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51自学网 2021-07-13 16:40:07


要介绍PyTorch之前,不得不说一下Torch。Torch是一个有大量机器学习算法支持的科学计算框架,是一个与Numpy类似的张量(Tensor) 操作库,其特点是特别灵活,但因其采用了小众的编程语言是Lua,所以流行度不高,这也就有了PyTorch的出现。所以其实Torch是 PyTorch的前身,它们的底层语言相同,只是使用了不同的上层包装语言。


Deep Learning With PyTorch

This table gives us a list of PyTorch packages and their corresponding descriptions. These are the primary PyTorch components we'll be learning about and using as we build neural networks in this series.

Package Description
torch The top-level PyTorch package and tensor library.
torch.nn A subpackage that contains modules and extensible classes for building neural networks.
torch.autograd A subpackage that supports all the differentiable Tensor operations in PyTorch.
torch.nn.functional A functional interface that contains typical operations used for building neural networks like loss functions, activation functions, and convolution operations.
torch.optim A subpackage that contains standard optimization operations like SGD and Adam.
torch.utils A subpackage that contains utility classes like data sets and data loaders that make data preprocessing easier.
torchvision A package that provides access to popular datasets, model architectures, and image transformations for computer vision.

At the moment, the torchvision package is separate from the top-level torch package. However, this may change in the future if torchvision is pulled in as a subpackage of torch.
