RNN问题:长期依赖问题/梯度消失问题 解决: LSTM GRU 长短时记忆神经网络LSTN LSTM是RNN变体,LSTM引入了一组记忆单元(Memory Units),允许网络可以学习何时遗忘历史信息何时用新信息更新记忆单元
import paddle
import numpy as np
import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
print ( paddle. __version__)
(3)生成数据列表,并进行训练集与验证集的划分,train_list.txt 、eval_list.txt
import os, zipfile
src_path= "data/data20519/Rumor_Dataset.zip"
target_path= "/home/aistudio/data/Chinese_Rumor_Dataset-master"
if ( not os. path. isdir( target_path) ) :
z = zipfile. ZipFile( src_path, 'r' )
z. extractall( path= target_path)
z. close( )
import io
import random
import json
rumor_class_dirs = os. listdir( target_path+ "/Chinese_Rumor_Dataset-master/CED_Dataset/rumor-repost/" )
non_rumor_class_dirs = os. listdir( target_path+ "/Chinese_Rumor_Dataset-master/CED_Dataset/non-rumor-repost/" )
original_microblog = target_path+ "/Chinese_Rumor_Dataset-master/CED_Dataset/original-microblog/"
rumor_label= "0"
non_rumor_label= "1"
rumor_num = 0
non_rumor_num = 0
all_rumor_list = [ ]
all_non_rumor_list = [ ]
for rumor_class_dir in rumor_class_dirs:
if ( rumor_class_dir != '.DS_Store' ) :
with open ( original_microblog + rumor_class_dir, 'r' ) as f:
rumor_content = f. read( )
rumor_dict = json. loads( rumor_content)
all_rumor_list. append( rumor_label+ "\t" + rumor_dict[ "text" ] + "\n" )
rumor_num += 1
for non_rumor_class_dir in non_rumor_class_dirs:
if ( non_rumor_class_dir != '.DS_Store' ) :
with open ( original_microblog + non_rumor_class_dir, 'r' ) as f2:
non_rumor_content = f2. read( )
non_rumor_dict = json. loads( non_rumor_content)
all_non_rumor_list. append( non_rumor_label+ "\t" + non_rumor_dict[ "text" ] + "\n" )
non_rumor_num += 1
print ( "谣言数据总量为:" + str ( rumor_num) )
print ( "非谣言数据总量为:" + str ( non_rumor_num) )
data_list_path= "/home/aistudio/data/"
all_data_path= data_list_path + "all_data.txt"
all_data_list = all_rumor_list + all_non_rumor_list
random. shuffle( all_data_list)
with open ( all_data_path, 'w' ) as f:
f. seek( 0 )
f. truncate( )
with open ( all_data_path, 'a' ) as f:
for data in all_data_list:
f. write( data)
def create_dict ( data_path, dict_path) :
with open ( dict_path, 'w' ) as f:
f. seek( 0 )
f. truncate( )
dict_set = set ( )
with open ( data_path, 'r' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as f:
lines = f. readlines( )
for line in lines:
content = line. split( '\t' ) [ - 1 ] . replace( '\n' , '' )
for s in content:
dict_set. add( s)
dict_list = [ ]
i = 0
for s in dict_set:
dict_list. append( [ s, i] )
i += 1
dict_txt = dict ( dict_list)
end_dict = { "<unk>" : i}
dict_txt. update( end_dict)
end_dict = { "<pad>" : i+ 1 }
dict_txt. update( end_dict)
with open ( dict_path, 'w' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as f:
f. write( str ( dict_txt) )
print ( "数据字典生成完成!" )
def create_data_list ( data_list_path) :
with open ( os. path. join( data_list_path, 'eval_list.txt' ) , 'w' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as f_eval:
f_eval. seek( 0 )
f_eval. truncate( )
with open ( os. path. join( data_list_path, 'train_list.txt' ) , 'w' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as f_train:
f_train. seek( 0 )
f_train. truncate( )
with open ( os. path. join( data_list_path, 'dict.txt' ) , 'r' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as f_data:
dict_txt = eval ( f_data. readlines( ) [ 0 ] )
with open ( os. path. join( data_list_path, 'all_data.txt' ) , 'r' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as f_data:
lines = f_data. readlines( )
i = 0
maxlen = 0
with open ( os. path. join( data_list_path, 'eval_list.txt' ) , 'a' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as f_eval, open ( os. path. join( data_list_path, 'train_list.txt' ) , 'a' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as f_train:
for line in lines:
words = line. split( '\t' ) [ - 1 ] . replace( '\n' , '' )
maxlen = max ( maxlen, len ( words) )
label = line. split( '\t' ) [ 0 ]
labs = ""
if i % 8 == 0 :
for s in words:
lab = str ( dict_txt[ s] )
labs = labs + lab + ','
labs = labs[ : - 1 ]
labs = labs + '\t' + label + '\n'
f_eval. write( labs)
else :
for s in words:
lab = str ( dict_txt[ s] )
labs = labs + lab + ','
labs = labs[ : - 1 ]
labs = labs + '\t' + label + '\n'
f_train. write( labs)
i += 1
print ( "数据列表生成完成!" )
print ( "样本最长长度:" + str ( maxlen) )
谣言数据总量为:1538 非谣言数据总量为:1849
data_root_path = "/home/aistudio/data/"
data_path = os. path. join( data_root_path, 'all_data.txt' )
dict_path = os. path. join( data_root_path, "dict.txt" )
create_dict( data_path, dict_path)
create_data_list( data_root_path)
def load_vocab ( file_path) :
fr = open ( file_path, 'r' , encoding= 'utf8' )
vocab = eval ( fr. read( ) )
fr. close( )
return vocab
vocab = load_vocab( os. path. join( data_root_path, 'dict.txt' ) )
def ids_to_str ( ids) :
words = [ ]
for k in ids:
w = list ( vocab. keys( ) ) [ list ( vocab. values( ) ) . index( int ( k) ) ]
words. append( w if isinstance ( w, str ) else w. decode( 'ASCII' ) )
return " " . join( words)
file_path = os. path. join( data_root_path, 'train_list.txt' )
with io. open ( file_path, "r" , encoding= 'utf8' ) as fin:
i = 0
for line in fin:
i += 1
cols = line. strip( ) . split( "\t" )
if len ( cols) != 2 :
sys. stderr. write( "[NOTICE] Error Format Line!" )
label = int ( cols[ 1 ] )
wids = cols[ 0 ] . split( "," )
print ( str ( i) + ":" )
print ( 'sentence list id is:' , wids)
print ( 'sentence list is: ' , ids_to_str( wids) )
print ( 'sentence label id is:' , label)
print ( '---------------------------------' )
if i == 2 : break
vocab = load_vocab( os. path. join( data_root_path, 'dict.txt' ) )
class RumorDataset ( paddle. io. Dataset) :
def __init__ ( self, data_dir) :
self. data_dir = data_dir
self. all_data = [ ]
with io. open ( self. data_dir, "r" , encoding= 'utf8' ) as fin:
for line in fin:
cols = line. strip( ) . split( "\t" )
if len ( cols) != 2 :
sys. stderr. write( "[NOTICE] Error Format Line!" )
label = [ ]
label. append( int ( cols[ 1 ] ) )
wids = cols[ 0 ] . split( "," )
if len ( wids) >= 150 :
wids = np. array( wids[ : 150 ] ) . astype( 'int64' )
else :
wids = np. concatenate( [ wids, [ vocab[ "<pad>" ] ] * ( 150 - len ( wids) ) ] ) . astype( 'int64' )
label = np. array( label) . astype( 'int64' )
self. all_data. append( ( wids, label) )
def __getitem__ ( self, index) :
data, label = self. all_data[ index]
return data, label
def __len__ ( self) :
return len ( self. all_data)
batch_size = 32
train_dataset = RumorDataset( os. path. join( data_root_path, 'train_list.txt' ) )
test_dataset = RumorDataset( os. path. join( data_root_path, 'eval_list.txt' ) )
train_loader = paddle. io. DataLoader( train_dataset, places= paddle. CPUPlace( ) , return_list= True ,
shuffle= True , batch_size= batch_size, drop_last= True )
test_loader = paddle. io. DataLoader( test_dataset, places= paddle. CPUPlace( ) , return_list= True ,
shuffle= True , batch_size= batch_size, drop_last= True )
print ( '=============train_dataset =============' )
for data, label in train_dataset:
print ( data)
print ( np. array( data) . shape)
print ( label)
print ( '=============test_dataset =============' )
for data, label in test_dataset:
print ( data)
print ( np. array( data) . shape)
print ( label)
import paddle
from paddle. nn import Conv2D, Linear, Embedding
from paddle import to_tensor
import paddle. nn. functional as F
class RNN ( paddle. nn. Layer) :
def __init__ ( self) :
super ( RNN, self) . __init__( )
self. dict_dim = vocab[ "<pad>" ]
self. emb_dim = 128
self. hid_dim = 128
self. class_dim = 2
self. embedding = Embedding(
self. dict_dim + 1 , self. emb_dim,
sparse= False )
self. _fc1 = Linear( self. emb_dim, self. hid_dim)
self. lstm = paddle. nn. LSTM( self. hid_dim, self. hid_dim)
self. fc2 = Linear( 19200 , self. class_dim)
def forward ( self, inputs) :
emb = self. embedding( inputs)
fc_1 = self. _fc1( emb)
x = self. lstm( fc_1)
x = paddle. reshape( x[ 0 ] , [ 0 , - 1 ] )
x = self. fc2( x)
x = paddle. nn. functional. softmax( x)
return x
rnn = RNN( )
paddle. summary( rnn, ( 32 , 150 ) , "int64" )
def draw_process ( title, color, iters, data, label) :
plt. title( title, fontsize= 24 )
plt. xlabel( "iter" , fontsize= 20 )
plt. ylabel( label, fontsize= 20 )
plt. plot( iters, data, color= color, label= label)
plt. legend( )
plt. grid( )
plt. show( )
def train ( model) :
model. train( )
opt = paddle. optimizer. Adam( learning_rate= 0.002 , parameters= model. parameters( ) )
steps = 0
Iters, total_loss, total_acc = [ ] , [ ] , [ ]
for epoch in range ( 3 ) :
for batch_id, data in enumerate ( train_loader) :
steps += 1
sent = data[ 0 ]
label = data[ 1 ]
logits = model( sent)
loss = paddle. nn. functional. cross_entropy( logits, label)
acc = paddle. metric. accuracy( logits, label)
if batch_id % 50 == 0 :
Iters. append( steps)
total_loss. append( loss. numpy( ) [ 0 ] )
total_acc. append( acc. numpy( ) [ 0 ] )
print ( "epoch: {}, batch_id: {}, loss is: {}" . format ( epoch, batch_id, loss. numpy( ) ) )
loss. backward( )
opt. step( )
opt. clear_grad( )
model. eval ( )
accuracies = [ ]
losses = [ ]
for batch_id, data in enumerate ( test_loader) :
sent = data[ 0 ]
label = data[ 1 ]
logits = model( sent)
loss = paddle. nn. functional. cross_entropy( logits, label)
acc = paddle. metric. accuracy( logits, label)
accuracies. append( acc. numpy( ) )
losses. append( loss. numpy( ) )
avg_acc, avg_loss = np. mean( accuracies) , np. mean( losses)
print ( "[validation] accuracy: {}, loss: {}" . format ( avg_acc, avg_loss) )
model. train( )
paddle. save( model. state_dict( ) , "model_final.pdparams" )
draw_process( "trainning loss" , "red" , Iters, total_loss, "trainning loss" )
draw_process( "trainning acc" , "green" , Iters, total_acc, "trainning acc" )
model = RNN( )
train( model)
model_state_dict = paddle. load( 'model_final.pdparams' )
model = RNN( )
model. set_state_dict( model_state_dict)
model. eval ( )
label_map = { 0 : "是" , 1 : "否" }
samples = [ ]
predictions = [ ]
accuracies = [ ]
losses = [ ]
for batch_id, data in enumerate ( test_loader) :
sent = data[ 0 ]
label = data[ 1 ]
logits = model( sent)
for idx, probs in enumerate ( logits) :
label_idx = np. argmax( probs)
labels = label_map[ label_idx]
predictions. append( labels)
samples. append( sent[ idx] . numpy( ) )
loss = paddle. nn. functional. cross_entropy( logits, label)
acc = paddle. metric. accuracy( logits, label)
accuracies. append( acc. numpy( ) )
losses. append( loss. numpy( ) )
avg_acc, avg_loss = np. mean( accuracies) , np. mean( losses)
print ( "[validation] accuracy: {}, loss: {}" . format ( avg_acc, avg_loss) )
print ( '数据: {} \n\n是否谣言: {}' . format ( ids_to_str( samples[ 0 ] ) , predictions[ 0 ] ) )