做八年级英语书习题,是午餐,是让人享受的。下面是小编为大家精心整理的八年级上册英语书答案unit7,仅供参考。 八年级上册英语书答案unit7(一) Section A 1b Circed:1,2,5,4 2a Circed:1.more 2.less 3.fewer 4.less 5.fewer 2b Ciecked:2,5 3a 1.less,more 2.more,more 3.fewr,more 4.more,fewer 5.more,fewer 八年级上册英语书答案unit7(二) Section B 1a Jobs:astronaut,computer programmer Transporation:train,rocket Places to live:house,apartment,space space station 1c From left to right:2,3,1 1d 1.live 2.work 3.am 4.lived 5.took 6.willde 7.will fly 8.will live 2b Paragraph 1:What are robots like in movies? Paragraph 2:What can robots do today? Paragraph 3:Will robots think like humans in the future? Paragraph 4:What will robots be like in the future? 2c 1.cars 2.simple 3.walk,dance 4.look for,the buildings 2d dance,make,seem possible,talk,disagree,same,never,agree 3a live,more,meet,fewet,less,keep,wear,look,work,take 八年级上册英语书答案unit7(三) Self Check 1 2 be,like,will,Will,can,there,be,will 八年级上册英语书答案unit7相关文章: 1.八年级英语上册Unit 7课堂练习(答案) 2.八年级英语上册Unit7单元训练题 3.八年级英语上册UNIT7检测题 4.初二上册英语Unit 7测试试题及答案 5.人教版八年级上册英语课本答案参考