所有的赋值运算符的默认实现都遵循下面的语法op_plus_equal< type, other_type = const type &>。其中,type是我们正在转换的赋值运算符,而other_type是第二参数的类型(例如,在a += b的情况下,other_type就是b的类型)。
op_plus_equal op_minus_equal op_multiply_equal op_divide_equal op_modulus_equal op_xor_equal op_and_equal op_or_equal ops_math_equal (+=,-=,*=,/=,%=) ops_all_equal(+=,-=,*=,/=,%=,^=,|=,&=) op_plus_plus (implementsx++/++x as x = x + 1) op_minus_minus (implements x--/--x as x = x - 1) ops_all (+=,-=,*=,/=,%=,^=,|=,&=,++,--) ops_all_for_ptrs (+=,-=,++,--) 下面是赋值运算符的代码,然后是named_int例子:
template< class type, class other_type = const type &> struct op_plus_equal { type & operator +=( other_type other) { type * pThis = ( type *)this; *pThis = *pThis + other; return *pThis; } }; // += template< class type, class other_type = const type &> struct op_minus_equal { type & operator -=( other_type other) { type * pThis = ( type *)this; *pThis = *pThis - other; return *pThis; } }; // -= template< class type, class other_type = const type &> struct op_xor_equal { type & operator ^=( other_type other) { type * pThis = ( type *)this; *pThis = *pThis ^ other; return *pThis; } }; // ^= template< class type, class other_type = const type &> struct op_and_equal { type & operator &=( other_type other) { type * pThis = ( type *)this; *pThis = *pThis & other; return *pThis; } }; // &= template< class type, class other_type = const type &> struct op_or_equal { type & operator |=( other_type other) { type * pThis = ( type *)this; *pThis = *pThis | other; return *pThis; } }; // |= template< class type, class other_type = const type &> struct op_multiply_equal { type & operator *=( other_type other) { type * pThis = ( type *)this; *pThis = *pThis * other; return *pThis; } }; // *= template< class type, class other_type = const type &> struct op_divide_equal { type & operator /=( other_type other) { type * pThis = ( type *)this; *pThis = *pThis / other; return *pThis; } }; // /= template< class type, class other_type = const type &> struct op_modulus_equal { type & operator %=( other_type other) { type * pThis = ( type *)this; *pThis = *pThis % other; return *pThis; } }; // %= template< class type, class other_type = const type &> struct ops_math_equal : op_plus_equal< type, other_type>, op_minus_equal< type, other_type>, op_multiply_equal< type, other_type>, op_divide_equal< type, other_type>, op_modulus_equal< type, other_type> {}; // math equal: +=, -=, *=, /=, %= template< class type, class other_type = const type &> struct ops_all_equal : op_plus_equal< type, other_type>, op_minus_equal< type, other_type>, op_multiply_equal< type, other_type>, op_divide_equal< type, other_type>, op_modulus_equal< type, other_type>, op_xor_equal< type, other_type>, op_or_equal< type, other_type>, op_and_equal< type, other_type> {}; // all equal: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ^=, |=, &= template< class type, class other_type = int> struct op_plus_plus { type & operator++() { type * pThis = ( type *)this; *pThis = *pThis + other_type( 1); return *pThis; } type operator++(int) { type * pThis = ( type *)this; type tmp( *pThis); *pThis = *pThis + other_type( 1); return tmp; } }; // ++ template< class type, class other_type = int> struct op_minus_minus { type & operator--() { type * pThis = ( type *)this; *pThis = *pThis - other_type( 1); return *pThis; } type operator--(int) { type * pThis = ( type *)this; type tmp( *pThis); *pThis = *pThis - other_type( 1); return tmp; } }; // -- template< class type, class other_type = const type &> struct ops_all : public ops_all_equal< type, other_type>, public op_plus_plus< type>, public op_minus_minus< type> {}; // all: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ^=, |=, &=, ++, -- // operations supported for pointers template< class type> struct ops_all_for_ptrs : public op_plus_equal< type, int>, public op_minus_equal< type, int>, public op_plus_plus< type>, public op_minus_minus< type> {}; // all for pointers: +=, -=, ++, -- #endif // OPERATORS_H
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //例子
#include <string> #include <iostream> #include "operators.h"
struct named_int : public ops_all< named_int, int> { named_int( int value = 0, const std::string & strName = std::string()) : m_value( value), m_strName( strName) {} named_int( const std::string & strName) : m_value( 0), m_strName( strName) {} operator const int () const { return m_value; } named_int & operator=( int other) { m_value = other; return *this; } named_int & operator=( const named_int & other) { m_value = other.m_value; return *this; }
const std::string & get_name() const { return m_strName; } void set_name( const std::string & strName) { m_strName = strName; } private: int m_value; std::string m_strName; };
std::istream & operator>>( std::istream & streamIn, named_int & value) { int n; streamIn >> n; value = n; return streamIn; }
void read_and_validate( named_int & n, int nLeast, int nMost) { std::cout << "Enter " << n.get_name() << std::endl; bool bSuccess = false; while ( !bSuccess) { std::cin >> n; bSuccess = ( n >= nLeast) && ( n <= nMost); if ( !bSuccess) std::cout << "nError! (valid values are between " << nLeast << " and " << nMost << ") Try again!" << std::endl; } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { named_int nDepartments( "No of Departments"); named_int nEmployees( "No Of Employees"); // reads the no. of departments; valid values are between 1 and 100 read_and_validate( nDepartments, 1, 100); // reads the no. of employees; each departments // can have at least 1 employee, at most 10 employees read_and_validate( nEmployees, nDepartments, nDepartments * 10); return 0; }