成语是一种现成的话跟习用语、谚语相近,但是也略有区别,其次在语言形式上,成语几乎都是约定俗成的四字结构,字面不能随意更换,而习用语和谚语总是松散一些,可多可少,不限于四个字。你知道锦囊里写着家居打一成语的答案吗?不知道的就跟小编来看看吧。 锦囊里写着家居打一成语的答案 锦囊妙计 锦囊妙计解析 锦囊妙计,锦囊是旧时封藏机密文件或诗稿的织锦口袋。旧小说里描写足智多谋的人把对付敌方的计策写在纸条上,放在锦囊里,以便当事人在紧急时拆阅。比喻有准备的巧妙办法。 锦囊妙计辨析 【近义词】:神机妙算 【反义词】:无计可施、一筹莫展 【辨析】锦囊妙计和“神机妙算”;都形容高明、巧妙的计谋。但“神机妙算”既指具体的好计策;也可笼统地指计策的高明;多用于强调计策的奇妙;~仅指具体的计策;用于强调计策能解决危急问题时。 锦囊妙计造句 1、他得到经理传授的许多锦囊妙计,所以信心满满,无所畏惧。 1, he has taught so many up one's sleeve manager, full of confidence, be fearless. 2、若不是李小可的急中生智给周小洁一幅锦囊妙计怎么能应付得了这随机应变的局势 2, if not Li Xiaoke gave Zhou Xiaojie a picture of what was up one's sleeve can cope with this situation adjust to changing circumstances 3、我採用了老王提供的锦囊妙计,最后才得以解决难题。 3, I used the pharaoh was able to solve the problem up one's sleeve, finally. 4、政府一时也想不出锦囊妙计,只好以拖待变,静观后续发展再说。 4, the government can't show up one's sleeve to delay change, had to wait until the subsequent development. 5、老陈好像有用不完的锦囊妙计,不管什么情况他都能迎刃而解。 5, old Chen seems to have no matter what he is up one's sleeve, can be smoothly done or easily solved. 6、请大家放心,这条锦囊妙计一定会让我们转危为安。 6, please rest assured, this will allow us to turn up one's sleeve. 7、这次行动要随机应变,没有什么别的锦囊妙计。 7, this action will not adjust to changing circumstances, what else up one's sleeve. 8、靠着他的锦囊妙计,我们总算化解了危机。 8, by his we managed to defuse the crisis up one's sleeve. 9、无论你是为钱所困还是为情所扰,我们都可以给你的个人预算提几条锦囊妙计。 9, whether you are strapped for cash or feelings of rejection, we can give you a few personal budget up one's sleeve. 10、为什么叫麻烦?你的锦囊妙计在哪里呢? 10, why is called trouble? Where are you up one's sleeve?