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  2. 多把“你听懂了没”换成“我讲明白了没”。

  3. 别人给你发消息一定要回,就算不想聊也可以告诉他,哪怕是用表情或者标点来委婉的表达,不回消息不是高冷,是没教养。

  4. 不要试着用自己的秘密去交换一个朋友。

  5. 我见过纹身大汉在公交上让座,我也见过穿西服打领带的禽兽拿着公款大吃大喝,这个时代穿的靓丽帅气的不一定就是绅士,打扮的非常暴露的不一定就是婊子,不要以貌取人。

  6. 圈子不同,不必强融。

  7. 别把秘密告诉风,风会吹过整片森林。

  8. 和谁都别熟的太快,不要以为刚开始话题一致,共同点很多,你们就是相见恨晚的知音。语言很多时候都是假的,一起经历的才是真的。

  9. 人前不应该说的话,背后也别说。

  10. 用“谢谢你”代替“谢谢”,虽然只是多了一个字,但是诚恳很多很多。



  12. 一个整天笑嘻嘻的女生永远比一个忧郁的女生来得讨喜。

  13. 别人在睡觉的时候要懂得安静。

  14. 不要没经过同意就随便看别人手机。

  15. 别人拿手机给你看照片的时候,你好好看着就行,不要手贱滑下一张。

  16. 千万不要去认识你女友的闺蜜,因为她闺蜜不喜欢你,你们会分手,她闺蜜喜欢你,你们还是会分手。

  17. 有两种人值得信任:二话不说借你钱的人,信守承诺还你钱的人。

  18. 交浅别言深,情深别刻薄。

  19. 麦兜说:有事情是要说出来的,不要等着对方去领悟,因为对方不是你,不知道你想要什么,等到最后只能是伤心和失望,尤其是感情。

  20. 逢人只说三分话,不可全抛一片心。

  21. 大多数人口中的”怎么了”只是满足好奇心,并没有要帮助你的意思。

  22. 打破别人的喜悦这是一件很没礼貌的事情。你们应该都有体会。

  23. 在拒绝这件事上,越简单越好,明明是别人需求自己帮忙,解释半天变成自己亏欠了别人的感觉,帮得上,想帮就帮,帮不上,就拒绝。人际交往,简单明了有时最恰当,懂得拒绝,才可以洒脱不纠结。

  24. 哪怕你遇到高富帅白富美或者王思聪这样的好伙伴,人际关系永恒的定律就是平衡交易。永远别想着靠任何人。

  25. 别人在跟你说他喜欢的东西时,希望你不要反驳,因为我们都很认真的在说,而你却说我们喜欢的东西有多么不好,你的直白,只是自私。


  1. Use a Person's Name.


  Let's face it — we're all huge narcissists and we all love the sound of our own name. Learn names and make use of them. Always use an individual's name in a conversation. This tried-and-true technique is sure to increase your fan base.


  2. Smile — With Feeling!


  When someone offers a huge grin brimming with authenticity, happiness rubs off on its receivers. There have been many studies showing how mood, whether positive or negative, spreads between individuals. If your positive attitude brightens someone else's day, that person will love you for it.


  3. Listen (Not Just With Your Ears).


  It's probably a no-brainer that people will like you more if you listen to them. This starts with ignoring your Twitter feed while out to dinner with friends, but goes a lot further than that. You can show you're listening to someone through body language (positioning your body to face someone and mirroring his or her stance), eye contact (giving plenty of it), and verbal confirmation (we'll talk more about this next).


  4. Use Verbal Confirmation.


  Most psychology books refer to this technique as "active listening." Active listening revolves around demonstrating your listening skills by repeating segments of what an individual has said to you.


  In speech this kind of dialogue can actually go a long way to make people like you more. It makes the other individual feel as though you really are paying attention. Plus, people love to hear their own words echoed back at them as it pats their egos a bit.


  5. Conversation Recall: Prove You're Paying Attention.


  To really show someone you've been paying attention, try bringing up a topic that the person mentioned earlier. Did your co-worker talk about working with his son on a science fair project last week? Follow up and ask how it went. They don’t have to be big, life-changing events. In fact, sometimes it says more that you can recall and show interest in even the small happenings in another person's life.


  6. Sincere Compliments and Plentiful Praise.


  As noted again by the famous self-improvement expert Dale Carnegie, individuals crave authentic appreciation. This is very different from empty flattery, which most people are adept at detecting. No one likes a brown-nose, and most people don't particularly love being pandered to. What people really want is sincere appreciation — to be recognized and appreciated for their efforts.


  7. Handle Criticism With Tact.


  While you want to be generous with your praise, be stingy with your criticism. People have delicate egos, and even a slight word of condemnation can wound someone's pride. If someone makes an error, don't call that person out in front of a group. Consider praising before and after a criticism.


  Another strategy for diplomatically dispensing corrections is to begin by discussing your own mistakes before digging into someone else's errors. Ultimately, aim to be always gentle with criticism and only offer it when it's truly needed.


  8. Avoid Issuing Orders — Ask Questions Instead.


  No one enjoys being bossed around. So what do you do when you need something done? The truth is that you can get the same result from asking a question as you can by giving an order. The outcome may be the same, but the individual's feeling and attitude can vary greatly depending on your approach.


  9. Be a Real Person, Not a Robot.


  People like to see character and authenticity. Try to be confident but respectful. Some cooperation experts suggest stepping toward a person and bending slightly forward when you're introduced, in a gesture of a bow. These kinds of gestures can go a long way toward making people think more highly of you.


  10. Become an Expert in Storytelling.


  People love a good story, and great stories require sophisticated storytellers. Storytelling is an art form that requires understanding of language and pacing. Master the fine oral tradition of storytelling and people will flock to you like you're The Bard.


  11. Physical touch.


  This one's a bit tricky, and I hesitate to even mention it because obviously it needs to be done in a certain manner. However, it has been shown that very subtle physical touch makes individuals feel more connected to you. A great example is gently touching someone's forearm (with your left hand) while shaking hands (with your right hand) — it's a great way to finish up a conversation. Not everyone will feel comfortable with this strategy, and if it's not for you, that's fine.


  12. Ask for advice.


  Asking someone for advice is, somewhat surprisingly, a great strategy for getting people to like you. Asking for advice shows that you value the other individual's opinion and demonstrates respect. Everyone likes to feel needed and important. When you make someone feel better about himself or herself, that person will most certainly end up liking you for it.


  13. Avoid the clichés.


  Let's face it — most of us don't like boring people. Instead, we like the unusual, the unique — sometimes even the bizarre. One great example of situations in which it's important to avoid clichés is in interviews. Rather than parroting the "nice to meet you"s at the conclusion of an interview, add some kind of variation to make you memorable, even in a tiny way. Try something like "I've really enjoyed talking with you today". You don't have to reinvent the wheel — just be yourself.


  14. Ask questions.


  Asking other people questions — about their lives, their interests, their passions — is a surefire way to get brownie points in their friendship books. People are egocentric — they love to talk about themselves. If you're asking questions and getting people to talk about themselves, they'll leave the conversation thinking you're the coolest. Even if the conversation didn't really give the other person a reason to like you, he or she will think better of you subconsciously just for indulging this or her ego.


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