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Visual C++/MFC入门教程(三)

51自学网 2015-08-30

3.2 接收用户输入



WM_MOUSEMOVE对应的函数为OnMouseMove( UINT nFlags, CPoint point ),nFlags表明了当前一些按键的消息,你可以通过“位与”操作进行检测。

  • MK_CONTROL Ctrl键是否被按下   Set if the CTRL key is down.

  • MK_LBUTTON 鼠标左键是否被按下   Set if the left mouse button is down.

  • MK_MBUTTON 鼠标中间键是否被按下   Set if the middle mouse button is down.

  • MK_RBUTTON 鼠标右键是否被按下   Set if the right mouse button is down.

  • MK_SHIFT Shift键是否被按下   Set if the SHIFT key is down.


WM_LBUTTONDOWN/WM_RBUTTONDOWN(鼠标左/右键按下)对应的函数为OnLButtonDown/OnRButtonDown( UINT nFlags, CPoint point )参数意义和OnMouseMove相同。

WM_LBUTTONUP/WM_RBUTTONUP(鼠标左/右键松开)对应的函数为OnLButtonUp/OnRButtonUp( UINT nFlags, CPoint point )参数意义和OnMouseMove相同。

WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK/WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK(鼠标左/右键双击)对应的函数为OnLButtonDblClk/OnRButtonDblClk( UINT nFlags, CPoint point )参数意义和OnMouseMove相同。


代码的作用是用鼠标拉出一个矩形global BOOL fDowned;//是否在拉动global CPoint ptDown;//按下位置global CPoint ptUp;//松开位置OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point){ fDowned=TRUE; ptUp=ptDown=point; DrawRect();...}OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point){ if(fDowned) {  DrawRect();//恢复上次所画的矩形  ptUp=point;  DrawRect();//画新矩形 }}OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point){ if(fDowned) {  DrawRect();//恢复上次所画的矩形  ptUp=point;  DrawRect();//画新矩形  fDowned=FALSE; }}DrawRect(){//以反色屏幕的方法画出ptDown,ptUp标记的矩形 CClientDC dc(this); MakeRect(ptDown,ptUp); SetROP(NOT); Rect();}


0?Scan code (OEM-dependent value).
8Extended key, such as a function key or a key on the numeric keypad (1 if it is an extended key).
9?0Not used.
11?2Used internally by Windows.
13Context code (1 if the ALT key is held down while the key is pressed; otherwise 0).
14Previous key state (1 if the key is down before the call, 0 if the key is up).
15Transition state (1 if the key is being released, 0 if the key is being pressed).



上一篇:Visual C++/MFC入门教程(五)  下一篇:Visual C++/MFC入门教程(四)