JavaScript,控制,图片,加载,调用,回调函数,方法本文实例讲述了JavaScript控制图片加载完成后调用回调函数的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体分析如下: 这段代码可以控制指定区域内的图片加载完成后执行指定的回调函数。
function when_images_loaded($img_container, callback) { /* do callback when images in $img_container (jQuery object) are loaded. Only works when ALL images in $img_container are newly inserted images and this function is called immediately after images are inserted into the target. */ var _imgs = $img_container.find('img'), img_length = _imgs.length, img_load_cntr = 0; if (img_length) {//if the $img_container contains new images. _imgs.on('load', function() {//then we avoid the callback until images are loaded img_load_cntr++; if (img_load_cntr == img_length) { callback(); } }); } else { //otherwise just do the main callback action if there's no images in $img_container. callback(); } } 希望本文所述对大家的javascript程序设计有所帮助。 JavaScript,控制,图片,加载,调用,回调函数,方法