package dynamicbeans; import*; import java.lang.reflect.*; public class ServerMonitor implements DynamicMBean { private final ServerImpl target; private MBeanInfo mBeanInfo; public ServerMonitor(ServerImpl target){ = target; } //实现获取被管理的 ServerImpl 的 upTime public long upTime(){ return System.currentTimeMillis() - target.startTime; } // 会通过查询 getAttribute("Uptime") 获得 "Uptime" 属性值 public Object getAttribute(String attribute) throws AttributeNotFoundException, MBeanException, ReflectionException { if(attribute.equals("UpTime")){ return upTime(); } return null; } //给出 ServerMonitor 的元信息。 public MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo() { if (mBeanInfo == null) { try { Class cls = this.getClass(); //用反射获得 "upTime" 属性的读方法 Method readMethod = cls.getMethod("upTime", new Class[0]); //用反射获得构造方法 Constructor constructor = cls.getConstructor(new Class[] {ServerImpl.class}); //关于 "upTime" 属性的元信息:名称为 UpTime,只读属性(没有写方法)。 MBeanAttributeInfo upTimeMBeanAttributeInfo = new MBeanAttributeInfo( "UpTime", "The time span since server start", readMethod, null); //关于构造函数的元信息 MBeanConstructorInfo mBeanConstructorInfo = new MBeanConstructorInfo( "Constructor for ServerMonitor", constructor); //ServerMonitor 的元信息,为了简单起见,在这个例子里, //没有提供 invocation 以及 listener 方面的元信息 mBeanInfo = new MBeanInfo(cls.getName(), "Monitor that controls the server", new MBeanAttributeInfo[] { upTimeMBeanAttributeInfo }, new MBeanConstructorInfo[] { mBeanConstructorInfo }, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } } return mBeanInfo; } public AttributeList getAttributes(String[] arg0) { return null; } public Object invoke(String arg0, Object[] arg1, String[] arg2) throws MBeanException, ReflectionException { return null; } public void setAttribute(Attribute arg0) throws AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException, MBeanException, ReflectionException { return; } public AttributeList setAttributes(AttributeList arg0) { return null; } } |