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自学教程:C++ AbstractProperty类代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-03 12:05:03
这篇教程C++ AbstractProperty类代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中AbstractProperty的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AbstractProperty类的具体用法?C++ AbstractProperty怎么用?C++ AbstractProperty使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: applyProperties

static inline void applyProperties(ModelNode &node, const QHash<PropertyName, QVariant> &propertyHash){    QHash<PropertyName, QVariant> auxiliaryData  = node.auxiliaryData();    foreach (const PropertyName &propertyName, auxiliaryData.keys()) {        if (node.hasAuxiliaryData(propertyName))            node.setAuxiliaryData(propertyName, QVariant());    }    QHashIterator<PropertyName, QVariant> propertyIterator(propertyHash);    while (propertyIterator.hasNext()) {        propertyIterator.next();        const PropertyName propertyName = propertyIterator.key();        if (propertyName == "width" || propertyName == "height") {            node.setAuxiliaryData(propertyIterator.key(), propertyIterator.value());        } else if (node.property(propertyIterator.key()).isDynamic() &&                   node.property(propertyIterator.key()).dynamicTypeName() == "alias" &&                   node.property(propertyIterator.key()).isBindingProperty()) {            AbstractProperty targetProperty = node.bindingProperty(propertyIterator.key()).resolveToProperty();            if (targetProperty.isValid())                targetProperty.parentModelNode().setAuxiliaryData(targetProperty.name() + "@NodeInstance", propertyIterator.value());        } else {            node.setAuxiliaryData(propertyIterator.key() + "@NodeInstance", propertyIterator.value());        }    }}


const AbstractProperty * PropertyGroup::findProperty(const std::vector<std::string> & path) const{    // [TODO] Use iterative approach rather than recursion    // Check if path is valid    if (path.size() == 0) {        return nullptr;    }    // Check if first element of the path exists in this group    if (!propertyExists(path.front())) {        return nullptr;    }    // Get the respective property    AbstractProperty * property = m_propertiesMap.at(path.front());    // If there are no more sub-paths, return the found property    if (path.size() == 1) {        return property;    }    // Otherwise, it is an element in the middle of the path, so ensure it is a group    if (!property->isGroup()) {        return nullptr;    }    // Call recursively on subgroup    return property->asGroup()->findProperty({ path.begin() + 1, path.end() });}


AbstractProperty::AbstractProperty(const AbstractProperty &property, AbstractView *view)    : m_propertyName(property.name()),      m_internalNode(property.internalNode()),      m_model(property.model()),      m_view(view){}

示例4: retrieveProperty

QWidget * PropertyDelegate::createEditor(QWidget * parent,    const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const{    AbstractProperty * property = retrieveProperty(index);    if (property->isCollection())        return QStyledItemDelegate::createEditor(parent, option, index);    return m_editorFactory->createEditor(*property, parent);}

示例5: setString

void VariantEditor::setString(const QString & text){    AbstractProperty * prop = dynamic_cast<AbstractProperty *>(m_property);    if (prop == nullptr)    {        return;    }    prop->fromString(text.toStdString());}

示例6: getProperty

Icon*CtlMediaObject::getIcon(){    // icon property is a lower resolution thumb nail of the original picture (but should be displayable on a handheld device).    // TODO: adapt icon to new media object implementataion    AbstractProperty* pProperty = getProperty(AvProperty::ICON);    if (pProperty) {        return new Icon(0, 0, 0, Mime::IMAGE_JPEG, pProperty->getValue());    }    return 0;}

示例7: toVariant

Variant PropertyGroup::toVariant() const{    // Create variant map from all properties in the group    Variant map = Variant::map();    for (auto it : m_propertiesMap) {        // Get name and property        std::string        name = it.first;        AbstractProperty * prop = it.second;        // Add to variant map        (*map.asMap())[name] = prop->toVariant();    }    // Return variant representation    return map;}

示例8: retrieveProperty

void PropertyBrowser::expandAllGroups(){    QAbstractItemModel * model = this->model();    QModelIndexList indexes = model->match(model->index(0,0), Qt::DisplayRole, "*", -1, Qt::MatchWildcard|Qt::MatchRecursive);    for (QModelIndex index : indexes)    {        if (!index.isValid())            continue;        AbstractProperty * property = retrieveProperty(index);        if (property->isGroup() && model->hasChildren(index))            expand(index);    }}

示例9: at

void AbstractCollection::acceptRecursive(AbstractVisitor * visitor){    // Visit all values of the collection    for (size_t i=0; i<count(); i++) {        // Get property        AbstractProperty * prop = at(i);        // Visit property        prop->accept(visitor);        // If it is a collection, visit collection recursively        AbstractCollection * collection = dynamic_cast<AbstractCollection *>(prop);        if (collection) {            collection->acceptRecursive(visitor);        }    }}

示例10: assign

void PropertyObj::assign(const AbstractProperty& that) {    try {        *this = dynamic_cast<const PropertyObj&>(that);    } catch(const std::bad_cast&) {        OPENSIM_THROW(InvalidArgument,                      "Unsupported type. Expected: " + this->getTypeName() +                      " | Received: " + that.getTypeName());    }}

示例11: if

QmlDesigner::QmlRefactoring::PropertyType ModelToTextMerger::propertyType(const AbstractProperty &property, const QString &textValue){    if (property.isBindingProperty()) {        QString val = textValue.trimmed();        if (val.isEmpty())            return QmlDesigner::QmlRefactoring::ObjectBinding;        const QChar lastChar = val.at(val.size() - 1);        if (lastChar == '}' || lastChar == ';')            return QmlDesigner::QmlRefactoring::ObjectBinding;        else            return QmlDesigner::QmlRefactoring::ScriptBinding;    } else if (property.isNodeListProperty())        return QmlDesigner::QmlRefactoring::ArrayBinding;    else if (property.isNodeProperty())        return QmlDesigner::QmlRefactoring::ObjectBinding;    else if (property.isVariantProperty())        return QmlDesigner::QmlRefactoring::ScriptBinding;    Q_ASSERT(!"cannot convert property type");    return (QmlDesigner::QmlRefactoring::PropertyType) -1;}

示例12: detectVerticalCycle

bool detectVerticalCycle(const ModelNode &node, QList<ModelNode> knownNodeList){    if (!node.isValid())        return false;    if (knownNodeList.contains(node))        return true;    knownNodeList.append(node);    static QStringList validAnchorLines(QStringList() << "top" << "bottom" << "verticalCenter" << "baseline");    static QStringList anchorNames(QStringList() << "anchors.top" << "anchors.bottom" << "anchors.verticalCenter" << "anchors.baseline");    foreach (const QString &anchorName, anchorNames) {        if (node.hasBindingProperty(anchorName)) {            AbstractProperty targetProperty = node.bindingProperty(anchorName).resolveToProperty();            if (targetProperty.isValid()) {                if (!validAnchorLines.contains(targetProperty.name()))                    return true;                if (detectVerticalCycle(targetProperty.parentModelNode(), knownNodeList))                    return true;            }        }    }    static QStringList anchorShortcutNames(QStringList() << "anchors.fill" << "anchors.centerIn");    foreach (const QString &anchorName, anchorShortcutNames) {        if (node.hasBindingProperty(anchorName)) {            ModelNode targetNode = node.bindingProperty(anchorName).resolveToModelNode();            if (targetNode.isValid() && detectVerticalCycle(targetNode, knownNodeList))                return true;        }    }    return false;}

示例13: addGroup

PropertyGroup * PropertyGroup::ensureGroup(const std::vector<std::string> & path){    // [TODO] Use iterative approach rather than recursion    // Check if path is valid    if (path.size() == 0) {        return nullptr;    }    // Check if group exists    PropertyGroup * group = nullptr;    if (propertyExists(path.front()))    {        // Get property        AbstractProperty * property = m_propertiesMap.at(path.front());        // Abort if this is not a group        if (!property->isGroup()) {            return nullptr;        }        // Get as group        group = property->asGroup();    }    else    {        // Add new group        group = addGroup(path.front());    }    // If there are no more sub-paths, return the group    if (path.size() == 1) {        return group;    }    // Otherwise, call recursively on subgroup    return group->ensureGroup(std::vector<std::string>(path.begin() + 1, path.end()));}

示例14: fromVariant

bool PropertyGroup::fromVariant(const Variant & value){    // Check if variant is a map    if (!value.isMap()) {        return false;    }    // Get all values from variant map    for (auto it : *value.asMap()) {        // Get name and value        std::string     name = it.first;        const Variant & var  = it.second;        // If this names an existing property, set its value        AbstractProperty * prop = this->property(name);        if (prop) {            prop->fromVariant(var);        }    }    // Done    return true;}

示例15: connect

QWidget * VariantEditor::createLineEdit(){    auto lineEdit = new QLineEdit{this};        AbstractProperty * prop = dynamic_cast<AbstractProperty *>(m_property);    if (prop == nullptr)    {        return nullptr;    }    lineEdit->setText(QString::fromStdString(prop->toString()));    connect(lineEdit, &QLineEdit::textEdited, this, &VariantEditor::setString);        m_propertyChangedConnection = prop->changed.connect(        [this, lineEdit, prop]()        {            lineEdit->setText(QString::fromStdString(prop->toString()));        });    return lineEdit;}

示例16: detectHorizontalCycle

bool detectHorizontalCycle(const ModelNode &node, QList<ModelNode> knownNodeList){    if (knownNodeList.contains(node))        return true;    knownNodeList.append(node);    static PropertyNameList validAnchorLines(PropertyNameList() << "right" << "left" << "horizontalCenter");    static PropertyNameList anchorNames(PropertyNameList() << "anchors.right" << "anchors.left" << "anchors.horizontalCenter");    foreach (const PropertyName &anchorName, anchorNames) {        if (node.hasBindingProperty(anchorName)) {            AbstractProperty targetProperty = node.bindingProperty(anchorName).resolveToProperty();            if (targetProperty.isValid()) {                if (!validAnchorLines.contains(targetProperty.name()))                    return true;                if (detectHorizontalCycle(targetProperty.parentModelNode(), knownNodeList))                    return true;            }        }    }    static PropertyNameList anchorShortcutNames(PropertyNameList() << "anchors.fill" << "anchors.centerIn");    foreach (const PropertyName &anchorName, anchorShortcutNames) {        if (node.hasBindingProperty(anchorName)) {            ModelNode targetNode = node.bindingProperty(anchorName).resolveToModelNode();            if (targetNode.isValid() && detectHorizontalCycle(targetNode, knownNodeList))                return true;        }    }    return false;}

示例17: QVariant

QVariant PropertyModel::data(const QModelIndex & index, int role) const{    if (!index.isValid())        return QVariant();        AbstractProperty * property = retrieveItem(index)->property();        if (role == Qt::DisplayRole && index.column() == 0)    {        std::string title;        if (property->hasOption("title"))            title = property->option("title").value<std::string>();        else            title = property->name();                return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(title));    }    if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole && property->hasOption("tooltip"))        return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(property->option("tooltip").value<std::string>()));        return QVariant();}

示例18: toQml

QString QmlTextGenerator::toQml(const AbstractProperty &property, int indentDepth) const{    if (property.isBindingProperty()) {        return property.toBindingProperty().expression();    } else if (property.isSignalHandlerProperty()) {        return property.toSignalHandlerProperty().source();    } else if (property.isNodeProperty()) {        return toQml(property.toNodeProperty().modelNode(), indentDepth);    } else if (property.isNodeListProperty()) {        const QList<ModelNode> nodes = property.toNodeListProperty().toModelNodeList();        if (property.isDefaultProperty()) {            QString result;            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length(); ++i) {                if (i > 0)                    result += QLatin1String("/n/n");                result += QString(indentDepth, QLatin1Char(' '));                result += toQml(nodes.at(i), indentDepth);            }            return result;        } else {            QString result = QLatin1String("[");            const int arrayContentDepth = indentDepth + 4;            const QString arrayContentIndentation(arrayContentDepth, QLatin1Char(' '));            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length(); ++i) {                if (i > 0)                    result += QLatin1Char(',');                result += QLatin1Char('/n');                result += arrayContentIndentation;                result += toQml(nodes.at(i), arrayContentDepth);            }            return result + QLatin1Char(']');        }    } else if (property.isVariantProperty()) {        const VariantProperty variantProperty = property.toVariantProperty();        const QVariant value = variantProperty.value();        const QString stringValue = value.toString();        if (property.name() == "id")            return stringValue;        if (variantProperty.parentModelNode().metaInfo().isValid()                && variantProperty.parentModelNode().metaInfo().propertyIsEnumType(variantProperty.name())) {            return variantProperty.parentModelNode().metaInfo().propertyEnumScope(variantProperty.name())                    + QLatin1String(".") + stringValue;            //Enums do not work with alias properties. This is a workaround.        } else if (variantProperty.parentModelNode().metaInfo().isValid()                   //Enums are not strings                   && variantProperty.parentModelNode().metaInfo().propertyTypeName(variantProperty.name())                   != ("string")                   && variantProperty.parentModelNode().metaInfo().propertyTypeName(variantProperty.name())                   != ("QString")                   //We check if the value of the property is one of the known Qt Quick enums.                   && NodeMetaInfo::qtQuickEnumsWithoutScope().contains(stringValue)                   ) {            return NodeMetaInfo::qtQuickEnumScopeForEnumString(stringValue) + QLatin1String(".") + stringValue;        } else {            switch (value.type()) {            case QVariant::Bool:                if (value.value<bool>())                    return QLatin1String("true");                else                    return QLatin1String("false");            case QVariant::Color:                return QString(QLatin1String("/"%1/"")).arg(properColorName(value.value<QColor>()));            case QVariant::Double:                return doubleToString(value.toDouble());            case QVariant::Int:            case QVariant::LongLong:            case QVariant::UInt:            case QVariant::ULongLong:                return stringValue;            default:                return QString(QLatin1String("/"%1/"")).arg(escape(stringValue));            }        }    } else {        Q_ASSERT("Unknown property type");        return QString();    }}

示例19: PropertyName

QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const AbstractProperty &property){    return debug.nospace() << "AbstractProperty(" << (property.isValid() ? property.name() : PropertyName("invalid")) << ')';}

示例20: toQml

QString QmlTextGenerator::toQml(const AbstractProperty &property, int indentDepth) const{    if (property.isBindingProperty()) {        return property.toBindingProperty().expression();    } else if (property.isNodeProperty()) {        return toQml(property.toNodeProperty().modelNode(), indentDepth);    } else if (property.isNodeListProperty()) {        const QList<ModelNode> nodes = property.toNodeListProperty().toModelNodeList();        if (property.isDefaultProperty()) {            QString result;            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length(); ++i) {                if (i > 0)                    result += QLatin1String("/n/n");                result += QString(indentDepth, QLatin1Char(' '));                result += toQml(nodes.at(i), indentDepth);            }            return result;        } else {            QString result = QLatin1String("[");            const int arrayContentDepth = indentDepth + 4;            const QString arrayContentIndentation(arrayContentDepth, QLatin1Char(' '));            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length(); ++i) {                if (i > 0)                    result += QLatin1Char(',');                result += QLatin1Char('/n');                result += arrayContentIndentation;                result += toQml(nodes.at(i), arrayContentDepth);            }            return result + QLatin1Char(']');        }    } else if (property.isVariantProperty()) {        const VariantProperty variantProperty = property.toVariantProperty();        const QVariant value = variantProperty.value();        const QString stringValue = value.toString();        if (property.name() == QLatin1String("id"))            return stringValue;          if (false) {          }        if (variantProperty.parentModelNode().metaInfo().isValid() &&            variantProperty.parentModelNode().metaInfo().propertyIsEnumType(variantProperty.name())) {            return variantProperty.parentModelNode().metaInfo().propertyEnumScope(variantProperty.name()) + '.' + stringValue;        } else {            switch (value.type()) {            case QVariant::Bool:                if (value.value<bool>())                    return QLatin1String("true");                else                    return QLatin1String("false");            case QVariant::Color:                return QString(QLatin1String("/"%1/"")).arg(properColorName(value.value<QColor>()));            case QVariant::Double:                return doubleToString(value.toDouble());            case QVariant::Int:            case QVariant::LongLong:            case QVariant::UInt:            case QVariant::ULongLong:                return stringValue;            default:                return QString(QLatin1String("/"%1/"")).arg(escape(stringValue));            }        }    } else {        Q_ASSERT("Unknown property type");        return QString();    }}

示例21: compareProperty

// TODO: this need to e updated for statesstatic bool compareProperty(const AbstractProperty &property1, const AbstractProperty &property2){    return (property1.name() == property2.name());//            && (property1.value().type() == property2.value().type());//            && (property1.value() == property2.value()));}

示例22: isInHierarchy

bool ModelToTextMerger::isInHierarchy(const AbstractProperty &property) {    return property.isValid() && property.parentModelNode().isInHierarchy();}


C++ AbstractVehicle类代码示例
C++ AbstractNode类代码示例