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自学教程:C++ A2T函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:31:41
这篇教程C++ A2T函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中A2T函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ A2T函数的具体用法?C++ A2T怎么用?C++ A2T使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: A2T

void CScanMgrDlg::InitExamData(){	USES_CONVERSION;	m_comboSubject.ResetContent();	if (_pCurrExam_)	{		m_strExamName = A2T(_pCurrExam_->strExamName.c_str());		if (_pCurrSub_)		{			int i = 0;			int nShowSubject = -1;			for (auto pSubject : _pCurrExam_->lSubjects)			{				m_comboSubject.AddString(A2T(pSubject->strSubjName.c_str()));				int nCount = m_comboSubject.GetCount();				m_comboSubject.SetItemDataPtr(nCount - 1, pSubject);				if (_pCurrSub_ == pSubject)					nShowSubject = i;				i++;			}			m_comboSubject.SetCurSel(nShowSubject);		}	}	UpdateChildDlgInfo();	UpdateData(FALSE);}

示例2: sprintf_s

LRESULT CLogoMarkerPropertyPage::OnVScroll(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled){	USES_CONVERSION;	HWND hThisSB = (HWND)lParam;		if (LOWORD(wParam) == SB_ENDSCROLL)		return 0; //reject spurious messages	//get position	int nPos = (int)::SendMessage(hThisSB, UDM_GETPOS, 0, 0L);	char  sText[10];	if (hThisSB == m_hSpnSize)	{		sprintf_s( sText, sizeof(sText), "%.2f/0", (double)nPos);		::SetWindowText(m_hEdtSize, A2T(sText));	}	else if (hThisSB == m_hSpnXOffset)	{		sprintf_s( sText, sizeof(sText), "%+.2f/0", (double)nPos);		::SetWindowText(m_hEdtXOffset, A2T(sText));		}	else if (hThisSB == m_hSpnYOffset)	{		sprintf_s( sText, sizeof(sText), "%+.2f/0", (double)nPos);		::SetWindowText(m_hEdtYOffset, A2T(sText));		}/*	else if (hThisSB == m_hSpnAngle)	{		sprintf( sText, "%.2f/0", (double)nPos / 100);		::SetWindowText(m_hEdtSize, sText);	}*/	return 0;}

示例3: A2T

void CPositionInquryResultMsg::ParseJSon(const char* json){    USES_CONVERSION;    Json::Reader reader;    Json::Value root;    if (reader.parse(json, root))    {        Error = root["errcode"].asInt();        ErrMsg = A2T(root["errmsg"].asString().c_str());        Json::Value data = root["data"];        BP = data["bp"].asDouble();        InitBp = data["init_bp"].asDouble();        ColosPl = data["close_pl"].asDouble();        TradeFee = data["trade_fee"].asDouble();        Json::Value hold = data["hold"];        for (UINT i = 0; i < hold.size(); i++)        {            Json::Value &current = hold[i];            CPositionData *SPositionData = new CPositionData;            PositionDatas.push_back(SPositionData);            SPositionData->StockID = A2T(current["stock_id"].asString().c_str());            SPositionData->Volume = current["volume"].asInt();            SPositionData->Amount = current["amount"].asDouble();            SPositionData->ArgPrice = current["avg_price"].asDouble();        }    }}

示例4: sprintf

/*** /brief         connects to the channels and initiates read thread.* /param         void* /return        S_OK for success, S_FALSE for failure*/HRESULT CDIL_CAN_MHS::CAN_StartHardware(void){USES_CONVERSION;HRESULT hResult;char str[100];//VALIDATE_VALUE_RETURN_VAL(sg_bCurrState, STATE_HW_INTERFACE_SELECTED, ERR_IMPROPER_STATE);if (!str_has_char(sg_MhsCanCfg.CanSnrStr))  sprintf(str, "Snr=%s", sg_MhsCanCfg.CanSnrStr);else  str[0]='/0';if (!CanDeviceOpen(0, str))  {  (void)CanSetOptions("CanTxAckEnable=1");  // **** CAN Bus Start  if (CanSetMode(0, OP_CAN_START, CAN_CMD_FIFOS_ERROR_CLEAR) >= 0)    hResult = S_OK;  else    {    hResult = S_FALSE;    sg_pIlog->vLogAMessage(A2T(__FILE__), __LINE__, _T("could not start the controller in running mode"));    }  sg_bCurrState = STATE_CONNECTED;  }else  {  //log the error for open port failure  sg_pIlog->vLogAMessage(A2T(__FILE__), __LINE__, _T("error opening /"Tiny-CAN/" interface"));  hResult = ERR_LOAD_HW_INTERFACE;  }return(hResult);}

示例5: InitSearchData

void CExamInfoMgrDlg::InitSearchData(){	std::vector<std::string> vecSub;	vecSub.push_back("全部");	std::vector<std::string> vecGrade;	vecGrade.push_back("全部");	//获取列表中所有科目名称信息、年级信息	int nAllExamItems = 0;	for (auto examObj : g_lExamList)	{		pEXAMINFO pExam = examObj;		for (auto subObj : examObj->lSubjects)		{			pEXAM_SUBJECT pSub = subObj;			bool bFind = false;			for (auto strSubName : vecSub)			{				if (pSub->strSubjName == strSubName)				{					bFind = true;					break;				}			}			if (!bFind && pSub->strSubjName != "")				vecSub.push_back(pSub->strSubjName);		}		bool bFindGrade = false;		for (auto strGrade : vecGrade)		{			if (pExam->strGradeName == strGrade)			{				bFindGrade = true;				break;			}		}		if (!bFindGrade && pExam->strGradeName != "")			vecGrade.push_back(pExam->strGradeName);		nAllExamItems = pExam->lSubjects.size();	}	m_nAllExamListItems = nAllExamItems;	m_comboSubject.ResetContent();	m_comboGrade.ResetContent();	USES_CONVERSION;	for (auto strSubName : vecSub)		m_comboSubject.AddString(A2T(strSubName.c_str()));	for (auto strGrade : vecGrade)		m_comboGrade.AddString(A2T(strGrade.c_str()));	m_comboSubject.AdjustDroppedWidth();	m_comboGrade.AdjustDroppedWidth();	m_comboSubject.SetCurSel(0);	m_comboGrade.SetCurSel(0);}

示例6: testFramework

int Matrix_T::transposeTest(void){	TestUtil testFramework("Matrix", "Transpose", __FILE__, __LINE__);	gpstk::Matrix<double> A1T(2,2),A2T(3,3),A3T(4,4),A4T(4,5);	gpstk::Matrix<double> CompareA1T(2,2),CompareA2T(3,3),CompareA3T(4,4),CompareA4T(5,4);	A1T = gpstk::transpose(A1);	A2T = gpstk::transpose(A2);	A3T = gpstk::transpose(A3);	A4T = gpstk::transpose(A4);	double temp4[4] = {2,-3,5,-7};	double temp5[9] = {1,3,-5,0,1,-1,-2,-2,9};	double temp6[16] = {2,1,0,0,3,0,2,2,1,3,-3,3,5,1,2,1};	double temp7[20] = {8,7,1,-78,5,-9,7,24,18,5,10,20,-2,0,11,-68,1.5,7,47,0};			CompareA1T = temp4;	CompareA2T = temp5;	CompareA3T = temp6;	CompareA4T = temp7;	int badCount = 0;	//testFramework.assert(AT == CompareAT, testMesg, __LINE__);	for(int i = 0; i < A1T.rows(); i++)		for(int j = 0; j < A1T.cols(); j++)     			if (A1T(i,j) != CompareA1T(i,j)) {badCount++;}	failDescriptionStream << "Check if gpstk::transpose(A1) returns the right matrix. " << badCount << " of the elements are incorrect.";	failDescriptionString = failDescriptionStream.str(); failDescriptionStream.str("");    testFramework.assert(badCount==0, failDescriptionString, __LINE__);  	badCount = 0; // Reset error counter	for(int i = 0; i < A2T.rows(); i++)		for(int j = 0; j < A2T.cols(); j++)     			if (A2T(i,j) != CompareA2T(i,j)) {badCount++;}	failDescriptionStream << "Check if gpstk::transpose(A2) returns the right matrix. " << badCount << " of the elements are incorrect.";	failDescriptionString = failDescriptionStream.str(); failDescriptionStream.str("");    testFramework.assert(badCount==0, failDescriptionString, __LINE__);  	badCount = 0; // Reset error counter	for(int i = 0; i < A3T.rows(); i++)		for(int j = 0; j < A3T.cols(); j++)     			if (A3T(i,j) != CompareA3T(i,j)) {badCount++;}	failDescriptionStream << "Check if gpstk::transpose(A3) returns the right matrix. " << badCount << " of the elements are incorrect.";	failDescriptionString = failDescriptionStream.str(); failDescriptionStream.str("");    testFramework.assert(badCount==0, failDescriptionString, __LINE__);  	badCount = 0; // Reset error counter	for(int i = 0; i < A4T.rows(); i++)		for(int j = 0; j < A4T.cols(); j++)     			if (A4T(i,j) != CompareA4T(i,j)) {badCount++;}	failDescriptionStream << "Check if gpstk::transpose(A4) returns the right matrix. " << badCount << " of the elements are incorrect.";	failDescriptionString = failDescriptionStream.str(); failDescriptionStream.str("");    testFramework.assert(badCount==0, failDescriptionString, __LINE__);  	badCount = 0; // Reset error counter      	  	return testFramework.countFails();  }

示例7: ipMSymbol

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IPropertyPageSTDMETHODIMP CLogoMarkerPropertyPage::Show(UINT nCmdShow){	USES_CONVERSION;	// If we are showing the property page propulate it	// from the Marker symbol object.	if ((nCmdShow & (SW_SHOW|SW_SHOWDEFAULT)))	{		//colors		IColorPtr ipColor;		m_ipLogoMarker->get_ColorTop(&ipColor);		ipColor->get_RGB(&m_colTop);		::SendMessage(m_hRchTop, EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 0, 															(LPARAM) m_colTop);		m_ipLogoMarker->get_ColorRight(&ipColor);		ipColor->get_RGB(&m_colRight);		::SendMessage(m_hRchRight, EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 0, 															(LPARAM) m_colRight);			m_ipLogoMarker->get_ColorLeft(&ipColor);		ipColor->get_RGB(&m_colLeft);		::SendMessage(m_hRchLeft, EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 0, 															(LPARAM) m_colLeft);				m_ipLogoMarker->get_ColorBorder(&ipColor);		ipColor->get_RGB(&m_colBorder);		::SendMessage(m_hRchBorder, EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 0, 															(LPARAM) m_colBorder);				//angle, size and offsets		char  sText[10];		double dText;		IMarkerSymbolPtr ipMSymbol(m_ipLogoMarker);		ipMSymbol->get_Size(&dText);		sprintf_s( sText, sizeof(sText), "%.2f/0", dText);		::SendMessage(m_hSpnSize, UDM_SETPOS, 0, MAKELPARAM((int)(dText), 0));		::SetWindowText(m_hEdtSize, A2T(sText));		ipMSymbol->get_Angle(&dText);		sprintf_s( sText, sizeof(sText), "%d/0", (int)dText);		::SendMessage(m_hSpnAngle, UDM_SETPOS, 0, MAKELPARAM((int)(dText), 0));		::SetWindowText(m_hEdtAngle, A2T(sText));		ipMSymbol->get_XOffset(&dText);		sprintf_s( sText, sizeof(sText), "%+.2f/0", dText);		::SendMessage(m_hSpnXOffset, UDM_SETPOS, 0, MAKELPARAM((int)(dText), 0));		::SetWindowText(m_hEdtXOffset, A2T(sText));		ipMSymbol->get_YOffset(&dText);		sprintf_s( sText, sizeof(sText), "%+.2f/0", dText);		::SendMessage(m_hSpnYOffset, UDM_SETPOS, 0, MAKELPARAM((int)(dText), 0));		::SetWindowText(m_hEdtYOffset, A2T(sText));		m_bShown = true;	}	// Let the IPropertyPageImpl deal with displaying the page	return IPropertyPageImpl<CLogoMarkerPropertyPage>::Show(nCmdShow);}

示例8: PostOnHeader

void PostOnHeader(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszHeaderName, LPCSTR lpszHeaderValue, LPCTSTR lpszName){	USES_CONVERSION;	int content_len		= (int)(strlen(lpszHeaderName) + strlen(lpszHeaderValue) + 10);	LPTSTR lpszContent	= new TCHAR[content_len];	wsprintf(lpszContent, _T("%s: %s"), A2T(lpszHeaderName), A2T(lpszHeaderValue));	info_msg* msg = info_msg::Construct(dwConnID, EVT_ON_HEADER, content_len, lpszContent, lpszName);	PostInfoMsg(msg);}

示例9: PostOnRequestLine

void PostOnRequestLine(CONNID dwConnID, LPCSTR lpszMethod, USHORT usUrlFieldSet, LPCSTR lpszUrl, LPCTSTR lpszName){	USES_CONVERSION;	int content_len		= (int)(strlen(lpszMethod) + strlen(lpszUrl) + 20);	LPTSTR lpszContent	= new TCHAR[content_len];	wsprintf(lpszContent, _T("[%s/0x%02X] : %s"), A2T(lpszMethod), usUrlFieldSet, A2T(lpszUrl));	info_msg* msg = info_msg::Construct(dwConnID, EVT_ON_REQUEST_LINE, content_len, lpszContent, lpszName);	PostInfoMsg(msg);}

示例10: _T

bool CZipObj::ZipFile(CString strSrcPath, CString strDstPath, CString strExtName /*= _T(".zip")*/){	USES_CONVERSION;	//	CString modelName = strSrcPath.Right(strSrcPath.GetLength() - strSrcPath.ReverseFind('//') - 1);	CString zipName = strDstPath + strExtName;	std::string strUtf8ZipName = CMyCodeConvert::Gb2312ToUtf8(T2A(zipName));	try	{		Poco::File p(strUtf8ZipName);	//T2A(zipName)		if (p.exists())			p.remove(true);	}	catch (Poco::Exception)	{	}	//	std::string strModelPath = T2A(strSrcPath);	std::string strUtf8ModelPath = CMyCodeConvert::Gb2312ToUtf8(T2A(strSrcPath));	try	{		Poco::File p2(strUtf8ModelPath);	//T2A(zipName)		if (!p2.exists())		{			std::string strErr = Poco::format("需要压缩的原文件夹(%s)不存在。", T2A(strSrcPath));			RecordLog(strErr);			return false;		}	}	catch (Poco::Exception)	{	}	HZIP hz = CreateZip(zipName, _strPwd.c_str());	Poco::DirectoryIterator it(strUtf8ModelPath);	//strModelPath	Poco::DirectoryIterator end;	while (it != end)	{		Poco::Path p(it->path());		//		std::string strZipFileName = p.getFileName();		std::string strPath = CMyCodeConvert::Utf8ToGb2312(p.toString());		std::string strZipFileName = CMyCodeConvert::Utf8ToGb2312(p.getFileName());		CString strZipPath = A2T(strPath.c_str());		CString strName = A2T(strZipFileName.c_str());		//		ZipAdd(hz, A2T(strZipFileName.c_str()), A2T(p.toString().c_str()));		ZipAdd(hz, strName, strZipPath);		it++;	}	CloseZip(hz);	return true;}

示例11: main

void main(){  USES_CONVERSION;	if (__argc != 2)	{		printf("Usage: CPing HostName | IPAddress/n");		return;	}#ifdef CPING_USE_ICMP{	CPing p1;	CPingReply pr1;	if (p1.Ping1(A2T(__argv[1]), pr1))	{		hostent* phostent = gethostbyaddr((char *)&pr1.Address.S_un.S_addr, 4, PF_INET);		printf("%d.%d.%d.%d [%s], replied in RTT:%dms/n", 					 pr1.Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pr1.Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pr1.Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, 					 pr1.Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, phostent->h_name, pr1.RTT);	}	else	  printf("Failed in call to ping, GetLastError returns: %d", GetLastError());}#endif#ifdef CPING_USE_WINSOCK2{	for(int i=0;i<4;i++)	{		CPing p2;		CPingReply pr2;		if (p2.Ping2(A2T(__argv[1]), pr2))		{			hostent* phostent = gethostbyaddr((char *)&pr2.Address.S_un.S_addr, 4, PF_INET);			if(phostent == NULL)				printf("%d.%d.%d.%d, replied in RTT:%dms/n", 				pr2.Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pr2.Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pr2.Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, 				pr2.Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pr2.RTT);			else				printf("%d.%d.%d.%d [%s], replied in RTT:%dms/n", 				pr2.Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, pr2.Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pr2.Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, 				pr2.Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, phostent->h_name, pr2.RTT);		}		else			printf("Failed in call to ping, GetLastError returns: %d", GetLastError());	}	}	#endif}

示例12: A2T

void CIPFindDlg::GetCurSelIPMask(char *ip, char *mask){	USES_CONVERSION;	CString strMsg = MSG_CUR_ADAPTER;	strMsg += "IP:";	strMsg += A2T(ip);	strMsg += " Mask:";	strMsg += A2T(mask);	SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_ADAPTER_MSG, strMsg);	m_strFindIP = ip;	m_strFindMask = mask;}

示例13: CheckDlgButton

void CPPgProxy::LoadSettings(){	USES_CONVERSION;	CheckDlgButton(IDC_ASCWOP,(thePrefs.IsProxyASCWOP() ));	((CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_ENABLEPROXY))->SetCheck(proxy.UseProxy);	((CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_ENABLEAUTH))->SetCheck(proxy.EnablePassword);	((CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXYTYPE))->SetCurSel(proxy.type);	GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXYNAME)->SetWindowText(proxy.name);	CString buffer;	buffer.Format(_T("%ld"),proxy.port);	GetDlgItem(IDC_PROXYPORT)->SetWindowText(buffer);	GetDlgItem(IDC_USERNAME_A)->SetWindowText(A2T(proxy.user));	GetDlgItem(IDC_PASSWORD)->SetWindowText(A2T(proxy.password));	OnBnClickedEnableproxy();}

示例14: sprintf_s

void CLostCornerDlg::InitData(){	if (!m_pPapers) return;	m_lcLostCornerPaper.DeleteAllItems();	m_lcLostCornerPaper.DeleteAllItems();	USES_CONVERSION;	for (auto pPaper : m_pPapers->lPaper)	{		bool bInsert = false;		for (auto pPic : pPaper->lPic)		{			if (pPic->lLostCorner.size())			{				if (!bInsert)				{					bInsert = true;					//添加进试卷列表控件					int nCount = m_lcLostCornerPaper.GetItemCount();					char szCount[10] = { 0 };					sprintf_s(szCount, "%d", pPaper->nIndex);	//nCount + 1					m_lcLostCornerPaper.InsertItem(nCount, NULL);					m_lcLostCornerPaper.SetItemText(nCount, 0, (LPCTSTR)A2T(szCount));					m_lcLostCornerPaper.SetItemText(nCount, 1, (LPCTSTR)A2T(pPaper->strSN.c_str()));					//显示备注信息,为何出现在此列表					std::string strDetailInfo;					strDetailInfo = Poco::format("折角%d个", (int)pPic->lLostCorner.size());					m_lcLostCornerPaper.SetItemText(nCount, 2, (LPCTSTR)A2T(strDetailInfo.c_str()));					m_lcLostCornerPaper.SetItemData(nCount, (DWORD_PTR)pPaper);					CString strTips = _T("双击显示此试卷信息");					m_lcLostCornerPaper.SetItemToolTipText(nCount, 0, (LPCTSTR)strTips);					m_lcLostCornerPaper.SetItemToolTipText(nCount, 1, (LPCTSTR)strTips);					m_lcLostCornerPaper.SetItemToolTipText(nCount, 2, (LPCTSTR)strTips);				}			}		}			}	if (m_lcLostCornerPaper.GetItemCount() > 0)	{		m_nCurrentPaperID = 0;		m_lcLostCornerPaper.GetItemColors(m_nCurrentPaperID, 0, crPaperOldText, crPaperOldBackground);		pST_PaperInfo pPaper = (pST_PaperInfo)m_lcLostCornerPaper.GetItemData(m_nCurrentPaperID);		ShowPaperDetail(pPaper);	}}

示例15: _ASSERTE

BOOL CSqlite3Recordset::GetField(short iIndex, LPTSTR pData, UINT cchMax){   _ASSERTE(IsOpen());   _ASSERTE(iIndex>=0 && iIndex<m_nCols);   if( IsEOF() ) return FALSE;   if( iIndex < 0 || iIndex >= m_nCols ) return FALSE;   if( m_lType == DB_OPEN_TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY ) {#if !defined(UNICODE)      USES_CONVERSION;      _tcsncpy(pData, A2T( (char*)::sqlite3_column_text(m_pVm, iIndex) ), cchMax);#else  // UNICODE      _tcsncpy(pData, (WCHAR*) ::sqlite3_column_text16(m_pVm, iIndex), cchMax);#endif // UNICODE   }   else {      LPSTR pstr = m_ppSnapshot[ ((m_iPos + 1) * m_nCols) + iIndex ];      if( pstr == NULL ) {         _tcscpy(pData, _T(""));      }      else {         USES_CONVERSION;         LPCSTR pstr = m_ppSnapshot[ ((m_iPos + 1) * m_nCols) + iIndex ];         _tcsncpy(pData, A2CT(pstr), cchMax);      }   }   return TRUE;}

示例16: _access

int  _access(const char *sName, int mode){	USES_CONVERSION;	WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;        PString test(sName);        if (test[test.GetLength() - 1] == '.' && test[test.GetLength() - 2] == PDIR_SEPARATOR)            test.Delete(test.GetLength() - 2, 2);        HANDLE file = FindFirstFile(A2T((const char*) test), &FindFileData);	if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return -1;	FindClose(file);	switch(mode)	{		//checking for the existance		case 0: return 0;		//checking for read permission		case 4: return 0;		//checking for write permission		case 2: return (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) ? -1 : 0;		//checking for read and write permission		case 6: return (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) ? -1 : 0;	}	return -1;}

示例17: wince_mess_vprintf

static int wince_mess_vprintf(char *fmt, va_list arg){	int length;	int old_length;	LPTSTR new_messages;	LPCTSTR tbuffer;	char buffer[256];	/* get into a buffer */	length = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(buffer[0]), fmt, arg);	tbuffer = A2T(buffer);	/* output to debugger */	OutputDebugString(tbuffer);	/* append the buffer to the rest of the messages */	old_length = messages ? tcslen(messages) : 0;	new_messages = realloc(messages, (old_length + tcslen(tbuffer) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));	if (new_messages)	{		messages = new_messages;		tcscpy(messages + old_length, tbuffer);	}	return length;}

示例18: CoCreateGuid

int CUtility::GenerateGUID(CString& sGUID){  int status = 1;  sGUID.Empty();  USES_CONVERSION;  // Create GUID  UCHAR *pszUuid = 0;   GUID *pguid = NULL;  pguid = new GUID;  if(pguid!=NULL)  {    HRESULT hr = CoCreateGuid(pguid);    if(SUCCEEDED(hr))    {      // Convert the GUID to a string      hr = UuidToStringA(pguid, &pszUuid);      if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pszUuid!=NULL)      {         status = 0;        sGUID = A2T((char*)pszUuid);        RpcStringFreeA(&pszUuid);      }    }    delete pguid;   }  return status;}

示例19: win_association_exists

BOOL win_association_exists(const struct win_association_info *assoc){	BOOL rc = FALSE;	TCHAR buf[1024];	TCHAR expected[1024];	HKEY key1 = NULL;	HKEY key2 = NULL;	// first check to see if the extension is there at all	if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, A2T(assoc->file_class), &key1))		goto done;	if (RegOpenKey(key1, TEXT("shell//open//command"), &key2))		goto done;	if (reg_query_string(key2, buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(buf[0])))		goto done;	get_open_command(assoc, expected, sizeof(expected) / sizeof(expected[0]));	rc = !_tcscmp(expected, buf);done:	if (key2)		RegCloseKey(key2);	if (key1)		RegCloseKey(key1);	return rc;}

示例20: ClientToText

BOOL CCrystalEditView::DoDropText(COleDataObject *pDataObject, const CPoint &ptClient){	HGLOBAL hData = pDataObject->GetGlobalData(CF_TEXT);	if (hData == NULL)		return FALSE;	CPoint ptDropPos = ClientToText(ptClient);	if (IsDraggingText() && IsInsideSelection(ptDropPos))	{		SetAnchor(ptDropPos);		SetSelection(ptDropPos, ptDropPos);		SetCursorPos(ptDropPos);		EnsureVisible(ptDropPos);		return FALSE;	}	LPSTR pszText = (LPSTR) ::GlobalLock(hData);	if (pszText == NULL)		return FALSE;	int x, y;	USES_CONVERSION;	m_pTextBuffer->InsertText(this, ptDropPos.y, ptDropPos.x, A2T(pszText), y, x, CE_ACTION_DRAGDROP); //	[JRT]	CPoint ptCurPos(x, y);	ASSERT_VALIDTEXTPOS(ptCurPos);	SetAnchor(ptDropPos);	SetSelection(ptDropPos, ptCurPos);	SetCursorPos(ptCurPos);	EnsureVisible(ptCurPos);	::GlobalUnlock(hData);	return TRUE;}

示例21: A2T

void CNewMessageBox::setShowInfo(int nType, int nBtns, std::string strMsg){	USES_CONVERSION;	m_nShowType = nType;	m_strMsgShow = A2T(strMsg.c_str());	m_nBtn = nBtns;	//++判断将显示的行数// 	int nLines = 1;// 	int nSingleCount = 0;// 	LOGFONT	logfont;//	if (m_fontStatus.GetSafeHandle())// 	{// 		CRect client_rect;// 		if (GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_ShowMsg)->GetSafeHwnd())// 			GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_ShowMsg)->GetClientRect(&client_rect);// 		m_fontStatus.GetLogFont(&logfont);// 		int nCharW = logfont.lfWidth;// 		nSingleCount = client_rect.Width() / nCharW - 1;// 		int nLen = m_strMsgShow.GetLength() * sizeof(TCHAR);// 		nLines = nLen / nSingleCount + 1;//	}	//--	InitUI();}

示例22: switch

/******************************************************************************* Procedure:  CDSPhone::UnsolicitedEvent**** Arguments: 'lpBuff'    - Data buffer (structure) specific to code**** Returns:    void**** Description:  This function processes any responses from the device which**               are not matched to a pending line request.*******************************************************************************/bool CDSPhone::UnsolicitedEvent(LPCVOID lpBuff){             	USES_CONVERSION;	EVENTBUFF* pevBuff = (EVENTBUFF*) lpBuff;    switch (pevBuff->dwResponse)    {        // A lamp has changed states.        case EMRESULT_LAMPCHANGED:                {            LPEMLAMPCHANGE lpChange = (LPEMLAMPCHANGE) pevBuff->lpBuff;            SetLampState ((int)lpChange->wButtonLampID, g_LampStates[lpChange->wLampState]);        }                                                break;                // A hookswitch device has changed states.        case EMRESULT_HSCHANGED:        {            LPEMHOOKSWITCHCHANGE lpChange = (LPEMHOOKSWITCHCHANGE) pevBuff->lpBuff;            _TSP_ASSERTE (lpChange->wHookswitchID == HSDEVICE_HANDSET);            SetHookSwitch (PHONEHOOKSWITCHDEV_HANDSET, g_hsStates[lpChange->wHookswitchState]);        }        break;        // A button has changed        case EMRESULT_BUTTONCHANGED:        {            LPEMBUTTONCHANGE lpChange = (LPEMBUTTONCHANGE) pevBuff->lpBuff;            SetButtonState (lpChange->wButtonLampID, g_ButtonStates[lpChange->wButtonState]);        }                            break;                // Ringer mode changed        case EMRESULT_RINGCHANGE:            SetRingMode (*((LPDWORD)pevBuff->lpBuff));            break;                // Volume/Gain of the handset changed        case EMRESULT_LEVELCHANGED:        {            LPEMLEVELCHANGE lpChange = (LPEMLEVELCHANGE) pevBuff->lpBuff;            if (lpChange->wLevelType == LEVELTYPE_MIC)                SetGain (PHONEHOOKSWITCHDEV_HANDSET, lpChange->wLevel);            else if (lpChange->wLevelType == LEVELTYPE_SPEAKER)                SetVolume (PHONEHOOKSWITCHDEV_HANDSET, lpChange->wLevel);        }        break;                                        // The display has changed.        case EMRESULT_DISPLAYCHANGED:        {            LPEMDISPLAY lpChange = (LPEMDISPLAY) pevBuff->lpBuff;            SetDisplay (A2T(lpChange->szDisplay));        }                break;    }	return true;}// CDSPhone::UnsolicitedEvent

示例23: vRetrieveAndLog

/*** /brief         Function to retreive error occurred and log it* /param[in]     File, pointer to log file* /param[in]     Line, indicates line number in log file* /return        void* /authors       Arunkumar Karri* /date          07.10.2011 Created*/static void vRetrieveAndLog(DWORD /*dwErrorCode*/, char* File, int Line){    USES_CONVERSION;    char acErrText[MAX_PATH] = {'/0'};    /* Get the error text for the corresponding error code */    sg_pIlog->vLogAMessage(A2T(File), Line, A2T(acErrText));    size_t nStrLen = strlen(acErrText);    if (nStrLen > CAN_MAX_ERRSTR)    {        nStrLen = CAN_MAX_ERRSTR;    }    sg_acErrStr = acErrText;}

示例24: _T

void CScanMgrDlg::DownLoadModel(){	if (!_pCurrExam_ || !_pCurrSub_) return;	g_nDownLoadModelStatus = 0;	//先查本地列表,如果没有则请求,如果有,计算crc,和服务器不同则下载	USES_CONVERSION;	CString modelPath = g_strCurrentPath + _T("Model");	modelPath = modelPath + _T("//") + A2T(_pCurrSub_->strModelName.c_str());	std::string strModelPath = T2A(modelPath);	ST_DOWN_MODEL stModelInfo;	ZeroMemory(&stModelInfo, sizeof(ST_DOWN_MODEL));	stModelInfo.nExamID = _pCurrExam_->nExamID;	stModelInfo.nSubjectID = _pCurrSub_->nSubjID;	sprintf_s(stModelInfo.szUserNo, "%s", _strUserName_.c_str());	sprintf_s(stModelInfo.szModelName, "%s", _pCurrSub_->strModelName.c_str());	Poco::File fileModel(CMyCodeConvert::Gb2312ToUtf8(strModelPath));	if (fileModel.exists())	{		std::string strMd5 = calcFileMd5(strModelPath);		strncpy(stModelInfo.szMD5, strMd5.c_str(), strMd5.length());	}	std::string strLog = "请求下载模板: ";	strLog.append(stModelInfo.szModelName);	g_pLogger->information(strLog);	pTCP_TASK pTcpTask = new TCP_TASK;	pTcpTask->usCmd = USER_NEED_DOWN_MODEL;	pTcpTask->nPkgLen = sizeof(ST_DOWN_MODEL);	memcpy(pTcpTask->szSendBuf, (char*)&stModelInfo, sizeof(ST_DOWN_MODEL));	g_fmTcpTaskLock.lock();	g_lTcpTask.push_back(pTcpTask);	g_fmTcpTaskLock.unlock();	g_eDownLoadModel.wait();	if (g_nDownLoadModelStatus == 2)	{		//模板下载完成		strLog.append(" ==>此模板下载成功.");	}	else if (g_nDownLoadModelStatus == 3)	{		strLog.append(" ==>此模板本地以及存在且无修改,不需要重新下载.");	}	else if (g_nDownLoadModelStatus == -1)	{		strLog.append(" ==>服务器此科目模板不存在.");	}	else if (g_nDownLoadModelStatus == -2)	{		strLog.append(" ==>服务器读取文件失败.");	}	g_pLogger->information(strLog);}


/*** @brief         Sends STCAN_MSG structure from the client dwClientID.* @param[in]     dwClientID is the client ID* @param[in]     sMessage is the application specific CAN message structure* @return        S_OK for success, S_FALSE for failure*/HRESULT CDIL_CAN_VSCOM::sendMessage(DWORD dwClientID, const STCAN_MSG& sMessage){    VSCAN_MSG msg;    DWORD dwTemp;    static SACK_MAP sAckMap;    HRESULT hResult;    VALIDATE_VALUE_RETURN_VAL(sg_bCurrState, STATE_CONNECTED, ERR_IMPROPER_STATE);    hResult = S_FALSE;    if (bClientIdExist(dwClientID))    {        if (sMessage.m_ucChannel <= sg_nNoOfChannels)        {            memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));            if (sMessage.m_ucEXTENDED == 1)            {                msg.Flags |= VSCAN_FLAGS_EXTENDED;            }            if (sMessage.m_ucRTR == 1)            {                msg.Flags |= VSCAN_FLAGS_REMOTE;            }            msg.Id = sMessage.m_unMsgID;            msg.Size = sMessage.m_ucDataLen;            memcpy(msg.Data, &sMessage.m_ucData, msg.Size);            sAckMap.m_ClientID = dwClientID;            sAckMap.m_Channel  = sMessage.m_ucChannel;            sAckMap.m_MsgID    = msg.Id;            vMarkEntryIntoMap(sAckMap);            if (VSCAN_Write(sg_VSCanCfg.hCan, &msg, 1, &dwTemp) == VSCAN_ERR_OK && dwTemp == 1)            {                static STCANDATA can_data;                CopyMsg2CanData(&can_data, &msg, TX_FLAG);                EnterCriticalSection(&sg_DIL_CriticalSection);                //Write the msg into registered client's buffer                vWriteIntoClientsBuffer(can_data);                LeaveCriticalSection(&sg_DIL_CriticalSection);                hResult = S_OK;            }            else            {                hResult = S_FALSE;                sg_pIlog->logMessage(A2T(__FILE__), __LINE__, _("could not write can data into bus"));            }        }        else        {            hResult = ERR_INVALID_CHANNEL;        }    }    else    {        hResult = ERR_NO_CLIENT_EXIST;    }    return(hResult);}

示例26: DisplayAbout

void ABOUT_API DisplayAbout(CWnd* i_pParent){ USES_CONVERSION; CString string; CString templ = MLL::LoadString(IDS_SOFTWARE_INFO); string.Format(templ, A2T(__DATE__)); //compiler uses only ASCII format... AboutStc(i_pParent, hInstance, (LPCTSTR)IDB_BITMAP0001, (LPCTSTR)IDR_RGN0001,	 string, MLL::LoadString(IDS_AUTHOR_INFO));}

示例27: DisplaySplash

//timeToshow - How long show splash screen, in milliseconds.void ABOUT_API DisplaySplash(int timeToShow){ USES_CONVERSION; CString string; CString templ = MLL::LoadString(IDS_SOFTWARE_INFO); string.Format(templ, A2T(__DATE__)); //compiler uses only ASCII format... AboutStc(CWnd::GetDesktopWindow(), hInstance, (LPCTSTR)IDB_BITMAP0001, (LPCTSTR)IDR_RGN0001,	 string, MLL::LoadString(IDS_AUTHOR_INFO), true, timeToShow);}

示例28: strcpy

BOOL CConverter::Open(LPCTSTR pszFileName, UINT nOpenFlags,	CFileException* pException){	USES_CONVERSION;	// we convert to oem and back because of the following case	// test(c).txt becomes testc.txt in OEM and stays testc.txt to Ansi	char buf[_MAX_PATH];	strcpy(buf, T2CA(pszFileName));	CharToOemA(buf, buf);	OemToCharA(buf, buf);	LPTSTR lpszFileNameT = A2T(buf);	// let's make sure we could do what is wanted directly even though we aren't	m_bCloseOnDelete = FALSE;#if _MSC_VER >= 1400	m_hFile = hFileNull;#else	m_hFile = (UINT)hFileNull;#endif	BOOL bOpen = CFile::Open(lpszFileNameT, nOpenFlags, pException);	CFile::Close();	if (!bOpen)		return FALSE;	m_bForeignToRtf = !(nOpenFlags & (CFile::modeReadWrite | CFile::modeWrite));	// check for reading empty file	if (m_bForeignToRtf)	{		CFileStatus stat;		if (CFile::GetStatus(lpszFileNameT, stat) && stat.m_size == 0)			return TRUE;	}	//set security attributes to inherit handle	SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = {sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES), NULL, TRUE};	//create the events	m_hEventFile = CreateEvent(&sa, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);	m_hEventConv = CreateEvent(&sa, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);	//create the converter thread and create the events	CharToOemA(buf, buf);	ASSERT(m_hFileName == NULL);	m_hFileName = StringToHGLOBAL(buf);	m_pThis = this;	m_bDone = FALSE;	m_hBuff = GlobalAlloc(GHND, BUFFSIZE);	ASSERT(m_hBuff != NULL);	AfxBeginThread(ConverterThread, this, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, 0, &sa);	return TRUE;}


void CScanMgrDlg::InitScanner(){	if (_pTWAINApp)	{		_pTWAINApp->exit();		SAFE_RELEASE(_pTWAINApp);	}	_pTWAINApp = new TwainApp(m_hWnd);	TW_IDENTITY *pAppID = _pTWAINApp->getAppIdentity();	pAppID->Version.MajorNum = 2;	pAppID->Version.MinorNum = 1;	pAppID->Version.Language = TWLG_ENGLISH_CANADIAN;	pAppID->Version.Country = TWCY_CANADA;	SSTRCPY(pAppID->Version.Info, sizeof(pAppID->Version.Info), "2.1.1");	pAppID->ProtocolMajor = TWON_PROTOCOLMAJOR;	pAppID->ProtocolMinor = TWON_PROTOCOLMINOR;	pAppID->SupportedGroups = DF_APP2 | DG_IMAGE | DG_CONTROL;	SSTRCPY(pAppID->Manufacturer, sizeof(pAppID->Manufacturer), "TWAIN Working Group");	SSTRCPY(pAppID->ProductFamily, sizeof(pAppID->ProductFamily), "Sample");	SSTRCPY(pAppID->ProductName, sizeof(pAppID->ProductName), "MFC Supported Caps");	_pTWAINApp->connectDSM();	if (_pTWAINApp->m_DSMState >= 3)	{		pTW_IDENTITY pID = NULL;		int   i = 0;		int   index = 0;		int   nDefault = -1;		// Emply the list the refill		m_vecScanSrc.clear();		if (NULL != (pID = _pTWAINApp->getDefaultDataSource())) // Get Default		{			nDefault = pID->Id;		}		USES_CONVERSION;		while (NULL != (pID = _pTWAINApp->getDataSource((TW_INT16)i)))		{			m_vecScanSrc.push_back(A2T(pID->ProductName));			if (LB_ERR == index)			{				break;			}			i++;		}		_pTWAINApp->disconnectDSM();	}	else	{		std::string strLog = "获取扫描仪列表 --> 连接扫描源失败";		g_pLogger->information(strLog);	}}


C++ A2W函数代码示例
C++ A22函数代码示例