这篇教程Illustrator绘制漂亮的矢量风格笔记本写得很实用,希望能帮到您。 最终图像预览,下面是最终的设计样品,也是我们要努力达到的效果。 进入论坛参与讨论和交作业: http://www.missyuan.com/viewthread.php?tid=419862 第一步 先用圆角矩形工具画出笔记本的基本轮廓图形。可按住上下箭头来改变边角的弧度。 Step 2 使用如下图所示复杂的色彩渐变。 第三步 复制笔记本轮廓图层,用路径合并工具切除一半,如下图。 第四步 复制左半部分,然后图层置顶。设置较小的渐变度和multiply模式的100%透明度。 第五步 用钢笔工具勾画曲边形状,用Pathfinder工具切出图形。 第六步 在下层制作深色渐变,使之看起来象是一块阴影。 第七步 画一个半圆,色彩淡一些。将它置于曲线下边来完成整个效果。注意:使用渐变时,右边色彩应该更淡些。这才叫做反射光,对于实现页面卷曲而言,这可是个重要的细节。 第8步 给整个笔记本加上一个阴影。提醒你,能加多少阴影取决于你的电脑速度。阴影会降低illustrator的图形渲染速度。但是,如果你的电脑足够快,这应该不是个问题。 Step 9 Create some colorful tabs by drawing a rectangle and then using the preset gradients to color them in. To access them go to Window > Swatch Libraries > Gradients > Brights. You may want to make the highlighted color slightly darker as our design calls for the tab to appear as if it's wedged in between the pages. Step 10 Create the ruled lines by first drawing two horizontal lines. Step 11 Select both lines then go to Object > Blend > Blend Options. Select Specified Steps, enter a value then press OK. Go to Object > Blend > Make. Step 12 This is the result. You can adjust the number of lines by going to Object > Blend > Blend Options. Step 13 As is, the lines overlap the page curl. To fix this, expand the blended lines by going to Object > Expand. Step 14 Ungroup the lines you just expanded and adjust their horizontal length. You cannot give strokes a gradient, so, using the Rectangle Tool (M) draw a very thin rectangle and give it a slightly darker blue gradient. Draw a small curved line and give it a darker blue color too. Step 15 Place your new elements on the page curl section. Step 16 This is what your design should look like right now. Step 17 Easily make random stains on the paper by using the Artistic Ink panel. Go to Brush Libraries > Artistic > Artistic Ink. You can drag the swatches right onto the page or you can draw a line using the Pen Tool and apply the swatch to the line. To further edit the ink swatches you'll need to expand the ink first. If you're familiar with Illustrator you may be able to recognize when someone is using built-in ink swatches. To remedy this simple alter the ink swatches by using the Crystallize Tool (found under the Warp Tool, Shift + R.) Or, try using a variety of warping tools to achieve some interesting results. Step 18 Give your stains some gradients, set their Transparency to Multiply and adjust their Opacity to help them blend with the paper. Step 19 Create the holes in the paper by drawing an ellipse using the Ellipse Tool (L.) Step 20 Align your holes perfectly by using the Align Palette. Step 21 Construct the pencil using basic shapes. Note, the triangle used for the tip of the pencil was created using the Star Tool. To vary the number of points the star has simply use the Up and Down Arrow keys while you're drawing the star shape. Step 22 Give the area shown below a jagged edge by using the Warp Tool. Step 23 Use Illustrator's built-in Metals gradients by going to Window > Swatch Libraries > Metals. Step 24 The barrel of the pencil can be quickly created using a gradient to the fullest extent. To give the impression of a number of faces on the pencil apply a gradient with four colors, all slightly different but in the same family. Next, slide the yellow highlighted areas below so they're as close to the green highlighted areas. Step 25 Give the tip of the pencil gradients. Give the exposed wood section of the pencil an Inner Glow by going to Effect > Stylize > Inner Glow... Step 26 Duplicate the metal part that holds the eraser on, condense it and alter the gradient to give the illusion of ridges on top of the metal base. Step 27 Using the Type Tool (T) apply some text to your liking. The font I've used is ITC Franklin. This completes the pencil. Step 28 To create the stand-alone pink eraser, draw a rectangle and give it a tenuous gradient. Take a notch out of the edge of the eraser by drawing a random shape and subtracting it from the rectangle using the Pathfinder. Step 29 Create eraser shavings by using the Pencil Tool (N.) How convenient! Arbitrarily draw some shapes and apply a pink to grey-pink gradient. Note, the easiest way to close an open shape is to hold down the Option key when you are ready to close the shape. 第四步 复制左半部分,然后图层置顶。设置较小的渐变度和multiply模式的100%透明度。 第五步 用钢笔工具勾画曲边形状,用Pathfinder工具切出图形。 第六步 在下层制作深色渐变,使之看起来象是一块阴影。 第七步 画一个半圆,色彩淡一些。将它置于曲线下边来完成整个效果。注意:使用渐变时,右边色彩应该更淡些。这才叫做反射光,对于实现页面卷曲而言,这可是个重要的细节。 第8步 给整个笔记本加上一个阴影。提醒你,能加多少阴影取决于你的电脑速度。阴影会降低illustrator的图形渲染速度。但是,如果你的电脑足够快,这应该不是个问题。 第四十步 给洞加上阴影和高光。加两个椭圆,从图形区选择pathfinder来调整位置使之成为两道弧。使矩形模糊,调整其不透明度,来形成一个大角度的反射。 第四十一步 在笔记本封面上添加一些文字。运用Metals的渐变效果。 最终图像 这就是最终的设计效果。你已经学会如何制作一个矢量笔记本背景图,这也是创建一个炫酷网站主题的绝佳练习。 Illustrator综合运用工具制作一个漂亮的魔方 Illustrator+Ps制作数字烟雾效果教程 |