chill的意思是寒冷,发冷。那你们知道关于chill的俚语有什么意思吗?下面51自学小编为大家整理了chill的俚语意思,欢迎大家阅读。 chill俚语一 用作动词的意思: 1.使惊恐,使吃惊,吓唬 用法及例句: The specter chilled everyone who saw it.人人见到那鬼怪都吓得胆战心惊。 2.[黑社会用语]杀害、杀死、谋杀(某人) 用法及例句: Rocko had orders to chill Barlowe or not to show his face again.罗果奉命去干掉巴洛,否则就别回来见人。 3.消除,缓解,使松弛,使休息 用法及例句: Go out there and chill those people. They are getting wild ! 你出去叫那些人收敛一些。他们正在撤野呐! 4.拒绝、 厌弃、抛弃、不同意(某人) 用法及例句: The whole gang chilled him and this really made him come home. 整伙人都嫌弃他,这次可真的要让他回家去了。 5. (黑社会用语)使失去知觉 用法及例句: She chilled him with a kick on the chin.她胡他下巴瑞了一脚,把他踢昏了。 6.使扫兴,令人心寒 用法及例句: He chilled me with a glance.他瞥了我一眼,令我为之心寒。 .[黑人育少年用语](跳舞时)故作潇洒而冷漠的态度 用法及例句: Do you think to chill in dance is to be with it?你认为跳舞时态度冷漠潇洒很时髦吗? chill俚语二 用作名词的意思: (=chilly)[大学生用语]一杯或一听冰啤酒 用法及例句: Hey, toss me a chill, would you, buddy?喂,给我来一听冰啤酒好吗,老兄? You ready for another chilly?你要再来一杯冰啤酒吗? chill俚语三 用作形容词的意思:[靑少年用语]极妙的,极好的 用法及例句: A chill outfit for a girl is tight Sergio Valente.姑娘穿上塞吉奥·瓦伦特牌的紧身牛仔裤,那才叫棒呢。*见put the chill on somebody chill的俚语意思相关文章: 1.俚语是什么意思 2.俚语是什么意思 3.6级英语词汇表 4.bae在俚语是什么意思 5.外国人聊天常用英语词汇