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自学教程:C++ AcDbDatabase类代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-03 12:05:13
这篇教程C++ AcDbDatabase类代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中AcDbDatabase的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AcDbDatabase类的具体用法?C++ AcDbDatabase怎么用?C++ AcDbDatabase使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: readDatabase

void readDatabase(){	// Use kFalse to create an empty database.    AcDbDatabase *pDb = new AcDbDatabase(Adesk::kFalse);    // Use readDwgFile to load the DWG file.	acutPrintf(_T("/nRead file /"d://temp//testfile.dwg/"."));    if(Acad::eOk != pDb->readDwgFile(_T("d://temp//testfile.dwg")))        return;    // Get the BlockTable.    AcDbBlockTable *pBTable = NULL;    pDb->getSymbolTable(pBTable, AcDb::kForRead);	// Get the ModelSpace.    AcDbBlockTableRecord *pRecord = NULL;    pBTable->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pRecord, AcDb::kForRead);    pBTable->close();	// Get new iterator.    AcDbBlockTableRecordIterator *pItr = NULL;    pRecord->newIterator(pItr);    AcDbEntity *pEnt = NULL;    for (pItr->start(); !pItr->done(); pItr->step())    {        pItr->getEntity(pEnt, AcDb::kForRead);        acutPrintf(_T("/nclassname: %s"), (pEnt->isA())->name());        pEnt->close();    }    pRecord->close();    delete pItr;    delete pDb;}

示例2: getDestDb

voidArxDbgUiTdcWblockClone::doInsertOption(AcDbDatabase* tmpDb){    AcDbDatabase* destDb = getDestDb();    if (destDb == NULL) {        ArxDbgUiTdmDatabase dbox(tmpDb, this, _T("Wblock'd Database"));        dbox.DoModal();        doSaveOption(tmpDb);    }    else {        Acad::ErrorStatus es;            // lock the document we are inserting into        ArxDbgDocLockWrite docLock(destDb);        if (docLock.lockAndSetCurrent() != Acad::eOk)            return;        es = destDb->insert(AcGeMatrix3d::kIdentity, tmpDb, false);        if (es == Acad::eOk) {            ArxDbgUiTdmDatabase dbox(destDb, this, _T("Wblock/Insert Database"));            dbox.DoModal();            doSaveOption(destDb);        }        else {            CString str;            str.Format(_T("Insert failed: %s"), ArxDbgUtils::rxErrorStr(es));            ArxDbgUtils::stopAlertBox(str);        }    }}

示例3: SaveToFile

bool CMakeBlkFile::SaveToFile(){	bool bRet = true;	AcDbDatabase *pDwg = NULL; 	Acad::ErrorStatus es;	es = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase()->wblock(pDwg, m_objIdArrs, m_insertPt/*, AcDb::kDrcIgnore*/);	if (es == Acad::eOk)	{		AcDb::AcDbDwgVersion dwgVer = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase()->originalFileVersion();		es = pDwg->saveAs(m_strFileName,FALSE,dwgVer,0);		if (es!=Acad::eOk)		{			bRet = false;		}	}	if (pDwg != NULL)	{		delete pDwg;		pDwg = NULL;	}	acTransactionManagerPtr()->queueForGraphicsFlush();	acTransactionManagerPtr()->flushGraphics();//刷新	acedUpdateDisplay();	return bRet;}

示例4: postToDatabase

Acad::ErrorStatus postToDatabase(/*[in]*/AcDbEntity* pEnt,/*[out]*/AcDbObjectId& idObj)//Purpose://  Adds an entity to the MODEL_SPACE of the CURRENT database.//Note://  It could be generalized to add it to any block table record of//  any database, but why complicate it...//{	Acad::ErrorStatus	  es;	AcDbBlockTable*		pBlockTable;	AcDbBlockTableRecord*  pSpaceRecord;	AcDbDatabase *pCurDwg = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();    if (pCurDwg==NULL)        return Acad::eNoDatabase;    //Get a pointer to the current drawing    //and get the drawing's block table.  Open it for read.    if ((es = pCurDwg->getBlockTable(pBlockTable, AcDb::kForRead))==Acad::eOk){	//Get the Model Space record and open it for write.  This will be the owner of the new line.        if ((es = pBlockTable->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pSpaceRecord, AcDb::kForWrite))==Acad::eOk){            //Append pEnt to Model Space, then close it and the Model Space record.            if ((es = pSpaceRecord->appendAcDbEntity(idObj, pEnt))==Acad::eOk)                pEnt->close();            pSpaceRecord->close();        }    pBlockTable->close();    }	//it is good programming practice to return an error status	return es;}

示例5: SetCurLayler

void Additional_Class::SetCurLayler( AcDbObjectId curlayerID){	AcDbDatabase *pCurDb = NULL;	pCurDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();	pCurDb->setClayer(curlayerID);	return;}

示例6: GetWorkingDB

Acad::ErrorStatus TWArxLayerMan::Init(){	AcDbDatabase* pDb = GetWorkingDB();	Acad::ErrorStatus es = Acad::eOk;	AcDbLayerTable* pLayerTb = NULL;	es = pDb->getLayerTable( pLayerTb,AcDb::kForRead );	if( pLayerTb == NULL ) return es;	pLayerTb->close();	AcDbLayerTableIterator* pIte = NULL;	es = pLayerTb->newIterator( pIte );	if( pIte == NULL ) return es;	m_vLayers.clear();	for ( pIte->start(); !pIte->done(); pIte->step())	{		AcDbObjectId Id;		es = pIte->getRecordId( Id );		if( es != Acad::eOk ) continue;		m_vLayers.push_back( Id );	}	TWFreePtr( pIte );	return es;}

示例7: acutPrintf

voidArxDbgUiTdcSysReactors::attachTransactionReactorToAll(){    if (m_transReactor) {		AcDbDatabase* tmpDb;		AcDbVoidPtrArray dbPtrs;		ArxDbgUtils::getAllDatabases(dbPtrs);		AcDbTransactionManager* tmpTrMgr;		AcDbVoidPtrArray trMgrs;	// keep track of ones we've attached to since some db's share transMgr        acutPrintf(_T("/nAttaching Transaction Reactor to all active databases..."));		int len = dbPtrs.length();		for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {			tmpDb = static_cast<AcDbDatabase*>(dbPtrs[i]);			tmpTrMgr = tmpDb->transactionManager();			if (tmpTrMgr && (trMgrs.contains(tmpTrMgr) == false)) {				tmpTrMgr->addReactor(m_transReactor);				trMgrs.append(tmpTrMgr);			}			else {				CString str;				acutPrintf("/nSkipping duplicate transaction manager for: (%s)", ArxDbgUtils::dbToStr(tmpDb, str));			}		}	}}

示例8: _T

voidArxDbgUiTdcInsert::OnAddExternalDwg(){	CString fname;	Acad::ErrorStatus es;	es = ArxDbgUtils::getFileNameForRead(_T("Drawing File"), NULL, _T("dwg"),                       fname, false, false);	if (es == Acad::eOk) {		if (hasDwgFile(m_extDwgNames, fname))			ArxDbgUtils::alertBox(_T("That DWG file is already in the list."));		else {			AcDbDatabase* db = new AcDbDatabase(false, true);			es = db->readDwgFile(fname);			if (es == Acad::eOk) {				m_dbPtrs.append(db);				m_extDwgNames.Add(fname);				CString str;				ArxDbgUtils::dbToStr(db, str);				m_lbSourceDb.AddString(str);				m_lbDestDb.AddString(str);			}			else {				CString str;				str.Format(_T("ERROR: could not read DWG file: %s"), ArxDbgUtils::rxErrorStr(es));				ArxDbgUtils::alertBox(str);			}		}	}}

示例9: acdbCurDwg

Acad::ErrorStatus CTwArxDictionary::CreateSubDictionaryID( IN const AcDbObjectId& IdRoot, IN const CString& strKey, OUT AcDbObjectId& IdSubDic, IN AcRxClass* pRxObjType /*= AcDbDictionary::desc() */ ) const{	if( pRxObjType == NULL ) return Acad::eNullObjectPointer;	Acad::ErrorStatus es = Acad::eOk;	AcDbDictionary* pDicRoot = NULL;	AcDbDatabase* pWdb = acdbCurDwg();	if( IdRoot.isNull() )		es = pWdb->getNamedObjectsDictionary( pDicRoot, AcDb::kForRead );	else		es = acdbOpenObject( pDicRoot, IdRoot, AcDb::kForRead );	if( es != Acad::eOk ) return es;	if( pDicRoot->has(strKey) )	{		pDicRoot->getAt( strKey, IdSubDic );		pDicRoot->close();		return es;	}	pDicRoot->upgradeOpen();	AcDbObject* pObj = (AcDbObject*)pRxObjType->create();	es = pDicRoot->setAt( strKey, pObj, IdSubDic );	pObj->close();	pDicRoot->close();	return es;}

示例10: GetClientRect

void CZhfPalette::AddControls(){	acDocManager->lockDocument(curDoc(), AcAp::kWrite, NULL, NULL, true) ;	CRect rect ;	GetClientRect(&rect) ;	int iWidth = rect.Width() ;	int iHeight = rect.Height() ;	CFont * pFont = new CFont;	pFont->CreateFont(14, // nHeight		0, // nWidth		0, // nEscapement		0, // nOrientation		FW_NORMAL , // nWeight		FALSE, // bItalic		FALSE, // bUnderline		0, // cStrikeOut		ANSI_CHARSET, // nCharSet		OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nOutPrecision		CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nClipPrecision		DEFAULT_QUALITY, // nQuality		DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS, // nPitchAndFamily		_T("Arial")); // lpszFac	int iIndex = 0 ;	int iCount = m_strArrayFile.GetCount() ;	for (int i=0; i<iCount; i++)	{		CString strFile = m_strArrayFile.GetAt(i) ;		CGsPreviewCtrl* pCtrl = new CGsPreviewCtrl() ;		pCtrl->m_iIndex = iIndex ;		pCtrl->m_strDwgFile = strFile ;		m_pArrayPreviewCtrl.Add(pCtrl) ;		pCtrl->Create(_T(""), WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|SS_CENTER|SS_SUNKEN, CRect(10, 10, 110, 110), this) ;				AcDbDatabase* pDbSrc = new AcDbDatabase(false) ;		if(Acad::eOk==pDbSrc->readDwgFile(strFile))		{			AcDbDatabase* pDbTo = new AcDbDatabase() ;			this->Wblock(pDbSrc, pDbTo) ;			this->FilterDb(pDbTo, m_nArrayFilterMode.GetAt(i)) ;			pCtrl->SetDatabase(pDbTo);		}		delete pDbSrc ;				CStatic* pCtrlStatic = new CStatic() ;		CString strFileName ;		strFileName.Format(_T("%s"), m_strArrayFileName.GetAt(i)) ;				m_pArrayStatic.Add(pCtrlStatic) ;		pCtrlStatic->Create(strFileName, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|SS_CENTER, CRect(10, 10, 40, 110), this) ;		pCtrlStatic->SetFont(pFont) ;		iIndex++ ;	}	acDocManager->unlockDocument(curDoc()) ;	this->OnSize(0, iWidth, iHeight) ;}

示例11: getAllSymbolRecordsIds

int getAllSymbolRecordsIds(AcRxClass* pTableClass, AcDbObjectIdArray & idaAll){	CLogger::Print(_T("*Call: getAllSymbolRecordsIds()"));	Acad::ErrorStatus es;	idaAll.setLogicalLength(0);	AcDbDatabase* pDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();	AcDbSymbolTable* pSymbolTable = NULL;	if (AcRx::kEqual == pTableClass->comparedTo(AcDbBlockTable::desc())) {		CLogger::Print(_T("> This is BlockTable!"));		es = pDb->getBlockTable(pSymbolTable, AcDb::kForRead);	}	else if (AcRx::kEqual == pTableClass->comparedTo(AcDbLayerTable::desc())) {		CLogger::Print(_T("> This is LayerTable!"));		es = pDb->getLayerTable(pSymbolTable, AcDb::kForRead);	}	else if (AcRx::kEqual == pTableClass->comparedTo(AcDbLinetypeTable::desc())) {		CLogger::Print(_T("> This is LinetypeTable!"));		es = pDb->getLinetypeTable(pSymbolTable, AcDb::kForRead);	}	else if (AcRx::kEqual == pTableClass->comparedTo(AcDbTextStyleTable::desc())) {		CLogger::Print(_T("> This is TextStyleTable!"));		es = pDb->getTextStyleTable(pSymbolTable, AcDb::kForRead);	}	else {		CLogger::Print(_T("*Exit: getAllSymbolRecordsIds() - This kind of SymbolTable is not supported!"));		return -1;	}	if (Acad::eOk != es) {		CLogger::Print(_T("*Exit: getAllSymbolRecordsIds() -  Fail to get SymbolTable!"));		return -1;	}		//------------	// Get the SymbolTable's iterator.	AcDbSymbolTableIterator* pSymbolTableIter = NULL;	es = pSymbolTable->newIterator(pSymbolTableIter);	pSymbolTable->close();	if (Acad::eOk != es) {		CLogger::Print(_T("*Exit: getAllSymbolRecordsIds() - Fail to get the SymbolTable's iterator!"));		return -1;	}	//------------	// Steps through the SymbolTable's records. 	// Then get the SymbolTableRecord's ObjectID.	for (; !pSymbolTableIter->done(); pSymbolTableIter->step()) {		AcDbObjectId idObj = AcDbObjectId::kNull;		if (Acad::eOk == pSymbolTableIter->getRecordId(idObj))			idaAll.append(idObj);	}	delete pSymbolTableIter;	CLogger::Print(_T("*Exit: getAllSymbolRecordsIds() - Count: %02d"), idaAll.length());	return idaAll.length();}

示例12: ads_MyDialog

  int ads_MyDialog()  {// sample from brxtemplate//++-- See StdAfx for these types  StringPairs LayerList;  AcDbDatabase *pDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();    pDb->layerTableId();  LayerTablePointer pLayerTable(pDb->layerTableId(),AcDb::kForRead);    if(pLayerTable.openStatus() != eOk)    {      ads_retnil();      return( RSRSLT);    }  AcDbLayerTableIterator *pLayerTableIterator;    pLayerTable->newIterator(pLayerTableIterator);    //++-- iterate though and get our stuff    for (pLayerTableIterator->start();         !pLayerTableIterator->done();          pLayerTableIterator->step())    {    AcDbObjectId LayerId;    TCHAR *LayerName;    CString LayerColor;      pLayerTableIterator->getRecordId(LayerId);      LayerTableRecordPointer pLayerTableRecord(LayerId,AcDb::kForRead);      pLayerTableRecord->getName(LayerName);    AcCmColor clr = pLayerTableRecord->color();      LayerColor = clr.bookName();      LayerColor.Format(_T("Red = %03d   Green = %03d   Blue = %03d "),                            clr.red(),    clr.green() ,  clr.blue());      LayerList.push_back(StringPair(String(LayerName), String(LayerColor)));    }    delete pLayerTableIterator;    {    // you should always call this before your diaog;    CAcModuleResourceOverride resOverride;    //show our dialog      MyDialog dlg(LayerList,CWnd::FromHandle(adsw_acadMainWnd()));      dlg.DoModal();    }    ads_retnil();    return( RSRSLT); }

示例13: AddEntityToDataBase

static void AddEntityToDataBase(AcDbEntity *pEnt)   {    AcDbDatabase* pDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();    AcDbBlockTableRecordPointer pBTR(pDb->currentSpaceId(), AcDb::kForWrite);     if (pEnt && Acad::eOk == pBTR.openStatus())    {      pBTR->appendAcDbEntity(pEnt);      pEnt->close();    }  }

示例14: GetPredefinedStrings

//OPM calls this function for each property to obtain a list of strings and cookies if they are available.//For our textstyle property we would like to display all the textstyles currently available in the database.//This function is declared on the IPerPropertyBrowsing interface. Our IOPMPropertyExtensionImpl//class implements this member by reading the values in the OPM property map. (You set this up in your//head file when you use BEGIN_OPMPROP_MAP, OPMPROP_ENTRY, END_OPMPROP_MAP macros.)//Since we need a dynamic list of entries in this drop down list and a static map cannot implement this, //we need to override this function a provide dynamic list of text styles to OPM.STDMETHODIMP CComPolygon::GetPredefinedStrings(DISPID dispID, CALPOLESTR *pCaStringsOut, CADWORD *pCaCookiesOut){    if (dispID != DISPID_TEXTSTYLENAME)        return  IOPMPropertyExtensionImpl<CComPolygon>::GetPredefinedStrings(dispID,pCaStringsOut,pCaCookiesOut);    USES_CONVERSION;    AcDbTextStyleTable* pTT;        AcDbDatabase *pDb = m_objRef.objectId().database();    if (NULL == pDb)        pDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();        if (pDb->getTextStyleTable(pTT,AcDb::kForRead)==Acad::eOk)    {        AcDbTextStyleTableIterator* pIter;        if (pTT->newIterator(pIter)==Acad::eOk)        {            long size = 0;            // Clear the array.            mObjectIdArray.removeAll();            for (pIter->start();!pIter->done();pIter->step())                size++;            pCaStringsOut->pElems = (LPOLESTR *)::CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(LPOLESTR) * size);            pCaCookiesOut->pElems = (DWORD *)::CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(DWORD) * size);            long i=0;            for (pIter->start();!pIter->done();pIter->step())            {                AcDbTextStyleTableRecord* pTTR;                if (pIter->getRecord(pTTR,AcDb::kForRead)!=Acad::eOk)                    continue;                const TCHAR* pName = NULL;                if (pTTR->getName(pName)==Acad::eOk){                    //we want to show the name of the textstyle as                     //it appears in the database                    pCaStringsOut->pElems[i] = ::SysAllocString(CT2W(pName));                    pCaCookiesOut->pElems[i] = mObjectIdArray.append(pTTR->objectId());                }                pTTR->close();                i++;            }            pCaStringsOut->cElems = i;            pCaCookiesOut->cElems = i;        }        if (pIter)            delete pIter;        pTT->close();    }    return S_OK;}

示例15: UpdateData

voidArxDbgUiTdcInsert::OnInsertBlkDef(){	CString blkName;	m_ebDestName1.GetWindowText(blkName);	if (!acdbSNValid(blkName, false)) {		CString str;		str.Format(_T("%s is not a valid block name."), blkName);		ArxDbgUtils::alertBox(str);		return;	}	UpdateData(TRUE);	bool isExternal;	AcDbDatabase* sourceDb = getSourceDb(isExternal);	AcDbDatabase* destDb = getDestDb();	ASSERT(sourceDb != destDb);	Acad::ErrorStatus es;		// lock the document we are inserting into	ArxDbgDocLockWrite docLock(destDb);	if (docLock.lockAndSetCurrent() != Acad::eOk)		return;	bool preserveSrcDb = intToBool(m_preserveOriginalDb);	if (!preserveSrcDb && !isExternal) {		ArxDbgUtils::alertBox(_T("Ignoring setting of /"Preserve source database/" since destroying/na database associated with a Document would be harsh."));		preserveSrcDb = true;	}	AcDbObjectId blkId;	es = destDb->insert(blkId, blkName, sourceDb, preserveSrcDb);	if (es == Acad::eOk) {		ArxDbgUiTdmDatabase dbox(destDb, this, _T("Inserted Database"));		dbox.DoModal();		doSaveOption(destDb);		if (isExternal && !preserveSrcDb)			reloadRaidedExternalDwg(sourceDb);	}	else {		CString str;		str.Format(_T("Insert failed: %s"), ArxDbgUtils::rxErrorStr(es));		ArxDbgUtils::stopAlertBox(str);	}}

示例16: insertPoints

bool insertPoints(std::map<std::wstring,AcGePoint3d>& m_Points, Adesk::Int16 pointStyle, double pointSize, double textHeight){		AcDbDatabase* pDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();	AcCmColor pointColor;	AcGePoint3d temp;	AcDbPoint* tmp_point = nullptr;	AcDbText* tmp_txt = nullptr;	AcDbBlockTable* pBT = nullptr;	AcDbBlockTableRecord* pBTR = nullptr;	ACHAR* nrPct = nullptr;	/*****************************************************************/	pointColor.setColorIndex(7);	Layer::Create(_T("pctContur"), pointColor, false, false, false);	Layer::Create(_T("nrPct"), pointColor, false, false, false);	Acad::ErrorStatus es = Acad::eOk;	es = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase()->setPdmode(pointStyle);	es = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase()->setPdsize(pointSize);	/*****************************************************************/	pDb->getSymbolTable(pBT, AcDb::kForRead);	pBT->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pBTR, AcDb::kForWrite);	pBT->close();	std::map<std::wstring, AcGePoint3d>::iterator it;	for (it = m_Points.begin(); it != m_Points.end();it++)	{		const wchar_t* key = it->first.c_str();		tmp_point = new AcDbPoint;		tmp_point->setPosition(it->second);		tmp_point->setLayer(_T("pctContur"));				tmp_txt = new AcDbText(it->second, key, AcDbObjectId::kNull, textHeight, 0);		tmp_txt->setLayer(_T("nrPct"));				pBTR->appendAcDbEntity(tmp_point);		pBTR->appendAcDbEntity(tmp_txt);		tmp_point->close();		tmp_txt->close();	}	pBTR->close();	return true;}

示例17: addToDatabase

// Add the given entity to the current DatabaseAcad::ErrorStatusaddToDatabase(AcDbEntity* pEnt, AcDbObjectId& objId){    Acad::ErrorStatus acadReturnValue = Acad::eOk;    AcDbBlockTable* pBlockTable;    AcDbBlockTableRecord* pSpaceRecord;	AcDbDatabase *pCurDwg = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();    if (pCurDwg==NULL)        return Acad::eNoDatabase;    if ((acadReturnValue = pCurDwg->getBlockTable(pBlockTable,        AcDb::kForRead)) != Acad::eOk) {        acutPrintf(ACRX_T("/n acdbCurDwg()->getBlockTable() failed"));        return acadReturnValue;    }    if ((acadReturnValue = pBlockTable->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE,         pSpaceRecord, AcDb::kForWrite)) != Acad::eOk) {        acutPrintf(ACRX_T("/n AcDbBlockTable::getAt() failed"));        return acadReturnValue;    }     // close the block table object    if ((acadReturnValue = pBlockTable->close()) != Acad::eOk) {        acutPrintf(ACRX_T("/n AcDbBlockTable::close() failed"));        return acadReturnValue;    }    // append the entity to the display list    if ((acadReturnValue = pSpaceRecord->appendAcDbEntity(objId, pEnt))        != Acad::eOk) {        acutPrintf(ACRX_T("/n AcDbBlockTableRecord::appendAcDbEntity() failed"));        return acadReturnValue;    }    // close the block table record object    if ((acadReturnValue = pSpaceRecord->close()) != Acad::eOk) {        acutPrintf(ACRX_T("/n AcDbBlockTableRecord::close() failed"));        return acadReturnValue;    }    return acadReturnValue;}

示例18: GetSubDictionaryID

Acad::ErrorStatus CTwArxDictionary::GetSubDictionaryID( IN const AcDbObjectId& IdRoot, IN const CString& strKey, AcDbObjectId& IdSub, AcDbDatabase* pCurDB ) const{	Acad::ErrorStatus es = Acad::eOk;	AcDbDictionary* pDicRoot = NULL;	AcDbDatabase* pWdb = pCurDB;	if( pWdb == NULL )		pWdb = acdbCurDwg();	if( IdRoot.isNull() )		es = pWdb->getNamedObjectsDictionary( pDicRoot, AcDb::kForRead );	else		es = acdbOpenObject( pDicRoot, IdRoot, AcDb::kForRead );	if( pDicRoot == NULL ) return es;	pDicRoot->close();		es = pDicRoot->getAt( strKey, IdSub );	return es;}

示例19: ASSERT

voidArxDbgUiTdcWblockClone::OnWblockBlkDef(){        // get the block we're suppose to be wblocking    int index = m_puBlockDef.GetCurSel();    ASSERT(index != CB_ERR);    CString str;    AcDbObjectId blkDefId;    if (!m_blockList.GetAtIndex(index, str, blkDefId)) {        ASSERT(0);        return;    }    AcDbDatabase* sourceDb = getSourceDb();    ASSERT(sourceDb != NULL);        // lock the document we are wblocking from    ArxDbgDocLockWrite docLock(sourceDb);    if (docLock.lock() != Acad::eOk)        return;    // restore database to non-xref state (xes returns eOk if this    // was necessary, and something else if it wasn't).    Acad::ErrorStatus xes = sourceDb->restoreOriginalXrefSymbols();    AcDbDatabase* tmpDb = NULL;    Acad::ErrorStatus es = sourceDb->wblock(tmpDb, blkDefId);    if (xes ==Acad::eOk)        xes = sourceDb->restoreForwardingXrefSymbols();    if (es == Acad::eOk) {        doInsertOption(tmpDb);        delete tmpDb;   // we're done with it    }    else {        CString str;        str.Format(_T("Wblock failed: %s"), ArxDbgUtils::rxErrorStr(es));        ArxDbgUtils::stopAlertBox(str);        delete tmpDb;   // yes, a failed wblock can leave a partially created database!                        // so always delete it.    }}

示例20: acdbHostApplicationServices

void CLayerTreeDlg::OnTvSelChanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR){	NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR;	// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here	TV_ITEM tvi = pNMTreeView->itemNew;	HTREEITEM hItem = tvi.hItem;	if(m_tree.ItemHasChildren(hItem)) 	{		return;	}	CString strLayerName = m_tree.GetItemText(hItem);	Acad::ErrorStatus es = Acad::eOk;	AcDbDatabase* pDB = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();	if (NULL == pDB)		return;	AcDbLayerTable *pLyTable = NULL;	AcDbLayerTableRecord *pLyRcd = NULL;	es = pDB->getSymbolTable(pLyTable,AcDb::kForRead);            //获得当前数据库中层表指针	if ( es != Acad::eOk ) 	{		acutPrintf("/n获取LayerTable的时候发生错误,请稍后再试。/n");		return;	}	if ( !pLyTable->has(strLayerName) )	{		pLyTable->close();		return;	}	pLyTable->close();	SetCurrentLayer(strLayerName);}

示例21: attachDbReactor

////	Attach the database reactor if one isn't attached already.  //	Then, start up the dialog.////void attachDbReactor(AcDbDatabase* pDb){	if(gbDisplayDialog)	{		AcDbDatabase* pWkDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();		assert(pWkDb == pDb);		AcDbDatabase* pCurDb = curDoc()->database();		assert(pCurDb == pDb);		acDocManager->lockDocument(curDoc(), AcAp::kWrite);    		gpDbReactor = new CDbModReactor();		pWkDb->addReactor(gpDbReactor);		acutPrintf("/nAttached CDbModReactor to the current database./n");     				acDocManager->unlockDocument(curDoc());		acedPostCommandPrompt();	}	else		endDlg();}

示例22: getSourceDb

voidArxDbgUiTdcWblockClone::OnWblockObjects() {    AcDbDatabase* sourceDb = getSourceDb();    ASSERT(sourceDb != NULL);    AcDbObjectIdArray objIds;    m_cloneSet.getObjectsForDatabase(sourceDb, objIds);    // unfortunately, wblock is a little restrictive on what    // it will allow to be cloned automatically.  So, we factor    // out all the entities and allow those to be cloned, and    // then our ArxDbgAppEditorReactor will handle the rest by hand.    AcDbObjectIdArray okToClone, mustCloneByHand;    divideCloneSet(objIds, mustCloneByHand, okToClone);    // lock the document we are wblocking from    ArxDbgDocLockWrite docLock(sourceDb);    if (docLock.lock() != Acad::eOk)        return;    // restore database to non-xref state (xes returns eOk if this    // was necessary, and something else if it wasn't).    Acad::ErrorStatus xes = sourceDb->restoreOriginalXrefSymbols();    AcDbDatabase* tmpDb = NULL;    Acad::ErrorStatus es = sourceDb->wblock(tmpDb, okToClone, m_basePt);    if (xes ==Acad::eOk)        xes = sourceDb->restoreForwardingXrefSymbols();    if (es == Acad::eOk) {        doInsertOption(tmpDb);        delete tmpDb;   // we're done with it    }    else {        CString str;        str.Format(_T("Wblock failed: %s"), ArxDbgUtils::rxErrorStr(es));        ArxDbgUtils::stopAlertBox(str);        delete tmpDb;   // yes, a failed wblock can leave a partially created database!                        // so always delete it.    }}

示例23: append

bool append(AcDbEntity* pEntity){    AcDbBlockTable *pBlockTable;	AcApDocument* pDoc = acDocManager->curDocument();	Acad::ErrorStatus es = acDocManager->lockDocument(pDoc);    if (es != Acad::eOk) {        acedAlert("Failed to lock the document...");        return false;    }	AcDbDatabase* pDb = pDoc->database();        es = pDb->getBlockTable(pBlockTable, AcDb::kForRead);    if (es != Acad::eOk) {        acedAlert("Failed to get block table...");        return false;    }    AcDbBlockTableRecord *pBlockRec;    es = pBlockTable->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pBlockRec, AcDb::kForWrite);    if (es != Acad::eOk) {        acedAlert("Failed to get block table record...");        pBlockTable->close();        return false;    }    es = pBlockRec->appendAcDbEntity(pEntity);    if (es != Acad::eOk) {        acedAlert("Failed to append entity...");        pBlockTable->close();        pBlockRec->close();        delete pEntity;        return false;    }    pBlockRec->close();    pBlockTable->close();    return true;}

示例24: createDatabase

void createDatabase(){	// Create a new Database.	AcDbDatabase *pDb = new AcDbDatabase();	// Get the BlockTable.	AcDbBlockTable *pBTable = NULL;	pDb->getSymbolTable(pBTable, AcDb::kForRead);	// Get the ModelSpace.	AcDbBlockTableRecord *pRecord = NULL;	pBTable->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pRecord, AcDb::kForWrite);	pBTable->close();	// Create a new Circle.	AcDbCircle *pCircle1 = new AcDbCircle(AcGePoint3d(100,100,0),		AcGeVector3d(0,0,1),		50.0);	// Create another new Circle.	AcDbCircle *pCircle2 = new AcDbCircle(AcGePoint3d(200,200,0),		AcGeVector3d(0,0,1),		30.0);	// Append Circle1 to ModelSpace	pRecord->appendAcDbEntity(pCircle1);	pCircle1->close();	// Append Circle2 to ModelSpace	pRecord->appendAcDbEntity(pCircle2);	pCircle2->close();	pRecord->close();	// Save to file	// MUST append a DWG file extension.	acutPrintf(_T("/nSave file to /"d://temp//testfile.dwg/"."));	pDb->saveAs(_T("d://temp//testfile.dwg"));	delete pDb;}

示例25: appendToSpace

// everything went ok, append entity to the databaseHRESULT CPolyCommand::appendToSpace(){    AcDbObjectId obj(NULL);    m_pBaseObj->AddToDb(obj,m_pDb->currentSpaceId(),"AsdkPoly");    return Acad::eOk;}


C++ AcDbEntity类代码示例
C++ AcDbBlockTableRecord类代码示例