在PowerBuilder中使用数据窗口检索到的数据往往是无序的,虽然可以通过设置Select语句实现排序的功能,但是数据窗口一旦生成都无法进行动态调整。笔者总结了在已经生成的数据窗口中实现动态排序的三种方法,现介绍给大家。 一、 准备工作 设计如图1所示的示例窗口。为了更好地比较三种不同的方法,dw—1中的数据来自两个表student和class。student表中包含四个字段sid(学号)、sname(姓名)、saddr(住址)和cid(班号),class表中包含两个字段cid(班号)和cname(班级名称)。
二、三种方法的源程序 三种方法中的“执行”按钮的代码分别为: 方法1:用SetSQLselect()
| string ls—oldsql,ls—newsql,ls—order ls—column ls—oldsql=dw—1.getsqlselect() choose case ddlb—1.text case ″学号″ls—column=″sid″ case ″姓名″ls—column=″sname″ case ″住址″ls—column=″saddr″ case ″班号″ls—column=″class.cid″ case ″班级名称″ ls—column=″cname″ end choose if rb—1.checked then ls—order=″ASC″ else ls—order=″DESC″ end if ls—newsql=ls—oldsql+″ ORDER BY ″+ & ls—column+″ ″+ls—order if dw—1.setsqlselect(ls—newsql)=-1 then messagebox(″警告″,″数据设置失败″,stopsign!) else dw—1.settransobject(sqlca) dw—1.reset() dw—1.retrieve() dw—1.setsqlselect(ls—oldsql) end if
| string ls—mod, ls—order,ls—old,ls—column ls—old=dw—1.describe(′datawindow.table.select′) dw—1.settransobject(sqlca) window.height = li_height - 2*(li_gd - li_y) next case 5 // closetype = 5,从左右向中间挤压逐渐消失 li_cenx = li_x+li_width / 2 for li_gd = li_x to li_cenx step 1 window.x = li_gd window.width = li_width - 2*(li_gd - li_x) next case 6 // closetype = 6,从左上->右下 for li_gd = li_y to li_height+li_y step 1 window.y = li_gd window.height = li_height+li_y - li_gd if window.x < li_x + li_width then window.x = li_x + (li_gd - li_y) else window.x = li_x + li_width end if if window.width > 0 then window.width = li_x+li_width - window.x else window.width = 0 end if next window.x = li_x + li_width window.y = li_height+li_y window.width = 0 window.height = 0 window.show() case 7 // closetype = 7,从右下->左上 for li_gd = li_height to 0 step -1 window.height = li_gd if window.width > 0 then window.width = li_width - (li_height - li_gd) else window.width = 0 end if next window.x = li_x window.y = li_y window.width = 0 window.height = 0 window.show() case 8 // closetype = 8,从右上->左下 for li_gd = li_y to li_height+li_y step 1 window.y = li_gd window.height = li_height+li_y - li_gd if window.width > 0 then window.width = li_width - (li_gd - li_y) else window.width = 0 end if next window.x = li_x window.y = li_height+li_y window.width = 0 window.height = 0 window.show() case 9 // closetype = 9,从左下->右上 for li_gd = li_x to li_x+li_width step 1 window.x = li_gd window.width = li_width +li_x -li_gd if window.height > 0 then window.height = li_height -(li_gd - li_x) else window.height = 0 end if next window.x = li_x+li_width window.y = li_y window.width = 0 window.height = 0 window.show() case 10 // closetype = 10,从四面到中间 li_ceny = li_y+li_height/2 li_cenx = li_x+li_width / 2 for li_gd = li_y to li_ceny step 1 window.y = li_gd window.height = li_height - 2*(li_gd - li_y) if window.x < li_x + li_cenx then window.x = li_x + (li_gd - li_y) else window.x = li_x + li_cenx end if if window.width > 0 then window.width = li_width - 2*(li_gd - li_y) else window.width = 0 end if next window.x = li_cenx window.y = li_ceny window.width = 0 window.height = 0 window.show() case else window.show() window.width = li_width window.height = li_height window.x = li_x window.y = li_y END CHOOSE return 0 ************************ // 调用该函数在窗体的 closequery 事件中 gf_closequery (w_main,mod(integer(string(now(),"ss")),11)) | 上面是关闭时的效果,窗体打开时的动态效果的语句跟上面的差不多,在此就不写啦,如果有需要的可以告诉我,我单独发送。谢谢。 |