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九年级Unit5 What are the shirts made of练习题


  书籍是积累众人聪明的不灭的明灯,同学们要好好完成九年级Unit5 What are the shirts made of的练习题,接下来是51自学小编为大家带来的关于九年级Unit5 What are the shirts made of练习题,希望会给大家带来帮助。

  九年级Unit5 What are the shirts made of练习题:

  一、根据句意及首字母提 示完成单词

  1.He bought a ring that was made of s________.

  2.My mother is wearing a nice b________ today.

  3.Many animals such as sheep,cows and rabbits like eating g________;others like eating meat.

  4.The Chinese use c________ instead of knives and forks to eat.

  5.She bought a beautiful b________ for her mother as a birthday present last week and she put it on right away.

  6.She looks beautiful because she wears a s________ chain around her neck.

  7.The T­shirts made of c________ feel smooth and warm.


  8.Look!Three ________(coin) are on the floor. Let's pick them up.

  9.Miss Green advised us to decorate a card for each other with those ________(leaf).(淮安)

  10.Over 50% of the country's wheat ________(produce) in this region.

  11.Shandong is ________(know) for big and sweet apples.

  12.At present, people are trying their best to stop the virus from spreading ________(wide) in the other parts of the world.

  13.Lots of iPhone 6 cellphones _ _________________(produce) by the company in Henan.


  14.中国哪里 产丝绸?

  Where is silk________ ________ ________?


  The products________ ________and________ ________many different countries and places around China.


  16.Would you li ke to lend me some ________(硬币)?

  17.This factory developed a new ________(产品).

  18.These fresh vegetables are sent to the company for__________(加工).


  19. The paper is made________wood.

  20.Thi s ring is made________silver.

  21.The subway carriages made ________ China entered American market successfully.

  22.The paper planes were made ________ the boy in red over there.

  23.This piece of wood can be made ________ a be nch.


  24.Yao Ming is famous ________ playing basketball. C.for D.between

  25.—Your coat looks very nice. What's it made ________?

  —Cotton,and it is made ________ Wuhan.

  A.from;in B.of;in

  C.from;on D.of;on

  九年级Unit5 What are the shirts made of练习题答案:

  一、1.silver 2.blouse 3.grass 4.chopsticks

  5.blouse 点拨:本题用寻找关键词法解题。根据“she put it on right away”可知,她为自己的妈妈买的是穿的。

  6.silver 7.cotton

  二、8.coins 9.leaves produced 11.known

  12.widely 点拨:本题用语法判定法解题。widely adv.广泛地,修饰spread。[

  13.are produced 点拨:本题用语法判定法解题。分析cellphones和produce的关系可知,它们属于被动关系,因此用被动语态。

  三、14.produced in China 15.are packed; sent to

  四、 16.coins 17.product 18.processing

  五、19.from 点拨:本题考查be made加介词的基本用法。be made from“由……制成(看不出原材料)”。

  20.of 点拨: be made of“由……制成(看得出原材料)”。 点拨:be made in+地点,在哪里生产的。

  23.into 点拨:此类题用多元归一法来做。be made from由……制成,从其制成品中看不出原材料,from后接表示原材料的名词;be made of由……制成,从其制成品中能看出原材料;be made in在……生产或制造,in后面加表示地点的名词;be made by由……制造,by 后面接动作的执行者;be made into被制成……,into后面接表示制成品的名词。

  六、24.C 点拨:此题用固定短语法。固定短语be famous for意为“因……著名”。

  25.B 点拨:be made of 为固定短语,意为“由……制成”,由成品可以看出原材料;be made in后接地点,表示“在……制造”。综上所述,故选B。

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