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51自学网 2025-01-18 20:36:08






The story of the idiom "刻舟求剑" (Carving a Mark on the Boat to Find the Sword) tells a humorous yet deeply meaningful tale from ancient times.

A man was crossing a river by boat when he accidentally dropped the sword he was carrying into the water. Seeing the sword sink, he became anxious and unsure of what to do. In a hurry, he immediately carved a mark on the side of the boat, thinking that when the boat reached the shore, he would be able to find the sword at the spot where he had made the mark.

However, as the boat sailed, both the position of the boat and the direction of the water were constantly changing. The boat kept moving forward. When the boat finally reached the shore, the man got off and went to the spot where he had marked the boat, only to find that the sword was nowhere to be found. Naturally, the sword had already been carried away by the flowing water.

This story reveals a profound lesson: relying solely on an unchanging mark to locate something while ignoring the changes in the situation itself leads to misguided actions. Just like the man who carved the mark on the boat, he failed to consider that both the boat and the water were moving, resulting in a completely erroneous approach.

This idiom is often used to criticize those who rigidly adhere to outdated rules and fail to adapt to changing circumstances, or those who take unrealistic approaches without considering the actual situation.

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