著名近义词: 知名,出名,有名,闻名,驰名 【英文解释】 famous;well-known;celebrated;noted; 【基本解释】 [famous;celebrated] 有名,出名 著名人士 【中英例句】 说出一到两个著名的中国科学家。 Name one or two famous chinese scientists. 中国政府下属的著名智库机构国务院研究发展中心的研究员周二在报纸上发表观点文章说,中国政府应该考虑调整中国的计划生育政策。 Researchers with the research development center, a prominent government-affiliated think tank, on tuesday said in a newspaper opinion piece that beijing should consider revising the policy. 这种纯处方药最著名的用途是治疗痤疮。 This prescription-only medicine is best known as a treatment for acne. 他实际上写信给著名的天文学家试图让他们对这种测试感兴趣而结果我想他有点气馁。 He actually wrote to well-known astronomers trying to interest them in doing the test and was a little discouraged I think. 但他在周四赢得诺贝尔这个著名奖项的可能性却比以往任何时候都大。 But his odds of winning the famed nobel prize on thursday are better than ever.