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自学教程:C++ rsa_init函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-02 11:57:04
这篇教程C++ rsa_init函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中rsa_init函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ rsa_init函数的具体用法?C++ rsa_init怎么用?C++ rsa_init使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: main

int main(int argc, char **argv) {  int ret;  rsa_t rsa;  uint32_t mc, vf;  datum_t em, m;  uint8_t EM[256];  mlockall(MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE);  rsa_init(&rsa);  mc = vf = 0;  em.data = (uint8_t *)EM;  em.size = (uint32_t)sizeof(EM);/*generate these with gentests.plNOTE: in some cases, the RSA signing operation will produce a signature whichis 1 or more bytes less in length than N.  In these cases, it must be paddedon the left with zeros.*/#include "tests.c"  rsa_free(&rsa);  munlockall();  printf("/nTest run completed with %d miscompares and %d verification failures./n/n", mc, vf);  return 0;}

示例2: rsa_verify

intrsa_verify (const uint8_t *pubkey, const uint8_t *hash, const uint8_t *sig){  int r;  rsa_init (&rsa_ctx, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0);  rsa_ctx.len = KEY_CONTENT_LEN;  mpi_lset (&rsa_ctx.E, 0x10001);  mpi_read_binary (&rsa_ctx.N, pubkey, KEY_CONTENT_LEN);  DEBUG_INFO ("RSA verify...");  r = rsa_pkcs1_verify (&rsa_ctx, RSA_PUBLIC, SIG_RSA_SHA256, 32, hash, sig);  rsa_free (&rsa_ctx);  if (r < 0)    {      DEBUG_INFO ("fail:");      DEBUG_SHORT (r);      return r;    }  else    {      DEBUG_INFO ("verified./r/n");      return 0;    }}

示例3: rsa_sign

int rsa_sign(const char *private_path, const void *data, const int size,	     uint8_t **sigp, uint *sig_len){	RSA *rsa;	int ret;	ret = rsa_init();	if (ret)		return ret;	ret = rsa_get_priv_key(private_path, &rsa);	if (ret)		goto err_priv;	ret = rsa_sign_with_key(rsa, data, size, sigp, sig_len);	if (ret)		goto err_sign;	RSA_free(rsa);	rsa_remove();	return ret;err_sign:	RSA_free(rsa);err_priv:	rsa_remove();	return ret;	}

示例4: rsa_genkey

static int rsa_genkey (lua_State *L) {    rsa_context rsa;    havege_state hs;    int ret=0;        rsa_init( &rsa, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0, havege_rand, &hs );        if( ( ret = rsa_gen_key( &rsa, KEY_SIZE, EXPONENT ) ) != 0 )    {        luaL_error(L, "Error generating key (%d)", ret);    }        /* Public Key */    if(ret = push_public_key(L, &rsa))    {    	luaL_error(L, "failed to obtain public key: error %d", ret );    }        /* Private Key */    if(ret = push_private_key(L, &rsa))    {    	luaL_error(L, "failed to obtain private key: error %d", ret );    }        rsa_free( &rsa );        return 2;}

示例5: rsa_genkey

uint8_t *rsa_genkey (void){  int r;  uint8_t index = 0;  uint8_t *p_q_modulus = (uint8_t *)malloc (KEY_CONTENT_LEN*2);  uint8_t *p = p_q_modulus;  uint8_t *q = p_q_modulus + KEY_CONTENT_LEN/2;  uint8_t *modulus = p_q_modulus + KEY_CONTENT_LEN;  if (p_q_modulus == NULL)    return NULL;  rsa_init (&rsa_ctx, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0);  r = rsa_gen_key (&rsa_ctx, random_byte, &index,		   KEY_CONTENT_LEN * 8, RSA_EXPONENT);  if (r < 0)    {      free (p_q_modulus);      rsa_free (&rsa_ctx);      return NULL;    }  mpi_write_binary (&rsa_ctx.P, p, KEY_CONTENT_LEN/2);  mpi_write_binary (&rsa_ctx.Q, q, KEY_CONTENT_LEN/2);  mpi_write_binary (&rsa_ctx.N, modulus, KEY_CONTENT_LEN);  rsa_free (&rsa_ctx);  return p_q_modulus;}

示例6: rsa_sign

int rsa_sign(struct image_sign_info *info,	     const struct image_region region[], int region_count,	     uint8_t **sigp, uint *sig_len){	RSA *rsa;	int ret;	ret = rsa_init();	if (ret)		return ret;	ret = rsa_get_priv_key(info->keydir, info->keyname, &rsa);	if (ret)		goto err_priv;	ret = rsa_sign_with_key(rsa, info->checksum, region,				region_count, sigp, sig_len);	if (ret)		goto err_sign;	RSA_free(rsa);	rsa_remove();	return ret;err_sign:	RSA_free(rsa);err_priv:	rsa_remove();	return ret;}

示例7: init_rsa_context_with_public_key

void init_rsa_context_with_public_key(rsa_context *rsa,                                      const unsigned char *pubkey){  rsa_init(rsa, RSA_PKCS_V15, RSA_RAW, NULL, NULL);  rsa->len = 256;  mpi_read_binary(&rsa->N, pubkey + 33, 256);  mpi_read_string(&rsa->E, 16, "10001");}

示例8: main

int main (void){	main_setup();	for(;;){		welcome_msg(algo_name);		rsa_init();		cmd_interface(cmdlist);	}}

示例9: polarssl_malloc

static void *rsa_alloc_wrap( void ){    void *ctx = polarssl_malloc( sizeof( rsa_context ) );    if( ctx != NULL )        rsa_init( (rsa_context *) ctx, 0, 0 );    return ctx;}

示例10: luarsa_pkcs1_decrypt

/***  Decrypts a string and removes the padding using either private or public key. * (depending on mode).*  @param ciphertext: binary string to be decrypted.*  @param key: table containing either the public or the private key, as generated by gen_key.*  @return  The original message (if everything works ok).*  @see  rsa_genkey*/static int luarsa_pkcs1_decrypt (lua_State *L) {	int res = 0;	int mode;    size_t lmsg, lresult;    rsa_context rsa;    char *message = (char*)luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &lmsg); /* ciphertext */    char result[KEY_SIZE];        rsa_init( &rsa, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0, NULL, NULL );         mode = processKey(L, 2, &rsa); /* keytable */        rsa.len = lmsg;    memset(result, 0, KEY_SIZE);    printf("/nMode==%s/n", mode==RSA_PUBLIC ? "RSA_PUBLIC" : "RSA_PRIVATE" );    printf("Size==%d/n", lmsg );    printf("Crypt.Size==%d/n", rsa.len );        printf("ver: %d/n", rsa.ver);    printf("len: %d/n", rsa.len);    printf("padding: %d/n", rsa.padding);    printf("hash_id: %d/n", rsa.hash_id);        mpi_print("N:%s/n", &rsa.N);    mpi_print("E:%s/n", &rsa.E);        if(mode!=RSA_PUBLIC) {        mpi_print("D:%s/n", &rsa.D);        mpi_print("P:%s/n", &rsa.P);        mpi_print("Q:%s/n", &rsa.Q);        mpi_print("DP:%s/n", &rsa.DP);        mpi_print("DQ:%s/n", &rsa.DQ);        mpi_print("QP:%s/n", &rsa.QP);        //mpi_print("RN:%s/n", &rsa.RN);        //mpi_print("RP:%s/n", &rsa.RP);        //mpi_print("RQ:%s/n", &rsa.RQ);    }        // pass rsa context and ciphertext to decryption engine    res = rsa_pkcs1_decrypt(&rsa, RSA_PRIVATE, &lmsg, message, result);    printf("Orig.Size==%d/n", lmsg );        if(res) {    	luaL_error(L, "Error during cipher (%d)", res);    }        // push encrypted result buffer    lua_pushlstring(L, result, lmsg); /* ciphertext */    rsa_free( &rsa );        return 1;}

示例11: chiffrer_rsa

int chiffrer_rsa(char* data, char* sortie, int taille_data ){    FILE *f;    int ret;    size_t i;	rsa_context rsa;    entropy_context entropy;    ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg;    char *pers = "rsa_encrypt";	    printf( "[i] Seeding the random number generator/n" );    entropy_init( &entropy );    if( ( ret = ctr_drbg_init( &ctr_drbg, entropy_func, &entropy,                               (unsigned char *) pers, strlen( pers ) ) ) != 0 )    {        printf( "[-] ctr_drbg_init returned %d/n", ret );        goto exit;    }    printf( "[i] Reading private key/n" );    rsa_init( &rsa, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );        if( ( ret = mpi_read_string( &rsa.N, RSA_N_BASE, RSA_N ) ) != 0 ||        ( ret = mpi_read_string( &rsa.D, RSA_D_BASE, RSA_D ) ) != 0 )    {        printf( "[-] mpi_read_file returned %d/n", ret );        goto exit;    }    rsa.len = ( mpi_msb( &rsa.N ) + 7 ) >> 3;    /*     * Calculate the RSA encryption of the hash.     */    printf( "[i] Generating the RSA encrypted value (%d/%d)/n", rsa.len, taille_data );    fflush( stdout );    if( ( ret = rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( &rsa, ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg,                                   RSA_PRIVATE, taille_data,                                   data, sortie ) ) != 0 )    {        printf( "[-] rsa_pkcs1_encrypt returned %d/n/n", ret );        goto exit;    }    printf( "[i] Cryptogramme copie/n");exit:    return( ret );}

示例12: rsa_decrypt

intrsa_decrypt (const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output, int msg_len,	     struct key_data *kd){  mpi P1, Q1, H;  int r;  int output_len;  DEBUG_INFO ("RSA decrypt:");  DEBUG_WORD ((uint32_t)&output_len);  mpi_init (&P1, &Q1, &H, NULL);  rsa_init (&rsa_ctx, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0);  rsa_ctx.len = msg_len;  DEBUG_WORD (msg_len);  mpi_lset (&rsa_ctx.E, 0x10001);  mpi_read_binary (&rsa_ctx.P, &kd->data[0], KEY_CONTENT_LEN / 2);  mpi_read_binary (&rsa_ctx.Q, &kd->data[KEY_CONTENT_LEN/2],		   KEY_CONTENT_LEN / 2);#if 0 /* Using CRT, we don't use N */  mpi_mul_mpi (&rsa_ctx.N, &rsa_ctx.P, &rsa_ctx.Q);#endif  mpi_sub_int (&P1, &rsa_ctx.P, 1);  mpi_sub_int (&Q1, &rsa_ctx.Q, 1);  mpi_mul_mpi (&H, &P1, &Q1);  mpi_inv_mod (&rsa_ctx.D , &rsa_ctx.E, &H);  mpi_mod_mpi (&rsa_ctx.DP, &rsa_ctx.D, &P1);  mpi_mod_mpi (&rsa_ctx.DQ, &rsa_ctx.D, &Q1);  mpi_inv_mod (&rsa_ctx.QP, &rsa_ctx.Q, &rsa_ctx.P);  mpi_free (&P1, &Q1, &H, NULL);  DEBUG_INFO ("RSA decrypt ...");  r = rsa_pkcs1_decrypt (&rsa_ctx, RSA_PRIVATE, &output_len,			 input, output, MAX_RES_APDU_DATA_SIZE);  rsa_free (&rsa_ctx);  if (r < 0)    {      DEBUG_INFO ("fail:");      DEBUG_SHORT (r);      return r;    }  else    {      res_APDU_size = output_len;      DEBUG_INFO ("done./r/n");      GPG_SUCCESS ();      return 0;    }}

示例13: entropy_init

uint8_t *rsa_apply(uint8_t *input, int inlen, int *outlen, int mode) {  rsa_context trsa;  const char *pers = "rsa_encrypt";  int rc;  entropy_context entropy;  ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg;  entropy_init(&entropy);  if ((rc = ctr_drbg_init(&ctr_drbg, entropy_func, &entropy, (const unsigned char *)pers,                          strlen(pers))) != 0)    debug(1, "ctr_drbg_init returned %d/n", rc);  rsa_init(&trsa, RSA_PKCS_V21, POLARSSL_MD_SHA1); // padding and hash id get overwritten  // BTW, this seems to reset a lot of parameters in the rsa_context  rc = x509parse_key(&trsa, (unsigned char *)super_secret_key, strlen(super_secret_key), NULL, 0);  if (rc != 0)    debug(1, "Error %d reading the private key.");  uint8_t *out = NULL;  switch (mode) {  case RSA_MODE_AUTH:    trsa.padding = RSA_PKCS_V15;    trsa.hash_id = POLARSSL_MD_NONE;    debug(2, "rsa_apply encrypt");    out = malloc(trsa.len);    rc = rsa_pkcs1_encrypt(&trsa, ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg, RSA_PRIVATE, inlen, input, out);    if (rc != 0)      debug(1, "rsa_pkcs1_encrypt error %d.", rc);    *outlen = trsa.len;    break;  case RSA_MODE_KEY:    debug(2, "rsa_apply decrypt");    trsa.padding = RSA_PKCS_V21;    trsa.hash_id = POLARSSL_MD_SHA1;    out = malloc(trsa.len);#if POLARSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x01020900    rc = rsa_pkcs1_decrypt(&trsa, ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg, RSA_PRIVATE, (size_t *)outlen, input,                           out, trsa.len);#else    rc = rsa_pkcs1_decrypt(&trsa, RSA_PRIVATE, outlen, input, out, trsa.len);#endif    if (rc != 0)      debug(1, "decrypt error %d.", rc);    break;  default:    die("bad rsa mode");  }  rsa_free(&trsa);  debug(2, "rsa_apply exit");  return out;}

示例14: rsa_init

int EsSign::RsaVerify(const u8* hash, const u8* modulus, const u8* signature){	static const u8 public_exponent[3] = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x01 };	int ret;	EsSignType type;	rsa_context rsa;	int hash_id = 0;	int hash_len = 0;	rsa_init(&rsa, RSA_PKCS_V15, hash_id);	if (hash == NULL || modulus == NULL || signature == NULL) return 1;	// get signature type	type = (EsSignType)be_word(*((u32*)(signature)));	switch (type)	{	case(ES_SIGN_RSA4096_SHA1) :	case(ES_SIGN_RSA4096_SHA256) :	{		rsa.len = Crypto::kRsa4096Size;		hash_id = (type == ES_SIGN_RSA4096_SHA1) ? SIG_RSA_SHA1 : SIG_RSA_SHA256;		hash_len = (type == ES_SIGN_RSA4096_SHA1) ? Crypto::kSha1HashLen : Crypto::kSha256HashLen;		break;	}	case(ES_SIGN_RSA2048_SHA1) :	case(ES_SIGN_RSA2048_SHA256) :	{		rsa.len = Crypto::kRsa2048Size;		hash_id = (type == ES_SIGN_RSA2048_SHA1) ? SIG_RSA_SHA1 : SIG_RSA_SHA256;		hash_len = (type == ES_SIGN_RSA2048_SHA1) ? Crypto::kSha1HashLen : Crypto::kSha256HashLen;		break;	}	default:		return 1;	}	mpi_read_binary(&rsa.E, public_exponent, sizeof(public_exponent));	mpi_read_binary(&rsa.N, modulus, rsa.len);	ret = rsa_rsassa_pkcs1_v15_verify(&rsa, RSA_PRIVATE, hash_id, hash_len, hash, signature + 4);	rsa_free(&rsa);	return ret;}

示例15: rsa_init

int Crypto::SignRsa2048Sha256(const u8 modulus[kRsa2048Size], const u8 private_exponent[kRsa2048Size], const u8 hash[kSha256HashLen], u8 signature[kRsa2048Size]){	int ret;	rsa_context ctx;	rsa_init(&ctx, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0);	ctx.len = kRsa2048Size;	mpi_read_binary(&ctx.D, private_exponent, ctx.len);	mpi_read_binary(&ctx.N, modulus, ctx.len);	ret = rsa_rsassa_pkcs1_v15_sign(&ctx, RSA_PRIVATE, SIG_RSA_SHA256, kSha256HashLen, hash, signature);	rsa_free(&ctx);	return ret;}

示例16: rsa_sign

intrsa_sign (const uint8_t *raw_message, uint8_t *output, int msg_len,	  struct key_data *kd){  mpi P1, Q1, H;  int r;  unsigned char temp[RSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH];  mpi_init (&P1, &Q1, &H, NULL);  rsa_init (&rsa_ctx, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0);  rsa_ctx.len = KEY_CONTENT_LEN;  mpi_lset (&rsa_ctx.E, 0x10001);  mpi_read_binary (&rsa_ctx.P, &kd->data[0], rsa_ctx.len / 2);  mpi_read_binary (&rsa_ctx.Q, &kd->data[KEY_CONTENT_LEN/2], rsa_ctx.len / 2);#if 0 /* Using CRT, we don't use N */  mpi_mul_mpi (&rsa_ctx.N, &rsa_ctx.P, &rsa_ctx.Q);#endif  mpi_sub_int (&P1, &rsa_ctx.P, 1);  mpi_sub_int (&Q1, &rsa_ctx.Q, 1);  mpi_mul_mpi (&H, &P1, &Q1);  mpi_inv_mod (&rsa_ctx.D , &rsa_ctx.E, &H);  mpi_mod_mpi (&rsa_ctx.DP, &rsa_ctx.D, &P1);  mpi_mod_mpi (&rsa_ctx.DQ, &rsa_ctx.D, &Q1);  mpi_inv_mod (&rsa_ctx.QP, &rsa_ctx.Q, &rsa_ctx.P);  mpi_free (&P1, &Q1, &H, NULL);  DEBUG_INFO ("RSA sign...");  r = rsa_pkcs1_sign (&rsa_ctx, RSA_PRIVATE, SIG_RSA_RAW,		      msg_len, raw_message, temp);  memcpy (output, temp, RSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH);  rsa_free (&rsa_ctx);  if (r < 0)    {      DEBUG_INFO ("fail:");      DEBUG_SHORT (r);      return r;    }  else    {      res_APDU_size = RSA_SIGNATURE_LENGTH;      DEBUG_INFO ("done./r/n");      GPG_SUCCESS ();      return 0;    }}

示例17: ws_upgrade_ota_init

// Initialize peripheral UART upgrade procedureint ws_upgrade_ota_init(void){    ws_upgrade_state = WS_UPGRADE_STATE_IDLE;    // register memory management function    brcmcryptoglue_set_allocator(cfa_mm_Alloc);    brcmcryptoglue_set_deallocator(cfa_mm_Free);    // initialize padding scheme and hash algorithm    rsa_init(&rsaCtx, RSA_PKCS_V21, POLARSSL_MD_SHA256);    mpi_read_binary( &rsaCtx.E, &rsa_pub_key[0], 3);    mpi_read_binary( &rsaCtx.N, &rsa_pub_key[3], WS_UPGRADE_RSA_SIGNATURE_LEN + 1);    ws_upgrade_init();    return TRUE;}

示例18: init_rsa_context_with_public_key

void init_rsa_context_with_public_key(rsa_context *rsa,                                      const unsigned char *pubkey){#ifdef USE_MBEDTLS  mbedtls_rsa_init(rsa, MBEDTLS_RSA_PKCS_V15, 0);#else  rsa_init(rsa, RSA_PKCS_V15, RSA_RAW, NULL, NULL);#endif#if !defined(USE_MBEDTLS) && (PLATFORM_ID == 6 || PLATFORM_ID == 8)  rsa->length = 256;#else  rsa->len = 256;#endif  mpi_read_binary(&rsa->N, pubkey + 33, 256);  mpi_read_string(&rsa->E, 16, "10001");}

示例19: init_ssl_module

/* Initialize SSL library */int init_ssl_module(char *logfile) {	ssl_error_logfile = logfile;	rsa_init(&rsa, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0);	entropy_init(&entropy);	ctr_drbg_init(&ctr_drbg, entropy_func, &entropy, (unsigned char*)"Hiawatha_RND", 10);	ctr_drbg_set_prediction_resistance(&ctr_drbg, CTR_DRBG_PR_OFF);	ssl_cache_init(&cache);	ssl_cache_set_max_entries(&cache, 100);	if (pthread_mutex_init(&random_mutex, NULL) != 0) {		return -1;	} else if (pthread_mutex_init(&cache_mutex, NULL) != 0) {		return -1;	}	return 0;}

示例20: crypto_rsa_encrypt

voidcrypto_rsa_encrypt(int len, uint8 * in, uint8 * out, uint32 modulus_size, uint8 * modulus, uint8 * exponent){	rsa_context ctx;	rsa_init(&ctx, 0, 0);	ctx.len = modulus_size;	mpi_init(&ctx.N, &ctx.E, NULL);	mpi_read_binary(&ctx.N, modulus, modulus_size);	mpi_read_binary(&ctx.E, exponent, SEC_EXPONENT_SIZE);	ASSERT(!rsa_check_pubkey( &ctx ));	ASSERT(modulus_size <= SEC_MAX_MODULUS_SIZE);	uint8 in2[SEC_MAX_MODULUS_SIZE];	memset(in2, 0, modulus_size - len);	memcpy(in2 + modulus_size - len, in, len);	int err = rsa_public(&ctx, in2, out);	ASSERT(!err);	mpi_free(&ctx.N, &ctx.E, NULL);	rsa_free(&ctx);}

示例21: RsaKeyInit

bool RsaKeyInit(rsa_context* ctx, u8 *modulus, u8 *private_exp, u8 *exponent, u8 rsa_type){	// Sanity Check	if(!ctx)		return false;		rsa_init(ctx, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0);		u16 n_size = 0;	u16 d_size = 0;	u16 e_size = 0;		switch(rsa_type){		case RSA_2048:			ctx->len = 0x100;			n_size = 0x100;			d_size = 0x100;			e_size = 3;			break;		case RSA_4096:			ctx->len = 0x200;			n_size = 0x200;			d_size = 0x200;			e_size = 3;			break;		default: return false;	}		if (modulus && mpi_read_binary(&ctx->N, modulus, n_size))		goto clean;	if (exponent && mpi_read_binary(&ctx->E, exponent, e_size))		goto clean;	if (private_exp && mpi_read_binary(&ctx->D, private_exp, d_size))		goto clean;		return true;clean:	rsa_free(ctx);	return false;}

示例22: vcrypt_generate_keys_sync

/* this updates/creates only the key file, to use the key a reconnect is needed */int vcrypt_generate_keys_sync(VCRYPT_CTX *ctx, const char* filename,		char pub_checksum[FLETCHER_SIZE_STR]){	int ret;	// TODO: this deletes the old key	FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb");	if (f == NULL ) {		return -ERR_FILE_WRITE;	}	// we use temporary rsa storage	rsa_context rsa;	rsa_init(&rsa, ctx->ssl_req.rsa.padding, ctx->ssl_req.rsa.hash_id);	if ((ret = rsa_gen_key(&rsa, ctr_drbg_random, &ctx->ssl_req.ctr_drbg,			2048 /*4096*/, 65537)) != 0) {		return -ERR_RSA_ERROR_GENERATING_KEYS;	}	uint8_t keys[4096];	int pk_len = asn1_encode_private_key_der(keys, sizeof keys, &rsa);	if (pk_len <= 0) {		fclose(f);		rsa_free(&rsa);		return -ERR_UNKNOWN(900);	}	if (fwrite(keys, 1, pk_len, f) != pk_len) {		fclose(f);		rsa_free(&rsa);		return -ERR_FILE_WRITE;	}	rsa_get_public_key_fingerprint(&rsa, NULL, pub_checksum);	rsa_free(&rsa);	fclose(f);	return pk_len > 0 ? 0 : pk_len;}

示例23: __ustream_ssl_context_new

__hidden struct ustream_ssl_ctx *__ustream_ssl_context_new(bool server){    struct ustream_ssl_ctx *ctx;    if (!urandom_init())        return NULL;    ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx));    if (!ctx)        return NULL;    ctx->server = server;#ifdef USE_VERSION_1_3    pk_init(&ctx->key);#else    rsa_init(&ctx->key, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0);#endif    return ctx;}

示例24: ctr_rsa_init

int ctr_rsa_init(ctr_rsa_context* ctx, rsakey2048* key){	rsa_init(&ctx->rsa, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0);	ctx->rsa.len = 0x100;	if (key->keytype == RSAKEY_INVALID)		goto clean;	if (mpi_read_binary(&ctx->rsa.N, key->n, sizeof(key->n)))		goto clean;	if (mpi_read_binary(&ctx->rsa.E, key->e, sizeof(key->e)))		goto clean;	if (rsa_check_pubkey(&ctx->rsa))		goto clean;	if (key->keytype == RSAKEY_PRIV)	{		if (mpi_read_binary(&ctx->rsa.D, key->d, sizeof(key->d)))			goto clean;		if (mpi_read_binary(&ctx->rsa.P, key->p, sizeof(key->p)))			goto clean;		if (mpi_read_binary(&ctx->rsa.Q, key->q, sizeof(key->q)))			goto clean;		if (mpi_read_binary(&ctx->rsa.DP, key->dp, sizeof(key->dp)))			goto clean;		if (mpi_read_binary(&ctx->rsa.DQ, key->dq, sizeof(key->dq)))			goto clean;		if (mpi_read_binary(&ctx->rsa.QP, key->qp, sizeof(key->qp)))			goto clean;		if (rsa_check_privkey(&ctx->rsa))			goto clean;	}	return 1;clean:	return 0;}

示例25: main

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ){    FILE *f;    int ret = 1;    rsa_context rsa;    entropy_context entropy;    ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg;    unsigned char hash[20];    unsigned char buf[POLARSSL_MPI_MAX_SIZE];    char filename[512];    const char *pers = "rsa_sign_pss";    entropy_init( &entropy );    rsa_init( &rsa, RSA_PKCS_V21, POLARSSL_MD_SHA1 );    if( argc != 3 )    {        printf( "usage: rsa_sign_pss <key_file> <filename>/n" );#if defined(_WIN32)        printf( "/n" );#endif        goto exit;    }    printf( "/n  . Seeding the random number generator..." );    fflush( stdout );    if( ( ret = ctr_drbg_init( &ctr_drbg, entropy_func, &entropy,                               (const unsigned char *) pers,                               strlen( pers ) ) ) != 0 )    {        printf( " failed/n  ! ctr_drbg_init returned %d/n", ret );        goto exit;    }    printf( "/n  . Reading private key from '%s'", argv[1] );    fflush( stdout );    if( ( ret = x509parse_keyfile( &rsa, argv[1], "" ) ) != 0 )    {        ret = 1;        printf( " failed/n  ! Could not open '%s'/n", argv[1] );        goto exit;    }    /*     * Compute the SHA-1 hash of the input file,     * then calculate the RSA signature of the hash.     */    printf( "/n  . Generating the RSA/SHA-1 signature" );    fflush( stdout );    if( ( ret = sha1_file( argv[2], hash ) ) != 0 )    {        printf( " failed/n  ! Could not open or read %s/n/n", argv[2] );        goto exit;    }    if( ( ret = rsa_pkcs1_sign( &rsa, ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg,                                RSA_PRIVATE, SIG_RSA_SHA1,                                20, hash, buf ) ) != 0 )    {        printf( " failed/n  ! rsa_pkcs1_sign returned %d/n/n", ret );        goto exit;    }    /*     * Write the signature into <filename>-sig.txt     */    snprintf( filename, 512, "%s.sig", argv[2] );    if( ( f = fopen( filename, "wb+" ) ) == NULL )    {        ret = 1;        printf( " failed/n  ! Could not create %s/n/n", filename );        goto exit;    }    if( fwrite( buf, 1, rsa.len, f ) != (size_t) rsa.len )    {        printf( "failed/n  ! fwrite failed/n/n" );        goto exit;    }    fclose( f );    printf( "/n  . Done (created /"%s/")/n/n", filename );exit:#if defined(_WIN32)    printf( "  + Press Enter to exit this program./n" );    fflush( stdout ); getchar();#endif    return( ret );}

示例26: main

//.........这里部分代码省略.........        for( j = 0; j < 4096; j++ )            aes_crypt_cbc( &aes, AES_ENCRYPT, BUFSIZE, tmp, buf, buf );        printf( "%9lu Kb/s,  %9lu cycles/byte/n", i * BUFSIZE / 1024,                        ( hardclock() - tsc ) / ( j * BUFSIZE ) );    }#endif#if defined(POLARSSL_CAMELLIA_C)    for( keysize = 128; keysize <= 256; keysize += 64 )    {        printf( "  CAMELLIA-%d   :  ", keysize );        fflush( stdout );        memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) );        memset( tmp, 0, sizeof( tmp ) );        camellia_setkey_enc( &camellia, tmp, keysize );        cpu_set_timeout(cpu_ms_2_cy(1000, CPU_HZ),&timer);        for( i = 1; !cpu_is_timeout(&timer); i++ )            camellia_crypt_cbc( &camellia, CAMELLIA_ENCRYPT, BUFSIZE, tmp, buf, buf );        tsc = hardclock();        for( j = 0; j < 4096; j++ )            camellia_crypt_cbc( &camellia, CAMELLIA_ENCRYPT, BUFSIZE, tmp, buf, buf );        printf( "%9lu Kb/s,  %9lu cycles/byte/n", i * BUFSIZE / 1024,                        ( hardclock() - tsc ) / ( j * BUFSIZE ) );    }#endif#if defined(POLARSSL_RSA_C)    rsa_init( &rsa, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );    rsa_gen_key( &rsa, myrand, NULL, 1024, 65537 );    printf( "  RSA-1024  :  " );    fflush( stdout );    cpu_set_timeout(cpu_ms_2_cy(3000, CPU_HZ),&timer);    for( i = 1; !cpu_is_timeout(&timer); i++ )    {        buf[0] = 0;        rsa_public( &rsa, buf, buf );    }    printf( "%9lu  public/s/n", i / 3 );    printf( "  RSA-1024  :  " );    fflush( stdout );    cpu_set_timeout(cpu_ms_2_cy(3000, CPU_HZ),&timer);    for( i = 1; !cpu_is_timeout(&timer); i++ )    {        buf[0] = 0;        rsa_private( &rsa, buf, buf );    }    printf( "%9lu private/s/n", i / 3 );    rsa_free( &rsa );    rsa_init( &rsa, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );    rsa_gen_key( &rsa, myrand, NULL, 2048, 65537 );    printf( "  RSA-2048  :  " );


C++ rsa_private函数代码示例
C++ rsa_free函数代码示例