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自学教程:C++ ASTContext类代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-03 12:04:11
这篇教程C++ ASTContext类代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ASTContext的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ASTContext类的具体用法?C++ ASTContext怎么用?C++ ASTContext使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: incrementGeneration

uint32_t ExternalASTSource::incrementGeneration(ASTContext &C) {  uint32_t OldGeneration = CurrentGeneration;  // Make sure the generation of the topmost external source for the context is  // incremented. That might not be us.  auto *P = C.getExternalSource();  if (P && P != this)    CurrentGeneration = P->incrementGeneration(C);  else {    // FIXME: Only bump the generation counter if the current generation number    // has been observed?    if (!++CurrentGeneration)      llvm::report_fatal_error("generation counter overflowed", false);  }  return OldGeneration;}

示例2: mergeClassExtensionProtocolList

void ObjCInterfaceDecl::mergeClassExtensionProtocolList(                              ObjCProtocolDecl *const* ExtList, unsigned ExtNum,                              ASTContext &C){  if (ExternallyCompleted)    LoadExternalDefinition();  if (AllReferencedProtocols.empty() && ReferencedProtocols.empty()) {    AllReferencedProtocols.set(ExtList, ExtNum, C);    return;  }    // Check for duplicate protocol in class's protocol list.  // This is O(n*m). But it is extremely rare and number of protocols in  // class or its extension are very few.  llvm::SmallVector<ObjCProtocolDecl*, 8> ProtocolRefs;  for (unsigned i = 0; i < ExtNum; i++) {    bool protocolExists = false;    ObjCProtocolDecl *ProtoInExtension = ExtList[i];    for (all_protocol_iterator          p = all_referenced_protocol_begin(),          e = all_referenced_protocol_end(); p != e; ++p) {      ObjCProtocolDecl *Proto = (*p);      if (C.ProtocolCompatibleWithProtocol(ProtoInExtension, Proto)) {        protocolExists = true;        break;      }          }    // Do we want to warn on a protocol in extension class which    // already exist in the class? Probably not.    if (!protocolExists)      ProtocolRefs.push_back(ProtoInExtension);  }  if (ProtocolRefs.empty())    return;  // Merge ProtocolRefs into class's protocol list;  for (all_protocol_iterator p = all_referenced_protocol_begin(),         e = all_referenced_protocol_end(); p != e; ++p) {    ProtocolRefs.push_back(*p);  }  AllReferencedProtocols.set(ProtocolRefs.data(), ProtocolRefs.size(), C);}

示例3: HandleTranslationUnit

    void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &C) override {      {        PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Per-file LLVM IR generation");        if (llvm::TimePassesIsEnabled)          LLVMIRGeneration.startTimer();        Gen->HandleTranslationUnit(C);        if (llvm::TimePassesIsEnabled)          LLVMIRGeneration.stopTimer();      }      // Silently ignore if we weren't initialized for some reason.      if (!getModule())        return;      // Install an inline asm handler so that diagnostics get printed through      // our diagnostics hooks.      LLVMContext &Ctx = getModule()->getContext();      LLVMContext::InlineAsmDiagHandlerTy OldHandler =        Ctx.getInlineAsmDiagnosticHandler();      void *OldContext = Ctx.getInlineAsmDiagnosticContext();      Ctx.setInlineAsmDiagnosticHandler(InlineAsmDiagHandler, this);      LLVMContext::DiagnosticHandlerTy OldDiagnosticHandler =          Ctx.getDiagnosticHandler();      void *OldDiagnosticContext = Ctx.getDiagnosticContext();      Ctx.setDiagnosticHandler(DiagnosticHandler, this);      // Link LinkModule into this module if present, preserving its validity.      for (auto &I : LinkModules) {        unsigned LinkFlags = I.first;        CurLinkModule = I.second.get();        if (Linker::linkModules(*getModule(), std::move(I.second), LinkFlags))          return;      }      EmitBackendOutput(Diags, CodeGenOpts, TargetOpts, LangOpts,                        C.getTargetInfo().getDataLayoutString(),                        getModule(), Action, AsmOutStream);      Ctx.setInlineAsmDiagnosticHandler(OldHandler, OldContext);      Ctx.setDiagnosticHandler(OldDiagnosticHandler, OldDiagnosticContext);    }

示例4: CheckRemoval

// Checks if 'typedef' keyword can be removed - we do it only if// it is the only declaration in a declaration chain.static bool CheckRemoval(SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation StartLoc,                         ASTContext &Context) {  assert(StartLoc.isFileID() && "StartLoc must not be in a macro");  std::pair<FileID, unsigned> LocInfo = SM.getDecomposedLoc(StartLoc);  StringRef File = SM.getBufferData(LocInfo.first);  const char *TokenBegin = File.data() + LocInfo.second;  Lexer DeclLexer(SM.getLocForStartOfFile(LocInfo.first), Context.getLangOpts(),                  File.begin(), TokenBegin, File.end());  Token Tok;  int ParenLevel = 0;  bool FoundTypedef = false;  while (!DeclLexer.LexFromRawLexer(Tok) && !Tok.is(tok::semi)) {    switch (Tok.getKind()) {    case tok::l_brace:    case tok::r_brace:      // This might be the `typedef struct {...} T;` case.      return false;    case tok::l_paren:      ParenLevel++;      break;    case tok::r_paren:      ParenLevel--;      break;    case tok::comma:      if (ParenLevel == 0) {        // If there is comma and we are not between open parenthesis then it is        // two or more declarations in this chain.        return false;      }      break;    case tok::raw_identifier:      if (Tok.getRawIdentifier() == "typedef") {        FoundTypedef = true;      }      break;    default:      break;    }  }  // Sanity check against weird macro cases.  return FoundTypedef;}

示例5: setCaptures

void ScriptDefn::setCaptures(ASTContext &Context,                            const Capture *begin,                            const Capture *end) {  if (begin == end) {    NumCaptures = 0;    Captures = 0;    return;  }  NumCaptures = end - begin;  // Avoid new Capture[] because we don't want to provide a default  // constructor.  size_t allocationSize = NumCaptures * sizeof(Capture);  void *buffer = Context.Allocate(allocationSize, /*alignment*/sizeof(void*));  memcpy(buffer, begin, allocationSize);  Captures = static_cast<Capture*>(buffer);}

示例6: HandleTranslationUnit

void ObjCMigrateASTConsumer::HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &Ctx) {    TranslationUnitDecl *TU = Ctx.getTranslationUnitDecl();  if (MigrateProperty)    for (DeclContext::decl_iterator D = TU->decls_begin(), DEnd = TU->decls_end();         D != DEnd; ++D) {      if (ObjCInterfaceDecl *CDecl = dyn_cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl>(*D))        migrateObjCInterfaceDecl(Ctx, CDecl);      else if (ObjCProtocolDecl *PDecl = dyn_cast<ObjCProtocolDecl>(*D))        ObjCProtocolDecls.insert(PDecl);      else if (const ObjCImplementationDecl *ImpDecl =               dyn_cast<ObjCImplementationDecl>(*D))        migrateProtocolConformance(Ctx, ImpDecl);      else if (const EnumDecl *ED = dyn_cast<EnumDecl>(*D)) {        DeclContext::decl_iterator N = D;        ++N;        if (N != DEnd)          if (const TypedefDecl *TD = dyn_cast<TypedefDecl>(*N))            migrateNSEnumDecl(Ctx, ED, TD);      }      // migrate methods which can have instancetype as their result type.      if (ObjCContainerDecl *CDecl = dyn_cast<ObjCContainerDecl>(*D))        migrateInstanceType(Ctx, CDecl);    }    Rewriter rewriter(Ctx.getSourceManager(), Ctx.getLangOpts());  RewritesReceiver Rec(rewriter);  Editor->applyRewrites(Rec);  for (Rewriter::buffer_iterator        I = rewriter.buffer_begin(), E = rewriter.buffer_end(); I != E; ++I) {    FileID FID = I->first;    RewriteBuffer &buf = I->second;    const FileEntry *file = Ctx.getSourceManager().getFileEntryForID(FID);    assert(file);    SmallString<512> newText;    llvm::raw_svector_ostream vecOS(newText);    buf.write(vecOS);    vecOS.flush();    llvm::MemoryBuffer *memBuf = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(                   StringRef(newText.data(), newText.size()), file->getName());    SmallString<64> filePath(file->getName());    FileMgr.FixupRelativePath(filePath);    Remapper.remap(filePath.str(), memBuf);  }  if (IsOutputFile) {    Remapper.flushToFile(MigrateDir, Ctx.getDiagnostics());  } else {    Remapper.flushToDisk(MigrateDir, Ctx.getDiagnostics());  }}

示例7: getReturnTypeForMethod

/// Get the returned ObjCObjectPointerType by a method based on the tracked type/// information, or null pointer when the returned type is not an/// ObjCObjectPointerType.static QualType getReturnTypeForMethod(    const ObjCMethodDecl *Method, ArrayRef<QualType> TypeArgs,    const ObjCObjectPointerType *SelfType, ASTContext &C) {  QualType StaticResultType = Method->getReturnType();  // Is the return type declared as instance type?  if (StaticResultType == C.getObjCInstanceType())    return QualType(SelfType, 0);  // Check whether the result type depends on a type parameter.  if (!isObjCTypeParamDependent(StaticResultType))    return QualType();  QualType ResultType = StaticResultType.substObjCTypeArgs(      C, TypeArgs, ObjCSubstitutionContext::Result);  return ResultType;}

示例8: sizeof

TemplateArgument::TemplateArgument(ASTContext &Ctx, const llvm::APSInt &Value,                                   QualType Type) {  Integer.Kind = Integral;  // Copy the APSInt value into our decomposed form.  Integer.BitWidth = Value.getBitWidth();  Integer.IsUnsigned = Value.isUnsigned();  // If the value is large, we have to get additional memory from the ASTContext  unsigned NumWords = Value.getNumWords();  if (NumWords > 1) {    void *Mem = Ctx.Allocate(NumWords * sizeof(uint64_t));    std::memcpy(Mem, Value.getRawData(), NumWords * sizeof(uint64_t));    Integer.pVal = static_cast<uint64_t *>(Mem);  } else {    Integer.VAL = Value.getZExtValue();  }  Integer.Type = Type.getAsOpaquePtr();}

示例9: Profile

void TemplateArgument::Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID,                               ASTContext &Context) const {  ID.AddInteger(Kind);  switch (Kind) {  case Null:    break;  case Type:    getAsType().Profile(ID);    break;  case Declaration:    ID.AddPointer(getAsDecl()? getAsDecl()->getCanonicalDecl() : 0);    break;  case Template:    if (TemplateTemplateParmDecl *TTP          = dyn_cast_or_null<TemplateTemplateParmDecl>(                                       getAsTemplate().getAsTemplateDecl())) {      ID.AddBoolean(true);      ID.AddInteger(TTP->getDepth());      ID.AddInteger(TTP->getPosition());    } else {      ID.AddBoolean(false);      ID.AddPointer(Context.getCanonicalTemplateName(getAsTemplate())                      .getAsVoidPointer());    }    break;        case Integral:    getAsIntegral()->Profile(ID);    getIntegralType().Profile(ID);    break;  case Expression:    getAsExpr()->Profile(ID, Context, true);    break;  case Pack:    ID.AddInteger(Args.NumArgs);    for (unsigned I = 0; I != Args.NumArgs; ++I)      Args.Args[I].Profile(ID, Context);  }}

示例10: classifyEnum

/// Classify the given Clang enumeration to describe how to import it.void EnumInfo::classifyEnum(ASTContext &ctx, const clang::EnumDecl *decl,                            clang::Preprocessor &pp) {  // Anonymous enumerations simply get mapped to constants of the  // underlying type of the enum, because there is no way to conjure up a  // name for the Swift type.  if (!decl->hasNameForLinkage()) {    kind = EnumKind::Constants;    return;  }  // First, check for attributes that denote the classification  if (auto domainAttr = decl->getAttr<clang::NSErrorDomainAttr>()) {    kind = EnumKind::Enum;    nsErrorDomain = ctx.AllocateCopy(domainAttr->getErrorDomain()->getName());    return;  }  // Was the enum declared using *_ENUM or *_OPTIONS?  // FIXME: Use Clang attributes instead of groveling the macro expansion loc.  auto loc = decl->getLocStart();  if (loc.isMacroID()) {    StringRef MacroName = pp.getImmediateMacroName(loc);    if (MacroName == "CF_ENUM" || MacroName == "__CF_NAMED_ENUM" ||        MacroName == "OBJC_ENUM" || MacroName == "SWIFT_ENUM" ||        MacroName == "SWIFT_ENUM_NAMED") {      kind = EnumKind::Enum;      return;    }    if (MacroName == "CF_OPTIONS" || MacroName == "OBJC_OPTIONS" ||        MacroName == "SWIFT_OPTIONS") {      kind = EnumKind::Options;      return;    }  }  // Hardcode a particular annoying case in the OS X headers.  if (decl->getName() == "DYLD_BOOL") {    kind = EnumKind::Enum;    return;  }  // Fall back to the 'Unknown' path.  kind = EnumKind::Unknown;}

示例11: isExternC

bool FunctionDecl::isExternC(ASTContext &Context) const {  // In C, any non-static, non-overloadable function has external  // linkage.  if (!Context.getLangOptions().CPlusPlus)    return getStorageClass() != Static && !getAttr<OverloadableAttr>();  for (const DeclContext *DC = getDeclContext(); !DC->isTranslationUnit();        DC = DC->getParent()) {    if (const LinkageSpecDecl *Linkage = dyn_cast<LinkageSpecDecl>(DC))  {      if (Linkage->getLanguage() == LinkageSpecDecl::lang_c)        return getStorageClass() != Static &&                !getAttr<OverloadableAttr>();      break;    }  }  return false;}

示例12: initializeArgLocs

void TemplateSpecializationTypeLoc::initializeArgLocs(ASTContext &Context,                                                       unsigned NumArgs,                                                  const TemplateArgument *Args,                                              TemplateArgumentLocInfo *ArgInfos,                                                      SourceLocation Loc) {  for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumArgs; i != e; ++i) {    switch (Args[i].getKind()) {    case TemplateArgument::Null:     case TemplateArgument::Declaration:    case TemplateArgument::Integral:    case TemplateArgument::Pack:    case TemplateArgument::Expression:      // FIXME: Can we do better for declarations and integral values?      ArgInfos[i] = TemplateArgumentLocInfo();      break;          case TemplateArgument::Type:      ArgInfos[i] = TemplateArgumentLocInfo(                          Context.getTrivialTypeSourceInfo(Args[i].getAsType(),                                                            Loc));      break;            case TemplateArgument::Template:    case TemplateArgument::TemplateExpansion: {      NestedNameSpecifierLocBuilder Builder;      TemplateName Template = Args[i].getAsTemplate();      if (DependentTemplateName *DTN = Template.getAsDependentTemplateName())        Builder.MakeTrivial(Context, DTN->getQualifier(), Loc);      else if (QualifiedTemplateName *QTN = Template.getAsQualifiedTemplateName())        Builder.MakeTrivial(Context, QTN->getQualifier(), Loc);            ArgInfos[i] = TemplateArgumentLocInfo(                                           Builder.getWithLocInContext(Context),                                            Loc,                                 Args[i].getKind() == TemplateArgument::Template                                            ? SourceLocation()                                            : Loc);      break;    }            }  }}

示例13: ClassifyConditional

static Cl::Kinds ClassifyConditional(ASTContext &Ctx, const Expr *True,                                     const Expr *False) {  assert(Ctx.getLangOptions().CPlusPlus &&         "This is only relevant for C++.");  // C++ [expr.cond]p2  //   If either the second or the third operand has type (cv) void, [...]  //   the result [...] is a prvalue.  if (True->getType()->isVoidType() || False->getType()->isVoidType())    return Cl::CL_PRValue;  // Note that at this point, we have already performed all conversions  // according to [expr.cond]p3.  // C++ [expr.cond]p4: If the second and third operands are glvalues of the  //   same value category [...], the result is of that [...] value category.  // C++ [expr.cond]p5: Otherwise, the result is a prvalue.  Cl::Kinds LCl = ClassifyInternal(Ctx, True),            RCl = ClassifyInternal(Ctx, False);  return LCl == RCl ? LCl : Cl::CL_PRValue;}

示例14: HandleTranslationUnit

void RewriterASTConsumer::HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext& Context){    TranslationUnitDecl* D = Context.getTranslationUnitDecl();    TraverseDecl(D);    const RewriteBuffer& RewriteBufG =            TheGpuRewriter.getEditBuffer(TheGpuRewriter.getSourceMgr().getMainFileID());    RewritenGpuSource = std::string(RewriteBufG.begin(), RewriteBufG.end());    const RewriteBuffer& RewriteBufC =            TheCpuRewriter.getEditBuffer(TheCpuRewriter.getSourceMgr().getMainFileID());    RewritenCpuSource = std::string(RewriteBufC.begin(), RewriteBufC.end());#ifdef Out    llvm::errs() << "______________________________ CPU _____________________ /n";    llvm::errs() << std::string(RewriteBufC.begin(), RewriteBufC.end());    llvm::errs() << "/n/n______________________________ GPU _____________________ /n";    llvm::errs() << std::string(RewriteBufG.begin(), RewriteBufG.end());#endif}

示例15: ActOnTypeName

/// /brief Convert the specified DeclSpec to the appropriate type object.QualType Sema::ActOnTypeName(ASTContext &C, DeclSpec &DS) {  QualType Result;  switch (DS.getTypeSpecType()) {  case DeclSpec::TST_integer:    Result = C.IntegerTy;    break;  case DeclSpec::TST_unspecified: // FIXME: Correct?  case DeclSpec::TST_real:    Result = C.RealTy;    break;  case DeclSpec::TST_doubleprecision:    Result = C.DoublePrecisionTy;    break;  case DeclSpec::TST_character:    Result = C.CharacterTy;    break;  case DeclSpec::TST_logical:    Result = C.LogicalTy;    break;  case DeclSpec::TST_complex:    Result = C.ComplexTy;    break;  case DeclSpec::TST_struct:    // FIXME: Finish this.    break;  }  if (!DS.hasAttributes())    return Result;  const Type *TypeNode = Result.getTypePtr();  Qualifiers Quals = Qualifiers::fromOpaqueValue(DS.getAttributeSpecs());  Quals.setIntentAttr(DS.getIntentSpec());  Quals.setAccessAttr(DS.getAccessSpec());  QualType EQs =  C.getExtQualType(TypeNode, Quals, DS.getKindSelector(),                                   DS.getLengthSelector());  if (!Quals.hasAttributeSpec(Qualifiers::AS_dimension))    return EQs;  return ActOnArraySpec(C, EQs, DS.getDimensions());}

示例16: isEmptyARCMTMacroStatement

static bool isEmptyARCMTMacroStatement(NullStmt *S,                                       std::vector<SourceLocation> &MacroLocs,                                       ASTContext &Ctx) {  if (!S->hasLeadingEmptyMacro())    return false;  SourceLocation SemiLoc = S->getSemiLoc();  if (SemiLoc.isInvalid() || SemiLoc.isMacroID())    return false;  if (MacroLocs.empty())    return false;  SourceManager &SM = Ctx.getSourceManager();  std::vector<SourceLocation>::iterator    I = std::upper_bound(MacroLocs.begin(), MacroLocs.end(), SemiLoc,                         BeforeThanCompare<SourceLocation>(SM));  --I;  SourceLocation      AfterMacroLoc = I->getLocWithOffset(getARCMTMacroName().size());  assert(AfterMacroLoc.isFileID());  if (AfterMacroLoc == SemiLoc)    return true;  int RelOffs = 0;  if (!SM.isInSameSLocAddrSpace(AfterMacroLoc, SemiLoc, &RelOffs))    return false;  if (RelOffs < 0)    return false;  // We make the reasonable assumption that a semicolon after 100 characters  // means that it is not the next token after our macro. If this assumption  // fails it is not critical, we will just fail to clear out, e.g., an empty  // 'if'.  if (RelOffs - getARCMTMacroName().size() > 100)    return false;  SourceLocation AfterMacroSemiLoc = findSemiAfterLocation(AfterMacroLoc, Ctx);  return AfterMacroSemiLoc == SemiLoc;}

示例17: Create

FullExpr FullExpr::Create(ASTContext &Context, Expr *SubExpr,                          CXXTemporary **Temporaries, unsigned NumTemporaries) {  FullExpr E;  if (!NumTemporaries) {      E.SubExpr = SubExpr;      return E;  }  unsigned Size = sizeof(FullExpr)       + sizeof(CXXTemporary *) * NumTemporaries;  unsigned Align = llvm::AlignOf<ExprAndTemporaries>::Alignment;  ExprAndTemporaries *ET =       static_cast<ExprAndTemporaries *>(Context.Allocate(Size, Align));  ET->SubExpr = SubExpr;  std::copy(Temporaries, Temporaries + NumTemporaries, ET->temps_begin());      return E;}

示例18: CheckRemoval

// Checks if 'typedef' keyword can be removed - we do it only if// it is the only declaration in a declaration chain.static bool CheckRemoval(SourceManager &SM, const SourceLocation &LocStart,                         const SourceLocation &LocEnd, ASTContext &Context,                         SourceRange &ResultRange) {  FileID FID = SM.getFileID(LocEnd);  llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buffer = SM.getBuffer(FID, LocEnd);  Lexer DeclLexer(SM.getLocForStartOfFile(FID), Context.getLangOpts(),                  Buffer->getBufferStart(), SM.getCharacterData(LocStart),                  Buffer->getBufferEnd());  Token DeclToken;  bool result = false;  int parenthesisLevel = 0;  while (!DeclLexer.LexFromRawLexer(DeclToken)) {    if (DeclToken.getKind() == tok::TokenKind::l_paren)      parenthesisLevel++;    if (DeclToken.getKind() == tok::TokenKind::r_paren)      parenthesisLevel--;    if (DeclToken.getKind() == tok::TokenKind::semi)      break;    // if there is comma and we are not between open parenthesis then it is    // two or more declatarions in this chain    if (parenthesisLevel == 0 && DeclToken.getKind() == tok::TokenKind::comma)      return false;    if (DeclToken.isOneOf(tok::TokenKind::identifier,                          tok::TokenKind::raw_identifier)) {      auto TokenStr = DeclToken.getRawIdentifier().str();      if (TokenStr == "typedef") {        ResultRange =            SourceRange(DeclToken.getLocation(), DeclToken.getEndLoc());        result = true;      }    }  }  // assert if there was keyword 'typedef' in declaration  assert(result && "No typedef found");  return result;}

示例19: GetCFNumberSize

static Optional<uint64_t> GetCFNumberSize(ASTContext &Ctx, uint64_t i) {    static const unsigned char FixedSize[] = { 8, 16, 32, 64, 32, 64 };    if (i < kCFNumberCharType)        return FixedSize[i-1];    QualType T;    switch (i) {    case kCFNumberCharType:        T = Ctx.CharTy;        break;    case kCFNumberShortType:        T = Ctx.ShortTy;        break;    case kCFNumberIntType:        T = Ctx.IntTy;        break;    case kCFNumberLongType:        T = Ctx.LongTy;        break;    case kCFNumberLongLongType:        T = Ctx.LongLongTy;        break;    case kCFNumberFloatType:        T = Ctx.FloatTy;        break;    case kCFNumberDoubleType:        T = Ctx.DoubleTy;        break;    case kCFNumberCFIndexType:    case kCFNumberNSIntegerType:    case kCFNumberCGFloatType:    // FIXME: We need a way to map from names to Type*.    default:        return None;    }    return Ctx.getTypeSize(T);}

示例20: MakeTrivial

void NestedNameSpecifierLocBuilder::MakeTrivial(ASTContext &Context,                                                 NestedNameSpecifier *Qualifier,                                                 SourceRange R) {  Representation = Qualifier;    // Construct bogus (but well-formed) source information for the   // nested-name-specifier.  BufferSize = 0;  SmallVector<NestedNameSpecifier *, 4> Stack;  for (NestedNameSpecifier *NNS = Qualifier; NNS; NNS = NNS->getPrefix())    Stack.push_back(NNS);  while (!Stack.empty()) {    NestedNameSpecifier *NNS = Stack.back();    Stack.pop_back();    switch (NNS->getKind()) {      case NestedNameSpecifier::Identifier:      case NestedNameSpecifier::Namespace:      case NestedNameSpecifier::NamespaceAlias:        SaveSourceLocation(R.getBegin(), Buffer, BufferSize, BufferCapacity);        break;              case NestedNameSpecifier::TypeSpec:      case NestedNameSpecifier::TypeSpecWithTemplate: {        TypeSourceInfo *TSInfo        = Context.getTrivialTypeSourceInfo(QualType(NNS->getAsType(), 0),                                           R.getBegin());        SavePointer(TSInfo->getTypeLoc().getOpaqueData(), Buffer, BufferSize,                     BufferCapacity);        break;      }              case NestedNameSpecifier::Global:        break;    }        // Save the location of the '::'.    SaveSourceLocation(Stack.empty()? R.getEnd() : R.getBegin(),                        Buffer, BufferSize, BufferCapacity);  }}

示例21: getSourceLine

	string HtDesign::getSourceLine(ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation Loc)	{		SourceManager & SM = Context.getSourceManager();		// Decompose the location into a FID/Offset pair.		std::pair<FileID, unsigned> LocInfo = SM.getDecomposedLoc(Loc);		FileID FID = LocInfo.first;		unsigned FileOffset = LocInfo.second;		// Get information about the buffer it points into.		bool Invalid = false;		const char *BufStart = SM.getBufferData(FID, &Invalid).data();		//if (Invalid)		//return;		unsigned LineNo = SM.getLineNumber(FID, FileOffset);		unsigned ColNo = SM.getColumnNumber(FID, FileOffset);  		// Arbitrarily stop showing snippets when the line is too long.		//static const size_t MaxLineLengthToPrint = 4096;		//if (ColNo > MaxLineLengthToPrint)		//return;		// Rewind from the current position to the start of the line.		const char *TokPtr = BufStart+FileOffset;		const char *LineStart = TokPtr-ColNo+1; // Column # is 1-based.		// Compute the line end.  Scan forward from the error position to the end of		// the line.		const char *LineEnd = TokPtr;		while (*LineEnd != '/n' && *LineEnd != '/r' && *LineEnd != '/0')		++LineEnd;		// Arbitrarily stop showing snippets when the line is too long.		//if (size_t(LineEnd - LineStart) > MaxLineLengthToPrint)		//return;		// Copy the line of code into an std::string for ease of manipulation.		return string(LineStart, LineEnd);	}

示例22: HandleTranslationUnit

void AnalysisConsumer::HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &contex) { // called when everything is done		TranslationUnitDecl *tran_unit_ptr = contex.getTranslationUnitDecl();		AnalysisContextManager context_manager;		unsigned report_ctr = 0;		for (DeclContext::decl_iterator iter = tran_unit_ptr->decls_begin(), end = tran_unit_ptr->decls_end(); iter != end; ++iter) {			// Only handle declarations with bodies			if (const FunctionDecl *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(*iter)) {				if (!FD->isThisDeclarationADefinition())					continue;                FD->print(llvm::outs());				CFG * cfg_ptr = context_manager.getContext(FD)->getCFG();				if (cfg_ptr) {//					string error;//					llvm::raw_fd_ostream os("cfg-file",error);//					cfg_ptr->print(os,LangOptions());					AnalyzeFunction(*cfg_ptr, contex, report_ctr);				}			}		}		report_file_ << setw(6) << report_ctr << " | ";	}

示例23: AddIndirectPrimaryBases

static void AddIndirectPrimaryBases(const CXXRecordDecl *RD, ASTContext &Context,                        CXXIndirectPrimaryBaseSet& Bases) {  // If the record has a virtual primary base class, add it to our set.  const ASTRecordLayout &Layout = Context.getASTRecordLayout(RD);  if (Layout.isPrimaryBaseVirtual())    Bases.insert(Layout.getPrimaryBase());  for (const auto &I : RD->bases()) {    assert(!I.getType()->isDependentType() &&           "Cannot get indirect primary bases for class with dependent bases.");    const CXXRecordDecl *BaseDecl =      cast<CXXRecordDecl>(I.getType()->castAs<RecordType>()->getDecl());    // Only bases with virtual bases participate in computing the    // indirect primary virtual base classes.    if (BaseDecl->getNumVBases())      AddIndirectPrimaryBases(BaseDecl, Context, Bases);  }}

示例24: ClassifyDecl

/// ClassifyDecl - Return the classification of an expression referencing the/// given declaration.static Cl::Kinds ClassifyDecl(ASTContext &Ctx, const Decl *D) {  // C++ [expr.prim.general]p6: The result is an lvalue if the entity is a  //   function, variable, or data member and a prvalue otherwise.  // In C, functions are not lvalues.  // In addition, NonTypeTemplateParmDecl derives from VarDecl but isn't an  // lvalue unless it's a reference type (C++ [temp.param]p6), so we need to  // special-case this.  if (isa<CXXMethodDecl>(D) && cast<CXXMethodDecl>(D)->isInstance())    return Cl::CL_MemberFunction;  bool islvalue;  if (const NonTypeTemplateParmDecl *NTTParm =        dyn_cast<NonTypeTemplateParmDecl>(D))    islvalue = NTTParm->getType()->isReferenceType();  else    islvalue = isa<VarDecl>(D) || isa<FieldDecl>(D) ||      (Ctx.getLangOptions().CPlusPlus &&        (isa<FunctionDecl>(D) || isa<FunctionTemplateDecl>(D)));  return islvalue ? Cl::CL_LValue : Cl::CL_PRValue;}

示例25: ClassifyImpl

Cl Expr::ClassifyImpl(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLocation *Loc) const {  assert(!TR->isReferenceType() && "Expressions can't have reference type.");  Cl::Kinds kind = ClassifyInternal(Ctx, this);  // C99 An lvalue is an expression with an object type or an  //   incomplete type other than void.  if (!Ctx.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus) {    // Thus, no functions.    if (TR->isFunctionType() || TR == Ctx.OverloadTy)      kind = Cl::CL_Function;    // No void either, but qualified void is OK because it is "other than void".    // Void "lvalues" are classified as addressable void values, which are void    // expressions whose address can be taken.    else if (TR->isVoidType() && !TR.hasQualifiers())      kind = (kind == Cl::CL_LValue ? Cl::CL_AddressableVoid : Cl::CL_Void);  }  // Enable this assertion for testing.  switch (kind) {  case Cl::CL_LValue: assert(getValueKind() == VK_LValue); break;  case Cl::CL_XValue: assert(getValueKind() == VK_XValue); break;  case Cl::CL_Function:  case Cl::CL_Void:  case Cl::CL_AddressableVoid:  case Cl::CL_DuplicateVectorComponents:  case Cl::CL_MemberFunction:  case Cl::CL_SubObjCPropertySetting:  case Cl::CL_ClassTemporary:  case Cl::CL_ArrayTemporary:  case Cl::CL_ObjCMessageRValue:  case Cl::CL_PRValue: assert(getValueKind() == VK_RValue); break;  }  Cl::ModifiableType modifiable = Cl::CM_Untested;  if (Loc)    modifiable = IsModifiable(Ctx, this, kind, *Loc);  return Classification(kind, modifiable);}

示例26: HandleTranslationUnit

  void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &Context) override {    const auto &SourceMgr = Context.getSourceManager();    // The file we look for the USR in will always be the main source file.    const auto Point = SourceMgr.getLocForStartOfFile(        SourceMgr.getMainFileID()).getLocWithOffset(SymbolOffset);    if (!Point.isValid())      return;    const NamedDecl *FoundDecl = nullptr;    if (OldName.empty()) {      FoundDecl = getNamedDeclAt(Context, Point);    } else {      FoundDecl = getNamedDeclFor(Context, OldName);    }    if (FoundDecl == nullptr) {      FullSourceLoc FullLoc(Point, SourceMgr);      errs() << "clang-rename: could not find symbol at "             << SourceMgr.getFilename(Point) << ":"             << FullLoc.getSpellingLineNumber() << ":"             << FullLoc.getSpellingColumnNumber() << " (offset " << SymbolOffset             << ")./n";      return;    }    // If the decl is a constructor or destructor, we want to instead take the    // decl of the parent record.    if (const auto *CtorDecl = dyn_cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(FoundDecl))      FoundDecl = CtorDecl->getParent();    else if (const auto *DtorDecl = dyn_cast<CXXDestructorDecl>(FoundDecl))      FoundDecl = DtorDecl->getParent();    // If the decl is in any way relatedpp to a class, we want to make sure we    // search for the constructor and destructor as well as everything else.    if (const auto *Record = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(FoundDecl))      *USRs = getAllConstructorUSRs(Record);    USRs->push_back(getUSRForDecl(FoundDecl));    *SpellingName = FoundDecl->getNameAsString();  }

示例27: HandleTopLevelDecl

    bool HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef D) override {      PrettyStackTraceDecl CrashInfo(*D.begin(), SourceLocation(),                                     Context->getSourceManager(),                                     "LLVM IR generation of declaration");      // Recurse.      if (llvm::TimePassesIsEnabled) {        LLVMIRGenerationRefCount += 1;        if (LLVMIRGenerationRefCount == 1)          LLVMIRGeneration.startTimer();      }      Gen->HandleTopLevelDecl(D);      if (llvm::TimePassesIsEnabled) {        LLVMIRGenerationRefCount -= 1;        if (LLVMIRGenerationRefCount == 0)          LLVMIRGeneration.stopTimer();      }      return true;    }

示例28: VisitObjCMessageExpr

 virtual bool VisitObjCMessageExpr(ObjCMessageExpr *E) {   if (E->getReceiverKind() == ObjCMessageExpr::Class) {     QualType ReceiverType = E->getClassReceiver();     Selector Sel = E->getSelector();     string TypeName = ReceiverType.getAsString();     string SelName = Sel.getAsString();     if (TypeName == "Observer" && SelName == "observerWithTarget:action:") {       Expr *Receiver = E->getArg(0)->IgnoreParenCasts();       ObjCSelectorExpr* SelExpr = cast<ObjCSelectorExpr>(E->getArg(1)->IgnoreParenCasts());       Selector Sel = SelExpr->getSelector();       if (const ObjCObjectPointerType *OT = Receiver->getType()->getAs<ObjCObjectPointerType>()) {         ObjCInterfaceDecl *decl = OT->getInterfaceDecl();         if (! decl->lookupInstanceMethod(Sel)) {           errs() << "Warning: class " << TypeName << " does not implement selector " << Sel.getAsString() << "/n";           SourceLocation Loc = E->getExprLoc();           PresumedLoc PLoc = astContext->getSourceManager().getPresumedLoc(Loc);           errs() << "in " << PLoc.getFilename() << " <" << PLoc.getLine() << ":" << PLoc.getColumn() << ">/n";         }       }     }   }   return true; }


C++ ASTNodeSet类代码示例
C++ AST类代码示例