi_ut_execute_HID(struct acpi_namespace_node *device_node,		    struct acpi_pnp_device_id **return_id){	union acpi_operand_object *obj_desc;	struct acpi_pnp_device_id *hid;	u32 length;	acpi_status status;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ut_execute_HID);	status = acpi_ut_evaluate_object(device_node, METHOD_NAME__HID,					 ACPI_BTYPE_INTEGER | ACPI_BTYPE_STRING,					 &obj_desc);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(status);	}	/* Get the size of the String to be returned, includes null terminator */	if (obj_desc->common.type == ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER) {		length = ACPI_EISAID_STRING_SIZE;	} else {		length = obj_desc->string.length + 1;	}	/* Allocate a buffer for the HID */	hid =	    ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED(sizeof(struct acpi_pnp_device_id) +				 (acpi_size) length);	if (!hid) {		status = AE_NO_MEMORY;		goto cleanup;	}	/* Area for the string starts after PNP_DEVICE_ID struct */	hid->string =	    ACPI_ADD_PTR(char, hid, sizeof(struct acpi_pnp_device_id));	/* Convert EISAID to a string or simply copy existing string */	if (obj_desc->common.type == ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER) {		acpi_ex_eisa_id_to_string(hid->string, obj_desc->integer.value);	} else {		ACPI_STRCPY(hid->string, obj_desc->string.pointer);	}	hid->length = length;	*return_id = hid;cleanup:	/* On exit, we must delete the return object */	acpi_ut_remove_reference(obj_desc);	return_ACPI_STATUS(status);}

示例6: acpi_ut_execute_UID

acpi_statusacpi_ut_execute_UID(struct acpi_namespace_node *device_node,		    struct acpica_device_id **return_id){	union acpi_operand_object *obj_desc;	struct acpica_device_id *uid;	u32 length;	acpi_status status;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ut_execute_UID);	status = acpi_ut_evaluate_object(device_node, METHOD_NAME__UID,					 ACPI_BTYPE_INTEGER | ACPI_BTYPE_STRING,					 &obj_desc);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(status);	}	/* Get the size of the String to be returned, includes null terminator */	if (obj_desc->common.type == ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER) {		length = ACPI_MAX64_DECIMAL_DIGITS + 1;	} else {		length = obj_desc->string.length + 1;	}	/* Allocate a buffer for the UID */	uid =	    ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED(sizeof(struct acpica_device_id) +				 (acpi_size) length);	if (!uid) {		status = AE_NO_MEMORY;		goto cleanup;	}	/* Area for the string starts after DEVICE_ID struct */	uid->string = ACPI_ADD_PTR(char, uid, sizeof(struct acpica_device_id));	/* Convert an Integer to string, or just copy an existing string */	if (obj_desc->common.type == ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER) {		acpi_ex_integer_to_string(uid->string, obj_desc->integer.value);	} else {		ACPI_STRCPY(uid->string, obj_desc->string.pointer);	}	uid->length = length;	*return_id = uid;cleanup:	/* On exit, we must delete the return object */	acpi_ut_remove_reference(obj_desc);	return_ACPI_STATUS(status);}

示例7: AcpiDbAddToHistory

voidAcpiDbAddToHistory (    char                    *CommandLine){    UINT16                  CmdLen;    UINT16                  BufferLen;    /* Put command into the next available slot */    CmdLen = (UINT16) ACPI_STRLEN (CommandLine);    if (AcpiGbl_HistoryBuffer[AcpiGbl_NextHistoryIndex].Command != NULL)    {        BufferLen = (UINT16) ACPI_STRLEN (            AcpiGbl_HistoryBuffer[AcpiGbl_NextHistoryIndex].Command);        if (CmdLen > BufferLen)        {            AcpiOsFree (AcpiGbl_HistoryBuffer[AcpiGbl_NextHistoryIndex].                Command);            AcpiGbl_HistoryBuffer[AcpiGbl_NextHistoryIndex].Command =                AcpiOsAllocate (CmdLen + 1);        }    }    else    {        AcpiGbl_HistoryBuffer[AcpiGbl_NextHistoryIndex].Command =            AcpiOsAllocate (CmdLen + 1);    }    ACPI_STRCPY (AcpiGbl_HistoryBuffer[AcpiGbl_NextHistoryIndex].Command,        CommandLine);    AcpiGbl_HistoryBuffer[AcpiGbl_NextHistoryIndex].CmdNum =        AcpiGbl_NextCmdNum;    /* Adjust indexes */    if ((AcpiGbl_NumHistory == HISTORY_SIZE) &&        (AcpiGbl_NextHistoryIndex == AcpiGbl_LoHistory))    {        AcpiGbl_LoHistory++;        if (AcpiGbl_LoHistory >= HISTORY_SIZE)        {            AcpiGbl_LoHistory = 0;        }    }    AcpiGbl_NextHistoryIndex++;    if (AcpiGbl_NextHistoryIndex >= HISTORY_SIZE)    {        AcpiGbl_NextHistoryIndex = 0;    }    AcpiGbl_NextCmdNum++;    if (AcpiGbl_NumHistory < HISTORY_SIZE)    {        AcpiGbl_NumHistory++;    }}

示例8: acpi_ut_safe_strcpy

u8 acpi_ut_safe_strcpy(char *dest, acpi_size dest_size, char *source){	if (ACPI_STRLEN(source) >= dest_size) {		return (TRUE);	}	ACPI_STRCPY(dest, source);	return (FALSE);}

示例9: AcpiDbSetScope

voidAcpiDbSetScope (    char                    *Name){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *Node;    if (!Name || Name[0] == 0)    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("Current scope: %s/n", AcpiGbl_DbScopeBuf);        return;    }    AcpiDbPrepNamestring (Name);    if (Name[0] == '//')    {        /* Validate new scope from the root */        Status = AcpiNsGetNode (AcpiGbl_RootNode, Name, ACPI_NS_NO_UPSEARCH,                    &Node);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            goto ErrorExit;        }        ACPI_STRCPY (AcpiGbl_DbScopeBuf, Name);        ACPI_STRCAT (AcpiGbl_DbScopeBuf, "//");    }    else    {        /* Validate new scope relative to old scope */        Status = AcpiNsGetNode (AcpiGbl_DbScopeNode, Name, ACPI_NS_NO_UPSEARCH,                    &Node);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            goto ErrorExit;        }        ACPI_STRCAT (AcpiGbl_DbScopeBuf, Name);        ACPI_STRCAT (AcpiGbl_DbScopeBuf, "//");    }    AcpiGbl_DbScopeNode = Node;    AcpiOsPrintf ("New scope: %s/n", AcpiGbl_DbScopeBuf);    return;ErrorExit:    AcpiOsPrintf ("Could not attach scope: %s, %s/n",        Name, AcpiFormatException (Status));}

示例10: AcpiDbUInt32ToHexString

voidAcpiDbUInt32ToHexString (    UINT32                  Value,    char                    *Buffer){    UINT8                   i;    if (Value == 0)    {        ACPI_STRCPY (Buffer, "0");        return;    }    ACPI_STRCPY (Buffer, "0x");    Buffer[10] = '/0';    for (i = 9; i > 1; i--)    {        Buffer[i] = Converter [Value & 0x0F];        Value = Value >> 4;    }}

示例11: acpi_ut_execute_SUB

acpi_statusacpi_ut_execute_SUB(struct acpi_namespace_node *device_node,		    struct acpi_pnp_device_id **return_id){	union acpi_operand_object *obj_desc;	struct acpi_pnp_device_id *sub;	u32 length;	acpi_status status;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ut_execute_SUB);	status = acpi_ut_evaluate_object(device_node, METHOD_NAME__SUB,					 ACPI_BTYPE_STRING, &obj_desc);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(status);	}	/* Get the size of the String to be returned, includes null terminator */	length = obj_desc->string.length + 1;	/* Allocate a buffer for the SUB */	sub =	    ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED(sizeof(struct acpi_pnp_device_id) +				 (acpi_size) length);	if (!sub) {		status = AE_NO_MEMORY;		goto cleanup;	}	/* Area for the string starts after PNP_DEVICE_ID struct */	sub->string =	    ACPI_ADD_PTR(char, sub, sizeof(struct acpi_pnp_device_id));	/* Simply copy existing string */	ACPI_STRCPY(sub->string, obj_desc->string.pointer);	sub->length = length;	*return_id = sub;cleanup:	/* On exit, we must delete the return object */	acpi_ut_remove_reference(obj_desc);	return_ACPI_STATUS(status);}

示例12: AcpiUtSafeStrcpy

BOOLEANAcpiUtSafeStrcpy (    char                    *Dest,    ACPI_SIZE               DestSize,    char                    *Source){    if (ACPI_STRLEN (Source) >= DestSize)    {        return (TRUE);    }    ACPI_STRCPY (Dest, Source);    return (FALSE);}

示例13: AcpiUtDeleteCaches

ACPI_STATUSAcpiUtDeleteCaches (    void){#ifdef ACPI_DBG_TRACK_ALLOCATIONS    char                    Buffer[7];    if (AcpiGbl_DisplayFinalMemStats)    {        ACPI_STRCPY (Buffer, "MEMORY");        (void) AcpiDbDisplayStatistics (Buffer);    }#endif    (void) AcpiOsDeleteCache (AcpiGbl_NamespaceCache);    AcpiGbl_NamespaceCache = NULL;    (void) AcpiOsDeleteCache (AcpiGbl_StateCache);    AcpiGbl_StateCache = NULL;    (void) AcpiOsDeleteCache (AcpiGbl_OperandCache);    AcpiGbl_OperandCache = NULL;    (void) AcpiOsDeleteCache (AcpiGbl_PsNodeCache);    AcpiGbl_PsNodeCache = NULL;    (void) AcpiOsDeleteCache (AcpiGbl_PsNodeExtCache);    AcpiGbl_PsNodeExtCache = NULL;#ifdef ACPI_DBG_TRACK_ALLOCATIONS    /* Debug only - display leftover memory allocation, if any */    AcpiUtDumpAllocations (ACPI_UINT32_MAX, NULL);    /* Free memory lists */    AcpiOsFree (AcpiGbl_GlobalList);    AcpiGbl_GlobalList = NULL;    AcpiOsFree (AcpiGbl_NsNodeList);    AcpiGbl_NsNodeList = NULL;#endif    return (AE_OK);}

示例14: AcpiDmAddToExternalFileList

ACPI_STATUSAcpiDmAddToExternalFileList (    char                    *PathList){    ACPI_EXTERNAL_FILE      *ExternalFile;    char                    *Path;    char                    *TmpPath;    if (!PathList)    {        return (AE_OK);    }    Path = strtok (PathList, ",");    while (Path)    {        TmpPath = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (ACPI_STRLEN (Path) + 1);        if (!TmpPath)        {            return (AE_NO_MEMORY);        }        ACPI_STRCPY (TmpPath, Path);        ExternalFile = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (sizeof (ACPI_EXTERNAL_FILE));        if (!ExternalFile)        {            ACPI_FREE (TmpPath);            return (AE_NO_MEMORY);        }        ExternalFile->Path = TmpPath;        if (AcpiGbl_ExternalFileList)        {            ExternalFile->Next = AcpiGbl_ExternalFileList;        }        AcpiGbl_ExternalFileList = ExternalFile;        Path = strtok (NULL, ",");    }    return (AE_OK);}

示例15: acpi_ut_copy_id_string

static void acpi_ut_copy_id_string(char *destination, char *source){	/*	 * Workaround for ID strings that have a leading asterisk. This construct	 * is not allowed by the ACPI specification  (ID strings must be	 * alphanumeric), but enough existing machines have this embedded in their	 * ID strings that the following code is useful.	 */	if (*source == '*') {		source++;	}	/* Do the actual copy */	ACPI_STRCPY(destination, source);}

示例16: acpi_ut_delete_caches

acpi_status acpi_ut_delete_caches(void){#ifdef ACPI_DBG_TRACK_ALLOCATIONS	char buffer[7];	if (acpi_gbl_display_final_mem_stats) {		ACPI_STRCPY(buffer, "MEMORY");		(void)acpi_db_display_statistics(buffer);	}#endif	(void)acpi_os_delete_cache(acpi_gbl_namespace_cache);	acpi_gbl_namespace_cache = NULL;	(void)acpi_os_delete_cache(acpi_gbl_state_cache);	acpi_gbl_state_cache = NULL;	(void)acpi_os_delete_cache(acpi_gbl_operand_cache);	acpi_gbl_operand_cache = NULL;	(void)acpi_os_delete_cache(acpi_gbl_ps_node_cache);	acpi_gbl_ps_node_cache = NULL;	(void)acpi_os_delete_cache(acpi_gbl_ps_node_ext_cache);	acpi_gbl_ps_node_ext_cache = NULL;#ifdef ACPI_DBG_TRACK_ALLOCATIONS	/* Debug only - display leftover memory allocation, if any */	acpi_ut_dump_allocations(ACPI_UINT32_MAX, NULL);	/* Free memory lists */	ACPI_FREE(acpi_gbl_global_list);	acpi_gbl_global_list = NULL;	ACPI_FREE(acpi_gbl_ns_node_list);	acpi_gbl_ns_node_list = NULL;#endif	return (AE_OK);}

示例17: AcpiDbOpenDebugFile

voidAcpiDbOpenDebugFile (    char                    *Name){#ifdef ACPI_APPLICATION    AcpiDbCloseDebugFile ();    AcpiGbl_DebugFile = fopen (Name, "w+");    if (!AcpiGbl_DebugFile)    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("Could not open debug file %s/n", Name);        return;    }    AcpiOsPrintf ("Debug output file %s opened/n", Name);    ACPI_STRCPY (AcpiGbl_DbDebugFilename, Name);    AcpiGbl_DbOutputToFile = TRUE;#endif}

示例18: AcpiDbGetLine

UINT32AcpiDbGetLine (    NATIVE_CHAR             *InputBuffer){    UINT32                  i;    UINT32                  Count;    NATIVE_CHAR             *Next;    NATIVE_CHAR             *This;    ACPI_STRCPY (AcpiGbl_DbParsedBuf, InputBuffer);    ACPI_STRUPR (AcpiGbl_DbParsedBuf);    This = AcpiGbl_DbParsedBuf;    for (i = 0; i < ACPI_DEBUGGER_MAX_ARGS; i++)    {        AcpiGbl_DbArgs[i] = AcpiDbGetNextToken (This, &Next);        if (!AcpiGbl_DbArgs[i])        {            break;        }        This = Next;    }    /* Uppercase the actual command */    if (AcpiGbl_DbArgs[0])    {        ACPI_STRUPR (AcpiGbl_DbArgs[0]);    }    Count = i;    if (Count)    {        Count--;  /* Number of args only */    }    return (Count);}

示例19: AcpiDbGetLine

static UINT32AcpiDbGetLine (    char                    *InputBuffer){    UINT32                  i;    UINT32                  Count;    char                    *Next;    char                    *This;    ACPI_STRCPY (AcpiGbl_DbParsedBuf, InputBuffer);    This = AcpiGbl_DbParsedBuf;    for (i = 0; i < ACPI_DEBUGGER_MAX_ARGS; i++)    {        AcpiGbl_DbArgs[i] = AcpiDbGetNextToken (This, &Next,            &AcpiGbl_DbArgTypes[i]);        if (!AcpiGbl_DbArgs[i])        {            break;        }        This = Next;    }    /* Uppercase the actual command */    if (AcpiGbl_DbArgs[0])    {        AcpiUtStrupr (AcpiGbl_DbArgs[0]);    }    Count = i;    if (Count)    {        Count--;  /* Number of args only */    }    return (Count);}

示例20: AcpiDbUint32ToHexString

voidAcpiDbUint32ToHexString (    UINT32                  Value,    char                    *Buffer){    int                     i;    if (Value == 0)    {        ACPI_STRCPY (Buffer, "0");        return;    }    Buffer[8] = '/0';    for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--)    {        Buffer[i] = Converter [Value & 0x0F];        Value = Value >> 4;    }}

示例21: AcpiOsGetTableByName

ACPI_STATUSAcpiOsGetTableByName (    char                    *Signature,    UINT32                  Instance,    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       **Table,    ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS   *Address){    HKEY                    Handle = NULL;    LONG                    WinStatus;    ULONG                   Type;    ULONG                   NameSize;    ULONG                   DataSize;    HKEY                    SubKey;    ULONG                   i;    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       *ReturnTable;    ACPI_STATUS             Status = AE_OK;    /*     * Windows has no SSDTs in the registry, so multiple instances are     * not supported.     */    if (Instance > 0)    {        return (AE_LIMIT);    }    /* Get a handle to the table key */    while (1)    {        ACPI_STRCPY (KeyBuffer, "HARDWARE//ACPI//");        if (AcpiUtSafeStrcat (KeyBuffer, sizeof (KeyBuffer), Signature))        {            return (AE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);        }        WinStatus = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KeyBuffer,            0L, KEY_READ, &Handle);        if (WinStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS)        {            /*             * Somewhere along the way, MS changed the registry entry for             * the FADT from             * HARDWARE/ACPI/FACP  to             * HARDWARE/ACPI/FADT.             *             * This code allows for both.             */            if (ACPI_COMPARE_NAME (Signature, "FACP"))            {                Signature = "FADT";            }            else if (ACPI_COMPARE_NAME (Signature, "XSDT"))            {                Signature = "RSDT";            }            else            {                fprintf (stderr,                    "Could not find %s in registry at %s: %s (WinStatus=0x%X)/n",                    Signature, KeyBuffer, WindowsFormatException (WinStatus), WinStatus);                return (AE_NOT_FOUND);            }        }        else        {            break;        }    }    /* Actual data for the table is down a couple levels */    for (i = 0; ;)    {        WinStatus = RegEnumKey (Handle, i, KeyBuffer, sizeof (KeyBuffer));        i++;        if (WinStatus == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)        {            break;        }        WinStatus = RegOpenKey (Handle, KeyBuffer, &SubKey);        if (WinStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS)        {            fprintf (stderr, "Could not open %s entry: %s/n",                Signature, WindowsFormatException (WinStatus));            Status = AE_ERROR;            goto Cleanup;        }        RegCloseKey (Handle);        Handle = SubKey;        i = 0;    }    /* Find the (binary) table entry */    for (i = 0; ; i++)//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例22: OpnDoDefinitionBlock

static voidOpnDoDefinitionBlock (    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Op){    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Child;    ACPI_SIZE               Length;    UINT32                  i;    char                    *Filename;    /*     * These nodes get stuffed into the table header. They are special     * cased when the table is written to the output file.     *     * Mark all of these nodes as non-usable so they won't get output     * as AML opcodes!     */    /* Get AML filename. Use it if non-null */    Child = Op->Asl.Child;    if (Child->Asl.Value.Buffer  &&        *Child->Asl.Value.Buffer &&        (Gbl_UseDefaultAmlFilename))    {        /*         * We will use the AML filename that is embedded in the source file         * for the output filename.         */        Filename = UtStringCacheCalloc (strlen (Gbl_DirectoryPath) +            strlen ((char *) Child->Asl.Value.Buffer) + 1);        /* Prepend the current directory path */        strcpy (Filename, Gbl_DirectoryPath);        strcat (Filename, (char *) Child->Asl.Value.Buffer);        Gbl_OutputFilenamePrefix = Filename;        UtConvertBackslashes (Gbl_OutputFilenamePrefix);    }    Child->Asl.ParseOpcode = PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG;    /* Signature */    Child = Child->Asl.Next;    Child->Asl.ParseOpcode = PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG;    if (Child->Asl.Value.String)    {        Gbl_TableSignature = Child->Asl.Value.String;        if (ACPI_STRLEN (Gbl_TableSignature) != 4)        {            AslError (ASL_ERROR, ASL_MSG_TABLE_SIGNATURE, Child,                "Length not exactly 4");        }        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)        {            if (!isalnum ((int) Gbl_TableSignature[i]))            {                AslError (ASL_ERROR, ASL_MSG_TABLE_SIGNATURE, Child,                    "Contains non-alphanumeric characters");            }        }    }    /* Revision */    Child = Child->Asl.Next;    Child->Asl.ParseOpcode = PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG;    /*     * We used the revision to set the integer width earlier     */    /* OEMID */    Child = Child->Asl.Next;    Child->Asl.ParseOpcode = PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG;    /* OEM TableID */    Child = Child->Asl.Next;    Child->Asl.ParseOpcode = PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG;    if (Child->Asl.Value.String)    {        Length = ACPI_STRLEN (Child->Asl.Value.String);        Gbl_TableId = UtStringCacheCalloc (Length + 1);        ACPI_STRCPY (Gbl_TableId, Child->Asl.Value.String);        /*         * Convert anything non-alphanumeric to an underscore. This         * allows us to use the TableID to generate unique C symbols.         */        for (i = 0; i < Length; i++)        {            if (!isalnum ((int) Gbl_TableId[i]))            {                Gbl_TableId[i] = '_';            }        }    }//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例23: AcpiDbExecute

voidAcpiDbExecute (    char                    *Name,    char                    **Args,    ACPI_OBJECT_TYPE        *Types,    UINT32                  Flags){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_BUFFER             ReturnObj;    char                    *NameString;#ifdef ACPI_DEBUG_OUTPUT    UINT32                  PreviousAllocations;    UINT32                  Allocations;    /* Memory allocation tracking */    PreviousAllocations = AcpiDbGetOutstandingAllocations ();#endif    if (*Name == '*')    {        (void) AcpiWalkNamespace (ACPI_TYPE_METHOD, ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT,                    ACPI_UINT32_MAX, AcpiDbExecutionWalk, NULL, NULL, NULL);        return;    }    else    {        NameString = ACPI_ALLOCATE (ACPI_STRLEN (Name) + 1);        if (!NameString)        {            return;        }        ACPI_MEMSET (&AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo, 0, sizeof (ACPI_DB_METHOD_INFO));        ACPI_STRCPY (NameString, Name);        AcpiUtStrupr (NameString);        AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Name = NameString;        AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Args = Args;        AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Types = Types;        AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Flags = Flags;        ReturnObj.Pointer = NULL;        ReturnObj.Length = ACPI_ALLOCATE_BUFFER;        Status = AcpiDbExecuteSetup (&AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            ACPI_FREE (NameString);            return;        }        /* Get the NS node, determines existence also */        Status = AcpiGetHandle (NULL, AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Pathname,            &AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Method);        if (ACPI_SUCCESS (Status))        {            Status = AcpiDbExecuteMethod (&AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo, &ReturnObj);        }        ACPI_FREE (NameString);    }    /*     * Allow any handlers in separate threads to complete.     * (Such as Notify handlers invoked from AML executed above).     */    AcpiOsSleep ((UINT64) 10);#ifdef ACPI_DEBUG_OUTPUT    /* Memory allocation tracking */    Allocations = AcpiDbGetOutstandingAllocations () - PreviousAllocations;    AcpiDbSetOutputDestination (ACPI_DB_DUPLICATE_OUTPUT);    if (Allocations > 0)    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("0x%X Outstanding allocations after evaluation of %s/n",                        Allocations, AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Pathname);    }#endif    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("Evaluation of %s failed with status %s/n",            AcpiGbl_DbMethodInfo.Pathname, AcpiFormatException (Status));    }    else    {        /* Display a return object, if any */        if (ReturnObj.Length)        {            AcpiOsPrintf (                "Evaluation of %s returned object %p, external buffer length %X/n",//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例24: acpi_ex_do_concatenate

acpi_statusacpi_ex_do_concatenate (	union acpi_operand_object       *obj_desc1,	union acpi_operand_object       *obj_desc2,	union acpi_operand_object       **actual_return_desc,	struct acpi_walk_state          *walk_state){	acpi_status                     status;	u32                             i;	acpi_integer                    this_integer;	union acpi_operand_object       *return_desc;	char                            *new_buf;	ACPI_FUNCTION_ENTRY ();	/*	 * There are three cases to handle:	 *	 * 1) Two Integers concatenated to produce a new Buffer	 * 2) Two Strings concatenated to produce a new String	 * 3) Two Buffers concatenated to produce a new Buffer	 */	switch (ACPI_GET_OBJECT_TYPE (obj_desc1)) {	case ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER:		/* Result of two Integers is a Buffer */		/* Need enough buffer space for two integers */		return_desc = acpi_ut_create_buffer_object (acpi_gbl_integer_byte_width * 2);		if (!return_desc) {			return (AE_NO_MEMORY);		}		new_buf = (char *) return_desc->buffer.pointer;		/* Convert the first integer */		this_integer = obj_desc1->integer.value;		for (i = 0; i < acpi_gbl_integer_byte_width; i++) {			new_buf[i] = (char) this_integer;			this_integer >>= 8;		}		/* Convert the second integer */		this_integer = obj_desc2->integer.value;		for (; i < (ACPI_MUL_2 (acpi_gbl_integer_byte_width)); i++) {			new_buf[i] = (char) this_integer;			this_integer >>= 8;		}		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_STRING:		/* Result of two Strings is a String */		return_desc = acpi_ut_create_internal_object (ACPI_TYPE_STRING);		if (!return_desc) {			return (AE_NO_MEMORY);		}		/* Operand0 is string  */		new_buf = ACPI_MEM_CALLOCATE ((acpi_size) obj_desc1->string.length +				   (acpi_size) obj_desc2->string.length + 1);		if (!new_buf) {			ACPI_REPORT_ERROR				(("ex_do_concatenate: String allocation failure/n"));			status = AE_NO_MEMORY;			goto cleanup;		}		/* Concatenate the strings */		ACPI_STRCPY (new_buf, obj_desc1->string.pointer);		ACPI_STRCPY (new_buf + obj_desc1->string.length,				  obj_desc2->string.pointer);		/* Complete the String object initialization */		return_desc->string.pointer = new_buf;		return_desc->string.length = obj_desc1->string.length +				   obj_desc2->string.length;		break;	case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER:		/* Result of two Buffers is a Buffer */		return_desc = acpi_ut_create_buffer_object (				   (acpi_size) obj_desc1->buffer.length +				   (acpi_size) obj_desc2->buffer.length);		if (!return_desc) {			return (AE_NO_MEMORY);		}//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例25: AcpiDmNormalizeParentPrefix

static char *AcpiDmNormalizeParentPrefix (    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Op,    char                    *Path){    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *Node;    char                    *Fullpath;    char                    *ParentPath;    ACPI_SIZE               Length;    UINT32                  Index = 0;    if (!Op)    {        return (NULL);    }    /* Search upwards in the parse tree until we reach the next namespace node */    Op = Op->Common.Parent;    while (Op)    {        if (Op->Common.Node)        {            break;        }        Op = Op->Common.Parent;    }    if (!Op)    {        return (NULL);    }    /*     * Find the actual parent node for the reference:     * Remove all carat prefixes from the input path.     * There may be multiple parent prefixes (For example, ^^^M000)     */    Node = Op->Common.Node;    while (Node && (*Path == (UINT8) AML_PARENT_PREFIX))    {        Node = Node->Parent;        Path++;    }    if (!Node)    {        return (NULL);    }    /* Get the full pathname for the parent node */    ParentPath = AcpiNsGetExternalPathname (Node);    if (!ParentPath)    {        return (NULL);    }    Length = (ACPI_STRLEN (ParentPath) + ACPI_STRLEN (Path) + 1);    if (ParentPath[1])    {        /*         * If ParentPath is not just a simple '/', increment the length         * for the required dot separator (ParentPath.Path)         */        Length++;        /* For External() statements, we do not want a leading '/' */        if (*ParentPath == AML_ROOT_PREFIX)        {            Index = 1;        }    }    Fullpath = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (Length);    if (!Fullpath)    {        goto Cleanup;    }    /*     * Concatenate parent fullpath and path. For example,     * parent fullpath "/_SB_", Path "^INIT", Fullpath "/_SB_.INIT"     *     * Copy the parent path     */    ACPI_STRCPY (Fullpath, &ParentPath[Index]);    /*     * Add dot separator     * (don't need dot if parent fullpath is a single backslash)     */    if (ParentPath[1])    {        ACPI_STRCAT (Fullpath, ".");    }//.........这里部分代码省略.........

