这篇教程C++ AActor类代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。
本文整理汇总了C++中AActor类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AActor类的具体用法?C++ AActor怎么用?C++ AActor使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。 在下文中一共展示了AActor类的28个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于我们的系统推荐出更棒的C++代码示例。 示例1: ClearAnswerEBTNodeResult::Type UBTTask_WaitAnswer::ExecuteTask(UBehaviorTreeComponent& OwnerComp, uint8* NodeMemory){ ClearAnswer(); EBTNodeResult::Type NodeResult = !bAnswerDone ? EBTNodeResult::InProgress : NodeResult = EBTNodeResult::Succeeded; TimerCount = Timer; AActor* OwnerActor = OwnerComp.GetOwner(); if (!DialogueWidget.IsNone()) { FName WidgetKeyName = DialogueWidget.SelectedKeyName; BlackboardComp = OwnerComp.GetBlackboardComponent(); Widget = Cast<UUserWidget>(BlackboardComp->GetValueAsObject(WidgetKeyName)); WidgetComp = Cast<UWidgetComponent>(BlackboardComp->GetValueAsObject(WidgetKeyName)); UDialogueButton* FirstButton = nullptr; if (!Widget && !WidgetComp) {#if WITH_EDITOR FMessageLog("PIE").Error() ->AddToken(FTextToken::Create(LOCTEXT("InvalidWidgetKey", "Invalid key for Dialogue Widget in "))) ->AddToken(FUObjectToken::Create((UObject*)OwnerComp.GetCurrentTree()));#endif return EBTNodeResult::Failed; } if (WidgetComp) { Widget = CreateWidget<UUserWidget>(GetWorld(), WidgetComp->GetWidgetClass()); PlayerController = WidgetComp->GetUserWidgetObject()->GetOwningPlayer(); bIsUserWidget = false; } else { bIsUserWidget = true; PlayerController = Widget->GetOwningPlayer(); } if (Widget && Widget->IsInViewport()) { Widget->RemoveFromParent(); } if (!Widget) { NodeResult = EBTNodeResult::Failed; } else { WidgetTree = Widget->WidgetTree; UWidget* DialogueQuestionsSlot = WidgetTree->FindWidget(DialogueQuestionsSlotName); UPanelWidget* Panel = Cast<UPanelWidget>(DialogueQuestionsSlot); if (Panel) { TArray<UWidget*> Buttons; UDialogueButton* SampleButton = nullptr; UTextBlock* SampleTextBlock = nullptr; WidgetTree->GetChildWidgets(DialogueQuestionsSlot, Buttons); for (auto& elem : Buttons) { UDialogueButton* Button = Cast<UDialogueButton>(elem); if (Button) { SampleButton = Button; WidgetTree->RemoveWidget(elem); } UTextBlock* TextBlock = Cast<UTextBlock>(elem); if (TextBlock) { SampleTextBlock = TextBlock; WidgetTree->RemoveWidget(elem); } } if (SampleButton != nullptr && SampleTextBlock != nullptr) { const UBTNode* BTNode = GetParentNode(); const UBTCompositeNode* CBTNode = Cast<UBTCompositeNode>(BTNode); Panel->SetVisibility(ESlateVisibility::Visible); if (CBTNode) { int32 ButtonNumber = 0; for (int32 Index = 0; Index != CBTNode->Children.Num(); ++Index) { auto& Child = CBTNode->Children[Index]; UBTComposite_Question* Question = Cast<UBTComposite_Question>(Child.ChildComposite); bool bDecoratorOk = CBTNode->DoDecoratorsAllowExecution(OwnerComp, OwnerComp.GetActiveInstanceIdx(), Index); if(Question) { Question->bCanExecute = false; Question->bSelected = false; } if ( Question && Question->Children.Num() > 0 && Question->GetVisibility(PlayerController) && Question->bVisible && bDecoratorOk ) { Question->bCanExecute = true; UDialogueButton *NewSampleButton = NewObject<UDialogueButton>(this, NAME_None, SampleButton->GetFlags(), SampleButton);//.........这里部分代码省略.........
示例2: GetSelectedActorsvoid UUnrealEdEngine::UpdatePivotLocationForSelection( bool bOnChange ){ // Pick a new common pivot, or not. AActor* SingleActor = nullptr; USceneComponent* SingleComponent = nullptr; if (GetSelectedComponentCount() > 0) { for (FSelectedEditableComponentIterator It(*GetSelectedComponents()); It; ++It) { UActorComponent* Component = CastChecked<UActorComponent>(*It); AActor* ComponentOwner = Component->GetOwner(); if (ComponentOwner != nullptr) { auto SelectedActors = GetSelectedActors(); const bool bIsOwnerSelected = SelectedActors->IsSelected(ComponentOwner); check(bIsOwnerSelected); if (ComponentOwner->GetWorld() == GWorld) { SingleActor = ComponentOwner; if (Component->IsA<USceneComponent>()) { SingleComponent = CastChecked<USceneComponent>(Component); } const bool IsTemplate = ComponentOwner->IsTemplate(); const bool LevelLocked = !FLevelUtils::IsLevelLocked(ComponentOwner->GetLevel()); check(IsTemplate || LevelLocked); } } } } else { for (FSelectionIterator It(GetSelectedActorIterator()); It; ++It) { AActor* Actor = static_cast<AActor*>(*It); checkSlow(Actor->IsA(AActor::StaticClass())); if (Actor->GetWorld() == GWorld) { const bool IsTemplate = Actor->IsTemplate(); const bool LevelLocked = !FLevelUtils::IsLevelLocked(Actor->GetLevel()); check(IsTemplate || LevelLocked); SingleActor = Actor; } } } if (SingleComponent != NULL) { SetPivot(SingleComponent->GetComponentLocation(), false, true); } else if( SingleActor != NULL ) { // For geometry mode use current pivot location as it's set to selected face, not actor FEditorModeTools& Tools = GLevelEditorModeTools(); if( Tools.IsModeActive(FBuiltinEditorModes::EM_Geometry) == false || bOnChange == true ) { // Set pivot point to the actor's location FVector PivotPoint = SingleActor->GetActorLocation(); // If grouping is active, see if this actor is part of a locked group and use that pivot instead if(GEditor->bGroupingActive) { AGroupActor* ActorGroupRoot = AGroupActor::GetRootForActor(SingleActor, true, true); if(ActorGroupRoot) { PivotPoint = ActorGroupRoot->GetActorLocation(); } } SetPivot( PivotPoint, false, true ); } } else { ResetPivot(); }}
示例3: FindTargetsvoid UAblTargetingBox::FindTargets(UAblAbilityContext& Context) const{ AActor* SourceActor = m_Location.GetSourceActor(Context); check(SourceActor); UWorld* World = SourceActor->GetWorld(); FTransform QueryTransform; if (IsUsingAsync() && UAbleSettings::IsAsyncEnabled()) { // Check if we have a valid Async handle already. if (!Context.HasValidAsyncHandle()) { FCollisionShape BoxShape = FCollisionShape::MakeBox(m_HalfExtents); m_Location.GetTransform(Context, QueryTransform); // Push our query out by our half extents so we aren't centered in the box. FQuat Rotation = QueryTransform.GetRotation(); FVector HalfExtentsOffset = Rotation.GetForwardVector() * m_HalfExtents.X; QueryTransform *= FTransform(HalfExtentsOffset); FTraceHandle AsyncHandle = World->AsyncOverlapByChannel(QueryTransform.GetLocation(), QueryTransform.GetRotation(), GetCollisionChannel(), BoxShape); Context.SetAsyncHandle(AsyncHandle); } else // Poll and see if our query is done, if so - process it. { FOverlapDatum Datum; if (World->QueryOverlapData(Context.GetAsyncHandle(), Datum)) { ProcessResults(Context, Datum.OutOverlaps); FTraceHandle Empty; Context.SetAsyncHandle(Empty); // Reset our handle. } return; } } else // Normal Sync Query { FCollisionShape BoxShape = FCollisionShape::MakeBox(m_HalfExtents); m_Location.GetTransform(Context, QueryTransform); // Push our query out by our half extents so we aren't centered in the box. FQuat Rotation = QueryTransform.GetRotation(); FVector HalfExtentsOffset = Rotation.GetForwardVector() * m_HalfExtents.X; QueryTransform *= FTransform(HalfExtentsOffset); TArray<FOverlapResult> Results; if (World->OverlapMultiByChannel(Results, QueryTransform.GetLocation(), QueryTransform.GetRotation(), GetCollisionChannel(), BoxShape)) { ProcessResults(Context, Results); } }#if !UE_BUILD_SHIPPING if (FAblAbilityDebug::ShouldDrawQueries()) { // Nope, go ahead and fire off our Async query. FVector AlignedBox = GetAlignedBox(Context, QueryTransform); FAblAbilityDebug::DrawBoxQuery(World, QueryTransform, AlignedBox); }#endif // UE_BUILD_SHIPPING}
示例4: HandleStart//.........这里部分代码省略......... WaveInstance->RadioFilterVolumeThreshold *= ParseParams.InteriorVolumeMultiplier; } bAlwaysPlay = ActiveSound.bAlwaysPlay || SoundClassProperties->bAlwaysPlay; } else { WaveInstance->VoiceCenterChannelVolume = 0.f; WaveInstance->RadioFilterVolume = 0.f; WaveInstance->RadioFilterVolumeThreshold = 0.f; WaveInstance->StereoBleed = 0.f; WaveInstance->LFEBleed = 0.f; WaveInstance->bEQFilterApplied = ActiveSound.bEQFilterApplied; WaveInstance->bIsUISound = ActiveSound.bIsUISound; WaveInstance->bIsMusic = ActiveSound.bIsMusic; WaveInstance->bReverb = ActiveSound.bReverb; WaveInstance->bCenterChannelOnly = ActiveSound.bCenterChannelOnly; bAlwaysPlay = ActiveSound.bAlwaysPlay; } // If set to bAlwaysPlay, increase the current sound's priority scale by 10x. This will still result in a possible 0-priority output if the sound has 0 actual volume if (bAlwaysPlay) { WaveInstance->Priority = MAX_FLT; } else { WaveInstance->Priority = ParseParams.Priority; } WaveInstance->Location = ParseParams.Transform.GetTranslation(); WaveInstance->bIsStarted = true; WaveInstance->bAlreadyNotifiedHook = false; WaveInstance->bUseSpatialization = ParseParams.bUseSpatialization; WaveInstance->SpatializationAlgorithm = ParseParams.SpatializationAlgorithm; WaveInstance->WaveData = this; WaveInstance->NotifyBufferFinishedHooks = ParseParams.NotifyBufferFinishedHooks; WaveInstance->LoopingMode = ((bLooping || ParseParams.bLooping) ? LOOP_Forever : LOOP_Never); WaveInstance->bIsPaused = ParseParams.bIsPaused; if (AudioDevice->IsHRTFEnabledForAll() && ParseParams.SpatializationAlgorithm == SPATIALIZATION_Default) { WaveInstance->SpatializationAlgorithm = SPATIALIZATION_HRTF; } else { WaveInstance->SpatializationAlgorithm = ParseParams.SpatializationAlgorithm; } // Only append to the wave instances list if we're virtual (always append) or we're audible (non-zero volume) if (WaveInstance->GetVolume() > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER || (bVirtualizeWhenSilent && AudioDevice->VirtualSoundsEnabled())) { WaveInstances.Add(WaveInstance); } // We're still alive. ActiveSound.bFinished = false; // Sanity check if( NumChannels > 2 && WaveInstance->bUseSpatialization && !WaveInstance->bReportedSpatializationWarning) { static TSet<USoundWave*> ReportedSounds; if (!ReportedSounds.Contains(this)) { FString SoundWarningInfo = FString::Printf(TEXT("Spatialisation on stereo and multichannel sounds is not supported. SoundWave: %s"), *GetName()); if (ActiveSound.GetSound() != this) { SoundWarningInfo += FString::Printf(TEXT(" SoundCue: %s"), *ActiveSound.GetSound()->GetName()); }#if !NO_LOGGING const uint64 AudioComponentID = ActiveSound.GetAudioComponentID(); if (AudioComponentID > 0) { FAudioThread::RunCommandOnGameThread([AudioComponentID, SoundWarningInfo]() { if (UAudioComponent* AudioComponent = UAudioComponent::GetAudioComponentFromID(AudioComponentID)) { AActor* SoundOwner = AudioComponent->GetOwner(); UE_LOG(LogAudio, Warning, TEXT( "%s Actor: %s AudioComponent: %s" ), *SoundWarningInfo, (SoundOwner ? *SoundOwner->GetName() : TEXT("None")), *AudioComponent->GetName() ); } else { UE_LOG(LogAudio, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *SoundWarningInfo ); } }); } else { UE_LOG(LogAudio, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *SoundWarningInfo ); }#endif ReportedSounds.Add(this); } WaveInstance->bReportedSpatializationWarning = true; } }}
示例5: P_ClearAllNetIdsvoid NetDemo::readSnapshotData(byte *buf, size_t length){ byte cid = consoleplayer_id; byte did = displayplayer_id; P_ClearAllNetIds(); // Remove all players players.clear(); // Remove all actors TThinkerIterator<AActor> iterator; AActor *mo; while ( (mo = iterator.Next() ) ) mo->Destroy(); gameaction = ga_nothing; FLZOMemFile memfile; length = 0; memfile.Open(buf); // open for reading FArchive arc(memfile); // Read the server cvars byte vars[4096], *vars_p; vars_p = vars; size_t len = arc.ReadCount (); arc.Read(vars, len); cvar_t::C_ReadCVars(&vars_p); std::string mapname; bool intermission; arc >> mapname; arc >> intermission; G_SerializeSnapshots(arc); P_SerializeRNGState(arc); P_SerializeACSDefereds(arc); // Read the status of flags in CTF for (int i = 0; i < NUMFLAGS; i++) arc >> CTFdata[i]; // Read team points for (int i = 0; i < NUMTEAMS; i++) arc >> TEAMpoints[i]; arc >> level.time; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_WORLDVARS; i++) arc >> ACS_WorldVars[i]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GLOBALVARS; i++) arc >> ACS_GlobalVars[i]; netgame = multiplayer = true; // load a base level savegamerestore = true; // Use the player actors in the savegame serverside = false; G_InitNew(mapname.c_str()); displayplayer_id = consoleplayer_id = 1; savegamerestore = false; // read consistancy marker byte check; arc >> check; arc.Close(); if (check != 0x1d) error("Bad snapshot"); consoleplayer_id = cid; // try to restore display player player_t *disp = &idplayer(did); if (validplayer(*disp) && disp->ingame() && !disp->spectator) displayplayer_id = did; else displayplayer_id = cid; // restore player colors for (size_t i = 0; i < players.size(); i++) R_BuildPlayerTranslation(players[i].id, players[i].userinfo.color); // Link the CTF flag actors to CTFdata[i].actor TThinkerIterator<AActor> flagiterator; while ( (mo = flagiterator.Next() ) ) { if (mo->type == MT_BDWN || mo->type == MT_BCAR) CTFdata[it_blueflag].actor = mo->ptr(); if (mo->type == MT_RDWN || mo->type == MT_RCAR) CTFdata[it_redflag].actor = mo->ptr(); } // Make sure the status bar is displayed correctly ST_Start();//.........这里部分代码省略.........
示例6: check/** * Removes the actor from its level's actor list and generally cleans up the engine's internal state. * What this function does not do, but is handled via garbage collection instead, is remove references * to this actor from all other actors, and kill the actor's resources. This function is set up so that * no problems occur even if the actor is being destroyed inside its recursion stack. * * @param ThisActor Actor to remove. * @param bNetForce [opt] Ignored unless called during play. Default is false. * @param bShouldModifyLevel [opt] If true, Modify() the level before removing the actor. Default is true. * @return true if destroy, false if actor couldn't be destroyed. */bool UWorld::DestroyActor( AActor* ThisActor, bool bNetForce, bool bShouldModifyLevel ){ check(ThisActor); check(ThisActor->IsValidLowLevel()); //UE_LOG(LogSpawn, Log, "Destroy %s", *ThisActor->GetClass()->GetName() ); if (ThisActor->GetWorld() == NULL) { UE_LOG(LogSpawn, Warning, TEXT("Destroying %s, which doesn't have a valid world pointer"), *ThisActor->GetPathName()); } // If already on list to be deleted, pretend the call was successful. // We don't want recursive calls to trigger destruction notifications multiple times. if (ThisActor->IsPendingKillPending()) { return true; } // In-game deletion rules. if( IsGameWorld() ) { // Never destroy the world settings actor. This used to be enforced by bNoDelete and is actually needed for // seamless travel and network games. if (GetWorldSettings() == ThisActor) { return false; } // Can't kill if wrong role. if( ThisActor->Role!=ROLE_Authority && !bNetForce && !ThisActor->bNetTemporary ) { return false; } // Don't destroy player actors. APlayerController* PC = Cast<APlayerController>(ThisActor); if ( PC ) { UNetConnection* C = Cast<UNetConnection>(PC->Player); if( C ) { if( C->Channels[0] && C->State!=USOCK_Closed ) { C->bPendingDestroy = true; C->Channels[0]->Close(); } return false; } } } else { ThisActor->Modify(); } // Prevent recursion //FMarkActorIsBeingDestroyed MarkActorIsBeingDestroyed(ThisActor); // Notify the texture streaming manager about the destruction of this actor. IStreamingManager::Get().NotifyActorDestroyed( ThisActor ); // Tell this actor it's about to be destroyed. ThisActor->Destroyed(); // Detach this actor's children TArray<AActor*> AttachedActors; ThisActor->GetAttachedActors(AttachedActors); if (AttachedActors.Num() > 0) { TInlineComponentArray<USceneComponent*> SceneComponents; ThisActor->GetComponents(SceneComponents); for (TArray< AActor* >::TConstIterator AttachedActorIt(AttachedActors); AttachedActorIt; ++AttachedActorIt) { AActor* ChildActor = *AttachedActorIt; if (ChildActor != NULL) { for (auto SceneCompIter = SceneComponents.CreateIterator(); SceneCompIter; ++SceneCompIter) { ChildActor->DetachSceneComponentsFromParent(*SceneCompIter, true); }#if WITH_EDITOR if( GIsEditor ) { GEngine->BroadcastLevelActorDetached(ChildActor, ThisActor); }#endif }//.........这里部分代码省略.........
示例7: checkUSceneComponent* USCS_Node::GetParentComponentTemplate(UBlueprint* InBlueprint) const{ USceneComponent* ParentComponentTemplate = NULL; if(ParentComponentOrVariableName != NAME_None) { check(InBlueprint != NULL && InBlueprint->GeneratedClass != NULL); // If the parent component template is found in the 'Components' array of the CDO (i.e. native) if(bIsParentComponentNative) { // Access the Blueprint CDO AActor* CDO = InBlueprint->GeneratedClass->GetDefaultObject<AActor>(); if(CDO != NULL) { // Find the component template in the CDO that matches the specified name TInlineComponentArray<USceneComponent*> Components; CDO->GetComponents(Components); for(auto CompIt = Components.CreateIterator(); CompIt; ++CompIt) { USceneComponent* CompTemplate = *CompIt; if(CompTemplate->GetFName() == ParentComponentOrVariableName) { // Found a match; this is our parent, we're done ParentComponentTemplate = CompTemplate; break; } } } } // Otherwise the parent component template is found in a parent Blueprint's SCS tree (i.e. non-native) else { // Get the Blueprint hierarchy TArray<UBlueprint*> ParentBPStack; UBlueprint::GetBlueprintHierarchyFromClass(InBlueprint->GeneratedClass, ParentBPStack); // Find the parent Blueprint in the hierarchy for(int32 StackIndex = ParentBPStack.Num() - 1; StackIndex > 0; --StackIndex) { UBlueprint* ParentBlueprint = ParentBPStack[StackIndex]; if(ParentBlueprint != NULL && ParentBlueprint->SimpleConstructionScript != NULL && ParentBlueprint->GeneratedClass->GetFName() == ParentComponentOwnerClassName) { // Find the SCS node with a variable name that matches the specified name TArray<USCS_Node*> ParentSCSNodes = ParentBlueprint->SimpleConstructionScript->GetAllNodes(); for(int32 ParentNodeIndex = 0; ParentNodeIndex < ParentSCSNodes.Num(); ++ParentNodeIndex) { USceneComponent* CompTemplate = Cast<USceneComponent>(ParentSCSNodes[ParentNodeIndex]->ComponentTemplate); if(CompTemplate != NULL && ParentSCSNodes[ParentNodeIndex]->VariableName == ParentComponentOrVariableName) { // Found a match; this is our parent, we're done ParentComponentTemplate = CompTemplate; break; } } } } } } return ParentComponentTemplate;}
示例8: DefaultDirectionvoid UParticleModuleVelocityCone::Render3DPreview(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, const FSceneView* View,FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI){#if WITH_EDITOR float ConeMaxAngle = 0.0f; float ConeMinAngle = 0.0f; Angle.GetOutRange(ConeMinAngle, ConeMaxAngle); float ConeMaxVelocity = 0.0f; float ConeMinVelocity = 0.0f; Velocity.GetOutRange(ConeMinVelocity, ConeMaxVelocity); float MaxLifetime = 0.0f; TArray<UParticleModule*>& Modules = Owner->SpriteTemplate->GetCurrentLODLevel(Owner)->Modules; for (int32 ModuleIndex = 0; ModuleIndex < Modules.Num(); ModuleIndex++) { UParticleModuleLifetimeBase* LifetimeMod = Cast<UParticleModuleLifetimeBase>(Modules[ModuleIndex]); if (LifetimeMod != NULL) { MaxLifetime = LifetimeMod->GetMaxLifetime(); break; } } const int32 ConeSides = 16; const float ConeRadius = ConeMaxVelocity * MaxLifetime; // Calculate direction transform const FVector DefaultDirection(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); const FVector ForwardDirection = (Direction != FVector::ZeroVector)? Direction.GetSafeNormal(): DefaultDirection; FVector UpDirection(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); FVector RightDirection(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if ((ForwardDirection != UpDirection) && (-ForwardDirection != UpDirection)) { RightDirection = UpDirection ^ ForwardDirection; UpDirection = ForwardDirection ^ RightDirection; } else { UpDirection = ForwardDirection ^ RightDirection; RightDirection = UpDirection ^ ForwardDirection; } FMatrix DirectionRotation; DirectionRotation.SetIdentity(); DirectionRotation.SetAxis(0, RightDirection.GetSafeNormal()); DirectionRotation.SetAxis(1, UpDirection.GetSafeNormal()); DirectionRotation.SetAxis(2, ForwardDirection); // Calculate the owning actor's scale and rotation UParticleLODLevel* LODLevel = Owner->SpriteTemplate->GetCurrentLODLevel(Owner); check(LODLevel); FVector OwnerScale(1.0f); FMatrix OwnerRotation(FMatrix::Identity); FVector LocalToWorldOrigin(0.0f); FMatrix LocalToWorld(FMatrix::Identity); if (Owner->Component) { AActor* Actor = Owner->Component->GetOwner(); if (Actor) { if (bApplyOwnerScale == true) { OwnerScale = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.GetScale3D(); } OwnerRotation = FQuatRotationMatrix(Actor->GetActorQuat()); } LocalToWorldOrigin = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.GetLocation(); LocalToWorld = Owner->Component->ComponentToWorld.ToMatrixWithScale().RemoveTranslation(); LocalToWorld.RemoveScaling(); } FMatrix Transform; Transform.SetIdentity(); // DrawWireCone() draws a cone down the X axis, but this cone's default direction is down Z const FRotationMatrix XToZRotation(FRotator((int32)(HALF_PI * 10430), 0, 0)); Transform *= XToZRotation; // Apply scale Transform.SetAxis(0, Transform.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::X ) * OwnerScale.X); Transform.SetAxis(1, Transform.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Y ) * OwnerScale.Y); Transform.SetAxis(2, Transform.GetScaledAxis( EAxis::Z ) * OwnerScale.Z); // Apply direction transform Transform *= DirectionRotation; // Transform according to world and local space flags if (!LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace && !bInWorldSpace) { Transform *= LocalToWorld; } else if (LODLevel->RequiredModule->bUseLocalSpace && bInWorldSpace) { Transform *= OwnerRotation; Transform *= LocalToWorld.InverseFast(); } else if (!bInWorldSpace) { Transform *= OwnerRotation;//.........这里部分代码省略.........
示例9: QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTERvoid UInterpToMovementComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction){ QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(STAT_InterpToMovementComponent_TickComponent); Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction); // skip if don't want component updated when not rendered or updated component can't move if (!UpdatedComponent || ShouldSkipUpdate(DeltaTime)) { return; } AActor* ActorOwner = UpdatedComponent->GetOwner(); if (!ActorOwner || !CheckStillInWorld()) { return; } if (UpdatedComponent->IsSimulatingPhysics()) { return; } if((bStopped == true ) || ( ActorOwner->IsPendingKill() ) ) { return; } if( ControlPoints.Num()== 0 ) { return; } // This will update any control points coordinates that are linked to actors. UpdateControlPoints(false); float RemainingTime = DeltaTime; int32 NumBounces = 0; int32 Iterations = 0; FHitResult Hit(1.f); FVector WaitPos = FVector::ZeroVector; if (bIsWaiting == true) { WaitPos = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation(); } while (RemainingTime >= MIN_TICK_TIME && (Iterations < MaxSimulationIterations) && !ActorOwner->IsPendingKill() && UpdatedComponent) { Iterations++; const float TimeTick = ShouldUseSubStepping() ? GetSimulationTimeStep(RemainingTime, Iterations) : RemainingTime; RemainingTime -= TimeTick; // Calculate the current time with this tick iteration float Time = FMath::Clamp(CurrentTime + ((DeltaTime*TimeMultiplier)*CurrentDirection),0.0f,1.0f); FVector MoveDelta = ComputeMoveDelta(Time); // Update the rotation on the spline if required FRotator CurrentRotation = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentRotation(); // Move the component if ((bPauseOnImpact == false ) && (BehaviourType != EInterpToBehaviourType::OneShot)) { // If we can bounce, we are allowed to move out of penetrations, so use SafeMoveUpdatedComponent which does that automatically. SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(MoveDelta, CurrentRotation, true, Hit); } else { // If we can't bounce, then we shouldn't adjust if initially penetrating, because that should be a blocking hit that causes a hit event and stop simulation. TGuardValue<EMoveComponentFlags> ScopedFlagRestore(MoveComponentFlags, MoveComponentFlags | MOVECOMP_NeverIgnoreBlockingOverlaps); MoveUpdatedComponent(MoveDelta, CurrentRotation, true, &Hit); } //DrawDebugPoint(GetWorld(), UpdatedComponent->GetComponentLocation(), 16, FColor::White,true,5.0f); // If we hit a trigger that destroyed us, abort. if (ActorOwner->IsPendingKill() || !UpdatedComponent) { return; } // Handle hit result after movement if (!Hit.bBlockingHit) { // If we were 'waiting' were not any more - broadcast we are off again if( bIsWaiting == true ) { OnWaitEndDelegate.Broadcast(Hit, Time); bIsWaiting = false; } else { CalculateNewTime(CurrentTime, TimeTick, Hit, true, bStopped); if (bStopped == true) { return; } } } else { if (HandleHitWall(Hit, TimeTick, MoveDelta)) { break; }//.........这里部分代码省略.........
示例10: GetClassvoid AMatineeActor::PostNetReceive(){ Super::PostNetReceive(); if (MatineeData != NULL) { TArray<AActor*> ControlledActors; // Build a list of actors controlled by this matinee actor for( int32 InfoIndex = 0; InfoIndex < GroupActorInfos.Num(); ++InfoIndex ) { const FInterpGroupActorInfo& Info = GroupActorInfos[ InfoIndex ]; for (int32 ActorIndex = 0; ActorIndex < Info.Actors.Num(); ++ActorIndex ) { AActor* Actor = Info.Actors[ ActorIndex ]; if (Actor != NULL) { ControlledActors.Add( Actor ); } } } // if we just received the matinee action, set 'saved' values to default so we make sure to apply previously received values if (SavedInterpData == NULL) { AMatineeActor* Default = GetClass()->GetDefaultObject<AMatineeActor>(); SavedbIsPlaying = Default->bIsPlaying; SavedPosition = Default->InterpPosition; SavedbReversePlayback = Default->bReversePlayback; } // apply bReversePlayback if (SavedbReversePlayback!= bReversePlayback) { bReversePlayback = SavedbReversePlayback; if (SavedbIsPlaying && bIsPlaying) { // notify actors that something has changed for (int32 ActorIndex = 0; ActorIndex < ControlledActors.Num(); ++ActorIndex ) { IMatineeInterface * IMI = InterfaceCast<IMatineeInterface>(ControlledActors[ActorIndex]); if (IMI) { IMI->InterpolationChanged(this); } } } } // start up interpolation, if necessary if (!SavedbIsPlaying && (bIsPlaying || InterpPosition != SavedPosition)) { InitInterp(); // if we're playing forward, call Play() to process any special properties on InterpAction that may affect the meaning of 'Position' (bNoResetOnRewind, etc) if (!bReversePlayback) { Play(); } // find affected actors and set their ControllingMatineeActor // @warning: this code requires the linked actors to be static object references (i.e., some other Kismet action can't be assigning them) // this might not work for AI pawns for (int32 ActorIndex = 0; ActorIndex < ControlledActors.Num(); ++ActorIndex ) { AActor* Actor = ControlledActors[ActorIndex]; UInterpGroupInst * GrInst = FindGroupInst(Actor); if (Actor != NULL && !Actor->IsPendingKill() && GrInst != NULL) { Actor->AddControllingMatineeActor(*this); // fire an event if we're really playing (and not just starting it up to do a position update) if (bIsPlaying) { IMatineeInterface * IMI = InterfaceCast<IMatineeInterface>(Actor); if (IMI) { IMI->InterpolationStarted(this); } } } } } // if we received a different current position if (InterpPosition != SavedPosition) { //@hack: negate fade tracks if we're updating a stopped matinee // the right fix is probably to pass bJump=true to UpdateInterp() when (!bIsPlaying && !SavedbIsPlaying), // but that may have lots of other side effects I don't have time to test right now TArray<FSavedFadeState> SavedFadeStates; if (!bIsPlaying && !SavedbIsPlaying && MatineeData != NULL) { for (FLocalPlayerIterator It(GEngine, GetWorld()); It; ++It) { if (It->PlayerController != NULL && It->PlayerController->PlayerCameraManager != NULL) { new(SavedFadeStates)FSavedFadeState(It->PlayerController->PlayerCameraManager); }//.........这里部分代码省略.........
示例11: OnTaskStartvoid UAblRayCastQueryTask::OnTaskStart(const TWeakObjectPtr<const UAblAbilityContext>& Context) const{ Super::OnTaskStart(Context); AActor* SourceActor = m_QueryLocation.GetSourceActor(*Context.Get()); check(SourceActor); UWorld* World = SourceActor->GetWorld(); FTransform QueryTransform; m_QueryLocation.GetTransform(*Context.Get(), QueryTransform); const FVector RayStart = QueryTransform.GetLocation(); const FVector RayEnd = RayStart + QueryTransform.GetRotation().GetForwardVector() * m_Length; if (m_UseAsyncQuery && UAbleSettings::IsAsyncEnabled()) { UAblRayCastQueryTaskScratchPad* ScratchPad = Cast<UAblRayCastQueryTaskScratchPad>(Context->GetScratchPadForTask(this)); check(ScratchPad); if (m_OnlyReturnBlockingHit) { ScratchPad->AsyncHandle = World->AsyncLineTraceByChannel(EAsyncTraceType::Single, RayStart, RayEnd, m_CollisionChannel); } else { ScratchPad->AsyncHandle = World->AsyncLineTraceByChannel(EAsyncTraceType::Multi, RayStart, RayEnd, m_CollisionChannel); } } else { TArray<FHitResult> HitResults; FHitResult TraceResult; if (m_OnlyReturnBlockingHit) { if (World->LineTraceSingleByChannel(TraceResult, RayStart, RayEnd, m_CollisionChannel)) { HitResults.Add(TraceResult); } } else { World->LineTraceMultiByChannel(HitResults, RayStart, RayEnd, m_CollisionChannel); }#if !(UE_BUILD_SHIPPING) if (IsVerbose()) { PrintVerbose(FString::Printf(TEXT("Raycast found %d results."), HitResults.Num())); }#endif if (HitResults.Num()) {#if !(UE_BUILD_SHIPPING) if (IsVerbose()) { // Quick distance print help to see if we hit ourselves. float DistanceToBlocker = HitResults[HitResults.Num() - 1].Distance; PrintVerbose(FString::Printf(TEXT("Raycast blocking hit distance: %4.2f."), DistanceToBlocker)); }#endif if (m_CopyResultsToContext) {#if !(UE_BUILD_SHIPPING) if (IsVerbose()) { PrintVerbose(FString::Printf(TEXT("Copying %d results into Context."), HitResults.Num())); }#endif CopyResultsToContext(HitResults, Context); } if (m_FireEvent) {#if !(UE_BUILD_SHIPPING) if (IsVerbose()) { PrintVerbose(FString::Printf(TEXT("Firing Raycast Event %s with %d results."), *m_Name.ToString(), HitResults.Num())); }#endif Context->GetAbility()->OnRaycastEvent(Context.Get(), m_Name, HitResults); } } }#if !UE_BUILD_SHIPPING if (FAblAbilityDebug::ShouldDrawQueries()) { FAblAbilityDebug::DrawRaycastQuery(World, QueryTransform, m_Length); }#endif}
示例12: BuildSelectedActorInfo FSelectedActorInfo BuildSelectedActorInfo( const TArray<AActor*>& SelectedActors) { FSelectedActorInfo ActorInfo; if( SelectedActors.Num() > 0 ) { // Get the class type of the first actor. AActor* FirstActor = SelectedActors[0]; if( FirstActor && !FirstActor->HasAnyFlags( RF_ClassDefaultObject ) ) { UClass* FirstClass = FirstActor->GetClass(); UObject* FirstArchetype = FirstActor->GetArchetype(); ActorInfo.bAllSelectedAreBrushes = Cast< ABrush >( FirstActor ) != NULL; ActorInfo.SelectionClass = FirstClass; // Compare all actor types with the baseline. for ( int32 ActorIndex = 0; ActorIndex < SelectedActors.Num(); ++ActorIndex ) { AActor* CurrentActor = SelectedActors[ ActorIndex ]; if( CurrentActor->HasAnyFlags( RF_ClassDefaultObject ) ) { continue; } ABrush* Brush = Cast< ABrush >( CurrentActor ); if( !Brush) { ActorInfo.bAllSelectedAreBrushes = false; } else { if( !ActorInfo.bHaveBuilderBrush ) { ActorInfo.bHaveBuilderBrush = FActorEditorUtils::IsABuilderBrush(Brush); } ActorInfo.bHaveBrush |= true; ActorInfo.bHaveBSPBrush |= (!Brush->IsVolumeBrush()); ActorInfo.bHaveVolume |= Brush->IsVolumeBrush(); } UClass* CurrentClass = CurrentActor->GetClass(); if( FirstClass != CurrentClass ) { ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsOfSameType = false; ActorInfo.SelectionClass = NULL; FirstClass = NULL; } else { ActorInfo.SelectionClass = CurrentActor->GetClass(); } ++ActorInfo.NumSelected; if( ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsBelongToCurrentLevel ) { if( !CurrentActor->GetOuter()->IsA(ULevel::StaticClass()) || !CurrentActor->GetLevel()->IsCurrentLevel() ) { ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsBelongToCurrentLevel = false; } } if( ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsBelongToSameWorld ) { if ( !ActorInfo.SharedWorld ) { ActorInfo.SharedWorld = CurrentActor->GetWorld(); check(ActorInfo.SharedWorld); } else { if( ActorInfo.SharedWorld != CurrentActor->GetWorld() ) { ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsBelongToCurrentLevel = false; ActorInfo.SharedWorld = NULL; } } } // To prevent move to other level for Landscape if its components are distributed in streaming levels if (CurrentActor->IsA(ALandscape::StaticClass())) { ALandscape* Landscape = CastChecked<ALandscape>(CurrentActor); if (!Landscape || !Landscape->HasAllComponent()) { if( !ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsBelongToCurrentLevel ) { ActorInfo.bAllSelectedActorsBelongToCurrentLevel = true; } } } if ( ActorInfo.bSelectedActorsBelongToSameLevel ) { ULevel* ActorLevel = CurrentActor->GetOuter()->IsA(ULevel::StaticClass()) ? CurrentActor->GetLevel() : NULL; if ( !ActorInfo.SharedLevel ) { // This is the first selected actor we've encountered.//.........这里部分代码省略.........
示例13: PrivateAddActor/*** Creates an actor using the specified factory. ** Does nothing if ActorClass is NULL.*/static AActor* PrivateAddActor( UObject* Asset, UActorFactory* Factory, bool SelectActor = true, EObjectFlags ObjectFlags = RF_Transactional, const FName Name = NAME_None ){ if (!Factory) { return nullptr; } AActor* Actor = NULL; AActor* NewActorTemplate = Factory->GetDefaultActor( Asset ); if ( !NewActorTemplate ) { return nullptr; } // For Brushes/Volumes, use the default brush as the template rather than the factory default actor if (NewActorTemplate->IsA(ABrush::StaticClass()) && GWorld->GetDefaultBrush() != nullptr) { NewActorTemplate = GWorld->GetDefaultBrush(); } const FSnappedPositioningData PositioningData = FSnappedPositioningData(GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient, GEditor->ClickLocation, GEditor->ClickPlane) .UseFactory(Factory) .UseStartTransform(NewActorTemplate->GetTransform()) .UsePlacementExtent(NewActorTemplate->GetPlacementExtent()); const FTransform ActorTransform = FActorPositioning::GetSnappedSurfaceAlignedTransform(PositioningData); // Do not fade snapping indicators over time if the viewport is not realtime bool bClearImmediately = !GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient || !GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient->IsRealtime(); FSnappingUtils::ClearSnappingHelpers( bClearImmediately ); ULevel* DesiredLevel = GWorld->GetCurrentLevel(); // Don't spawn the actor if the current level is locked. if ( FLevelUtils::IsLevelLocked(DesiredLevel) ) { FNotificationInfo Info( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "Error_OperationDisallowedOnLockedLevel", "The requested operation could not be completed because the level is locked.") ); Info.ExpireDuration = 3.0f; FSlateNotificationManager::Get().AddNotification(Info); return nullptr; } { FScopedTransaction Transaction( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "CreateActor", "Create Actor") ); if ( !(ObjectFlags & RF_Transactional) ) { Transaction.Cancel(); } // Create the actor. Actor = Factory->CreateActor( Asset, DesiredLevel, ActorTransform, ObjectFlags, Name ); if(Actor) { if ( SelectActor ) { GEditor->SelectNone( false, true ); GEditor->SelectActor( Actor, true, true ); } Actor->InvalidateLightingCache(); Actor->PostEditChange(); } } GEditor->RedrawLevelEditingViewports(); if ( Actor ) { Actor->MarkPackageDirty(); ULevel::LevelDirtiedEvent.Broadcast(); } return Actor;}
示例14: NSLOCTEXTbool FMeshMergingTool::RunMerge(const FString& PackageName){ IMeshUtilities& MeshUtilities = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<IMeshUtilities>("MeshUtilities"); USelection* SelectedActors = GEditor->GetSelectedActors(); TArray<AActor*> Actors; TArray<ULevel*> UniqueLevels; for (FSelectionIterator Iter(*SelectedActors); Iter; ++Iter) { AActor* Actor = Cast<AActor>(*Iter); if (Actor) { Actors.Add(Actor); UniqueLevels.AddUnique(Actor->GetLevel()); } } // This restriction is only for replacement of selected actors with merged mesh actor if (UniqueLevels.Num() > 1 && bReplaceSourceActors) { FText Message = NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "FailedToMergeActorsSublevels_Msg", "The selected actors should be in the same level"); OpenMsgDlgInt(EAppMsgType::Ok, Message, NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "FailedToMergeActors_Title", "Unable to merge actors")); return false; } int32 TargetMeshLOD = bExportSpecificLOD ? ExportLODIndex : INDEX_NONE; FVector MergedActorLocation; TArray<UObject*> AssetsToSync; // Merge... { FScopedSlowTask SlowTask(0, LOCTEXT("MergingActorsSlowTask", "Merging actors...")); SlowTask.MakeDialog(); MeshUtilities.MergeActors(Actors, MergingSettings, NULL, PackageName, TargetMeshLOD, AssetsToSync, MergedActorLocation); } if (AssetsToSync.Num()) { FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistry = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>("AssetRegistry"); int32 AssetCount = AssetsToSync.Num(); for (int32 AssetIndex = 0; AssetIndex < AssetCount; AssetIndex++) { AssetRegistry.AssetCreated(AssetsToSync[AssetIndex]); GEditor->BroadcastObjectReimported(AssetsToSync[AssetIndex]); } //Also notify the content browser that the new assets exists FContentBrowserModule& ContentBrowserModule = FModuleManager::Get().LoadModuleChecked<FContentBrowserModule>("ContentBrowser"); ContentBrowserModule.Get().SyncBrowserToAssets(AssetsToSync, true); // Place new mesh in the world if (bReplaceSourceActors) { UStaticMesh* MergedMesh = nullptr; if (AssetsToSync.FindItemByClass(&MergedMesh)) { const FScopedTransaction Transaction(LOCTEXT("PlaceMergedActor", "Place Merged Actor")); UniqueLevels[0]->Modify(); UWorld* World = UniqueLevels[0]->OwningWorld; FActorSpawnParameters Params; Params.OverrideLevel = UniqueLevels[0]; FRotator MergedActorRotation(ForceInit); AStaticMeshActor* MergedActor = World->SpawnActor<AStaticMeshActor>(MergedActorLocation, MergedActorRotation, Params); MergedActor->GetStaticMeshComponent()->StaticMesh = MergedMesh; MergedActor->SetActorLabel(AssetsToSync[0]->GetName()); // Remove source actors for (AActor* Actor : Actors) { Actor->Destroy(); } } } } return true;}
示例15: sizeofvoid UDemoNetDriver::TickDemoRecord( float DeltaSeconds ){ if ( ClientConnections.Num() == 0 ) { return; } if ( FileAr == NULL ) { return; } DemoDeltaTime += DeltaSeconds; DemoCurrentTime += DeltaSeconds; const double CurrentSeconds = FPlatformTime::Seconds(); const double RECORD_HZ = CVarDemoRecordHz.GetValueOnGameThread(); const double RECORD_DELAY = 1.0 / RECORD_HZ; if ( CurrentSeconds - LastRecordTime < RECORD_DELAY ) { return; // Not enough real-time has passed to record another frame } LastRecordTime = CurrentSeconds; // Save out a frame DemoFrameNum++; ReplicationFrame++; // Save elapsed game time for this frame *FileAr << DemoDeltaTime;#if DEMO_CHECKSUMS == 1 uint32 DeltaTimeChecksum = FCrc::MemCrc32( &DemoDeltaTime, sizeof( DemoDeltaTime ), 0 ); *FileAr << DeltaTimeChecksum;#endif DemoDeltaTime = 0; // Make sure we don't have anything in the buffer for this new frame check( ClientConnections[0]->SendBuffer.GetNumBits() == 0 ); bIsRecordingDemoFrame = true; // Dump any queued packets UDemoNetConnection * ClientDemoConnection = CastChecked< UDemoNetConnection >( ClientConnections[0] ); for ( int32 i = 0; i < ClientDemoConnection->QueuedDemoPackets.Num(); i++ ) { ClientDemoConnection->LowLevelSend( (char*)&ClientDemoConnection->QueuedDemoPackets[i].Data[0], ClientDemoConnection->QueuedDemoPackets[i].Data.Num() ); } ClientDemoConnection->QueuedDemoPackets.Empty(); const bool IsNetClient = ( GetWorld()->GetNetDriver() != NULL && GetWorld()->GetNetDriver()->GetNetMode() == NM_Client ); DemoReplicateActor( World->GetWorldSettings(), ClientConnections[0], IsNetClient ); for ( int32 i = 0; i < World->NetworkActors.Num(); i++ ) { AActor* Actor = World->NetworkActors[i]; Actor->PreReplication( *FindOrCreateRepChangedPropertyTracker( Actor ).Get() ); DemoReplicateActor( Actor, ClientConnections[0], IsNetClient ); } // Make sure nothing is left over ClientConnections[0]->FlushNet(); check( ClientConnections[0]->SendBuffer.GetNumBits() == 0 ); bIsRecordingDemoFrame = false; // Write a count of 0 to signal the end of the frame int32 EndCount = 0; *FileAr << EndCount;}
示例16: HandleStart//.........这里部分代码省略......... // Properties from the sound class WaveInstance->SoundClass = ParseParams.SoundClass; if (ParseParams.SoundClass) { FSoundClassProperties* SoundClassProperties = AudioDevice->GetSoundClassCurrentProperties(ParseParams.SoundClass); // Use values from "parsed/ propagated" sound class properties WaveInstance->VolumeMultiplier *= SoundClassProperties->Volume; WaveInstance->Pitch *= SoundClassProperties->Pitch; //TODO: Add in HighFrequencyGainMultiplier property to sound classes WaveInstance->VoiceCenterChannelVolume = SoundClassProperties->VoiceCenterChannelVolume; WaveInstance->RadioFilterVolume = SoundClassProperties->RadioFilterVolume * ParseParams.VolumeMultiplier; WaveInstance->RadioFilterVolumeThreshold = SoundClassProperties->RadioFilterVolumeThreshold * ParseParams.VolumeMultiplier; WaveInstance->StereoBleed = SoundClassProperties->StereoBleed; WaveInstance->LFEBleed = SoundClassProperties->LFEBleed; WaveInstance->bIsUISound = ActiveSound.bIsUISound || SoundClassProperties->bIsUISound; WaveInstance->bIsMusic = ActiveSound.bIsMusic || SoundClassProperties->bIsMusic; WaveInstance->bCenterChannelOnly = ActiveSound.bCenterChannelOnly || SoundClassProperties->bCenterChannelOnly; WaveInstance->bEQFilterApplied = ActiveSound.bEQFilterApplied || SoundClassProperties->bApplyEffects; WaveInstance->bReverb = ActiveSound.bReverb || SoundClassProperties->bReverb; WaveInstance->OutputTarget = SoundClassProperties->OutputTarget; bAlwaysPlay = ActiveSound.bAlwaysPlay || SoundClassProperties->bAlwaysPlay; } else { WaveInstance->VoiceCenterChannelVolume = 0.f; WaveInstance->RadioFilterVolume = 0.f; WaveInstance->RadioFilterVolumeThreshold = 0.f; WaveInstance->StereoBleed = 0.f; WaveInstance->LFEBleed = 0.f; WaveInstance->bEQFilterApplied = ActiveSound.bEQFilterApplied; WaveInstance->bIsUISound = ActiveSound.bIsUISound; WaveInstance->bIsMusic = ActiveSound.bIsMusic; WaveInstance->bReverb = ActiveSound.bReverb; WaveInstance->bCenterChannelOnly = ActiveSound.bCenterChannelOnly; bAlwaysPlay = ActiveSound.bAlwaysPlay; } WaveInstance->PlayPriority = WaveInstance->Volume + ( bAlwaysPlay ? 1.0f : 0.0f ) + WaveInstance->RadioFilterVolume; WaveInstance->Location = ParseParams.Transform.GetTranslation(); WaveInstance->bIsStarted = true; WaveInstance->bAlreadyNotifiedHook = false; WaveInstance->bUseSpatialization = ParseParams.bUseSpatialization; WaveInstance->SpatializationAlgorithm = ParseParams.SpatializationAlgorithm; WaveInstance->WaveData = this; WaveInstance->NotifyBufferFinishedHooks = ParseParams.NotifyBufferFinishedHooks; WaveInstance->LoopingMode = ((bLooping || ParseParams.bLooping) ? LOOP_Forever : LOOP_Never); if (AudioDevice->IsHRTFEnabledForAll() && ParseParams.SpatializationAlgorithm == SPATIALIZATION_Default) { WaveInstance->SpatializationAlgorithm = SPATIALIZATION_HRTF; } else { WaveInstance->SpatializationAlgorithm = ParseParams.SpatializationAlgorithm; } // Don't add wave instances that are not going to be played at this point. if( WaveInstance->PlayPriority > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER ) { WaveInstances.Add( WaveInstance ); } // We're still alive. ActiveSound.bFinished = false; // Sanity check if( NumChannels > 2 && WaveInstance->bUseSpatialization && !WaveInstance->bReportedSpatializationWarning) { static TSet<USoundWave*> ReportedSounds; if (!ReportedSounds.Contains(this)) { FString SoundWarningInfo = FString::Printf(TEXT("Spatialisation on stereo and multichannel sounds is not supported. SoundWave: %s"), *GetName()); if (ActiveSound.Sound != this) { SoundWarningInfo += FString::Printf(TEXT(" SoundCue: %s"), *ActiveSound.Sound->GetName()); } if (ActiveSound.AudioComponent.IsValid()) { // TODO - Audio Threading. This log would have to be a task back to game thread AActor* SoundOwner = ActiveSound.AudioComponent->GetOwner(); UE_LOG(LogAudio, Warning, TEXT( "%s Actor: %s AudioComponent: %s" ), *SoundWarningInfo, (SoundOwner ? *SoundOwner->GetName() : TEXT("None")), *ActiveSound.AudioComponent->GetName() ); } else { UE_LOG(LogAudio, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *SoundWarningInfo ); } ReportedSounds.Add(this); } WaveInstance->bReportedSpatializationWarning = true; } }}
示例17: GetBlueprint//.........这里部分代码省略......... RootNodes.Add(Node); } else { // Otherwise, if it's a root node, promote one of its children (if any) to take its place int32 PromoteIndex = FindPromotableChildNodeIndex(Node); if(PromoteIndex != INDEX_NONE) { // Remove it as a child node USCS_Node* ChildToPromote = Node->GetChildNodes()[PromoteIndex]; Node->RemoveChildNodeAt(PromoteIndex, false); // Insert it as a root node just before its prior parent node; this way if it switches back to a scene type it won't supplant the new root we've just created RootNodes.Insert(ChildToPromote, RootNodeIndex); // Append previous root node's children to the new root ChildToPromote->MoveChildNodes(Node); // Copy any previous external attachment info from the previous root node ChildToPromote->bIsParentComponentNative = Node->bIsParentComponentNative; ChildToPromote->ParentComponentOrVariableName = Node->ParentComponentOrVariableName; ChildToPromote->ParentComponentOwnerClassName = Node->ParentComponentOwnerClassName; } // Clear info for any previous external attachment if set if(Node->ParentComponentOrVariableName != NAME_None) { Node->bIsParentComponentNative = false; Node->ParentComponentOrVariableName = NAME_None; Node->ParentComponentOwnerClassName = NAME_None; } } } } }#endif // WITH_EDITOR // Fix up native/inherited parent attachments, in case anything has changed FixupRootNodeParentReferences(); // Ensure that we have a valid scene root ValidateSceneRootNodes(); // Reset non-native "root" scene component scale values, prior to the change in which // we began applying custom scale values to root components at construction time. This // way older, existing Blueprint actor instances won't start unexpectedly getting scaled. if(GetLinkerUE4Version() < VER_UE4_BLUEPRINT_USE_SCS_ROOTCOMPONENT_SCALE) { // Get the BlueprintGeneratedClass that owns the SCS UClass* BPGeneratedClass = GetOwnerClass(); if(BPGeneratedClass != nullptr) { // Get the Blueprint class default object AActor* CDO = Cast<AActor>(BPGeneratedClass->GetDefaultObject(false)); if(CDO != NULL) { // Check for a native root component USceneComponent* NativeRootComponent = CDO->GetRootComponent(); if(NativeRootComponent == nullptr) { // If no native root component exists, find the first non-native, non-parented SCS node with a // scene component template. This will be designated as the root component at construction time. for (USCS_Node* Node : RootNodes) { if(Node->ParentComponentOrVariableName == NAME_None) { // Note that we have to check for nullptr here, because it may be an ActorComponent type USceneComponent* SceneComponentTemplate = Cast<USceneComponent>(Node->ComponentTemplate); if(SceneComponentTemplate != nullptr && SceneComponentTemplate->RelativeScale3D != FVector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) { UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Warning, TEXT("%s: Found non-native root component custom scale for %s (%s) saved prior to being usable; reverting to default scale."), *BPGeneratedClass->GetName(), *Node->GetVariableName().ToString(), *SceneComponentTemplate->RelativeScale3D.ToString()); SceneComponentTemplate->RelativeScale3D = FVector(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } // Done - no need to fix up any other nodes. break; } } } } } } if (GetLinkerUE4Version() < VER_UE4_SCS_STORES_ALLNODES_ARRAY) { // Fill out AllNodes if this is an older object if (RootNodes.Num() > 0) { AllNodes.Reset(); for (USCS_Node* RootNode : RootNodes) { if (RootNode != nullptr) { AllNodes.Append(RootNode->GetAllNodes()); } } } }}
示例18: SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTERAActor* UWorld::SpawnActor( UClass* Class, FTransform const* Transform, const FActorSpawnParameters& SpawnParameters ){ SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(STAT_SpawnActorTime); check( CurrentLevel ); check(GIsEditor || (CurrentLevel == PersistentLevel)); // Make sure this class is spawnable. if( !Class ) { UE_LOG(LogSpawn, Warning, TEXT("SpawnActor failed because no class was specified") ); return NULL; } if( Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Deprecated) ) { UE_LOG(LogSpawn, Warning, TEXT("SpawnActor failed because class %s is deprecated"), *Class->GetName() ); return NULL; } if( Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract) ) { UE_LOG(LogSpawn, Warning, TEXT("SpawnActor failed because class %s is abstract"), *Class->GetName() ); return NULL; } else if( !Class->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()) ) { UE_LOG(LogSpawn, Warning, TEXT("SpawnActor failed because %s is not an actor class"), *Class->GetName() ); return NULL; } else if (SpawnParameters.Template != NULL && SpawnParameters.Template->GetClass() != Class) { UE_LOG(LogSpawn, Warning, TEXT("SpawnActor failed because template class (%s) does not match spawn class (%s)"), *SpawnParameters.Template->GetClass()->GetName(), *Class->GetName()); if (!SpawnParameters.bNoFail) { return NULL; } } else if (bIsRunningConstructionScript && !SpawnParameters.bAllowDuringConstructionScript) { UE_LOG(LogSpawn, Warning, TEXT("SpawnActor failed because we are running a ConstructionScript (%s)"), *Class->GetName() ); return NULL; } else if (bIsTearingDown) { UE_LOG(LogSpawn, Warning, TEXT("SpawnActor failed because we are in the process of tearing down the world")); return NULL; } else if (Transform && Transform->ContainsNaN()) { UE_LOG(LogSpawn, Warning, TEXT("SpawnActor failed because the given transform (%s) is invalid"), *Transform->ToString()); return NULL; } ULevel* LevelToSpawnIn = SpawnParameters.OverrideLevel; if (LevelToSpawnIn == NULL) { // Spawn in the same level as the owner if we have one. @warning: this relies on the outer of an actor being the level. LevelToSpawnIn = (SpawnParameters.Owner != NULL) ? CastChecked<ULevel>(SpawnParameters.Owner->GetOuter()) : CurrentLevel; } FName NewActorName = SpawnParameters.Name; AActor* Template = SpawnParameters.Template; // Use class's default actor as a template. if( !Template ) { Template = Class->GetDefaultObject<AActor>(); } else if (NewActorName.IsNone() && !Template->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject)) { NewActorName = MakeUniqueObjectName(LevelToSpawnIn, Template->GetClass(), *Template->GetFName().GetPlainNameString()); } check(Template!=NULL); // See if we can spawn on ded.server/client only etc (check NeedsLoadForClient & NeedsLoadForServer) if(!CanCreateInCurrentContext(Template)) { UE_LOG(LogSpawn, Warning, TEXT("Unable to spawn class '%s' due to client/server context."), *Class->GetName() ); return NULL; } FVector NewLocation = Transform ? Transform->GetLocation() : (Template->GetRootComponent() ? Template->GetRootComponent()->RelativeLocation : FVector::ZeroVector); FRotator NewRotation = Transform ? Transform->GetRotation().Rotator() : (Template->GetRootComponent() ? Template->GetRootComponent()->RelativeRotation : FRotator::ZeroRotator); FVector NewScale = Transform ? Transform->GetScale3D() : (Template->GetRootComponent() ? Template->GetRootComponent()->RelativeScale3D : FVector(1.f) ); PRAGMA_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS; // handle existing (but deprecated) uses of bNoCollisionFail where user set it to true ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod CollisionHandlingOverride = SpawnParameters.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride; if ((CollisionHandlingOverride == ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::Undefined) && SpawnParameters.bNoCollisionFail) { CollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn; } PRAGMA_ENABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS; // "no fail" take preedence over collision handling settings that include fails if (SpawnParameters.bNoFail) { // maybe upgrade to disallow fail if (CollisionHandlingOverride == ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AdjustIfPossibleButDontSpawnIfColliding) { CollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AdjustIfPossibleButAlwaysSpawn; } else if (CollisionHandlingOverride == ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::DontSpawnIfColliding)//.........这里部分代码省略.........
示例19: GetOwnerClassvoid USimpleConstructionScript::FixupRootNodeParentReferences(){ // Get the BlueprintGeneratedClass that owns the SCS UClass* BPGeneratedClass = GetOwnerClass(); if(BPGeneratedClass == NULL) { UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Warning, TEXT("USimpleConstructionScript::FixupRootNodeParentReferences() - owner class is NULL; skipping.")); // cannot do the rest of fixup without a BPGC return; } for (int32 NodeIndex=0; NodeIndex < RootNodes.Num(); ++NodeIndex) { // If this root node is parented to a native/inherited component template USCS_Node* RootNode = RootNodes[NodeIndex]; if(RootNode->ParentComponentOrVariableName != NAME_None) { bool bWasFound = false; // If the node is parented to a native component if(RootNode->bIsParentComponentNative) { // Get the Blueprint class default object AActor* CDO = Cast<AActor>(BPGeneratedClass->GetDefaultObject(false)); if(CDO != NULL) { // Look for the parent component in the CDO's components array TInlineComponentArray<UActorComponent*> Components; CDO->GetComponents(Components); for (auto CompIter = Components.CreateConstIterator(); CompIter && !bWasFound; ++CompIter) { UActorComponent* ComponentTemplate = *CompIter; bWasFound = ComponentTemplate->GetFName() == RootNode->ParentComponentOrVariableName; } } else { // SCS and BGClass depends on each other (while their construction). // Class is not ready, so one have to break the dependency circle. continue; } } // Otherwise the node is parented to an inherited SCS node from a parent Blueprint else { // Get the Blueprint hierarchy TArray<const UBlueprintGeneratedClass*> ParentBPClassStack; const bool bErrorFree = UBlueprintGeneratedClass::GetGeneratedClassesHierarchy(BPGeneratedClass, ParentBPClassStack); // Find the parent Blueprint in the hierarchy for(int32 StackIndex = ParentBPClassStack.Num() - 1; StackIndex > 0; --StackIndex) { const UBlueprintGeneratedClass* ParentClass = ParentBPClassStack[StackIndex]; if( ParentClass != NULL && ParentClass->SimpleConstructionScript != NULL && ParentClass->GetFName() == RootNode->ParentComponentOwnerClassName) { // Attempt to locate a match by searching all the nodes that belong to the parent Blueprint's SCS for (USCS_Node* ParentNode : ParentClass->SimpleConstructionScript->GetAllNodes()) { if (ParentNode != nullptr && ParentNode->VariableName == RootNode->ParentComponentOrVariableName) { bWasFound = true; break; } } // We found a match; no need to continue searching the hierarchy break; } } } // Clear parent info if we couldn't find the parent component instance if(!bWasFound) { UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Warning, TEXT("USimpleConstructionScript::FixupRootNodeParentReferences() - Couldn't find %s parent component '%s' for '%s' in BlueprintGeneratedClass '%s' (it may have been removed)"), RootNode->bIsParentComponentNative ? TEXT("native") : TEXT("inherited"), *RootNode->ParentComponentOrVariableName.ToString(), *RootNode->GetVariableName().ToString(), *BPGeneratedClass->GetName()); RootNode->bIsParentComponentNative = false; RootNode->ParentComponentOrVariableName = NAME_None; RootNode->ParentComponentOwnerClassName = NAME_None; } } } // call this after we do the above ParentComponentOrVariableName fixup, // because this operates differently for root nodes that have their // ParentComponentOrVariableName field cleared // // repairs invalid scene hierarchies (like when this Blueprint has been // reparented and there is no longer an inherited scene root... meaning one // of the scene component nodes here needs to be promoted) FixupSceneNodeHierarchy();}
示例20: TestNotNull/** * Perform some collision sweep tests. Creates a given shape mesh and checks collision normal against a collision shape type. * Data for tests is in the [/Script/UnrealEd.CollisionAutomationTestConfigData] section of BaseEditor.ini * * @param Parameters - Unused for this test * @return TRUE if the test was successful, FALSE otherwise */bool FComponentSweepMultiTest::RunTest(const FString& Parameters){ CollisionAutomationTests::TestBase = this; // Create map UWorld* World = AutomationEditorCommonUtils::CreateNewMap(); TestNotNull( TEXT("Failed to create world for Physics.Collision.Ray Test. Tests aborted."), World ); static FName TraceIdent = FName(TEXT("TestTrace")); FVector StartPos; FVector EndPos; ECollisionChannel Channel = ECC_WorldStatic; UCollisionAutomationTestConfigData* Data = UCollisionAutomationTestConfigData::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UCollisionAutomationTestConfigData>(); // Get the tests for (int32 iTest = 0; iTest < Data->ComponentSweepMultiTests.Num(); iTest++) { FCollisionTestEntry OneElement = Data->ComponentSweepMultiTests[iTest]; // Create the Actor to check against AStaticMeshActor* TestRayMeshActor = CollisionAutomationTests::CreateShapeMeshActor( *OneElement.RootShapeAsset, OneElement.HitResult.TraceEnd); // Create the collision component AActor* TestRayCollisionActor = CollisionAutomationTests::CreateCollisionShape( World, OneElement.ShapeType, OneElement.HitResult.TraceStart); if ((TestRayMeshActor != nullptr) && (TestRayCollisionActor != nullptr)) { // Set the collision profile and enable collision and physics TestRayMeshActor->GetStaticMeshComponent()->BodyInstance.SetCollisionProfileName(TEXT("BlockAll")); TestRayMeshActor->SetActorEnableCollision(true); TestRayMeshActor->GetStaticMeshComponent()->BodyInstance.bSimulatePhysics = true; UShapeComponent* CollisionComponent = Cast<UShapeComponent>(TestRayCollisionActor->GetRootComponent()); TestRayCollisionActor->SetActorEnableCollision(true); if( CollisionComponent != nullptr ) { CollisionComponent->SetCollisionProfileName(TEXT("BlockAll")); CollisionComponent->SetSimulatePhysics(true); } // Setup positions StartPos = TestRayCollisionActor->GetActorLocation(); EndPos = TestRayMeshActor->GetActorLocation(); // Setup the query FComponentQueryParams ShapeQueryParameters(TraceIdent, nullptr); ShapeQueryParameters.bTraceComplex = true; ShapeQueryParameters.bTraceAsyncScene = true; // Perform test TArray<FHitResult> OutHits; bool WasBlocked = World->ComponentSweepMulti(OutHits, CollisionComponent, StartPos, EndPos, FRotator::ZeroRotator, ShapeQueryParameters); bool BlockedBySpecified = false; if (WasBlocked == true) { for (int32 iHits = 0; iHits < OutHits.Num(); iHits++) { AActor* EachActor = OutHits[iHits].GetActor(); if (EachActor == TestRayMeshActor) { BlockedBySpecified = true; // This generates a snippet you can copy/paste into the ini file for test validation //UE_LOG(CollisionAutomationTestLog, Log, TEXT("%d:HitResult=(%s)"), iTest+1, *(CollisionAutomationTests::HitToString(OutHits[iHits]))); CollisionAutomationTests::CheckVector( OutHits[iHits].ImpactNormal, OneElement.HitResult.ImpactNormal, TEXT("ComponentSweepMulti"), TEXT("ImpactNormal"), iTest ); CollisionAutomationTests::CheckVector( OutHits[iHits].Normal, OneElement.HitResult.Normal, TEXT("ComponentSweepMulti"), TEXT("Normal"), iTest ); CollisionAutomationTests::CheckVector( OutHits[iHits].ImpactPoint, OneElement.HitResult.ImpactPoint, TEXT("ComponentSweepMulti"), TEXT("ImpactPoint"), iTest ); CollisionAutomationTests::CheckFloat( OutHits[iHits].Time, OneElement.HitResult.Time, TEXT("ComponentSweepMulti"), TEXT("Time"), iTest ); } } } TestTrue(FString::Printf(TEXT("Test %d:ComponentSweepMulti from %s to %s failed. Should return blocking hit"), iTest+1, *TestRayMeshActor->GetName(), *TestRayCollisionActor->GetName()), BlockedBySpecified); } // Remove the actors TestRayMeshActor->Destroy(); TestRayCollisionActor->Destroy(); } return true;}
示例21: FNamefloat UAISense_Sight::Update(){ static const FName NAME_AILineOfSight = FName(TEXT("AILineOfSight")); SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(STAT_AI_Sense_Sight); const UWorld* World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(GetPerceptionSystem()->GetOuter()); if (World == NULL) { return SuspendNextUpdate; } int32 TracesCount = 0; static const int32 InitialInvalidItemsSize = 16; TArray<int32> InvalidQueries; TArray<FAISightTarget::FTargetId> InvalidTargets; InvalidQueries.Reserve(InitialInvalidItemsSize); InvalidTargets.Reserve(InitialInvalidItemsSize); AIPerception::FListenerMap& ListenersMap = *GetListeners(); FAISightQuery* SightQuery = SightQueryQueue.GetData(); for (int32 QueryIndex = 0; QueryIndex < SightQueryQueue.Num(); ++QueryIndex, ++SightQuery) { if (TracesCount < MaxTracesPerTick) { FPerceptionListener& Listener = ListenersMap[SightQuery->ObserverId]; ensure(Listener.Listener.IsValid()); FAISightTarget& Target = ObservedTargets[SightQuery->TargetId]; const bool bTargetValid = Target.Target.IsValid(); const bool bListenerValid = Listener.Listener.IsValid(); // @todo figure out what should we do if not valid if (bTargetValid && bListenerValid) { AActor* TargetActor = Target.Target.Get(); const FVector TargetLocation = TargetActor->GetActorLocation(); const FDigestedSightProperties& PropDigest = DigestedProperties[SightQuery->ObserverId]; const float SightRadiusSq = SightQuery->bLastResult ? PropDigest.LoseSightRadiusSq : PropDigest.SightRadiusSq; if (CheckIsTargetInSightPie(Listener, PropDigest, TargetLocation, SightRadiusSq)) {// UE_VLOG_SEGMENT(Listener.Listener.Get()->GetOwner(), Listener.CachedLocation, TargetLocation, FColor::Green, TEXT("%s"), *(Target.TargetId.ToString())); FVector OutSeenLocation(0.f); // do line checks if (Target.SightTargetInterface != NULL) { int32 NumberOfLoSChecksPerformed = 0; if (Target.SightTargetInterface->CanBeSeenFrom(Listener.CachedLocation, OutSeenLocation, NumberOfLoSChecksPerformed, Listener.Listener->GetBodyActor()) == true) { Listener.RegisterStimulus(TargetActor, FAIStimulus(*this, 1.f, OutSeenLocation, Listener.CachedLocation)); SightQuery->bLastResult = true; } else {// UE_VLOG_LOCATION(Listener.Listener.Get()->GetOwner(), TargetLocation, 25.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("")); Listener.RegisterStimulus(TargetActor, FAIStimulus(*this, 0.f, TargetLocation, Listener.CachedLocation, FAIStimulus::SensingFailed)); SightQuery->bLastResult = false; } TracesCount += NumberOfLoSChecksPerformed; } else { // we need to do tests ourselves /*const bool bHit = World->LineTraceTest(Listener.CachedLocation, TargetLocation , FCollisionQueryParams(NAME_AILineOfSight, true, Listener.Listener->GetBodyActor()) , FCollisionObjectQueryParams(ECC_WorldStatic));*/ FHitResult HitResult; const bool bHit = World->LineTraceSingle(HitResult, Listener.CachedLocation, TargetLocation , FCollisionQueryParams(NAME_AILineOfSight, true, Listener.Listener->GetBodyActor()) , FCollisionObjectQueryParams(ECC_WorldStatic)); ++TracesCount; if (bHit == false || (HitResult.Actor.IsValid() && HitResult.Actor->IsOwnedBy(TargetActor))) { Listener.RegisterStimulus(TargetActor, FAIStimulus(*this, 1.f, TargetLocation, Listener.CachedLocation)); SightQuery->bLastResult = true; } else {// UE_VLOG_LOCATION(Listener.Listener.Get()->GetOwner(), TargetLocation, 25.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("")); Listener.RegisterStimulus(TargetActor, FAIStimulus(*this, 0.f, TargetLocation, Listener.CachedLocation, FAIStimulus::SensingFailed)); SightQuery->bLastResult = false; } } } else {// UE_VLOG_SEGMENT(Listener.Listener.Get()->GetOwner(), Listener.CachedLocation, TargetLocation, FColor::Red, TEXT("%s"), *(Target.TargetId.ToString())); Listener.RegisterStimulus(TargetActor, FAIStimulus(*this, 0.f, TargetLocation, Listener.CachedLocation, FAIStimulus::SensingFailed)); SightQuery->bLastResult = false; } SightQuery->Importance = CalcQueryImportance(Listener, TargetLocation, SightRadiusSq);//.........这里部分代码省略.........
示例22: DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTIONDEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AActor, A_LichAttack){ int i; AActor *fire; AActor *baseFire; AActor *mo; AActor *target; int randAttack; static const int atkResolve1[] = { 50, 150 }; static const int atkResolve2[] = { 150, 200 }; int dist; // Ice ball (close 20% : far 60%) // Fire column (close 40% : far 20%) // Whirlwind (close 40% : far 20%) // Distance threshold = 8 cells target = self->target; if (target == NULL) { return; } A_FaceTarget (self); if (self->CheckMeleeRange ()) { int damage = pr_atk.HitDice (6); P_DamageMobj (target, self, self, damage, NAME_Melee); P_TraceBleed (damage, target, self); return; } dist = P_AproxDistance (self->x-target->x, self->y-target->y) > 8*64*FRACUNIT; randAttack = pr_atk (); if (randAttack < atkResolve1[dist]) { // Ice ball P_SpawnMissile (self, target, PClass::FindClass("HeadFX1")); S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "ironlich/attack2", 1, ATTN_NORM); } else if (randAttack < atkResolve2[dist]) { // Fire column baseFire = P_SpawnMissile (self, target, PClass::FindClass("HeadFX3")); if (baseFire != NULL) { baseFire->SetState (baseFire->FindState("NoGrow")); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { fire = Spawn("HeadFX3", baseFire->x, baseFire->y, baseFire->z, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (i == 0) { S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "ironlich/attack1", 1, ATTN_NORM); } fire->target = baseFire->target; fire->angle = baseFire->angle; fire->velx = baseFire->velx; fire->vely = baseFire->vely; fire->velz = baseFire->velz; fire->Damage = 0; fire->health = (i+1) * 2; P_CheckMissileSpawn (fire); } } } else { // Whirlwind mo = P_SpawnMissile (self, target, RUNTIME_CLASS(AWhirlwind)); if (mo != NULL) { mo->z -= 32*FRACUNIT; mo->tracer = target; mo->special1 = 60; mo->special2 = 50; // Timer for active sound mo->health = 20*TICRATE; // Duration S_Sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "ironlich/attack3", 1, ATTN_NORM); } }}
示例23: PostBeginPlay // The second half of random spawning. Now that the spawner is initialized, the // real actor can be created. If the following code were in BeginPlay instead, // missiles would not have yet obtained certain information that is absolutely // necessary to them -- such as their source and destination. void PostBeginPlay() { AActor * newmobj = NULL; bool boss = false; Super::PostBeginPlay(); if (Species == NAME_None) { Destroy(); return; } const PClass * cls = PClass::FindClass(Species); if (this->flags & MF_MISSILE && target && target->target) // Attempting to spawn a missile. { if ((tracer == NULL) && (flags2 & MF2_SEEKERMISSILE)) tracer = target->target; newmobj = P_SpawnMissileXYZ(Pos(), target, target->target, cls, false); } else newmobj = Spawn(cls, Pos(), NO_REPLACE); if (newmobj != NULL) { // copy everything relevant newmobj->SpawnAngle = newmobj->angle = angle; newmobj->SpawnPoint[2] = SpawnPoint[2]; newmobj->special = special; newmobj->args[0] = args[0]; newmobj->args[1] = args[1]; newmobj->args[2] = args[2]; newmobj->args[3] = args[3]; newmobj->args[4] = args[4]; newmobj->special1 = special1; newmobj->special2 = special2; newmobj->SpawnFlags = SpawnFlags & ~MTF_SECRET; // MTF_SECRET needs special treatment to avoid incrementing the secret counter twice. It had already been processed for the spawner itself. newmobj->HandleSpawnFlags(); newmobj->SpawnFlags = SpawnFlags; newmobj->tid = tid; newmobj->AddToHash(); newmobj->velx = velx; newmobj->vely = vely; newmobj->velz = velz; newmobj->master = master; // For things such as DamageMaster/DamageChildren, transfer mastery. newmobj->target = target; newmobj->tracer = tracer; newmobj->CopyFriendliness(this, false); // This handles things such as projectiles with the MF4_SPECTRAL flag that have // a health set to -2 after spawning, for internal reasons. if (health != SpawnHealth()) newmobj->health = health; if (!(flags & MF_DROPPED)) newmobj->flags &= ~MF_DROPPED; // Handle special altitude flags if (newmobj->flags & MF_SPAWNCEILING) { newmobj->SetZ(newmobj->ceilingz - newmobj->height - SpawnPoint[2]); } else if (newmobj->flags2 & MF2_SPAWNFLOAT) { fixed_t space = newmobj->ceilingz - newmobj->height - newmobj->floorz; if (space > 48*FRACUNIT) { space -= 40*FRACUNIT; newmobj->SetZ(MulScale8 (space, pr_randomspawn()) + newmobj->floorz + 40*FRACUNIT); } newmobj->AddZ(SpawnPoint[2]); } if (newmobj->flags & MF_MISSILE) P_CheckMissileSpawn(newmobj, 0); // Bouncecount is used to count how many recursions we're in. if (newmobj->IsKindOf(PClass::FindClass("RandomSpawner"))) newmobj->bouncecount = ++bouncecount; // If the spawned actor has either of those flags, it's a boss. if ((newmobj->flags4 & MF4_BOSSDEATH) || (newmobj->flags2 & MF2_BOSS)) boss = true; // If a replaced actor has either of those same flags, it's also a boss. AActor * rep = GetDefaultByType(GetClass()->ActorInfo->GetReplacee()->Class); if (rep && ((rep->flags4 & MF4_BOSSDEATH) || (rep->flags2 & MF2_BOSS))) boss = true; } if (boss) this->tracer = newmobj; else // "else" because a boss-replacing spawner must wait until it can call A_BossDeath. Destroy(); }
示例24: checkfvoid AActor::RerunConstructionScripts(){ checkf(!HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject), TEXT("RerunConstructionScripts should never be called on a CDO as it can mutate the transient data on the CDO which then propagates to instances!")); FEditorScriptExecutionGuard ScriptGuard; // don't allow (re)running construction scripts on dying actors bool bAllowReconstruction = !IsPendingKill() && !HasAnyFlags(RF_BeginDestroyed|RF_FinishDestroyed);#if WITH_EDITOR if(bAllowReconstruction && GIsEditor) { // Generate the blueprint hierarchy for this actor TArray<UBlueprint*> ParentBPStack; bAllowReconstruction = UBlueprint::GetBlueprintHierarchyFromClass(GetClass(), ParentBPStack); if(bAllowReconstruction) { for(int i = ParentBPStack.Num() - 1; i > 0 && bAllowReconstruction; --i) { const UBlueprint* ParentBP = ParentBPStack[i]; if(ParentBP && ParentBP->bBeingCompiled) { // don't allow (re)running construction scripts if a parent BP is being compiled bAllowReconstruction = false; } } } }#endif if(bAllowReconstruction) { // Set global flag to let system know we are reconstructing blueprint instances TGuardValue<bool> GuardTemplateNameFlag(GIsReconstructingBlueprintInstances, true); // Temporarily suspend the undo buffer; we don't need to record reconstructed component objects into the current transaction ITransaction* CurrentTransaction = GUndo; GUndo = NULL; // Create cache to store component data across rerunning construction scripts#if WITH_EDITOR FActorTransactionAnnotation* ActorTransactionAnnotation = CurrentTransactionAnnotation.Get();#endif FComponentInstanceDataCache* InstanceDataCache; FTransform OldTransform = FTransform::Identity; FName SocketName; AActor* Parent = NULL; USceneComponent* ParentComponent = NULL; bool bUseRootComponentProperties = true; // Struct to store info about attached actors struct FAttachedActorInfo { AActor* AttachedActor; FName AttachedToSocket; bool bSetRelativeTransform; FTransform RelativeTransform; }; // Save info about attached actors TArray<FAttachedActorInfo> AttachedActorInfos;#if WITH_EDITOR if (ActorTransactionAnnotation) { InstanceDataCache = &ActorTransactionAnnotation->ComponentInstanceData; if (ActorTransactionAnnotation->bRootComponentDataCached) { OldTransform = ActorTransactionAnnotation->RootComponentData.Transform; Parent = ActorTransactionAnnotation->RootComponentData.AttachedParentInfo.Actor.Get(); if (Parent) { USceneComponent* AttachParent = ActorTransactionAnnotation->RootComponentData.AttachedParentInfo.AttachParent.Get(); ParentComponent = (AttachParent ? AttachParent : FindObjectFast<USceneComponent>(Parent, ActorTransactionAnnotation->RootComponentData.AttachedParentInfo.AttachParentName)); SocketName = ActorTransactionAnnotation->RootComponentData.AttachedParentInfo.SocketName; DetachRootComponentFromParent(); } for (const auto& CachedAttachInfo : ActorTransactionAnnotation->RootComponentData.AttachedToInfo) { AActor* AttachedActor = CachedAttachInfo.Actor.Get(); if (AttachedActor) { FAttachedActorInfo Info; Info.AttachedActor = AttachedActor; Info.AttachedToSocket = CachedAttachInfo.SocketName; Info.bSetRelativeTransform = true; Info.RelativeTransform = CachedAttachInfo.RelativeTransform; AttachedActorInfos.Add(Info); AttachedActor->DetachRootComponentFromParent(); } } bUseRootComponentProperties = false; } } else#endif {//.........这里部分代码省略.........
示例25: GLevelEditorModeToolsvoid UUnrealEdEngine::SetPivot( FVector NewPivot, bool bSnapPivotToGrid, bool bIgnoreAxis, bool bAssignPivot/*=false*/ ){ FEditorModeTools& EditorModeTools = GLevelEditorModeTools(); if( !bIgnoreAxis ) { // Don't stomp on orthonormal axis. if( NewPivot.X==0 ) NewPivot.X=EditorModeTools.PivotLocation.X; if( NewPivot.Y==0 ) NewPivot.Y=EditorModeTools.PivotLocation.Y; if( NewPivot.Z==0 ) NewPivot.Z=EditorModeTools.PivotLocation.Z; } // Set the pivot. //EditorModeTools.CachedLocation = NewPivot; // Don't set the cached location, this is our pre-move point EditorModeTools.PivotLocation = NewPivot; EditorModeTools.SnappedLocation = NewPivot; EditorModeTools.GridBase = FVector::ZeroVector; if( bSnapPivotToGrid ) { FRotator DummyRotator(0,0,0); FSnappingUtils::SnapToBSPVertex( EditorModeTools.SnappedLocation, EditorModeTools.GridBase, DummyRotator ); EditorModeTools.PivotLocation = EditorModeTools.SnappedLocation; } // Check all actors. int32 Count=0, SnapCount=0; //default to using the x axis for the translate rotate widget EditorModeTools.TranslateRotateXAxisAngle = 0.0f; EditorModeTools.TranslateRotate2DAngle = 0.0f; FVector TranslateRotateWidgetWorldXAxis; FVector Widget2DWorldXAxis; AActor* LastSelectedActor = NULL; for ( FSelectionIterator It( GetSelectedActorIterator() ) ; It ; ++It ) { AActor* Actor = static_cast<AActor*>( *It ); checkSlow( Actor->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()) ); if (Count==0) { TranslateRotateWidgetWorldXAxis = Actor->ActorToWorld().TransformVector(FVector(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); //get the xy plane project of this vector TranslateRotateWidgetWorldXAxis.Z = 0.0f; if (!TranslateRotateWidgetWorldXAxis.Normalize()) { TranslateRotateWidgetWorldXAxis = FVector(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } Widget2DWorldXAxis = Actor->ActorToWorld().TransformVector(FVector(1, 0, 0)); Widget2DWorldXAxis.Y = 0; if (!Widget2DWorldXAxis.Normalize()) { Widget2DWorldXAxis = FVector(1, 0, 0); } } LastSelectedActor = Actor; ++Count; ++SnapCount; } if( bAssignPivot && LastSelectedActor && GEditor->bGroupingActive ) { // set group pivot for the root-most group AGroupActor* ActorGroupRoot = AGroupActor::GetRootForActor(LastSelectedActor, true, true); if(ActorGroupRoot) { ActorGroupRoot->SetActorLocation( EditorModeTools.PivotLocation, false ); } } //if there are multiple actors selected, just use the x-axis for the "translate/rotate" or 2D widgets if (Count == 1) { EditorModeTools.TranslateRotateXAxisAngle = TranslateRotateWidgetWorldXAxis.Rotation().Yaw; EditorModeTools.TranslateRotate2DAngle = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(FMath::Atan2(Widget2DWorldXAxis.Z, Widget2DWorldXAxis.X)); } // Update showing. EditorModeTools.PivotShown = SnapCount>0 || Count>1;}
示例26: UE_VLOGEBTNodeResult::Type UBTTask_MoveDirectlyToward::ExecuteTask(UBehaviorTreeComponent& OwnerComp, uint8* NodeMemory){ const UBlackboardComponent* MyBlackboard = OwnerComp.GetBlackboardComponent(); FBTMoveDirectlyTowardMemory* MyMemory = reinterpret_cast<FBTMoveDirectlyTowardMemory*>(NodeMemory); AAIController* MyController = OwnerComp.GetAIOwner(); EBTNodeResult::Type NodeResult = EBTNodeResult::Failed; if (MyController && MyBlackboard) { if (GET_AI_CONFIG_VAR(bEnableBTAITasks)) { UAITask_MoveTo* AIMoveTask = NewBTAITask<UAITask_MoveTo>(OwnerComp); if (AIMoveTask != nullptr) { bool bSetUp = false; if (BlackboardKey.SelectedKeyType == UBlackboardKeyType_Object::StaticClass()) { UObject* KeyValue = MyBlackboard->GetValue<UBlackboardKeyType_Object>(BlackboardKey.GetSelectedKeyID()); AActor* TargetActor = Cast<AActor>(KeyValue); if (TargetActor) { AIMoveTask->SetUp(MyController, FVector::ZeroVector, TargetActor, AcceptableRadius, /*bUsePathfinding=*/false, FAISystem::BoolToAIOption(bStopOnOverlap)); NodeResult = EBTNodeResult::InProgress; } else { UE_VLOG(MyController, LogBehaviorTree, Warning, TEXT("UBTTask_MoveDirectlyToward::ExecuteTask tried to go to actor while BB %s entry was empty"), *BlackboardKey.SelectedKeyName.ToString()); } } else if (BlackboardKey.SelectedKeyType == UBlackboardKeyType_Vector::StaticClass()) { const FVector TargetLocation = MyBlackboard->GetValue<UBlackboardKeyType_Vector>(BlackboardKey.GetSelectedKeyID()); AIMoveTask->SetUp(MyController, TargetLocation, nullptr, AcceptableRadius, /*bUsePathfinding=*/false, FAISystem::BoolToAIOption(bStopOnOverlap)); NodeResult = EBTNodeResult::InProgress; } if (NodeResult == EBTNodeResult::InProgress) { AIMoveTask->ReadyForActivation(); } } } else { EPathFollowingRequestResult::Type RequestResult = EPathFollowingRequestResult::Failed; if (BlackboardKey.SelectedKeyType == UBlackboardKeyType_Object::StaticClass()) { UObject* KeyValue = MyBlackboard->GetValue<UBlackboardKeyType_Object>(BlackboardKey.GetSelectedKeyID()); AActor* TargetActor = Cast<AActor>(KeyValue); if (TargetActor) { RequestResult = bDisablePathUpdateOnGoalLocationChange ? MyController->MoveToLocation(TargetActor->GetActorLocation(), AcceptableRadius, bStopOnOverlap, /*bUsePathfinding=*/false, /*bProjectDestinationToNavigation=*/bProjectVectorGoalToNavigation, bAllowStrafe) : MyController->MoveToActor(TargetActor, AcceptableRadius, bStopOnOverlap, /*bUsePathfinding=*/false, bAllowStrafe); } } else if (BlackboardKey.SelectedKeyType == UBlackboardKeyType_Vector::StaticClass()) { const FVector TargetLocation = MyBlackboard->GetValue<UBlackboardKeyType_Vector>(BlackboardKey.GetSelectedKeyID()); RequestResult = MyController->MoveToLocation(TargetLocation, AcceptableRadius, bStopOnOverlap, /*bUsePathfinding=*/false, /*bProjectDestinationToNavigation=*/bProjectVectorGoalToNavigation, bAllowStrafe); } if (RequestResult == EPathFollowingRequestResult::RequestSuccessful) { const FAIRequestID RequestID = MyController->GetCurrentMoveRequestID(); MyMemory->MoveRequestID = RequestID; WaitForMessage(OwnerComp, UBrainComponent::AIMessage_MoveFinished, RequestID); NodeResult = EBTNodeResult::InProgress; } else if (RequestResult == EPathFollowingRequestResult::AlreadyAtGoal) { NodeResult = EBTNodeResult::Succeeded; } } } return NodeResult;}
示例27: Transactionvoid UUnrealEdEngine::NoteActorMovement(){ if( !GUndo && !(GEditor->ClickFlags & CF_MOVE_ACTOR) ) { GEditor->ClickFlags |= CF_MOVE_ACTOR; const FScopedTransaction Transaction( NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "ActorMovement", "Actor Movement") ); GLevelEditorModeTools().Snapping=0; AActor* SelectedActor = NULL; for ( FSelectionIterator It( GetSelectedActorIterator() ) ; It ; ++It ) { AActor* Actor = static_cast<AActor*>( *It ); checkSlow( Actor->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()) ); SelectedActor = Actor; break; } if( SelectedActor == NULL ) { USelection* SelectedActors = GetSelectedActors(); SelectedActors->Modify(); SelectActor( GWorld->GetDefaultBrush(), true, true ); } // Look for an actor that requires snapping. for ( FSelectionIterator It( GetSelectedActorIterator() ) ; It ; ++It ) { AActor* Actor = static_cast<AActor*>( *It ); checkSlow( Actor->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()) ); GLevelEditorModeTools().Snapping = 1; break; } TSet<AGroupActor*> GroupActors; // Modify selected actors. for ( FSelectionIterator It( GetSelectedActorIterator() ) ; It ; ++It ) { AActor* Actor = static_cast<AActor*>( *It ); checkSlow( Actor->IsA(AActor::StaticClass()) ); Actor->Modify(); if (GEditor->bGroupingActive) { // if this actor is in a group, add the GroupActor into a list to be modified shortly AGroupActor* ActorLockedRootGroup = AGroupActor::GetRootForActor(Actor, true); if (ActorLockedRootGroup != nullptr) { GroupActors.Add(ActorLockedRootGroup); } } ABrush* Brush = Cast< ABrush >( Actor ); if ( Brush ) { if( Brush->Brush ) { Brush->Brush->Polys->Element.ModifyAllItems(); } } } // Modify unique group actors for (auto* GroupActor : GroupActors) { GroupActor->Modify(); } }}
示例28: P_SpawnMapThing//// P_SpawnMapThing// The fields of the mapthing should// already be in host byte order.//// [RH] position is used to weed out unwanted start spots//void P_SpawnMapThing (mapthing2_t *mthing, int position){ int i; int bit; AActor *mobj; fixed_t x, y, z; if (mthing->type == 0 || mthing->type == -1) return; // count deathmatch start positions if (mthing->type == 11 || ((mthing->type == 5080 || mthing->type == 5081 || mthing->type == 5082)) && !sv_teamspawns) { if (deathmatch_p == &deathmatchstarts[MaxDeathmatchStarts]) { // [RH] Get more deathmatchstarts int offset = MaxDeathmatchStarts; MaxDeathmatchStarts *= 2; deathmatchstarts = (mapthing2_t *)Realloc (deathmatchstarts, MaxDeathmatchStarts * sizeof(mapthing2_t)); deathmatch_p = &deathmatchstarts[offset]; } memcpy (deathmatch_p, mthing, sizeof(*mthing)); deathmatch_p++; return; } // [Toke - CTF - starts] CTF starts - count Blue team start positions if (mthing->type == 5080 && sv_teamspawns) { if (blueteam_p == &blueteamstarts[MaxBlueTeamStarts]) { int offset = MaxBlueTeamStarts; MaxBlueTeamStarts *= 2; blueteamstarts = (mapthing2_t *)Realloc (blueteamstarts, MaxBlueTeamStarts * sizeof(mapthing2_t)); blueteam_p = &blueteamstarts[offset]; } memcpy (blueteam_p, mthing, sizeof(*mthing)); blueteam_p++; return; } // [Toke - CTF - starts] CTF starts - count Red team start positions if (mthing->type == 5081 && sv_teamspawns) { if (redteam_p == &redteamstarts[MaxRedTeamStarts]) { int offset = MaxRedTeamStarts; MaxRedTeamStarts *= 2; redteamstarts = (mapthing2_t *)Realloc (redteamstarts, MaxRedTeamStarts * sizeof(mapthing2_t)); redteam_p = &redteamstarts[offset]; } memcpy (redteam_p, mthing, sizeof(*mthing)); redteam_p++; return; } // [RH] Record polyobject-related things if (HexenHack) { switch (mthing->type) { case PO_HEX_ANCHOR_TYPE: mthing->type = PO_ANCHOR_TYPE; break; case PO_HEX_SPAWN_TYPE: mthing->type = PO_SPAWN_TYPE; break; case PO_HEX_SPAWNCRUSH_TYPE: mthing->type = PO_SPAWNCRUSH_TYPE; break; } } if (mthing->type == PO_ANCHOR_TYPE || mthing->type == PO_SPAWN_TYPE || mthing->type == PO_SPAWNCRUSH_TYPE) { polyspawns_t *polyspawn = new polyspawns_t; polyspawn->next = polyspawns; polyspawn->x = mthing->x << FRACBITS; polyspawn->y = mthing->y << FRACBITS; polyspawn->angle = mthing->angle; polyspawn->type = mthing->type; polyspawns = polyspawn; if (mthing->type != PO_ANCHOR_TYPE) po_NumPolyobjs++; return; } // check for players specially if ((mthing->type <= 4 && mthing->type > 0) || (mthing->type >= 4001 && mthing->type <= 4001 + MAXPLAYERSTARTS - 4))//.........这里部分代码省略.........
注:本文中的AActor类示例整理自Github/MSDocs等源码及文档管理平台,相关代码片段筛选自各路编程大神贡献的开源项目,源码版权归原作者所有,传播和使用请参考对应项目的License;未经允许,请勿转载。 C++ AArch64FunctionInfo类代码示例 C++ AATPoint类代码示例 |