从小培养孩子的阅读习惯是每个家长都想要做的,但是家长们知道哪些方法才是有利于孩子的发展的吗?下面是51自学小编给你精心整理快速提高孩子阅读的10个技巧(英汉版),仅供参考。 NO1.Develop the library habit. 一、养成孩子去图书馆的习惯 Entice your children to read more by taking them to the library every few weeks to get new reading materials. The library also offers reading programs for children of all ages that may appeal to your children and further increase their interest in reading. 通过周末带孩子去图书馆获取新的阅读材料,引导孩子阅读,而且图书馆通常会为各个年龄段的孩子开展很多阅读活动或者项目,这也可以激发孩子的阅读兴趣。 NO2.Be knowledgeable about your children's progress. 二、了解自己孩子的进度 Find out what reading skills they are expected to have at each grade level. The school's curriculum will give you this information。 要了解学校对于各个年级的阅读技能要求,学校的教学大[微博]纲会给与你丰富的信息。 NO3.Use a variety of aids to help your children. 三、运用各种辅助性工具帮助孩子 To help your children improve their reading, use textbooks, computer programs, books-on-tape, and other materials available in stores. Games are especially good choices because they let children have fun as they work on their skills。 帮助孩子提高阅读水平,可以运用电脑、磁带书、以及其他可以买到的材料(其实很多可以自己做,比如卡片、普通的一些小道具),游戏有时候也是一个很好的选择。 NO4.Show enthusiasm for your children's reading. 四、对于孩子的阅读,家长一定要表现出极大的热情与关注 Your reaction has a great influence on how hard they will try to become good readers. Be sure to give them genuine praise for their efforts。 让阅读成为孩子生活的一部分,让他们自己读菜单、读路标、读游戏指示,无论什么信息,都可以让孩子在日常生活中练习。 NO5.Look for reading problems. 五、寻找孩子阅读的问题所在 Teachers do not always detect children's reading problems until they've become serious. Find out if your children can sound out words, know sight words, use context to identify unknown words, and clearly understand what they read. 老师不是总能发现你的孩子的阅读问题出现在哪儿,除非问题已经十分严重了,所以你一定要确保你的孩子把单词句子读出来,知道单词意思,即使不知道也能够通过语境(联系上下文)来猜这个词的意思,确保孩子知道自己在读什么。 NO6.Encourage a wide variety of reading activities. 六、鼓励不同种类的阅读活动 Make reading an integral part of your children's lives. Have them read menus, roadside signs, game directions, weather reports, movie time listings, and other practical everyday information。 要了解学校对于各个年级的阅读技能要求,学校的教学大[微博]纲会给与你丰富的信息。 NO7.Set aside a regular time to read to your children every day. 七、每天拨出一定的时间读书给你的孩子听 Studies show that regularly reading out loud to children will produce significant gains in reading comprehension, vocabulary, and the decoding of words. It will increase their desire to read independently. 研究表明有规律地对孩子大声朗读,对孩子在阅读理解、词汇量以及对单词的理解上都是有着巨大帮助的,会令孩子增强自己独立阅读的兴趣。 NO8.Surround your children with reading material. 八、让你的孩子被阅读材料包围着 Children with a large array of reading materials in their homes score higher on standardized tests. Tempt your kids to read by having a large supply of appealing books and magazines at their reading level. 通常家中有着大量读物的孩子会在标准的测验中获得更高的分数。家中有着大量适合自己孩子的读物能够诱使孩子自发阅读。 NO9.Get help promptly for reading problems. 九、对于出现的阅读问题,要及时获取帮助 Reading problems do not magically disappear with time. The earlier children receive help, the more likely they will become good readers. Make sure your children receive necessary help from teachers, tutors, or learning centers as soon as you discover a problem。 阅读的问题是不会随着时间而消逝的,孩子获得帮助越早,他们越有可能成为阅读好手,确保一旦发现问题,孩子能在老师、或者是教育机构等等获得帮助。 NO10.Have a family reading time. 十、有家庭阅读时间 Establish a daily 15 to 30 minute time when everyone in the family reads together silently. Seeing you read will inspire your children to read. Just 15 minutes of daily practice is sufficient to increase their reading fluency。 建立每天15至30分钟的家庭阅读时间,一家人一起阅读,看到家长[微博]阅读会激发孩子阅读,只需每天15分钟的练习足以令你的孩子读书流畅。
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