这篇教程C++ AI类代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。
本文整理汇总了C++中AI类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AI类的具体用法?C++ AI怎么用?C++ AI使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。 在下文中一共展示了AI类的30个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于我们的系统推荐出更棒的C++代码示例。 示例1: main// DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING {{{int main() { AI* instance = new AI(); int n, m, T, x, y; cin >> n >> m >> T >> x >> y; instance->init(n, m, T, x, y); cout << "READY" << endl; for(int turn = 1; turn <= T; ++ turn) { vector<string> S1; for(int i=0; i< n; ++i) { string buf; cin >> buf; S1.push_back(buf); } vector< vector<int> > S2; for(int i = 0; i < n; ++ i) { S2.push_back(vector<int>(m)); for(int j = 0; j < m; ++ j) { cin >> (S2.back()[j]); } } int ox, oy; cin >> ox >> oy; string act = instance->action(S1, S2, ox, oy); cout << act.c_str() << endl; } delete instance; return 0;}
示例2: rd//// This function generates a boss AI for the dungeon at specified coordinates.//// @Param x - x coordinate of the spawn point// @Param y - y coordinate of the spawn point//void AI_Group::SpawnBoss(int x, int y){ AI* ai; std::random_device rd; int sight, speed, type, health, ATK; int lv = dungeon->Get_DungeonLevel(); BossActive = true; type = rd() % 2; // Randomly pick either 0 or 1 (0 = Melee, 1 = Ranger) BossID = rd() % 99999 + 1; // Get random ID value (up to 5 digits) while (IDExists(BossID)) // Ensure the ID is unique BossID = rd() % 99999 + 1; sight = rd() % 3 + 3; // Sight ranges from 3 to 5 speed = rd() % 3 + 2; // Speed ranges from 2 to 4 health = rd() % 11 + 40 + (30 * (lv - 1)); // Health ranges from 40 to 50 (values get higher by 30 per level as dungeon level increases) ATK = rd() % 4 + 10 + (5 * (lv - 1)); // ATK ranges from 10 to 13 (values get higher by 5 per level as dungeon level increases) if (!type) ai = new AI(e_queue, boss_melee_sprite, BOSS_MELEE, sight, speed, health, ATK); else ai = new AI(e_queue, boss_ranger_sprite, BOSS_RANGER, sight, speed, health, ATK); ai->SetSpawn(*dungeon); ai->SetXPosition(x); ai->SetYPosition(y); group.insert(std::pair<int, AI*>(BossID, ai));}
示例3: mainint main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if(argc != 3 && argc != 2){ std::cerr << "<usage>: client ip [port]" << std::endl; return 1; } std::string message; std::string port = argc == 3 ? argv[2] : "12345"; IO client(argv[1], port); client.receive(message); srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(0)+message[0])); AI* ai = new AI(message[0]-'0'); client.send(ai->name() + '/n'); while (true) { client.receive(message); if (message == "game end") { break; } else if (message == "action") { const Operation& op = ai->makeDecision(); auto decision = boost::format("%d %d %d/n") % op.source.x % op.source.y % DIR_CHAR[op.direction]; client.send(decision.str()); } else { const int id = message[0]-'0'; const Point src(message[2]-'0', message[4]-'0'); const Point tar(message[6]-'0', message[8]-'0'); ai->update(id, src, tar); } }}
示例4: AIvoid Engine::do_turn( int allegiance ){ AI* ai = new AI( world ); Round* r = ai->create_round( allegiance ); create_controls( r ); delete ai; set_turn( 0 );}
示例5: AIvoid Map::CreateUnit(float x, float y, UNITTYPE utype, OWNER owner){ AI *ai = new AI(*this); Animation *animation = new Animation(m_conf); Unit *unit = new Unit(x, y, utype, owner, ai, animation); ai->SetOwner(unit); m_units.push_back(unit);}
示例6: mainint main( int argc, const char* argv[] ){ int motor_ports[8] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} Robot robot = new Robot(motor_ports); AI ai = new AI(robot); ai.winTheRace();}
示例7: printfvoid Game_private::runAI() { printf("Thread AI run/n"); mp_AI->RunAI(mp_chess); if (mp_AI->get_ans_tx()) { printf("电脑投降了/n"); gameWin(); return; } mp_chess->setOneData(mp_AI->get_ans_x(), mp_AI->get_ans_y(), 2); int judge_ans = mp_chess->judge(); if (judge_ans == 1) { gameWin(); return; } if (judge_ans == 2) { gameOver(); return; } mp_area->queue_draw(); mp_area->setCanUserclick(true);}
示例8: turnTest static void turnTest(){ AI ar = AI("Arun", 5); Deck inPlay; inPlay.initialize(); Table blds; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { ar.stockPile.push(inPlay.draw(blds.getOutofPlay())); } ar.takeTurn(inPlay, blds); }
示例9: mainint main(){ char ch; AI ai; while(ai.cget()) { while(scanf(" %c", &ch) != EOF && ai.doit(ch)); ai.cput(); } return 0;}
示例10: AIMainThread//================================================================================// Основная нить сервера//DWORD WINAPI AIMainThread(LPVOID Param){ AI* ai = (AI*)Param; while (true) { ai->Frame(); Sleep(10); } return 0;}
示例11: GameInitvoid NetworkManager::GameInit(){ if (m_player->GetType() == Ai) { AI* ai = (AI*) m_player; ai->PlayerInit(); } else { m_player->PlayerInit(); } }
示例12: moveAIvoid moveAI(){ if(myAI.win() == false) { if(myAI.block() == false) { myAI.random_move(); } }}
示例13: mainint main(int ac, char **av){ AI ai; if (!parse_args(ac, av, ai)) return (-1); if (!ai.connectToServer()) return (-1); ai.incPid(); if (!ai.getHeader()) return (-1); ai.actionLoop(); return (0);}
示例14: nearestEntity int AIScriptRelay::cpp_nearestEntityId(lua_State *lua, String type) { AI *nearest = nearestEntity(type); if (nearest) { mCurrentScript->addRecentAiReference(nearest); lua_pushnumber(lua, nearest->getHost()); return 1; } return 0; }
示例15: AIint AI::answerB(Board board){ AI* ai = new AI(board); ai->ininB(board); if (board.getThisTurn() < ai->startFinalRead) { return ai->basicRead->answer(ai->readNumber); } else { return ai->finalRead->answer(); } delete ai;}
示例16: display/* Callback handler for window re-paint event */void display() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear the color buffer glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // To operate on the model-view matrix glLoadIdentity(); // Reset model-view matrix paddleRight.move(); ball.draw(); paddleRight.draw(); paddleLeft.draw(); glutSwapBuffers(); // Swap front and back buffers (of double buffered mode) // Animation Control - compute the location for the next refresh ball.contactLeft(paddleLeft); ball.contactRight(paddleRight); ball.move(); ai.AIPaddleMove(ball); //ai2.AIPaddleMove(ball); if (ball.didRoundEnd() == 'R') { ++scoreRight; ball.resetBallPos(); } else if (ball.didRoundEnd() == 'L') { ++scoreLeft; ball.resetBallPos(); } else return;}
示例17: placevoid Board::get_move(bool is_2_player_game, AI &_AI,int cur_player){ Board cur_board_ = *this; if (is_2_player_game == false && cur_player == _AI._AI_player) place(_AI.get_move(cur_board_, cur_player,-(1<<30),(1<<30)).position, cur_player); else{ while (readMove(cur_player) == false); } return;}
示例18: cpp_nearestEntityId int AIScriptRelay::cpp_nearestEntityId(lua_State *lua) { String arg = mCurrentScript->getArgString(1); if (arg != "") return cpp_nearestEntityId(lua, arg); AI *nearest = nearestEntity(); if (nearest) { mCurrentScript->addRecentAiReference(nearest); lua_pushnumber(lua, nearest->getHost()); return 1; } return 0; }
示例19: ArtificialIntelligenceunsigned _stdcall ArtificialIntelligence(void *clc){ int kkl; while (1){ kkl = clock() - timeai; if (kkl >= 50){ timeai = clock(); EnterCriticalSection(®en); _AI.Update(kkl); LeaveCriticalSection(®en); } }}
示例20: mainint main(int argc, char** argv) { string input; cout << "Color type: Black or White" << endl; cin >> input; Board* Othello = new Board; Othello->SetSquare(); Player* player = Board::player; AI* ai = Board::ai; if(input.compare("Black") == 0) { player->setType(BLACK); ai->setType(WHITE); Othello->initializeBoard(argc, argv); } else if(input.compare("White") == 0) { player->setType(WHITE); ai->setType(BLACK); Othello->initializeBoard(argc, argv); } else { cout << "Invalid choice." << endl; }}
示例21: mainint main(int argc, char *argv[]){ srand(time(NULL)); cout << "Welcome to Battleship!/nYou will be placing your ships on the bottom half while the/ntop half keeps " << "up with your hits and misses" << endl << endl; Board board; AI ai; //setup game board.print(); board.setShips(); board.setCPUShips(); cout << endl; //play game QProcess::execute("clear"); while(board.getPHits() > 0 && ai.getCPUHits() > 0){ board.print(); board.chooseHitSpot(); ai.runAI(board); } return 0;}
示例22: mainint main(int nArgs, char* args[]) { if (nArgs < 2) { return 666; } string fileLoc = "player.data"; string board = args[1]; string team = args[2]; bool isRed = (team.compare("red") == 0); ifstream playerFile("fileLoc"); Board b(board); b.redTurn = isRed; AI player; playerFile >> player; player.playAsRed = isRed; player.thinker.maxtime = 14.0; cout << player.makeMove(b).toString(); }
示例23: mainint main(){ logfile.open("ai++.log", std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc); if (!logfile.is_open()) { std::cerr << "ai: cannot open log. terminating." << std::endl; return 1; } RawBoard board; uint8_t state; AI ai; while (true) { read_board(std::cin, board); read_state(std::cin, state); AnalyzeResult result = ai.actuate(board); if (std::get<1>(result)) { std::cout << (uint8_t)std::get<0>(result) << std::flush; } else { std::cerr << "ai: no further options. terminating." << std::endl; return 0; } }}
示例24: CollidePlayerDinovoid CollidePlayerDino(GameObject* go1, GameObject* go2){ Player* player = dynamic_cast<Player*>(go1); Assert(player); Dino* dino = dynamic_cast<Dino*>(go2); Assert(dino); if (dino->IsDead()) { return; // this actually happened! } // Get the pets to flee the dino PetList pets = player->GetPets(); player->DropPets(); for (PetList::iterator it = pets.begin(); it != pets.end(); ++it) { Pet* pet = *it; AI* ai = pet->GetAI(AIFlee::NAME); ai->SetTarget(dino); pet->SetAI(ai); pet->SetIsFalling(true); } Vec3f vel = player->GetVel(); player->SetVel(-vel); vel = dino->GetVel(); dino->SetVel(Vec3f(0, 0, 0)); dino->SetAI(AIStunned::NAME); PlayWav("hammer_anvil3"); // NB No file ext WWCamera* cam = GetActiveCamera(); Assert(cam); cam->SetEarthquake(1.0f); // TODO CONFIG}
示例25: statusDrawvoid statusDraw(WINDOW *win, Player p, AI ai) { bool isPlayer = p->getID(p) == 1; wattron(win, A_BOLD); mvwprintw(win, 1, 1, "Versus AI: Hard"); mvwprintw(win, 5, 1, "Turn: "); wclrtoeol(win); wattron(win, COLOR_PAIR(isPlayer?1:2)); wprintw(win, "%s", isPlayer?"Player":"AI"); wattroff(win, COLOR_PAIR(isPlayer?1:2)); mvwprintw(win, 9, 1, "AI Status:"); wmove(win, 10, 1); wclrtoeol(win); wmove(win, 11, 1); wclrtoeol(win); wprintw(win, "%s", !isPlayer?ai->getStatus(ai):""); wattroff(win, A_BOLD); wrefresh(win);}
示例26: view_queryint view_query(int a, int b){ ai.examined = 0; #ifdef AICC // hybrid crack-crack int cnt = ai.crack_crack(a,b,marr); #endif #ifdef AICS // hybrid crack-sort int cnt = ai.crack_sort(a,b,marr); #endif #ifdef AISS // hybrid sort-sort int cnt = ai.sort_sort(a,b,marr); #endif #ifdef AICC1R // hybrid crack-crack with 1 stochastic crack int cnt = ai.scrack_scrack(a,b,marr); #endif #ifdef AICS1R // hybrid crack-sort with 1 stochastic crack int cnt = ai.scrack_sort(a,b,marr); #endif #ifdef AICCRP2 // hybrid crack-crack with rounding to nearest power of two int aa = a, bb; while (aa&(aa-1)) aa &= aa-1; if (aa == (1<<30)) bb = 2147483647; else bb = aa<<1; ai.crack_crack(aa,bb,marr); int cnt = ai.crack_crack(a,b,marr); #endif #ifdef AICCRMSZ // hybrid crack-crack with rounding to a partition with minimum size = RMSZ int aa = (a/RMSZ)*RMSZ, bb = (int) min((long long)b - (b%RMSZ) + RMSZ, 2147483647LL); ai.crack_crack(aa,bb,marr); int cnt = ai.crack_crack(a,b,marr); #endif n_touched = ai.examined; return cnt;}
示例27: parse_argsstatic bool parse_args(int ac, char **av, AI& ai){ if (ac == 2) { ai.setHost("localhost", 12345); ai.setTeamName(av[1]); return (true); } else if (ac == 3) { ai.setHost("localhost", atoi(av[2])); ai.setTeamName(av[1]); return (true); } else if (ac == 4) { ai.setHost(av[2], atoi(av[3])); ai.setTeamName(av[1]); return (true); } std::cout << "usage: ./AI [[Team Name] [[Host] [Port]]]" << std::endl; return (false);}