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自学教程:QCAD Community Edition Source Code

51自学网 2023-01-03 19:43:30
这篇教程QCAD Community Edition Source Code写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

QCAD Community Edition Source Code

The source code of QCAD version 3.27.8 is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).
Please note that the GPLv3 applies to the source code of QCAD 3.27.8 only, not to source code of 3rd party libraries or other resources contained in the package (user manual, fonts, patterns, etc.). For a complete list of licenses, please refer to the file LICENSE.txt contained in the package.

For help and support, please browse our user forum or post your questions there.

This is source code intended for computer savvy developers. Source code needs to be compiled using a C++ compiler.
This is NOT an installer. Installers are available at the top of this page.

Qt Source Code

QCAD uses Qt 5, a cross-platform C++ framework. You can download the source code of Qt 5.10.1 for all platforms from the link below, or obtain it from the Qt Company.

The LGPL Open Source license under which Qt ships with QCAD, confers various rights to you as the user, including the right to recompile the Qt libraries for your platform. To do that follow the documentation shown on the Qt website.

C++ AcStringArray类代码示例