/*处理小于零情况*/ if ls<0 then ls = ls*(-1) fu = "负" else fu = "" end if /*取得整数及整数串*/ dx_str = string(ls) if (ls>0) and (ls<1) then dx_str = "0"+dx_str pp = pos(dx_str,".") if pp>0 then str_int = mid(dx_str,1,pos(dx_str,".")-1) else str_int = dx_str end if num_int = long(str_int) /*取得小数及小数串*/ if (ls>0) and (ls<1) then num_dec = ls * 100 else num_dec = (ls - num_int) * 100 end if str_dec = string(num_dec) len_int = len(str_int) dx_str = "" /*转换整整部分*/ for i = 1 to len_int /*a为小写数字字符,b为对应的大写字符,c为对应大写单位,d为当前大写字符串的最后一个汉字*/ a= mid(str_int,i,1) a_int = long(a) b = mid(dx_sz,(a_int*2)+1,2) c = mid(dx_dw,((13 - len_int +i - 1)*2+1),2) if dx_str<>"" then d=mid(dx_str,len(dx_str)-1,2) else d= "" end if if (b="零") and ((d="零") or (b=b2) or (c="元") or (c="万") or (c="亿")) then b = "" if (a="0") and (c<>"元") and (c<>"万") and (c<>"亿") then c="" if ((c="元") or (c="万") or (c="亿")) and (d="零") and (a="0") then dx_str = mid(dx_str,1,len(dx_str)-2) d=mid(dx_str,len(dx_str)-1,2) if ((c="元") and (d="万")) or ((c="万") and (d="亿")) then c = "" end if dx_str = dx_str + b+ c b2 = b next /*处理金额小于1的情况*/ if len(dx_str) <= 2 then dx_str= "" /*转换小数部分*/ if (num_dec<10) and (ls>0) then a_int = long(str_dec) b = mid(dx_sz,(a_int*2+1),2) if num_dec = 0 then dx_str = dx_str + "整" if num_dec > 0 then dx_str = dx_str +"零"+b+"分" end if if num_dec >= 10 then a_int = long(mid(str_dec,1,1)) a = mid(dx_sz,(a_int*2+1),2) a_int = long(mid(str_dec,2,1)) b = mid(dx_sz,(a_int*2+1),2) if a<>"零" then a = a+"角" if b <> "零" then b = b+"分" else b= "" end if dx_str = dx_str + a + b end if if ls= 0 then dx_str = "零元整" dx_str = fu+dx_str result = dx_str return result  
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