原帖及讨论:http://bbs.bccn.net/thread-208986-1-1.html [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ cat sed 1.line one. 2.the second line. 3.the third. 4.this is line four. 5.five 6.this is the sixth sentence. 7.this is line seven. 8.eight and last. [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ sed '/last/ p' sed #正则表达式 1.line one. 2.the second line. 3.the third. 4.this is line four. 5.five 6.this is the sixth sentence. 7.this is line seven. 8.eight and last. 8.eight and last. [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ sed '/last/ p' sed -n 8.eight and last. [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ sed '3,6 p' sed -n 3.the third. 4.this is line four. 5.five 6.this is the sixth sentence. [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ sed '3,6 !p' sed -n 1.line one. 2.the second line. 7.this is line seven. 8.eight and last. [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ sed '$ p' sed -n 8.eight and last. [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ sed '3 q' sed 1.line one. 2.the second line. 3.the third. [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ cat>print3 3,6 p [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ sed -n -f print3 sed 3.the third. 4.this is line four. 5.five 6.this is the sixth sentence. [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ cat zhiling /one/ i/ first /second/ a/ two 3,4 c/ gxl linux s/last/fedora/ [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ sed -f zhiling sed first 1.line one. 2.the second line. two gxl linux 5.five 6.this is the sixth sentence. 7.this is line seven. 8.eight and fedora. [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ sed 's/last/fedora/p' -n sed 8.eight and fedora. [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ sed 's/last/fedora/w temp' sed 1.line one. 2.the second line. 3.the third. 4.this is line four. 5.five 6.this is the sixth sentence. 7.this is line seven. 8.eight and fedora. [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ cat temp 8.eight and fedora.
[gxlinux@localhost ~]$ cat>zhiling 2,$g #从第二行开始处理,将一个换行符和hold区中的内容追加到pattern区中之后(h与g相反,x交换pattern区与hold区内容) h $!d #不是最后一行 删除 #所有命令都是工作在pattern区,并且是一行一行的处理,读取一行到pattern区然后将pattern区中的内容显示出来 #读取第一行到pattern区,将pattern区中的内容复制到hold区,删除pattern区内容(hold区中为第一行) #读取第二行到pattern区,将一个换行符和hold区中的内容追加pattern区中,然后将其存储到hold区中,删除pattern区内容(hold区中为第二行加第一行) #读取第八行到pattern区,将一个换行符和hold区中的内容追加pattern区中,然后将其存储到hold区中(此时pattern区内容就是倒过来的了,然后输出) [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ sed -f zhiling sed 8.eight and last. 7.this is line seven. 6.this is the sixth sentence. 5.five 4.this is line four. 3.the third. 2.the second line. 1.line one.
[gxlinux@localhost ~]$ cat>zhiling h #将pattern区中的内容复制到hold区中,hold区中原有内容丢失 n #跳过,读取下一行 p g #与h指令相反 p #首先读入一行并将它存入到hold区,然后读入下一行并显示,再获取先前的行并显示它,接着处理后续两行 [gxlinux@localhost ~]$ sed -nf zhiling sed 2.the second line. 1.line one. 4.this is line four. 3.the third. 6.this is the sixth sentence. 5.five 8.eight and last. 7.this is line seven.  