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 首页 > 学习方法 > 二年级





  一. 读单词,在相应图片的方框内写上序号。

  cow sofa  walk  rabbit umbrella


  1. panda  horse  bird  bear

  2. skip   climb  fly  bed

  3. ferry  plane  train  car

  4. lamp  vain   bed  table

  5. duck  sleep   pig  elephant


  1.       2.       3.

  Spotty can climb.      I like to write.         It‘s a table.

  Spotty can swing.      I like to dance.         It’s a lamp

  4.         5.

  The pencil is under the book.    I can ride.

  The pencil is on the book.      I can fly.

  四.读上句,圈下句, 在正确句子前面的括号里打√ 。

  1. What can Spotty do?   ( ) Spotty can run.  ( ) I can run.

  2. What do you see?     ( ) I see a duck.   ( ) I hear a duck.

  3. How are you?      ( ) Thank you.   ( ) Fine, thank you.

  4. Do you like winter?    ( ) Yes, I don‘t.   ( ) No, I don’t.

  5. Where do you live?    ( ) I live in Shiyan.  ( )I love Shiyan.


  1. Don‘t ride a bicycle here.

  2. Kitty is under the sofa.

  3. Close the window, please.

  4. Spotty! Come here.

  5. I’ve got four eggs.


  1. Read and fill(选择并填入正确的单词。)

  1)I see a ________(pencilpencils).

  2)There is an ________(eggeggs) on the desk.

  3)May I have three ________(cakecakes).

  4)There are some ________(girlgirls) in the classroom.

  5)小学二年级英语家庭作业练习题:There is some _______(waterwaters) in the bowl.

  2. Read and choose(选择填空)

  1)(  )Look _______ the window.

  A. on     B. at     C. in

  2)(  )_______ do you live? I live in Ningbo.

  A. Who    B. What   C. Where

  3)(  )There is _______ dog in the room.

  A. am     B. a     C. an

  4)(  )May I have a _______?

  A. pizza    B. pizzas   C. a pizza

  5)(  )I like _______ play.

  A. to     B. in    C. on

  6)(  )Come and play _______ me.

  A. for     B. with   C. and

  7)(  )There are some _______ on the farm.

  A. sheep    B. sheeps  C. a sheep

  8)(  )_______light! Stop!

  A. Green    B. Yellow  C. Red

  9)(  )I have _______ apple.     B.a

  10)(  )There _______ some books on the table.

  A.are     B. is     C. am

  3. Look, choose and write(看图选词填空)

  in    on    under

  1) he cat is ________ the table.

  2) The bed is ________ the ground.

  3) The bag is ________ the bed.

  4) The fish is ________ the water.

  5) The table is ________ the room






上一篇:二年级英语暑假作业题  下一篇:二年级下册英语单元测试练习题