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在ATL Browser Helper对象中使用WTL TreeView(英文)

51自学网 2015-08-30
The VC++ 6.0 project that comes with this article is an ATL in-process COM server, housing Browser Helper (BHO) and IE Extension objects. When the IE browser downloads HTML page, BHO will pop up a dialog box with a treeview which will display Document Object Model (DOM) nodes and attributes of that HTML document.

You can close the dialog but it will pop up again when you download new document. Also, each new browser window will show its own DOM tree dialog. IE Extension object is used to change this default behavior. Clicking Extension's button on IE toolbar you can disable dialog from popping up while you are browsing and display it later when you want to see the DOM tree of some particular HTML page.

This Article demonstrates some useful techniques and ways of using WTL features like:

dialog box is resizable
WTL treeview doesn't store text strings for each tree item. Display of each item is done 'on demand', when TVN_GETDISPINFO notification message arrives
tree items contain COM interface pointers as item data. In display phase these interfaces are queried to find out what text and bitmap to display for the DOM node or attribute in question
tree is constructed dynamically. No child nodes are added until the node is expanded. Children nodes are deleted when parent is collapsed
there is context menu that allows you to expand or collapse a node in its entirety, with all of its children, its children's children, and so on
BHO and IE Extension objects may be loaded in different COM apartments. BHO registers its instances in Global Interface Table (GIT) so that Extension can call methods on it
There are practical reasons that these techniques were applied. I don't like it when I cannot resize control and have to scroll just to see a tiny bit of the tree. DOM tree can be huge and constructing a large tree can be memory and time consuming. There is little sense in constructing, let's say, a 500 items tree, as you are moving from one Web page to another, especially if you are not going to look at the tree of each page in turn. Finally, when I want to look at the DOM tree I don't want to spend 5 minutes clicking mouse to open each node - interesting information is typically in the values of the terminal, leaf nodes.

To compile this project you will need to put WTL version 3.1 headers somewhere in your path. You can get them as the part of Platform SDK. Declarations for Explorer and HTML interfaces come from the import statement in my StdAfx.h:

#import "c:/winnt/system32/mshtml.tlb" named_guids
#import "c:/winnt/system32/shdocvw.dll" named_guids

You will need to change paths to point to the correct location on your machine. Just in case, if you download source code, there is one compiled component DLL in ReleaseMinDependency folder. Register it with Regsvr32 and you will get DOM tree display the next time you open IE.

I tested this COM server on Win95 with IE 5.0 and on Win2000 with IE 6.0, UNICODE and MBCS Minimum dependency Release compilations. At the time of posting this, I am not aware of any crippling bugs.

With such good article as Dino Esposito's "Browser Helper Objects: The Browser the Way You Want It" available in MSDN Library, I won't waste space explaining how BHOs work.

My BHO object CDOMPeek is declared as:

public CComObjectRootEx< CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass< CDOMPeek, &CLSID_DOMPeek>,
public IObjectWithSiteImpl< CDOMPeek>,
public IDispatchImpl< IDOMPeek, &IID_IDOMPeek, &LIBID_ANALYZEIELib>,
public IDispEventImpl< 0,

where IObjectWithSiteImpl is used to get IWebBrowser2 interface from which we can find all the other interfaces required to display DOM. IDispEventImpl will handle DWebBrowserEvents2 outgoing interface so that we can construct new or update existing DOM tree when event fires, telling us that document download was completed.

CDOMPeek object has ATL dialog declared as its member object - CMainDlg m_DocDlg - which in turn has WTL treeview object as its member - CDOMTree m_DOMTree.

We make dialog resizable by declaring it as:

class CMainDlg : public CDialogImpl< CMainDlg>,
         public CDialogResize< CMainDlg>

and calling DlgResize_Init() in response to WM_INITDIALOG. CDialogResize WTL class needs to handle Windows messages so we chain it to dialog's message map:

  CHAIN_MSG_MAP( CDialogResize< CMainDlg>)

DOM tree is a contained window:

class CDOMTree : public CContainedWindowT< CTreeViewCtrl>

and declares it own alternate message map #1 in dialog constructor:

CMainDlg() : m_DOMTree( this, 1) {}

Finally, we need to hook CDOMTree object to treeview control in WM_INITDIALOG:

m_DOMTree.SubclassWindow( GetDlgItem(IDC_TREE1));

Now that we have BHO and UI objects in place, we need to construct the DOM tree when browser tells us document is complete. From IWebBrowser2 we get IHTMLDocument2:

CComPtr<IDispatch> spDispatch;
if ( SUCCEEDED( m_spWebBrowser2->get_Document( &spDispatch)))
  m_spDoc2 = spDispatch;

where m_spDoc2 is:

CComQIPtr< MSHTML::IHTMLDocument2,
        &MSHTML::IID_IHTMLDocument2> m_spDoc2;

and we also get the handle of the window that will be the owner of the dialog:

// plug our dialog into browser window
HWND hwnd = NULL;
if ( FAILED( m_spWebBrowser2->get_HWND(
        reinterpret_cast< long*>(&hwnd))))
  hwnd = ::GetActiveWindow();

if ( m_DocDlg.Create( hwnd))
  m_DocDlg.ShowWindow( SW_NORMAL);

DOM tree is constructed starting with the root DOM node:

inline bool CMainDlg::CDOMTree::PrepareDOMTree()
CComQIPtr< MSHTML::IHTMLDocument3,
        &MSHTML::IID_IHTMLDocument3> spDoc3 = m_spDoc2;
bool bRet = spDoc3 != NULL;

if ( bRet)
  CComPtr< MSHTML::IHTMLElement> spRootElement;
  bRet = SUCCEEDED( spDoc3->get_documentElement( &spRootElement));
  if ( bRet)
   CComQIPtr< MSHTML::IHTMLDOMNode> spRootNode = spRootElement;
   bRet = spRootNode != NULL;
   if ( bRet)
    InsertDOMNode( spRootNode, NULL, NULL);
  ATLASSERT(0); // IE 4 does not support IHTMLDocument3
return bRet;

Notice that interface pointer to IHTMLDOMNode was passed to InsertDOMNode method. After some standard preparation of TVITEM structure it stores interface pointer as treeview item data:

inline HTREEITEM CMainDlg::CDOMTree::InsertDOMNode(
           MSHTML::IHTMLDOMNode* pINode,
           HTREEITEM hparent,
           HTREEITEM hinsertAfter)


 tvis.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_IMAGE |
 tvis.item.pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK;
 tvis.item.iImage = I_IMAGECALLBACK;
 tvis.item.iSelectedImage = I_IMAGECALLBACK;
 tvis.item.cChildren = 0;


 // Need to AddRef because we'll be keeping interface
 // pointer as treeview item data and use it in display phase

 tvis.item.lParam = reinterpret_cast< LPARAM>(pINode);
 HTREEITEM hthisItem = InsertItem( &tvis);



上一篇:VC++环境下利用管道和线程实现进程间通信  下一篇:如何用Shell实现程序组快捷方式的添加