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 首页 > 学习方法 > 初二 > 初二英语





  P36 4b

  Fill in the blanks with was, were, when or while.

  At 7:00 a.m., I woke up. ______________ I______________making my breakfast, my brother ______________listening to the radio. ______________I was eating, the radio news talked about a car accident near our home. My brother and I went out right away to have a look._________________we got to the place of the accident, the car___________in bad shape from hitting a tree. But luckily, the driver_______________fine. The roads_______________icy because of the heavy snow from the night before.


  P38 2b

  Do You Remember What You Were Doing?

  People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history. In America, for example, many people remember what they were doing on April 4, 1968. This was an important event in American history. On this day, Dr. Martin Luther King was killed. Although some people may not remember who killed him, they remember what they were doing when they heard the news.

  Robert Allen is now over 50, but he was a school pupil at that time. “It was a bright, sunny day,” Robert remembers. “We were having fun in the playground when the school bell rang. Our teacher said, „Dr. King died just 10 minutes ago.‟ We were completely surprised!” School closed for the day, Robert and his friends walked home in silence.

  More recently, most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists. Even the date-September 11, 2001-has meaning to most Americans.

  This was a day Kate Smith will never forget. She remembers working in her office near the two towers. “My friend shouted that a plane just hit the World Trade Center! I didn‟t believe him at first, but then I looked out the window and realized that it was true. I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that.”


  P40 Self- check 2

  When I ____________ (be) in the sixth grade, I __________(join) a piano competition. I ___________(practice) for four hours every day and my piano teacher_________(come) three times a week to___________(help) me. Then the big day finally__________(arrive). I________(be) so nervous when they____________(call) my name. I________(go) up and_________(start) to play. While I__________(play), everyone________(sit) still and listened. I played the song without any mistakes. Then I_________(wait) for them to call out the winner. When I__________(hear) my name, my heart_________(beat) so quickly I thought I would stop breathing. I couldn‟t believe it. I___________(win)! It___________(be) the happiest day of my life!







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